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/k/ - Weapons

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Ultimate Simple Method for the US Military to Destroy Enemy Drones: https://youtu.be/Vml5UIrUy2U
Shotgunchads, we're so back!
In other news, skeet shooting is about to experience a rise in popularity among tactical HSLD larpers.
I thought the US had the quadcopter drone problem solved with jammers already why waste time using shotguns like stupid Russians?
Benellichads can't stop winning
Same reason it still has bayonets in the armsroom. Something to make grunts feel relevant.
Ground units won't
FOBs will
how is the shotgun user supposed to spot drones?
No idea. They're silent and invisible.
past 500ft, yes they are.
I think the best squad level option would be a dedicated member with that isreali smart shooter optic and a thermal monocular. Kike shit but i think its what the ngsw scope wished it could be.
and whats he supposed to do anon, spin in circles like a radar while out on patrol?
Yes, he will be equipped with Dramamine and an office chair, one member of the squad will be the dedicated chair-spinner to maintain his rotation and another to tow him during patrols.
When you think about it, it's absolutely fucking absurd that russia isn't capable of taking Ukraine, or even taking a single area of Ukraine without extreme and disproportionate casualties.
Imagine that you're some russian general. Given the extreme advantage the russians have in terms of manpower and weaponry (at least back in 2022), imagine how easy it should be to gain total battlefield dominance through the use of combined arms and just sheer overwhelming firepower. Just saturate the area with artillery, various kinds of missile strikes and SEAD, and follow it up with infantry and armor, supported by CAS. Up until recently, there weren't even minefields to worry about.
How fucking incompetent do you have to be to fail at that, when you're fighting an enemy that has a fourth of your population, and is essentially the poorest country in Europe?
I'm not even posting this as some kind of taunt, but how fucking incompetent do you have to be to fail at what I described above?
You're right at 499ft they're audible and visible. Cloaking tech can only go so far
They fought "with their hands behind their backs" until the Kherson counteroffensive(according to pro ru shills) because king monke insisted on the maneuvers actually being a prelude to war being secret, so no one in the field was told anything, no unit had its fuel reserves filled, and so on

I legit think ukraine would have given up on the full oblasts of donbabwe and luganda if they made a show of good faith of retreating from kherson and zaporhozhie, but he didn't and here we are
Wouldn't a 25mm grenade launcher with an airburst fuze and some sort of smart scope make way more sense? Wtf is that thing supposed to do about bomber style drone that's 400ft above them
>When you think about it, it's absolutely fucking absurd that russia isn't capable of taking Ukraine, or even taking a single area of Ukraine without extreme and disproportionate casualties.

i think if the VDV actually got reinforced by the army proper the war would have ended much sooner but the army dropped the ball and left the VDV for dead. I also think they must have known the CIA would know what they're doing and feared if they staged a zerg rush the US might preemptively strike and completely BTFO their entire force.

while i won't defend russia's ineptitude i do feel like the operation required a bit more thought than /k/ wants to believe.
fucking lol
sell this as integrated antidrone system to the DoD for 14 million per unit
listen man i cant tell how many layers you're on right now but if you want to understand how difficult drones are to detect with the naked eye please go buy one off amazon for 20 bucks and see how quickly they become a silent spec
Ah yes 3"x3"x2" $20 drones are hard to hear at 500ft. Thankfully they can't carry much ordinance or even a camera
They can't be serious...
there's likely only a small window of time where this sort of thing is going to be even a little effective, and that's because it's still a human driving it. once the human is out of the loop these are going to come at you so fast you won't even have a chance to shoulder the gun after hearing it.

mate. about a decade ago I flew the original DJI phantom for work taking picture of commercial buildings. The thing was loud as all fuck and larger than the ones they're using to drop VOGs on retardniks.
I cannot even count the number of times I would lose sight of the thing while I could see in the video feed that was staring straight at it. you can know exactly what part of the sky it's in and there's a very high chance you won't see shit.
these things disappear in the sky.
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During 80s Kellgren proposed MKR rifle.
The American-180 but firing 4.5mm bullets at 1000m/s. (with ammo weighting record low 3.6 grams per round).
Today this rifle would be exactly what you want for the trenches of the going WW3. Close trenches combat? Shooting down drones? Cant make better.
And /k/ was shitting on the idea when Russians were doing it. Armchair retards blown the fuck out.
Fits easily into a standard fireteam and it would be a fun as fuck range. Shotguns have been criminally underutilized.
They'll probably supplement it with something like the THOR III's we used in Afghanistan. Pretty sure those things jammed out to 100m.
This is sad. Enjoy dying for Israel I guess.
I don't think It'd outrange artillery

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