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Now that the dust has settled, were they battlecruisers or not?
no, they were large cruisers, like Graf Spee.
Battlecruisers share a main battery with their contemporary battleship, the contemporary battleships for the Alaskas were South Dakota/North Carolina/Iowa classes and those all had 16 inch/L45 or 50 guns. Alaskas had 12 inch guns.

They were super heavy cruisers. Drachinifel has a fairly exhaustive video going into more detail. The Alaskas basically do not fulfill any of the "Battlecruiser" type requirements. They were not faster than the Iowa BBs, They were not armored much more than a cruiser with only a 9 inch belt that a real BB shell would have punched through easily. Theres no reality in which they fought in the Battleship part of a battle line. They would have lead cruiser formations in gun fights.
No. Contemporary battleships were being built with 14 to 18 inch guns, and battlecruisers are usually designed match battleships in firepower at the expense of armor.

They are just a logical evolution of cruisers that weren't limited by the naval treaties o 6 inch and 8 inch guns.
>Battlecruisers share a main battery with their contemporary battleship
That's literally just a rule Drachinifel made up because he doesn't like the Alaskas. Besides, the Scharnhorsts are contemporary battleships and had smaller guns.

Yes they are Battlecruisers in the purest sense. 12inch guns have always been considered capital ship class weapons and they were developed with a similar intent and purpose as the original Battlecruisers. They weren't called Battlecruisers for optics reasons. The navy didn't want to be seen commissioning ships of an "obsolete" type. So they invented a new name for them.
>no, they were large cruisers, like Graf Spee

>That's literally just a rule Drachinifel made up
he's a boring twat but he's right
the definition of a battleship must change with the era
otherwise you might as well go ahead and call Alaska a battleship outright, since it roughly matches Dreadnought in calibre and belt armour
>That's literally just a rule Drachinifel made up

That's not a rule he made up though. Other Naval Historians have noted the same thing because it's what actually happened.
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Yes, they were battlecruisers and while "Alaska class" is a reasonably cool name, the U.S. Navy really shouldn't be allowed to name classes of ships or individual ships, they're generally just bad at it. Let the Brits name our ships.
>That's literally just a rule Drachinifel made up

Fuckin' strange how I've managed to hear that years before he made videos.
But also, from a design standpoint, they were embittered cruisers. Their machinery spaces were laid out like heavy cruisers, and they only had one rudder just like cruisers
it's a battledestroyer
>Let the Brits name our ships.
>Gay Viking
>Gay Archer
No. Merely being bigger than other cruisers isn't the definition of a battlecruiser.
>embittered cruisers
You will never be a real battlecruiser. You have no battleship-calibre guns, you have no battleship armor belt, you have no torpedo bulge. You are an overgrown cruiser twisted by admirals and Congressmen into a crude mockery of Hood’s perfection. All the “naval analysis” you get is two-faced and half-hearted. Behind your back WOWS gamers mock you. Your US Navy is disgusted and ashamed of you, your “friends” Seydlitz and Derfflinger laugh at your ghoulish appearance behind dogged hatches. Sailors are utterly repulsed by you. Thousands of years of evolution have allowed sailors to sniff out frauds with incredible efficiency. Even large cruisers who “pass” look uncanny and unnatural to a sailor. Your centerline secondary 5" is a dead giveaway. And even if you manage to get a drunk admiral home with you, he’ll turn tail and bolt the second he gets a whiff of your lonely, pathetic single rudder.
>t. Gay Bruiser
>WOWS gamers mock you
alaska is super busted in WoWS, being one of the ships that they removed from purchase because of that
> be America
> build cool ships
> give them lame boring names

USS Random Town
USS Literal Who
USS Gabriel fucking Giffords

HMS Vengeance
HMS Audacious
HMS Dragon
HMS Iron Duke
HMS Dagger
HMS Raider
HMS Puncher
Capital ships ie: carriers and LHD's should be named after states. This is based and trad and you can't dispute it.
>Not wanting USS Houston, Tallahassee etc.
Why? Name them after cities and crew them with people from roughly that area (as much as possible) and you'll get ships with an espirit de corps.
What if the crew isn't from Houston?
They get to think about how lucky they are.
>Their machinery spaces were laid out like heavy cruisers
This is the most under-looked aspect of determining ship class.
They still haven't removed the stalingrad which is waaay more op than the alaska
Of course they didn't. It's Russian after all.
These were supposed to have 15" guns though originally.
Overall I agree. But the Brits also had HMS Pansy for example as well.
Honoring places and people is cooler than edgy teenager names.
HMS royal sovereign
HMS Indefatigable
HMS Colossus
HMS Thunderer
HMS Centurion
HMS Warspite
HMS Lion

The boys across the pond were cooking
> USS Mike Mulaney “Mikey Mo” “Rusty Mikey” (Pinkassquassett Class)
>HMS Antidisestablishmentarianist “Auntie Dissy” (Warcreep Class)
Anyone have that quote about how Japanese ships would be named "Imperial Dawn" and be one of three ships built, whereas Americans ships would be named like USS Built Last Week and were apart of a class of dozens of ships.
Our biggest hitters (based on their own weaponry) have traditionally been named after states. At first it was battleships. Now it is our nuke subs. A battleship could level a city in a few hours. A boomer sub can level multiple cities in one salvo.

Carriers should be named after famous battles or historical ships.
Found it.
11" + make it BC
got it
you have a point there
I like the battles theme we got going

Carriers are even more exclusive and expensive than SSBNs, there's no reason why they shouldn't be named after states either theoretically
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Behold! A battlecruiser!
HMS Gay Bruiser
>This thread was brought to you by
>World of Warships!
>Join now and receive 3 days Premium Access for free!
I am 12 years old and agree these names are very badass!

(note to Jannies I am not 12 years old)
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A ship built around a single fuckhuge gun will always be sexy.
>supposed to
That means nothing though.

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