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Why don't we have a naval base in the San Francisco Bay now?

I mean I know why, but would it be a terrible idea to reopen Alameda? I genuinely don't know.
I'm sorry, I meant to specify "serious answers only".
Have you seen San Fran? That’s not unserious.
Yeah, but what if we ignored that

All USN operations were consolidated at San Diego at the end of the Cold War because it

>was already the largest base on the West Coast
>is substantially closer to Hawaii (and Naval Station Pearl Harbor), requiring a full day's less sailing to reach it
>shares its proximity with Camp Pendleton (allowing for rapid embarkation of Marines during a crisis)

As for why NAS Alameda can't be reopened now, virtually all of the base's infrastructure was either sold off to private real estate developers, demolished, or simply left to rust because they were on ground that is so badly contaminated that it led to the base being declared a Superfund site. You would have to rebuild basically all of it from scratch.
Mythbusters needed a place to fuck around
Oh, have you considered reddit then you faggot?
carriers would be stolen in hours
Some weirdo Russian dude stole some nuclear fuel from it in the 80s and they never lived it down
local kids gotta have a place to go tag and smoke
he saved the whales though
This is a good answer, thank you.
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>distance from san francisco to pearl harbor: 2,398 mi
>distance from san diego to pearl harbor: 2,614.17 mi
I mean San Diego is east of Reno.
lmao we're so fucked
Except it is
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don't you worry, the officer corps still preserves forever white charisma and asian focus.
I'm surprised that because San Diego is located further east than San Francisco that it's farther away from Hawaii than San Francisco is to Hawaii.
u are wrong
navy chicks are the best to hook up with, though. the sailors are all gay so you know they weren't touched on deployment.
bob cut asian chick, hnnnnng

her look of icy contempt does it for me
Maybe you should ask a serious question, then.
I know! We might as well surrender to Kaiser Bill right now.
those are all white women
who cares about peacetime shit, be real
in wartime, everything changes
>Ver arr da nuke we are wwwessos?
>Wweeess soes?
>we're so fucked
Maybe, did they will be for sure!
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I didn't know there were a ton of Russians in the Bay Area.
Not by 1910s standards.
>cost is 20 time higher
it the PUCCNR strain of HIV that bad?
Excellent taste.
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They're the ones they assign to cooking and cleaning toilets right.... r-right?
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We might as well surrender to Hideki Tojo
right now.
>It is a social standard to adorn your oral erognnious zone with a visual attractor
There really are a decent amount for some reason
The Bay Area actually has one of the oldest Russian communities in the country
Holy shit. Is that Indira Gandhi?
They are worried they might make San Francisco too gay if they put a navy base there.
Some russian found out where we were keeping the nuclear wessels in the 80s so we had to move them.
Go back

We literally have thousands of cccp assets in San Fran.

Fucking senator Feinstein had a Chinese spy driver for 20 years

t. $20/hr blue collar
>I'm sorry, I meant to specify "serious answers only".
What actually bothers me in this image is that they are not all holding the paper in the same hand. Why does that one retard have it in her right hand?
She'd be saluting herself in the mirror for many hours to fix that habit.
theres actually a fair few
they all live in los gatos for some reason
thats actually why they got rid of hunter's point
it was so gay it was radioactively gay so they got rid of it in the 60's but by that time it had already starting leaking to the populace
Can you show me where they keep the nuclear wessels?
>taking orders from females who can't park a car
what a fucking clown show

I'm not sure about anywhere else but there has been a systematic removal of military infrastructure in California.
San Fransisco is now a hell of aliens and jewish bolshevik politics. You have a lot of defense contractors who engage in illegal domestic spying while every local business is overwhelmed with street crime. No one living there has kids because the parents are fags, they teach kids be be fags, and they flood the city with aliens. Street shitters will sleep on bunk beds in a 1 bedroom apartment while working for the tech companies that are destroying every place that can access their content. You can't have a normal family where dad goes to work and mom stays home because everyone has been priced out of the city. It's a totally unsustainable society that has spiraled out of control.

If you stay at a hotel there, they will warn you not to walk around in the city after dark. Try it yourself. Be sure to leave anything in your car that looks like it has value.
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>Is that Indira Gandhi?
Have at them, the sailors already moved on to running a train on your wife anyway.

Congrats on the new kid BTW. Oh... you didn't know?
ok build it from scratch
>Coupla rakes
>Coupla cans if paint
Why aren't they done yet?
You should.
The city government is virulently anti-military. They once forced a mueseum ship (battleship Iowa) to be located in the city, and moved out of their jurisdiction.
The Navy is not going to open a base where they are not WANTED, regardless of other factors. SF may have been a Navy town once, but not anymore.

The SF government has also made efforts to chase military recruiters out of the city.

We already have naval bases in San Diego and Seattle plus Yokosuka. To build another Pacific naval base the same size as these ones would be extremely expensive and unnecessary.
>The Navy is not going to open a base where they are not WANTED
Like the Phil?
yeah but I bet those sailors would LOVE to go to San Fag
Alameda isn't San Francisco though
Wouldn't that be preferable to WW2 hand-me-downs?
>systematic removal of military infrastructure in California.
We sold Long abeach to the Chinese to cover our interest on national debt. 8t is now Chinese sovereign territory. Most people don't know that. That was under Clinton.
I think it's across the bay in Alameda.
What if we built another facility in New York to even it out?
>military women
Gross, you can have them. More bussy for me.
That's what I said... in Alameda.
This never happened.
Kek anon speaking from experience?
Why is it so hard for people to distinguish between the San Francisco Bay and the City of San Francisco? I know generally the average American is geographically challenged but this is literally one of the most significant areas in our country.
Bruh the average IQ is 100.
I met not one but two asian math majors at Swarthmore and at Byrn Mawr who were rejected from the US Naval Academy. I was shocked that Asian Bookworm Girls applying to the fucking Navy was even a thing.
It's already history, dude. They have been secretly digging the underground silos and bunkers for years now. You just don't know about it. They slurry the dirt into the sewage system.
It's a big fucking country and no one cares what's happening in the next town over, let alone the next state over. It has literally nothing to do with IQ.
If you can't distinguish between a bay and a city because of willful ignorance maybe you shouldn't be involved in a discussion regarding the location of naval bases.
>Bay City Rollers
Ok tough guy explaining this one now to me.
There's a lot of jobs for people good at math on a boat, or working logistics.
Am I involved in a discussion regarding the location of naval bases? Hmmmmm?
No, I'm involved in a discussion about Americans being "geographically challenged".
Take your meds.
>Asian Bookworm Girls
>jobs for people good at math on my cock
In peacetime, the military is the last resort of men who failed high school. Women have far more societal safety net before they need to resort to enlisting. Meaning, the military get women who can't even become whores. Why are you surprised?
notice who is standing at attention
That's one of the top ten most violent places in America. Nothing is built. Nothing can be rebuilt. Everything is priced out. The rich are trying to drive most of the people out of the bay now and they have it down to 70% of where it was 5 years ago. They aren't letting up.
It's going to be like the Hamptons. They aren't going to build a base there. It will be hyper rich people and high level colleges.
>Social safety net
Anon, I...
Because the distinction between the two is meaningless except to the people who live there.
>That's one of the top ten most violent places in America.
Oh no, how will the military cope
>we lost the technology
I grew up in the bay area and lived in SF for about 10 years. Culturally and politically the population there absolutely hates anything related to the military. It's ingrained into students at every step of their education, all the way through university. Corrupt local government uses every tool at their disposal to obstruct any development associated with the military. See the Hunters Point debacle, where local "experts" hired by known corrupt politicians determined the site is contaminated and the navy needs to hire locals at extraordinary costs to "clean it up". I would be surprised if the Navy wants anything to do with that kind of adversarial host.

What's sad is that the whole area and semiconductor industry was established because of defense contractors doing broadly technical work there (lockheed, shockley, fairchild). Now we have H1Bs defecating advertising based web apps. Pretty sad.
>Now we have H1Bs defecating advertising based web apps. Pretty sad.
Is it more sad than homeless people and drug addicts defecating in front of businesses?
Are you being stupid on purpose?
>badly contaminated that it led to the base being declared a Superfund site.
and fyi nothing will ever happen there until its not a superfund site and making not that is like 20 years worth of work. One of the partners at my firm when I started had basically spent his entire career handling the legal side of a single superfund cleanup. Its all he did. It wasnt a big one either, just an old mine in Idaho.
Supreme cope
>you're coping
Why? Brown person does menial job (but in a uniform!) thus the West has fallen?
Damn, I didn’t know SF was so based.
I feel demoralized oh no
Yeah, you tell 'em Steve Dave
what not having sex does to a nigga
post guns
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> I mean I know why, but would it be a terrible idea to reopen Alameda?

While the “official” reason for the base getting closed was the budget cuts due to the collapse of the Soviet Union, and as someone else pointed out:

> All USN operations were consolidated at San Diego at the end of the Cold War because…

This could be the furthest thing from the truth.

The base was shut down after the collapse of the USSR because its purpose as a COINTELPRO center ceased.

The KGB was running a massive intelligence program in San Francisco, mostly by infiltrating the gay community there, who happened to have a lot of… You guessed it… Sailors.

After the KGB funding dried up and the FSB was focused on internal problems, the need for this base ceased.

Plus, in the late 80s there was a MASSIVE amount of sailors who were diagnosed with AIDS, specially at that base (remember, this was before DADT was repealed). The Navy needed to cover that shit up immediately.

Anyway, I can’t tell you guys who I am, so you’ll just have to take my word here.
Thanks anonymous gay expert
I'm sure it's a lot better now.
My grandad fr hollowed out my grandma at Treasure Island / Alameda. Couple of sluts desu.
Yeah, it’s all funnies, until Sailor Rodriguez has a few too many at the gay bar and starts spilling secrets to the Soviets like he’s literally on an episode of Project Veritas.

We were booking so many of these sailors there that the entire fleet from the Admirals down had to be fed false information just to figure out where the fucking leaks were coming from like a bad game of telephone.

And the shit was always traced back to the gay scene. Always.
Like I said, I'm sure it's a lot better now.
>so you’ll just have to take my word here.
Sounds like you're just salty you can afford it here

t. Atherton resident
hows that welding job going
its san Francisco
Its gonna get filled with poop, homeless and drug dealers, the hobos with steal the copper wires of the nuclear reactor like how they stole a M48 patton
Tell us more? Pics?
I’ve since retired, friend.

The Cold War is over, people like me, there’s no use for us any longer.

Not a real war.
>Not a real war.
>Not a real war.
The GWOT was a war on American freedom with things like the Patriot Act. It wasn’t a war against an enemy, just our middle class. Why do you think we booted out the Taliban just to grow opium?

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