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Moving to the Seattle/Tacoma area by the end of the year from the south, is there still a semblance of gun ownership still out there after the 2020 bullshit or should I just load up on as much shit while I'm still living in the south?
>moves to a super urban area
>hey guiz wats the gun culture like
Are you serious? WA is facing plenty of challenges with gun rights anyway due to being dragged by its huge city but the east parts at least are beautiful, rural and you have a lot of practical rights as well as legal ones. But if you move right into the middle of proggie central what the fuck do you think it'll be like?
Presumably to make a buttload of money. Which I can potentially respect, but in that case the thing is to be ultra disciplined about it. Live as cheap as possible, save/invest like mad, make 10x what you could have elsewhere and build up enough resume that you can work remote and still make great money. Then move to a low CoL high gun rights nice area and run with that for the rest of your days.
If you can make that work with whatever the employment/networking situation is then obviously that'd be the thing to do, but that won't always be possible and OP gave zero details. So I just assume he actually has good reason here (or maybe family/medical plays a role or something else important) and has looked into it, that's a pretty damn big move.
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I'm a milfag that's moving to a new duty station at JBLM, granted I did choose the WA area as my top choice because I wanted to fuck off into the mountains but forgot that WA has basically did a 180 since the George Floyd bullshit. Already looked at moving to Lacey and just commute to avoid Seattle/Tacoma but I have basically lived in the south my entire life so I don't really know what to expect when going out there. I would only really be out there for 3 years but I don't want to be forced to leave guns behind or have to hide them because cucked gun laws
Very restrictive AWB, basically all centerfire semi automatic rifles other than the garand and some niche repros/fuddguns are banned. SKS banned by name lol. Old guns already owned in state are grandfathered but you're not supposed to bring them into the state. So don't get caught.
10rd mag capacity, but old mags are grandfathered. Functionally unenforced as long as you're not trying to sell them.
Waiting period and some other on-paper stuff that is retarded but doesn't matter (the training thing)

To be fair up until the AWB/mag cap limits in the last 3 years we had better gun laws than most of the flyover states.
also IIRC if you're military/law enforcement you get an exemption for having weapons you train with. Not sure if that helps, I'd recommend looking into it more before assuming you're good to do it.
I'd buy what you want and bring it, which is always good advice imho. I don't even know the current statutes in WA but why subject yourself to them?
>180 since the George Floyd bullshit
WA been making a speed run to catch up with CA liberalism since at least the 90s. All the new bans and limits bs is just them moving along that line. Talking politics to my relatives around Seattle is infuriating, so we avoid that.
Boomer dad complains about the firearms and general liberalism; I tell him he could always move, but that it doesn't impact him anyway since he's a bolt-action one shot one kill guy anyway.
t. born in E WA
the coof and communist meltdown over niggers is what pushed us over the edge on guns though. Prior to that all they were able to do is seethe and nip at the edges with retarded do nothing initiatives like the training one. I think we all knew it was an unsustainable situation but I'm just glad it lasted long enough to get most of what I wanted.
The bigger issue in WA rn is the capital gains tax. To implement that tax, you need to get filed returns from taxpayers... so you need that bureaucratic mechanism built and in place... all of which is the on ramp for a general income tax.
Love the eastern part of the state, hate the state's politics, and they're going to throw their metro into Detroit-style bankruptcy if they keep running out corporations with their targeted taxes. Politically reminds me of IL, which has same issues with Chicago setting the whole state's agenda.
I'm aware. Stare decisis is the only thing keeping us safe from an income tax and the past week confirms that no longer exists at the federal level so it's only a matter of time before state courts stop caring as well. Despite the fact that we've repeatedly voted them down in initiatives and our constitution is written in a way that makes progressive income taxation unconstitutional. Ironically a flat income tax would be constitutional and is a practical way of raising income without disincentivizing work and also vastly simpler to administrate, but they will never even consider that.

Too much politics for a gun board though, OP, if it's just a few years you should just leave your scary black guns at home. JBLM is pretty close to Rainier, Mt. St. Helens, the Olympics and a bunch of the best parts of the Cascades. North Cascades are further away but worth a weekend as are the San Juans. Just enjoy the state before it falls into the abyss of detroitification once the tech bubble finally pops.
Mag ban and AWB are pretty unenforceable due to the grand fathering in.

There’s a billion gunstores right on the border of Washington and Idaho
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I cannot imagine willingly living in the Seattle/Tacoma area.

There are plenty of gun friendly people here on both sides of the political spectrum, it’s just that with leftists liking guns they like guns for them and not for people on the right with their “problematic” views. So if you’re a leftist who likes guns and hates anything to the right of you you’ll fit right in. If you lean right you’ll feel ostracized and abandoned by everyone around you until you find some like minded friends, but even then most right leaning people west of the Cascades don’t like spicy opinions and are pussies. West of the Cascades it’s hard finding people with balls (figuratively and literally) and political convictions that aren’t left leaning or RINO tier and when you do find them you treasure them.

Gun shops are closing left and right because the state makes it harder and harder for dealers to stay afloat. If you have guns that this state defines as an assault weapon (see pic) or any mags more than ten rounds it is a(n unenforceable) crime to bring them here so don’t ask don’t tell. There is a ten business day wait on the transfer of all firearms, there is mandatory training in order to purchase (less than five minutes on a free online course so not a big deal but still incredibly gay), and you are severely limited on what you’re able to buy. You’re not allowed to form 1 SBRs anymore but suppressors are ok to buy on a form 4 and possess and use (but you’re not allowed to buy threaded barrels for any semi auto rifle or any handguns so find them under the table if you want one).

Overall it’s awful here. I was born on an island here and have lived my entire life on this island here and I hate 95% of the people who live in this state. They cry ACAB and then cream their pants when daddy govt steps in and strips people they don’t agree with if their rights. If big Bobby Ferguson wins the governor seat it’s guaranteed to get worse.
How's the Gator's lawsuit going, anybody know?
Lmao yeah Amazon and MSFT are gonna move HQs. Fun fact many people assume that WA/CA are lib States and in many ways they are. In matters of business they are actually worse than most Southern States for rights. Both use At Will employment, did enforce NDAs and have no income tax. These factors alone remove basically any state in the Union except FL as a replacement that could do the same. And none of the workers would go there. That being said the city is happily killing small businesses and it kills me everytime I see it
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Yeah a lot of full auto glock switch owners out here. Make sure all your shit is unregistered.
Also illegal to import ar-15's and standard capacity magazines right now. Better keep your guns on the down low mutha fugga.
The joke growing up was that california would make a law, washington would copy it and oregon would wait long enough to see how bad it was and then do it anyways.
Years ago I considered moving to Vancouver to avoid income and property taxes. I ended up not going through with it and lived in the same Oregon county I was born in until I left the state last year.
It's a shame I didn't get the job that would have allowed me to do it I could have saved a ton of money while also making more before everything went to shit there.
Seattle used to kind of remind me of Chiba in Tokyo, last time I was there was for a flight layover and it was filthy. People in seattle have always been rude but now they've gone beyond to defiant indifference, can't even strike up a conversation with a local anymore, and get berated with scathing remarks, now people just won't say anything. It's like the whole city is mentally ill. One of my favorite used electronics resellers in the entire US is in Seattle I hope it's still around. I'm going to be going over there with a buddy in about a month.
It has essentially the most restrictive gun laws in the entire country now. However, everything was grandfathered and is fully legal. So everyone still owns everything and nothing matters.
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Everyone in WA is a fudd or neofudd who's scared of guns.

We have a strong conceal carry culture but the issue is if you mention you're into guns to the wrong person you'll be labeled as the gun guy and get stigmatized.

AWB is mega gay but that's why I stocked up before that shit but you got the ladder pulled from you. Also you will face challenges getting your guns into the state as the AWB law is turbo gay
We still have fun out here though.
>hello fellow assault weapon enthusiasts I’m moving to [insert horrid cuck state] what’s the gun culture like there
Please tell me you’re for real OP this thread has glowie demoralization script vibes, I don’t wanna assume and look like a schizo but seriously we get that kind of shit here every week or two and after Chevron the timing is too good
Are ranges super paranoid with the AWB or they just don't care what you show up with because of the grandfathering? Also it is at least easy to get a concealed carry permit because WA doesn't honor my states permits.
>be named washington
>be incredibly unamerican
what gives?
Fun fact: the state was originally supposed to be named Columbia, but they decided that the name would be confusing. Not with the country Colombia, no. With Washington DC. District of Columbia, of course. So they named it Washington, so it wouldn't be confused with Washington.

We haven't gotten smarter since.
idk I just shoot innawoods. Literally everyone has guns that are now banned so it shouldn't be an issue.
Nobody gives a shit, just assume it's grandfathered. Don't ask don't tell.
CC is one of the easiest to get of any state that still requires one to conceal, apply to the local PD, give them your prints, get a background check and you get it in the mail. No classes or anything stupid like that.

Wasn't always this way though there was always a strong labor movement here because of the extractive industries (timber, fishing and mining) dominating the economy up until the second world war and a lot of scandinavian immigrants. The nu-liberalism is largely Californians coming here and taking their retarded ideas with them.
Washington is basically the easiest state in the entire country to get a permit. Which makes it extra hilarious that we don't honor basically anyones.

There is no testing requirement. You just get your fingerprints taken, they do a background check and you wait. That's it. It's a shall issue state.
Idaho law requires gun stores follow the laws of the state that the buyer license is from.
Gf lives in WA and she seems to think they're gonna flip to red soon, no idea how true that is but it'd hopefully mean becoming a bit less cucked. At some point I wouldn't mind moving into the area with her, but WA is up there with California and New York on the list of places I'd rather not own property.
also pro tip since she's a cop- WA staties are now allowed to pursue vehicles again... And if you avoided pursuit in the past you'll get slapped with all your old tickets at once too. I assume most of /k/ are good bois and won't just try to flee from the fuzz but hey there's your warning
Washington is a schizo mix of turner diaries preppers and guns are icky libtards. there's more of the latter unfortunately. the washington boomer generation were gun nuts, even the hardcore vote blue no matter who types. i guess gen x is the generation that hates guns
>gonna flip red soon
LMAO it was last year that the AWB came into effect. What a hilarious cope
I don't live there so I have no knowledge of it, allegedly a lot more people are getting pissed at the whole "Seattle dragging everyone down by their wallets" thing. As an outsider it seems about as likely as California flipping red.
republicans have been coping like that for years. meanwhile the only republican who has been elected to a statewide office since universal mail in voting was implemented was the useful idiot secretary of state who was behind it, who is currently working in the Biden administration.
My wife and I are considering moving there from GA to be closer to my side of the family(British Columbia) but I am hesitant due to not wanting to give up my semi auto rifles. I could honestly live there because I like the Cascadia ecosystem, but I don’t like leftist nonsense politics.

Honestly I could be happy with a Garand and lever gats, but I still feel like I would be at a disadvantage if things went south and I was there with a Garand or 1886 Winchester potentially up against people with AR’s or AK’s.
If you want to coooomply, mini-14 is on the table. Or you could just own an AR-15 like literally everyone else, and just keep quiet about when you moved here/bought it.
sheriff's outside seattle metro don't enforce any gun laws. take a look at north idaho (fuck off we're full)
I'd say join the Panhandle Gang but property prices are already fucking skyrocketing because of WA and Cali refugees who got sick of the bullshit there.
North Idaho is directly south of the Kootenays which would be a crazy long drive from where my family live. Also I need to be near machine shops as I have a pretty specialized trade.

I used to live in the Kootenays and was pretty close to Idaho; that region is pretty nice. Lots of old silver mines in the region.
What about issues regarding ID and DLs, not to mention I am in America with a green card that was issued in not a year or so back.
>Planning on moving to Lacey
Lacey is a weird mix of blatant ghetto, Base Housing South for McChord, and Town (as in "Let's us head into town and grab some feed") for a big chunk of the county bewteen Olympia and the mountains. It's got a Cabela's on tribal land just outside the city and like 4 gun shops.
Hawk's Prairie is on the north side of the freeway and Rez and it's a little farther away from the Karens in Oly, but 100% Just Base Housing.

>Nearby ranges
Bullseye in Tacoma used to be good, but they kinda sorta sold the DC Sniper his guns and the Feds have been nine feet up his ass ever since. The owner has an absolutely incredible surp collection that's worth visiting for on its own. Actual selection varies and Pierce County has a gay-ass vice tax on firearms and ammo purchases. As with most indoor ranges, the Brass Jewry is in full effect. They also have a very harsh velocity limit that basically means nothing but pistols and light PCCs

Lakewood shooting range is literally right next to base. They have the basic rules (if you're only renting you have to have a buddy, no shotties, no rapid fire/holster drills, no AP ammo) and require you to buy ammo on-site if you're using *anything* in a military-issued caliber. Too many issues with baserats bringing in backtip. The ROs are kind of typical utter shitgobiln 25-year E5s, where as long as they don't notice you they're cool and Range Nazis otherwise
All the ranges in Olympia are expensive, cucked as shit, and will stinkeye you for bringing anything that so much as smells of being practical
The most accessible public shooting area is the Triangle Pit outside Olympia, but that's full of teenagers, hoodrats, and dipshits. I've been there three times and seen six NDs, one of which almost hit my sister-in-law. You're better off taking your happy ass out to BLM land up one of the logging roads and looking for brass on the ground. Bring a trash bag, there's a huge problem with faggots trashing the woods
There's a very slim chance we'll get a Republican governor because Ferguson is such an unlikable turd, but I wouldn't bet on it
Always thought it was super shady that all AWB's are "Everything is banned, except for guns made by Ruger Arms"
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Lorax thanks you for your service.
A vice tax on firearms and ammo? that's illegal. my tism is struck. Thanks for all the info btw.

Just be quite about it until it gets struck down, which it will. court just takes time.

Honestly having lived hear for a bit, it is not as bad as people make it out to be. If we get more gun nuts to move here and get politically active we could take the state back faster. The gun lobby
here is doing a good job and rolling stuff back slowly but surely.

>Ferguson is such an unlikable turd
I have seen more Turd Ferguson for governor signs this year than I had seen Inslee for governor signs last election, it’s frightening.
Reminder that there are boomers who still won't buy Ruger because the scion of the family put his weight behind the Clinton AWB.
>Always thought it was super shady that all AWB's are "Everything is banned, except for guns made by Ruger Arms"
It is shady, but not for modern reasons. Basically all the ban items are whatever people thought was scary in the 80s, and Ruger made the mini-14 to bypass those bans and helped support them.

Since antigun fags are retarded, they're still using the same retarded feature lists from then, so the mini-14 remains safe generally. It's even funnier when they ban guns by name and you wind up with guns that literally do not exist in the USA being banned.
No one gives a shit. I see shit that came out after the ban some times
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This map is 1 year old but there have yet to be any successful legal stays on WA's various extreme gun measures which include: Wait times, excessive FFL regulations that have directly led to closures, enforced mag ban, awb, many ammo shippers don't want to ship there anymore because of ass mad AG, Red flag laws, the list goes on. They still have Shall Issue carry but that's about it
>"than most of the flyover states."
You guys started a precipitous downward slide 10 years ago with all the ballot measures which kept passing with 60% of the (mail in) vote. The only flyover state you were ever better than is Illinois and that was before 1639
Sad but correct assessment of the current environment. Even Califags get better AW carvouts
Washington is a bit of a weird place; along the I-5 corridor from Olympia through about Everett you have bay area-tier shitlibs and then outside of that everyone tends to range from "moderate liberal" to "/pol/" even in the western part of the state. The vast majority of people who live outside of the I-5 corridor loathe their state government but can't do anything about it.

The gun laws suck thanks to the state government but on the other hand the hunting and fishing are world-class and the Olympic peninsula is one of the most beautiful places in all of North America; make lemonade out of those lemons.
It's because they know he fucking sucks and no one likes him and he's so shitty that he might actually lose despite being a Democrat in Washington
Being Inslee's thug during Covid and filing frivolous lawsuits against a bunch of mom and pop places with the express purpose of bankrupting them didn't win him a lot of friends
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>tfw live in A+ state
San Jose Oblast reporting in I am demorbaglized and now convinced nothing ever gets better, we must give up on this lost cause and stop supporting 2A activist groups
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I was born in Wahington in the 80s. Left for Missouri. For years I voted, signed petitions, informed people. None of it made any difference.
Maybe one day I can return to free my home. After Seattle is a smoking radioactive crater.
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^This >>61973024
Might as well sell all your ass-salt riffels with high capacity clipazines to some gun shop in New Hampshire or Texas at a slight loss and just get into lever actions, revolvers, and 1911's OP because on a cultural level that's about all your allowed there unless you live out in the sticks.
Better in the hands of a fellow freedom loving American as apposed to some DA evidence volt of bullshit '''crimes'''.
>inb4 shall not
They WILL infringe on your rights and throw you behind bars for daring to practice your constitutional rights so unless you've found a girl who sexually identifies as a LibertAryan and intend to breed like rabbits with her there's very little you can do to change the culture in WA.
please stay with the rest of your kind
Why doe? Idaho exists you know...
because that's where the jobs are clearly
you live in seattle. silence idiot
It kinda sucks but, I have a work around. I have a friend in Idaho that buys whatever I want then just gives it to me via private sale. So AWB and mag bans don't affect me.

My advice, make a contact in Idaho and have him hook you up.
You deeply misinterpret the point of my 2A state chart maps. The point of it is to illustrate that DemoRats proceed to destroy states the minute they gain control and that if you don't vote against them you lose your rights. It's how Michigan went from a 12.5 to 9 on my scale in 1 year because democrats flipped the state house by 3 votes. It's how Minnesota has Red Flag laws now, by 1 VOTE.
FWIW there has been positive progress not just in federal courts but several mid tier states like Ohio, N&S Carolinas, and Iowa have gotten better. Let's not forget a 22yo stopped a mass shooter in Indiana 2 years ago less than a month after Constitutional Carry was legalized

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