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We've narrowed it down to these two, which should we get?

For reference, we already operate older variants of both.
I can't read that language, but all of the F-16s numbers are bigger, so that must count for something
Including the price tag.
Gripen is based.
you'll actually receive your planes
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Sweden's been delivering just fine so far.
Buy chinese, it's better for your country
Buy Grippen because if we go mono-fighter world where there's no other viable fighter plabe deaigns in 50 years, the Ace Combat of our children will have nothing to put in it.
>Text is Hindi / Thai
You're overspending money you don't have on shit you don't need while your people are in total poverty.
Get anti air gun and fuck your planes unless it's for tourism.
Grippen if your future government aren't gonna play nice with america
>Hornet -> Super Hornet
>Viper -> Super Viper
>Eagle -> F1 SEX
what the fuck is MIC doing
In a real war, America is the only that can be counted on.

But since you're a Thai, your shithole is never going to be in a war.
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>money you don't have
Literally the second largest economy in the region.

>shit you don't need
Myanmar is right next door and in a full civil war.

>in total poverty
They have a longer life expectancy than Americans.
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They have one of the oldest air traditions in the world, only younger than France's by a few years. You really have no clue what you're talking about.
Thailand spends more on its people than US government does on Americans. Unemployment is under 2% and they also have universal healthcare.
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>They have one of the oldest air traditions in the world
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>They have one of the oldest air traditions in the world,
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>oldest air traditions in the world
>begins at 1911
>has to send people to other places to learn "air traditions"
>has to buy airplanes

>oldest air traditions in the world
im a third worldie, but even I am not this delusional about my own country to claim such retarded stuff as this
Since you are going for a Gripen or Block 70 F-16, I am assuming you are going for a pure interceptor fighter?
But why?

Wouldn't you need an omnirole fighter that can intercept and do anti-ship action, like the F-15 or the Rafale?
>>has to send people to other places to learn "air traditions"
Oh no, they had to learn about it, glad no one else had to do it.

>im a third wordie
I can tell.
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>China has the oldest tradition
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>Wouldn't you need an omnirole fighter that can intercept and do anti-ship action, like the F-15 or the Rafale?
It's right there in the picture
>No need to suck US dick when SHTF
>Bit worse than a modernized F16 but you aren't going to be having problems with air superiority any time soon
>Cheaper to buy, cheaper to operate(more flight hours, more sorties, less personnel required...)
>Gripen is more fit for less than ideal operations(i.e: the F16 can land and take off from highways but the Gripen was designed with that and more from the ground up)
>payload capacity is about half of both mentioned planes
Nobody wants Swedish fighter jets.
>designed for a plane that would have two of them
>let's put one in our euro knockoff it's not like we need to be serious or anything
It's a fun little jet but let's not pretend it's anything other than a go-cart among F1 cars.
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Just go twice
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Gripen, duh.
You know exposing your planes two times to AD is not a good idea.
Also, having 5 ton payload means it can't go as far while carrying heavy ordnance.
There are 4 air forces that use the Jas 39, they have made ~300 total.
There are 26 air forces that use the F-16, and there have been about 4600 of them built.
If you can afford it, the F-16 is a lot better.
They made an anime character out of Gripen so there is that
>introduction F-16 17 August 1978
>introduction Gripen 9 June 1996
>a country embroiled in civil war
>capable of invading us

dude, even before the civil war myanmar wasn't capable of invading anyone. unless you're planning to invade them. even then you wouldn't need state of the art jets to do it.
The jets aren't to invade Burma, it's to make sure Burmese stay on their side of the border when they're bombing their own citizens and ethnic groups that are in open rebellion.
>aircraft don't receive regular updates
>newer is always better
you seem to have misunderstood, numbers built and the amount of (former) operators isn't saying much when there is nearly 2 decades between them.
Ah, okay. Yes, I did misunderstand.
But I still find your logic flawed, as we can look at sales for just the last decade.
The F-16 still sells strong, the Gripen struggles to find buyers.
There are 8 land forces that use the M1 Abrams, they have made ~6000 total.
There are 26 land forces that use the T-55, and there have been about 100 000 of them built.
If you can afford it, the T-55 is a lot better.
Arms sales aren't just about the arms, it's also about political and diplomatic considerations.
Whichever is cheaper to own.
>Literally the second largest economy in the region
>Look at me! I'm the richest man in the ghetto
>oldest air traditions in the world
That doesn't equate to shit
>it's also about political and diplomatic considerations.
Yeah, but it's also about arms, though.
Two engines are better than just one.
You're brown.
Do you need/want RBS-15 and Meteor?
If not, F-16.
And you're resorting to identity politics because you're a weak man whose only fix of dopamine is getting into losing arguments
Have some self respect
>No need to rely on limp dick Swedes, half the world away, that will promptly forget about you when SHTF.
>Able to work many different scenarios to fit your AA/AG needs
>Cheaper to buy as a package. Don't need to negotiate separate license agreements for any crucial part, like engines, or radars, with third parties. Nor do you need to figure out which 3rd party you will buy weapons from.
>Much better support options. Whether that's maintenance, training or upgrading. You and 20 other nations can share experience.
> Super reliable 12 000 hour engines
>US airmen get 200-250 flight hours a year with these things.
> Get invited to train with the US
>You don't need high schoolers to service the plane. There are plenty of people and it's easy to train them.
>You don't need the take off from highways meme.
>Even then it's doable, but why would you ???
Ukraine most definitely wants Swedish fighter jets.
This, the amount of spare parts, aftermarket upgrade packages, etc. for the F-16 trumps the Gripen. In theory the Gripen is great, in practice, the market was already saturated with F-16s so all of that "in theory" stuff falls apart. Hell, even Venezuela manages to keep its F-16s flying. It'll remain the poorfag's choice for a capable multirole fighter on a budget.
f-16 is cheaper

but I like the grppen more and it will also get the job done.
Milking cash cows
F-16 is a pretty shitty multirole, probably the reason why nobody calls it that.
Seethe. Post Gripen sales.
Gripen. You don't have to rely on americucks for your weapons. You've already seen how half the time Ukraine's needed help, americans have denied it because the republicans are scared of russia, while sweden's support has been unwavering. Conversely, the scenario where sweden would block exports to you (now that they're no longer neutral) would be something like loudly stating on TV how you're going to ethnically cleanse some eastern part of myanmar.

Meteors and RBS-15s have already been mentioned, but Joint Strike Missiles and AMRAAMs from Norway/Finland are also on the table. Plus Taurus KEPD.350, and all the stuff the Brazilians have developed like that anti-radiation missile, and those Israeli Fox-2s. And you can develop your own PGMs and integrate them, too!
Thast's why the Swedes sent the Grip*n to the Ukrainians immediately when they wanted it and it's now fighting and showing it's prowess crushing the Russians, right.
Because Swedes are reliable.

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