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Rate Russian glide bomb accuracy
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CEP 200 meters.

>accuracy monke
>area saturated
wtf else do you want?
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utter piss
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Perfectly missing all those building must've been pretty hard.
Ehh could be worse.
I'm assuming these are inertial navigation from 50km away.
Was the goal not to hit the entire area? No way they all tried to hit that one building in the middle
>Broadcasting LIVE Sunday's 8pm (AEST) from Sydney's Russian Consulate since being granted diplomatic asylum in 2022. Registered foreign agent for Sputnik News.
This is supposed to be pro-Russian propaganda?
Now I'm demoralized.
The UMPK uses the same GLOSNASS module as the Geran 2/Shaheds
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very impressive that they missed all those civilian buildings! hato nazis would have levelled those buildings
The second one hit a building side on. Not sure if that even was the building they were 'aiming' at.
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>the one at the end
>needed another bomb for the middle part
Pathetic, one GRAD salvo would've solved this
why are those building folding like papier-mâché and buildings in ukraine still partly standing after being shelled for months. ie - backhmut?
It's a controlled demolition bringing the tower down, bombs can't melt steel beams
destroy the foundations/lower floors structure produces a "pancake" collapse unlike monke missing and blowing up the roof at best
>The last one that doesn't impact anywhere visible
On another note, this looks like vovchansk to me, and hasn't Russia now pulled back from it? They spammed all those bombs.
They haven't pulled back from it completely I don't think, but they've had a bunch of troops encircled for a week I think? And their air brigade got fucked up
What's the target?
all bombs hit the same postcode area, 100% accuracy
soviet engineering unironically.
The prefab concrete panels are tough as shit.
Things like balcony and stuff like that may collapse but I lived in a commie block and retards got drunk and threw grenades with minimal results. Rusting of the rebar is only weak point if building is not heated properly but even most of the soviet "brick houses" have giant concrete slabs in them. Most commie blocks have designated nuclear bunkers in them too.

Most building in gaza are made of local bricks so you can look at india how 1000s people die in collapses every year.
>The last one landing off screen
Were they aiming for the buildings or the space in between the buildings?
to minimize civilian casualties
Western weapons actually hit where they're supposed to (right on the load-bearing parts) and have delay fuzes that can be set to explode at the right time for max impact.
Slavshit bombs miss by 20 meters if you're lucky, and have ancient impact fuzes which means the blast is redirected upwards and most of the energy harmlessly heats the air.
This is why HATO is evil. T-1000 killers without any warning and maximum killing potential. Meanwhile proper Russian bombing gives warning shot first and is less lethal.
3.6 kilometers. Not great, not terrible.
> I lived in a commie block and retards got drunk and threw grenades with minimal results

Oh my, we need more wars around the globe to have insights like this
>soviet engineering unironically.
Yeah, shitty soviet bomb engineering.
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holy shit embarrassing.
Also, training. Western pilots have been taught and trained and tested on dealing with different types of targets effectively.
Ivan in Su-34 school on the other hand dropped a couple iron bombs on a bullseye target one time, now in the middle of the war they're introducing new glide bombs at breakneck pace that nobody has been trained on before going straight to the combat area. Even if he could hit accurately he doesn't know where to aim or how to employ the weapon properly.
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HOLY SHIT it's like they made it their mission not to hit the buildings
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Mein Monke, the glide bombs...
one grad salvo would have not done anything. not even 1 missile from a grad would have hit
after ww2 every commie block in germany was built with carpet bombing and nukes in mind. eastern euros probably did the same thing.
>Rate Russian glide bomb accuracy
100%. They certainly hit the ground.
that's why you go for the foundation. it can only handle so much weight before all of it comes collapsing down like the twin towers.
Nah, shit's true. I live in an experimental section of a APMS-type building. It's 22 stories high instead of standard 16, the swan song of Kyivproject research institute. Side note, I know all this because I'm in a good relationship with the building's chief engineer. A lovely old lady.
A few years ago some guy decided that he wanted his windows to be bigger. He hired a company with this machine that cuts concrete with a thick wire with diamond bits. This company spent a week just drilling the holes to insert the wire into, destroyed not one but two wires, like 10m each(they cost around 100$/m) and cut maybe half a meter. They understandably told the guy to fuck off and left with the guy's money. He sued them, they sued him or sued him or smth, it turned out that he didn't have the permit from the technical inventory bureau and the building's chief engineer and now has to repair the damage too. I am fully convinced that the Housebuilding Combinate №4(the factory that manufactured the building I live in) used the nuclear bunker-grade concrete, at least for my section
impressive numbers for russia
This, they even saturated some area off camera.
It's not really a commieblock tho, being built in early 00s, so it's much higher quality that your typical commieblock, and simultaneously much higher quality than the modern cashgrab appt complexes
Sounds like a based bun/k/er to live in Anon.
>wtf else do you want
It to fucking hit something?
If those buildings were filled top to bottom with Ukrainian soldiers, on every floor, most of them would be alive with nothing but some ringing ears.
so close no matter how far

that's assuming of course that your bombs have that precision. western bombs have the capability of detonating or hitting certain floor of buldings at specific azimuths and angles of attack. russians can't even hit a commie block sized apartment
"Surgical approach"
And fuck 62503 in particular.
It was, until the upstairs neighbour removed the soundproofing layer from the floor to get extra 20cm of ceiling height. Now I hear that faggot's discord call sound, steps and sometimes his speech. Regular to quiet speech, not screaming. For this, I have installed 2 vibro-speakers that randomly play various earrape (like pipes falling) and porn for him. It's almost inaudible for me, but must be very loud for him
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>russians can't even hit a commie block sized apartment
They can if they use the right bombing technique.
Chkd dubs
Successfully scored a glancing hit on that civilian commieblock, the hohols are finished
kek. now that i think about it, when is the last time a russian fighter jet crashed? they used to crash frequently. i wonder what changed. they fly less or something else?
>until the upstairs neighbour removed the soundproofing layer from the floor to get extra 20cm of ceiling height.
Fucking Vadim living above you.
>I have installed 2 vibro-speakers that randomly play various earrape (like pipes falling) and porn for him.
Based Boris
Those are not glide bombs, it's a TOS strike.

One is high explosive strikes aimed at the building's foundation, the other is thermobaric rockets hitting random points, it should be obvious.
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I hate rusniggers so much its unreal.
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My smarthphone can do better inertial navigation from 50km away. Also, they're supposed to be GPS corrected inertial navigation.
Minute of Oblast
they use glonASS. which isn't that great apparently
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>now that i think about it, when is the last time a russian fighter jet crashed?
Two weeks ago, according to official Russian sources
> they used to crash frequently. i wonder what changed. they fly less or something else?
maybe you just don't follow the war as much as you used to? It happens all the fucking time
i am guessing it has more to do with the lack of footage. there's usually footage of the planes falling but yeah i probabbly glanced over this report at some point
Aren't they Iranian glide bombs?
oh anon do i have news for you
Don't care that no modern military should be this pathetic, that's kino
That’s very nice
What did this?
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probabbly JDAMS
there's also this one from a video where they couldn't decide if they should blur out the civilian GPS mounted in the cockpit or not.
second and eigth one hit the building pretty well.
20% thi chance for russian painted rust tier weapons is exceptionally good
There was one with some chink GPS with like a 3x3 screen as well
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Because even Soviet construction standards still mog the shit out of Middle Eastern ones.
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russian bombs are pretty shitty, you can see how much of the blast was outside the building
UMPK accuracy has improved with the newer GLONASS modules (8 antennas, greatly boosting GNSS signal reception picrel) but it’s still a simple guidance package. Course correction by a set of simply control surfaces only and not very aerodynamic with no thrust, inertia+gravity and some wing lift, Lobbing them from high altitude and very long range will slap a hard limit on their absolute accuracy,

UMPBs are more accurate basically being SDBs but without the laser-guidance option, but those can’t feasibly scale up to FAB-1500 and especially not FAB-3000. The reason why FAB-3000s are being produced now is because the Ukies are now frequently using heavy concrete civilian structures as bunkers for troop concentration points, command forts, depots, etc. As mentioned in this thread already these are VERY TOUGH structures and the FAB-3000 can produce a strong enough shockwave to pulverize concrete at a significant distance, so the Russians are making this tradeoff,
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Forgot the image, a new Kometa module pulled from a UMPK.
>FAB-3000 can produce a strong enough shockwave to pulverize concrete at a significant distance, so the Russians are making this tradeoff,
show me an example of this.
A FAB-3000 missing by 50 meters have the same effect on target than a FAB-500 missing by 20 meters.
Their big bombs are cope.
If you have to scratch your head and wonder what the target was, then the answer is probably very poor.
How deep are the craters that these things leave?

How deep would a hypothetical bun/k/er need to be, in order to survive a direct strike?
Commieblocks are made of plates of thick reinforced concrete. The same things the made bunkers from
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hitting bunkers is less about big boom and more about density of missile and a good timed fuse. that's why most bunker buster busters have warheads will small yields. and even those massive bunker busters have small warheads in proportion to the rest of the missile
It seems like the safest place to be is on the actual bullseye.
Man I'm from Kharkiv and I saw what little damage grad does to commieblocks here.
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for example this pic rel is the best bunker buster known to man. and it's only like 20% explosive by weight
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But when it hits, the bunker goes away, as in this case (2nd hit in a 3000, 1st is a 1500). Notice the huge secondary explosion, that’s a wipe.
no shot bombs exploding above surface are hitting any bunkers
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>fused to explode on contact, often landing 20-100 meters away.
Even if was on-point it would be have reduced effectiveness compared to something much lighter with proper fusing. Most of the blast is dissipating into the air, which if those really are fortified means additional follow-ups are going to be needed.

That's not great to risk airframes doing that. They don't exactly grow on trees.
The Russians had their mission control for says blown up.
" that the site is used for maintaining and controlling Russian satellites, including GLONASS [GLObalnaya NAvigatsionnaya Sputnikovaya Sistema in Russian] satellites,” "
This will get way worse
Unknown direction/unknown reasons
Why would it miss by more? The guidance system is probably the same
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Chasiv Yar i think.
Presumably they would try to hit targets, not courtwards and empty spaces between buildings.
If the ziggers are really using "guided" bombs to replicate a grad salvo, that's even worse than the pitch-up helicopter rocket lofting retardation
>misses the point
They're using large bombs (that are worse given the same UMPK) because they can't hit shit.
And a heavier payload worsens the range and maneuverability.
Is that the one where they invited some Iraqi (I think?) general to watch and by the end on his face was the look of absolute fear and astonishment
Even if it had the same accuracy, a SU-34 can cary a single FAB-3000 or something like 6-8 FAB-500s. So you chunk the FAB-3000, it misses, you go home. But with smaller bombs, even with your shitty accuracy one of them is likely to hit close enough. That's why in the vids of FAB-3000 we've seen so far, there's never a follow up attack after the first one misses the target. They simply didn't have a second bomb on board.
to destroy the target.
Where's the location of these? I'm hoping this is puccia bombing itself as per modus operandi, aka SOP.
>FAB-3000 from a Su-34
Is there ANY fucking evidence of this turd aircraft actually carrying one of these and how long until they drop one on Belgorod "by accident"?
Giant kek see >>61969550
What other carrier do they conceivably have? Their traditional carrier (Backfires) would be even more ridiculous, bringing a bomber so close to the frontlines we'd have some evidence by now. I guess they could use the same Mig-31s they modified for Kihzal, but I don't see why they would claim it's SU-34s. It's not a lie that benefits them in any way.

As for the weight, we haven't seen any pics so we don't know the moutning strategy. Maybe they cleared the middle pylon for that kind of weight with a reduced G-load, or maybe they niggerigged the bomb to utilize the under-intake pylons as well. It's stupid to go through this process for a weapon that hardly ever works better than what you already have, but it's not an impossible engineering problem.
Second one might be last September's Storm Shadow strike on the Black Sea Fleet HQ in Sevastopol, Crimea.
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>The prefab concrete panels are tough as shit.
>Things like balcony and stuff like that may collapse
You are extremely retarded. Commie blocks collapse like a house of prefab concrete cards.
>I lived in a commie block
That explains alot
considering how cheap those things are, within 50 meters of the intended target is more than enough

imagine being within 100m of a fab-3000. Feels like the pressure shift alone is enough to kill a man
are you american by any chance? that would explain your retarded opinion
1 is S200 into Taganrog
2 is SS into Sevastopool's HQ
are you serb? you seem to have a grudge against americans. "Srbe na vrbe" as you may know
>glide bomb
looks like a TOS though?
I'm not a serb but I do have a grudge against americans due to the fact that you are human locust who destroy everything you touch
Are you ostgerman then? A rape baby? May I call you "Semen" then?
you will never be able to guess because virtually the whole world hates the american
>glide bomb
>white hot on thermals
>you will never be able to guess because virtually the whole world hates the american
your shitty commieblock apartment that you share with your grandma is not the whole world.
Yeah the whole world that boils their tap water hates us. We know this and we dont care.
>Communism - buildings built to last
>Crapitalism - buildings built for profit out of the cheapest materials possible so the line goes up
Know the difference, it could save your life.
The issue with commieblocks isnt their durability. The issue is their durability. The issue is that in a capitalist economy, cheap housing become a breeding ground for social marginalization.
Thanks fren
Even if su-34 could carry one fab-3000, the weight would make it so slow and unmaneuverable it would most certainly be spotted by Ukies AD. What is the range of the fab-3000 UPMK?
You are wrong, commie blocks are tough.
>You are wrong, commie blocks are tough.
I see this "toughness" every day. I'm just to lazy to go photograph them.
Commieblocks are ultimate crap that easily collapse like everything soviet.
Not defending them, but are russian glide bombs supposed to be accurate or just hit a general area and cause semi-random damage and terror like the kayusha rocket trucks from WWII?
Russian seems to prefer that over precision strikes.
>The issue is that in a capitalist economy, cheap housing become a breeding ground for social marginalization.
1. US is not a whole world
2. US problem is that they have closed mental asylums and have forced mentally unstable people onto normal people
I'm not speaking of the US exclusively. This is an issue everywhere there's commieblocks.

The low cost and large quantity of housing causes low income social groups, such as the mentally ill, to congregate in an area, making it worse for everyone, amplifying pre-existing issues.
No one actually knows but the figure often thrown out is around 80km, so well outside of PAC-2’s useful range.
Ukie here, this anon is retarded.
I'm sure most of you are disregarding his opinion, good for you, but to those who are not:
The only good commie buildings are "stalinki". Those are red brick, 5-7 story tall, buildings, many of which were built by captive Germans and "traitors" around the 50s.
Stalinki have > 60 cm thick red brick walls, armed concrete plates separating floors and on the roof + in the bath rooms and toilets. They also have at least 1 often 2 floors of underground shelter and a "technical" roof floor.
During Stalin's time corruption wasn't as bad as it was after him and the construction standards demanded from forced labor workers were the highest turbo super lux.
These are durable and reliable.
The other kinds of commie blocks are "hrushevki" and the many "special projects". These are made of prefab concrete plates assembled like Lego. They're dogshit even during peace time they're a hazard. They can't withstand any damage because the concrete was cheap, mass produced, shit that was made after corruption became too deep and widespread (after the death of stalin I.e when stalinki were built). All of these were assembled by drunk and lazy commie boomers working to meet quotas so the standards were sub par at best.
The same applies to most of the commie blocks that came after.
There are exceptional special projects that came After the fall of the USSR but before the wave of mass produced modern housing. These are often extremely good.
T. Ukie living in a stalinka, 7 floors, elevators, 2 floors deep bunker spanning the entire "building adjacent territory" so about... 5x more area than the roof.
nah, i don't believe that shit for a second.
mutts are like my bro's,
and you know how to old saying goes.
me against my bro, my bro and me against my cousin, me, my bro and cousin agaisnt neighbour.. etc..
same cannot the said with the slavic scum.
Early stalinkas are also shit, because they made out of wood for superstructure with a wood (дpaнкa) under the wall plaster. They are literally fire hazard
The only type of building that is actually good is modern reinforced monolithic concrete. It have good chances of tanking the FAB hit
They'd have to be doing low altitude launches if dropping them from su-34's given how much the weight would slow down the spread and maneuverability of the su-34 carrying such a heavy payload...even IF the managed to fly them on the su-34. Otherwise Ukies AD would see it coming from miles away. A low altitude launch from a su-34 would drastically reduce the range of a fab-3000 well below 80km.
The Su-34 is a bomber and can carry much more weight than a FAB-3000. There’s no reason at all they couldn’t mod a centerline mount for one and still maintain a near-optimal performance envelop. They’re not flying far either so they can guzzle fuel to sprint into optimal release windows.
yeah what's up with that lol? I didn't even realize it until you pointed that out
>well below 80km.
That's the range of a FAB-250, 500 at best.
The FAB-3000+UMPK range isn't better than free fall, ~20 km. The glide ratio probably is 1.0 to 2.0 (for comparison a typical cruise missile weights 1/3rd, has better wing and a GR of 3-4)
these are not gliding bombs. looks more like tos.
I don't know about that "much more" part, maybe another 635kg at most. This still doesn't address how all the extra weight would affect maneuverability and speed which would require a low altitude drop due to decreased range. It's a bomb, not a Moskit with 100+ km range.
Thank you for proving my point. One can not simply change physics to their likings.
the town was hit as requested. the duties were fulfilled
I think hitting the top of the buildings with thermobarics would really decrease the effectiveness of the pressure waves and would not clear the lower levels or basement
When all is said and done and somebody makes a movie, I hope that this is one of the details that gets included only to be immediately derided by midwits as "too unrealistic".
>a Russian Siri voice subtitled as "your bomb target is on the right... no, Ivan, your OTHER right" will send my sides into orbit once more
Some of the buildings were hit directly. Either it was specific building sections and specific courtyards or all a crapshoot.
Holy hell how do they miss by that much in this day and age?

FFS US laser guided munitions was striking ventilation shafts in the first gulf war.
>Commie blocks collapse like a house of prefab concrete cards.
Especially if they're constructed in a manner that has each wall and floor segments that interlock with each other.

>wtf else do you want?
dunno, nigga, you asked to rate Russian accuracy. Are you having crack withdrawals?
The problem is that rn Ukraine is basically out of missiles for their AA systems, including Patriot. That's why Russians have been throwing that gliding junk with impunity. Hopefully they'll get reloads soon.
>witness them digits
Lived & worked in Rīga for a decade. Can confirm. Slightly different details in Latvia, but similar situation. The old stuff from the late 40s & early 50s is highly desirable, the rest is garbage (excepting special Potemkin projects). Another exception was a brief period where Swedish workers were imported and the building standards were decent to high. All the other soviet shit is rotting and falling apart, some after 50 years, some after 20 years. I lived in a soviet rotting slumrise for a bit over a year, The concrete on the internal steps of the stairwells (no elevators work in almost all of these) was rotting and crumbling. You could kick it gently and it would crumble. Some areas were worse than others because vatniggers like to use their stairwells in their own houses as piss receptacles. Just typing about it I can remember the stench, there is no escaping it anywhere, even in your memories.
God you people are coping hard. The FACT is, the Ukrainian army is now using large multistory concrete buildings (hospitals, factories, etc) as fortifications. Why are they doing this if NOT for the fact that those structures are very tough? That tactic is the very thing which FORCED the Russians to make glide kits for the FAB-3000.
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implying russians don't do the same thing. only difference is western missiles don't miss 12/13 times when targeting these structures
That's rather abysmal, unless the targets were outside, there's a pretty slim chance it hit anything.
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Individual sections will collapse, as in specific rooms, but the remainder of the structure will generally be still standing.
You can have an entire hole blown through the building and it'll still be standing.
Sure, you probably wouldn't want to live in it, and I wouldn't suggest doing so, but it won't collapse and crush everyone taking cover in it.
Just because you're using the best thing available doesn't mean it's a good thing.
the 2 at the end clearly missed
1 hit the road and 1 hit a field
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Not good but still better precision than HATO bombs which are magnetic to schools & hospitals.
see this video>>61967065
you can collapse towers section by section. also, a direct comparison is not really appropriate unless whatever explosion happened there made the foundation unstsable
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this is unguided flamethrower tos, retard
a more accurate comparison would be the 1999 apartment bombins. since, if am not mistaken, those bombs were planted at basements/lower floors causing most section to collapse
Don’t get me wrong, I’m not criticizing Ukraine they’re in a desperate situation they got to do what they got to do. I’m just explaining WHY the Russians have gone through the trouble of of using FAB-3000s as glide bombs.
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but russians are doing the same thing so i don't get your point. are you implying russians are also in a desperate situation?
>You can have an entire hole blown through the building and it'll still be standing.
Anon, "entire hole" typically mean "two opposite load-bearing walls on the lower floors". Everything above the hole will fall into.
In your pic, the entire stack of apartments have collapsed.
>but it won't collapse and crush everyone taking cover in it.
The hanging leftovers are even greater risk, because they can fall down and send shrapnel all around
>Why are they doing this if NOT for the fact that those structures are very tough?
Because they are very tall and provide height advantage.
I see now why they go with huge ass bombs that are nearly as large as the old M-121s we used in Vietnam before the BLU-82 Daisy cutter.
sure showed those globohomo anglo-saxon nazi parking lots who's boss!
>Is there ANY fucking evidence of this turd aircraft actually carrying one of these

Fighterbomber said they were nigger rigged on Su-34s, and he was kinda seething about it (because he - being somewhat less dumb than your average zigger - realized that this was a retarded choice as opposed to multiple FAB1500s), which makes me believe him.
Rent free
That is because up till around 1960 the buildings were built by forced labor and/or skilled and highly paid workers and the standards they were held up to were very high precisely because they were either free-working enemies or highly-paid specialists. Corruption in the ussr back then was minimal compared to the late stage free-for-all, due to the multitude of NKVD-type organizations serving as terror police, paranoia and relatively high communistic sentiments among the general population.
The building plans and placements are orders of magnitude better because they're placed in central and/or highly demanded areas, the buildings are spaced properly with green areas and parking places between them, they're propely planned with roads in and out and access good intersections. The ridiculously thick red brick walls act as decent insulation so they're cool in the summer and warm in the winter.
Things built after 1960 were made for the baby boom massive wave of demand in a much more corrupt, less ideological time, by people working minimal wages and expected to meet quotas of N buildings built as fast a possible and as cheaply as possibly to inflate the stats on the paper submitted to party.
>what changed
less airworthy jets to crash
>t. never had to live in a commieblock
Yeah "built to last" lmao
People who've never experienced them think the reason people still live in them is because they're in good shape, not because there's no affordable alternative to the rotting mess.
The next city over.
This creature has a foul look to it.
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Yeah they aren't very accurate but piss cheap, nearly impossible to shoot down, can be deployed almost risk free and hit hard.
Those bombs are the reason Ukraine is allowed to attack targets inside Russia because they are dropped within Russia's airspace and then glide into Ukraine.
The problem isnt concrete. Its isolation, interior and asbestos. The original living conditions do suck but structural integrity is rarerly a problem in those types of buildings. Because they are "modular" 3 story buildings have same bearings and blocks as 10 story ones. American drywall houses in tornado alley and florida are much bigger death traps than any soviet building that is well kept.

Fuck soviet onion tho.
>Its isolation, interior and asbestos.
You should see east Germany, or central Europe commieblocks. The renovated refurbished ones. Nothing to complain about.
No, the building they were aiming at was in another oblast
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>but I lived in a commie block and retards got drunk and threw grenades
>Things like balcony and stuff like that may collapse
> but
>I lived in a commie block and retards got drunk and threw grenades
> with minimal results
That right there, folks, is what we call "credentials." I've similar stories. That don't involve grenades. But. I'm inclined to believe the boy (somewhat) because that's so spot-on. You couldn't make this shit up if you haven't lived it.
Genuine question, wouldnt blastwave hit troops inside the building harder if it hit next to the windows outside as opposed to the roof? These arent the 3000s, so they wouldnt be able to destroy the buildings anyway
>because 3000 is bigger heh heh heh
it's always a dick measuring contest with these sub-humans
... almost as if that could be turned directly against them. More than we already are.
>out of missiles for their AA systems
no they aren't, they're saving them
t. knower
jfc...that retard might have a quarter of a brain after all.
Architecture discussion aside, how does Ukraine counter this new development? Even if they aren't the most accurate weapons, if russia starts to sling those into Kharkiv with impunity it would be a real problem.
peeing everywhere but the bowl is winning
>captcha knows what time it is
it's simple: they shootdown russian jets with the incoming partiots
File: fab.webm (3.94 MB, 1280x720)
3.94 MB
3.94 MB WEBM
Holy shit, it completely leveled that empty building. This has convinced me that pussia is not pathetic but, in fact, very pathetic.
>rare time ziggers show the aftermath
>it's literally nothing
yeah yeah all the holonazi got completely vaporized and you can actually see the remains of at least two boris johnsons i get it.
FABs are supposed to destroy military targets? I just thought they're for making kino explosions
It really does. It's been so perfectly engineered to appeal to the 10th percentile coomer brain that anyone with a frontal lobe just finds it uncanny.

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