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Starting off with a classic.
FUCK off
As if weeb trash would understand what is wrong in picrel, all they care is that a child-looking female is present on screen.
Every Japanese anime/manga/light novels in regards to anything related to military/guns. It’s literally worse than fudd bullshit. Doesn’t help that their getting their information off of airsoft.
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If kids look like that where you're from I'm coming over for a sexcation.
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Another classic. Although if it makes you feel better it explodes almost immediately, in the next couple pages.
Japs do that sort of stuff as often a gag as they get things wrong.

As an example, the ridiculous stock over shoulder pose is also a meme in Japan.
>the worst gun logic in fiction
AK-47 is more reliable and rugged than decadent western firearms
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Face dimensions scream that of a child with large eyes, low eyes and puffy cheeks.
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I like PanO's "reverse banana" mags from Infinity, even if they make basically no sense. They just look cool, and I pretend they use a gel-like propellant that can be squished more than the metal bullet or something like that.
>"by firing the whole bullet we fire 65% more bullet!"
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Apprently it works for snipers as well
The original Counterstrike animation for the M4 had the operator pulling back the forward assist to chamber a round.
>Oi boss, git a load uv dis!
>Wot in Mork's name iz dat? Looks loik a buncha rubbish!
>Nonono Boss, ya see, wif da nine triggas, it'll shoot NINE TIMES FASTA! An' I made da mag real long so's it'll shoot longa too! Ain't dat brilliant?
>'Ow do ya even load dis fing? Dere ain't nowhere ta put more bullitz in!
>W-well Boss, ya see, dat's da beauty uv it! Ya don't NEED ta load it 'cuz it shoots if ya fink real hard!
>Dat's da point uv 'avin a extra long mag, so's ya can fit MORE DAKKA in it! AT LEAST MAKE IT PROPA ORKY YA GIT!
>We fire the whole shell
>That's 66% more shell per shell
For better or for worse, most anime character faces are modeled after cats.
gachasimps need to be put in death camps
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You guys don't know shit.
is this what gun-fu is?
Explain to me why this couldn't happen in real life
Crazy how not a single pane of glass was hit
I don't understand how they never hit with their everlasting wonka magazines.
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Projecting babyraper spotted
Literally did this with my neighbor yesterday. Noguns will never understand.
This is stupid, but it's the fun kind of stupid.
Doesn't look too bad for destiny 2
this is what works when you have american mutts working on a game and not real white people
We don’t think about your third-world shithole at all.
How does one struggle to learn the world's easiest language?
It doesn’t actually appear ingame, sadly. Closest you can get is a couple other rifles that look like SR-25s with really short barrels and slightly off proportions
>As an example, the ridiculous stock over shoulder pose is also a meme in Japan.
Didn't it originate from somewhere, like a manga did it first and then everyone started doing it as a joke?
tank controls do be like that sometimes
Just saw a Thai movie where a guy with an old 12 ga side-by-side with external hammers fired like a dozen times without ever reloading (or even cocking the hammers for that matter, he was in this haunted house kinda thing with the hammers down and both fingers on triggers, firing like a madman at some vagina ghost)
Where is that from?
Translation from vikingeese:

Engineer Landstad's automatic revolver from 1900, manufactured at the royal arsenal. Only a meager amount of rounds could be fired during trials, and the revolver may be seen as a complete failure. The automatic revolver was however the first Norwegian construction that was tested as the possible adoption of an automatic service pistol was considered. The revolver is preserved in England. (Photograph from the collection of Dr. Geoffrey Sturgess)
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i dont remember the exact quote but her gun has a intentional 50 pound trigger pull cause "it shouldnt be easy to take a life"
>shooting more bullet per bullet
A 50lbs trigger is the least unrealistic thing about grenadier.

I'd motorboat those titties tho goddamn look at those m i l k i e s
What was the movie where they curved the bullet with Angelina Jolie? …. Feel like that gets special mention for idiocy and level of distribution it got..
Wanted 2008
I remember that movie. Main character is a literal cuck and the son of an assassin who is part of a group that curves bullets. He gets trained to do so by angelina jolly and joins the group but plot twist they be the bad guys. Also i think there were explosive rats and liquid wax bathes in a warehouse. The opening scene is the most memorable part, had the fat bitch from dead rising.
I think it's more a callback to how samurai would hold their matchlocks
Yeah, some yaoi Manga had it, then when everyone made fun of it the author bought an airshit G3 to prove it makes sense because it was hard for her to hold it normally, ignoring the fact that she was an absolutely tiny sub-5' woman
Wanted is a cheesy b-movie, and it should be enjoyed for its flaws.
Also, someone getting cheated on does not make them a cuck, their reaction to finding does.
>ignoring the fact that she was an absolutely tiny sub-5' woman
And the fact its an airshit gun with zero recoil you can just fire from the hip full auto and aim by seeing where your rounds fly and then adjusting.
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I'll let the webm speak for itswlf
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>sniper ghost warrior
>CI games
proof the world revolves around America. the entire planet literally cannot stop raging about us for one millisecond.
Don't forget the fact that her "non-lethal" bullets can punch straight through a car door and still have enough power to down someone, but somehow do no real harm to unarmored people at point blank range
I mean yeah, i watched that movie enough times to have it burned into my mind.
Also he knew his friend was clappin’ anchovie jolies characters cheeks and was apathetic
That's kinda adorable
This entire fucking scene was so retarded that it wraps back around to being hilarious.
>yo wtf is this netcode
That show was fun, cute and unironically kino
> villains whole "evil" plan was to just dump a bunch of guns around Japan for random people to find and do whatever they want with
Honestly pretty based
>tfw no evil masterminds IRL to hand out free firearms
This looks ridiculous, source?
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But it's fun and full of tank trivia/references.
Lycoris Recoil
Go into it expecting a cheesy 80's action buddy cop style anime with cute girls, if you're hoping for full on /k/ autism you'll be disappointed
>polish game
shut the fuck up dumbass
Almost exactly the same plot as the Chinese anti-gun propaganda movie "Stray Gun", which is about some inept cop losing his service revolver, which leads to a series of events of completely random people finding said gun and immediately being compelled to start murdering people they don't like.
That's more or less correct, but you could have just asked for a proper translation.
We also have the Krag-Jørgensen, with all of its glorious potential and unfortunate failures.
We's coulda been a contender!
At least we have the NSM, NASAMS and a few other fine pieces of military hardware produced by our friendly neighborhood Kongsberg.
To be fair I wouldn’t put it past chinks to immediately murder someone as soon as they get access to a firearm
Sorry about that, I speak Swedish, not Norwegian. So there are likely errors in translation.
The "kun noen meget" part made in particular made no sense to me, and I was too lazy to look it up, so I just looked at the context and more-or-less guessed what it meant.
Post hands.
I need the sauce.
Fun fact: The official reason why guns are b& in Chinkistan isn't gun violence. It's an apocryphal story about how some kids found an unsecured rifle and fucked around with it, using it so shoot out the windows of the local communist party headquarters, which was obviously a crime worse than murder.
>Go into it expecting a cheesy 80's action buddy cop style anime
Heavy Object kinda like that too, but you have go past the utterly retarded ideas about mechas in that series. The main duo was wort it tho.
wow the new John Wick is looking awesome!
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>korean berserk
It was better than expected desu.
Its one of the Resident Evil CG movies, one of em came out when I was like 14 or 15 with Leon and Claire and I remembered liking it at the time
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whatever the fuck this is
Strike Witches
the fuck is wrong with you?
Same as always, probably
Resident Evil Vendetta
I just ignore them and pretend they're Kriss Vector-lookalikes. Also, should've posted the pre-N3 version with quad rotary barrels for maximum fuck.

Oh oh oh, and post the internals of a Tohaa combi if you have it, I remember people on the official forum speculating on how and where the round travels in that, it went beyond retarded and straight into "it's VoodooTech, I ain't gotta explain shit" territory.
seriousily this puritanical shit is one of the worst things about the west. Funny how they have the most bad kind of violent, disgusting or predatory shit at the same time

Fucking anglos man. (seethe all you want but you know it's anglos who act this way)

You see it with boomers a lot. You could have a 5'10 adult woman with developed shoulders wide hips and H cups and they'd still see it as too young

It's a culture bound mental illness and it needs to fucking stop
I think there's a rod that pushes the shells from the drum to just under the ejection port, or at least I vaguely remember reading that somewhere
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Leg shotgun!
Okay she's just being a dork but I love this.
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all shotgun dolls are dorks by default
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The problem is bongs age like absolute garbage, fuckers look like they're 30 when they're 18, and thanks to this they always assume non-bongs are always way younger than they are.
What is the sauce on this absolute dork?
No, you were basically correct. Old Norwegian is very similar to Danish (I can write extensively about the history of this shit, but I won't), so I can't blame you for being uncertain about that particular part, but you got it right.
Then again, there's no reason for you to know Norwegian better than Danish, at least in written form. When spoken though, we both know how fucking obscene Danish sounds.
GF2, coming "soon"
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>coming "soon"
Assvolver, mighty and terryfing wapon...
Is GF story any good?
I got baited into Nikke, but it turned out to be shit after few good chapters.
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It's okay, if you like suffering.
it's a issue in america too but bongs have this weird obsessesion with "noncery" in a moral panic sense while ignoring blatant heinous shit right under their noses.

Some of it is just roastie seething but for some reason the anglosphere sees sex as evil and has been primed to react negatively to neoteny.

You aren't evil for wanting to fuck an attractive woman
I hear the story is good, but the game itself is really boring.
Look, if she can make her legs disappear, why not a gun?
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People promised that in Nikke, but it's still Gacha, so killing characters is big no no.
I'll check it.
the dolls rarely die with notable exceptions such as >40 Humans however do die fairly offten
It would've been good as a novel or visual novel; needing to be a gacha with all that entails ruined it.
honestly i'd shill for Reverse Collapse over GFL if you really wanted to play one of the games
I like ranking maps, but yeah
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>things that resemble guns
>AUTO play gameplay except for bosses being mildly fun
Girls Frontline
>waifus for everyone
>holy fuck they're everywhere
>I wanna fuck MP40
>Almost every gun is legit
>There's a story?
>reaaaaaly boring gameplay but maybe GFL2 will be an ok Xcom lite.
So far the only gacha I've played where the gameplay is actually kinda fun is Punishing Grey Raven
>Stray Gun
Couldn't find it, does it have another name?
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I love the concept of boobs so big they serve as hammerspace.
Reminds me of Garupan's explanation for why the cute girls don't get reduced to jam every time a tank gets knocked out.
>not being able to instantly recognize Strike Witches
lurk moar
Ah, a Ukrainian from Chernobyl. Carry on, your homeland still needs you, I'm sure.
Looks like quite the asspull from the writers
This is what I remember. IIRC it was some shoujo manga.
>shot in a vest
>instantly knocked out
>shot in the stomach
>mildly cringes
Either abs of steel or Hawaiian shirts are secretly the strongest fabric on the planet
>mag release waay up there
>charging handle just… stuck there?
>open gas block?
It's a very low bar: >>61974389
Resident Evil / Biohazard 6 perhaps?
Looks like Chris "LEON!!!" Redfield
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hes the boss bad guy, he has higher resistance than low level mooks like in every movie
Probably a result of Jimmy Saville.
After the Brit Empire fell apart, Britain began knighting cultural figures, trying to bank on soft power and financial dominance through Bank of London.
Jimmy Saville was a host of a nightly variety show that just about every Commonwealth citizen watched.
He was very smooth and charismatic, and very well connected. The Queen knighted him and some tard Minister called him "a national treasure."
Meanwhile though, underneath all his bubbly positivity, his child-like demeanor, he was a child predator. Like, rape bedridden boys & girls in hospital type predator.
He was caught eventually, but downplayed as a freak event. Then ue was shuffled out of publicity for the last AIDS-ridden decade of his miserable existence.
The full extent was covered up while he was alive, then revealed after he died. Because he was, essentially, a State-sponsored cult leader, the British public had a meltdown. And all the British Boomers and X'ers still have that scar, making them extra Inquisitorial against pedos. Not that it makes a difference, since the State, which has all the power, is even more corrupt than before. Rotherham, for example.
Aside from the goofy cartoon shotgun they're attached to, at least the individual guns are actually drawn pretty well
It's one of the CG movies, RE: Vendetta I think
Retarded? Yes
Fun? Also yes
Jimmy Saville was innocent.
All those accusations are false and made by those who want to disgrace Margaret Thatcher's reputation.
She was a close friend of Jimmy.
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Shots 1-5: Clearly missed.
Shots 6-9: Missed due to recoil (bad spray control).
Shots 10-11: Very close, but recoil and inaccuracy make these reasonable misses.
Shot 12: Likely didn't actually fire because mook was already dead.
The Luger's mag is so extended, it even has a bonus revolver at the end.
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Back to twitter
>Also, someone getting cheated on does not make them a cuck
No, it literally makes you a cuck.
The cuckhold fetish's name is derived from the preexisting term.
No there isn't. What you read was unironic bethdrone headcanon. A lot of shit is spread that's not actually confirmed, nor even hinted at in the media because it's the only way they have to rationalize a bunch of details.
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> fallout crossover
>perfect postion to make a service rifle/50 beo survivalists rifle with wood furniture
>do this instead

Don't give me any of that shit about trademarks, it isn't a thing and a ton of modern games have the right likenesses and trademarked names. The test is artistic value and it's easily to clear- fucking Receiver 2 goes and explicitly names all of the companies, including Glock, has the correct likenesses, branding, everything.

COD does it now because they don't give a fuck about accuracy, that's all it is.
it's California's ban on 'advertising firearms to minors' law, which I think is actually halted under court injunction rn? they can't use any real-world names and have to slightly alter certain things/functions to avoid 'advertising' firearms (in a game rated M for mature that requires an ID to buy in retail spaces). when presented with horseshit law, instead of challenging it with drawn out legal battles and uphill court chicanery, you just skirt the rules as lazily as you can with no regard to how it will effect the end-user, that's how its been in tech for decades and it'll stay that way forever.
I can't decide if I like heatshield only or not. I really like M16s with the heatshield/203 combo, but seeing it without the M203 triggers an instinctive revulsion.
So why have the most recent CoD games taken to apallingly ugly amalgam vehicles too? The guns actually look better than they used to, at least in my only mildly autistic eyes, but vics they've been using, especially in the latest and now also the upcoming Black Ops entries, are strange mish-mashes of actual vehicles that are somehow universally disgusting.
God, the Fallout show was so fucking bad. And it infuriates me that a few Bethsoft dickriders were able to gaslight the common Fallout fans into thinking that it doesn't actually fuck over the canon.
Also, even if it didn't, it's just an incredibly fucking stupid show on its own. I hate seeing this series get raped, and I think it's only being tolerated because Halo's show was an order of magnitude worse.
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EA is based in Cali and their BF2042 has trademarks and perfect likenesses. That would be enough exposure for Cali to sue if that law actually existed in that manner, which it does now It's just dev fiat.


Here's the actual law.

> (1) A firearm industry member shall not advertise, market, or arrange for placement of an advertising or marketing communication offering or promoting any firearm-related product in a manner that is designed, intended, or reasonably appears to be attractive to minors.

> (4) "Firearm industry member" means any of the following:
(A) A person, firm, corporation, company, partnership, society, joint stock company, or any other entity or association engaged in the manufacture, distribution, importation, marketing, wholesale, or retail sale of firearm-related products.

It only applies to the firearms industry.

Yeah the heatshield WITH the 203 rocks, but without it it's just dumb,

I bet it's just applying the same bullshit with the guns to everything now. Squad has all the likenesses, including the same Humvee AM general sued COD for and lost, with the trademarked grill and everything.
Are there any decent shooters on the market that aren't raped by microtransactions? Not interested in milsims like ARMA.
Well, you'd be wrong. Even if the law were in effect, it applies only to "firearm industry members." If a gun manufacturer, retailer, or trade association paid to have a gun put in CoD, they'd be liable, not MS / Blizzard-Activision. A video game company deciding to put a realistic real-life gun in their game wouldn't be affected by this law.
If this is how you identify children, I am way more concerned about you than weebs
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* does not

And here's Squad's Humvee. It even has the 7-bar grill that's a very aggressively protected trademark by Jeep/AM General.
So the TLDR is that devs make fake guns and fake gun names because they're either mistaken and think they have to, are having fun with it, or don't care.

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Sorry New Vegas chuddie, GODD Howard says your opinion doesn't count and New Vegas has ALWAYS been bad.
XDefiant, it has heavy microtransactions but only because it’s free. Core gameplay is really solid (basically like really heavily refined Black Ops 2) and the only paid content is goofy ass cosmetics
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This is allegedly the mangaka here "proving" her point that people have to hold rifles that way.
the keyword is
> (4) "Firearm industry member" means any of the following:
>(A) A person, firm, corporation, company, partnership, society, joint stock company, or any other entity or association engaged in the manufacture, distribution, importation, marketing, wholesale, or retail sale of firearm-related products.
a strict reading of this definition means that if EA markets i.e. advertises firearm-related products, then it IS a "firearm industry member"
>bbbbut the judge said
case law can be overruled by future proceedings, and in any case statutory law trumps case law

welcome to Califucknia.
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That's cool, but the law is enjoined and EA, being in Cali, could have been sued over it but was not. Welcome to reality.

I'm guessing since she's tiny and had to do it with airsoft guns she assumed other people did too? It is a thing to get a fixed stock gun a little shorter for CQB. I bet she found a reference like pic related and ran with it.
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AND it's used for standing marksmanship stuff (with a sling). This is probably it.
>the law is enjoined
>could have been sued over it but was not.
see again:
>bbbbut the judge said
>case law can be overruled by future proceedings
in other words, the current interpretation exists on the mere sufferance of the right judge

> (4) “Firearm industry member” means any of the following:
(A) A person, firm, corporation, company, partnership, society, joint stock company, or any other entity or association engaged in the manufacture, distribution, importation, marketing, wholesale, or retail sale of firearm-related products.
(B) A person, firm, corporation, company, partnership, society, joint stock company, or any other entity or association formed for the express purpose of promoting, encouraging, or advocating for the purchase, use, or ownership of firearm-related products that does one of the following:
(i) Advertises firearm-related products.
(ii) Advertises events where firearm-related products are sold or used.
(iii) Endorses specific firearm-related products.
(iv) Sponsors or otherwise promotes events at which firearm-related products are sold or used.

> (5) “Firearm-related product” means a firearm, ammunition, reloaded ammunition, a firearm precursor part, a firearm component, or a firearm accessory that meets any of the following conditions:

Unless Activision started selling gun parts, they're not a “Firearm industry member”. Quit fucking dooming.
Looks like a COD knock-off from the mid 2010's. It's also Ubisoft so not worth supporting. You are right about the gameplay though.
Continue on to point (6), delete all the irrelevant "ors", and you get:
>A firearm industry member is a company engaged in the communication (in exchange for monetary compensation) to an individual about a firearm to encourage recipients to use the firearm

this IS the statutory law as written
while the specific interpretation and implementation is up to the judge, I'm pointing out that it is well within the range of possible future interpretations that EA featuring a real trademarked gun in the game can be regarded as liable under this law
>bbbut it hasn't happened yet
that's a really strange attitude for a firearm owner to take
>interpretations that EA featuring a real trademarked gun in the game can be regarded as liable under this law
You're blatantly missing the "in exchange for monetary compensation" and "encourage recipients to use the firearm" part of your OWN argument.
lol and here i am thinking about adding some sort of butt pad or spacer to my M1 since its a little too short for me
didn't miss it
are you this naive?
>in exchange for monetary compensation
is already fulfilled; they are SELLING the game are they not, not giving it away for free?
all they need to do next is claim that EA prominently featuring the gun in the game fulfills the condition of
>encourage recipients to use the firearm
which, once again, under the right judge is easy peasy
product placement in media has only one purpose after all

p.s. I will add that
>encourage recipients to purchase the firearm
is also valid
You genuinely have brain damage. "In exchange for monetary compensation" refers to a gun company paying the VIDEO GAME COMPANY to put their licensed gun in the game. This has NOTHING to do with the fact that you need to purchase the game in order to play it. It is clearly written as an interaction between two companies for the purpose of getting the video game company to advertise the gun by putting it in the game. If the video game company is not paid to put any particular gun in their game, then it's not advertising.
Reminds me of the walking dead. During the battle for the farm, Hershel fires his old pump action with a short tube like 10 times in a row throwing out huge fire balls
Clearly taught her CC level by Magnum PI
>get so boots blasted over people making fun of a single panel of your Manga that you run out and buy some airshit to justify it
Actually kinda funny when you think about it, absolutely seething
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This is her now.
is she doing that on purpose?
retarded hag
Because of their emphasis on safety, right?
Use google translate silly, she's making fun of herself
seems like something a cheap dojo would teach
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At least it's not AI guns with cameras that identify whether they are aimed at innocents, mutant animals or people using illegally modified guns.
I 1000% remember seeing this when it came out at the comic book store I would go to every weekend.
You're not laughing when an octopus shows up dual wielding those guns.
>I know your thinking punk, did he fire 6 shots or only 5? But considering this is a landstads Automatiske, I've actually only fired 4 shots and now the pistol has jammed.
I will never understand the people who watch this shit, but I do understand how it turns them all into Trannies.
She's selling shirts of the infamous panel at some con so she's obviously doing the pose for the photo on purpose.
>I bet she found a reference like pic related and ran with it.
He's using the ACOG as a monocular. He's not going to shoot like that.

>AND it's used for standing marksmanship stuff (with a sling).
It's not over his shoulder... The butt is still at his collar bone.
>You aren't evil for wanting to fuck an attractive woman
No but you ARE evil for risking the creation of a child you have no intention of raising or caring for.
This is the best girl
Nice house. I imagined all mangakas lived in filthy studio apartments.

Also, cute feet.
>"In exchange for monetary compensation" refers to a gun company paying the VIDEO GAME COMPANY to put their licensed gun in the game
says you
where in the statute does it say that?
>it's just logical, duh!!
no such shit in law

as a matter of fact, it's a basic principle of tax law that any benefits received by anybody from anyone can be regarded as payment and it is generally up to the IRS to decide

otherwise, a ludicrously obvious way to circumvent tax law would be for A to perform a service for B "for free", and receive a "gift" from C, who is totally unconnected with B, please believe

>the retention of juvenile characteristics in an ADULT animal
janny hated him because he told the truth

as an asian I would like to point out that what you baka gaijin might consider "childlike" encompasses features that many young asian women would have; for example, an average height of 5 feet
and anime characters whatever their stated age OF COURSE aim for the cultural ideal of physical appearance around the world, i.e. whatever one looks like at around 21 years of age
The explanation given in the show is that the white haired girl can see minute changes in people's muscle movements (even if they're fully clothed) which in turn lets her tell where EXACTLY they are pointing the gun, and hence avoid getting hit
I would say this is complete horseshit for the dodging scene but at least marginally plausible for blocking shots with a bulletproof bag (as in it makes sense in-universe, not as in it's actually possible irl to reliably track someone's aim that precisely)
She uses the same ability to have a perfect rock-paper-scissors record, since she can just wait until the other person's muscles give away which shape they're going for, and she can change last minute. Until the co-lead figures out how to trick her muscle-reading, at least in the context of rock paper scissors.
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or get stuck clearing a house with a 20 inch A4
Some states employ experts to decide if a drawing is that of a child or an adult based on facial dimensions and standoffs.
Anime studios know perfectly well what they are doing.
hold in so it's a double barrel shotgun shooting 5 shells and a lead shell at the same time? I guess they're gonna send these magical high school girls next time USA invades.
Btw all you need to collapse japanese economy is to triple tourism and immigration. Nobody's gonna fight for racemixed half Indian tranny Capcom when all your neighbours are white, Jews, mutts, spics black or terrorists.
A surprising percentage of GF's story is about old men.
show for nogunz incels
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> Is GF story any good?
Only if NTR is your cup of tea.
>Average PLA infantrymans best marksmanship
Hey now, Jormungand is quite the gun porn.
It doesn't, and you're a retarded crybaby.
Every single Bethesda product rapes Fallout lore.
>I do understand how it turns them all into Trannies
I'd ask you to explain in as precise and detailed manner as possible, but you capitalizing "trannies" tells me enough.
95% of pop culture gun related media is trash be it the pedobait/incel dating sim nonsense crammed into gun facts brainrot from the east or "CAN WE SHOOT THROUGH 78 PHONEBOOKS WITH A 20MM?" brainrot from the west most of it is just pure entertainment nonsense.
It worked in Psycho Pass.
>Ah bloo bloo the cannon is messed up now I can't enjoy this game
>Oh no the devs made another game, that means this old game is shit because of what was said in the new game
>Bwaah why won't anyone care about the lore
I hate betheshit and the fuckout show a lot, not nearly as much as I hate lorefags. If you want to waste your time masturbating over made up history play 40k
>I hate seeing this series get raped
Hey, I know Tactics wasn't the high point of the trilogy, but come on :^)
It is more if a how they do it, than the fact they have done it.
They destroy the BoS and The Enclave because they are inept and soulless bugs that can't write their own fiction.
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Not even close.
Gun aspect of the show is minimal and it's actualiy a lesbian (yuri) show.so anime incels hate it.
>yuri show
>main girl has more chemistry with the villain dude than her supposed love interest
A word’s meaning is what it’s perceived to mean, not its denotation.
For example: today faggot means either some variety of homo or an obnoxious asshole, not a bundle of sticks.
She used nonlethal bullets in this show, they’re like paintballs or something, I can’t remember. It was pretty dumb
>that can't write their own fiction
The people who created The Elder Scrolls? Yes, I know Kirkbride made a lot of the weirder lore back in the day but this is an absolutely retarded take.
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it was a show for me (someone who goes to indoor ranges)
I like anime, but this kind of shit with badass loli type characters is for fucking losers. If you actually enjoy this type of slop please kill yourself or get more into non-incel anime.
>child-looking female
Nah, this one ain't ours.
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Ever seen a box magazine fed M249?
There's no belt, it's just a magazine
Definitely just based on an airsoft M249
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>Ever seen a box magazine fed M249?
>There's no belt, it's just a magazine
You're wording it wrong, because yes, that exists. Feeding the Minimi with a Stanag mag was meant as a backup for when preloaded belts weren't available. That way the MG was never "down".
The original Minimis all did that. Was considered superfluous on many of the M249 purchases of the US armed forces tho. But it's super fucking common with Minimis.

Ofc in the vid you posted it has no box magazine, but just an ammo bag. But then again, the MG doesn't look like a proper M249 anyway.
What's the story about this "GFL has NTR" shit?
My first thought is that it's something taken way out of context by autists.

Sauce ?
At first it seems that way, but if you go deeper into the situation, things look different.
Several dots form a line.

It all started with one of the girls in the game not shutting up about how cool Mr. Raymond was, eventually it all led to an uproar among the Chinese players and it all got changed.
That's kind of the end of the story, isn't it? Well, it wasn't.

On Valentine's Day, all the girls in the game gave the character a gift in the form of a box of chocolates. Except for one. The one that caused the scandal, she gave him a toothbrush.
Here is a nice video about the story
/ak/ tourists didn't like this thread
>This is the world Detroit Urban Survival Training lives in.
And they're just moeblob pedos or incel degens looking to fuck pixels (because that's the only thing that pays attention to them) too. Bring back autistic detail 90s military otaku anime.
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>Brush your teeth BITCH
Sometimes bugmen are unintentionally fuckin hilarious & I was right about autists schizos
>CoD/Fallout crossover
>clearly to push the show
>clearly a deal with Bethesda
>clearly using the iconic vault dweller colors
>Hurr durr why didn't they use my favorite gun from the non-bethesda game that boils down to a non-distinct AR with wood furniture and a slogan that has only peripheral connection to Fallout
New gaygas fags need to let it go, it was fallout 3 with an orange filter and a rudimentary faction system
>til: any show/movie/media with a gun in it can be sued by California
You are an idiot
its usually one of the two extremes with weeb shit
copletely ridiculous and retarded or hyperrealistic attention to detail for guns whereas humans are stylized. but its usually its the former
No one is buying it chang, you can scream muh 5 foot and small boobs all you want but when you dress them like children amd make them a third the size of the men supposesly around their age (who don't share the same features as younger male characters) it is obvious what you're doing. Straight up, "akshually she's an 80000 year old vampire stuck in an 8 year old's body" tier cope
>a COD knock-off from the mid 2010s
It literally is, the executive producer is ex-Infinity Ward
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Tanya the Evil is pretty legit. It has a bunch of fantasy elements but if you disregard those the historical accuracy is solid and strategies and tactics portrayed are mostly sound.
liking neoteny is normal
liking neoteny sexually is normal
liking neoteny otherwise is even more normal
thats not the only reason this kind of drawing style is liked though (id have to go a little bit too deep here for my mood)
Yeah? She'a still a retarded hag.
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It could work. It may not work well, but it could work.
Ready or not
Battlebit though that games dead
>historical accuracy is solid and strategies and tactics portrayed are mostly sound
Ask me how I know you're a tourist. You can enjoy it as a dumb fun action romp with a surface level historyfag appeal if you like, but let's not pretend its handling of strategy, TTPs behind mages, historical allusions and the battles themselves is anything but barely above normalfag-pop.his-tier.
Never thought feminists could be spooky, but the game did a great job
Ready or Not is fantastic and it has based devs.
>"shoot the dog" in the chat when raiding the gaymer lair
The girl also has an artificial heart and the big bad has the power of echolocation, so honestly the whole muscle reading thing isn't the most far fetched thing in the show
It's in the same "fun action movie" category as Black Lagoon or Ajin, yeah. /k/ loves those.
What ends up producing the usual retardation is when some dilettante author attempts to tell a serious original war story which inevitably falls flat in its face when the author's grasp of tactics and strategy (if they even know the difference), among other things, is found lacking.
Examples: 86, Marginal Operation
You should see what happened in Korea thanks to a gacha characters costume being a wet suit instead of a bikini, some absolutely next level unhinged shit
They CAN write their own original factions. It's just that the last time they tried it in Fallout, we got rad-dragons with rad-shouts spreading rad-toxoplasmosis with their rad-braps and turning people into rad-hivemind zombies.
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Like wtf, Kojima?
>Your mother-figure is shooting at you with a penis-shaped gun
Kojima may be employing some symbolism here.
5.56 was designed to tumble :^)
You apparently have no idea what a mess WW1 was in terms of military doctrine.
>B-but why aren't they properly utilising mages
Because they're a new technology reintroduced just before the war broke out, just like air power. They're figuring it out as they go. And despite Tanya being from the future and knowing all about modern tactics, there's only so much a single individual can do in the face of doctrinal inertia.
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Gunsmith Cats is great, wish they made more back then (wouldn't want any new ones made because you know it'd be shit).
This and the Blues Brothers have left me with a romantic image of Chicago. I don't think I'd ever want to visit the city, because I'd hate to tarnish that with the Chiraq reality.
Wait, is that the new nikke event/crossover?
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It was crazy to learn the inspiration
Watch Jin Roh. Old but gold.
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the point I'm making is that it's not even neoteny in asian eyes

from our POV you over-sexualise as well. you know the jokes about Hollywood casting 20yos as teenagers in high school movies? it looks even weirder to asians because they look 25
Are you kidding?? Half the fights are le morally grey good guys just cut stomping the enemy while they say “eh?” And “bakana!” Despite their strategy just being flying up to them and shooting them
She was 17.999 years old you sick fuck.
>the world's easiest language
please say you aren't talking about English
Tu peux mange merde, si un dumbass comme moi peut comprend l'anglais tu peux aussi
sorry no hablo espanol
theres good reason the entire world uses it
Yeah, because the 203rd had the benefit of going through a modern training regimen and happen to have superior equipment and a brilliant commander. They stomped out the opposition early on in the war and later could take full benefit of the snowballing disparity in experience.

Mages can withstand a lot of punishment, the novels depicting the later soviet mages being able to shrug off 88mm flak. At the same time, they're able to dish out staggering amount of punishment, with Tanya's full output amplified by the Type 95 being superior to an artillery barrage. And all of this combined with the fact that mages are human-sized (or half-human, in Tanya's case) targets flying up to 14k feet up in the air. How would you counter such units if you have had your available magic sensitive personnel attrited by the war?
Outing yourself even more. Youjo Senki's war as depicted isn't even WW1 in anything but surface aesthetics. You're comparing the development of WW1 air capability to a weapons platform that, in what is essentially WW2, could hold ground like infantry, have the stealth and mobility to fly right up to the enemy capital, direct all-weather precision strikes against any target in the air or ground, conduct accurate BDA, conduct EWAR, and can communicate and broadcast over a wide area to anyone it wants listening all in one insanely compact package? Completely asinine.
If we had went into WW1 with that kind of capability even in small numbers, given the offensive-minded doctrinal attitudes inherited from the Napoleonic era, trench warfare would never have been a thing to begin with, even with the logistical limitations of the time.

It's all surface level. The tech depicted is practically WW2 (and hence should also the general level of doctrine), and yet it still apes WW1 tropes that only came to be because of the defense outstripping the offense for most of the war. Don't get me started on Tanya's rant about using such a potent but scarce force for "attritional containment" in a two-front war of interior lines of all fucking things.

The author doesn't understand the subject matter enough to tell it to a satisfying level as it is, much less adding in magic and considering its effect on the balance of tactical, strategic, technological and logistical conditions which rendered WW1 as the historical apogee of defense.
пoнятнo, хopoшeгo дня
It's WW1 a decade later than it happened in our world. The blend of WW1 doctrine with early WW2 equipment is not beyond plausibility.

Mages are a force multiplier, but the actual battles are still decided by mass. As mages are dangerous, a high priority must be given to anti-mage operations. And that's exactly what a lot of mages are doing.

What exactly do you find to be the problem with attritional containment? It seems perfectly reasonable to me if you have the foreknowledge of having to fight the frogs, limeys, commies, yanks and pastas at the same time.

The krauts in youjo senki enjoy mage superiority but that alone can only go so far.
It's easy because you just make up the rules as you go. It's hard because you just make up the rules as you go.
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background simpsons guns are in a reality all their own
A force multiplier on a level of several modern combat aviation brigades being committed against Bagration. At that level of disparity, mass wouldn't mean shit.
Mages are less comparable to air and more to nukes, in that being made so OP by the author, doctrine would very quickly start to center everything around the employment of mages in the vein of 1950's thought. Imagine the air component of AirLand Battle being able to do virtually everything the other components are supposed to.
Using something like that as a fire brigade, in so-called attritional containment, is a colossally stupid waste of resources only remotely justifiable at 1945 Germany levels of desperation.

They stomped out the opposition early on in the war and later could take full benefit of the snowballing disparity in experience.
That's not how it works. If it was, then the
Red Army would have never been able to recover from the absolute assrape of early Barbarossa.
>A word’s meaning is what it’s perceived to mean, not its denotation
Nok ded ilpol o grensankaly.
I perceive these words to have meaning, therefore they do.
>The blend of WW1 doctrine with early WW2 equipment is not beyond plausibility.
Until you realize early on that the Empire directly prescribes mobile defense for their situation on the Rhine. That's a WW2 doctrine only possible with WW2 tech.
Feeding from magazines didn't work very well since the gun was primarily designed to work off belts, apprently they were so bad for jamming they got rid of the feature.
In a sense yes, however it only becomes a word when someone else understands its meaning. Words exist to communicate ideas, a sound that shares no information and only the speaker understands is merely noise. It's how seemingly nonsensical terms like "swag" "rizz" and "yolo" can become words while words like "eyren" can lose its status as a word as people forget its meaning or even its existence
>Mages are less comparable to air and more to nukes, in that being made so OP by the author, doctrine would very quickly start to center everything around the employment of mages in the vein of 1950's thought. Imagine the air component of AirLand Battle being able to do virtually everything the other components are supposed to.
And that's pretty much what happens, actually. The only success that the Empire sees as the war progresses is with the employment of the 203rd.
>Using something like that as a fire brigade, in so-called attritional containment, is a colossally stupid waste of resources only remotely justifiable at 1945 Germany levels of desperation.
I disagree, concentrating all the mages you have into an elite team that responds on a short notice seems like a really smart decision to make. Whenever they encounter enemy mages they're going to triumph. Case in point, as the US entered the war and the US expeditionary mage unit encountered the 203rd they got absolutely splattered.
>That's not how it works. If it was, then the
>Red Army would have never been able to recover from the absolute assrape of early Barbarossa.
The Soviets had a bunch of mages holed up in concentration camps and could push them back into the fray, including some Imperial Russian elites that proved to be quite the tough nut to crack. France and UK on the other hand were really hurting for mages as the war progressed.
she just memorized the spray pattern and knows she's fighting noobs (they have rookie eyes)
Going to be awkward when he runs out of ammo in one second.
Up to ch7 is just a boring slog, but once Arknights writers got canned it became the second best story in gacha, right after Limbus
I read this was her acknowledging that her drawing of that shooting pose became a meme.
Because Britain had empire outposts on all the continents of the world and then America created the backbone of the internet and was the largest creator of media that got placed on it.
underrated post
>muh projection
Is that the only argument you fags have?
Ugh. I have a confession to make. I keep my cartridges bullet-up, which is painful to handle. Didn't fucking even realize you can flip them up until this moment.
most combatants don't drink 2 liters of vodka before combat, especially on both sides.
What? Am I talking to a bot here? You or whoever else said the tactics and strategies were sound. Sure, yeah, being overpowered main characters is a sound strategy but it’s obviously horribly boring and uninteresting. I do not see how an isekaifag would spend this much effort shilling a vaguely military themed “punch harder” show on a military and weapons board.
Okay, thanks for your input. I for one find it an interesting idea to explore how military tactics, strategy and doctrine would evolve if you introduced magic into the mix.

And why would I spend time discussing it? Because I find it an interesting topic, you silly goose. Why did you spend so much time responding?
No, old limbus company drama that just started a retarded chain of events, look up "Korean gacha gender war" on youtube if you want to go down a rabbit hole
Modern moeshit with guns with guns is fucking embarrassing. What happened to anime that at least tried to appeal to people who aren't faggots and chomos like Golgo 13 or Desert punk?
See >>61975809 chomo
This could've been badass if the shells fired their payloads mid-flight
A bunch of those heatshields flooded the surplus market in the last year and half of reddit built "retro rifles" with them for some reason.
i'm pretty sure that's what they were hoping for
>tfw that’s exactly what I did the first time I used my AR15 because of that game
>Muh canon
There are a bunch of things I don't like about the show, and none of them are related to the canon whatsoever.
If you analyze it for it's actual merits, you would inevitably conclude that it is in fact one of the best video game adaptations ever made.
I can't think of a single adaptation that got fans this excited about the property; it lead to a complete revival of the franchise, and every single game has been shown more love in the past 6 months than in the past 6 years.
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Ajin is pretty cool.
Holy shit I haven't seen thin in a while.
Can confirm
t. resident of Detroit
>I'm getting REALLY hard primer strikes
7/10 impression, but a real Thatcherite Tory wouldn't have missed the chance to blame everything on Communist agitprop, just prior to getting photographed in Soho wearing knickers and a garter belt.
It's a sports anime with humor. Stop being a projecting faggot.
>fallout crossover
>expecting anything other that newest bethesda game stuff
Why you shill on /k/ instead /v/?
my post was perhaps more like something i wanted to add to the whole thread of discussion because the word "pedo" gets thrown around
yes american and japanese media both have a tendency to be very sexualized
japs love neoteny and cuteness though, without a doubt
what kind of asian are you?
Yeah, that's when it was good. After Morrowind, all the best shit was relegated to in-game books or whatever. The player doesn't actually get any good stories to participate, outside of a few quests here and there.
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>you would inevitably conclude that it is in fact one of the best video game adaptations ever made
It's really not. But even if you rate it highly, that's more an indictment on video game adaptations than it is praise of the show.
Like, the show just fundamentally misunderstands the property. Just one example is how they explained Vault-Tec's role in dropping the bombs during the Great War. I won't go into all the reasons why it's retarded, but the biggest one is that the whole thesis of the fucking series is that "war never changes." Explaining or giving additional context to the Great War defeats the purpose. The idea is that whatever reason there was, was a spook. Mankind was destined to war over and over. Focusing so much on shit that happened around that time is more regressive than anything.
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>gunblades are so stupid, who would ever attach a sword to their revolver?
You think you're being cute, but Tactics fell into a lot of the narrative pitfalls that Bethesda Fallout does: making weird off-shoots of the BoS, call-backs to the first games that only cheapen the material rather than enriching it, overexplaining Vault Tec, etc. Tactics gets more leeway though since it was a spin-off and the devs who made it weren't going to dictate the tone of the series from then on.
Despite that, and some gameplay issues though, Tactics is very fun. Very underrated. Though it'd probably filter modern gamers more than the OG Fallouts already do.
You and me both brother. People who watch this shit are just closeted pedos. They always have the excuse of "cute girls with x", but we all know that's bullshit, the question is do they?
What do you mean closeted? Anyway, the girls in that show are high schoolers and well past my strike range. Well, there is one younger girl that's very delicious but she's not in that clip.
diaspora chink
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After RE5 I can't take Chris Redfield seriously under any circumstances.
It is a port firing weapon with the wrong twist rate on the rifling. Either that or no rifling.
>You said that the weight of a human life means no more to a senshi than the act of pulling a trigger. That's why you chose to fight with a sword, isn't it? You can feel the weight of a person's life right in the palm of your hands.
It was the hammer, anon. With her own revolver pointed at her, she challenges the other person to cock the hammer first, but they cannot.
>I don't think you'll be able to do it on your own, I have it set pretty tight. I did it deliberately, to be able to feel the weight of a life. If you're gonna shoot someone, you have to have a certain awareness about it.

Grenadier, it's slop, but it's fun, brief, and focused on titties. The dub is easy to find, probably still on Youtube, but the original with subs isn't as trivial.
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>Post the worst gun logic in fiction you've seen
They make it pretty clear in the manga that it's an asspull when Miko gets headshotted by a St Glorina tank when she has her tank unbuttoned.
I thought it was neat until the drones started launching whole shells, should have just given them missles.
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The webms I've seen seem to back you up.
This may be the dumbest military machine I've seen all year, and that's saying something.
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So it's time to one up that.
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Oh the thread is already bump limit. Too bad.
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The new Command & Conquer got leaked already?
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