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S-500 is kil
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May we see it?
I don't believe it
I am almost 40 and love big boobas so fucking much, it's unreal. I always thought the love of big boobas would eventually fizzle out, but fuck me, I just love big boobas. Something magical about them.
Have sex.
same but collapse of russia for me
>t. 36
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Someone have an oopsie doodle?
that would be very funny but this seems more like false flag thread
The one they just moved into crimea?
There's a chance of 'maybe'
I'm not completely convinced yet but weirder things have been blown up in this war so far to discount it happening
Gross if true.
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Eternal slumber
need proofs NOW
I'm cautiously optimistic
Tiwaz are guys who uploaded video of S-400 getting ATACMSed in Donetsk
You wait until it stops, then fire rocket at it
>all these non-believers
It's just a s200 with upped price(x2) not an actual AA system worth shit.
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>how much of the 1991 borders was recovered?
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>only word he knows that starts with t is trans
Just /pol/ tourist things
stop watching porn cumbrain
Godspeed, enjoyer.
way to out yourself as a newfriend
Wait an hour to see all the "West has fallen" threads
ah yes, the s-500 that only ukraine reported about is now killed as reported by, let me guess, ukraine?
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first videos are coming in with the crew that escaped
futures so bright he dont need no shades
How long did it last on the frontline?
You posted this thinking anyone would find it funny?
is this achievable natty?
Bridge soon.
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That guy doesn't seem to be enjoying himself.
Okay cool now take out the bridge jesus fucking christ it's almost July and it's still up
The side of this war that has told the fewest lies, yeah
Thank you Papa Stepan
I know you're baiting but the talking point "oh yeah? but Ukraine hasn't started occupying Russia yet!" is so fucking funny, imagine that being your best argument
I think S-200 is a pretty cool guy. Eh kills A-50 and doesnt afraid of anything.
What's up with his face? Did he fall in dirt?
Not very much in Russia’s case
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You miss mommy's titty.
>if only tsar knew!
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I reckon the fucking missile detonated directly on top of his head by the look of things.
Soup bowl on his head seems to have actually worked at least. Wonder how liquefied his brain is from the percussion though. TBI anyone?
Some guy named Stepan from the comment section said he'll join the army if S-500 gets rekt
So they are saying his time has come kek
>vovchansk is lost
Uhhhh was this supposed to make you look good?
Look at his helmet. That's what a helmet hit by shrapnel looks like. He's probably lost his eyes.
IATAYART... what?
Ah, numbers are for nerds anyway. This doesn't look like my beautiful house
Why not both?
I’m a 31 year old man, and I love boobas. Big boobas, small boobas. Perky boobas, saggy boobas. White boobas, brown boobas, yellow boobas. Boobas are great.
All the eggs will leave the bears ass and everyone's eyebrow will be raised
This is political stance I can get behind
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Russia loses territory in Ukraine

Uhhhh was this supposed to make you look good?

YES Verification not required.
I don’t like man boobs tho.
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yes, transaged. there are many people on these boards who self identify as a different age than they really are
for example, many millennials self identify as boomers, even though the youngest boomer is 60
Thats a funny way to not acknowledge being routed from kharkiv twice
I meant lost to Ukraine you fucking retard, who are you arguing against?
I wish I could get that kind of information from car owners' manuals without buying Haynes repair manuals.
It's oing pretty well considering the northern front, southern and western fronts have been completely deleted by Ukranian forces.
He didn’t need them anyway, probably had a poor eyesight to begin with
First thing I do when buying a car.
You seem to be confused, we're not rooting for Ukraine to win, we're rooting for russia to fail and embarrass itself.
They're not boobas,they're moobas
>meme is so boomer that it is printed out on inkjet and then photographed to share
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no no not again COMRADE !!! have mercy on me !!

everything is fine everything is fine everything is fine everything is fine everything is fine everything is fine everything is fine everything is fine everything is fine everything is fine everything is fine everything is fine everything is fine everything is fine everything is fine everything is fine everything is fine
I just want more war.
No, I am rooting for Ukraine to win. Because that would be the most humiliating outcome for Russia. Also I live in the First World and you thurdies can suck my dick.
you mean the side with least proofs for claims of downed jets, right?
>forced to rape
rape is outdated, ivan out here is doing rape^2
source? no one else reporting this.
Ukraine pushed one of russian norther incursions back to border 2 days a go so a bit.
Absolutely based and blessed booba poster
Oh my fucking life it's like that Hannibal episode where the bitch lobotomises guys then pumps them full of bee venom
Sevastapol's still closed
>This is political stance I can get behind
Amen. Finally: an issue that unites instead of divides (cleavage notwithstanding).
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About 1% maybe, at the cost of the soviet stockpiles, and they're more likely to lose it again than expand on it.
What are we thinking, monke's planned next step after the smashing success of the 3 day SMO was probably to eat the Caucasus again, right?
>forced to rape
Can't get more terminally Russian than that.
They literally sold pieces of su34 as keychains, but seethe harder. Maybe next time we wont get dashcam footage of an su35 ramming into a commie block in belgorad.
i hope this is true because it'd be funny as fuck, but until we've got more, it probably isn't.
next step was kazakhstan and moldavia
Putin might still look at Moldova, but hasn't Kazakhstan started to move away from Russia and get closer to China? I really doubt CCP would allow Putin to entertain with that idea.
Right now only Moldova and Georgia seem to be in danger, excluding Belarus which already is in deep shit unless the people will fight back.
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>Self-proclaimed second most powerful military in the world brags about not losing ground to one of the poorest countries in Europe, while massively depleting its stocks of advanced weaponry to the point that they're digging T-55s out of scrapheaps
This ain't the flex you think it is, Ivan.
Its time to sign the contract
How could someone wear blackface in 2024
This is so comically accurate that I refuse to believe that it's not staged LMAO
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same guy btw
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He returned to monke
silly anon,we are not talking about the crew of the Kuznetsov
Very slightly wrong. Reported about in mainstream media but the source for all of the reports leads back to Ukrainian intelligence chief Kyrylo Budanov.
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>it's time to sign the contract
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Oh no.

a girl with no tits and a huge ass or...
a girl with huge tits and no ass.

what would you choose?
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my collection
>If huge because fat
>If huge because athletics/strength training/good genetics
inverted triangles are sexy when guys have it.
inverted triangles are never sexy when women have it.

so a flat girl with junk in the trunk is the obvious choice.
How long until SU-57 Keychain?
If this is confirmed I'll have to make a new shunga for it, it's so absurd. Taking haiku submissions now.
that is hot and yet also unnerving for some reason.
>but hasn't Kazakhstan started to move away from Russia and get closer to China
nta, and you're right, it started right after the Crimea annexation when Putin said "Nazarbayev created a state on a territory that never had a state. Kazakhs never had any statehood, he has created it."
Coupled with statements from other russian politicians on where to turn their eyes after Ukraine it didn't take much for the Kazakhs to put two and two together and rather hedge their bets with China and the west
They even had a "send history books to Putin" campaign and it was a influence in them dropping the cyrillic alphabet
i'm still holding my breath to see it, it's too good to be true.
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I'd be worried about getting cancer from these shits.
how big are these? could you actually wear one okay on a keychain? been using one of those old-school keytags on mine to avoid losing them but if these are small enough it might be more fun to have.
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As soon as ukie spooks go and steal pieces from this, or manage to destroy another Su-57
3 inches
they're a bit large but probably tolerable
Would any air force care to buy the SU57 wreck?
y-yeah... three inches sure is large...
Bro, what happened to your face?
both average
Can I ask where one can get these? Asking for a friend.
the US might just to figure out how badly fucked up the design and production actually is. the CIA would probably do both out of a morbid curiousity, and if the ukes are selling it, a way to funnel money from the black budget.
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This is not my beautiful wife.
Moscow when nafo fellas? Our propaganda minis.. I mean ministry of truth hzavze zdzzezclezzarzezd d zb dzndznz
Yeah, best option is to take it with a pinch of salt, atleast until we get some Maxar images.
Big tits and no ass. I just don't get the appeal of a fat ass.
Yes. Russians always make fun of Ukrainians, telling how their desire of becoming a member of EU and NATO is a pipe dream. If Ukraine succeeds beyond the war, this will be the ultimate torment for the Russians.
From what I can tell, here:


and here:

Black as moonless night
Was the face of the hapless
Air Defence Cuckold
S-500 rises
christened the Prometheus
fell as Icarus
Has anyone checked the NASA fire map over Crimea?
At this point Ukraine is on track to becoming an EU member.
The only real thing stopping them from becoming a HATO country is the fact that they're currently at war and have disputed territories.
But I'd be willing to bet that 95% of NATO would be willing to let those little issues slide and accept them anyway, just to dunk on the vatnigger scum and the banan tsar.
Trump will win again
Ukrainians huge bull dicks
No whyt boi future
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i mean maybe here on the right? i don't know whether a missile system would burn that much, but given it's extreme rarity that's where i'd assume they'd want to put the S-500
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Jesus Christ how horrifying!
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>i demand nuclear for khokhla
Based firefly poster
S-500 sleeps
It's time to sign the contract
Stepan is packing
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never go full monke
If devodschina is so good why isn’t there a devodschina^2
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>buy the SU57 wreck
because there aren't any non-wreck modifications for sale or in production
fun fact: the verb "cleave" means both "to bring together" and "to break apart"
so in fact, cleavage is literally the act of uniting
e pluribus unum
qed: tig ol' bitties are a basic American value, like republican democracy and freedom of speech
Five Hundred went out
a summer night, silence falls:
eternal slumber
Don't tell anyone... it's a new top secret high-technology communications system; optical telegraph
F-finally I won't be a Russian anymore..ack!
I have a Haynes and a Chilton for every car I’ve ever owned.
probably not. there's not a ton that's unknown about this thing.
there's no special coatings or RAM
the engines are the same ones they put in everything
the main radar isnt new in any way that matters and the 'cheek' radars aren't that interesting
maaaayyybe to take a look at the IRST, EW gear and warning receivers.
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LMAO, same day that mobiks from the Kherson front are bitching about a mass-scale cholera outbreak becuase russian logistics are too shit to get enough clean drinking water to the frontlines.

This really ain't the vatniks' week.
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wait did they actually have an cholera outbreak? that's actually horrifying news if so. like they were living in a cesspool that could cause it at any moment but if they have that they're going to lose defensive positions to that shit alone.
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>Everything is awesome
>Everything is cool when you're part of a team
>Everything is awesome
>When you're living out a dream
They've been bitching about it today.
And typhoid too
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>Born to FUCK
>Forced to RAPE
Don't forget BTFO Puccias navy when the Ukies don't even have a Navy. This shit is a fucking movie even Coppola, Cameron, or Kubrick could write.
A good balance between the two ofc
Fuck that, I want keychains from the Su-47 rotting out in the open. Hey Ivan Suckmydickski, how many loaves of bread to sneak into base and get me a piece?
Not surprising. Someone posted a vid of ziggers filtering puddle water through plastic bottles and using wet wipes for "filtration" a couple of days ago. I didn't save the vid, but pretty sure it can be found in the archive easily.
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he has a bright future ahead of him starring as monster in guillermo del toro films
a girl who like me.
Russian code-speak sucks
Ukraine needs to quit bragging about how superior they are, and actually win.
I'm tired of paying for this war.
Put some effort and learn something besides ghetto slang ramirez
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>Ukraine needs to quit bragging about how superior they are, and actually win.
>I'm tired of paying for this war.
t.Russell Bentley from texas oblast
i mean i have the video here

that's actually some really serious shit to deal with for them right now. easily could turn on the ukes too. the amount of disease casualties could basically stop everything on both sides as far as the actual trenches go. not really weapons, but like, a huge fucking deal for militaries at all times.
Rubble is losing value so you aren't paying that much in Belgorod oblast. It will be all worthless anyway when your kind starves in the street in 10 years just like in 1991 when we sent you food
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Thanks kindly boss.
>that's actually some really serious shit to deal with
Especially when the ziggers have corpses laying everywhere they don't bother burying or sending back. Christ, at least burn the bodies ffs.
Kazakhstan has like 4 million people. It's mostly empty with a few major cities in the south. It has no chance to defend itself from Russia. Hopefully the Putin regime will collapse and give them time to go full Finland for future security.
Jesus Christ
That image was always such a self-own. Obviously manuals for the current generation are filled with content due to the actions of the previous generation.
Crimea on fire
S-500 sleeps forever
The cuckold stumbles away
Enjoy your small victories. US aid is like half of Ukraine's defense budget and US aid is helping prop their economy up. After last night it's about 100% certain all US aid stops after inauguration day. Russia will win a war of attrition. EU aid will probably stop when the US pulls back entirely under new leadership.

Wouldn't be surprised if the drastic reduction in aid and catastrophic shortages that will eventually result eventually result in a total collapse in the lines with all of Ukraine being annexed into Russia. That honestly seems like the most likely outcome, but it's probably 3 years away.

Only way for them to lose is to collapse now.
So what you're saying is that if Biden does lose, he'll spend the 3 months between election and inauguration transferring enough shit to Ukriane to last them for the rest of the decade anyway, and the EU is gonna keep providing more than enough aid on top of that. Russia will be wholesale eviscerated in a war of attrition.

>EU aid will probably stop when the US pulls back

LMAO, beyond delusional. If at all, EU aid will intensify massively if the yanks dissapoint.

>Only way for them to lose is to collapse now.
That's always been a given due to the intentional instability of Russias political landscape. Putin can't survive a defeat, and there's no designated successor. Russia will collapse, the only question remaining is how hard.
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>Russia will collapse, the only question remaining is how hard.
Thread theme: >>>/wsg/5602434
Is that a hole in his forehead to go with the dents in his helmet?
Doing God's work
Dat be the one, thanks fren.
Lmfao I needed a heart chuckle.
Me reacting to Ukraine collapsing : Ah that sucks, I feel bad for those dudes.
Me reacting to Russia collapsing : Hahahahahaha hahahaha huwee hahahaha
The true asymmetry of warfare
I'm more interested in the tanks but these look really cool.
Biden won't do that, if defeated. It will more likely be he will do nothing because the incoming "Has a mandate". The last three months are always ineffectual.
Trump already made clear he doesn't play by the rules, so LMAO if you think the favour won't be returned with interest.
I don't like these polished metal keychains, I want one where I can see the damage
>eduction in aid and catastrophic shortages that will eventually result eventually result in a total collapse in the lines
this is the only thing in your post that I think is wrong. russia simply doesn't have the resources to push through the large cities even if ukraine doesn't get any foreign aid.

more likely they'll carve out what they can from donbass over 2025 before freezing the conflict and working out a ceasefire to last 5-50 years to come home with a victory of sorts. ukraine will not be able to counterattack but russia no longer has the assets to effect major breakthroughs either, they'll be forced to keep grinding the way they have since may 2022.
So that's why there is a lot of seethe. Can someone tell me the difference between the 400 and the 500? Is friendly fire higher?
I've yet to find out where they do that for Tanks. They do it for planes a lot though.

>if defeated
there's no way biden is winning this election and it boggles my mind as a non-american that the democrats are running him. I doubt he himself is even aware of what's going on most of the time, why push that senile old fart? Running against Trump is playing on easy mode, they could pick any politician under the age of 60 and likely win.
I don't get how anyone to who watched them could think either of them will actually be running shit. Biden was sleepy dementia and Don was energetic dementia. Both said ludicrous and incoherent things that would get you laughed at at a highschool debate.
Ukraine won't go with a frozen conflict, they'll keep the war hot.

Speaking of hot, get ready for the Great Moscow Forest Fire of 2024
russia's gonna have to genocide the ukes to stop them from fighting at this point, and there's enough armament scattered around that any insurgency is going to be a nightmare. right now it's just limited to stabbings, poisonings, arson, and intel. when the FSB caught the people doing the poisonings in crimea, they lost three agents in the gunfight, and didn't even get the people they were trying to.
unfortunately russia has been trying to win this for too long, and losing too much in the process. it's got more manpower, but the issue is that manpower has been something that only gets you so far since WW1. if the current attritional rates hold until inauguration day, russia's doctrine will have to rapidly modernize and change, something it has refused to do. if it doesn't, their front lines will be untenable at their current length. keep in mind the advances we're seeing are at horrific loss rates, ones that would be acceptable perhaps if serious progress was being made even during the months without aid, but that progress was not fast enough. if they only need to reach kyiv to win in a hypothetical, the amount of material required to win would be double the entire production of what the soviet union made over it's entire lifetime.
i do not believe total victory for either side is possible. only losing less.
>Can someone tell me the difference between the 400 and the 500? Is friendly fire higher?
there is 1 s-500 in existence, and it cost over a billion dollars
>freezing the conflict
That is not Russias decision to make.

Also, stop samefagging.
So it actually happened then
>there's no way biden is winning this election and it boggles my mind as a non-american that the democrats are running him. I doubt he himself is even aware of what's going on most of the time, why push that senile old fart?

I still think theres a good chance he wins. Other than the butthurt belt states which Trump would win regardless, which ones can he win? I'm guessing none. People are suffering Trump fatigue, and even some republicans are getting tired of his gimmick.

I dont think Biden has dementia, he's had a stuttering problem since he got elected 50 years ago. he speaks slow with his stutter and at his age, it looks like dementia. no one with dementia could answer question after question like that.

And as far as that goes Trump didnt answer any questions. always just ignoring the question and repeating the same mexicans are coming over the border routine.

regardless, I dont think the if trump wins; it will be the golden egg russia thinks it will be. This has always been about not letting Biden slow Russia down because it will make him look good. And Trump wants to be the one that goes down as the guy who destroyed Putin.

Especially after he's had to set and listen to people call him a putin cock puppet for 8 years
When your only hope is Donald Trump deciding to give a pity win to pathetic losers, it's time to quit
Oh my fucking god, just boil the water yoj stupid niggers
I mean, Trump has stated multiple times that Ukraine needs to trade land for peace so it's not entirely unreasonable for the ziggers to believe this.
Is this the same Donald Trump that claimed he told Putin he'd drop a nuke on Moscow if he invaded Ukraine
>2 threads
>at this moment a combined 350~ posts of hooping and hollering
>Literally 0 proof

lmao you people really are reddit as fuck. all this basedjacking for literally nothing
Sevastopool's closed due to raids.
nigger like half of this thread is talking about keychains and cholera what?
lmao, actually believing that Trump is Putin's slave.
Stfu cunt, just fuck off back to pol you CUNT.
Da, I Yaroplav Smith agree with my fellow patriotic American's characterization of corrupt Jewish Nazi regime. We should not pay banderites anymore money until border is secure and Ukraine has paid for awakenings of sleeping Russian bear.
>spits on a country fighting for their very freedom and identity as a people
>sucks Zion Don's dick
What sickness of the brain causes such regretable fifth columnist behavior?
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Even so, he seems a bit slow and confused. It's not just stuttering. He's fucking up multiple things into a word salad. The Dems should have never run him. It was just foolish. Though I also don't think the Republicans should have run Trump again either. They both have tons of baggage.
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>there's no way biden is winning this election
Trump barely won against the most hated democrat in the country and lost both the electorate and the popular vote against Biden.
ah yes, a loli upper half body and a pornstar lower half body.

when you love lolis, but also want a technical "out" when people accuse you of being a pedo.
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a shortstack with a big ass is life
Nobody died and made you their spokesperson, Indiana vatnigger.
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I desperately need someone to draw Marichka as a Midna/Twili-style imp.
Do they already have working prototypes? I thought it was still in the drawing board.
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Leaves from the vine
Falling so slow
Ashen faced cuckhold
Comes stumbling home
They have (or had) one working prototype.
Eat shit you stupid faggot.
Well, back to the drawing board then.
Colonel Potato broadcast the plan at the end of Fen 2022. The intention was to take Moldova & Trannynistria all as part of the Ukraine invasion/occupation/annexation Special Needs Operation. Belarus was supposed to be part of the entire operation ... until it fell apart and Colonel Potato found more pressing matters to attend to.

Kazakhstan had been suppressed a few months earlier, as had Belarus. Neither needed any immediate attention since r*ssian troops had just been withdrawn from Kazakhstan and the ones in Belarus were sent into Ukraine.

In 2 weeks

Master plan, trust me

Demilitarizing their own territory.

The Moscow's pipe dream will end like their nord stream...
>huge tits and no ass
Ass is a muscle and you can excercise it. Tits are genetics
>muh boobjob
Fuck off
For once I can agree with a tripfag
>Fuck off
Tiffany Towers had the best fake tits
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Straight out of a DC comic
>cholera outbreak?

mods moved it to /pol/, but there is valuable & relevant content for most of it before shills raided ... so yeah, typhus too and trench water videos, etc.

> "did "
No, not past tense. "Do," as in currently just getting started and news is just getting out. It looks mostly uncontrolled, so the next few months should be, very literally, a shit show. monke recently claimed there are 700,000 vatniggers in Ukraine. If that is even close to true we'll probably see between 100,000 and 250,000 dead by the time Winter arrives. Not counting those too sick to be effective for the next couple of years or forever. There doesn't seem to be any treatment being given at his time, nothing medically serious. The response seems to be to ignore it and it will go away.

It won't.
They have outbreaks from time to time.
bb-b-b-but Kiev was just a feint! Right?
>NK enters the war just in time to take Cholera and Typhus back home
Are we 100% CERTAIN that Putin isn't a CIA plant?
>at least burn the bodies ffs
>just boil the water
with what fuel?
I think they only moved the radar to Crimea, it works in tandem with the S400.
I thought stone burners were banned under the Great Convention?!
>to take Cholera and Typhus back home
And covid
that's the best she's ever going to look
she's gonna hit the wall like a cement truck
wide load ahead
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>wide load ahead
How the fuck do you manage to fuck up so badly a century after the French and Germans and British solved that problem?
The Russians never learned how to do logistics. Their last big war was WWII where the US bankrolled their logistical chain with Lend-Lease.
It's actually blyatface.
contract in the ass
mobik lights tobacco leaf
five hundred gift sleep
Just curious what’s stopping them from making these keychains from ordinary shit and simply claiming it came from an aircraft?
Habeeb it
Rukraine will have the largest, most battled hardened and pissed army in the world, with access to various western tech.
they are too spread out, any concentration of vatnigs gets blasted to fuck so they have been slow bleeding men with fucked up logistics

I don't expect napoleonic tier disease outbreaks culling their men as it won't be as easy to spread

>most battle hardened
Sorry to tell you, but all that experienced died with the hundreds of thousands of men they lost. The average mobik is still as incompetent as he was at the start of this, and the Russian Army as a whole is set up to NOT learn from experience at an institutional level.

Doesn't matter.

>with access to various western tech
And an industrial an dtechnology base that literally can't do shit with it. What few examples they managed to drag out of Ukraine is like handing muskets to a caveman. He lacks the tools to evne begin to understand anything about it.
Well that'd end in the French nuking Russia out of national existence in a hurry.
>Britain untouched
Even in Dugin's wet dreams, Russia cannot into naval warfare.
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We'll see after next weeks legislative election.
Im more looking forward to them bringing typhoid home
Joke's on you Westoid, mobiks don't come home. They just get killed and then don't need a paycheck after, Putin literally has these people doin' it for free.
LOL. LMAO, even. LePen would if at all nuke you ziggers faster if you tried to fuck with her, you delusional retard.

Also, the legislative can't do shit in case of war anyway.
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>can conquer Finland, Norway, Italy and Spain
>can't conquer Afghanistan
>Kazakhstan has like 4 million people
20 million, actually. Bulk of the ethnic Russian population is in the north near the Russian border, the south being primarily Kazakh. That said it looks like a sizeable chunk of the pidor population aren't particularly enthusiastic about running into Mother Russia's embrace any time soon, having seen the shitshow that has resulted from the SMO. There's a small number that have even started trying to learn to speak Kazakh in an attempt to prove their loyalty.

The Kazakhs don't have much to worry about. It's a huge country and Russian logistics have shown themselves to be hopelessly useless, and politically they've made some good moves to get themselves cozy with both the West and China. China in particular values them as being an important part of the Belt and Road that allows them to bypass Russia. Monke already ruined Pooh's plans for Taiwan, I doubt he'd want to risk causing further ire with his supposedly limitless friend.
this shit with NK likely pissed China off more than anything else in the last 2.5 years
>After last night it's about 100% certain all US aid stops after inauguration day.
Current polls show about a fifty-fifty chance on Biden vs. Trump, and this far out from election day all sorts of surprises could happen.
>if Biden does lose, he'll spend the 3 months between election and inauguration transferring enough shit to Ukriane to last them for the rest of the decade anyway, and the EU is gonna keep providing more than enough aid on top of that.
Even more importantly, Biden can then untie Ukraine's hands. No restrictions, use it all anywhere you like, feel free to light up every VVS airfield and then blow an onion dome into Red Square.
The lever for compliance was always "you have to observe these restrictions or the aid stops." If Trump has loudly proclaimed in advance that he'll stop aid no matter what, then what's he gonna do? Tell them he'll stop aid even more? In true Trump fashion, he's made a bold and unpredictable move that completely shoots himself in the foot.
t. homos
whats gonna happen to him once puccia loses?his delusions are /x/ tier.
>whats gonna happen to him once puccia loses?
Hunted down and murdered savagely.
to be fair, Le Pen was funded by Putin and campaigned (originally in 2021) to be friends with Putin. She very quickly had to purge all pics like yours from her campaign material when he invaded. She is kompromat.
Related, but not specific to the S-500:
I was hoping for some final spergout followed by a mcnutt but thats okay too(as long as they film it).
Half a league onwards
All in the valley of Death
Cuck'd the 500
wasn't zelenski like that too?

give russia a chance candidates tend to change their tune after russia inevitably stabs them in the back
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Picrel and I ain't ashamed to admit it, Anon. Definitely getting one for me and another for my Dad.
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How is Ukraine winning? Yesterday, in imaged losses, the Russians only lost two more combat vehicles (9 vs 7 destroyed) and 2 more non-combat vehicles (11 vs 9 destroyed) than Ukraine, on top of some unidentifiable loss for Ukraine. Ukraine has consistently failed to maintain the 3:1+ attrition ratio needed to defeat Russia.
That's the problem with allying yourself with dictatorships that all have different goals and are unified only by mutual dislike of the West - nearly anything Putin does in his current situation to get what he needs from one of them will upset the rest to some degree. Monke's done gone and Kobayashi Maru'd himself and the whole country with him.
The problem is there seems to be a limitless supply of useful idiots who haven't yet been stabbed in the back ready to take their place in the queue, and they can fuck up a lot of things in the meantime while waiting their inevitable turn. See: Hungary and now Slovakia
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Have you looked at the averages over a slightly larger time range?
>using a single day as an argument
Ukraine has consistently BEAT that 3:1 attrittion ratio. Proven ratio is 5-10:1 in any given month.

Also, 3:1 isn't Ukraine just beating Russia, it's total russian defeat.
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What's Pooh gonna do about it?

We don’t really have a good picture of how many soldiers have died, other than various claims. I think Ukraine has ~46.5k dead identified by name a month ago, but Russia only has roughly the same number identifiable by name. Now, a lot of Russian dead come from Donbabwe, Luganda, and various Siberian shithole areas where people may be difficult to keep track of, but Ukraine is also poor, and some deaths might not be mentioned on social media, so it is hard to tell the death ratio.

On Oryx, Ukraine has attained fairly good loss ratios in most categories (though they have lost a lot more Humvee and MRAP type vehicles), but that is not necessarily reflective of personnel casualties, as they are on the defensive, any may have lost numerous infantry without photo evidence getting out. Russian subs claim that Ukraine has 50%+ more losses, due to Russia’s firepower superiority. We have no evidence of 5:1+ kill ratios for Ukraine.
And being on the defensive is no guarantee of better kill ratios, either. Russia has numerous thermobaric weapons, and those completely ignore earthworks. If a thermobaric weapon lands near your trench, you will inevitably be roasted,
>Cope this delusional
Pidor, come on now.
Put down the spoon, shit isn't healthy to eat. I know we all hate you, but please for the love of god step away from the ox cart.
There must be someone out there who loves you, surely. What would your mother think? Just put down the shit and we can talk about this somewhere else.
5:1 loss ratio is delusional. This month, France estimated 500k Russian casualties, including 150k deaths. Most western countries refuse to estimate Ukrainian casualties, but the US threw out 70k dead, 170-190k total for Ukraine in August of last year. After another year of fighting, Ukrainian losses have also probably increased by a lot. Casualty ratios are likely under 1:1.5
i think people are reading a lot into the '20k lives a month' comment that putin said, i think that's more a measure of permanent casualties than russians killed, things like a missing limb are probably in that figure, but it's been called their 'dead' figure so it's what's happening.
Blyat. I know I should do my part, but-
There we go, I can definitely buy a poorfag cope chunk of aircraft. Thanks.
If I remember correctly, Putin claimed that Ukraine had 25k deaths per month, and that Russia had one fifth the losses, so people assume he meant 5k per month, and that a 1:3 death to injury ratio means 20k total casualties per month. 25k deaths per month for Ukraine is probably an exaggeration, but "one fifth" may have been a rhetorical expression. And even 5k deaths per month is very little. It would only be 140k thus far, which is probably similar to Ukraine.
>In the army now
>Stepan's tears like leaves on wind
>AD keeps sleeping
Only their use against people, Ukies found a loophole by using them against ziggers.
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you are so transparent you are almost invisible, jebanusa bezpalezny debil dolbajob, smotre menshe telek vatan
>likes ass
>calls other people homos
No biggie, they just need to find some tetracycline and charcoal tablets.
the phrasing of 'lives a month' though is the thing that's strange. we however can get pretty concrete numbers with ukraine's losses, which are around 55k killed, so probably around 210k-ish total casualties(perhaps with a higher recovery rate than russia, we don't know). now we also know that a lot of the ukrainian losses have actually been backdated. they had their highest rate of losses in the first handful of months of the invasion, which is probably to be expected. russian losses on the other hand have continued to steadily mount. even if we assume the Ukrainian 'killed' number is actually just casualties, not direct kills, the dead number something like 8k a month, and up to 220k killed(this actually kind of lines up with the pace). the Ukes claimed 180k killed in February. it's also worth noting that by law, a MIA is not KIA in russia, it is not a casualty, they're just missing, as if they just vanished off the street. prisoners are also, not KIA for russia, this was a little bit easier to do when Wagner was still big, but it's still possible.

this introduces too much uncertainty to say for sure what exactly is going on. what seems most likely is that the western estimates that range from 140k-180k from february are using intelligence sources to source obituaries. currently, 9 of 27 individuals who were likely killed aboard the Moskva, are still listed as MIA, missing, and do not have obituaries, and thats a high-profile set of losses to still be covering using this tactic. so even if we take the western pace of KIA, we may be deflating losses by 33% or more. i seriously doubt any of the african mobiks are being counted by russia either. i don't know whether criminals also often get a obituary in russia, especially if they're then enlisted, but it doesn't seem likely. russia's losses could be truly horrifying, but even going by what can be confirmed, they're already pretty bad.
Even going by your logic Ukies lost mostly APCs while Russians lost mostly tanks. I beleive even you can see the difference.
>gayass unicorn
Didn't Trump say Putin's terms are unacceptable?
the sad clown
In reality Trump says tons of shit and is completely inconsistent and rather unpredictable. He's made claims on the full spectrum between defending Ukraine and defending Russia. It's pure populist garbage, depending on whether he wants to attack Biden and what angle he wants to use (warmongering or weak), or whether he wants to position himself as a defender of allies or America first.
The war will be decided by atrittion of machines, not men - both belligerents have the manpower to sustain their losses more or less indefinitely
When it comes to metal the difference is much more stark. Ukraine has a constant supply of high quality equipment coming in from the west, thier capabilities are improving as the war goes on
Russia on the other hand is drawing from a massive, but finite pool of reserve equipment from the soviet union and as a result thier capabilities are steadily degrading as the war goes on amd they are forced to use older and older equipment.
From this it is fairly easy to conclude that the long term trends of the war decisively favour Ukraine, assuming western aid continues for the duration
dont like what trump said? wait five minutes.
it'll change. dudes a wildcard, he could just as easily nuke moscow as kyiv honestly.
>we only lost slightly more vehicles than the enemy on this one day
>the grinding offensive will continue!
Funny, he never had a stuttering problem in 40 years' worth of videos...
Divide ukraine’s numbers by 9 and you get a close estimate, which is like 60,000 dead.
While you're making stuff up, why not just say to divde by 10? or 12? Makes Russia look even better
>russia's gonna have to genocide the ukes to stop them from fighting
That can be arranged
The guys on the ground say it averages out to a 3:1 casualty ratio. Casualty to fatalities is also 3:1, so divide again, so a little under 60k Ukrainian fatalities.

The only official number is 30k in january by zelenskyy but that is likely a lowball and only confirmed kills not missing.
>We have no evidence of 5:1+ kill ratios for Ukraine.
There is a lot of evidence for Russia using meat wave tactics, which evidences a dramatically outsized body of casualties. There is a lot of evidence for mobiks and even volunteers receiving two or three weeks of training before being sent into Ukraine. There is a lot of evidence that Ukraine's fires are better and more accurate on a wider scale than Russia. All of this backs up the idea that Russia is losing vastly more men than Ukraine is, if only because Ukraine (as the smaller nation) must treat each and every man with more care. Russia has a comparatively endless supply of meat. When you have more meat and no accountability at home for how you use that meat, it's actually more efficient to use men as disposables. It's the most cynical manner of waging war, and it's something everyone in civilized society should look down upon, but it's not like Russia doesn't have a history of fighting wars like this. It stands to reason that with the evidence we do have and taking into account the fact that Russian infantry doctrine has changed very little since the Cold War, which itself had changed very little since WWII, Russia is taking more casualties than Ukraine is. You can cope all you want, but knowers know.
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Confucius say:
"Big tits with small ass will fill your hands;
But big ass with small tits will fill your heart."
>a constant supply
Uhmmm... bout that...
>There is a lot of evidence for Russia using meat wave tactics,
Meat wave is a attack of large formations, like hundreds, thousands or even tens of thousands of people. There's an evidence of suicidal small scale attacks but not of meat waves
>There is a lot of evidence for mobiks and even volunteers receiving two or three weeks of training
exactly the same exists for Ukrainians - aged, undertrained men many with chronic ilnesses due to their age et cetera
>There is a lot of evidence that Ukraine's fires are better and more accurate
I'd say the evidence is it's the other way around BY FAR, discarding the effect of the usual echo chamber
> Ukraine (as the smaller nation) must treat each and every man with more care.
They really don't have to do this as their leaders see the future of their children abroad anyway

>Russia has a comparatively endless supply of meat.
Not at all, unlike Ukraine, which is well supported by other countries, Russia has to think about manning their own industry

> Russia is taking more casualties than Ukraine is.
Maybe, or maybe not. The counteroffensive surely destroyed large chunk of Ukrainian meat and Russian losses were relatively mild. Before the counertoffensive Ukrainian army after all their waves of mobilisation numbered at least 600k, after the offensive suddenly it rurned out they don't have the army anymore and had to rebuild their army anew.
Having had the former, Ill take the latter.
>I'd say the evidence is it's the other way around BY FAR
Russian themselves bitch endlessly about their own shell quality and superior accuracy of western systems. Maybe you should leave your echo chamber once in a while Rajesh.
>and Russian losses were relatively mild.
kek delusional
>a girl with huge tits and no ass
you can easily drag her to the gym and have her do exercises that make her grow an ass.
on the opposite - no amount booba sucking and kneading will grow them larger
>He didn’t need them anyway
one positive thin - provided that he survives, he won't have to see the russian misery anymore
episode name?
>vanya you is going to war, bring your own armor
>no complaining, bring your own device is being popular in west
>nyet vanya, ak is good. rust is like pepper.
>vanya, there is water in cloud, yes? you not needing supplies, drink water from nearby
this is some 17th century shit
>I still think theres a good chance he wins
I thought so before seeing the debate. There's no saving that for biden, he was at his worst when he needed to be at his best.
yes, being a russophone he was the compromise candidate who was very popular on russian television and who was expected to be working towards a peaceful co-existence with russia (impossible) while poroshenko was the rabid TZD dog.
>imagine that being your best argument
What's even more hilarious is that it isn't even true according to russia. They annexed Kherson, so Ukraine is occupying russian territory according to the russian constitution.
i don't even get the idea behind that.
what if ukraine eventually gets all its territory back, including crimea, and russia has no possible way to reconquer it?
will russia be forced into multigenerational seething, same as with norks with the south and china with taiwan, or would they actually change their cinsitution to be able to de jure concede territory?
pretty sure the latter would open all kinds of cans of worms when an emasculated russia gets bullied by chinks or europeans to give up strips of land here and there
Had to do with being able to send mobiks to Ukraine.
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phase two
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Dried grass makes good kindling and the chinesium uniforms seem to burn well. They're not in the desert or mountains Anon, they can easily gather enough for a small fire to boil some water if they can simply be arsed to go and do it.
Ultimately the question comes down to whether a Russian wants to be the designated Boiling Bitch or if they would rather have everyone, including themselves, literally shit themselves inside-out.
That could make things worse in some respects, giving how poorly their communications between units and the rear is. An entire section of the line could shit itself to death, and no one would know apart from the drone operators.
At least when they are concentrated, their could be enough men left standing to hold the line and the chances of someone finding out and trying to solve it are much greater.
For us Europoors, is there anyway we can light fire balloons and get them to accurately drop in Russia?
yes you just have be aware of the wind conditions and to launch from latvia/estonia/finland
If anyone has been playing 4D chess here, it's Luko. I wouldn't be surprised if after this war, he manages to force the Russian's to be the junior partner in the Union State scheme they've been working on for years.
That's what she said!
That's not water.
>And Trump wants to be the one that goes down as the guy who destroyed Putin.
Are you schizophrenic? He's kompromat, he will fight tooth and nail to defend that prick.
Sounds more like alzheimers than a wildcard.
Marina, they've been trying for three years and getting skullfucked in return. Do you even believe your stupid nonsense?
I don't think boiling that pudding in the videos is going to do anything for them.
>Meat wave is a attack of large formations
So is this suppsoed to make it look better that Russia is using tiny meatwaves for lack of manpower?

>exactly the same exists for Ukrainians - aged, undertrained men many with chronic ilnesses due to their age et cetera
Except all Ukrainians are at a minimum reservists who have received comprehensive, proper training at some point, Rajesh.

>I'd say the evidence is it's the other way around BY FAR, discarding the effect of the usual echo chamber
You're failing abysmally to discard the effect of the echo chamber you're in, though?

>They really don't have to do this as their leaders see the future of their children abroad anyway
Retarded nitwit take is retarded. Kys, Rajesh.

>Maybe, or maybe not.
No maybe about it, Rajesh. Russia has been consistently taking three times the losses of Ukraine in (comapratively) good times for them, and five to ten times when they had no such luck. Seethe more about it.

>The counteroffensive
The one that saw ~3 Russians die for every Ukrainian, you mean?

>all their waves of mobilisation
Ukraine doesn't mobilise in waves, retard. And Ukraines army GREW IN SIZE through the counteroffensive. You're beyond delusional.
So, where's the video? Where's the proof?
i mean it's already being done to a degree, speaking ukrainian in the occupied territories is grounds for imprisonment and torture.
>Russian subs
Go back to r*ddit and stay there.
The only correct answer. Best wishes, Anon.
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One whole day later in imaged losses:
"we found 229 videos, and we're not done going through them all yet"
>3 artillery pieces (1 destroyed)
>12 tanks (4 destroyed)
>3 IFVs (1 abandoned, 1 destroyed)
>7 APCs (1 abandoned, 4 destroyed)
>4 other vehicles, presumably all IFV or APC
>1 damaged tank
>7 IFV (1 abandoned and 2 destroyed)
>1 APC destroyed
Significantly less flattering to the Russians, wouldn't (You) say?
>In other news, the Buhankacide continues unabated
>what if ukraine eventually gets all its territory back, including crimea, and russia has no possible way to reconquer it?
It's all but certain that any peace treaty would require the Russian delegation to acknowledge, publicly and unambiguously, that they were the aggressors, that Russia did not and does not have any legitimate claim on Ukrainian territory, and to disavow revanchism. That Russian delegation implies "Putin's successor" because he's in too deep to ever recant his claims and still retain power.
>would they actually change their cinsitution to be able to de jure concede territory?
Depending on how bad internal tensions get before they're forced to make concessions, maybe. If the Russian Federation is de facto losing federal authority in some regions, they might save some face/unity by declaring that "semi-autonomous" now means "completely independent nation but with some special prerogatives in a voluntary association", probably using the British Empire -> Commonwealth of Nations as a model.

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