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/k/ - Weapons

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I'm looking for 100,000 volunteers. You're just the type of man I'm looking for, son.
i always new i was was special
Golly gee wiz, I knew I aced that IQ test back there! Do I get to shooty-shoot a masheen gun for realz? I can't wait to see Vietnam up close! I could use a tropical vacation!
Ayo where the white women at?
Okay, what do you have in mind Mr. McNamara?
Anyway, like I was sayin', shrimp is the fruit of the sea. You can barbecue it, boil it, broil it, bake it, saute it. There's uh, shrimp-kabobs, shrimp creole, shrimp gumbo. Pan fried, deep fried, stir-fried. There's pineapple shrimp, lemon shrimp, coconut shrimp, pepper shrimp, shrimp soup, shrimp stew, shrimp salad, shrimp and potatoes, shrimp burger, shrimp sandwich. That- that's about it.
Going to war will make you into a man and after the military opportunities in life open up
Thank God. I took an IQ test, and the Marines and local police department said I tested too smart for them.
>Robert "What do you mean number go up could be wrong McNamara
I'm not your son
The guy at the red light asking for money told me the same thing
Was he a secret eugenicist? It's the only logical reason for sending thousands of retards to the frontline
Based and shrimpilled.
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Which of your personal donors or blackmailers are we dying for this time daddy!?
No they didn't. I know the police have done this in reality to people, but they didn't do it to you because you're a dumb idiot.
Volunteers for what?
Invading Venezuela?
McNamara was a jew-loving traitor.
Idk Mr. Mac, my daddy always told me not to fight in pointless jew wars. You say McNamara is a Irish surname? Well okay, I guess you do seem like a trustworthy guy.... where do I sign?
Non-schizos, our response?
Do I get a green card for the service?
I might consider ngl.
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Yes, sah, whaddya need, sah?
Fuck yeah bob, no one else will hire me. Unless this is also the 70s, in which case I'll go to work with no degree, make enough money to afford a house and five kids at an entry level position, and stay working until I'm 98 so there's never a vacancy again.
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Th... THAnK you Mistuh Macncheese! I-I-I won let you down,sir!!! Sempfer pie!
One of the most creative and subtle ways of calling everyone retards, that I've seen during my time on 4choons.

Bravo, my negron.
You've only been here a couple of months and you talk like a fucking faggot. Moronposting is a tradition.
Realizing Mason killed Kennedy two weeks later blew my mind back in the day
This thread has existed for over a decade. It's a little tiresome.

However, just for the sheer fact that /k/ is capable of regularly riffing on the nightmarish buffoonery that is MacNamara is one of the key things keeping /k/'s wits alive. It's part of why we're one of the last mostly sane boards.
Don't talk to him like that you fucking nigger
you'd rather me be in the MIC, with all due respect.
>It's part of why we're one of the last mostly sane boards.
The only sane board in 4chan is /vr/.
It feels like a whole different place there.
>The Microsoft Xbox, Nintendo GameCube, Nintendo Game Boy Advance, and Sony PlayStation 2 will now be considered "retro".

Feel old yet?
> Atari 2600 and colecovision are my retro…
Shit man, the Xbox 360 came out before 18 year olds today were even born.
Reminder that /k/ makes fun of Chinese rifles keyholing in a training environment but now you remember that time we used soldiers who couldn't tie their own boots.
Interesting, I came here when Ukraine finally made this board interesting for more than just monthly visits.
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"By October 1966, monthly draft calls had been steadily increasing for 15 consecutive months; it stood at 49,300, the highest since early 1951, the peak mobilization period of the Korean War, when 80,000 men a month were called up.[5] In a series of decisions, the Pentagon lowered the required score to be inducted to as low as 10th percentile on the Armed Forces Qualification Test (perfect score: 99)—a 6% drop.[5]"

10 is the current cutoff on the ASVAB for the Navy. Like, right now.

If you subscribe to the belief that America is getting dumber, the current U.S. Navy recruiting policy is no different than Project 100,000.

I will say that as an Active Duty Naval Officer, I have never seen anyone on my destroyer that has scored less than a 40, even among people I suspect of having mild intellectual disabilitie.

We have a guy we sent TAD because he kept pissing himself on watch and he scored a 55. I don't think people understand how low a "10" is. The only caveat is that the ASVAB is only offered in english, so you have a subsection of people enlisting who are intellectually competent but aren't biliterate.
Unless you're on board the USS Liberty while SECDEF Robert Strange McNamara is in charge. Then you get setup by the military to be murdered by israel and when you miraculously survive you're given a medal and ordered to never tell anyone.
very mark rutte. i'd post a picture but i don't want to sully my ssd.
>if we give you bad ammo that clogs your gun and gets you killed, I can save 3 dollars to impress Johnson
No need to correct yourself, we all know you're a retard that can't even spell even when he's doing his best. Kek.
I like beer and football!!! will I get that in viet-nam, sir?
Anon, JFK died fighting zombies under the Pentagon.
>Leans over to his friend
>"Check out the ass on Jackie."
I bet he felt real bad about it later.
Instead of aiming at 18-23 group they should make a division for the 55-65 group. Live is over without a pension? No wife no kids? Sign here for a good time not a long time.
I mean I would pretty much guess no healthy and functioning person who makes a sincere effort to complete the exam would finish below about 30
Once you're in that zone, there's not much difference between 10 and 20 for example. Both will only have picked correct answers by dumb luck.
I'm gonna volunteer this *unzips dick*
As shrimple as that.
Never let them forget. Fuck Israel
Goodbye Forrest. I'll be back when you're a millionaire and I'm a single mom with AIDS.
I used to be an 1110, and did a reserve mobilization as an 1115. As a ship driver I was the 1st LT, then AUXO, so I had a mix of generally stupid followed by generally intelligent people working for me. Mercifully, I ended my recruiting tour in 2019 and didn't have to deal with covid as a recruiter.

I'm truly having a hard time imagining them as well. 15 years ago most of my BMs were functionally illiterate blacks but at the time we were actively "force shaping" to get people out. Trusting a bottom 10% vegetable with deck equipment is incomprehensible to me.
Yeah, like professional vagrancy
mobile infantry ! made me the man I am today.
everyone talks about jackie like she was hot, but look at her face for a second. She has all the beauty of a hippo.
She's still like top 5 hottest first ladies though, and a powerful women with a lot of clout can be attractive in it's own way even if the physical beauty isn't quite there.
they all were/are. they just became less and less subtle about it over time.
Fuck off, I'm super straight.
I worked for the VA at one point, and part of my job required me to review Veteran's military personnel files and claim folders. I saw a good amount of Vietnam veterans who were clearly inducted or enlisted under Project 100,000.

One example I can recall:
>Guy decides to enlist in the Army
>Tests in Category IV of the AFQT
>Still allowed to enlist anyway
>Get deployed to Vietnam
>While in Vietnam, starts developing paranoid delusions
>Without going into too much detail, the paranoid delusions were shit that if you heard someone voice aloud, you'd think that he'd needs to be immediately Section 8ed before he hurts someone
>Paranoid delusions escalate to the point he assaults his squad mates
>Squad mates have to restrain him themselves and then literally drag him to the clinic
>Doctor still declares him to be of "sound mind" and returns him to active duty
>Eventually gets proceessed for separation for disciplinary issues
>The disciplinary issues in question are clearly related to his obvious mental illness
>Still gets an Under Honorable Conditions discharge rather than a Section 8 discharge
>Later in life, he files a claim for PTSD from numerous legit traumatic incidents he witnessed in Vietnam
>After initially getting denied service connection for PTSD, he went to the Board of Veterans Appeals
>During his hearing,he reveals that he came from an abusive home, and that one reason he enlisted in the Army was to escape
>Bitterly declares that enlisting was the worst mistake he ever made, that the Army ruined his life, and that all he got out of the Army was trauma
>Eventually he dies on the streets
>Gets buried in a state veterans cemetery because no family members ever came forward to claim his body

Fuck McNamara. It's easy to joke about him drafting retards, but once you see firsthand how his little experiment ruined real people's lives, it stops being funny. I hope he's burning in hell for what he did.
Hillary Clinton in all her evilness was a legitimate dime piece in her 20's.
>Secretary McNamara promised fast delivery of the investigation report, "... you will have it in four hours", and concluded his remarks by saying: "I simply want to emphasize that the investigative report does not show any evidence of a conscious intent to attack a U.S. vessel."
I keep thinking he looks like a young Penn Jillette.
Her sexual appeal had the shelf life of a banana.
I guess that's why Bill got his banana stuck in all sorts of places.

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