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I still fail to wrap my head around the fact that Ukraine managed to grind down the completely insane cold war stocks of the USSR that were supposed to last for years in a war against half of the planet. Jesus fucking Christ, what is going on???
>Jesus fucking Christ, what is going on???
Extreme and systematic incompetency by the vatniks.
alright, I keked
Russia had been selling off a lot of that stock for a long time and also the presence of it made them feel like they'd never run out, discouraging them from building up reserves of newer stuff. doesn't help all the corruption and anyone competent wanting out of the country asap
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Most of the cold war stockpile is old shit like T-54/55s, early BTRs, and BRDMs.
It's not ok shit like T-80s and T-72s.
We have before and after sat images of the stockyards.
Russia's military is garbage, plus Ukraine has infinite money and material from the west and are fighting a defensive war.
>Russia had been selling off a lot of that stock
even after that, they had a massive amount left over
their pre-war tank stockpile was estimated at about 10,000 tanks of which 3,000 were assigned to standing formations
they've lost more than 3,100 tanks, meaning they've lost the equivalent of their entire pre-war standing tank corps
that is WILD
Infinite money? Russia spends more than Ukraine receives. And Ukraine hasn't had an advantage in anything throughout this war, not in air force or artillery, not in the number of soldiers, not in missiles. The only advantage they have is the fpv drones, and those get made in Ukraine.
Their stockpile was never as big as either the Russians or the West proclaimed it to be to begin with, and since the vast majority of the equipment was improperly stored and never maintained for decades upon decades that just made everything worse when stuff started to get pulled out from storage. And as >>61974167 pointed out, anything made past the 1970s was never stored in vast quantities because that's when the USSRs economy started to take a shit
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Despite Russia's "larger military budget", Ukraine has leveraged Western aid, advanced weaponry, superior tactical intelligence, and innovative strategies to achieve significant advantages in various aspects of the war, including successful counteroffensives and strategic victories that extend far beyond just FPV drone usage.
Quality > Quantity
In the words of that one Ukrainian soldier, "we're lucky they're so fucking stupid"
>Russia spends more than Ukraine receives
Ukraine receives better quality kit, has a significant defensive advantage, and doesn't have to allocate any funding to a large navy or nuclear weapons
>And Ukraine hasn't had an advantage in anything throughout this war, not in air force or artillery, not in the number of soldiers, not in missiles
still thinking in quantity only and not in quality?
and Ukraine's strategic ISR coverage is likely to be better than Russia in all metrics because they have all of NATO's strategic ISR assets backing them
It also got split up to a degree with the fall of the USSR. Post-Pact states, Ukraine, Belarus, Georgia, everyone got a slice of the pie, even if Russia got the biggest. Then there was the black market fire sale of the 90s, Russian state exports, and the general attrition of poor storage and maintenance, especially when said maintenance is supposed to be conducted by mobiks getting paid 30 bucks a month.
Also worth noting that there's probably a not insubstantial amount of Russian equipment that exists on paper only because of the widespread corruption that permeates every level of government in Russia. Add a few line items to the budget, skim the difference off the top.
>lUdIcRoUs sTrAwMaN ThAt nObOdY SaId
The OP is indeed a rediculous strawman, yes, thank you. And every day our strawman arguments get more and more exaggerated and rediculous.
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Russia doesn't have infinite stockpiles of weapons made after 1970.
neither does russia, they've already lost half a million ziggers
>Ukraine managed to grind down the completely insane cold war stocks of the USSR
To be fair this statement doesn't mention that whole war was basically 1/3 of said stockpile against 1/2 of it. It was soviet stockpile destroying itself basically. In a confrontation with outside forces (presumably NATO) it would last many times longer.
I mean the USSR did produce like 10,000 T-72,s 10,000 T-64's, and around 5,000 T-80's. A serious problem for Russia as far as using these in the war is that the T-64's were made in Ukraine meaning they're basically unusable for Russia, and they sold off lots of the T-72's and let many of the T-80's rot, so the actual stockpile in 2022 is much smaller than Soviet tank production would imply.
Ah yes, "we", "us". I'm sure everyone here believes you are in fact not just a shill.
Please do the needful and cube yourself you vermin.
pretty much, it's like how the US civil war is still the deadliest American war because everyone who died on both sides was American.
well it does help a lot of that stockpile ended up outside russia, either in the ex-USSR republics or in ex-warsaw pact countries, which most did a decent job at maintaining their stockpile

like those damn germans kept their BMP-1s in pristine condition, while russia keeps their vehicles exposed to the elements

second, russia sucks at war, plain and simple, if Ukraine had a comparable stockpile of weapons and ammo, this war wouldve ended years ago

third, western support, for a fraction of the price russia is paying, the west send their space age weapons to Ukraine and a good few of those completely wreak havoc among russian lines, such as HIMARS, ATACMS, Storm Shadows, Javelins, NLAWs, Bradleys, etc
I mean, SU's stockpiles of T-64 and T-80UD were in Ukraine
Neither russians, incidentally russians tried to fake ukrainian obituary news while hiding their own. So there have been around 50 thousand obituaries on the ukrainian side while by his own admision monke recognized they were 5000 mobiks dying per month, so 150,000 up to this date and that's taking a guy who has lied ro minimize disasters at face value, in other words the k/d ratio is at least 3 to 1 if we believe russian numbers, on the other hand if we consider other sources the thing gets even worse for the russians with somehing as bad as a 6 to 1 k/d favouring Ukraine.
>but muh third world
Ukraine is hiring thirdies too, from Colombia, which unlike the average streetshitter or angolan thug is often a US trained veteran with actual combat experience against guerrilla fighters in one of the hardest territories of the world, and there are thousands upon thousands of them in a country with a quite sketchy pension system, you can do the math.
At least in US case the stock has been updated with new toys. I won't put my hands on the fire for europeans though.
>Ukraine is hiring thirdies too, from Colombia,

They aren't even advertising it to Columbians, amusingly enough.

The Columbians, Brazilians, etc ex police and army guys basically heard that combat pay in Legion is over 3k USD/month and have started coming over by the hundreds because - its money.

These are fucking hard cunts too with military training and experience who are absolutely fucking stacking bodies out there.

It is different to the moskals who hire useless, untrained thirdies to be in meat waves.
>I won't
Who the fuck cares about you?
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It's only a matter of time before Ukrainian AFVs outnumber Russian ones on the battlefield isn't it?
Yes I Jonathan Smith from Texas Oblast agree our propaganda is ridiculous I will be writing my Duma Congressperson to complain to them immediately
I am demoralized
Another poor person who can't into debt-maxxing.
You have to understand that when you own as much debt as the US does, the bank doesn't own you, you own the bank. The bank in this case being China.
It's very interesting that people seem to forget that China and the US are de facto the world's largest trading partners, and that US "owing debt to China" is actually China bankrolling US investments and trade so that in 20 years they don't just fucking leave them high and dry and collapse their entire society.
Just take a step back from your local misery and observe reality as it truly is.
Most of that is owed to ourselves and we are also producing value. The only way it will be bad if the economic sectors lose confidence and start rationing. But aside from that, it’s literally infinite money as long as you keep producing value. The U.S. is able to borrow that much in the first place because the banks know they will make a profit.
And the economy is still a thousand time better than russia's economy, and the US dollar is a respected currency, unlike the rubel which is worth less than roblox/runescape money.
To double down on this point, you don't lend someone 30 trillion OF YOUR OWN MONEY if you don't expect them to pay it back with interest. And you know what happens every time the US debt ceiling gets reached and every twitter journo and normie starts freaking the fuck out? The Federal Reserve raise the debt ceiling and literally nothing happens.
On the side note, the rich literally borrows money to avoid taxes lol. They invest all their liquidity into stocks and borrow money to lower their taxes.
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Yeah, there are even further tricks that you can use. For example: assets all "held" under an offshore trust structure, take loans out against those assets, buy more assets, repeat.

You never actually pay off the principal - you just "service" the debt by paying the interest periodically.
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shut up nigger
>using alternating caps to strawman
Did you come straight from Facebook?
China doesnt even own most the US debt and to counteract that the US also owns most of Chinas debt. This is just how modern economies work.
It was pretty wild. I never met a Ukrainian or Russian in my life but assumed they were basically the same but spoke a different language or had a different religion or something. Never thought they would bleed the Russians white, was shocked by their performance. I thought they were all commies.
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Governmental denbt doesn't really work like personal ones. What are they gonna do? Repo property until its paid? Hah, fat chance.
So when should we expect the collapse, John Smithovitch from Texas Oblast? 2 weeks?
You ever talk to a Russian civilian? They genuinely think they're winning the war. They think Russia has only suffered casualties in the low tens of thousands at most. They think everything is going according to plan. They think that the west's military stocks are dried up, and all of Ukraine will soon be annexed. They think that the west is weak, and unwilling to accept any casualties.

The war will continue for as long as Russia's civilian populace continues to delude themselves. And the capacity of Russia's populace to delude themselves is fucking infinite.
Even when the Soviets were around, the total production number wasn't 100% allocated for the big showdown with NATO. They exported a bunch to curry favor with any other nation that they could (one reason why the T-55 was probably one of the most produced tanks ever).
And they also probably lied about their production numbers a lot, not just as propaganda to cow the West, but internally. It was endemic by the Brezhnev era. I think there was one scam where factory bosses counted spare parts according to some scheme as a nominal "tank" or something, but I can't find the reference.
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Curious. Why are the Chinese saying the war is unwinnable for Russia?
>The result of a society that had been fully subsumed by the managerial class.
I don't know enough detail about that to really argue for or against it, tbqh.
I'd have chalked up the internal Soviet inaccuracies and inflation to what economists call "perverse incentives" (making metrics of 5 Year Plan = promotion, therefore find some way to "make" the metrics and don't investigate yourself once you're promoted).
Plus, one of the biggest problems with the USSR is the same with any totalitarian/one-party state: when there's no sanctioned alternatives, the official monopoly soon grows flabby and inefficient. The Soviets even tried to have competing design bureaus to replicate free-market competition for things like aircraft design, but it's just not the same.
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It's doubly frustrating for them. Xi had big plans for Taiwan, and it's damned sure that Russia was supposed to keep European and American forces tied down, not necessarily in battle but at least guarding NATO's borders. Additionally, Putin was probably supposed to feed vehicles, equipment, and supplies to replace Chinese losses. Now the Taiwan plans have to be heavily revised or shelved, NATO has expanded more, CIS nations are growing very disillusioned with Moscow, Russian stockpiles are dead, the West is stepping up mil spending and inventing all manner of new drones, and Xi's gotta sit on the sidelines and watch.
He's a demoralisation shill repeating nonsense. The idea that we don't live in a capitalist society is nonsensical. The result wasn't of a managerial class bullshit, it was the result of a system that was ever exposed to market forces. In a capitalist society, if your factory fucks around and produces 10 tanks for an order of 15 or over produces 30 you go fucking bankrupt.
>the result of a system that was ever exposed to market forces.
*was never
> Jesus fucking Christ, what is going on???
to be fair, russia was fucking retarded and didn't send that entire stock at once. They trickled it in like idiots and it slowly got ground down. I don't think the value of FPV drones can be overestimated.
In an alternative universe, Russia drafted a million soldiers and spent 5 years getting everything out of storage and used it all at once. There's a good chance they would have taken most of the country while joe biden sat around doing nothing because he's a cuck.

historically the russian military has always been incompetent, thanks to constant culling of smart leaders by the country's leadership. Pretty much the only reason they suffered millions of losses in WW2 is because of prior purges and general retardation by Stalin.

The whole society is a case study on dysgenics.
If Russia was able to pull the wool over everyones eyes for decades up until this war, it's got me thinking how much smaller the US military really is compared to what it projects. Maybe China has no offensive capability at all and it's only strength is it's meat shield blitzkrieg on neighboring countries.
Don't know if that anons post matters but at real basic level Russia can't win. It goes into physics. Control x force = power kind of nonsense. Russians need so much power to win. It cost them so much fuel of all types from bread to gasoline and control from chips to brains to create a force x distance from their base.
They don't have it anymore. They pull back or the line splinters when Ukrainians start pressing in 2 months
Thanks, Anon. I was wondering what the unfamiliar term meant.
add some zest to your posts by calling the drunkard coward sralin instead of stalin kekw
I bet you want me up your ass.
>. They trickled it in like idiots and it slowly got ground down.
Russia did not (and does not) have the logistics or organizational infrastructure to do better. These are both hard and very boring things to do correctly, and the disastrous Kyiv thrust shows what happens when you neglect C3 AND logistics.
Even what Russia has is not guaranteed to be kept. You could easily keep up a low intensity drone warfare campaign against anything Russia tries to build in stolen territory until they give up and leave. Ukraine has been working to develop a system of making ultra low cost drones so they can keep that sort of pressure on without being interrupted by our faggot Congress or cheese brained President.
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Russia is not, and has never been, known for its highly optimal military performance.
Still funny that it was another post-soviet shithole that destroyed them. Just goes to show that slavs can be based if they manage to escape russia's sphere of influence.
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>that were supposed to last for years in a war against half of the planet.
according to whom? the last world war burned through stock that size in a year.
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>If Russia was able to pull the wool over everyones eyes for decades up until this war, it's got me thinking how much smaller the US military really is compared to what it projects.
You're making the assumption that the U.S. military has the exact same incentives as the Russian one to appear *more* threatening rather than *less*.
>In an alternative universe, Russia drafted a million soldiers and spent 5 years getting everything out of storage and used it all at once.
Just playing Devil's Advocate: Putin's entire plan hinged on speed and surprise with a quick decapitation strike on Kyiv as the lynchpin, and then persuading the West to accept it as a fait accompli before the sanctions really started to bite. That's one why they lied about "military training exercises" and only used professional contract soldiers.
Even if he did put a million into the field, would Russia have the logistics chain to supply that many? If in the current timeline they're crowdfunding for bottled water and bitching about shell shortages on Telegram, I'd theorize that a Million Mobik March would only exacerbate their problems.
>I bet you want me up your ass.
Sounds like (You) might want to seek treatment for compulsive gambling if that was your takeaway fro mthe preceding posts.
>the west send their space age weapons
Space shuttle age, mostly
US GDP is 23 trillion and has less inflation than every other major country on the planet
Fuck YOU
Ukrainian victory can happen before Russia understands it has lost.

Thank goodness.
>Do you want the be silly?
Holy ESL
The 90's wants it's social commentary back.
Funnily enough that's what saving accounts are, you are actually lending your money to the bank so they make more for you by giving it to someone who wants to create good and services, which then you proceed to save again so you get even more money, after a few decades of doing this you end up with what is a small pension and can start taking a slide of the interest to pay the bills and work a bit less and so on while the thing still keeps growing, now, of course as a human being you are going to die sooner or later, countries on the other hand don't have a clear deadline, for as long as the country can keep rolling on they can just leave the money in the account and benefit from the interests.

The soviets, being commie purists never wanted to learn this trick, the nu-russia learned up a few things about finances which is how they actually managed to fix a great deal of damage done for 70 years by the commies and are still around, both US and China, not really believing in anything after a certain point but being pragmatic, learned all the tricks and here we are.

This new financial MAD means they both are forced to ensure a measure of world stability, it's no longer about nukes, but ensuring the balance scorecard is healthy enough.
Which is sound evidence that you don't live in a capitalist society.

The US is a world leader in not being particularly capitalist when it doesn't suit it. It has been such a leader since the twentieth century.
You're either a shill or exactly what shills are trying to do: make more shills with head fuckery. Remember the unofficial Uke warcry? "We are not like you!"

Just because the RF operates on certain logics and behaves a certain way doesn't mean everyone does. They desperately want you to think that way though.

The US under reports it's strength because it inserts pessimistic variables for things going wrong, and then is pleasantly surprised when it turns out Bubba really did check the wheels on that thing for the last fifteen years.
The people are great the government typically is not. It's going to fall on millennials again to fix boomers fuck ups, xers apathy, zoomers peter pan syndrome.
Man, Gpt-5 you're not PhD level at all.
I'm top 10 PhD you chump. Top 10. You don't even have a master's you pissing fag dick daddy fuck you have a great day
Its so bad i think it might be a real person trying to be a shit bot
>30 trillion in the hole
are you moron or something
where the fuck did you even pull that number from
our immediate problems are like dozen billion usd$ worth here and there, our total debts are not even tenth of a trillion and most of that are basically write offs anyway
even completely imaginary numbers of theoretical losses from potential gdp growth that never really existed aren't as high as a trillion, and still not even close to 30 trillion even if you convert that to hryvna
oh fuck just realized he was talking about US immediately after I pressed post
well, op is even more so unfathomable retard in that case
Authoritarian induced corruption and incompetence.

In a normal democracy you usually don't get shot for incompetency. Reassigned, NJP'd, officially reprimanded, and possibly imprisoned but rare ever shot. Even then there's a whole judicial process where you can argue that you're actually very competent and things are just taking a while to get going. As long as you can produce results at the end of the day you'll be alright. Loyalty isn't even a consideration. As long as you don't claim that treason should be done you can shit talk all the politicians you want and the worst that can happen is you lose your security clearance.

In an authoritarian state you CONSTANTLY need to put on the appearance of loyalty and competence At All Times. No focusing on long term plans, no suggesting that the overall picture is pretty grim, no pointing out that official orders are strategically unsound, no taking your time to plan and gather intel. Just attack, attack, attack, and hope it works out.
>soaring inflation
Russia's inflation rate is 800% higher than America's, and last time I checked Russia's was going up (aka "soaring") and America's was going down (aka "diving").

Try harder ranjeet.
>our country
>The soviets, being commie purists never wanted to learn this trick
The trick you're describing has two parts. The first is creating a new category of money that describes money with the special property that it's being used to create more goods and services. We'll call that category "capital".

The second part is having a system where you maximise the amount of money that is used to make new things that people find valuable (as opposed to making things people don't want or being used for nothing). We'll call this system of maximising the proportion of money that is capital "Capitalism".

Ie. It's not a "purist" thing, it's entry-level buy-in to commie shit and fundamental to why those schools of economics don't work. It's why the USSR was producing mud-pie fighter aircraft that didn't work while the F15 has a 300:0 ratio against them.
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>Being affected by market forces is "sound evidence that you don't live in a capitalist society."
/pol/ is the most retarded place on the internet. Bar none.
Ox cart of shit.
>curry favor with any other nation
Does anyone have Soviet production numbers during let’s say the Soviet-afghan war? I’d like to see them compared to current equipment losses
Well, those stocks had to be used regardless or they would just be decomissioned. In regards, to Russia they now producing modern versions of said equipment, hence their stock didnt go to waste at least. Ukraine is getting new western equipment to replace their stocks, albeit they get much much less than Russia produces for themselves. Its a positive outcome for both sides
More than the ppl that care about gay europoors
You’re delusional
And Blue Collar Biden is a great, competent president who's totally doing a good job, amirite?
Injured can be sent back into battle when they have healed enough to ride a golf cart or on the roof of an APC.
>and they are lynching negroes!
>They think that the west is weak, and unwilling to accept any casualties.
This is not wrong and we're going to pay for it dearly
Russia spent less than 10% of their gold reserves since the start of the war
Well a lot of those cold war stocks were gone before the war.
Poor, poor Ukie-chans. So helpless and defenseless.

> send the next meat wave, the cube is hungry
Well have the Russians said they've been depleted?
They've still been pulling a lot more stuff out of thin air than you'd expect they're either making new stuff or its been in storage for a while.
>It was soviet stockpile destroying itself basically.
Yeah, this. This right here.

I think the proportions were probably a bit different ... but close enough for the point. The quality of the initial proportions was also a huge factor. Ukraine had been polishing up its military shit in general from 2014, vodkastan was sitting on its ass discovering krokodil. Maybe Ukies had 1/4 orig soviet stock, or even 1/5. It was better maintained & upgraded.

And, fortunately, there was a hell of a lot of EU & NATO soviet stock that had been very well maintained and very well upgraded. Which several countries had and were very happy to donate, especially when encouraged with upgrade options.

I really very much want to hear the full story of these Slovenian T-55s that were donated. First reports on them said they were solid and upgraded "pretty good." Would love to see video of them wrecking shit all up in the ass.
Here, some anon described it this way.
allot of cold war stocks are left outside and get weathered, the lucky ones get a positive pressure ventilation system to keep moisture from getting inside.
I'm sure there are also old stocks that are kept indoors and somewhat fresh, but there is less of this kind of arrangement.
Oh dummy! Toilet paper already exists.
Why is it any post with "our" or "we" is not in fact representing whatever group it implies to be? Anti-sedition laws need to come back into fashion so fifth-columnists can be rightly strung up from lamp posts.
Spending emergency supplies of gold like that is a show tale that the Russians are not in a good position. They have a 17% interest rate and already had to resort to selling off gold to keep their Economy up float. Gold in terms of economies are the last resort when it comes to whether your currency dies or stays afloat. Them having debt is meaningless because their currency is already devalued and there is no monetary flow or productivity. Russia is already operating on a deficit to keep their war going And I don’t think the banks will ever let them borrow because it will automatically lead to high inflation due to low confidence and less productivity.
>muh sovereign debt
Does not matter. The amount they borrow can automatically be rug pulled because Russia doesn’t have any leverage over the shit they borrow. Having debt is only good if you’re confidently making profits and products at a consistent rate. A war economy is not consistent and needs diversity to keep itself upfloat after the war.
>the bank in this case is China
Retard detected, 70% of US debt is owed within the country, and Japan owns more of the foreign debt than China.
Try 8.000 fucking vatnik peace of shit.
Oh the reckoning will come and you will tangle from the post.
I wonder how big a part of that equation is Russians knowing that they are in the wrong.
I imagine some may see death by ukie arty as a penance of their collective guilt. I imagine I might feel that way if I was sent into meatwave assault of an unjust war and couldn't find a way to desert, or muster courage to do something else.
It,s never been more ogre...

Now that we've destroyed the old Russia, is there anything in India worth nuking? They deserve a good Dresdening just for dunging up this board, but leveling most of that human garbage heap would improve their economy.
I think most of that data came from the 2000s. Back in the 2000s, china used to own most of the debt along with Japan. Although that isn’t the case anymore. It’s basically information that is for some reason stuck in time.
the first gibs to Ukraina had tens of thousands AT systems - javelins, nlaws, rpgs, etc. even if half of them failed still tens of thousands remained to get the job done.
> stacking bodies
instead of
> dead by arty and gliding bombs
shills gonna shill, I guess.
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>n-n-noooo u are the shill
The USA stayed in Afghanistan for 20 fucking years, it understands the idea of commitment
no, it doesn't. USA stayed in heavily protected bases, while doing patrols and having loses by IEDs and ambushes until support arrives to save their own asses. that's not "commitment". using (bribing, or "training") locals to become cannon fodder isn't "commitment" either. for 20 years, USA changed NOTHING in Afghanistan. that's not "commitment", it's impotence.
current numbers for visually confirmed Russian tank losses since the start of the 2022 invasion of Ukraine:

T-54/55: 11
T-62: 156
T-64: 93
T-72: 1496
T-80: 894
T-90: 149
unknown tank: 381
total tank losses: 3180
This isn't a world war anon, its a regional conflict
According to the russians its not even a war at all
They claim it's not a war but at the same time they're at war against the evil nazi west.
>not commitment
>stay in bases
Maybe if you’re talking about post OEF Afghanistan. But during the OEF days, there were countless operations that doesn’t involve patrols or airstrikes. Lots of them were pretty surgical.
>USA stayed in heavily protected bases, while doing patrols and having loses by IEDs and ambushes until support arrives to save their own asses.
Let’s ignore the COIN operations in enduring freedom, retard.
Russia claimed their stockpile was enough to fight the West/NATO
It has been proven false by Ukraine bodying vatniggers. This isn’t propaganda, it’s fact. And whether you interpret it as “Ukraine is strong” or “Russia is a lying sack of moldy dogshit” you have succeeded in understanding the point being made. That point is to laugh at Russia boisterously, because the world hates them.
> enduring freedom
welp, usa endured 20 years of whatever they were doing and then talibans got their freedom.
> raiding a village and killing several dozens of random civilians is COIN
sure thing, bro. going to a wedding uninvited, killing everyone and counting the bodies as "terrorsists" is supper effective. or is it?
>ignore the fact that the village were holding cells of the insurgents
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If you kill enough, eventually they give up
Operation enduring freedom ended in 2014. After that, there were no major operations in Afghanistan except against IS-K and air strikes in support of the ANA, which trump stopped in 2020.
More like 12 years lmao. They stopped caring about the Taliban in 2015. They were more worried about ISIS.
Ah yes, “us” posting from Delhi oblast
guess you didn't kill enough, then.
Afghanistan population before the invasion: 20 millions.
After the invasion: 40 millions.
Government before and after: talibans.
Implessive display of burger "commitment", indeed.
>Ukraine hasn't had an advantage in anything throughout this war
>black sea fleet sent running away
>ignoring glowie and nato intelligence
>russa still doesn't have complete air dominance and can't SEAD for shit
>drone dominance
>far more accurate artillery and missiles (inb4 muh 3% effectiveness)
>backing of nearly every non savage country
First you claim they kill everyone, now you claim they grew in population. If you want to cope about Afghanistan, be consistent about it. The Soviets by themselves managed to put the population in the negatives in their own war, but yet you commies claim they aren’t killing them indiscriminately. Regardless, the main thing about Afghanistan is the poor set up of government, the operations were fine.
in the first months of the war Ukraine had MASSIVE advantage in manpower. Russia had to do partial mobilization to achieve some balance.
>in manpower
No, they did not. They had roughly less the amount of active troops when Russia invaded, they called up reserves, but those take 2 months to get them prepared. Ukraine was literally caught with its pants down in the initial invasion.
> kill everyone on a random weeding = kill the entire Afghanistan population
holy retard. and the usual whatabout Soviets, too. cope mode went short circuit, huh.
you have no idea what you're talking about
>no you see Russia always INTENDED to get mired into a WW1 style trench war for several years
>it's always been a known fact that Russia can only produce about 20 to 30 new tank hulls per year, that's accounted for in their strategy
>trust the plan
You assumed every operation is just genociding a village, which would have made them not be able to grow in population. The point here is that your generalization doesn’t make sense when you consider that they grew in population(due to investment in infrastructure and what not) and having less civilian deaths. Also, current Afghanistan is begging for the west to give them food and water because they aren’t able to maintain the country themselves despite taking over the capital.
>no idea
The Russians initially had more troops than the Ukrainians did in the initial invasion. The Ukrainians called up their reserves, but at that time, it would take them months to be ready to go to the front. Russia has every single advantage that a military would want, but they still fumbled the bag.
you literally generalized the operations over here.
>going to a wedding uninvited, killing everyone and counting the bodies as "terrorsists" is supper effective. or is it?
>no idea
Russia has around 200k of an invasion force with 1 trillions dollars in investment and a budget of 64 billion annually. Ukraine had a pre invasion force of 150k with a budget of 2 billion dollars and an extra 2 billion from American aid before it got ramped up post invasion.
I assumed you're a drooling retard and I was 100% on point.
Damn anon, I didn’t know every military operations involved the U.S. bombing a wedding.
>Russia can only produce about 20 to 30 new tank hulls per year
Anon they're "producing" aka restoring/modernizing that many hulls monthly and it's nohere near enough to cover their losses
>Scott Shitter
Go fuck yourself retard
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>pedo ritter
People like you will all be hunted down and mercilessly killed
>Feb 27, 2022
Man, Ritter was hitting the cope sauce that early?
>Russia is attacking with a 1:7 disadvantage
So I guess the lesson here is don't do that. Sun Tzu was right all along.
Also don't send dick picks to teenage girls on the Internet. They're cops in disguise. That's another important lesson.
>Scott Ritter the Child Diddler
>ukraine had over 1 million armed men
Yes, you are retard. Real retard.
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>scott ritter
>Scott Ritter
What's his nane again?
>1 million
No, they never had “1 million” active troops. They had that many reservists, but it will take them months to get mobilized. Ukraine, by all statistics, had over 150k active troops. Russia has over 200k. They had the man power advantage in terms of professional troops.
>counted as civilian loss
Never happened, posting Scott Ritter does not help your case either.
>legally owned guns
Even though they pass them around, they were pretty still not prepared and doubt many of them will actually get the efficient training to fight if Russia went through with their shit. Aside from that, the Ukrainian forces were spread REALLY thin, with most of them concentrated at Donbas.Russia took this opportunity to attack their weak points, which was Kyiv.
>counted as civilians massacres
Most civilian massacres were documented long before they handed out weapons. Stop pushing this lie.
>massive disadvantage
They had a massive advantage around the Kyiv region, retard. They were barely in the outskirts before getting kicked out. They were fighting AGAINST NATIONAL GUARDS UNITS that were merely emergency response units. Russia attacked by surprise and failed. Despite the advantage they had over air and land.
Russia literally had a honeymoon period to where they theoretically should have absolute advantage. Instead, they fumbled the ball hard because they allowed Kyiv to call up reserves and equipment for the war
>the bank being China/china owns the debt/whatever else nonsense
Fuck I hate late-gen mills/early gen Zs so fucking much.
Yeah that was said on retard-tier public news (that includes the internet) way back during like 2007-2012.
China "owned" a majority share of foreign held bond investment (something like 40%) which was less than 6% of total bond debts. Not even any kind of serious fraction of total US debt,
No the American Citizens still "owned" over 80% of total US debt.

You know nothing, understand even less and are good for, somehow even LESS than that absolute negative value.
I hate propaganda and how it is used to manipulate children so fucking much.
>air strikes in support of the ANA, which trump stopped in 2020.
Didn't Biden stop the airstrikes? Trump kept bombing the Taliban due to their continued offensive against Afghan gov forces, despite his deal with them.
But that's wrong retard, puccia has used more than 50% of it's reserves
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Posts like this irritate me more than "xaxaxaxa yes we commit war crimes and kill civilians, what are you going to do about it?"
F-16 next month (hopefully). We'll see how that goes.
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Do you have that report in its entirety? It seems quite interesting.
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Kherson still Russian forever?
How's Vovchansk doing?
The deputy chief of Russias federal banking system just said this week the banks cannot hold much longer, and Russians need to be looking for alternative ways to get money.

He legit recommended going back to a system of bartering....trading goods for goods....the fact that this is even being tossed out as an option tells you how bad things are.
They should just imitate the norks and sell their people as slaves. Fewer mouths to feed, fewer pensions to pay, and whores will always make more, a limitless supply of goods if you do it right.
they're basically already doing that, they have ads enticing chinese men to take russian women
The eggs will be measured
Russians in general are so fucking apathetic and fatalistic about both their country and their own lives it's hard to tell if the morality of the matter even has an effect on them.
Diocletian approves
The bugmen aren't paying monke though, those ads are for dating or hooking up, at best you get a bug who takes his bride home and never returns because even chinks know pucia has nothing but shit food and shittier people, at worst you get a chinamen who sends her packing after realizing he now has a gold digging whore who will hit the wall like a freight train before she's 25 and does absolutely nothing but spend his money on stupid shit and drunkenly beat him and any unfortunate spawn they produce. They need to streamline their human trafficking operations and formalize a system for production, sale, and shipping of human property to make up for current and future economic losses, what they have now is black and grey market shit that doesn't create the kind of income flows they need.
Why did you post a screencap that shits on your own point?
Oh no Zisters how could this happen to based PUCCNR? I thought weak Wectoid would fold first?
it's gotten so bad they don't even try to sugar coat it anymore. I guess that may also have something to do with Putin getting re-elected. now they don't have to hide it
>sell their people as slaves
To whom, exactly? nobody has the need for some aids & krokodil-infested perpetually drunk pidors. The prettiest young girls, sure, they'll make their way to the brothels world-wide (as if they weren't there already) but that's hardly enough.
Don't underestimate pidorian smellkaka. Some African warlords might buy them as slaves just to degrade and mock them, and eventually kill them, just so they could say they put one over on whitey.

Or this might work if, you know, Puccians weren't white niggers
Has Nabiullina commented on the state of affairs? If she agrees, then russia is absolutely FUCKED.
She's a fucking genius singlehandedly responsible for keeping their economy from collapsing. Russia would have crumpled 2 years ago if Putin hadn't managed to prevent Nabiullina from escaping the country.

"Kremlin wishes c.bank head Nabiullina 'health and strength' after cancelled appearance"

Tells ya all you need to know. She has been the odd person out since the turn of the new year when she finally told Putin the war was no longer feasible
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you are a dumb nigger
It could work because thirdies and asiatics are stupid as fuck and a lot of them believe muscovites are whites and not inbred asiatic mongol rape spawn.
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>will put an end to US funding
>in the same breath threatened war with Russia if they didn't sign a peace deal
Missed a key bit of information there, Pascal.
I’m looking forward to his next sit down interview with Chris hansen
kherson status?
Tell your handlers that last picture is Wagner soldiers lost taking the salt mines. Need to pay more attention to the source of your random image searches for "westerners dead in Ukraine"
>Will be liberated.
how do you lose a major city purportedly part of Russia to a smaller country?
>Will be liberated.
It already was, you coping faggot.
Ends each video with
>you can find me on all the social media platforms
>youtube, rumble, and Meganslaw.com
>Ukrainians start pressing in 2 months
Got a link/more info about this?
and this assumes it was functional in the first place. uncountable numbers of later production run armored vehicles probably barely lasted long enough to be driven to the depot. there are certainly at least several thousand of vehicles in total which could not even be driven and had to be towed there to be "finished later"
you cannot imagine how fucked things were in the soviet union. it is beyond our understanding.
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Russia can't beat NATO?
>yeah we lost major population center
>but what about all those literally who towns that nobody knew about before our propaganda hyped them as greatest military achievements of the Third Rome?
NATO hasn't even declared war yet. There is no fighting on the Finish or Lithuanian borders yet.
Your just baiting now
So russia is losing to a bunch of homos?
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Why is it always the anglos with you guys?
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>"Kremlin wishes c.bank head Nabiullina 'health and strength' after cancelled appearance"


Any news about General Armageddon't?
That's still the last we've heard of her?
I would imagine Kremlin can't be stupid enough to defenestrate someone so critically important.
They didn't assault too well
Like every other criminal organization, your lifespan depends on your usefulness. Had she been really smart, she would have defected/escaped when she could.
Funny how in this comic the point would be to dissuade ukrainian into joining russia, but they still mock them by drawing them with a pig on their leash. You can feel the utter disdain and falsity these people harbor towards ukrainians
where's all the dedovschina and suicides on russia's side?
Where? I don't see Biden-the-cuck sending at least 500 M1s and 1000 Bradleys
>knowing that they are in the wrong
You are delusional. Russias operate literal death camps for ukies (https://texty.org.ua/articles/112816/russian-death-camp-three-stories-ukrainian-prisoners/), and don't see a single thing wrong with that.
>posting unironic commie propaganda
Ukrainians don’t want to be a part of Russia. Especially after this war. The amount of suffering that Russia bought for the sake of reviving a dead empire that killed millions of Ukrainians is not good. Also, funny how that image didn’t include dedovschina
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>USSR did produce like 10,000 T-72
25,000 actually
>there have been around 50 thousand obituaries on the ukrainian side
Yet you won't show them, right?
Funnily enough I suggested any ukkie reading this forum to tell his glowies to kill her and all the other smart people at the central bank, this being Russia I shouldn't have bothered.
>USA changed NOTHING in Afghanistan
What about all the news articles showing how the Taliban were reverting all the changes the US made? Like women's rights? Or all the infrastructure they built?
>Russia has a much lower sovereign debt
That's a fake point, only to food foreign retards. They offload their debt into the debt of their state corporations like Gazprom, Rosneft, RZHD (russian railways), Sberbank, VTB, VEB and so on. So, on paper russia doesn't have debt, while in reality they have a ton of debt and they have to dip into their sovereign wealth fund to finance that debt, such as swapping actual money from that fund into BS bonds of their state corporations.
This is a fake russian website, a few months back when you pidors tried to spin it I've did a couple dozen random checks and 3/4 of the results were fake (posted by bots, digitally altered pics, using civilians deaths as military, etc). Kill yourself.
Ah yes the Bricshitters
Lol, lmao even
Has more stock in the dollar than anyone
>South Africa
Has gone to shit since the 90's and is basically worthless now... who can guess why. I guess something significant happened around that time
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Is that's that easy? Then why haven't they done it yet?
>retard doesn’t understand how economics work
If they create a new currency, it will not bring down the dollar because nobody is willing to adopt it as their main currency. It’s too unstable and volatile. There’s also not enough confidence in the currency itself, which means it’s dead in the waters.
at what cost though
was it worth it?
>for some reason stuck in time
Reddit. The reason is Reddit.
>retard take
>has an even more retarded one
so setting aside the fact that the massacres literally involved russia denying they killed anyone, or even enemy combatants in the area, and were not only outside of the areas weapons were distributed but BEFORE those weapons were distributed.
you do know the actual reason they handed out all those guns right? there's no reason to expect everyone to actually fight, but giving a gun to every ukrainian citizen immediately who wants one turns kiev into an american city. please imagine occupying an american city for me, hell, even an american suburb. think of how many guns are there. i'm above average in ownership, but a third of my neighbors own at least one, and if i had a reason to, i could arm a sizable patrol/cell in my community with the assistance of the other large gun owners for the purposes of keeping out an invader, or making their life hell. it's not just a rifle behind every tree in the country if you invade america, you'll have assholes like me running around inside the cities too. if you think we have a mass shooting problem now, think what'll happen if there's suddenly a group of foreigners it's okay to shoot.
But only humans get obituaries and neither we nor the Russians believe that vatnigger soldiers are human
>for the west
absolutely, gut the only external state threat in europe for pennies.
>for ukraine
unclear. it depends on how much investment happens after the war. if i was ukrainian official looking to the post-war as a win, i'd start shilling the shit out of uke weapons production. show up to the EU like 'oh no, you don't have to actually invest big in YOUR military industries, we're under a possible direct threat so we're always going to be investing in it, so just invest in ours because it's cheaper'. they could make themselves into THE place for weapons production in europe.
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Yep, that's a meltdown.
Correct, russia will run out of Russians before the west runs out of money, and like all good economies of scale the cost of dead Russians is crashing as we refine production.
Ukraine is well-positioned to fish for rebuilding support. They can leverage their gas and oil to help kill OPEC and disrupt both grain and fertilizer supplies to uppity turdies who don't know their place.
South Africa is the biggest joke of the bunch. They depend heavily on American gibzmedatz and they are literally too stupid to boil water.
It's arguably much worse, since you can always stiff foreigners (though this has very serious and lasting consequences), but you can't stiff yourself.
Aid can come forever, materially.
Economically, the Ukraine War could be sustained indefinitely. Politically is more chancy, and of course Ukrainian will to fight is most central. No one who has ever thought they could spend the US to death has ever come to a happy end.
>Xi's gotta sit on the sidelines and watch
well his golf carts are combat tested now
i dont read anything about ERA
Zelensky has been talking about 31000 ukkie casualties around february 2024 while US personnel has estimated up to 71,000 deaths back in august 2023, so ualosses.org claim of around 50000 deaths doesnt sound that farfetched, what the previous post is pointing out is that ukkies losses although severe are still discussed openly and within what a country military can deal with, meanwhile russians have suffered so many deaths their government has forbid them from publishing soldiers obituaries, Putin himself slipt they have had 5000 dead mobiks per month which would mean an absolute bare minimun of around 140000 dead russians and then a similar number of wounded, ukkies have reported half a million casualties, using the previous data ee may estime an average of between 140,000 and 250,000 dead russians, so there is a good chance the k/d ratio is favouring ukrainians even if we take into account their respective demographics.

Tl;dr. Ukkies are probably managing such a k/d ratio which is compensating for their population disparity.
>Our country is 30 trillion in the hole
Here, I paid it.
even the most conservative killed estimates, when accounting for the fact that russia seems willing to declare about 1 in 3 soldiers MIA instead of KIA and thereby not publish an obit, ukies are managing 3:1 even if they're at 71k killed. the ualosses site is probably 'close enough' for most things, even if it could be an overcount/undercount. if the russian KIA is closer to 500k like some people think, it's even more lopsided, and who knows if anyone is even bothering to count wagner, prisoners, and foreign mobiks at this point.
absolutely shocking, the russian central bank has been the most competent arm of their government for quite a while, or did whats her name finally manage to escape to kazakhstan?

How is debt even real

Can't the US just say "we officially declare ourselves debt free , if you don't like it. Fuck you , we will nuke your ass"
Why would America bother with that? The debt is all in dollars, worst case scenario the government can just print 30 trillion dollars and pay for all the debt tomorrow. That is a terrible idea mind you and it would make the inflation in the last few years a joke, but it's something that the government can easily do if it wants to.
And the next day the newly debt free US goes to buy literally any/everything (because they killed off their own industry like the retards they are), tries to pay in dollars and get told 'Nah bro you ain't good for it, gold or gtfo' by fucking Bangladesh.
Looking at everything going on, I fully assume that if Russia is going to snap as a result of this war, the civilian finance sector will be the snapping point before the front. The interest rates are already dire as fuck, and the system looks like it is one good shock away from the edge.

Financial crises are already bad enough in peacetime, but something that would normally cause ”only” recession can bcome seismic when combined with war economy. Not to even mention how war economy makes those crises more likely in the first place.
The US can absolutely do that. It's called defaulting on your debt. It generally results in your currency becoming worth less than the paper its printeed on and all your international trade crashing, which then tends to horrifically collapse your economy.
They're all outdated, mostly gone already, and ukraine has a substantial chunk of it, its the USSR destroying the USSR. All the remaining poorly-stored armour that russia pulls out of storage, it has to full refit and modernise, which is expensive and they can only do it at a limited rate, plus the best condition ones are likely already pulled. Much of the T-72 stockpile has already been sold off or scrapped. They cant use the T-80Us because no parts to refit them, they can only refurb T-80Bs at a rate of 25 per year. The airframes are all worn out, and most USSR legacy ones are already out of service or going there, they're mostly relying on airframes from the 90s and 00s, many of which are also approaching end of service date. Airframes dont last indefinitely, they're a perishable resource over time, kind of like warships. What Russia really doesnt have are stockpiles of air munitions, dumb bombs, guided bombs, missiles etc. What it still has are all the big air defence missiles and close in AA systems, which are still fine, ukraine also has a lot thoughever.

Pre-War tank strength was likely in the region of 6,200 following their re-expansion of the brigades to division level from around 2013/2014, which was actually still ongoing as of 2022. This was in addition to an estimated 10,000 T-72s in storage, and 3,000 T-80s (B+U). That doesnt include paramilitaries though, i'm not sure how many the donbass militia received, but they've lost at least 200 somehow, *if* Oryx is to be believed, likewise the regular losses estimated by the ISS and Oryx have Russian losses at roughly 3,000. I'm not personally sure how believable that is, they dont geolocate stuff, but its a lot more believable than the figure of 8,000 that that faggot lazerpig made up. Russia has definitely lost a lot though, and evidently isnt in a position to replace it's losses like-for-like at the rate they're susitaining them.

Problem is that the US's currency isnt backed by anything but the US's say-so, theres no real physical value to it, so US currency is also not real. When you decide that the debt isnt real, you send the message that the currency isnt real either. Loss of faith in currency is bad because it means that engaging in international trade (imports and exports) is unlikely to be in dollars now, which causes devaluation and inflation.
Debt is also basically a market/industry in the US, and if you collapse the dollar *and* the US government's status as a reliable lender and borrower, you're really going to impact the way that both the various institutions and levels of government and companies finance themselves and new projects.
That's how money has always worked, one day people took a look at gold and said "lets take this useless metal and arbitrarily say it's valuable because the king says so" and thus currency was born.
Gold looks shiny, its easy to work, it doesnt corrode, and its rare. Also today its even more valuable because its useful in electronics.
Silver is likewise.
Both form an imperishable and physically tangible store of value, which are recognised as being valuable by all of human civilisation.
The value of gold and silver predates kings, or even sedentary civilisation, much like nice shiny rocks. Dollars on the other hand, just a piece of paper, or not even that, some made up numbers on the computer, you're relying on a lot of trust and a lot of careful government in order for it to maintain it's value.
God I wish NATO would pay to do something similar to Albania’s Type-59’s and donate them to Ukraine
imagine that America was actually AFRAID of the soviets for freaking decades. and they can't even best THEIR FREAKING NEIGHBORS. IN A GROUND WAR. LOL
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Physics would like a word.
>Gold looks shiny, its easy to work, it doesnt corrode, and its rare. Also today its even more valuable because its useful in electronics.
Electronics was more for analogue electronics. In the digital age it's not really important.

The rest are gigantic meh reasons that are so weak that they most just highlight as correct the thing you're trying to refute - gold has value because people trust it to have value, not because it has usefulness commensurate to that value.
Politicians can't print 3000x the world's gold supply because they went over-budget
Get your meds grandpa, the USSR doesnt exist anymore.

Its used in CPUs.
You can call it a meh reason but its been the case since time immemorial across the world, substances with a universal civilisational value are just inherently valuable, and not dependent on the management of governments or banks. Being shiny and pretty (and rare) and not corroding are pretty good reasons for value, there's a reason gold and silver have always been used in jewellery.
I mean...they can though. In the past they diluted gold down all the time. Shit dude, a penny is 95% zinc, it's not even 100% copper anymore.
you can fond all RUSI reports online.
>kind of like warships
That seems to be the only thing Russia seems to be competent in maintaining to some degree; some of their ships are pushing over a century in age while remaining in service.
Not that it's universal; F for the Kuznetsov.
It's backed by military force.
Corruption really does a thing on surplus.
>Pre-War tank strength was likely in the region of 6,200 following their re-expansion
ISS thinks their operational numbers were still around 3,000+ before 2022, and when you consider how few tanks Russia can refurbish annually in peacetime, it is highly unlikely they ever reached 6,000
>This was in addition to an estimated 10,000 T-72s in storage, and 3,000 T-80s
ISS thinks the
Covertcabal thinks the sum of usable stored tanks and the aforesaid operational tanks is only 10,000-ish altogether because of the large number of decaying hulks visible outdoors
>That seems to be the only thing Russia seems to be competent in maintaining to some degree

I'm guessing you never read the Moskva's leaked maintenance report then? A lot of their fleet are potemkins that look fierce but aren't functional, held together by duct tape and chewing gum. They are very poorly maintained.
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>Gold looks shiny, its easy to work, it doesnt corrode
which still makes it a token nonetheless, with no intrinsic value
a bag of potatoes has more fixed intrinsic value than gold; you can eat it and it will give you calories
for this reason, rice was the preferred money in Japan for a long time
>its rare
gold's rarity is artificially constrained by mining
> today its even more valuable because its useful in electronics
it's still roughly five times overpriced, and its intrinsic value in use in electronics was not a factor until the 20th century
>some made up numbers on the computer, you're relying on a lot of trust and a lot of careful government in order for it to maintain it's value
yes, as with every other currency in the past INCLUDING GOLD

yes, and all that applies to every other currency and every other country in the history of mankind

yes and no
the richest countries usually afford the best militaries, for obvious reasons. but what is "rich", what is "wealth"? simply, useful products and services.
thus the chain is that countries which
>export more useful products and services -> afford larger armies -> enforce trade -> inspire confidence -> can issue more debt aka I.O.U.s aka money -> export more useful products and services...
simple as

the problem is that certain factions fixate on their tiny part of the system
some fixate on products (e.g. Carthaginians, or petrodollar nuts), some on military force (sorry anon), some on free trade (Mahan), some on confidence (Keynes), some on debt (AOC, that utterly retarded twat), and yes, some on GOOOOLD

they're actually all part of an interconnected and mutually-reliant system
The thing about gold is that its actually not that hard to visually or physically inspect the purity of it, as this will show up in the weight, ductility, and lustre. Also historically devaluing the coinage, while profitable, caused...consequences, often very physically for the people doing it, but this would mean that the gold or silver you did still have was now more valuable, provided you didnt turn it in.
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Interestingly enough Putin has had to increase the draft age up to 30 and reserve call up to 70:

Now consider the russian demographic pyramid:

Even adding up the indian, angolan, tajik and nepalese cannon fodder they have been incapable to create a breakthrough, what is worse, they are not just deploying gramps but T55s with non-operational turrets as APCs while emptying the assets from many of their frontiers, as far as satellite images tell us there is no "secret state of the art army" what we are seeing is what they have left, it's still a great mass of men and machine but no longer the sort of force which could actually destroy the ukrainian forces for good.

Boys... this is it, in the next 12 months we will see the final obliteration of the Soviet Union conventional stock, the only military force in the history of mankind which could have given a real fight to NATO is in its last throes.
Anon i'm sorry but i checked my notes again and you're actually right, i misremembered. I tallied up all russian formations and their readiness states as they existed in 2022, i have much more detailed notes on constituent units, equipment, and casualties, but they dont fit into the 4chan format.

Russian units 2022:
1st GTA=570-675
2nd GTA=123
5th CAA=176
6th CAA=72
8th GA= 434 to 487- currently expanding to strength, not yet deployed
11th AC=258
14th AC=41
20th GCA=393
22nd AC=41
29th CAA=41
35th CAA=82
36th CAA=323
41st CAA=405
49th CAA=41
58th CAA=328
68th AC=82-134
total: 3,410-3,620

They have a lot of weird formations, they're mostly essentially corps size formations despite the names, although several are pretty much divisions, and only comprise a few brigades. The "armies" are typically 1 or 2 divisions and 1 or more brigades, their army organisation is a bit of a mess as its a mish-mash of brigades and divisions and independent battalions, and some brigades being re-expanded to divisions, as well as some regiments being expanded to brigades. Or at least it was, fuck knows now tbqh.
>Iron Triangle: Party, Security, Military
>August Coup Failure = RIP Party & Military

You have a bunch of KGB ghouls, natively paranoid, prioritizing direct control over delegation and competency spanning decades on top of intrinsically criminal character of all concerened compounded by uniquely Asiatic despotism national characteristics and walla-- world-historic profligacy from stock maintenance to disposable conscripts.
No, its backed by it's status as an international reserve currency, which is a consequence of the British Empire collapsing after WW2 and the US enjoying strong economic growth as a result of the war and following it. However this isnt based on US military power, its based on US economic performance+size of the US economy, its semu-self perpetuating status as a reserve currency, and the stability of the currency. The stability of the currency depends in part on the US government servicing it's debt, which consists in part of US treasury securities. If the US government defaulted on servicing all of it's debts, the dollar would collapse overnight, there is no military power situation which resolves this unless it had the objective of outright conquering a large enough client economic zone in order to dictate the value of it's currency, and was able to do so before the government collapsed.
>what is going on???
America supplied Ukraine to whittle those stocks down, just as planned. What's so confusing?

What's really confusing is how many of you don't see this obvious proxy war for what it is. You should have compassion for the innocent people caught up in all of this under the rule of tyrants, but there's demonization on both sides, all around.
>one country invades another country
>le both sides
there's no way right? it's gotta be that they just wrote the law as 'expand the age by five years' right? what the fuck are they going to have them do? these are retired pensioners they'd be calling up, people who definitely haven't kept in shape, and definitely not able to get back in shape. it's gotta just be something on paper right?
>le both sides
People like you should be brutally murdered
People who say “Jesus Christ!” In exclamation are pretty generally federal agents.
Reminder in WWIII We are coming for you and your family.
You seem to know a lot about how federal agents work.
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Take your pills and the feds in the walls will go away, mentally ill faggot
They managed to destroy a lot of Russian equipment at a cost of their own country and demographics. Now Zelensky says they have to negotiate a deal in "a few months" because of the massive losses they suffered.
I thought your narrative was that Zelensky was a Nazi Jew CIA puppet who tricked monke into invading and will fight to the last Ukrainian? Now all of a sudden he can decide the war is over?
>It's very interesting that people seem to forget that China and the US are de facto the world's largest trading partner
False. The greatest investor inn the USA is the EU and the greatest investor in the EU is the USA. Only by using worthless metrics like GDP PPP instead of real GDP did China ever rank highly and it has shrunk massively since covid. The EU and USA are also interestingly the worlds biggest food exporters. China is relative to either a nothing. The first and second currencies in the world are the Dollar and the Euro, the Chinese currency is not even in the running/ No one trusts communist tyrannies or their statistics and rightly so as there is no press scrutiny or freedom of expression to protect scrutiny. This is why Russias military turned out to be shit and this is why the Chinese military is also shit (even shitter in fact than Russia).
In 2023, the EU's GDP amounted to about 18.35 trillion U.S. dollars.
In 2023, the gross domestic product (GDP) of China amounted to around 17.7 trillion U.S.

In fact the Chinese numbers are exasperated and falsified and the gap is far larger, Communist China is the kind of place that thinks forcing teenagers convicted under dystopian laws to spam and edit articles on the internet saying China numba wan is the same as being a number wan. Turns out it is not.It just means you are numba wan liar. Same with weapons.
>if they manage to escape russia's sphere of influence.

You have no idea how much cancer russian mentality is, it took us 30 years to flush it from ourselves.

lazieness, alcoholism, disregard for quality, trustfulness, honesty, beauty...
>Like every other criminal organization, your lifespan depends on your usefulness
It's closer to Usefulness*Loyalty, she's stepped out of line one time too many.
So it's only value is jewelry and electronics, ok retard.
yes they have a bunch of weird formations, it's confusing AF

honestly all I go by is processing secondary data from people with more time on their hands from me haha
I will happily rape skin and eat le both sides of your family tree to purge the gene pool of your fucked-up thinking
in an order that might surprise you
There's ZERO evidence for the effectiveness of russian tactics beyond widespread infrastructure destruction and bombed-out fields. In fact, there's evidence that russians are employing most of their firepower against empty space. The closest you could get to the evidence of AFU being put under serious pressure was the Severodonetsk campaign in 2022, when russians were emptying their shell stockpiles against mostly second-rate units at a stunning rate. The time when russians were capable of doing that has long since passed.

We do have plenty of evidence that russian army is being put under immense pressure and isn't dealing with it at all: the whining mobik vids, fields of corpses and wrecks recorded by russians, Ukrainian strike videos, russian conscripts recording their final moments, surrenders etc. On top of that, russian advances in operational terms have been 100% consistent with getting dunked on by elastic defence for almost a year now. And they lost 2 campaigns and forced a draw in a motherfucking Ukrainian offensive (the AFU effort hasn't collapsed and they won the sea portion of the campaign, but the push to sever the land corridor was canceled before it culminated due to losses).

The russian narrative is basically "we're getting fucked, so the other side is getting fucked too; in fact, they're getting fact more!", and has been that way since Feb 2022. The only problem is that all the objective evidence so far has proven this crap to be mostly false when russians had the largest advantage, and completely false when they lost it.

It really takes a retarded civvie Westerner or maybe a thirdie who doesn't know jack shit about war to fall for that.

That time in 80's when USA intelligence thought Soviets had developed a new NV system for their tanks because they spotted an excercise where all of the T-72s were rolling around without any searchlights.
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Fucking what
Now understand that things would be even better, if US didn't limit Ukraine with BS, fearing russian hard loss
Neither side is winning, but Russia is losing less. Casualties are roughly even, approaching 500,000 each (including wounded), but Ukraine has less capability to replace them. Ukraine also has much less equipment. The Russians lost a lot of stuff in their botched push on Kiev, including maybe 60-80 abandoned T-80BVMs from 1st GTA, among many others. Ukraine has been losing a lot of stuff and men around aadvika and kharkov, their armour losses are substantial too, and they have been losing the artillery war, lots of their artillery radar and spgs have been lost, partially because the russians just have more, and partially because the limited contribution of the VVS. The ukranians also generally lack AT weapons, they have a few well equipped formations, but overall its a mess.

I went through around 300 of oryx's documented tanks and have some doubt as a result, as they dont geolocate, a lot of tank wrecks get moved around and might be the same tank photographed multiple times, and many of their individual cases arent mixed media i.e. one will be a potato cam of a russian tank catching fire, then a seperate entry will be a photo, with the real possibility that they're both the same one. There was a russian site which geolocated and was accurate, but the glowniggerviks shut it down 2 months into the invasion because it was "demoralising". Then again it is perfectly possible that they have indeed lost 3,000, however they still seem to be fielding armour regularly (albeit they now use it in a fire support role more-they sit it maybe 2-3km back and shoot at infantry/vehicles, then retreat). If they're down to 4-600 original tanks, then they must've added maybe 4-600 additional tanks that they've refurbed since then. I read that they're refurbing/producing 10-30 T-90s per month (although i'd lean towards 10), and they've a contract for 50 BVMs from 2022-2024, so they've maybe got 300 new tanks minimum, not sure about T-72s.
Spotted the American.
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2014 Victoria Nuland phone call leak :D
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Begone lazerpig.
oh look, now he sees Lazerpig around every corner.
Desperate times call for desperate measures.
>The only advantage they have is the fpv drones
Zelensky himself said that HIMARS changed the flow of the war when they first introduced. 19 Systems caught Russia so off guard that they had to change how they fought.
Unless they're in the VDV!
Then they can do both, albeit sequentially.
They haven’t. Once Russia saw how much the us and its allies are dumping into Ukraine it became an easy sink to drain your enemy. Why do you think they are using all old shit. Don’t interrupt your enemy when they are making a mistake.
>They haven’t. Once Russia saw how much the us and its allies are dumping into Ukraine it became an easy sink to drain your enemy. Why do you think they are using all old shit. Don’t interrupt your enemy when they are making a mistake.
Heh, he thinks nato is sending their state of the art stuff, now kindly show us the armatas, su-57s and terminator lines vatnik-kun~
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Oh. Please do tell us that this is all just a 7D chess move from Putin to drain the West from money, and he actually has all the good Armata legions still hiding, waiting to be used. And that he just sends old soviet shit and thousands of men to theri death just as a feint.

I am SURE it must be that! :D
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>we didnt need 500k dudes in our army
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>To whom, exactly?
you do realize that the amount of "money" US has dropped on Ukraine doesn't even surmount to a 10% of the yearly budget?
It really isn't
t MMT-chad
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Russian losses* last 24 hours and totals, personnel is Russians killed and does not include wounded.

Tanks — 8099 (+19)
Armored fighting vehicle — 15550 (+26)
Artillery systems — 14599 (+66)
MLRS — 1111 (+1)
Anti-aircraft warfare — 874 (+1)
Planes — 360
Helicopters — 326
UAV — 11620 (+36)
Cruise missiles — 2333 (+2)
Ships (boats) — 28
Submarines — 1
Trucks and fuel tankers — 19713 (+70)
Special equipment — 2448
Military personnel — aprx. 543810 people (+1110)
*Figures confirmed by OSINT counts of depletion at Russian weapons depots using satellite imagery

Country Average male weight
Russia 70.6 kg (155.6 lb)


76 KG By 543810 and then divide by 1000 to get metric tons. That's 41,329.56 metric tons of dead vatniggers Ukraine has made.
You realize 10% of my fucking wallet isn't to give away to Slavic niggers and jews, right? I do make money and fuck you for thinking my taxes are a warchest for europe. That is some bullshit. My kids matter more than every single kid in Ukraine combined. At least to me and my family. And my neighbors kids mean more too. None of us give 1 shit if Ukraine exists, or who their resources go to.which is all this is about is mineral rights. Not people. Fuck them all. Why be antagonist?
You don't decide where your taxes go. Most of the time you don't even know, so why do you care if they go to ukraine? You have to pay them regardless.
And Ukraine hasn’t lost a single soldier. You can’t possibly believe this. Daily nafo morale thread. The gays will win just like in the marvel movies
Slave mentality
I don't really care if ohio oblast exists but I support their right to defend themselves along with the agreement we made with them when they gave up their nuclear weapons.
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Why do you zigger faggots always bring it back to Marvel movies?
thirdies only comprehend the world through our slopmedia.
unironically this.
before there was marvelshit it was cliche over the top 80s action movies that they obsessed about. like a cargo cult they got highly influenced by stallone, arnie, van damme, lundgren, chuck norris etc. for them this sort of cultural output was the first thing they envisioned if they were thinking about america.
during the 2000-10s it was the american corporate culture. they often used established american vocabulary and practices even when being among each other.
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This isnt believable, because this is more tanks than Russia had in service at the start of the war, and Russia didnt have the stored numbers, and doesnt have the production capacity, to come up with and lose an extra 4,500 over 2 years. If you actually believe this unironically then you're a braindead nigger.
This is all directly contradicted by OSINT, namely Oryx and the ISS. If you want to have an actual understanding of what's going on, then you should do a tiny bit of research rather than blindly believing in propaganda.
turns out invading and occupying a country is more difficult than
>dude just drive a bunch of tanks to the capital lmao

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