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What the FUCK are you supposed to do under heavy suppressive fire like this? (russkies in vovchansk superfortress)
Sound & better quality (heavily recommended) https://files.catbox.moe/rz0cvi.webm
Either get someone else to help, or surrender.
You wait until they run out of ammo and shoot back durr but you have to remember only 1 out of 10 super fobs are able to hold out until the enemy team runs out of tickets
So the AFU were bullshitting when they claimed they kicked the vatniks out of Vovchansk?
So I guess we are hearing the Uke machine gun positions set up to deny the encircled dudes any backup?

I dunno. A pity about Vovchansk, it seems like it was quite a large town considering the high-rises.
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10km buffer zone karkhiv offensive status?
This will be old footage, but Ukes were setting conditions for the last bit of Vovchansk in RF hands to fall to a mechanised assault. It could have already happened IDK.

RF got truly spanked in Vovchansk though, there is no question.
I think the Ukes would be stupid not to set up a cordon in Belgorod and Kursk after this. You can't say the RF won't try the same shit again.

I wonder how large the various Russian legions are, and whether there are enough of them to patrol a cordon like that?
Absolutely not, you'd be looking at a cordon that's a few hundred miles long, you'd need 50-100k minimum for that large an area.
Can you retroactively reinforce commieblocks with steel, sandbags, even gabions made of local rubble on its interior to make it less susceptible to bombardment?

If you have something so systematic as a commieblock, surely you can come up with a system to increase the survivability of troopers inside.
Is it really that heavy if they can still run around an open courtyard? Didn't sound like anything was hitting super close.
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If you can hear double snaps/whistling rounds like around 0:39 -1:00 (specifically 0:57 - 0:59) then you are way too fucking close to any fire.
based squad player
I think it was incoming on the building they headed to. Microphones always fuck up around gunfire, but I don't start hearing the higher-frequency clacks that usually mean bullets passing or impacting nearby until they get to it.
And then the chairs clapped and Russia took Kharkiv and Kiev, ending the SMO in 3 days.
The commie blocks actually are really resilient as a whole. It's just we've never really seen warfare elsewhere to the same scale to truly quantify how solid it is aside from the middle east's mud huts, and that was under American bombardment with airstrikes so very different doctrine of fire support.
-> r/meth
May you show us then since you say it happened and was filmed?
I thought it was funny anon
Then show us the footage, come on
Why are Russoids so blazen with openly lying? AFU never said they retook Vovchansk
Life would be so much simpler if anyone blatantly lying, and I mean anyone, over the age of 18, would immediately be struck by lightning. At least, humanity would be in better condition than it is at present.
What happened to the russians in the chemical plant?
They're still trapped there and surrendering in bits and pieces, any Puccian attempts at relief are just failing nowadays
Most of them died
Not only that, but there's a video where a 6'6'' muscle monster with Z's tattooed all over his base chest storms a military base full of Ukies and kills them by crushing their skulls with his bare hands. He also takes multiple 155 mm shells to the chest and he just contracts his bulging abs and shrugs it off.
Drank the chemicals.
What’s the current situation in Kharkiv anyway? I’ve been out of the loop ever since the Russian offensive began.
did they get super powers ???
Make peace with whatever gods you worship.
Lmao jannies are fucking losers
Call for fire support. And make a counter offensive, or a retreat at that point.

I get the feeling modern Ivan's aren't allowed to retreat.

It's been laid out that this offensive was a scouting operation, that they intended to lose most of not all infantry on. Sent in the newest most retarded recruits with as little equipment as possible. At least that is what I heard.

>Inb4 reddit spacing

The gloves are coming off cumrade. Trust ze plan.
Butthurt that you got banned again?
These guys aren't under suppressive fire at all?
They're advancing up to a friendly held position (that for some reason the first dude shoots one round into).
Bullets being shot at you make a distinct sound, none of the shots are landing even remotely close to these guys.
And the fact that you think this is HEAVY suppressive fire when it's at most a squad or two engaging makes me believe you're a bit green behind the ears.
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This is what the current lines look like in Vovchans`k as of yesterday afternoon, and nobody is saying
>nuh uhhh we have more
>this will be old footage
I mean, he's not wrong. It'll all be old footage, soon enough.
return fire, take cover, identify enemy positions, call for CAS/artillery.

at least that's what you would do in a competent military
>Russia still holds the mini market
It's over.
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Some iraqi immigrant saw his wife and daughter die and immediately went to rape and choke a 16 year old girl to death as their ship was sinking two days ago.
I’m assuming russians, being similar subhumans, are raping each other as they’re bombed
>What the FUCK are you supposed to do under heavy suppressive fire like this?
PRO-TIP: If you're moving forward running through an open area, and you're not taking massive casualties, then it wasn't suppressive fire you were under. Let alone heavy suppressive fire.
You do not join the infantry, sparky.
>What the FUCK are you supposed to do under heavy suppressive fire like this?
you rush B
If you can't hear frequent snaps you aren't being suppressed.
That's some real shit
>Kh-22 hits Canadian style eight story plywood apartment building
>entire city block explodes into splinters and HVAC fragments
1: ukies did not setup an area traps, trip wires, mines, caltrops etc.
to slow down any assualts and let them setup a cul de sac.
2. I do not even see them shooting at the assualt group (primary target), or even the fire by support russkie group.
3. Ukies are not calling in support fire from other buildings or mortars etc.
4. the building the russkies moved to may not have even been one the ukies are occupying and are flanking a different occupied building or setting a new defensive post etc.

1. The russkies do not to appear to have even done a conscript or leader recon of the building ahead of time to check for mines/traps proper routes into the building.
2. The russkies seem to be only using another infantry group for their support fire and not mortars, arty, IFV's etc.
3. They did do it at least during dusk. lucky they didn't get lit up by a sniper/mg team.

Weather would be to nice for me to attempt/still to bright out. Although russkies seem to be lacking optics/night vision etc.
1. They are moving in the open, they are not suppressed.
2. From what i can see and hear in the video i would guess the fire is to cover their advance.
3. OP is retarded.
4. If it was suppressive fire, call in mortars on the enemy position.
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What are you talking about? Pretty much any explosion causes the entire section to collapse.
If you're Ukrainian, you don't want to surrender.
If you're Russian, you probably don't get to surrender at this point.
What group are they? They look better organised than the meat wagons in the fields.
most of that fire is probably to cover THEIR own movement tbqdesu
Russkies have started to dig new trenches 2.5km from the border ~2 days ago, but their engineers are getting constantly droned even up there behind the frontlines.
Call for fire, attempt to break contact.
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they must be measuring so many eggs in there right now

Btw those spetsnaz you see in the video are now injured, stuck and encircled and are begging drones for water bottles.

you ask for a time out, duh
those guys have pretty decent looking gear for Russian soldiers
They're third-wavers. First and second waves of Russian attacks are just to find enemy positions and suppress. The main troops, third and fourth waves, arrive after. These guys probably got trapped when they tried to occupy positions and now they're being hunted. They're the "good" troops.
Fairly significant cruise missiles did that.

All the same, given the RF have big enough booms to do shit like that, I still think it must be possible to retroactively reinforce parts of a Khrushchevka to preserve your height advantage. I have heard "Ukrainians had to retreat from the citadel" too many times.
>a 6'6'' muscle monster with Z's tattooed all over his base chest storms a military base full of Ukies and kills them by crushing their skulls with his bare hands. He also takes multiple 155 mm shells to the chest and he just contracts his bulging abs and shrugs it off.
I kind of believe Zangief could tank a 155m.
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Interesting video. I've never seen a drone used for dropping aid to encircled troops like this before. Makes perfect sense of course.
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Chemical plant WILL BE HELD. We will establish air bridge and supply our the soldiers that way. 300 drones per day will be enough for that
No, it's not possible, or at least practical to reinforce most appartment buildings. They were build to be cheap, not resilient. Maybe brick-only khrushchevkas and stalinkas, but they are rare and 5 stories high at most. Definitely not panel buildings

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