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also a clone of a humvee and a maxxpro. the fuck is going on
>the fuck is going on
ukraine is poor
also at war with russia
I understand why you would make improvised vehicles... but why make them clones of the existing ones instead of just doing your own thing?
>have stocks of vehicles on hand to modify and sent to the front
>make them look like humvees and maxxpros
>have some beat to shit and nye useless MTLBs and BMP-1’s, rebuild them into actually armored Gavins to get away from slavshit and lean into western designs

Whats the issue here
>have a pipeline of expertise and spare parts for western designs
>adapt the western designs.
best guess is
>M113s layout is comfortable, efficient and cheap
>can easily make copies of it out of MT-LB parts
no need to reinvent the wheels with the constrains your are shackled with currently
Damn it's almost as if these are good designs for their respective roles and manufacturable at scale in times of crisis
That's a lot more engineering than just adapting what you've got to copy what you're familiar with. I'm sure there's already a lot of engineering going into workable instructions on how to make the conversion, but it's still faster and easier with a well understood target.
>The Kharakternyk, an analog of the HMMWV/Humvee, utilizes chassis from the GAZ-66, Ford F-150, or F-350, with a noted preference for the American models due to the easier modification processes
Anyone got a spare truck?
That looks nothing like BMP/MT-LB chassis, it looks just like an M113. 5 wheels as opposed to 6, the wheels also don't look anything like Soviet wheels but exactly like 113 wheels. Their fake 113s are so fake that they're actually real.
I'm not hating on domestic 113 production, more metal boxes is cool but I don't see where is the BMP/MT-LB angle coming from.
Yes. ukies. It's easier than typing Ukrainians. Has a good sound. maybe it's the American accent. It sounds like Yukon
Making an M113 with an MT-LB is so cursed it cycles around to being beautiful and wonderful. Look at that fucking box. So perfect and symmetrical.

What's next, a M113 made into a Bradley? Though thats somewhat what the Bradley program was.
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hello, fellow Bradleys
How did you know that I always post wearing a suit?
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Yeah, it doesn't wash. That isn't an upgraded M113A3 copy either. It's an M113A1 copy. What if this is just a cover story for receiving old APCs from countries like Israel/Egypt/Jordan/whoever who wants to keep their name out of the news?
They are called AIFVs, anon. Ukraine already has a bunch of them they got from the Netherlands. The YPR-765.
Built Ford Tough™
yooks, 'krainies.
I look like that and say this.
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50% MTLB + 50% BMP = one M113

Hmmm, depending on what parts of the BMP are used it might even be more survivable than the Gavin. That's a fairly low bar, but I think BMP1 armour easily meets it. Gun was useless anyway.
Thats some big ol gavin titties
>bury my dick so deep in that ass anyone who pulled me out would be crowned king
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I think a journo just got a stock photo of a metal shitbox and decided it was relevant enough. Reading the article...it doesn't actually say that that is an image of the Frankengavin.


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>I think a journo just got a stock photo of a metal shitbox and decided it was relevant enough. Reading the article...it doesn't actually say that that is an image of the Frankengavin.

I think it is.
Its also a proven medevac and troop transport vehicle. Has performed fantastic this war but it's overlooked because it's terrible in direct confrontations
The many military attempts to evolve a M113.
It has the supposed Frankengavin "Lys" name on the side. If there really is MT-LB somewhere under there they're hiding it well.
Combat is reforming. The Gavins are returning. Namaste.
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Eggs are measured and sparks will fly
So, did they mate the hull of an M113 to the drive system of an MT-LB? Or is the hull piece scratch-built?
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Yeah something about this isn't right. The premise just seems like bad journalism to me, maybe poor translation.
If any slavrunemancers could looks up some domestic sources and find out what the fuck is actually going on, that would be nice.
The MT-LB is an artillery tractor with its passenger compartment being an afterthought, and IIRC the Krauts complained it could cause back injuries trying to dismount which is why they retired them immediately after reunifying.
It makes sense to redesign it to be practically usable in the APC role.
If we're taking the idea that these are indeed UA produced, domestically produced copies seems likely to me. I don't know how many countries domestically produced M113s, but I'd imagine there were a few, so there may be a lot of tooling that would otherwise sit in a warehouse or get scrapped.
There's been a lot of talk about Ukraine producing more modern western designs domestically, maybe M113s are a sort of trial run for that. More importantly you're getting institutional knowledge available once those factories open.
This was a weird one.

So keep in mind this was before the aid package was approved. This article and a handful of others were published with essentially the same information, and few if any relevant pictures. There was maybe a single thread about it here that was ignored.

The usual commentators didn't pick up on it.

I think it's probably complete bullshit. I think it was released because there is some very warrenous way the US could still provide such systems to Ukraine despite the aid package not making it through, but it did involve outright lying about it happening.

If Ukraine made bootleg spares of Western parts to keep shit going.... they don't need to publish that ever. Pavel turning metric threads or bolts or machining a bit of plate here or there, no one expects any different. The only reason that wouldn't be happening is if it was easier to just ship everything out of country and have it be replaced with something fresh.
That would be BAE giving the fucking tooling, essentially. Which isn't happening. Besides which old tooling out of it's workshop/factory context tends to suck. It's quite a bit of work to get it functional again and requires a lot of time and expertise because most of what is industrially produced has gone through just the most insane evolutionary process in order to be made at a particular place in a particular time by particular people.

If there were Uke Humvees, maxxpros and m113s made out of old soviet shit they would be really compelling vehicles. You would have seen really interesting design decisions, adaptations and improvements and examples of production limitations and fascinating evidence of the original vehicles. Ukrainians know this.
We have basically no images we can reliably say are examples of this production.

Yeah nah.
>M113 are so coveted they're being bult again in 2024
>out of Russian shitwagons

I feel the earth rumble beneath us, someone go check on the graves of the reformers
Gavinmensch, we have arrived, now attach the wings.
How is Sparky reacting to this information?
The Yooks unironically like the m113, humble, and maxxpro.
Ukraine is getting Americanized simply by the virtue of superior equipment. They've learned to love equipment that doesn't hate them for their very existence with the urge to explode into a massive unsurvivable fireball at even the most curious glance by AT weapon.

The meek BMP fears the PG-7 equipped FPV drone, detonating and throwing its burning diesel all over mobniks while the Humvee protects the occupants from AT mines to Kornets.
You're okay, let's get you a 25mm Bushmaster and TOW launcher to bust some T-90s.
As long as they don't keep the internal fuel tank that makes it more survivable to take a hit in at least.
How fucked up are the russmutt vehicles that now people try to build superior western vehicles out of their wrecks
>Russian design gets obliterated by another Russian design
>driver survived
soviet engineering at its finest, apologize
the pisskey orb is capable of transmutations?
furiously masturbating
snorting the remains of pierre sprey
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dat grip.
This video sucks. It cuts out the part where the commander tries to escape through the inferno in the back, stumbles and turns into charcoal.
Send me that version so I can webm in vp9 it. I only have this version.
Anon, I am stupid. I encoded the video july last year and it's actually the full version. I simply zoomed in with mpc and saw the commander trip and somehow in my mind this turned into a separate video. But there is none. This video is it. You need to zoom in and at 0:12 you can see a figure rise up and fall into the flames. Too lazy to make a cropped version of it, sorry.
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So sparky loves the M113 but thinks Ukraine is run by a satanic cult getting curbstomped by the heroic Russians. Ukraine making and using M113s therefore seems like a cognitohazard likely to harm his brain.
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>nihilist-hedonist WOKELOSERTARDS
i fucking love the pottery of sparks
Man thats some mental decay
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It took me reading 2/3rds of that to realize this wasn't some parody.
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>Sheriff Putin
>slap-assisted start
bum-touching crests!
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its a trans m113
besides Ukraine MANUFACTURES MT-LBs, or atleast they used to before the war, not russia, thats why like lots of their soviet stockpile, the all the MT-LBs russia losses are irreplaceable
This is how I imagine it to look.
Is this real?
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I believe I know where the titties came from
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We are here to help the Ukies because inside every tracked slav coffin, there is a Gavin, trying to get out.
this is legitimate, clinical mental illness. He's basically speaking a different language .
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Why am i reminded of nutnfancy for some reason?
Maybe it's the random spouting of self made buzzwords.
This is starting to verge on a Francis Dec rant.
the fording panel will be raised and everyone will understand everything
3½minute video.
Jesus Christ, were his videos really that short back then???
When I hear the name I immediately think of some bullshit 2-hour review of a plastic camping spork where he'd read bullet points about "philosophy of use" from a laminated paper.
he should just watch gundam
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>either the commander or gunner is burning alive
>tries to escape the inferno
>falls into the troop compartment that was blown open by the mine

fucking hell
box tanks and box IFV are so cool
Ukraine doesn't have the time nor money to make their own platforms from the ground up, besides small scale things like FPV drones.
Copying a design that you already know works is the best idea.
go on...

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