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What’s the verdict?
Twink faggot
100% Gay.
I've got a sidecar 2.0 and one of their slings, plus have bought some other stuff from them. Never had a bad experience, shipping times were great since I also lived in tennessee. They're also pushing against gun control locally so that's pretty cool too.
I hope Lucas is having a happy Pride month!
Im sorry he made that mean video about you guys.
extremely based, this is the third queerest board on 4chan
Shut the fuck up Lucas
Seethe, faggot.
Fatties ITT
Quality products, cringe marketing
They seemed to have tone down a bit of the cringe and just release vids on their experiences in shooting. The one vid of the ex marine they hired doing a shooting course was interesting. Then there's Lucas' brother that has just been pumpi9ng out vids about land nav and drones that have been pretty kino.
weak, cum guzzling twink.
Their holsters are decent, their nylon is pointless (280 bucks for a TAPS?), Lucas is a faggot. Its a pity really, people like his brothers but they only really get in front of the camera for the dry stuff nobody watches. It would be like if BCM had John Oliver or Lil Nas X as their front man, doesn't matter how good the products are because even the pro-LGBT public don't actually like flamers.
here's an idea, learn to form your own opinions instead of outsourcing your critical thinking to anonymous schizoids on the internet
Isaac is cool and makes interesting videos about a bunch of topics. Brandon is ok, not very charismatic but tolerable. Lucas is annoying as fuck. Their USPSA grandmaster guy is ok, he should be in more videos and Lucas in fewer.
too short to masturbate
e-celeb worshipping
heathens hate it.
That twink been on my mind, no cap.
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Honestly adore their website. Every item has a very detailed write up and explanation of why someone would want that item. I wish more places would do that kind of thing.
He's based, troons mad ITT.
>part of quiverful, a religious cult that places supreme importance on having as many kids as possible
>all his brothers and sisters are married with kids
>doesn't even have a gf at 30, always alone in family photos
>repeatedly made fruity posts on facebook bitching about how hes not like the other girls and wears cheap jeans
>his sisters made a weird blogpost about how to respond when a brother reveals a shameful secret to you
>people seriously expect me to believe this zesty nigger isn't riding the pipe.
The holsters are okay.
Ignoring the noguns eceleb nonsense and tourist raging they are alright as a company and have some interesting products but nothing really outcompetes whats on the market so a lot of it just blends into the background.
He's married you retarded troon
>instead of outsourcing your critical thinking to anonymous schizoids on the internet
It's called community, you atomized consumers wouldn't get it
so, for someone who doesn't watch their videos and has no idea what everyone is talking about, what do I have to know and which video do I watch
And has clearly yet to consummate said marriage. Where are the kids? He's been married for years.
I don't care for Lucas, but people not fitting into your traditional family mold doesn't make them gay. I'm almost 30 with no gf or kids, doesn't make me a pole smoker. I don't understand why everyone thinks if your life doesn't revolve around someone's else needs, you're gay. Like 50% of people single now at this age. It's not a big deal.
I think seething at guntubers normalizing guns because they aren’t cut and dry like Paul Harrell is cringe. But Botkin just gives bad advice some that’s even dangerous. I heard their products are good though.
I didn't like that Lucas was pushing with extremely niche cqb gear elitist larp lifestyle, but his long range shooting video was very down to earth and way more practical which I respected.
>I'm almost 30 with no gf or kids, doesn't make me a pole smoker.
I have bad news for you, anon...
I think it's funny that he went over to daniel defense to blackmail them into joining his gay incest jesus cult and they actually went along with it lmao. I'm not buying anything from either company.
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>seething at guntubers normalizing guns
Thats not the issue. It's about them being groomed to be celebrities and appear on establishment-back fake pro 2A media outlets to enrich themselves and not talk about whats really going on.
gun consumerism
the marketing works pretty well I guess
The arms are small
why is his entire set made of wood
I don't know shit about chest rigs but I saw a video they made showing off the ready rig and it looked ridiculously cheap for $90.
I like that they make videos on grapheneos and decentralized comms though. More people need to get into that.
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based and redpilled
Despite what people say, wood is actually good
Products are fine, generally decently priced for what they are. Can't stand Lucas though, it's like watching hop or brassfacts but without the latent homosexuality and more overt gayness
Took too much design input from Shoigu
Pandering to "rural" people.
I’ve been using one of their iron side holsters for a couple years and have no complaints. Also dig how the owner hates faggots
Wood is based. Enjoy your plastic guns.
They have pretty short range
Their sewn fabric gear goods seem really poor and behind on modern manufacturing techniques, and their new thing with spamming 70 minute videos with piss poor information density really is atrocious.
thread hidden
his life revolves around his work rn
Deeply unlikable, cripplingly insecure while simultaneously hilariously overconfident. One of the funniest social media presences of any of the big guntube personalities due to this.
At times he says some really stupid shit where you can definitely tell his teachers at homeschool were his older sisters or some really weird shit where you can definitely tell his prom dates at homeschool were his older sisters.
Has some clearly effeminate "theater kid" and autistic "debate kid" tendencies that I think would have been bullied out of him at any public school in the country but he didn't go to public school.
Actual products run the gamut from "dogshit" to "mediocre" to "fine"

Personally I think his autistic older brothers are clearly actually running the company while lucas games, fucks around starting fights on social media, and plays on their dad's land.
Seems like a pretty sweet little life he's carved out for himself all around, but I think it's really funny when you see people on instagram asking him for financial advice or whatever, like seeing him as a role model instead of a lucky retard living the dream is extremely strange to me.
hey faggot, holsters cost money. ive already spent $300 on useless holsters ill never use ever again because i just decided to buy shit instead of asking people who already had it
products and site is gud i order from them alot lucas is annoying as fuck fr but hes cute and definitely a bratty bottom nigga needs to get manhandled though maybe then he will stop bitching about trannies or whatever on twitter i mean my gfs trans and she says i "shouldnt order from a company who hates trans people" but whatever also main channel is meh i think their armory channel is better
>Like 50% of people single now at this age. It's not a big deal.
70% of the population is also obese so i’m assuming you fit that also. probably explains the no gf/no kids.

imagine being a man and failing at your only biological purpose. lmao
doing great work. they've been really pushing the citizen-first mindset in the industry. lucas is a good shooter too, i've based a lot of my shooting work off his videos/drills/etc
>used his rich daddy's money to start a business
>acts like a self made man.
>"I didn't bother going lefty infected college cause I'm a driven person and can make it without higher education! Why don't you quit complaining and just do the same thing like me?"

Kid is insecure and cringy as fuck. Nobody cares that you used your daddy's money to get a head start. Just don't act like you did it all on your own and not have the resources readily made available for you.
It's kydex holster company no. 9384774839477 that makes cool edit youtube videos, there's nothing to love or hate. It's just a guy running off a business model of saying buzzwords like "based" and people become obsessed with this man because of that.
It's a pretty speculative topic, but I'd say that the predominant theory is that they were used by the male to hold on to the female while mating.
Personally, I think they would have been more useful with juveniles as they would have been relatively longer at earlier life stages in comparison to body size.
>Nobody cares that you used your daddy's money to get a head start.
You care. You care a lot. You just made a whole post about it.
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>Where are the kids?
someone is infertile
Touch fucking grass.
>It's kydex holster company no. 9384774839477
Fair. Sidecar is actually pretty good though.
bed breaking sexo with gun twink now!
brain rot
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based and cringe
>"...we're not a company that's trying to get along with everyone... we have traditional Christian, American values...so we say what we believe and that usually turns away the liberal gun owners, reddit really doesn't like me, and I think that's great."

This, Lucas is just a lucky doofus. He could have easily ended up being a gas station clerk if his company did not take off and his family did not help him either. I do want to say I like his brothers they seem really down to earth and actually smart. I would straight up love to talk to either of them but I would stay the fuck away from Lucas.
now that's a textbook example of cropping context out of a sentence.
T.REX Labs is good, I don't watch much things on the main channel though
Catch AIDS and die, faggot.
>I'm almost 30 with no gf or kids, doesn't make me a pole smoker.
No, but it does make you massive incel and a loser, kek.
Im 35, married and without kids. Do you know what that makes me? A workaholic with a lot of money and even more regrets.

kids > everything.
>of the population is also obese so i’m assuming you fit that also
Nah, I'm an >>61983056
infantry officer so I'm in pretty good shape. Just don't have kids and a gf. I went on a date with 40 something MILF the other day, and she couldn't understand why I'm single. I work around men, and all my hobbies are all male centric. I only met her because we go to the same dog park.
>infantry officer
Lol, loser.
My rotted-out brain:
>women are sedentary, act at random, will hate you out of the blue for no reason, will love you out of the blue for no reason, very small, and fuzzy
>trannies are sweet, pleasant, fattening, usually covered in frosting, are easy to bake in an oven, and are meant to be eaten
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>Ifunny watermark
Don't really like Lucas as he seems arrogant and annoying like most I ternet focused conservatives. Other than that I have zero experience with their products mainly because I don't really trust them for no reason other than what I typed out. With that I don't personally see a point with the side car holsters. They seem really bulky and uncomfortable and I'd rather put my mag in my back pocket or in a spot that doesn't cover my junk like a chastity cage.
I was of this opinion and then a buddy gave me a side car and it's the most comfortable holster for carrying a full-size pistol. Makes distributing the weight of the gun and mag very easy so it doesn't lead to much belt slouch even with a gun belt.
I don't know what that is, and going off this thread, I'm glad I don't.
i bought some piece of nylon gear for kit
it was a better design than those faggot tax-thieves at crye
I never looked on their site but I forgot if they come with holsters that don't require a flashlight. Yes this question sounds retarded.
Yes, I didn’t do that freehand If you were wondering.
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Trying really hard to become paid dd shills
Also I cannot fucking stand the god damn shaky cam for him just sitting talking in a fucking office
He is a recent antisemite. Very based.
They're just big mad because you can do what you want, when you want. Hurrr durr your gay lol, me have kids so they can enjoy a few years of childhood then go into the real world and work all the time and pay taxes to kikes lol and be in perpetual debt slavery for a nice car they use for going to work to pay for a house they use to watch TV shows full of retards in costumes reading off a script written by jews lmao, your gay though, I'm a straight man with kids.
He has lead poisoning and most likely shooting blanks as a result.
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Lucas is a charisma black hole. I find it endlessly amusing that all of their best videos are when someone other than him is presenting.
have you ever heard of the phenomena known as "beard"
Anon... I've got some bad news.
You've got the gay.
You'll co ntinue to waste money because you're a fucking stupid bitch who makes bad uninformed decisions. Asking people with experience is stupid because most people are stupid. Most people are not able to put into words or give a valid genuine reason for why things are good or bad or why they didn't work for them. They'll just parrot an opinion that's popular or share an old Pic that proves them right in their specially cherry picked way. Most people are stupid and cheap and spend money on a good holster(actually Most dont) but then cheap out of a belt etc or they won't admit they're a fatass or a pussy and can't deal with a bit of discomfort. Either way what you said is stupid because you are stupid fuck you.
wood is nice, you modernist faggot.
WTP is better
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He needs to stop color correcting his videos to look like Metro in BF3
he's too much of an autist in an uncharming way. He doesn't come off as the "i just really wanna talk about this cool thing or this thing im into" type gun-autist but just a goober
>not liking being reminded of the best level from bf3
>best level from BF3
sorry bro but that's Azadi palace
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He said fag once and everyone got mad at him so I'll assume without ever watching or purchasing his shit that it's based.
Gay stands for Got AIDS Yet?
their holsters are overpriced for what they are. On top of that their OWB offerings suck ass. OWB CCW is going to comfymaxx in a pancake style holster. Open carry anywhere other than a range environment you need retention, and they don't have any first party retention holsters, and for competition environments the meta is still comp-tac and double-alpha academy designs.
>The one vid of the ex marine they hired doing a shooting course was interesting
So just like everyone else on 4chan.
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I've heard they make decent stuff and that they'll replace snapped sidecars, so good on them for that. That said, I won't buy anything from them for the same reason I don't buy anything from Q; both Lucas and Kevin show inhuman levels of arrogance. They're like 2 sides of the same coin, one having unsocialized rich kid autism, and the other being prone to uncontrollable tard rage.
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ive slept with 2 army men before and they were both wearing wedding rings, i dont think being married magically makes you not a fag
Don't you guys call that a "beard?" It's telling that Lucas looks babby smooth going into his 30s.
really like the other guy who is part of the company doing dad talk related videos
redditors hate him because he isn't pro-fag and he also talked about the JQ before.
They do a lot for gun rights in TN. I support them just based on that. I don't really watch much of the shooting videos, enjoy the radio and other stuff they do though.

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