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Do you think "do not move" tactic ever worked?
You can see a forest right next to him where he's walking. He deserved it. Ukrainians stay among the trees Russians just kind of wander around in the open
clearly a decoy
bro read too much marc aurel, he don't give a FUCK
"I'm fucked if I run, and I'm fucked if I try to hide. Might as well stand perfectly still and give the drone pilot an easy hit. At least that death is fast and painless. I don't want to spend hours bleeding to death, or days dying from exposure, dehydration, and sepsis in a shit-filled ditch."
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Decaynik (former Decoynik)
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Lies, lies, and more lies.
KYS zigger.
he returned to base under his own power, trust ze plan cumrade
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+2 rubles in your ass
>Keep absolutely still. Its vision is based on movement.
It does, but only on the recon stages, when you have camo and enemy doesn't use thermals.

If strike drone comes for you it's fucking late to hide, he already knows you there.
Everyone knows the ukies' vision is based on movement
suicide by drone
>capture russian POW
>stung him with rare paralyzing poison
>capture execution video
Why do we support them!?
I know right? What a waste of expensive poison.
Should've just waited for winter >>61974234
it's crazy how many parallels this war has with the winter war
I guess a bootleg dvd of Jurassic Park just hit the shelves in whichever bumfuck-oblast he's from
aktually, that's very cost-effective
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Nooootralling on my /k/?

>Do you think "do not move" tactic ever worked?
Not for that zigger obviously but in general, given the terrible resolution, poor signal, inconsistent lighting, vaguely camoflagued unifroms and cheapest possible cameras...getting low and not looking like a human silhouette is probably the best thing you can do in that situation.

He might have thought it it was looking down, then he'd just be a head sized blob if he stayed still, best idea I have I guess.
it may be $500 per, but when you count failure rate + injuries and not kills, etc., I guess it's even close to $1.5k per kill

still, that's a fucking bargain
>$1000 drone on a single mobik
$1b to kill 1mil Russian soldiers is pocket change.
Countries are routinely giving Ukraine $10b in weapons and shit because they need the big toys too but if they could wipe out the entire Russian army at that price, it would be the cheapest weapon of the war including bullets.
1700 as per head of procurement
>Every Russian is a temporarily embarrassed oligarch
It's easier to notice moving camouflaged objects, compared to stationary ones.
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Only wanted sign-up bonus pay so dedov wouldn't have to take bank loan or sell prized Lada to scumbag in order afford sausages from supermarket.
Very sad.
this is like his 3rd kill we know of
T posing next
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Been a while since we could make another one of these to add to the collection.
He deserved it. He was horny on main.
Perfect prey.
Zigger morale is very low.
>Do you think "do not move" tactic ever worked?
Fight, flight or freeze.
He defaulted to the final option, possibly from exhaustion or illness.
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Probably high as fuck.
Anyone knows if rusoyob means anything
basically "russianfucker" as in something that fucks russians
Shame about the HIV
It's not a tactic, it's the first remote-controlled mobik, just a small issue with ping.
Bro chose not to die tired, or even agitated.
I can respect that.

the rightmost guy looks like he got decapitated
I think he just froze with fear. A common reaction, especially when you're not trained to deal with it, and mobiks definitely ain't. By the way, isn't that a ukrainian armor? It diesn't look russian
No, it looks very similar to other vatnigs we got to watch explode up close.
In particular the one with a bmp of some kind loaded with meat that we got a good closeup of right as it impacts.
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He knew it was gg and wanted to go on his own terms.
On average you'll waste more in small arms ammo for a single kill. Many times more.
It's one-time use. Unlike needles in russia

im serious i try not to laugh but russians just keep dying in ridiculous ways
>Been a while
has it really? it feels like theres a new horrific death in the russia army every week
Sure, on the ground with mising limbs it works just great.
He could've run for the woods 20m away and become 10 times harder to hit. But he didn't even try.
>This tired old argument
Completely ignoring monetary costs, to put it simply fpv drones are unsafe to land and attempt to reuse, and even if you wanted to they often don't even have the battery to make it back for a landing anyways.
So yes, it is more efficient to kill a single mobik with your fpv than it is to have it crash into a field with 0 battery.
As in one where we can see the facial expression clearly enough that we can make a "If you only knew how bad things really are" meme out of it.
Not the worst idea; the operator did take the chance for a clean head shot. That's almost as good as a grenade under the chin!
Fragging while they're lagging is just poor manners.
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after this video and the "ahh i'm injured! bro shoot me in the head! ok" I just can't comprehend the russian mind
the readiness to just end their own life is inhuman
I know right?
even down to the fucking instruments and parade gear for the great victory parade in the capital
>i can't comprehend just how much wealth western governments have
What the hell? Why didn't it detonate on his head but happily detonated on the ground? Why is this so funny?
Either >>61974171 or he was just frozen with fear. Maybe he originally thought he could wait until the drone comes in for the final approach and then somehow dodge it at the last second, but couldn't move his body.
If you have to choose between dying slowly and painfully or dying quickly and relatively painlessly, which would you choose? Imagine knowing that those are your only real options with the smallest sliver of hope that you might (technically) survive as a cripple in a system that won't care for you in a country that disdains you. If you're wounded, you're dead; it's just a matter of how much what's left of your life sucks. You need to be on a much lower level of demoralization.

Seeing Russians so easily dome their allies is still a bit hard for me to wrap my mind around though.
We laugh so we don't cry. It's unmanly to cry.

Either he is retarded or he is talking about other kinds of drones such as dropper system ones.

Kamikaze FPV of 7" or 10" is 300-500$, if you are paying more it either has expensive thermal camera or you are retarded faggot being ripped off.
Nothing will ever beat the grenade falling into the foxhole and the ratnik diving right in after it
Got a webm?
Why don’t they just surrender?
Which one? It's happened literally hundreds of times.
Probably, you are going to instinctively first target the mobik that runs.
To the last
Even if they try to surrender the ukies aren't legally obligated to accept their surrender.
Drones count as aircraft and the Geneva conventions clearly state that you can't surrender to aircraft.

Also their propaganda lies and says they'll be tortured if they get captured.
I just can't wrap my head around how bad things must be for you to just have no will to survive, to just stand still while a drone hovers in front of your face and to accept your faith.
these FPV's are less like a person you can surrender to, and more like being caught by a sniper. the sniper probably doesn't have the ability to take you as a POW and bring you to the rear, and by the time you realize how fucked you are, it's probably too late to actually surrender to them. FPV hits like this often are happening to people walking shit to and from trenches too, so it's behind enemy lines, and if you were to 'surrender' to the FPV drone, it'd have to somehow lead you across your own lines, across no mans land, then to someone who can actually take you as a POW. we have seen people surrender to the bomber drones which are in no mans land, and actually be taken as POWs, but thats happened less and less, and suicide is more common now.
>but thats happened less and less
In no small part because a number of them dip and go back to their friends (?) as soon as they get the chance. That combined with FPV taking over makes it seem like there's no point bothering.
Russian POWs believe we have hunter seeker drones with sensors that detect the fags by the movements.

I have been authorized to release this sanctioned video recording of our newest hunter drones in action:

remember to keep your friend or foe tag on and powered at all times.
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Maybe the drones have HIV detectors?
The little turds clenching their breadstick fists is just too funny
I was once banned for posting this as answer to offtopic "europe will freeze thread"
>if only the Czar knew how bad things really are
>That smile at the end
He knew what he was doing.
Key detail is that FPV drones have very limited flight times, especially when they're laden with explosives.
So you see one mobik who (naturally) doesn't want to die, but you're 5 kilometers away from him and you only have twenty more minutes of flight time.
Do you A) Organize an incredibly complicated rescue operation that would take multiple drones and operators while also increasing the risk factor for your own troops and denying your ability to further inflict casualties on said enemy
Or B) Just fucking blow the guy up
There are too many to choose from!
>Almost dead drone lands on top of some sort of comms tower, vatniks climbs up, explodes and is left dangling by his legs from the ladder rungs
>Drone and vatniks play Ring around the Rosie around a handcart for a solid 2 minutes
>Vatnik manages to hit incoming drone with stick, it explodes and kills him anyways.
And my current top pick
>Vatnik throws apparently full gas can at drone and immolates himself
That comms tower shit was fucking absurd
Props to the guy who went up there, but goddamn, what a shitty way to die
He is free in every way pucians are not. Of course he was smiling.
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> IMG_7298.webm
>"do not move" tactic
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>If you have to choose between dying slowly and painfully or dying quickly and relatively painlessly, which would you choose?
I'd choose something else.
It's a warcrime under which jurisdiction?
Neither Ukraine nor Russia are signatories of the Geneva Convention.
>$1.32bn to delete all RAF active personnel
>+$2bn to delete the entire reserve
>+$20bn if they start arming randos with moist nuggets
That's a pretty fucking good investment.
Here you go anons
The RAF is the Royal Air Force, we usually call them the RuAF
Ziggered when he should have zagged
Fuck I posted the wrong one
my b one sec gotta go through my folder kek
Can't find it in my folder, sorry anons I know I have it somewhere I'll keep digging
>Neither Ukraine nor Russia are signatories of the Geneva Convention
they both are you drooling little faggot
do not yap about things you do not comprehend
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>it's simple Ivan, if we value our soldiers less than they value their munitions, we win everytime.

>fertility rate decline? Negative immigration rate? What's that?
Nice, saved
God imagine how much you could save on airbases alone
It'd pay for itself in two years tops
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Here, I've got you.

Didn't have this one, so thanks anyway for posting it.
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thanks mang appreciate it, here's another similar one to the one I posted earlier
>second part of it I mean
IIRC there’s a wire on the front of the drone that has to be hit for it to go off on its own.
From the thumbnail that looks like the souls of the dead swirling behind him
That's not true.
There are exceptions which dictate whether it's permissible to deny taking prisoners, one of which being having no supplies, backline, or capability of doing so. Aircraft do not have the capability, a drone does not have the capability.
On behalf of /k/ommandos, shut the fuck up faggot.
total aid to Ukraine right now is about $200 bln, maybe round up to ~$250 bln
about half of which is military, the rest is humanitarian & infrastructure, etc.

For less than $150 bln (maybe even close to $100 bln) russia is delet. Wrap your head around that math, vatnigger.
I just stopped making them because I couldn't keep up with a dozen or so per day.
Typical Finnish road sign
>the MOMENT you lay down your arms and surrender is the MOMENT you stop being an enemy combatant and hurting you is the same tier as hurting any random civilian
Wrong. Thanks for playing. Now go back to school and try to learn something connected to reality.
Boom, headshot
>ping 12000075 ms
racks racks racks racks racks I gotta get me a bag I gotta get me a bag I gotta get me a bag
Are those their own dudes just rotting 2-3 meters away? And they're just chilling?
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Not how that works, and you know it.
you are wrong
the only argument one could make is that the russians systematically engage in perfidy and thus claims to surrender arent clear
Angrily repeating this does not make it true.
drone operators really should be shot on sight.
not accepting prisoners has been a war crime since the 1800s anon, ironically russia were actually the ones who first proposed it
instead of going "nuh-uh" perhaps you could post a contradicting source
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New complainiks. Amazing story.

Explain to me how a drone is supposed to accept a prisoner.
This will always be my all-time favorite. It's just too perfect.
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anon you drooling little illiterate fuck
the act of taking a prisoner is not relevant to the equation
you being unable to take a prisoner does not mean the person in question isnt now a non combatant

this has been ratified by every relevant country on the planet
how you personally feel about it is not relevant
lmao it's this concerntroll again
let me guess, you also think an A-50 is a defenceless civilian plane, you can't shoot it down, waaahhh!!
its still crazy that drones only make up a small percentage of casualties caused and artillery is still doing the damage
That report says 80%, since we always see videos you would think they are everywhere
>That report says 80%
if you follow the links the source is a Sky News article from early 2023:
>A Western source has told Sky News that around 80% of battlefield casualties in Ukraine are thought to have been caused by artillery fire.

not exactly the most compelling of sources.
So if I surrender to an incoming artillery shell and if it does go off the man who fired it is a war criminal?
reminder that the last time we hashed this out, this disingenuous fuckwit insisted that you don't have to search the individual, if he appears not to have a weapon in his hands he is considered to be unable to fight
>please don't look in my pockets yeah
No, but I know a polish paramedic who was on the front, she said 80% of injuries are from shrapnel and advises everyone to wear flak protection instead of just chest plates.
no Im not the person you think of, an A-50 is not a civilian plane crewed by non combatants and its completely fine to shoot it down
being inside a vehicle does not make you unable to surrender but it certainly makes it a whole lot harder for any opponent to be able to clearly discern that you are, especially an air defence system would have no way of knowing

no that would not be a war crime anon
the shooter did not know you had surrendered before they fired
I advice you to read up on the hauge and geneva convention, its an interesting read and you are clearly very confused

not me and that is all indeed very incorrect information
the third geneva convention specifically declares how prisoners are to be handled
Do you have the photo of the Ukrainian posing next to that car, months later? I should've saved it.
I didn't know that was a thing, now I wanna see it too.
to add to this, it interestingly actually specifies what private property prisoners are allowed to keep during their captivity
which is something you wouldnt think would be a thing
OK. What if a fighter pilot dropped a TV-guided bomb on me but I put my hands up? If he didn't divert the bomb then would he be a war criminal?
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Pic rel
It's irrelevant anyway. The soldiers in question must make an unambiguous attempt to surrender, not just be unarmed. A soldier that is hors de combat may also be granted mercy. Ukrainians have time and time again granted these requests. The only ones not being granted this are those that make no attempt to surrender, or are still attempting to fight in an injured state. I'm not saying it doesn't happen or isn't a war crime, but overall, Ukrainian forces have behaved admirably in-spite of their current situation. This is even accounting for the numerous attempts at perfidy committed by the Russian subhumans. Any mercy they received and may receive from Ukrainians is far more than they collectively deserve. Let us not forget what Russians did after offering a path to retreat to Ukrainians during 2015. It would only be just that Russians are given the exact treatment, and yet Ukrainian SMs have stayed their hand as much as one can expect a people fighting a war for their very survival.
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you forgot the classic
>FPV fails to detonate
>mobnik throws its AK at it
>it didnt detonate so he decides to throw an empty RPG tube at it
>it sets off the FPV and kills him
thats a war crime
the russian was unarmed when the srone exploded
>Damn he failed to kill me
>Oh well guess I'll just do it myself
Bro is fucking HAMMERED
It's been a couple times now that I've seen mobiks drunk off their fucking asses participating in assaults
As long as he still has arms he is armed.
This sounds like some bull shit playground game?
>xaxaxa you waste 5 cents on bullet to kill mobik
>stoooopid ukrainian does not know russian life is worth nothing at most half a cent, xaxaxaxa russia stays winning!
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for me its the one where the grenade gets dropped through the sunroof of a lada.
What specifically is confusing you?
Time honored tradition of "frontline 100 grams", but ignore "100 grams" part and drink the whole bottle.
Guy on the right has his flies half down. Evidence of dedovschina?
Do the drones have a manual detonator on them? Theoretically he could have caught the drone from below and stopped the impact fuse from triggering.
Celebratory wank, please understand
That's a POW being executed and he took it like a man. Why the fuck is a soldier standing alone in the middle of a field? Soldiers are always with a squad and don't stand out in the open. They'll conceal or cover themselves. They gave him an empty gun and he didn't think to throw it like the last guy in one of these clips.
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>still, that's a fucking bargain
>muh war crime

Russians never cared about that they deserve everything they get including the alleged "civilians"
> Evidence of dedovschina?
YunArmiya is a retarded larp, trying to present an image of "muh patriotic youth movement", but unlike "youth movements" in real totalitarian countries, you dont really have to participate(yet), and is purely performative - there are effectively no real activities beyond "here's beret and a tshirt, quick, stand for photoop by the monument" or "walk a column of kids dressed in those on some important(patriotic holiday, some dignitary has arrived and is making a speech in your shithole) occasion" and the like.
I.e. some old farts in russian government decided "we need patriotic education for kids, for example some kind of youth movement", the order gets pushed down the hierarchy, hierarchy ends on some dumb old cunts(teachers), who proceeds to produce "pokazukha"(kinda small scale "potemkin village") by pressuring suckerest of suckers among schoolchildren to participate in the pointless spectacle, then they write reports about "everybody is super-patriotic now here look [photo/video], done everything in a best way"and get their 500 rouble bonus to salary for guiding said patriotic education.
So, the fly halfway down is because dude is a sucker, who dont have the balls to say "nah, not doing it" to the teacher, and suckers tend to be unkempt.

This is a lot of sperging already, i understand, but one more thing. If you want to understand russia better than "lol dedovschina lmao krokodil", go read "everything was forever until it was no more". Its a good book, an exploration of "spirit" and mindset of life in later years in ussr. How does it relate to this? Well, huge part of the book is about degradation of ideological foundation into purely ritualistic mindless practices, which are adhered to, but not taken seriously by anybody. In a lot of ways, they are recreating what they know from ussr, and what they know from ussr is mindless ritual, and not that it was born from at once honest beliefs(in shitty ideas, but nonetheless).
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Nothing beats the spicy potato toss.
Im not talking about russians but about how people on /k/ have absolutely no clue about how the hague and geneva convention functions and how surrendering in war works
I think russians deserve worse than what they are getting
the russian tanks are also just munitions
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>no zoom-in close up of the results
He was throwing away his weapons at the feet of the drone. Instead of accepting such a clear plea for surrender, the drone commited a warcrime by killing him. Its clearly stated in the Geneva Conventions
I like the edited version of this clip when, instead of a grenade, it's a bottle of vodka.
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Killing fungus and mold isn't a war crime, no matter how hard you try to spin it
Yeah why not surrender to an artillery shell while we're at it. How about a storm shadow?
First the soldier needs to contact the "I Want To Live" line.
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it's damned fucking condescending of you to keep telling people to read the Conventions when we already have and we (and the rest of the world) still hold opposite opinions from you

the crux of the matter is that the world has different definitions of the precise action that is meant by "surrender" which you stubbornly refuse to accept, and act as if you are smarter than the world, when in fact you are very very stupid

in the case of an aircraft dropping a bomb on, sau, a command center, how are the pilots supposed to know that the people inside have "surrendered"? they don't. no weapons are visible, and no indication of surrender is made. nobody is there yelling "SURRENDER OR ELSE WE BOMB!" the bomb just drops. and the international rules of war accepts this practice.

likewise, a military supply truck on the battlefield, even with no visible weapons, is going to be bombed. end of story.

following the same principle, a person in uniform identifying him as an enemy combatant walking on the battlefield, even with no visible weapons, is going to be bombed.

this isn't law enforcement. unlike a civilian in peacetime, the person is in uniform in a warzone, he is a legitimate target until there are signs otherwise. this is legal standard practice according to the Conventions you keep demanding people read.

UNLESS and UNTIL the person indicates surrender AND follows the instructions of the captor in accepting the surrender (go read the Conventions), they are a legitimate target.

the reason for this is that there is ample opportunity for them to be engaging in some kind of perfidy unless they follow the instructions.
cant surrender to a blocking detachment
there is also the risk of being prisoner exchanged into Russian custody, being a refusenic gets u 10 years in prison
Russian prison conditions are in effect a death sentience, the food is bad and they dont give you any health care. at best you will be crippled for the rest of your life.
perfidy is also an war crime
I know it might seem obvious to me, but I feel required to point out that the stiff froze lying on the ground and some cheeky grunt stood him up for the lulz.
Troops are not obligated to accept a surrender.
Actually the drone was not armed when it exploded. Literally a warcrime.
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>From the thumbnail that looks like the souls of the dead swirling behind him
It made me think of a soviet reverse of picrel
Nigger, chill. $1700 is per dead zigger. So 3 are expelled on one dead zigger on average.
It's a very cost effective ratio too even for how cheap a zigger's life is.
I feel conflicted in that I feel bad for some of the miserable way these guys spend their last minutes but then I remember that they shouldve stayed home, surrendered, gone awol, or chosen prison instead
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Most of them go to Ukraine for the money and loot monke offered them, so there's nothing to feel sorry for really
You're never wrong to point out the obvious on the internet.
>AK12's for everyone
I wonder what unit is being killed here
>ping 12000075 ms
That guy clearly dropped connection but the world server hasn't noticed yet so he's just frozen.
He's going to reconnect as a ghost and wonder wtf happened to him.
Nigger they're not surrendering anything, the minute the drone goes away they're back to business as usual.
That's why you need a guy to disarm and take you to a pow camp. Otherwise showing mercy makes no sense.
>Bro is fucking HAMMERED
That isn't the start of the engagement and there's a body off to the side, I think he's just concussed from previous blasts.
OOoooOoOOoooOO OOo ooOOO oOOo Ooo
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Sorry bro, I have 0% in spirit speak
There’s probably something wrong with us here
>In a lot of ways, they are recreating what they know from ussr, and what they know from ussr is mindless ritual
This is the accurate way to use the expression Cargo Cult.
The original is a bit different but that meaning isn't used outside literal anthropology of barely contacted tribal societies.
In politics and sociology, mindless repetition of misunderstood rituals is a cargo cult practice.
Wow really??? What gave it away? Was it the stick propping him up?
>First the soldier needs to contact the "I Want To Live" line.
The first surrendering guy who stumbles when hitting the deck looks like the Ukies just capped him instead of accepting surrender.
>you being unable to take a prisoner does not mean the person in question isnt now a non combatant
dropping your weapon doesn't make you a non-combatant either.
Considering the average yearly wage in Russia outside the major population centers, it's not very surprising, especially if they believe the internal propaganda justifying the war.
TL;DR it is simply half-hearted box-ticking bullshit

yes, but I don't think it actually is an actual USSR cargo cult
USSR cargo cult is when uneducated mongs look at a Su-57 and say "well if it LOOKS like an F-22, it probably WORKS like the F-22, so Russia is actually very stronk"

that's not what's happening with what anon describes
what anon describes is just patriotic flag-waving. nobody expects these boys to be effective recruits. all they're expected to do is create greater feeling of "us against NATO!" in the heart of the typical citizen, for morale purposes.
very recently, just a few days ago I think, one zigger who surrendered said he shouldn't have believed what they told him about Ukraine, and that the Ukies are justified in hating them for what they (ziggers) did to their country
It's just a name. The name of the drone series, not the operator.
series or drone team, though you can usually tell the difference based on the watermarks, with additional ones from the guys who supplied the drones for the strikes (like Sternenko's bunch)
>guy sees drone
>intercepts it by tossing his bag
>throws a clump of burning metal off himself
>runs away
This is the highest IQ move I've seen in one of these webms ever. What did he do wrong?
for fucks sake you illiterate nigger
the entire fucking world is a signatory to the conventions and they all stand on the same side regarding them
they are legally binding documents and there is 0 ambiguity on how they function

you immediately out yourself as having absolutely no clue what the fuck you are squealing about as you start yapping about bombs
yes, you drooling little faggot, if the enemy does not know you have surrendered they do not know not to keep shooting you
the burden lies on the surrendering party to make their intentions clear and unambiguous
getting killed by artillery or airstrikes or anything where the attacker cannot clearly discern that you are surrendering is not a war crime

a surrender is defined as being unconditional
failing this and challenging orders ie. continuing to resisting renounces your protection and it also makes your intentions immediately ambigious
however it is stated in plain text that if someone does make their intention to surrender clear they are immediately a non valid target and it is illegal to attack them
they do not have to know to follow a .png instruction not given to them and you cannot order them to perfect a game of DDR or you are somehow allowed to execute them, once again, if they make their intent clear then they are protected

this entire functionality is why perfidy is also defined, if someone resists they have not surrendered unconditionally and are thus not protected and you are also no longer able to discern if they would fake another surrender

Im not talking about the russians in the .webm's you illiterate gorilla nigger
read the comment chain before shitting out a reply
perfidy is already a war crime

dropping your weapons and raising your arms are defined as unambiguous ways of declaring a surrender
so no, along with other actions of showing intent to surrender it actually does make you a non combatant on the spot
ziggers are not humans. They can't apply for protection under the laws of war, or even the universal declaration of human rights.
Why wpuld ukrainians even accept surrender? Theere's no point in trading prisoners, because russia propaganda is true in reverse: ukrainian soldiers do get tortured and killed by russians. The only reason why this trade exists is to get some of your own back, but if they don't then what's the point? Just kill anything that moves and call it a day
Maybe he wanted it, he seems to be smiling at the end
yeah, you ARE the same fucking faggot from last time, this is the same bullshit you keep pulling
>there is 0 ambiguity on how they function
wrong, fuckwit
>dropping your weapons and raising your arms are defined as unambiguous ways of declaring a surrender
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>dropping your weapons and raising your arms are defined as unambiguous ways of declaring a surrender
Defined by whom? which treaties are you getting that from?
There are many situations under which soldiers, let alone drones, aren't obligated to accept surrender.
>so no, along with other actions of showing intent to surrender it actually does make you a non combatant on the spot
You're a fucking retard.
>Drone approaches
>drop weapons and raise arms
>You've now surrendered so the drone can't kill you
>drone leaves
>pick your weapons back up and continue fighting
>getting disconnected during the fight
anon they technically do not need to drop all their weapons
they just need to make their intention to surrender clear and cease all hostilities

they could hold their AKs by the pipe upside down just like iraqis did in the gulf war, even a tank commander could point the barrel to the sky and rotate the turret to the back and evacuate the crew etc.

>drone leaves
>pick your weapons back up and continue fighting
that is perfidy
it is already defined as being a war crime and renouncement of all your protections
furthermore systematically doing this would make all your surrenders non clear and ambigious and thus making them not legal
it is already a solved case by the way the conventions function
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Wow! A well disciplined zigger!
and no, the geneva convention is completely unambiguous in that you cannot choose not to accept a surrender
once again, not accepting surrenders have been a war crime since the 1800's
>that is perfidy
I am well aware.
You've yet to explain how a drone is supposed to accept a surrender.
As far as I'm aware all surrenders have to be done to actual military personnel, a drone, much like a plane, does not have the capacity to accept an impromptu surrender.
>they technically do not need to drop all their weapons
>they just need to make their intention to surrender clear and cease all hostilities
lol go reread the Geneva Conventions
NTA, but I'm just brushing up on my lawfare and according to
he's technically correct. However, that article also says that surrenders are more of a practical than a legal problem, and there are many grey areas where the practical realities of combat make following the law impossible.
To be legally effective, individuals must offer surrender under circumstances in which it is feasible for the enemy to reasonably accept.
>As far as I'm aware all surrenders have to be done to actual military personnel
and that is of course where you are incorrect

1. non combatants are protected, this I hope you can agree on else any civilain would also be a target
2. becoming a non combatant is simply a case of ceasing all hostilities unconditionally
3. in order for the opposing force to KNOW that you are a non combatant you are going to have to make that clear to them by showing them you have surrendered

the opposing force is not a part of the equation of whenever or not you have or have not ceased hostilities, they thus do not get to accept or deny a surrender and they are bound under the conventions to not attack non combatants
if they do not know that you arent one then obviously they arent at fault and they have not commited any war crimes, it is upon you as the surrending party to make your intentions clear

that would require the convention to define every kind of weapon else the string in your pocket could be said to be used to strangle someone and they would be allowed to gun you down
think for 2 seconds you faggot

this is not actually correct according to the conventions
the enemy simply cannot choose to deny a surrender
the obvious loophole is that you can claim you didnt know they were surrendering but this is why there is a international commission to investigate any such matters, the protocol of which russia withdrew from in 2019 to get away from
They are, actually. You do not have to take them into direct custody, but you cannot keep shooting.
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>surrenders are more of a practical than a legal problem, and there are many grey areas where the practical realities of combat make following the law impossible.
that's lawyerspeak for "it's not actually a surrender until you hogtie the bastard and search him for weapons"
which is what NATO troops do
which is why drones and combat jets can't effectively accept surrender
which is what we've been trying to tell that stupid concerntrolling cocksucker for months if not years

>that would require the convention to define every kind of weapon
only for disingenuous armchair-theorising pedantic cunts like you
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DoD manual
>you cannot keep shooting.
that's not "accepting a surrender" either, according to the Geneva Conventions; that's just exercising discretion not to double tap the poor sod

there is a gulf between practicality and theory, in this case as well as others, and the Conventions tacitly accepts that
which is why that faggot over there is a faggot because he keeps insisting that his mincing faggoty interpretation is
>legally binding documents and there is 0 ambiguity on how they function

fuck that
fuck him
the geneva convention is not classified in a list of rules
every civilized country on the planet has ratified the relevant parts of the conventions and are thus bound to them above what any other meme rulebook can claim to say

>which is why drones and combat jets can't effectively accept surrender
they cannot continue to bomb personel that has surrendered ie. non combatants
obviously its not a war crime if an AA emplacement is firing upon bombers and then throw their hands up and claim to surrender the moment before they are nuked

the US has ratified the relevant parts of the convention and it would thus still be a war crime
now, it is entirely possible to commit crimes and not get put on trial for it, as would be in any such case, but that doesnt mean its not a war crime
>they cannot continue to bomb personel that has surrendered
and they won't
where you persist in refusing to understand is the clause
>that has surrendered
which, AGAIN, involves more steps in practice than your two brain cells can fathom
>it is entirely possible to commit crimes and not get put on trial for it, as would be in any such case, but that doesnt mean its not a war crime
Well I guess we can agree they should feel real bad about it then.
>3. in order for the opposing force to KNOW that you are a non combatant you are going to have to make that clear to them by showing them you have surrendered
Surrender consists of three stages:
1) Attempted surrender, which is the part you single-mindedly focus on.
2) Processing the surrender, which involves taking the surrenders in custody and searching and disarming them
3) Completed surrender, at which the surrenders are considered hors de combat and have full legal protections.
Notice how there are two steps there that drones or airplanes cannot preform?
Not having a (visible) weapon does not make you a non-combatant.
this is clearly defined in the conventions anon
your personal opinion is not relevant

>at which the surrenders are considered hors de combat and have full legal protections.
they are already protected from the moment they state their intention to surrender, you cannot attack them at this point and this includes air and drone strikes
read more carefully instead of skimming

as I already stated in my first post I think the russians are getting off very easy for what they deserve
Im only arguing against the myth that you can deny surrenders which edgy children keep parroting
>read more carefully instead of skimming
How about you use your brain for a moment and realize that the law is unenforceable and therefore meaningless in situations with any shade of gray?
Well, your legal interpretation of it is different from how all of the major signatories interpret it, as demonstrated by their published rules of war. Why are you arguing about it on a Cambodian sausage braiding roundtable instead of standing outside the MoD yelling through a bullhorn? It'd be more effective.
>they are already protected from the moment they state their intention to surrender
they are only protected form attack by the troops they are surrendering too
and since drones can't take your surrender you are under no protection.
If for instance you try to surrender to squad a but squad b can't see your flag ect and they open fire, no fowl. If squad a opens fire than it is warcrime.
drones however can't process your surrender and so you aren't hors de combat. A drone can only be used to facilitate your surrender to troops that can take you prisoner. As with those cases of drones dropping surrender instructions.
the drone didn't take the surrender, the troops later on did.
>t. military lawfag
>If for instance you try to surrender to squad a but squad b can't see your flag
Fun fact: white flags aren't internationally recognized as a sigh of surrender :D
>Im only arguing against the myth that you can deny surrenders which edgy children keep parroting
I never said you can deny surrenders, I said there are situations where it's impossible to accept them.
what the fuck are you on about
people have been tried and convicted for war crimes time and time again

its not because the US has literally ratified it
if they dont agree then they could withdraw, just like fucking russia has done

you are confusing the two
you become a non combatant the moment you cease hostilities, non combatants are protected and thus you are in that moment immediately protected
however, the enemy does not know you are a non combatant unless you make this clear to them and them, shooting you without this knowledge is obviously not a war crime

if you are just standing in a field and a drone comes along then you are a valid target
if you clearly show them that you are a non combatant then you are not a valid target

it literally is this simple, there is no ambiguity
being unable to process a surrender because you cannot for example physically reach them does not mean that they are still combatants when they have clearly ceased hostilities

once again, non combatants, ie. people who have ceased hostilities have by definition already surrendered
this surrender is unconditional and it is then up to you if you want and have the resources to put them in an internment camp or whatever the fuck you want to do with them
Rossiyan no have ally. Have rapee and rapist. ))))
>what the fuck are you on about
>people have been tried and convicted for war crimes time and time again
did you not read my post?
>in situations with any shade of gray
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honorable zoomer drone operator
This was actually a psychological warfare tactic by the Finns. Simo Hayha did the same thing, after killing a bunch of Russians he'd wait for them to freeze solid and prop them all up. Russian units that entered the area later were greeted with that.
>"look Vasily, our glorious comrades are waving at us up ahead! They taught those fascist piggies a lesson!"
>"wait why aren't they moving?"
>"oh Go- I mean Stalin"
there is no shade of gray to be had
a surrender fundamentally needs to be unambiguous and clear or else it will not be a crime when you are gunned down
>people who have ceased hostilities have by definition already surrendered
This is just factually incorrect.
by that definition attacking troops in a retreat would be a crime, which it is not.
You seem to think of these laws as some absolute thing without any nuance.

Let's go with a hypothetical here:
You're flying a plane which is armed only with bombs.
On the ground there is a group of enemy soldiers who are shooting at you. As you move to bomb them, one of the solders drops his gun and puts his hands up.
If you bomb the group shooting at you, you will kill the surrendering soldier and, according to you, commit a war crime. If you do not, you'll be shot down.
Will any court convict you of a crime in this situation?
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>a surrender fundamentally needs to be unambiguous and clear
And the practical realities of war make this impossible.
>sure, he may have dropped his gun, but maybe he's got a bunch of grenades in his pocket
>sure, he has his hands up, but maybe his friends are waiting around the corner planning to shoot us if we get him
>Nuh uh! that would be perfidy!
And how the fuck do you tell perfidy from a proper surrender without searching and detaining anyone who surrenders?
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Does this not count?
>retreat would be a crime, which it is not.
that is because fleeing is specifically defined as not being allowed and as renouncing your protection when surrendering
these conventions arent foolproof but its more than just some random scribbles on a piece of toilet paper anon

>you will kill the surrendering soldier and, according to you, commit a war crime
being caught in the crossfire is defined as a thing that will happen and does not equate a war crime
just like how you are legally obliged to help any enemy wounded you are still not expected to just drop everything and tend to them until you are actually able
damn anon I guess laws and shit just doesnt actually exist because they could always have some potential small random loophole somewhere that clearly just renders everything meaningless
I'd call that an exception that proves the rule.
>these conventions arent foolproof but its more than just some random scribbles on a piece of toilet paper anon
I never said that, and they aren't, but you shouldn't pretend that they're that much more than a good-faith agreement that you won't shoot everyone who walks at you with their hands raised, and that your opponent won't do the same.
The current rules about surrendering and the like are just horribly outdated and unsuited for modern warfare. It was already showing with the "Un-uniformed Combatants" from Afghanistan, but the drone stuff we see now really put the final nail in the coffin for me.
Gee wiz, way to miss the point of my post, anon.
You're kinda fucking retarded
I'm not too sure how exceptional it is. If I recall, some Ukrainians did attempt to take surrendering Russians prisoner. There was some sniveling little mutant dude with thick plastic-rimmed glasses begging for his life, and the drone operator graciously accepted his surrender. Then he cut and ran away at the first opportunity.
It's less "the drone isn't capable of accepting surrenders" but more "the Russians are bastards that fake surrender a lot", so the argument probably extends to surrender in other circumstances as well.
You can probably still try to take them, the Russian Volunteer Battalion and the POW camps they draw recruits from stay stocked for a reason, but there's always that chance that one bastard is gonna betray your good will.
Why not just surrender? Maybe the ukrainians still kill you (war-crime) but at least they won't post that clip to the entire world.
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>If I recall, some Ukrainians did attempt to take surrendering Russians prisoner.
There have been several cases where they actually succeeded while using drones (picrel), but AFAIK those were specially fitted with instructions on what to and how to follow it.
and be returned to Russia after the war?
smarter to take the isekai roulette
They're told the Ukrainians will torture and forcefully have homosex with them, which is too much like their life in the russian army to risk and makes death sound like a good alternative.
Interesting. Perhaps it would be worthwhile to attach a small, cheap speaker to a drone or something, that way the operator can give specific instructions to the captive? Or if not, mock the guy before he dies or something.
Don't the guys in the Free Russian Battalion get offered Ukrainian citizenship? I can't imagine that those guys would live long in Russia if they were returned, they'd probably be subject to public executions.
>Perhaps it would be worthwhile to attach a small, cheap speaker to a drone or something
too much weight/bandwidth, I'd wager.
> I've seen numerous videos recently of Russians just completely giving up at life in the face of Ukrainian drones. Don't fight back, they aren't scared. They don't even care anymore. They just stand there like "do your worst".

>attach a small, cheap speaker to a drone or something
Aren't the fans on those things loud as fuck?
Reminds me of the webm of two ziggers surrendering, only for one to reach into his pocket and toss a grenade at the guy they were surrendering to. The grenade missed, and the uke magdumped him for his troubles until his buddy joined him and managed to calm him down.
It literally says that a surrender to a drone that can not reasonably take a prisoner (i.e most drones) is invalid
>if you clearly show them that you are a non combatant then you are not a valid target

This part is false according to the rule which has been posted in this thread. The surrender is invalid.

Being a irregular in a unofficial paramilitary organization, Mohammed the ISIS fighter was always a civilian ironically enough
hit em with the ol' 1-2 combo
what kind of a retard carries $1,000,000,000 in their pocket ffs
That's extremely cheap price to pay. It costs like 10-25k dollars to kill one enemy with a traditional way.
Man. I wonder if any of these guys have considered carrying sawn off with birdshot. Seems pretty lightweight and maybe somewhat effective for dispatching a drone, if you have as much time to do so as this guy did.
your personal opinion is not relevant
You niggers that post this shit are insufferable. Get the fuck off of our board and post your gore threads in /b/ where they belong next to all the BBC spam. /k/ used to be fun.
The enemy might sincerely desire to surrender yet because they are behind their own lines their own officers or blocking troops will execute them rather than allow them to cross lines to surrender. So, they would 'surrender' to a drone, start walking to Ukrainian forces and realize they cannot surrender without being executed, vanish back into their army return to their previous combat duties. A lawyer might call this actus reus of perfidy without the mens rea.

In the case of a deep dilemma or knowledge gap such as that, why should the burden be on the drone operator to make these determinations? They are targeting a uniformed soldier with a highly discerning method, their standard tactics, and the only factor relevant to whether the soldier would be a legitimate target is whether they 'surrendered' or were engaging in perfidy. Requiring that the drone operator presume the soldier intends to, and actually will, surrender would seem to fundamentally limit the ability of the drone operator's side to wage war using an otherwise fairly orthodox tactic. It's not good interpretive practice to interpret a rule of war such that following that rule severely hampers waging a war.
You have to ask yourself: where would they get one?
Except that's not what happened. Or did we need to tell you that?
Surely there is an abundance of break action shotguns, commonly used for hunting and sport in pretty much every country in the world?
>our board
>immediately starts talking about cock
Try harder, vatnik.
The zigger was afk
Anon, mobiks don't get ammunition before ariving on the front line because the officers fear getting fragged.
Do you really think they would let them bring their own weapons?
IDK what they are allowed to bring, or how much opportunity they might have to loot from homes, pawn shops etc. in occupied towns. I'm talking in general, seems like the most practical personal defense against drones regardless of your colors. And drones are being used against ukranians too, no?
Small independent game dev, good server cost too monies, please understand
>it literally is this simple, there is no ambiguity
What type of autism leads a man to think he can just say this and it becomes true?
That's not really a good comparison. You are unintentionally arguing that killing an enemy actually only costs about 30 cents "with a traditional way" because it only takes one bullet. But the reality is that it's extremely expensive because while one bullet kills an enemy, it takes thousands of shots from teams of people to land that one bullet.
Unsurprisingly, FPV drones are also not "one shot one kill".
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Yeah you'd think they could have done one more take where he kneels down or something instead of making it look like he strolls into camp with his hands up and gets blasted.
In this context, to fuck someone means win someone in battle.
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This war is literally /k/'s dream come true.
Wagner doesn't really get accepted for surrendering or at least that's how it was when they were still around. It's correct, Wagner Group was never any form of legal, lawful combatant.

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