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Could a revolver like this work?
>It is a unique revolver with an over and under barrel style, this design allows it to fire two magnum rounds with each pull of the trigger. The two bullets do not fire simultaneously, the top barrel fires first penetrating armor then the bottom barrel fires damaging the inside of the target.
that's stupid and the two bullets wouldnt hit in the same spot
It works for somebody with supernatural gun-fu powers.
You could regulate the barrels so they hit the same spot at a specific distance
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yes but it would be a fuckin retarded stupid gun with no place outside of a youtube video
>metal storm with 3 to 5 shots instead of 7 sets of two
>based on the picture, he has 3 total usable shots
>on the plus side, if you simply offset one barrel slightly longer/shorter you would achieve the two bullets one hole trick by idiotic unnecessary physics manipulation
the two bullets would fire simultaneously sorry, cant hit shit with that length of barrel any other way
>imagine the recoil
>that has to weigh at least 10lb
the fucking recoil impulse on this thing would be wild
>imagine the recoil
I'm 99% sure it's supposed to be 500 magnum. And just one of those gives experienced gun people trouble.
>get on my level
way ahead of you, anon

> t. was looking for a different file. but this one'll do
I guess I'm repostin' all of it
one or two more to go
>only two
Very cool, reminds me of that rifle that they used to put in fighter planes that was used for survival hunting.
>Derringer's count?
Fuck yeah derringers count.
Does this count?
>if you simply offset one barrel slightly longer/shorter you would achieve the two bullets one hole trick by idiotic unnecessary physics manipulation
Or just load half of the rounds hotter than the round across from them in the cylinder
>Could a revolver like this work?
No. Massive recoil, and the two bullets won't hit the same spot.

So useful only on a shooting range? Or is the plan here to ask the target to stay still? lmao
>It is a unique revolver with an over and under barrel style, this design allows it to fire two magnum rounds with each pull of the trigger. The two bullets do not fire simultaneously, the top barrel fires first penetrating armor then the bottom barrel fires damaging the inside of the target.
The bullets would land like an inch apart, maybe a half inch.

Thus, the second wouldn't go in the hole of the first.

If both were armor piercing, it MIGHT help the second one get through, but it would have to land a tiny fraction of a second after otherwise the target would have moved, making the two impacts more distant meaning you'd have to fire them both basically at the exact same time.
>Could a revolver like this work?
The layout is dumb. There's no advantage to the layout OP's pic has unless you do a double trigger setup like some SxS shotguns have. That way per cylinder rotation you can get two single actions shots if you have dual hammers. But I'm not sure that's worth the hassle, complexity and wonky manual of arms.

Here, have a real Spanish 18-shot triple barreled revolver instead. This would actually work, but would be heavy as fuck and annoying to holster and carry around. There's some other examples, but for obvious reasons, no one has produced these in large quantities.

Pat Scrufari's double-rowed cylinder revolver has an expired patent floating around (I'm guessing along with measurements) if anyone with CNC machine access and 3D printing know-how wanted to recreate a modern version of the LeMat 2.0.
thanks anon
There's really no purpose for the delay in firing. It would be much easier to make the two rounds fire simultaneously, with the AP round being faster than the other. You could further optimize this by using different cartridges, a small-bore high speed one to penetrate the armor and then a larger-caliber one for the follow-up damage. Ideally that one would use explosive bullets.

Making the two hit at the same point of impact is a problem. The barrels could be regulated to hit the same point of impact but that would require extreme precision from both the gun and the ammo and it would only work at whatever distance the barrels were designed to converge at. Having a delay would make it nearly impossible to have both bullets hit the same target since the recoil from the first cartridge will throw off the aim of the second.
youre going to hurt yourself. better suggestion: .410 / .45 lc with a smoothbore bottom barrel and a switching mechanism

>useless because additional height over bore
what are you trying to shoot, bugs on your wall?
nevermind, i skimmed over the OP and the part where he wanted to the bullets go through the same hole didnt register. nah, thats stupid OP
>looking for a different file
found it
I don't want a gun like this, I wouldn't even want a regular 500 magnum. It's from a video game, I'm just wondering how realistic it is.
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That's retarded and so are you for asking.
what drives me up the wall is that they actually show the gun being fired in slow motion in the intro
a hollow point round is fired from the bottom barrel first, then the top barrel fires a hard cast round that impacts -after- the HP round
which really seems like the opposite order you'd want to fire those two bullets in if you were trying to achieve whatever the fuck the designers were thinking of when they came with this
The only reason that works is because half (and quarter)-demons can quite literally tank the recoil and use their unnatural reflexes to make it work. If you want an example of how good their reflexes are Dante in DMC3 shoots pool balls to essentially knock them in the air.
probably just miscommunication between designers and cg guys
No, it would be retarded even then.
One of you always has to show up, not understanding the physics involved, and say "his powers would make it work" hoping no one is familiar with whatever you're talking about so they just trust you.

Also imagine thinking the limiting factor on this system is the Recoil.
Well, it's been fun bumps, but these are the last.
and done

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