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As they just had a failed coup over there, I was looking at the Wiki page the Bolivian Army and damn, they suck. They're still using U.S. WWII half-tracks.

>Lost a war to Peru
>Lost a war to Brazil
>Lost a war to Chile
>Lost a war to Argentina
>Lost a war to Paraguay
>Loses wars to itself
> In June 16th, 2024, the army was dismissed and replaced due the 2024 Bolivian coup attempt.

>clip art coat of arms
jesus christo mi amigos
>lose to Paraguay

Good lord. I know Paraguay goes hard, but I also know they went so hard they got raped by four powers ten times their size.
Probably a typo that was meant to say June 26th.
I was just checking the other day their record and yeah, Bolivia is the SA nation which most wars have lost. I haven't really bothered to understand what has been going on with them.
Most brown nations lack the intellect to fight well.
Are you implying Paraguay is a white county?
MB 2024 for them (1/2):
Other shit
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Amusingly Peru is somewhat similar in their genetic makeup to Bolivia yet it managed to either win or force a draw in most of the wars it has been involved despite having some of the shittiest territories on the planet:

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Peru seems like a wacky and bizarre place, because they had a pro-Soviet military government from 68-75 led by Juan Velasco Alvarado which got counter-couped, then the Shining Path which was a completely crazy Maoist cult unleashed a brutal civil war. I saw this music video of some Quechua guys dressed up in LARP gear while waving Peruvian flags nad banging drums in front of Soviet-supplied hardware and shouting out Velasco:

The cliffs beside Lima that run up from the sea are gnarly too. They're dark and forbidding looking. You know there were massacres with the Spanish and the Incas there.
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Peru only cares about itself, just like all the other SA countries, we learned that the hard way during the war with Chile never to overcommit with someone, in this case Bolivia (neither them, the venezuelans and the cubans learned), if US had offered a better counteroffer then we would have gladly signed it. It's the same nowadays:



For example we condemned Russia's invasion of Ukraine but did not bother with any real sanction as we knew we wouldn't receive any kind of monetary compensation to do so neither could afford to disrupt our own supply lines, this in turn means we can expect whoever comes after Putin may be willing to negotiate with us under a principle of neutrality. You can see the same story with Israel and Palestine, we recognize both of them, we buy israeli weapons but also have a palestinian embassy at Peru.

To sum it up, we are naturally libertarians, traditionalists and believe in realpolitiks, we really don't hate anyone too much and would prefer to have amicable relationships with everyone.
Lmao the cope, Inca got HEEM'd by conquistachads.
Well, to the inkas credit it took the spanish 50 years, allying with other native factions and letting some of the incas become part of the new political system to declare themselves victorious, what is more the conquistadores proceed to mix themselves into the genepool.

This is as if both afghans and americans had showed a lot more of competence in the aspects they both failed miserably, with the former holding major parts of their own territory for decades and then being recognized as part of the new order rather than being reduced to a terrorist guerrilla on a lifeline by Pakistan, while the later managed to end up integrating a foreign nation within US territory for nearly 3 centuries and creating a real cultural shift to the point half of afghans would have fought for years to keep US authority in.
>50 years
From what I know of human history (a respectable amount but never enough), that's about as quickly as you can do it.

>power sharing, entryist strategies, etc.
Eh. History isn't efficient, in the sense that the fact that it did go down one way doesn't imply it *had* to go down that way. Maybe they could have gone faster, been more brutal, been more racially exclusionary, and all that. But maybe they would have lost more guys doing it. Or some big shot would have lost $ on his plantation dealings.

We can't really draw too many interesting what-if conclusions because mass die-off from introduced disease fucks over all the other timelines so damn hard.
The Air Force still uses P-80s in the year of our lord 2024.
They were due to be replaced a few years ago by the Yak 130, but in typical Russian fashion that plan went to shit so they're still flying.
The inkas were a very interesting case of what if indeed, I remember reading some anthropologes explaining there was this tier formula which predicted the rise of monotheism within a society, if memory helps me it was level 6 and the tawantinsuyo was in level 5, their conquests were as much a matter of political alliances through marriage and clientelism as sending armies to siege and take over new territory with a propagandistic narrative, according to them Inti sent to Earth Manco Capac and Mama Ocllo, the first couple, because people still lived like animals and were eating each other, with these semidivine founders agriculture and other crafts were brought to humanity, hence the inkas saw themselves as the agents of order in the andean cosmos. What is more interesting is that, it seems unlike the aztecs or the mayas they didnt want to be just the top dogs, within their gestalt was the proto-idea of what we may call a state. Once taking over the spanish seem to have simply worked over it, with the "Kingdom of Viru" becoming an extension of the Spanish Empire.
The spanish didn't see their american territories as colonies, but as actual territories of their own country. Is as if UK had lost Walles to separatists instead of, say, India.

Inerestingly this may be the reason why Bolivia had so many poliical issues, the independece movements were more of a criollo and mestizo thing, the result of the exposure to the european Enlightenment, meanwhile by the early XIX century the rank and file of amerindians saw the King of Spain as their rightful ruler.
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And we praise God for the results.
>ywn in the year of our Lord 2,024 rain hell upon your foes with a straight-wing jet designed when Hitler was still alive
It just isn't fair.
>turbohomo flag
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I claim this thread in the name of Moner.
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She immediately strikes me as being severely mentally unstable, but I still want to impregnate her.
What is this black magic sorcery??? I don't like it.
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>when he's tall, gringo, and carries a .38 super
Color me genuinely shocked that they're in this good of condition. I figured there would be rust streaks, corrosion, flaked paint, etc. Probably not the original engines, though.
>still using U.S. WWII half-tracks.
Yeah, but 1/2 tracks are cool.
They beat Butch and Sundance, yanky dog!
Wiki says they were retired in 2017. It's a crime if they weren't sold on the open market.
>if they weren't sold on the open market.
South american countries usually put some in museums, destroy the rest or let them rot in some wasteland.
>one general was approached by a Langley glowie
>takes his men and marches off to the Bolivian palace
>Chink trucks break down halfway, they had to walk and hijack buses
>the rest of the Bolivian police surrounds them
>the rest of the Bolivian military didn't even bother to join them
>Bolivian people were outraged at the coup and easily saw through glowie men
>general quits and the soldiers who participated were shamed, most went AWOL and are in someone else's borders now
>general gets arrested and will probably be executed in prison as an example
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Should've taken the Jeon approach.
Park Chung Hee took a few hundred soldiers and got control of South Korea in decades.

Glowies can't bribe the right guy anymore.
>I also know they went so hard they got raped by four powers ten times their size
Yeah, they fucked up big time in by declaring war on their way bigger neighbors all at once. Their dictator was way too confident and didn't know when to stop
That said, the Paraguayan victory in the Chaco War is as much due to their qualities than to Bolivia's weaknesses. They managed to exploit their limited assets and overcome their (many) shortcomings quite well. A very interesting conflict to learn about
The Paraguayans were more unified motivated, and patriotic. Hell, they set up a factory for grenades during the war, paid for by donations.
It's fun to watch girls in mommy-mode.
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Most SA militaries have comparatively small pools of vehicles which means they can focus on keeping them in somewhat working conditions, accidents still happen though.
>Their dictator was way too confident and didn't know when to stop
That wasn't the only factor Goddamnit. Those sorts of wars were bound to happen because spaniards are the true niggers of europe and could barely remain at peace with the other niggers (portugal), so all of their treaties and documentations were bullshit. All of that ended up with a bunch of ex colonies confident they owned land that may have actually not belonged to them.
The part when we declared war on argentina was stupid. I won't deny that. But speaking of the argies, they decided to risk nuclear war with england based on the same logic Paraguay had when we went to war. Point is, that war was bound to happen one way or another and the spanish are at fault.
That's one of the most chill things we did on that fucking war. The first paraguayan tank was fucking bolivian. In fact, a solid amount of our equipment afterwards was bolivian, and the tactical achievements made by both the troops and the officers were actually pretty fucking smart considered were latin american nobodies fighting for some meaningless desert.
>By then, Paraguayan forces had captured so many Bolivian tanks and armored vehicles that Bolivia was forced to purchase Steyr Solothurn 15 mm anti-tank rifles to fend off its own armor.
>they suck. They're still using U.S. WWII half-tracks.
They suck for odd reasons. If I had to guess, I'd say is because of the fact that they were a bunch of tribes just hurdled together into forming a nation. Shit like that never works. Not to mention the cocaine part. But using ww2 vehicles, especially half tracks, is based.

PS. pic rel
'Sup, Para? Have a pic of Rutherford.
Thanks. Sen. Huey Long was good to us, too. Oddly enough.
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>They suck for odd reasons. If I had to guess, I'd say is because of the fact that they were a bunch of tribes just hurdled together into forming a nation. Shit like that never works. Not to mention the cocaine part. But using ww2 vehicles, especially half tracks, is based.

Not really, I know you are thinking arabs, but LATAM is closer to Russia in regards to why their militaries fail, there is a lot of corruption which comes more from high inequality due strong class difference than clan-based rivalries, being agrarians with well defined plots of land rather than shepherds meant they at least had their own tract of land to do whatever they wish to also the war fought against neighbors meant everyone had to develop a clear national conscience or get crushed.

No, the problem comes from the fact many people within LATAM still see economy as a Zero-Sum game, if there is something horrible our Spanish ancestry got us was the rampant mercantilism of the bourbons which in turn created class segregation and of course fertile land for communist propaganda as "a remedy", in Bolivia this was further compounded by the fact mestizaje wasn't as strong as, say, Peru, Ecuador or Chile, aggravating class separation with a racial layer, in the other 3 nations you will have whites, mestizos and amerindians more often than not cooperating into something workable unless the situation gets truly grim, in Bolivia they still haven't managed this level of cohesion.
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>That wasn't the only factor Goddamnit
Indeed, but you have to admit things wouldn't have gone so far if Francisco Solano López accepted defeat instead of fighting to the last man (and boy)
Not trying to ridicule/disrespect you guys, and I know Brazil also had its share of responsability. I still don't understand why they were willing to go so far themselves, Pedro II didn't look like the crazed genocidal type
>But using ww2 vehicles, especially half tracks, is based
Agreed. Isn't Paraguay still using WW2 armor too?
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>Agreed. Isn't Paraguay still using WW2 armor too?
they're still using Sherman Fireflies
Well that, too. In Paraguay our very first dictator forced mestizaje. We were -and are- too deeply mixed. For better or for worse. Most of the population speaks guarani and race has always taken a backseat (except when it came to discriminate or massacre "pure" individuals or races, such as asians or natives). Arguably this gave us an ideological advantage in the Chaco, not to mention the fact we are still convinced it was an invasion on our territory.
But beyond that, there is one main factor and that is acclimatization. The bolivians, most of them indians from the north, couldn't imagine, let along cope with the absolute hell that is the Chaco. 45C temperature, dust and rarely mud. But still not as empty as an actual desert. The "forest" is always trying to sting because everything is dry, the general lack of water, and so on. Even if the bolivians were at least cohesive, they were attempting to invade one of the shittiest places on earth for a human being, with machinery that was way too advanced for them.
On a side note, Kundt, the bolivian commander, could have probably served well as an advisor for the Afrika Korps.
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>Pedro II
He was in Brazil doing fuck all. Everything that happened in that war was because of Lopez and the Conde D'Eu. And he was very much a genocidal cunt. He burnt hospitals, killed children, etc, etc.
>Indeed, but you have to admit things wouldn't have gone so far if Francisco Solano López accepted defeat instead of fighting to the last man (and boy)
At the beginning sure, but as soon as the first brazilian set foot here, they came to rape and loot. Just like the soviets did all the way to berlin, you can't contain those fucking hordes.
Actually the Fireflies are broken. I've seen it myself but I don't think they reported that. We're down to using M3 Stuarts kek. Not that we have any use for tanks. We could use Helicopters too, we are currently using Hueys from Taiwan but they are starting to fail hard.
Columbus was a hero for causing this.
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It's quite weird things went out of control during the War of the Triple Alliance but I guess yeah, it was a truly catastrophic combination of bad happenstances.

As a general rule SA nations don't really commit genocide per see, at worst they will drive out natives from their lands or use them as cheap labor while pretending to be working to civilize them. It's a malice which comes more from greed than real zealotry the way we found within other regions of the world.

During the last century virtually no one has seen the sort of massacres you find out in Eurasia or Africa with hundreds of thousands dying and entire cities leveled, our fights have been mostly for natural resources.

I suppose it comes down to having comparatively small populations and economies and more european individualism than we want to admit, we can be as communitarian as rice farmers, until someone proposes a plan where you may get killed (see pic related, and this was supposed to be a left wing government), a lithium mine may be good but if it means you are going to lose a major chunk of your population and go bankrupt then it's not worth the effort, less so if you put at risk your already fragile commercial routes.
They have a navy while being landlocked
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Yes, Asunción is whiter than your home city in America. They go to German language schools and shit on jews all day long. I miss that girl sometimes.
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They share the Titicaca with us, we got native communities which still make ships from vegetal fiber while often powering their lights and electronics with solar panels.
The empire of brazil collapsed not too long after the triple alliance war. HUEs don't like to admit it, but Paraguay gave the empire a mortal wound. The truly catastrophic decision was to declare war to Argentina. Argentina almost went to war with Brazil before and after our conflict. Paraguayan diplomacy didn't fail when we took arms against brazil, it failed when we couldn't rail the argentinians (or whatever fragment of their society was closer and stronger at the time) to fight brazil.
Brazil has exported the view of >le paraguayan hitler declaring war to 3 countries all at once after semi industrialization because they were greedy and then sending kids to magically die in battlefields. It wasn't like that, and even some Paraguayans believe it now. Was Lopez retarded? Sure. Was the war avoidable? Yes, but that was extremely unlikely.
Not that it matters anyways. We're a basedbean/cocaine nation now and the free market has allowed us to have an comfortable existence, at least compared to our neighbors.
>The empire of brazil collapsed not too long after the triple alliance war.
Delusional. It was a internal problem during a time of wellness and growth. The anti-royalty/reformist simply had more influence during the late years of Pedro II (that didn't have a male successor)
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A fun fact about the lake is that it’s home to worlds deepest diving frog species, with some recorded reaching a depth of 400 feet.

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