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pilot edition

Welcome to camouflage general, a thread for comparing, contrasting, designing, sharing and discussing camouflage patterns.

> Camopedia: A thorough, though not quite definitive wiki of camo patterns:

> .rar file with scans of 228 patterns from across the world:

> Brent0331's camouflage effectiveness tests - playlist of videos demonstrating 150+ patterns, from a great /k/ youtuber with other useful videos such as infantry / squad tactics, camo face paint, etc:

> Classic guy cramer description of camouflage methodology:

> Why doesn't the military use hunting style camo?

>Bureau of Land Management camo handbook:

>Writeup on the new Dutch fractal pattern:

>Practical instruction on how to design fractal pattern from scratch:

> submit your favorite camo for your region. don't want anyone doxing themselves so it's honor system for where you say you live. votes will be weighted by how good a case you make, strongest votes will include demonstration photos and written articulation of why your pattern is best pattern. if you can't go out for photos atm then use photoshop with photos from your area, google maps is your friend. runners up will be included. beginning with summer edition for obvious reasons
t. Region 40.
>reddit link
I will fucking kill you.
suggestion is appreciated, but your submission won't carry weight unless you engage in a bit of effortposting. This map is intended to be as well """researched""" as possible. Examplw from the beta thread:
> "The M05 pattern is optimal for the coniferous North Woods region because it's green match the darker evergreen trees and the reddish brown undertones match the iron heavy soil of the region. Having three specialized patterns for summer, intermediate, and winter means that it is especially adapted to all seasons of the climate.

> I'd also choose this over Multicam tropic or CADPAT because of it's brownish tones. MARPAT woodland could also work here, but M81 is too tan IMO"
You won't even be able to find me, I'll be camouflaged you see
I do love Nordic patterns but Flecktarn gets my vote merely for the fact that surplus is (was?) so cheap and readily available.
It is still S tier in pine forests during Spring and especially Autumn.
>Having three specialized patterns
There is the rub.
im the guy who makes patterns and is printing them on fabric. As a local to Region #9 id have to say green dom ERDL is the best
What the fuck is that map
95% of everywhere east of the Mississippi looks the same, summer or winter
Just get a woodland pattern and remember there's a lot less green in winter. Also. Camo is way more than a pattern on fabric lol.
Better than some "universal" disaster like UCP
Good use of photoshop. Now that I think of it FL is an interesting case cause it's so flat that you'll only ever really be silhouetted against vertical flora. Contrasting with New England where we have lots of ravines and outcroppings from glacial activity which means you might be backdropped by flora, terrain, or the layer of dead leaves that accumulates on slopes below a certain grade
>95% of everywhere east of the Mississippi looks the same, summer or winter
This is the attitude that sells white cares.
For region 31:
>inna shithole city
M81 Woodland because it’s hobocore, or just dress like a homeless man
M81 Woodland because it’s based, also MARPAT, CADPAT, Finnish M05
What happens at 17?
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When i lived in tacoma m81 worked pretty well but when id hang around the Lacey area the weather around the sound cleared up more often than not.
thanks man, if anyone wants to post pics of their area and a camo of their choice i can edit something in
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also post above applies, heres your region OP i used Urban track
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Best I've found for Reigon 13 is Marpat with flecktarn as a close second. Though Greek Lizard has performed better in certain lighting conditions
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I’m on the border of region 5 and 13 but I travel to do hunting and outdoors shit in 14. Pic related is what it currently looks like in my environment. Any recommendations? Also, any boot recommendations for the bayou? I feel like jungle boots are probably appropriate but I know a lot of the repros are garbage.
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Finally a place I can talk about digital camouflage.
heres a version of the 2002 pentagon MC prototype, image is from the utah area
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I use it mostly for digital camouflage
Looks more pixelated than a multicam pattern with all that low-res compression
It's based on a climate region map, I didn't make it up myself. If you can make a good case for a new regional subdivision than I consider adding it, but if we add every single microclimate in the country then we'll never ever finish. Tbh we're already risking that having 40 regions, I don't know how the fuck we'll finish Alaska. I know we'll never satisfy everyone but as long as it's more comprehensive than the last one I can live with it.
Excellent tastes in pixels
Impressive, very nice. Pic and trips.
I doubt own any so don't take my word for it, but that amount of green would be suitable for concamo. Of course if you're strictly concerned with hunting than dedicated hunting camos are where it's at
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>teleports behind you
nothing personal, devildog
>captcha T0P00
Interesting, thanks for the recommendation. When I am hunting in the hill country I find Cabela’s Zonz western works quite well, here in the swampier parts of Texas that pattern is only good for the “dry” season. As you can see from the pic, we don’t suffer for rain down here on the salt coast and so we have a lot of green, hot, swampy rice fields to cover. I imagine some of the more tropical lizard patterns may also be worth looking into. I want some camo that can work for hunting but is more fit for “hunting” so IR signature matters too. Also anyone with a boot recommendation is appreciated.
Speaking of that, is there a way to test or at least estimate how a given piece will look under IR / NV if you don't actually own such a device?
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What region of would be best for the standard issued EMR camouflage?
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Been surfing deviant art and came across this unique Digitized version of Rhodesian Brushstroke
And this one guy who made unique MM-14 color variants including a Aliens86’ colonial marines inspired one.
tell me about region 17, what goes on there?
Thanks for the nice effortpost #0 OP.
Based fellow Region 13Chad. Glad I didn’t fuck up buying flecktarn a few months back
would love if somebody actually made a webtool with this map, could click on a region, see selected outdoors pictures and camo suggestions and have it to sample overlays or something.
But I know they’re monsters in Region 27 Stunned For Money. ;)
mass humiliation rituals
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I’ll wear UCP in the Region 6 where I Live regardless how ineffective it is. It’s my no1
>Northern Florida
Pic related is my hunting shirt
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You should also get PLA Type 07 Arid camouflage pants. It would match well with your hunting shirt
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I hope that at some point it's possible to get at least a rough sort of e-film microplate clothing, maybe with relatively large "pixels" to save money and a limited color palette (like just monochromes, browns and greens) to save cost and make things easier. But it'd be neat to have something one could adjust to whatever pattern they wished like 2017 demo related, though I recognize there'd probably be challenges in both doing that and having useful clothing qualities like breathability.
I use us4ces transitional in region 22.
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This is one of the most soulless things I ever seen.
It lacks the "brushstroke" part which makes the Rhodesian camo so iconic.
This one is just a generic woodland digital camo.
UCP is not only legitimately useful in much of if not all of 23's sagebrush steppe, it works great. Problem is that's about the only region it works in out of the box without being dyed by the user. The greens in the camo are the same color as sagebrush and a lot of local grasses (which don't last long into summer), the tans are a dead match for typical soil and dead/dry grass.
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I feel the author did a great job on making a spin on the amazing pattern. similar to ARVN Tiger Stripe influencing Digital Tiger Stripe(USAF ABU). My tastes dictates if it’s digital pixelated I automatically love it.

Heck yeah UCPgang4life
I sort of hate UCP as a principle, but if you can post a photo of the specific terrain you're referring to where it works I'll swallow my pride and add it to the list
Opposite case, I like US4CES but without at least a picture and hopefully some more justification (like UCP anon's description) I can't do much with that
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Normally I'd have dumped my "Idaho" folder but I'm not at home right now. This is the sort of environment I'm talking about.
I see what you're saying. But serious question, wouldn't UCP Delta be objectively better? It keeps those sage patterns but also incorporates colors closer to the soil.
like some budget-ass octocamo?
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>Love UCP-Delta
I’ll say it once I’ll say it again, UCP is a amazing Winter camouflage.
Effective here in Upstate NY winters.
What's the best camo to wear in Venezuela?
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UCP-Delta got a red rust to it soo maybe.
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i made UCP brushstroke, Hate me
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Between the two I'd personally just take regular UCP. You don't get oranges much even in exposed cliffs outside of the basalt areas. I bet Delta would work really well in a lot of the southwest.
Also, I found my folder lol. Forgot I put it on this computer.

Why would I hate it or you for making it? The color palette works. Only thing I'd change is to make it a bit busier with the brush strokes.
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Region 6 UCP crew
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You can see a little bit of the basalt rocks in this but to me it's nowhere near common enough in the grassy sagebrush stuff to be worth adding in oranges. Imagine trying to spot a sniper in UCP in this before he gets you.
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Hell yeah my fellow UCP brother.
>like some budget-ass octocamo?
Had to look that up, but no, just "adjustable camoflage" but not active like in fiction. E-ink is cool in that it only requires electricity to change the pattern, once the pattern is set it stays even unpowered, and of course no light emission. So you could probably run an entire system off a few AA batteries fine. The core downside vs displays is the refresh is quite slow, particularly for anything with color. Think "seconds per frame" instead of "frames per second". So it'd let you manually pick a camo and change on the fly, have one thing that can work all seasons etc, but it's not going to make you invisible. Maybe with cameras and some light AI you could have something a little more usefully automated, like "looks like I just walked from the woods into a field, switch to a better pattern".

Also to have enough durability it'd probably have to be something like a modern scale armor until it improves further. Still would be neat if anyone tried to see how far the newest stuff could be pushed.
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Here's a shot with the soil color in much of the region. It's either this or dark volcanic soil.
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Whatever the Allied Nations wear in Mercenaries 2: World in Flames
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This is the sort of environment where I'd take UCP Delta over the regular. Little to no sagebrush (critical for regular UCP), lots of darker rocks, and general colors that would gel well with it.
Fair enough.
So far I have solid submissions for regions 3, 6, 7, 9, 13, 23, and 40. If you made a suggestion for another region odds are it needed to be a little more robust to be considered. Remember even if your region already has a strong submission you can still make a competing one, even if it doesn't dethrone it it can be a runner up.
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heres one i made awhile back of german palmenmuster in UCP
True the coyote tan in UCP-delta blends well into dark rocks
That looks like it would be well suited for choccy chip although Delta would still makes sense as a transition between that and regular UCP
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They are right unironically UCP blends well into grandmas couch.
I live in Region 5 (Midsouth TN where it meets AL and MS).
I have found Kryptek Mandrake works really well here.
Multiscam Tropic would also probably do great or UCP dyed RIT Apple Green.
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The biggest problem with UCP is the military stopped a step or two early. When you dye UCP it's fucking ridiculous how good it can be. Rit dye, walnut shells, whatever dyes it to fit in your area, it changes the game.

Very nice! Btw, if anyone wants I can post a quick guide to making your own repeating patterns with the corner swap method.
I used to live on College Street in Lacey.
Flecktarn MarPat would do alright in that region.
Funny enough, if you go to Yakima, UCP becomes amazing.
The thing I've wanted to see for a while now is someone who has tie dyed UCP with tans, browns, and greens you'd find in something like multicam.
Picrel is the correct UCP coloring approved by the DOD.
What the FUCK went wrong in the production phase?
Why UCP is grey?
How did this went unnoticed?
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Brown dyed UCP.
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Could be the camera filter anon
The PATTERN is the universal part. The color palette sure as shit is not. You can easily dye it to work in nearly any environment but I guarantee the DoD didn't want to spend the additional money to dye for theater and a whole lot of people including brass read "universal" and thought it was already good to go everywhere right out of the box.

Also, it's very clearly tan and shades of sagebrush greens. Relatively neutral colors that when dyed still retain pattern unless you've overdone it. If you only see greyscale colors you may want to take a color blindness test. I'm not trying to be mean, get your vision checked out. You also may just need to tweak your monitor settings.

That and green are the colors I always see. Walnut shells apparently do a really good brown when done right but good old Rit dye also works well.
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That top especially would be god tier in a lava field.
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I’m never dying my UCP but I would by a pair that’s been done for me.
That or the dark side of the moon
I won't dye mine because I live in region 23 lol. I've got multicam as my jack of all trades for everything else.
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HOLY FUCK anon I have the same gun! I’ve had this for over 10 years. I’m surprised someone else got one
Right on the border of 3/4 here, been unable to find a pattern that works well for years. The woods get very brown and grey if the undergrowth is thin, or are vibrant green if in an immature forest. Fields and meadows are blindingly green, until it dries out then tan takes over. Don't get me started on autumn. Any camo autists want to give me a recommendation?
Good camo for 18?
Use google maps to find decent photos of your terrain and anons itt will deliver with the recommendations
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Right forgot. Here’s an example of the Badlands if anyone has ideas
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Yes I love my 2 Toythings Beretta pistols.
The Nickelodeon Green Orange for toy guns is so kino.
Damn Mr. Moneybags over here with 2 of them. I think I lost the suppressor that came with mine
Also camping photos or pictures others have taken of the region. Satellite images can give a general idea but they're far from perfect. Photos of the areas you're most likely to actually use it in.

Really though it's a legitimately solid jack of all trades pattern. It'll work in most of the country where my UCP basically ONLY works in my area unless I dye it.

Here's a guy that does walnut dying and the uni he's wearing looks great.

In the badlands you've got a lot of options. All sorts of oldschool desert camos, A-TACS AU, Kryptec nomad, Marpat desert, lots of options.
my bad. forest (1/2)
fields (2/2)
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>got em at Walmart bTW
Yes, if ya stick a paper clip in the little hole in the barrel it will still make the cartoony silencer sound.
Ooo maybe I’ll try that. I got mine at Walmart as well.
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I ate his UCP with some EMR beans and a nice CADPAT.
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id say get telo mimetico it works pretty well here
If it stays pretty green easy first choice for me would be woodland marpat or M81 woodland. If you've got money to blow A-TACS FG, Kryptek mandrake, or Kryptec highlander would be solid choices. Multicam would also be legitimately good in that forest but probably won't do as well as a greener pattern in such green fields.

Remember before you go buying the "best" money can buy, you don't need the most gucci shit out there. You need something that works well with the local color scheme and a pattern that has the right amount of busy vs boring for it.
Besides those two I had a Yellow one that broke due to a bully pressing the side back to hard and braking it.
Was it another handgun? I got a yellow MP5 toy at Walmart a while ago as well
Yes same
I had a green orange Mp5 as well
Anon what the fuck. Our lives are the same
thanks for the suggestions fellas, will definitely look into these some more. maybe try some hats or something before committing
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Region 30 greatly differs between spring and summer. The northern area of the region and NorCal in general has a lot of green hillsides during the spring but as soon as its summer the grass dies. Norcal in general has that look of the green trees surrounded by golden grass

As for the camos I think during spring regular old multicam is a good pick. It has that good mix between the greens an tan/browns. As for summer I think multicam arid would work too and Spanish M09 due to environment similarities. In some places where its more rocky I think you could get desert marpat to work as well or maybe a lighter colored desert tiger stripe
Indeed they are
finnish m05 for washington. m81, asian variant tiger stripe, any jungle camo with a darker brown like battle brown/kodiak brown.
French lizard pattern types work amazingly well on trails.
Also Hyde definitions wildwood/greenzone/metropolis.
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Never noticed PC Metropolis before, looks like it would be extremely effective in certain mountain terrain. Any mountain clansmen anons itt?
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Metropolis has the same quality as UCP in certain mountain terrain it seems.
God, I wish I could share a life with someone, but I wouldn't wish that on anyone.
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We will always be Toy Berretta Bros in spirit dude.
Here have a aliEx PLA XingKong fig cause you’re awesome.
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Hey my fellow Digital camouflage Bros, I need help identifying this commercial pattern on this Rochester Kickball T-shirt. I found It in my old images on a flash drive. I lost the t-shirt and I really loved the camo and want to order it again.
Plz help.
They don’t seem to sell the shirt on their website anymore.
OP reporting in, currently there are decent to great submissions for:
> 3
> 6
> 7
> 9
> 13
> 23
> 30
> 40

Meaning we are approaching 25% coverage for Summer Edition with a few also for Winter. I'd like to hear from more midwest / innadesert anons.

Which region of Washington?

A closer photo might help here. What color is the soil, tan, brown, red? Also how ubiquitous are those mountains, or are you more likely to be blending into ground-level terrain and flora? That's gonna be a factor.
Also forgot to mention, if you need help picking a pattern Arktis is a very useful resource; even if you don't like their products they have a large catalog of patterns you can filter by. Will add to next OP.

>Which region of Washington?
not him but he's definitely talking 31+32, which should probably be combined because they're essentially the exact same environment unless you really want to go full meme and start recommending urban camo.

m05 and multicam tropic are definitely the way to go
Hesitant as I am to add too many regions I'm even more reluctant to subtract any, I'm doing my best to keep everyone as happy as possible but people get really defensive about their areas and preferred patterns and I want this to be comprehensive and more useful than the last camo map. In any case I'll add your suggestions as submissions for both of those regions until someone makes a case for differing patterns.
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Marines! we are leaving!
This would unironically excel in much of the southwest. What are some good irl analogs?
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Looking forward to your opinion on their Pixelated DPM. Which I really want to break the bank and buy it given how cool the pattern looks digitized.

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And UCP-Delta because you’ll be thirsty in the desert will provide drip
I just noticed that, it's quite good. If I could I would make the green just a touch lighter for better contrast, but in any case it would be a contender for New England or some other lush environments, not far behind PC Greenzone
Told ya digital is drip
Suffers from UCPitis- no macro pattern. Would blend into a solid color to any viewer past 15 meters. Normal DPM would be much more effective in any real world use
I actually also have a bias towards digital patterns, but not to the degree you do (no offense pal, you're an autist but the kind of autist I like)
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Russian EMR and Finnish MO5 both work great all year. Most forests are predominantly pine so these camos work even in winter.
Honorable mention is mountain flora in fall. It's my preferred hunting camo, I've had people walk within inches of me without noticing my presence.
EMR is too low contrast for here. I'd sooner wear Multicam tropic over that
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Good UCP style pixel size rocks

Thank u my fellow pixel bro

Standard EMR is 45 times effective than MultiTurd Truddic
you are high bro
go ask mobiks how EMR is working out for them lmao
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you can hesitate all you want but they're the exact same thing
>but people get really defensive about their areas
Fuck em. I can take a picture in my back yard and there is not a human being on the entire planet besides me who can tell you if it's in the Cascades, Olympics, or ten minutes outside of Tacoma.
You could say that for lots of places desu, my NE camos would probably be 99% effective in the PNW but smaller subdivisions are more fun and there are the odd microclimates to consider. Your effortposting is noted however.
Is that mountain flora effective all fall / winter (barring snowfall) or is it too situational? Our fall period where the lesves are red or orange is so brief that I don't even factor it into my choices.
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made this one for early winter in 6/7
I propose Flecktarn for summer in Reigion 2. Reigion 2 is really, really green in the summer, with extremely dense vegetation in the woods, and really anywhere not curated by humans.
Flecktarn is a very green pattern, and has the perfect amount of browns and greys to blend in with the dead leaves and trees. Both me and my friend wear flecktarn when we do airsoft, and I've found it to be effective there, as well.
M81 Woodland is a strong contender, but a lot of the time has more brown than is really needed imo, with a similar story for DPM. Tigerstripe is too dark and doesn't have enough browns or dead leaf colors to beat out Flecktarn, and Multicam and Alpenflage are pretty good when prone, but often aren't the best when you have a very green backdrop.
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India 11 for region 27. Time to find some pajeet surplus.
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Multicam is a very good choice for 14, Vegato also is pretty effective
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Your photos bumped your submission up to high-tier, lol. I personally consider fleck's colors too dark for my area although the actual pattern is excellent, but you've made your case. We now have submissions for a dozen regions.
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EMR Works and Looks cool
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>but smaller subdivisions are more fun and there are the odd microclimates to consider
But there's literally not one along that division. Zone 31 and Zone 32 are largely temperate coniferous forest with the same climate and vegetation.

there IS a rainforest in the mix in zone 32 and it's not separated out as its own thing, but don't do that since it will also use the same camo as the rest of western Washington anyway since it's still just fir trees, ferns, and some cedars, they're just wetter
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>Yeah, but it's a dry heat!
>good irl analogs?
Kuiu Vias. I love this shit man!
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thats the down side to editing in that way. heres the pattern IRL
go back to your containment threads
Mountain flora works as long as there are leaves on the ground, i have a good pic of me laying on the ground and being basically invisible (cant find it tho). Once winter hits is jover for mountain flora.
Alright, I'll consider merging them later on down the line if no one makes a better case for it and then I'll reuse that number incase I need to add a new region elsewhere, but I'm gonna hold off for a bit.
>Region 1,3,4
I'm right around there and my favorite is marpat, ocp works nice too, flecktarn sucks, but I've gotten a bunch of m05 from origopro and wombat so I'll be trying that now.
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fuck, I can't find it, I am moving in this picture so it doesn't do the camo justice
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My M07 LATPAT Track pants blend well here on Lake Ontario
Checked. Pretty impressive.
Anyone think SNEEDPAT would work well in their region?
Gamer over man game over
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Yes SNEEDPAT Chuck and Fucks HARD dude.
New respect. Prolly get some LATPAT from CamoHQ on my Red Dawn Russki winter smock copy.
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Do it You’ll love your swaggy M07 LATPAT since I do.

>Still hopping for CamoHQ to do Multi-LATPAT(M17).
>Link to Digi cam coolness https://camohq.com/search?q=LATPAT&options%5Bprefix%5D=last
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I just realized this Minifig’s camo though Blue is really close in Pattern wise to LATPAT/Dual Tex.
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This made me chuckle

Literal LEGO camouflage.
9/10ths of a mobik disagree.
It legit looked pretty good when they first dropped it but there's a mountain of other camos I'd pick first in any environment.
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I enjoy EMR as a unique digital Camo, not my favorite but I enjoy the way the pixels are different from others.

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Is this what mobiks wear in hell?
kentuckiana fag here region 6 heres my usual line up

spring-summer is flecktarn unless it gets really dry then its rhodie brush
fall can be fleck but alpenflage is pretty good stuff especially later in the fall season
winter is wz93 bc big coat is mad cozy if it shows just wear some white shit

usually this lineup is solid but typically its situational so just go outside and see what looks like its gonna fit
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Yep Ziggers do be wearing some devilish MW3(‘11) drip.

>Did a little Digi camo texture edit in Koikatsu this night.
Gave CZ-Delta some UCP-Delta knee-socks and a EMR-Steppe scarf+maid-band to finish the tacticool vibe.
multimeme works quite well in every biome here except for the NE, and there's a multimeme for that too, but some regional realtree will always be best
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Correct name is MultiCrap® kind sir.

>i do love the color of MC just hate the pattern, look good in pixel form though.
Region 14 is more multicam arid
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Still waiting for filipino firefighter orange digital camouflage to appear on eBay any day now.
PLA Type 07 winter
Region 3
That and Original Dual-Tex.
>firefighters deploying with PCs
>next step camo uniforms to blend with the fire
>tactical rescue axe
>entering the front
>Good job rookie, need tuh kill fires when they're small can't risk having it spread itself
>Firefighters: Modern Hero
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Is this Type 07 winter
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>IRL FireForce in a nutshell.
Never seen Duel-Tex on EBay, has it every been listed there?
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god fucking damn it i spent a whole ass YEAR trying to get dual tex right and i thought i made the dark too blue. but turns out maybe it IS BLUE
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/r/-ing someone make camo using pic rel
Thanks and God bless
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Mission accomplished?
>Still waiting for filipino firefighter orange digital camouflage to appear on eBay
We all are fren, we all are.
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Right back at cha frendo;)
And a big borf borf for Orange Digital camouflage.
In reality most issued gear is in m05 woodland while m05 snow is present only on overwhites. Frost pattern is only used on thermal parka and pants.
How about sharing clean URLs without the tracking tags?
Colors are taken from test pattern with good nir performance
EMR lacks macropattern
Asperigus and broccoli camo for vegan assassins when?
No, this is
It’s Mircopatterness Is a cool feature.

How is Type 07 Arid a winter camo?
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Wouldn’t Type 07 Standard Universal work a little better for winter situations?
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The arid pattern is specifically issued as the winter/dry season pattern for Chinese forces. It's supplemented with a digicam over whites when used in snowy environments
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and it's replacement.

honestly it's a good system, desert camos are surprisingly effective during the winter, even in temperate environments. People don't realize the difference between dry/winter/Arctic environments. each has its own unique camo requirements

much rather wear >>61982037 in most of the Continental US during winter than over whites IMO
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it's retarded as hell, but even their old marine pattern isn't the worst for winter/alpine use
Contrary to popular belief, winter time in the NE region is mostly just dead trees and brush and much less of a winter wonderland
A-TACS AU for #14
>Type 07 Arid
Prolly woks just fine in the SW below 7k' all year.
Tough part is actually getting it.
It's made by chinese for chinese so the sizing is going to be way out of line with American standards.
Probably better off just using one of the dozens of arid patterns that are abundant
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Type 07 camo has a color for every environment. Such a beautiful digital camouflage even if they’re The Red Chinese Commie Bastards I give them a pass for their camo is cool.

I just go by Small medium large and hope for the best.
American small is chinese XL
At least read the reviews before you YOLO on some on chinesium drip
Hmmm thanks for the Heads up dude.
Fuck the ukraine
Those idiots caused the Chernobyl disaster
>American small is chinese XL
This news make several anons very happy with thier penii.
Hey OP, any shot you have a WIP version of the map with the camos we've filled in so far on it?
>Russian reactor in Ukraine
>Run by Russians speaking Russian
Totes wasnt the russian speaking russians lol
>in Ukraine (my point exactly)
ukrainians are just wannabe Russians
>which is why theyve been fighting off an attempted annexation by russia for 2.5 years
Youre fucking retarded
It's "you're" and you're illiterate
>correcting an aposthrophe
That's how it's spelled you massive illiterate faggot
Seethe thirdies
MM14 and EMR are both cool camouflages in my books. But Pixels aside I support Ukraine. Hell i donated by Buying $50 Lego MM14 figs(other military figs are usually $16)
Cry harder kike faggot
>attempted annexation by russia for 2.5 years
Actually, Ukraine has hated Russia since the '30's at least. Goes back to the famine.
>Camo thread
>Ukrainians living rent free
Awesome to see the commie faggots seething! Killing commie faggots is the best tax dollars I ever spent!
I said both countries Digital Camouflages rock. If ya can’t talk the about Camouflage patterns go here ===>>>/pol/
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>Vatniks Butthurt.
Heck Yeah I love it.
It’s also given UCP a new life there.
>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EC2zgVwIgNc [Embed]
OpFor Green Love the lime green look to it.
Whats good for region 39?
>given UCP a new life there.
Shit was just too cheap as unissued gear to hate. TAPs to bandos to pouches, I scorred almost all mine from Venture. Those guys rock! Hell, they still have unissued UCP gear for pennies on the dollies.
>Mfw I set up a UCP TAP for each rifle chamber using UCP pouches for .223 or ABU pouches for .308
It's close enough.
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Give me your UCP I’ll add it to my digital camo collection.
Region 8 or 10 (too close to tell)
Unironically M81 woodland.
Runner-up is Rhodie Brushstroke (works best if it's a little faded, not too dark on the brown).
Type 07 Hunter would work perfectly there.
hailing from region 30. I'm planning on hiking up a local mountain and seeing how well alpenflage hides amongst the manzanita
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My buddy made this pattern a few years back. For pine forests on the eastern side of the rockies, roughly region 33 on the map. It's a bit faded now, but there's some neat macro and micro patterns in there. Made with Piskel and Photoshop. I told him I'd get him some feedback from the hacker known as 4Chan.
Love the coloring very MARPAT like. Good job Mr.Anon’s Buddy
Wtf is going on w/#5 getting MFM DP by #11 & #12?
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>he doesn't even receive humidity pay
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>Nice to see you on our side, the winning side. USA! US--Excuse me. Allies! Allies!
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i need some obscure camo hoodies
Camohq.com search hoodies
>obscure camo hoodies
Red tiger was odd.
Some CCE aka French CE pattern in summer and winter


I always shill this on /ARG/ because in addition to being highly effective year round as both videos demonstrate, it also bears a very similar pattern to M81 which has become the essentially official camo pattern of militia.
However because M81 has that drip factor it can be difficult to get but you can get BDUs in CCE from Arktis and they're relatively cheap and well made just order the right size because returns are basically impossible due to return postage.
It’s made with Tiger blood so you’re bi-winning.
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I love dead ukrainians
I'm going to make stickers of that
Anyone Got MM14 gear genuine or Aliexpress?
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yet that ’feature’ makes it uneffective at longer ranges when the camo stands out as green blob
Micropattern digital camos are effective at close range at fracturing the naked eyes mind.
With black spray paint like MACVSOG
Came here hoping for a recommendation for region, disappointed. t.region 2
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Bulgarian Digital Flecktarn, if ya can acquire it.
Oh I know what I’m asking for my birthday.

How well made is the stuff from camohq? Buying commercial stuff rather than surplus has been kind of hit or miss in my experience
Mount Rushmore
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Pretty well made but glossy so it will glow up on nods. i.e these LATPAT track pants are also very thin so i am careful not to rip em.

I meant Bulgaria’s digital flecktarn.
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see you in /VG/ my nigger

Wooo Hooo Bumper Cars.
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Would be nice to mod World in Flames PRC Peoples Liberation Army camouflage to Type 07. Since the vanilla camo they wear is this crappy Urban woodland junk.
Appreciate the shout outs.
Indeed you’re welcome for the intel
Pixel Bump.
Hurts my eyes.
>Good camo is so repulsive it makes you look away.
God Bless the Japanese.
Here have a blueberry.
The AZ region 20 is all fucked up. You have Sonoran desert mixed with shit like Flagstaff. Region 19 is alright though.
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Just made this beauty gal today in Koikatsu.

>ROC’s woodland Digital Camouflage Combat Uniform t-shirt top
>PRC’s Type 07 Universal Camouflage on Army Combat Uniform Trousers.
>plus She’s dual wielding Norinco Type 54 pistols.
I disagree. There is enough patchy grass, brush and conifer year round, original fedcam was almost tailor-made for this region.
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for region 40, this would be my preferred (if it wasn't so expensive)
I can personally guarantee you that almost no one in that region would use a Chicom camo pattern.
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I place Nutria Brown on the same level as Olive Drab.
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How about Taiwanese Digital Tiger Stripe then?
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That or just go with ROCs DCCU.
Why is that?
>Or something else?
>region 30
a patagonia vest and a marine layer sweater

M00 Woodland
It's a blend of anti-communism, anti-chink sentiment, and a general aversion to "digital" camo patters, which are viewed as inherently inferior to "blotchy-style" patterns, hunting camo, or solid colors. Tbh, I actually like rit-dyed UCP if it's done right, but I'm in the minority around here.
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>Yep you are.
I’m anti-communist but I Like PLA camo because it’s digital.
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Since you like Dyed UCP. U dig MM14?
what piece of clothing am I looking at?
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> I actually like rit-dyed UCP

Terminal lance detected.
>filename not frame on
yet actual good camos (EMR ain’t one) have both micro and macro patterns so they work at varying distances you nigger
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Nothings wrong with rit-dyed UCP
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EMR is good to me.
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i went /out/ today and took my 5.11 digi woodland shirt I've been shilling to take some test photos. I was didappointed to see that it's not nearly as good as I remember. Not totally worthless but obviously stands out as too light.

My options are pretty limited now since even concamo brown is out of production so I think MARPAT will be the only viable route. I know I was shilling this as a fall camo but the brown towns of the forest floor don't really change between seasons

i blame multicam. no new patterns catch on or stay in production anymore because it's just fucking multicam everwhere, forever
>go for MARPAT dude.
That’s why I hate MultiScam® bro. It tries to act like the bee all and end all to camouflage. Which it’s not. I continue my shilling for all digital camouflage patterns superiority over MultiCam®.
What's the solid submission for Region 40? It's it this? >>61975616
Yeah but feel to make a competing submission. I'm using a very loose weighting system for votes and if I feel like there's a lack of consensus with two good competing claims I'll present it to the thread for anons to adjudicate informally
CADPAT would be more in line with the Shared heritage with the Maple syrup buddies up aboot north. But I can see the case for M05 giving its Finnish Viking heritage of Minnesota.
>end of the day region 40 CADPAT
Didn't see thia til now. I kinda don't wanna share til it's done because people will start circulating the incomplete one and the completed version will get lost in the weeds. I've had this happen with other things before. That said we'll probably have trouble with some regions like Alaska so maybe I'll do a preview next thread.
I honestly really like it. a lot more than regular brushstroke. faggots ruined that forever
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red white and blue ACU pattern for the 4th if u need to hide at a parade
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wa hpann
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The map will be ready when it's done.
You have brain issues and are a snowflake. Can you please post guns or fuck off forever. Tired of your stupid ass
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>my pixels are red, white and blue Jack I wonder what colors are yours.
This makes me proud to be an American where we made UCP.

The following regions have submissions:
> 2, 3, 6, 7, 9, 10, 13, 14, 23, 30, 31, 32, 40
Which is 13 out of 40 regions.
Of those, the following regions' current submissions are fairly weak / unqualified and could either do with some demonstration or counter-submissions:
> 10, 14, 31, 32

If you made a submission that I missed please let me know and either quote or repost it, some things get lost in the other discussions itt

I'm willing to make some edits to region borders but only if you can provide a good source (a map) to show where and why the new border should be.
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This isn’t a gun thread it’s a camo thread dude. You might hate UCP but it’s still a camouflage pattern.
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Cappy Bump, Hooah.

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