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>Should've bought Chinese
Saw this on Twitter, the chinks were in full cope mode in the comments on people making fun of china and their shitty equipment.
Coup failed because of Chinese equipment desu
Not the first time. Russia’s early war fuck ups happened because of Chinese manufactured equipment/parts
>Steering rod breaks by touching the curb
This is just the tip of the iceberg of chinkshit quality
a beat up mitsubishi l200 could take that curb at speed and not end up in such a situation lmao
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I've hit curbs like that in my grandmas Jaguar XJ and just hopped the curb with zero damage at 40mph and British cars are known for being unreliable shit. How the fuck did an actual military vehicle get wrecked by the same obstacle at lower speed?
Most likely an off-the-shelf part meant for a much lighter vehicle to save costs.
Or neglected maintenance.
Or poor metallurgy.
Or poor design.
Maybe it’s just an exceptionally well made curb
It's a tall curb, but I think off-roaders hit stuff like that somewhat regularly. Though they try to take the ones they can see a bit slower when rock crawling. Should ask /o/ perhaps.
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>zero damage at 40mph
You have never even driven a car. Or maybe you genuinely are dumb enough to unknowingly ruin your grandmas wheels.
It's not the car chassis that gets damaged, but the wheels that become unbalanced. What do you think absorbs most of the impact?
I think his XJ's already completely fucked if it can hit a curb like that with only its wheel
That curb doesn't look imposing when it's next to a military vehicle with huge.ground clearance. He's not smart enough to adjust for that perception.
When I slammed into a curb going 40, it bent the wheel control arm and warped the wheel so bad that it shook the steering wheel when braking. This was, of course, after destroying the tire.
Failed coup in Bolivia but it wasn't really a coup just theatrics. Even still their Chinese Tiger 4x4 broke a tire rod hitting a curb lmao
Depends also on the angle and how you do it. You may have just gotten lucky anon with the physics of it. Those military vehicles are bigger and heavier, and that is a pretty high bloody curb in the webm.
china is industry famous for shit steel and shitty machining controls with steel.
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I've seen a Volvo 240 slam into a traffic divider similar to picrelated, going close to 60 km/h (35 dicks per fortnight for the american audience)

I don't know the extent of the damage to the car (it looked undamaged except a drent in the rim when I drove past the scene), but it sent the traffic sign flying and plowed through the curb on both sides before coming to a standstill. Dirt and loose curb bricks everywhere.
Volvo is a Chinese company though
He said Volvo 240, which was introduced in 1975 and manufactured until 1993.
240 was the peak of autistic bork bork bork overengineering.
Volvo has chinese owners, it's not chinese
It is a Swedish company being strip-mined currently by the Chinese.
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But how did the chinese tires not fail first?
Same for initial russian invasion on ukraine, they've got cheap chinese knockoff tires that broke down as soon as they have hit offroad
This is so tiring.
Those are absolutely not the fucking same tyre. Look at the profile, the shape is only vaguely similar.
>Blaming the tire for the wheel hub getting wrecked
Damn that's a fuckhuge curb.
Looks like a 9" curb, most where I live are are only 4-5", even though it rains a lot.
Why do you need to build like that in Bolivia?
Ofc there's also the question of how fast these retards drove into the curb, any truck would snap a steering arm if you attacked that fucker at 30mph or faster

IIRC these tires are explicitly NOT rated for off-road use. Meaning that the Russians bought cheap Chinese tires that even the Chink salesman would have presumably told them would not work off-road.
Like how the Chinese crop farmer would tell the construction company corn would not work for residential development
I noticed that too, possibly due to high incline roads.
>What do you think absorbs most of the impact?
His grandma ansorbs most of my impacts.
Oh, you...
So how long before the President of Bolivia awards the curb a medal for its service in defense of the republic?
>just theatrics
What you mean? I saw some Venezuelan exiles talking about that but I'm not really convinced.
Made in China. it's over.
>most where I live are are only 4-5", even though it rains a lot.
Does your city have a storm drain system? Do you think the Bolivians ever get that far?
Remember how part of the 40 mile traffic jam of death was because of Chinese tires failing?
Using off the shelf parts is an excellent practice. Fuck off retard you know nothing.
>meant for a much lighter vehicle
Read anon, read. OTS isn't an issue, but part selection is critical.
I'm no expert in fucking Bolivian politics but the coup was super half assed and not a single person was killed. And it all resulted in support rallying behind a relatively unpopular government. You know, not unlike the "coup" in Turkey where Erdogan was conveniently pre-evacuated. It might have been a real albeit terrible coup attempt in Bolivia, but I see it just as likely that it was a self-coup because the outcome was suspiciously favorable
iirc they were later ID'd as a brand from belarus
Mentioning the off the shelf aspect was useless then.
What matters is you do force calculations and specify how strong your suspension members have to be.
You can just as easily make weak control arms even if they're in house.
Do you enjoy having autism
Do Volvo still build their vehicles to be moose-proof?
That might explain why it came away so intact.
Not particularly.
However I do love off the shelf components unconditionally and this love brings happiness to my life.
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Guys, I think I just figured out what kind of armored vehicles the Norks are going to be providing the ziggers with...
Are Javelins and Stugna-P powerful enough to destroy these vehicles???
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China has T-I-G-E-R-S???

The general in charge of the coup even claimed that the president asked him to do it to boost his polling numbers and unify the government. Obviously could just be his attempt to deflect blame, but wouldn't be the first time a faux-coup has been done.
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>poor metallurgy
You take that back right now. Chinesium is the strongest alloy known to man.
How the fuck
>12 gorillion hours in GTA
>I know how to drive. At all.
Your grandma's calling. Cookies are warm.
please tell me that this is just as shittily made drill bit, and not something the drill bit became after attempted use...
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The steering tie rod end broke. Probably when these retards hit the curb.
These euros or whatever 3rd world retards don't know anything about vehicles. Why are all euros like women? They understand nothing about anything, except being a milk cow in the gov's tax farm.
Staffed by Swedish workers, managed by Swedish executives, based in Sweden, manufactures products under strict and well-monitored Swedish quality-control standards. There's a clear difference here, Donnie Yen.
i mean it's a military vehicle, not being able to take a 3 or 4 inch curb is pretty pathetic.
That curb is closer to 10 or 12 inches. If retards hit it at speed, then it will break a tie rod end no problem. I have seen vehicles with the front end ripped out due to hitting a big curb. Vehicles are not designed to take impacts like that and just keep going.
>and not a single person was killed
Thats most coups in history however?
I was driving on an unlit asphalt highway i'd never been on before. I went to make a wide turn and hit a curb serving as a median. It was weird, there was only median curb on the specific 20 feet or so where I turned then it disappeared. It looks like they were maybe planning to put grass there or something.
>10 or 12 inches
those guys must be like 10ft tall then, i'll granted you 5-6 inches at most.
A tracked vehicle could take that just fine
Military vehicle designers should consider impacts coming from a more horizontal angle to the front wheels.
retard wants everything to weight 100 tons.
Tracked vehicles require more maintenance and also have lots of problems with broken tracks' pins and final drives.
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>i'll granted you 5-6 inches at most.
that's what she sad
>made in China
It’s obviously shorter than that

Fuck off /k/opers , Russian tires work well enough and have already been proven to be both hard, sturdy and durable on multiple occasions.

Why would you even do such thing? What is the practical application of this show to what appears to be a traffic cop?
It's tall curb, a regular civ offroader can take that easy but only at crawling speed, i asume in this case it's taking the curb too fast combined with chinesium.
Any particularly funny tidbits?
It's to show the public how little they care about human life, so you beter not fuck with them if you dont want to be next.
I am not buying tyres from a company called piss ocean
It's the show how mighty Russiya does not care about casualties pr human life, no matter if you are mobik fighting in the trenches getting droned to death or traffic cop getting crushed by police car during parade organized for the amusement of state apparatchik you will surrender your will, rights and ultimatly life to the tsar and the average russian will accept that fate fatalistically. A society still running on serfdom logic.
>Should've bought Chinese
Said no-one in the history of mankind, especially the Chinese.
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>chinese products bad
>also we have to ban Huawei and TikTok in fear of competition
Who are you quoting?
His handler
>310k miles over 50 years
Its probably 50% chink parts now and the rest cannibalized from other Volvos but still.
The odometers on these things roll back over to zero after 999,999km (621,370miles). It's likely the odometer has already rolled over once.
The engine and drive train on the 140-series is known to frequently last in excess of a million miles with basic maintenance.
No you fucker. A wheel can take very extreme vertical forces due to the suspension, on a military vehicle it should also be able to handle more horizontal forces.
>Mentioning the off the shelf aspect was useless then
No it wasn't.
>What matters is you do force calculations and specify how strong your suspension members have to be.
Specification is not procurement.
Inadequate parts can be end up being used for various reasons
>It's the closest thing to the spec that is actually available, and close enough often is not good at all
>Parts were specced out before the systems overall characteristics changed and were not updated to cope
>The parts are meant for different kind of a load or a work cycle

In a first world setting off the shelf parts implies cost saving, in a third world setting it implies cost cutting.
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>there exists *more* video of unnecessary vehicular deaths resulting from pointless propaganda photo-ops
Russoids and chinkoids really do deserve each other.
I forgot to screen shot it, but mist of the comments are basically chinese shills insulting the original poster.
Gotta be blanks, right?
being able to drive full speed over a foot tall 90 degree rock is a basic standard for military off-roaders
Yes, their minds are blank
There was that metal goods merchant copypasta floating around about how making business with the Chinese works, that explains quite a lot, with organic, real-life examples (as far as real-life applies to metal goods market).
In short - you only get what you pay for (and Chang is sticking to that rule to the letter). You pay cheap, you get cheap shit, simple as.
what we really need to ban ASAP are Chinese EV's. Not only are they obviously spying on their users (obviously because the CCP suddenly started being suspicious of Tesla doing the same. Aka. projection) but they're dangerously poorly constructed too
What is the point of this?
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