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Remember when Brazil made a scaled down Challenger 1 with a German engine and it turned out to be really good? Whatever happened to it? I thought they were trying to restart their tank program.
They have no reason to, the only serious tank force down there is Chile and they're not attacking Brazil
Venezuela is angry but a complete meme that is more likely to collapse than to threaten any neighbor
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>I thought they were trying to restart their tank program.

They did, it's gonna be a CV90 with a HITFACT 120mm
completely unrelated.
>and it turned out to be really good?
Based on what combat history
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They are, they're looking for replacements for their old Leopard 1's and the CV90 with a locally made HITFACT 120 being one of the options, as the hull was tested in Brazil months ago.
Another option was offered by NORINCO to manufacture VT-4's in Brazil as well.

The "Osório revival" it's literally just one autist parroting, there is literally no official say about it. Plus it would be a huge waste of time and money given it's a 40yo hull, completely obsolete.
Some meme competition in Saudi Arabia.
By that time the company ENGESA was already bakrupt and they wouldn't be able to attend Saudi Arabia's demands, one of them being an assembly line in the country, which they couldn't even afford one in Brazil, let alone on the other side of the world.
The Norinco or BAE systems are completely unrelated to any local development like was the Engesa Osorio. The CV-90/120mm isn't even a MBT.
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It isn't, but it's being considered as a replacement anyway, due to it's lightweight, which is a preference for the BR Army due to shit geography and shit infrastructure.

And since the Centauro II will also be locally produced in the future, they wanna use the HITFACT turret and canon to set as standard.
why do you keep posting this without a source
It lost the competitions it was in and around the same time the Soviet Union collapsed and a bunch of surplus good enough cold war tanks flooded the market. Good tank but a commercial failure due to poor timing.
>and shit infrastructure.
Brazil has relatively good infrastructure even in the amazonia but most of their tanks are for the southern border. But during a war/guerrilla bridges would be the first things to blow up.
They don't have the budget to maintain/cover tanks and most of the territory have a serious problem with wet/mud/marshes, without bridges tanks are useless and wheelers are better. Russia without their railways wouldn't be using as many tracked vehicles

>A BAE Systems Hägglunds trouxe para o Brasil o CV90 para uma demonstração ao Exército Brasileiro (EB) nas instalações do Centro de Avaliações do Exército (CAEx), onde além dos oficiais de EB, oficias do CFN também puderam observar as qualidades que o CV90 possui, uma vez que futuramente, tanto o EB quanto o CFN irão buscar um novo carro de combate para substituir tanto o Leopard 1A5BR como o SK-105 Kürassier.

>hurr durr not in english

Google, monolingual ape.
>and wheelers are better.
and with functional road-bridges wheelers are better*
Nope, infrastructure is non-existant in the Amazon and the roads are either dogshit or non existant due to poor maintenance and shit amazonian soil.
>Expensive parts that can't be made in Brazil (at the time)
>Dying MIC
>Dying military dictatorship
>Dying Cold War
>Saudis didn't wanted either because it was too expensive to be made/Engesa couldn't deliver them in numbers or burgers threw in their political weight to get the Abrams adopted
>Brazil didn't wanted it/could afford it
>Total produced: 2
>One with a 120mm smooth barrel and one with a 105 rifled
>Engesa went bankrupt in the early 90s killing the project
>Both versions were sent to army museums
>One of with is being repaired for display and is (as far as I know) in drivable condition
Shut the fuck up
>deranged nigga trying to kill the thread
kys retard
>huemonkey Avro Arrow
>none of these people are real
>Nigel taking L after L. Mods really stepping their game up fucking him over. You love to see it.
Brazil doesn't need tanks.
They need AA batteries and a total reform of the defense budget in relation to personnel expenses.
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The MBT program still have a long way to go.
Right now the focus are the Centauros to replace the ancient Cascavels.

Currently they're negotiating with India to buy the Akash.
Eeww. Brazil what the fuck.
Well, they're also negotiating the same of 30+ C-390's to India, with a final assembly line in the country.
So it's a good trade economically.
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>a total reform of the defense budget in relation to personnel expenses.

What the FUCK is this graphic, Brazil?
Why do you spend so much with personnel?
In Latin America the army is kinda a social program. It's a tradition and "better" than the hand outs type of social program.
>of course, the army should be doing that.
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nothing ever happens in monkeyland
Me creampying your mom happens a lot.
India has a similar problem, something like a quarter of their defense budget goes to pensions lmao

My bad.
mad monkey, go die to one of your brethen for a fucking cellphone
such Is life In a BRICS shithole
Amazonian infrastructure in Brazil is atrocious bro, it took us fucking years to get some subpar highway done and railway lines are practically not a thing.
Road infrastructure in São Paulo-Minas-Rio is good, but that's far away from the Amazonian region.
Bribing our shitty officers into not doing another coup d'etat. They're fat cats with stable income, they don't give a fuck anymore about anything
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>the army is kinda a social program
Isn't the same thing with the US?

"The sound of conservative politicians on television
People in the hood are blind, so they tell us to listen
They vote for us to go to war instantly
But none of their kids serve in the infantry
The odds are stacked against us, like a casino
Think about it: most of the Army is black and Latino"
Lyrics from the song "Harlem Streets"

frontline combat troops are overwhelmingly white and latino, blacks mostly end up in supply and support roles.
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I always forget the Marines used to operate tanks as well.
>its another leftoid white idolizes a black enttainer who doesn't know what he's talking about episode
The military is disproportionately upper-middle-class compared to the rest of the country; and the closer you get to the front lines the whiter and richer it gets. The rich kids don't join the army to become supply clerks; they join because they want adventure and violence.
Yeah, but compare defense budget (in dollars and %), and active personnel per capita.

The US is like 3%, 900 billion dollars, and 3 per 1000. $900k per military
Brazil is 1%, 25 billion and 1.7 per 1000 (wiki) = $70k per military (similar to chile, uruguay)
Colombia is 2%, 6 per 1000 (wiki) = $30k per military (similar to mexico, argentina)
I don't even know from which country are you lol
Are you talking about the US or Brazil?
>I thought they were trying to restart their tank program.
You thought wrong. That literally never happened. Nobody knows where the engineering plans are since they disappeared after the Army took control of many of Engesa's blueprints when the company went bankrupt.
No, he's sort of right. The high command at the Brazilian Army is so fucking retarded and amateurish that they're actually entertaining this possibility.
Corruption. This started during the military dictatorship with daughters and granddaughters of officers getting pensions for decades and decades on end without any sort of accountability.
What are you talking about? The army literally owns the full blueprints and acquired the turret tech from Vickers and Phillips. They even had a bunch of the engineering team come visit when they got the tank put back into operational condition a while ago.
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Pls buy our products.
>Whatever happened to it?
brazil happened
>blacks mostly end up in supply and support roles
is it because they're naturally cowardly bitches or is some sort of institutional racism to blame for this?
more people already die due to crime in Brazil than in the Ukraine war
Who cares
This tank actually looks pretty well protected from the front. Looks like at least a meter of armour modules from the front but maybe twenty cm from the side only. Still a pretty good trade of for a non NATO tank
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It's basically a Chinese T-72, but based off a ZTZ-96, which was an upgrade of a ZTZ-88, which was an upgrade of a copy of the T-55.

If they offered the VT-5, it would've been more interesting since it's based of the Type 15.
>tanks in south america
it's jungle and mountains, what's the possible use case? they don't even have a road network through the continent
Why don’t they just get Leo 2s and give Germany cheap fruits and beef in return?
Nobody wants 70tons tanks.
Socialism with capitalist face.
I already bought a Taurus
The deserts and somewhat open plains of the Patagonia, the chaco, and the lowlands in Colombia and Brazil. But more importantly, the chokepoints between mountains and jungle
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Chile vs Peru (T-55 vs Leopards) is the most probable place for tank combat in SA.
low population density or too far from any border*
What shitty and confusing color scheme you chose.
Germans tie retarded special conditions to their vehicles most of the time. Not sure how Chile avoided that. Mexico didn't buy German vehiccles in the 90s because there was a clause that said "these vehicles can't be used in an active military conflict". :^)
That and the fact that Germany block the sale of Guaranis for the Philipines for months because of pinoy's "lack of respect for human rights".
Having retarded rules like that is why nobody buys Krautshit outside Europe.
The French "hands off" approach is much better.
yeah, the french policy makes for fun shitshows like rwanda
Yep, but at least you aren't getting cockblocked.
Osório promotional video was found and recovered.

hueheuheuhue @ BR monkeys in the thread
No, they do not. These btw are the direct words of Reginaldo Bachi, former engineer from ENGESA which frequently posted on the DefesaBrasil forums. He died years ago, but before that he had explicitly confirmed to us that the Army has jackshit and no one knows where the plans went. What the Army has are the plans for the Urutu APC and the Cascavel Armed Recon Vehicle.
Shuddup or you get the banan.
Comfy video. It's sad that the Brazilian government let Engesa fade away. I personally think the main reason why Latin America has previously remained less advanced was because their governments have many times failed to support their heavy industries the way Korea, China or Japan did during their rise to industrialization. Mexico and Brazil used to have their own car companies and other stuff like that.
>It's sad that the Brazilian government let Engesa fade away.

It was Engesa's own fault desu and the country at that time not only was in a post-Junta mindset, there was also hyperinflation.
So even if they wanted, they couldn't afford. And Engesa had no capital to actually build an assembly line for an MBT.

The same thing is happening with Avibras nowadays, incompetent directors let the company got bankrupt 4 times over 30 years and everytime the govt has to bailt them out because "they'll be bought by foreigners".
ecks dee
>other benefits
Check the defense budgets of every latin american country and you'll see that most of the money goes to welfare, no need for euro social democracy, just join the army!
Why does the 2A8 almost reach 1K sales then tho?
How did those Leopard 2 tanks not operated by German end up in the Yugo wars, Afghanistan, Syria, …
War of the Nova-Maya. Very well kept secret. Reclusive Amazonian hyperadvanced sonic weaponry vs Brazilian military heavy armor. Very obscure, very kino.

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