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Can we have some stories from officers? Any country is fine, I just chose US for the pic.
>be me, air force pog working with an AFSOC unit
>there is an Army ADA unit with us on our base
>ADA 2LT sees the AFSOC guys walking around with crye pants and wants to be high speed too
>wears his issued OCP pants backwards so that the butt pockets are facing forward like the cryes
that's because almost every officer above captain or equivalent, and MOST of those UNDER in every western military, are all assgrabbing cock mongler ass covering faggot tranny retards who will DO ANYTHING to get ahead who will betray and abuse their office, warrants and commissions and their men at any oppurtunity.

for fucks sakes the US still hasn't SHOT that cunt milley dead.

the officer corp are almost all utterly incompetent scum

>Be me in POG unit
>New Battalion Commander
>LTC H passes out at his own change of command ceremony
>The "fall out detail"* was lugging another guy off into the shade as it happens; they straight up drop the unconscious guy to go help LTC H
>As LTC H stumbles back to his feet, he hilariously utters in the microphone "I'm still in charge"
>LTC H presides over a precipitous decline in morale. Absolute asskisser who pushes back against none of our Brigade Commander's retarded initiatives
>When told about systemic failures in communication in the battalion, his solution is to have more meetings
>Company commanders literally have 3 sync meetings every single workday. Communication does not improve
>Numerous people's careers are ruined/get horribly screwed as LTC H fails to do anything but railroad people
>When doing a sensing session with the enlisted, we tell him a series of horror stories about broken vehicles and lack of support from Brigade
>His response is some retarded platitude about "sometimes we have to think about what we could have differently in these situations"; it's quite clear he has no interest in rocking the boat with the Brigade
>Culminating moment, battalion run
>There's a half-mile track across the street from our battalion HQ; it's a common spot for units on our post to do APFTs since you can just run 4 laps for the run
>LTC H starts the run on the road, then for some reason leads the BN onto the track
>We're headed the opposite direction of everyone else on the track
>Soldiers from other units, mid-PT test, are being forced off the track, lest they get clotheslined by a 400 person mass
>Their NCOs yell at us, to no avail
>LTC H enacts a real life metaphor, leading us in the wrong direction

He couldn't leave soon enough.

*At change of command ceremonies, people in formation sometimes pass out. Units will usually have a small party on a detail to collect up anybody who passes out and give them medical treatment for heat injuries.
maybe he just wanted easy access to pop a squat
>not enough officer stories
>literally every movie is about officers doing jack shit while enlisted do all the work while the officer gets all the credit
Had a young LT ground guide an MRAP into running over his M4 that he’d tactically propped up on one of the tires.
What's it like being a traitor
As a young lieutenant in Germany, I had to deal with a large methamphetamine problem among my guys. Our supply sergeant was buying it in the Czech Republic and distributing in the barracks.
>Supply Sergeant is a scumbag

And in other news water is wet
>change of command
>new captain is an incompetent faggot
>inventorying commo cage toolbox which is over 100 items
>faggot refuses to sign the paperwork until we find him every nsn on every item
>if the nsn doesn't match what's in the bill of material, he will not sign
>suitable replacements have to be approved by the army, with an nsn or GArmy serial number
>he refuses to sign after a 3 day inventory process because we were missing 2 screwdrivers, which had been replaced
>initiates FLIPL paperwork against me and another dude for 4 cents, because that's how much they cost
>this continues for 6 weeks
>our highest sgm wears makeup and is portuguese so you know he's also a massive faggot
>our complaints go nowhere for 6 months
>I pcs
>get a phone call almost 2 years later about some missing SI from the commo cage
>I have fucking no idea where it is, I'm not a commo guy
>commo guy gets fired and commander gets his dick smashed
Yeah dude officers in today's army are complete and total losers
I guess its nice to see the german military continuing its age old pervatin traditions.
>crye pants
Aren’t there official OCP combat pants with built in crye knee pads? He could have gotten those instead of improvising like that. And depending on the year, he could have gotten the multicam Version of it too.
>be me
>shitbag E5
>13 years in
>get injured and start med board
>decide to ride it out as unit leaves for shit deployment
>suddenly my paperwork gets lost no surprise here
>it’s like med board never happened
>drop Green to Gold packet
>accept it
>Do OCS during drill weekends
>covid hits
>speed through that shit
>never PT
>just smile weed and report once a month via zoom
>show stupid classes i was doing for my masters
>pass OCS
>get sent to 11A training at Benning
>old fuck nasty girl so no one cares
>they’re just making sure I don’t fall out
>nothings expected of me
>already ranger tab anyway
>head to new unit
>unit is replacing another unit
>undeployable since I’m just excess in unit
>everyone leaves stay in rear D as rear D CO
>get promoted to captain
>decide to enroll in school again
>get 100% service connected in the process
>start med board discharge again

I haven’t done anything meaningful with my career for the last 5 years and now I’m separating as an O2 and commander of an infantry company of just 6 shit bags like myself, last drill weekend I sent everyone home early and jerked off in my office in civilians, I haven’t cut my hair or shaved and haven’t taken a piss test in almost two years, I’m waiting for my med board and I should be retiring as an O2 with 17 years in service and 100% TP. On the flip side, my wife is getting a hysterectomy and we never had kids so that sucks. Anyway this is my story as an officer.
>be me
>issued shitty kit
>base policy is whatever carrier you want as long as internal armor panels are army compliant or issued
>me amd my buddy buy the newest army iotv, complete with the internal soft armor and plates
>our commander is cool with it until he sees them
>he keeps saying they're plate carriers even though they're iotvs
>argue with him about it, we look up the nsn, we look up the soft armor nsn, I show him the plates are the plates I was issued at CIF and that it is, in fact, a gen 4 iotv
>"I don't care, if it wasn't issued to you, you can't wear it"
>claims it's a BN policy
>look at policy
>policy references IBAs
>point it out, no avail
>threatens to bust me down from 6 to 4 if he sees me wearing it anywhere
>tell my joes what's up
>one of them legitimately was issued a UCP iotv
>I buy a woodland IBA and wear it to the next range with a printed out copy of BNs ppe policy
>he blows up on me, calls my 1sg and PST over
>I hand him the policy letter and point to where it says I can wear an IBA
>1sg laughs and walks off
>PSG writes me up for having a shitty attitude, orders from the commander
Oh yeah forgot to mention that he was also issued a gen 4 iotv, he was just being a total faggot
>czech republic
Breaking bad reference
I think you want advise
>Tell your senior enlisted day one its his show and you're going to disappear and become tactically proficient and do hoodrat shit with your other JOs.
>Write up some kind of award (even just a letter of comm from you personally) every month based on the senior enlisted's recommendation and let him award it.
>Write a comprehensive welcome packet for new enlisted or a personalized departure packet for men leaving (resources based on their interests etc) based on their post-service interest from what the senior enlisted guy tells you about him. Probably your most important leadership role at this point. You're the man behind the curtain.
>You're only personal interaction with the enlisted should be to demonstrate tactical proficiency through GQ etc, write them up for awards even if the CO doesn't approve them (but the senior enlisted always gives the awards) Tell them how to on-board or tell them what you think will help them when you leave.

You're supposed to be an invisible but palpable benevolent force who everyone knows is absolutely focused on tactical excellence, but is always helping out his guys, but always through the senior enlisted so it's never from you personally. Not because you don't view your guys as family, but because that's not your role.
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I'm almost tempted to ask what state has been blessed with your supreme shitbag presence, but I would never compromise your unique position like that. That's fucking hilarious, though.
Based, fuck the hooah shit
Nice story. Wheres the problem? Just make sure they sleep and eat enough.

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