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>3x Pantsir-S3
>4x TOR-M2
>1x BUK

Shouldn't air defense be able to deal with flying targets?
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>we didn't NEED that ADN
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>ukraine has no air force
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Why would Russia deploy AD in the first place if their enemy has nothing to shoot at?
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Then why are the ziggers deploying AD assets close to the front?
Are they there to shoot down moscal aircraft?
>Russia can't destroy handful Su-27 and MiG-29 so their shills are order to pretend they don't exist
>bringing in AD when ukraine has no air force
>>ukraine has no air force
Yet. :^)
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Clearly they're doing the war thunder thing where you go into battle using AA, something something happens, and profit comes out the other side.
yeah but how is it gonna help them in a land war though?
>destroy zigger air defenses
>deploy air assets to shove bombs and missiles deep into vatnik ass
Warmate?This would explain russian butthurt about Poland on /pol/
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>weapon systems gets taken out by the very weapons they're supposed to counter
Usually these things get hit by something a bit longer range. I'm enjoying the smol suicide drone kills, means they were very close to the front
>means they were very close to the front
Alternatively it means the Ukrainians are using a chain of multiple other drones with signal relays to boost the range of the FPV drone.
Which would only be possible if zigger EW was complete garbage.
Isn't the main thing limiting their range the battery, not signal?
Sometimes yes, sometimes no.
It depends on multiple factors. there's no simple and direct answer.
OP's video shows fixed wing drones, the limitation for those is signal.
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That's gotta be about $120 million dollaryroos or so worth of air defense all blown up
Who's paying for that? They still pay taxes in Russia don't they?
>ukraine has no air force
I think you opinion need some refining
Are Cessna suicide drones part of the AF?
I think they're part of the special operations group
Hammer time
This may be nonsense, but do a lot of air defense radar systems not tend to automatically screen out targets flying below certain speeds? I was once told a tale of a US radar detecting cars on the autobahn in Germany as they were travelling above the minimum speed threshold that has been set in the US. Without a good well trained crew able to adjust parameters perhaps Russian AD just can't see these slow moving targets.
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That's clearly RAM II
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Did somebody say Ram Mk. 2
Then what the fuck is blowing their air defense up.
Everything valuable like microchips have been stolen from them. They don't do anything.
The Russians stole the valuable parts when war wasn't happening now they just kind of wheel around. Some may work most just don't. Putin's kleptomania trickled down to officers
Hey be fair. The whole state had kleptomania for at least 100 years, Putin didn't introduce it
It's amazing isn't it. War is basically rock paper scissors. And an american made paper can beat a russian made scissor.
>american made paper
more like chinese made in this case
Is the stolen chip meme actually real? Like, obviously the budget gets stolen sometimes and you get smekalka))) wiring, but in practice shouldn't all those vehicles at least have the best attempt at chipping?
Captcha: PP88
Most likely untrue, except for the idea of upgraded chipsets mysteriously not being installed for whatever reason.
It's far more likely that they just never existed than someone took the time to remove them from any existing AD system.
Soviets and russians have shit electronics and computers. If russians made electronic equipment equal to western then it would be fuck huge and would need a lot of power. So computers in those systems made for specific tasks. So it's totally possible that they just don't see drones. It's hardware.
That's called Doppler filtering. Since radar will be affected by ground clutter you would need to point the radar way up and avoid the main or side lobes hitting trees, buildings or hills. The way to solve that is Doppler shift, the frequency of a signal increases when the object is coming towards you and decreases when the object is moving away. So by ignoring all returns without sufficient shift you can now scan for low flying objects.
By the way when you're flying perpendicular to the radar your closure rate is zero, so if you're flying at an angle your shift will be lower than your true airspeed so by zig zagging you can get closer to the radar even if you're going a little faster than the minimum detection speed.
Thread OST
why are you disclosing secret information to ziggers on vietnamese elephant breeding forum huh?
Already got banned on WarThunder forums
It's true. The upper level echelons stole them and sold them off. Some of them work but most won't
You can check the purges where it's talked about.
Ukrainians are picking them off for a reason. If the chips are put in they are a threat so blow them up before the chips get in.
Body armor, artillery shell powder, avionics, mass parts of ships, any kind of brass or copper wiring, armor inserts in tanks, anything like that has been stripped down at this point.
As far as food dehydrated egg yolk and white, mres etc been stolen
Right now they are living off most likely human meat reprocessed to look like pig noses and feet,

I know here it comes "meds"
Give it a year then it will come out. Russians are eating each other's dead bodies
Why do you think the cube was on a pallet
I think I got this tank for like, 3 bucks in 2012. what a buy
I think that was actually old meat.
The fact 250,000 Russian bodies haven't been found is another clue
No one knows where the bodies went
I believe it. Even if you showed me proof that proved it wrong, I would still believe it.
Moscow delenda est!
That engine is fighting for its life
Didn’t a lot of them miss?
that's average soviet junk for you
It's a land war, Patsur launches missiles into the air
Russa doesn't need it)))
all the track marks in the field from driving in circles is a nice touch.
huh I just assumed it was from other vehicles also deployed there
>Isn't 'Ironic' by Alanis
1 jerb, fag.
sytuatsiyi normalna
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>Give it a year then it will come out. Russians are eating each other's dead bodies
Wouldn't be the first time so not that surprising.
If they can't cool it wouldn't it still be pointless?
Erectile dysfunction is experienced by more than 72% of Russian AD
Nema problem - normal katastrof
Finally, MiG kino.
Sukhoi will never be the real Eastern Bloc fighter manufacturer, no matter how many Flanker variants they make.
But once upon a time Suhoi accidentally put the wings backwards and videogames loved it so they're based in my book.
>tfw taking the sunflower seeds from that babushka in the tutorial prologue would have actually been the Good Ending
>tfw Sasha’s choice of the Air Defense NTR path automatically unlocks the Mystery Meat questline
Why are central asians like this?
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Don't get me wrong, I like Flankers, the Berkut, and so on just fine, but to me the mainline Eastern Bloc fighter should always be a MiG.
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I don't know man it looks like the air defense cuckold has completely gave up on attempts to remember the stop phrase.
This is a Land, Land War
But it wouldn't be nothing, nothing without a Pantsir or a Tor
>>3x Pantsir-S3
>>4x TOR-M2
>>1x BUK
thats nothing lol
anon that's shit was worth tens of millions of dollars
Not for much longer...
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Where? Asking for a friend.
on paper. also, ever heard of logistics. what do you think happens to the airspace the pantsirs was supposed to be defending
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>xaxa infinite AD thousand tunguska impenetrable airspace S-600 numba 1
>DPRK plz help hohols keep droning my refineries
yes but what happens to the airspace the ad i was supposed to be defending after it gets taken out? you think new units just pop out of nowhere?
Meth lab is on fire, retaliate immediately.
nowhere near thick enough apparently since ukraine conducts airstrikes cap missions all the time. losing all that ad is very awkward for them even if it's temporary. gives ukraine some freedom of action
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oopie wrong pic
i can't read skyrim runes
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how did the russians manage to convice the world that they have the best AD in the world? their performance in this war seems to be shittier than anyone could have imagined. the only think the AD seems to hit reliably are large plans
> large plans
large airplanes*
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>the only think the AD seems to hit reliably are large plans

That's exactly what they were designed for, huge ass NATO jets, attack helos and big ass missiles. They weren't made for countering birb-sized targets.
but NATO jets will just use small missiles to take AD out from a stand-off distance. did they not think this through?
When is the last time Russian air defense has hit anything other than Soviet technology?
I'll wait.
Malaysia flight 370 doesn't count, btw
That was MH17.
The other day I watched a MH17 video and youtube's shit algorithm put the misinformation warning because of the MH370 disappearance so even AI gets that shit wrong lol
That's fucking exactly what happened lol, I looked up "Malaysia Airlines 170" and it autocorrected to 370. Right down the fucking middle.
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Please understand, they get off to this.
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Is Russian intel still this bad!?!?!?!
Do we even have estimates of how many of these things are deployed in Ukraine right now?
>how many of these things are deployed in Ukraine right now?
Dunno but I can tell you how many there WERE

>Command Posts And Communications Stations
>1 9S470M1 command vehicle for Buk-M1: (1, destroyed)
>2 9S470M1 (or variant thereof) command post (for Buk-M1/2): (1, destroyed) (1, captured)
>Surface-To-Air Missile Systems (256, of which destroyed: 186, damaged: 42, abandoned: 4, captured: 24)
>Radars (75, of which destroyed: 46, damaged: 19, captured: 10)
Same energy as the FBI goons standing in the wreckage of the Branch Davidian compound.
What's up with the crop circles? What's the tactical advantage of driving around in circles?
No matter how good these are, they require human operators, not Russians. Didn't Serbs shoot down a stealth fighter with Soviet tech? Now I wouldn't call Serbs human, but they are a closer branch than Russians.
It's probably just from repositioning a lot. But I like to imagine it's either
>Bored drunk Russians doing burnouts in a pantsir for tiktok
>Smart drunk Russians trying to use all the fuel so they have an excuse to not do anything
>That engine is fighting for its life
Seems to be winning that fight though long enough to kill a few more russians.
>american weapons
>made in china
>How did they convince the world they have the best AD
That F-117 shoot down by the serbs
That's it.
I believe the operator was Hungarian
MiG-29 is pure sex
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Remember when PANTSIR use to means something?
Remember when this war first started and the Ukkies were able to get one with the Bayraktar??

Good times
So how many more Pantsir to wreck?
Remember when people thought the Bayraktar was a wonder weapon? Then it turned out you can actually just throw rocks at Russian AA from a hot air balloon and destroy them.
>vatniggerstan has no air superiority
> against the poorest country in Europe
> that has no air force
Mind. Boggled.

That really doesn't seem to be the "own" that (You) think it is. Care to elaborate?
>blyatlant green is cykas
Mutderous barbarians
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Sad, I forgot where I was and read that as byarlant and thought I was in a gundam thread.
>they get off to this
>know-nothing turd worlder
>shows up to derail
/pol/ is not a university
it's a septic pool
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top lel
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>not a single anon ITT pointed out how Ukraine was doing preemptive SEAD operations before the F-16s arrive
I'm disappointed in you /k/.
it's just a /k/ommando theory, we have no real proof that Ukraine was doing anything other than hitting the usual targets
any Russian SAM destroyed is a win
It is true and it is real. There was (is?) practice of going to those yards with mil equipment that either weren't guarded or the guard was bribed or just there were not enough to spot a few shadowy figures getting into endless rows of vehicles. And then clipping the valuable stuff, like rare capacitors, or chips, or lamps, or whatever. The activity even had a name though I forgot what it was, sounded like "кycaть", but I am not sure.
I suppose people had enough income from that to do this regularly.
no way
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>Remember when PANTSIR use to means something?
when was this? cause israel has been dabbing on russian AD for nearly 10 years now
Russian AA has been getting the big bad dick of street justice since day one, in terms of it being for the F-16's. Maybe, but there's really no statement to say its just for aircraft, that's a bit shallow a purpose for blowing up their AA systems as there's quite a few other things flying around that Ukraine likes to shoot in the general direction of Russian assets. So that AA has to die as soon as it shows up, admittedly the supply of missiles and rockets isn't as dire as it was 2 months ago, but the more that get through, the more Russian's die and their shit gets shreked
that is how it's supposed to look like
if there is no smoke then the turbine is busted
I bet you run to the mechanic every time you notice your car exhaust
>4chan told me that exhaust gasses aren't allowed to come out of the exhaust!!!!!
It's true, there is no need to gather intelligence for a land SMO when everyone already understands everything.
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can't tell if you're trolling or not but thick darksmoke is bad. it means there could be like 5 different things wrong with the engine because it's not burning the fuel efficiently
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Every red blooded Russian should wake up, have their 5 minutes of gulaghomo approved hate, then chose violence
Of course, Nigerian doesn't understand the value of intelligence
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My favourite part
>destroy AA in Crimea
>don't attack the bridge, even when you had ample opportunities
>terified ruskies bring more AA to protect the bridge
You don't even need to hunt for them, kek. Crimea is such a death trap, I really think you can win this war by reaching Chonhar and destroying the bridge.
Yes. But doesn't have to be. So you cannot make any judgements based on the footage.
MIGs are like that. You know the engine is good when it's rolling coal.
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Nah that's how Sovietski engines burn.
Older American jets had that problem too. The J79 had to have a new combustor designed to finally get rid of the telltale smoke, but it reduces fuel efficiency. However you gain the efficiency back with the updated nozzle design.
A way to eliminate it is to put it on afterburner as it burns off the soot. But because of the higher fuel consumption one trick is powering one engine back down to idle and kicking the afterburner on the other which scales the consumption back to a similar level to two jets at mil power. Then when you're entering combat you put afterburner on both to gain speed and that way you can start the engagement without being seen from miles and miles away.
The F-135 engine might as well be alien tech compared to Flanker engines.
the judgement i can make from the footage is that they have bad engine design
Air defense sneeding
Vatniks coping and seething
Sour grapes
>I know here it comes "meds"
They don't have those either.
>Soviet Green is the meat of the people!
It's like a reverse Chornobaivka.
>Gay character used to shill russian weapon
I know deep down they don't give a damn if it's girl on girl but come on, using Fate for this one is like a baptist church using Slayer for ads. Either that or artists truly have no fucking idea about international politics.
>Are they there to shoot down moscal aircraft?
Yes. If the russian planes refuse to advance and turn back they are shot down
>baptist church using Slayer for ads
let me talk to my youth pastor
>that hard climb and bomb toss
fucking sick
I really appreciate your ability to succinctly explain something, in simple language, and have it actually make sense. It's a great talent.
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>No one knows where the bodies went
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Why the fuck are you lying?
The tank weighs 65,000 lbs.
Scrap steel is like $160 a net ton (2400lbs)
At minimum the tank would cost you $4333.
I’m not even counting the shipping rates from Canada.

You fucking people and your lies, I swear.
Nah that meat business ended when they shut down Prighozin. He was the one responsible for it.

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