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Say something nice about the BTR-80. Also general APC and IFV thread.
russians die in it
generals are for fags and redditors
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>Say something nice about the BTR-80
Its cheap.

>Also general APC and IFV thread.
Best boy coming through. Its just a Patria derivative but the South Africans made a new, and pretty innovative, gun for it.
>The GI 30 is a unique externally driven electro-mechanical cannon, utilizing a drum-cam to cycle the breech to chamber rounds and extract spent cartridges, thus minimizing gases in the confines of a turret and facilitate for controlled firing rate. DLS designed the GI 30 to fire link-less 30mm x 173 ammunition through a dual feeder – a world-first for this kind of weapon.
>As a single-shot weapon, it is also unique for its sniper mode of operation. It is fired from a closed breech position, which offers more accurate fire due to no movement taking place immediately before the round is fired.
>Another unique feature is that of ‘next round selection’. Having two feeders, with general ammunition on the right-hand and specialist types in the other feeder, the weapon allows the operator to select a specific round, without first firing off or ejecting an unwanted round.

The "sniper mode" sound like a fantastic capability and being about to select your next round w/o fucking with belts or clips is an unspeakably huge QOL improvement for crews.
I think it's worst modernish mass produced IFV, but at least it was mass produced
It's really good in ARMA 3, I approve.
>easy to use
>easy to maintain
>cheap af
>agile af
is that AMV-7 Marshall
I dig the looks.
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Its not the only South African thing in Arma 3 either.
Dude. Stop. Just for one day.
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Stop trying to ruin every single thread about IFVs. Just stop.
>Another thread killed.
I'm out, l8r.
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it's becoming a rare collectors item
>South Africans made
who'd they steal it from?
or did they find another Gerald Bull?
Hungary has about 450 left
^ this faggot is why we can't have nice things
>gets slapped by jannies
ban evading is against the rules warriortard
Hey warriortard, whatever happened to your "impunity"?
not today!
either he's no longer a mod or the mod friendly to him has been binned

either way, it's got his jimmies really riled:
I always assumed his "impunity" was him having a cell phone and severe autism
Jannie confirmed for baaased.

Can we talk about IFV's now?
BTRs are in the “better than literally nothing” category. That includes all the laughable pieces of shit derivatives put out by post-Soviet “””European””” countries /k/ likes to boost. As if bolting Western electronics and other minor upgrades suddenly transforms a piece of shit into something good.
>As if bolting Western electronics and other minor upgrades suddenly transforms a piece of shit into something good.
it definitely makes them better than the originals
Not much to talk about. Few actual developments in the field. All eyes should be on the Ajax, Boxer, and Redback. That's about it.
Money is a thing.

If your fucking Burkina Faso and you need something and you need something cheap its the way to go. Like you could get 20 Strykers or (for the same price) 100 BTR's.
what are thirdies gonna do once all the doviet stuff is extinct?
buy Chinese or Turkish
it has a 30mm gun
it's light
the armor sucks but something like a M113 or a technical isn't much better in this regard
a modernized T-55 isn't going to be competitive with a T-90M or whatever
it's a full-fat autistic meltdown today
>samefagging this hard
new Puma configuration shown at Eurosatory with newer soft-kill APS MUSS 2.0 and additional turret-independent grenade launcher on the backside
>additional turret-independent grenade launcher on the backside
smokes or the spicy grenades?
MUSS 2.0 on the right compared to MUSS 1st gen on the left
it's smaller, lighter, yet more advanced
it can detect a variety of threats and respond with IR jamming and a smoke launcher
Lmao thats hilarious
I really like the Puma, i want to see it in combat to see how it handles. My friend watched one on the British ranges and said they looked like somthing from a scifi movie.
>calling out samefagging is seething
then what is it called when you spam the same comment over and over in a thead?
it has both lethal and non-lethal grenades
18 each in the launcher

and that's just the copypasta
the big question for everyone now is detection, classification and elimination of FPV drones
that's fucking awesome, but what was the thought process behind adding a GL to something that already has a cannon and mg?
further upgrade potential for the Puma
>Spike/MELLS LR2 integration for extended ATGM range
>integration of an anti-drone kit so the autocannon can better perform AA duties as well
>integration of a small recon drone
>acoustic sensors to better detect and target opponnents
>automatic systems to relieve the crew and e.g. assign targets automatically to the gunner

see above, that's planned

more dakka can't hurt I guess

I just wonder if the soft-kill APS is enough
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Nah thats the Warrior, it ruined your life Lmao.
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He cute. Has that low and wide super car agressive aesthetic. Also that 30mm autocannon turret is peak sovietpunk. It's shit but looks cooler than the box with barrel sticking out of it you see in western designs.
>Truly a storied career
why are you like this?
It just looks cool. It has that same weird visual appeal as the hind. As good thing to say about it, I guess it's one of the few good amphibious APCs the Russians have.
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>Look Paul, hes gone again!
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British troops having tea in an IFV
on paper at least
why does the existence of other ifvs send you into an autistic frenzy?
Man that must be a fantastic IFV, they even have T E A
Man you really are a desperate loser kek
It's shaped like a boat and has a watter jet. They use it in amphibious landings. The the BMP that's barely able to cross a stream. BTRs are actually pretty good in the water.
If a new Oliphant would be competitive with a t-90m, why not?
Boys, whats your ideal:
>Tracked IFV
>Wheeled IFV
>Tracked APC
>Wheeled APC
Bonus points if they have Recovery and Engineering platforms available.
boxer is too fat and gross
Answer the question
right now?
>Tracked IFV
CV90 Mk IV, simply because Ajax doesn't have a squad variant
>Wheeled IFV
Boxer IFV
>Tracked APC
OMFV probably
>Wheeled APC
the Stryker CROWS II would be a good pick here too
Boxer edges Stryker out simply because the base chassis is slightly less protected, and there are going-to-be-resolved accuracy problems with the turret
>Tracked IFV
Probably something like the Bradley. Good protection and firepower and combat tested
>Wheeled IFV
Boxer if I had to choose
>Tracked APC
I think the maker concept is pretty cool but I like the new American APCs
>Wheeled APC
>Tracked IFV
CV9030MK4 Spike
>Wheeled IFV
Boxer RCT30 Spike
>Tracked APC
No idea, Bulldog with the add on armor seems decent for its age.
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>Tracked IFV
CV9035 with the D-series turret and Mk IV chassi
>Wheeled IFV
Patria AMV XP w/ Elbit MT30MK2 turret
>Tracked APC
BvS 10
>Wheeled APC
Boxer with just a simple RWS
for me it's wondering why they put a camera/sensor at the back where a third of the vision is blocked by the turret
Love me South African weapons. Shame Mexico didn't go for the Ratel in the 90s. Russikis offered free BTRs. Can't really compete with free.
The BTRs in standard Russian form were pieces of shit. The engines were replaced with Mercedes/Detroit engines and the MG was replaced with German and American grenade machine guns. The armor is also lackluster and even bog standard new utility trucks in armed forces use are better protected. They might add new balistic panels soon. Basically APC of thesius. It is however more likely that they will just be retired and replaced by a new 8x8 of local assembly and Euro NATO design. Most Russian equipment in Mexico has proven underwhelming but you can do a lot with them.
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I'm sorry starstreak
Which one are you?
Wait why are you quoting the same po-
>numbers are different
They're great fun about town.
and that's only like a third of the deleted posts
A fag
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looks great from every angle
Jesus Christ, was thing thing packed to the brim with AT-mines or arty shells????
thatsan MTLB
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btr, bmp, mtlb, pbj, ntr
its all the same to me
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>Crewed turret in 2024 Anno Domini
I didn't know the Aztec spoke Polish.
A o czym ty pierniczysz człowieku? Czego nie wiedziałeś? Prekolumbijska Ameryka wchodziła wszakże w skład Rzeczypospolitej, a pierwsze osadnictwo datowane jest na czasy Mieszka II.
>Tzolchtqltiopzcqhli na Rzeszowszczyźnie
>takes out your remote control systems
heh nothing personnel
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Because nothing is better than a man sticking his head out and having a look
I always wanted to ask. Is it just me or chinese ZBL-08 looks suspiciously similar to BTR-4?
I always loved aesthetics of cold war soviet vehicles and preferred them over western designs. (Just visually though, i always knew they're death traps.)
But then i saw Bradley in soviet olive and immediately fell in love.
God it’s so fucking sexy
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Got to see my beloved Bradley the other day and it’s a beautiful vehicle
Where was this at? It’s funny how different these barebones m2s look compared to the BRATted out vehicles
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A very lewd Bradley picture
It’s one of the gate guards at the Letterkenny army depot in Chambersburg, PA. They have quite a few neat vehicles.
Got a chuckle out of me. Now get back to work, the shitter's still clogged.
>t-twiddle it
It's almost certainly amphibious assuming it's properly maintained.
this is perfect, now we can legit get rid of all these shitty IFV threads and point the faggots making them to this one.
(warriortard, if you're reading this, that includes you, fag.)
Nice find
>Tracked IFV
M2A4E1, the performance of other Bradleys in Ukraine has been fantastic and the APS makes it even more survivable, all it needs now is a good EW and it will unironically become the most survivable IFV.
>Wheeled IFV
Vilkas seems pretty dope, but I also have a soft spot for BTRs so I will also add the BTR-90.
>Tracked APC
Namer with Trophy.
>Wheeled APC

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