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>Video has emerged of what may be the first M270 Multiple Launch Rocket System (MLRS) destroyed by Russia. The M270s, which can fire 227mm artillery rockets, as well as Army Tactical Missile System (ATACMS) short-range ballistic missiles, have been a bane to Moscow’s war efforts. Most recently, they were reportedly involved in a deadly ATACMS strike on Crimea earlier this week.
>The 69-second video, posted by the Russian The_Wrong_Side Telegram channel on Friday, showed a drone view of the M270 pulling out of a tree line then heading down a road. The drone followed the vehicle as it entered a building located in Shevchkove, a small village in Mikoliav Oblast about 40 miles north of the frontlines.
>After cutting to a wider view, the video then showed what was claimed to be an Iskander-M short-range ballistic missile striking the building. A huge ball of flames erupted as a result.
>Iskander-M short-range ballistic missiles are among Russia’s most valuable precision-guided standoff weapons. They are now being used for fast-reaction strikes for exactly these kinds of time-sensitive targets. It’s really the only major precision strike munition Russia has capable of reliably hitting these kinds of high-value targets on very short notice as the Russian Air Forces has not achieved air superiority. We have seen repeated examples, for instance, of air defense systems found by Russian drones behind the front lines that are then struck by an Iskander-M.
>Can't even fill the subject field
>No webm
>Huge wall of text ripped from some shitty article
>Link to some retard news site
kill yourself
>May have

The second army of the world may MAY HAVE killed 1 (one) basic bitch artillery platform that's 41 (fourty-one) years old?

Truly the world is in awe.
>Two years later
>Comrade, we destroyed another HATO HIMARS
>See vid
>They hit near a warehouse a M270 was some unspecified time earlier
>Trust me bro, that smudge is a burning M270
>No we're not going to zoom in to prove it
It's all so tiresome
Even if they did hit 1, there ~1500 left, and the US retains the capability to make more.
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Using an SRBM for hunting down a single vehicle is truly a waste. If Russia had bought 300mm GMLRS from China for their Smerch, the war wouldn't have turned out like this
found that telegram channel, the post is June 28, look for m270 amongst the moon runes

doesn't show shit. showd a vehicle, I assume m270 but not sure, going into a huge warehouse. different thermal shot shows part of that warehouse hit. possible secondary but could be anything. that's it
Lately that channel's posts have gotten so bad that even the usual suspect Z aggregators aren't republishing them. They claimed another himars kill on video a couple weeks back and it didn't make the news because nobody reposted it. The clip was just unacceptably shit even for zigbloggers.
Deny clicks:


telegram geo (RU)
46.8591565, 32.2081822

telegram vid (RU)
>posted by the Russian The_Wrong_Side Telegram channel

If a zig breathes, it lies.
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WEBM made to avoid clicks.

not particularly convincing stuff, might be just a reloading depot for the M270, which means who knows if it was present when the strike on the warehouse occurred. also the cut to something burning outside the warehouse that wasn't there before makes me wonder what exactly it is that caught fire out there. bout as believable as the claimed 5 SU-34's the ukes did a couple days ago. we'll see if there's more later.
Even if the M270 wasn’t present by the time the Iskander(?) showed up I wonder how a drone was left loitering the area for so long. What was AD doing?
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>hits next to the warehouse, but sets it on fire
>points at a tiny fireball
I mean even if they did it's a bog standard MLRS from 80's. There are thousands of them.
Is it me or this looks like a complete miss?
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>being this bad faithed
something more productive than strategic post-ussr cargo cultists can comprehend
yeah, honestly makes me think that it's maybe an ammo depot hit still, but what they're pointing at is far less important in my books compared to what else might be cooking off in there it looks like.

the switch to thermals makes me wonder how long it was, the fixed wings are something the ukes have only started releasing a lot of footage of downing recently, so it might be a weakness.

i mean, it's close enough, the bomb definitely struck outside of the building, but it's a big enough boom that it works. though a PGM hitting accurately would probably need less of a payload for the same result.
>but it's a big enough boom that it works.
You're not scamming anybody, we all have access to telegram channels from both ziggies and ukros, just get out.
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Lmao, vehicle thst enters that building isn't m270
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>Cuts away to a brand new drone shot, this time in FLIR so we can’t even determine time of day or when it was shot

Yeah, maybe, but maybe not. My guess is they never had uninterrupted eyes on the building and therefor also have no idea if they hit it.
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there are some secondary's that start to cook off, and there's a fire started inside for some reason. don't think it's just a russian smoker stopping by the uke's area here. it's dumb, but it looks like it worked. might be a moot point though since...

i didn't even fucking realize it, i'm way too tired for this shit. video wasn't playing right on catbox so i converted it, half-watched it, then put it here. so we don't even know if an M270 was ever even in this building. lmao.
Ziggers are getting fucking lazy
Kek, nice find
It is not even a truck (compare to the red one on the side). It is some sort of small-ish utility vehicle
yes i see something is on fire yes. but wtf it could be anything? that was my point. without BDA it's hard to determine what was hit. that's why i don't agree when you say the attack worked.
There is only one secondary small explosion visible. 12 pack of GMLRS should demolish the building outright.
Secondary could be from ammo (e.g. mortar rounds) or just natural gas tank exploding due to hit.
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Russian drone footage of this type often switches to thermals for the strike. I think it’s because they’re transmitting a thermal image for the guidance package (or IR for a laser spot).
Thanks for your service.
it was disguised m270 comrade!
damn someone wasted russia's entire isr and attack chains for this
why didn't they hit it while it was around the treeline or while moving?
It hit the road but still got the job done so can't exackt count it as a miss if the target still went poof
Yeah honestly what's up with that?
Why didn't russia buy precision munitions from china pre war since they obviously couldn't make them themselves???
Monke accuracy!
>best russian precision tactical ballistic missiles
>very modern, the newest!
>misses by more than 100 meters
Could you hit a moving vehicle with an ATACMS? You have to program the coordinates in during launch, right?
Genuinely asking if they can be course-corrected during flight, not a zigger post
Where exactly did it get the job done? There are no secondary explosions in the clip, not even a view of the target building. Show me where it did anything at all.
There is a secondary at the end of the clip, don't be facetious. Russia lying about hitting an M270 doesn't mean we have to lie about ammo exploding in that video
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>Could you hit a moving vehicle with an ATACMS?

but they're already observing the system with a uav. i would expect the 2nd army of the world to strap some laser guided bomb on their uavs that way they could easily hit moving targets quickly.
From yesterday's Ukrainian mil channel stream:
>2 were slightly damaged long ago
>1 was lost, not due to russian fire
>Dozens of decoys, which were targeted with valuable russian missiles
imagine if the ukies were given laser guided jdams or sdb. they could do cool stuff with them
shill, go back to /int/
>M270 shoots and scoots
>drone follows it
>footage cuts to some buhanka or an SUV entering a warehouse
>Russian prescision guided munition manages to miss an entire fucking warehouse
>Something burns

If desperate propaganda like this isn't evidence that russia has collapsed and begun to balkanize, I don't know what is.
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i've never been on /int/. suck my dick. i like posting weapons
The answer is Shoigu. His incompetence is the reason.

He either knew the Russian missiles weren't accurate and didn't act to fix it or he didn't know and thus never acted.
Damn, ziggers really are that stupid
>There is a secondary at the end of the clip,
there is something marginally energetic that goes up, which given this is a warehouse could anything, even civilian goods or utilities. A loaded M270 would detonate worse that that, a stockpile of M31As in the warehouse would have done WAY more than that too even if we assume the M270 is empty.
The fact the vehicle that enters the building isn't even the alleged target doesn't help.
Thanks for writing all those words that agree with what I said. Note how I specifically mentioned they're lying about hitting an M270 in my post
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That actually looks to big to be M270 you would be surprised just how small the M270 actually is
He's an insufferable twat like all journos. Fucker shat on the F-35 for years and got a free pass because MSM rags picked up his drivel.
>I wonder how a drone was left loitering the area for so long. What was AD doing?
This is a big problem, AD just doesn't cover much area, there's always gaps where a small surveillance drone goes through.
Submit it to TWZ and they'll revise it in the article.
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>designed in 1977
>well over 1000 of them in service
>"may" have lost one (1)
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It's over NAFObros....
M270 is kill
Oh, so you agree with my point it might not be ammunition either?
That's odd given you said:
>doesn't mean we have to lie about ammo exploding in that video
But I'm pretty clearly saying that might not be true either as the source of secondaries.

Don't know why you're trying to pretend you didn't type that, or that I'm agreeing with your original post.

ESL issue?
>says something MIGHT not be ammo
>starts seething when I don't engage it
Okay, have fun trying to start arguments for no reason
>declare that ammo is the source of secondaries and state anyone who says otherwise is lying (>>61972445)
>counterpoint made that could be non-ammo, and the secondary doesn't seem indicative of any kind of 227mm rocket-pod detonations, on-platform or cached (>>61973506)
>which it should be if we take the M270-strike premise as even being vaguely true. Admitting it isn't after-the-fact only further delegitimizes the video as being on a military target of any kind in the first place, further discrediting the ammo argument.
>backpedal and gaslight that you already said that, even though you didn''t (>>6197351)

And you still haven't. Just admit you were overly enthused by your own estimations and the video shows nothing of note, nor value, by itself.
I'm not reading any of that. Going to bed now, hope you can calm the fuck down in the meantime
>admits having difficulty reading English
>still can't admit mistakes
I'm trying to be civil here, but you're being rather beige my dear GMT+ anon.
Incredibly punchable smile
Why buy anything when if you invade the Ukrainians will all obviously not fight but just surrender??
>Video has emerged
jesus christ who cares at this point? when is this stupid retard slap fight going to end
Better send two more then to replace that one and them some.
*then some
This explains everything, especially the "Yellow sand road" section.
tl:dw contrast lock missile didn't work under combat conditions so they painted the target bright yellow and said it was ready to enter service.
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Oh it's a "the HIMARS was inside the building" deal again. This twz site has been consistently barking Russian agitprop lately.
>>Video has emerged of what may be the first M270 Multiple Launch Rocket System (MLRS) destroyed by Russia.

Anon, did you know that puccian intervention in Syria was more or less a sales pitch for their precision guided munitions?
Now, if a salesman of precision guided munitions were to buy guided munitions from someone else, how do you think that would look?
Granted, puccian arms sales is down in the shitters now, but before the war there was a heavy financial incentive to make CHYNA a customer as opposed to a supplier
Anon! Why are you talking to yourself?
>May have

After two years of war I would have expected more.
No they won't, TWZ always makes these shitty articles even before the invasion

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