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>VDV has been replenished with K-4386 Typhoons

looks like revenge o'clock
That didn't take long.
Do they float?
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They all float down here, Buhanka-chan.
Lmao fpbp
>against people who had the audacity to fight back after you tried and failed to exterminate them in an unprovoked war of conquest

You really need to think about how revenge actually works you dumb cunt
I’ve actually heard from some .mil fags who do academic work that supposedly the VDV are pretty competent, basically NATO basic training level, and when backed up by proper equipment and logistics makes them a decent force.

unfortunately for them they’re being sent into a slaughter.
good soldiers are not going to survive for long in totalitarian regime army.
- if promoted they could pose danger to regime appointees and have funny ideas about meritocracy and such...
Interesting, you should be able to link the papers they have published.
>donbas trying to get out from under western ukrainian heel
The VDV are all dead. They're all going to die again.
This is like the fifth time in the past couple of years that VDV have deployed and suffered over 100% casualties.
At this point they're just about the least fucking credible airborne unit on the planet.
I rate HAMAS coming in on fucking hang gliders over VDV
i just want more cool armor footage. i dont care whos winning. i want to see shit get fucked up by cannons.
you know... sometimes life is funny
May they rest in Allah's light. They got yolo'd 2 years ago and have been mobik ridden since.
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Depends entirely on the unit.
One guy who defected in the first couple of months in the war said he joined as a kontraktniki after his conscription thinking he'd get the "real" training but it was all bullshit too.
If the unit is stationed far enough away from the ivory tower all the budget is being stolen by the officers.
They're gonna "URAAAA" their way forward because of espirit de corps so that's a threat when they have the logistics and artillery support.
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>let's talk more about vdv
DOA would be more appropriate
>donbas trying to get out from under western ukrainian heel
Does the Donbas even exist beyond women and the elderly? It's all Russian troops and relocated Russian nationals at this point.
I mean statistically speaking all of those men have been killed under the russian heel, I guess that's a promotion?
I'm sure the negro conscripts and other associated thirdies trafficked into pucia will be given hovels there, most likely close to military targets so when they burn alive monke can claim evil hato is committing genocide
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>VDV seek revenge
So they are headed to Moscow?
.mil fag (SFC/E-7) and DCIPS (GG-13) here. This is correct. Before the war and in the early stages VDV, SSO, and GRU spetsnaz were at least roughly equivalent in training and equipment to NATO light infantry.

None of this matters without intel, comms, logistics, etc

None of this matters if you're employed pursuing harebrained schemes like "seize the capital with no support" and "assassinate the president, he's in the city somewhere.".

After a couple notable failures, RU MoD began to use their SOF and ABN as regular troops as they were the only ones able to do basic military tasks (semi)successfully. Additionally RU MoD committed their trainers to the fight before mobilizing. This has resulted in terrible attrition since those troops don't have the numbers and is contrary to SOF doctrine in EVERY country in the world.

Due to the losses sustained and their replenishment by mobiks, the quality of these units has been significantly degraded. Today the VDV and RU SOF are basically just slightly better equipped and motivated mobiks.
what the fuck is VDV?
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If a demonic clown was haunting mobiks it would be shakes, not some clown doctor.
>totalitarian regime army.
Ohh that's what the pride flags are for
Russian airborne/air-mobile forces
they live, they die, they live again
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I love how uncomfortable everyone else looks
t. newfag
Isn't announcing a report against the rules?
Unlike whatever zigger-sama thinks isn't weapons-related?
>30mm cannon
Just how effective is that mounted on a Typhoon compared to a BMP or a BTR?
basically yes, but:
those are hand picked mobiks that will actually be trained and brainwashed so they obey orders and be more or less equipped at par with western light infantry force...
but they will be used as stormtroopers with minimal to none support incurring horrible loses against entrenched infantry...
It's not even stable on heavier armored vehicles...
That "music" is quite frankly shit. Do better.
>russian elites have comparable training to basic western forces

They did, in the beginning
Give me detailed information which provoked an invasion
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>more drone bait
I think you are misunderstanding my use of "witnessed." here. Its just what the war boys say when they see one of their comrades die gloriously, its like a motivational saying for them, similar to "I live, I die, I live again."
I actually had mobiks in my clipboard because I wanted to see the etymology of the word and did not realize it got into the post when I made it, it was just supposed to be Immortan Joe.
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shut the fuck up
Aren't those just tigers with autocanons? Why not just call it a variant of Tigers?
This proves my point.
>insert fingers into ears and REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
So that vidya like war thunder can add them as completely new vehicles and buff up the russian tech tree.
But I thought Poroshenko was the NAFO candidate and Zelenski was the pro-Russian one?
So, it's not about biolabs, it's not about frozen assets, it's not about russian minorities held hostage, now it's ci's fault that you decided to invade ukraine? After you instigated a civil war and put a pro putin puppet in power, which promtply demilitarized the army in preparation for your "liberation", back in 2014? Is that what you're saying?
For calling corrective rape "gay"
LOL, get wrecked
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The /pol/troon reveals itself.
Read his book. Even more shocking than the state of the Russian army he describes is their medical system, which seemed to be in dissolution even before the war started.
Opinion instantly discarded
Of course you don't, you're just a useful idiot. I was speaking in figurative speech, and in any case you haven't provided a solid proof of why you're currently engaged in a war of attrition with ukraine. All you can do is parrot your talking pieces and insult us, thinking we're stupid enough to believe your half assed unsubstantiated bullshit.
>The CIA, acting through ukrainian groups, was putting RPGs through the home windows of Russian officials, years before Russia decided to invade.
That's terrible! Were these Ukrainians running around in Russia shooting RPGs at russian officials???
>mainstream news: >:(
>mainstream news, Russia: :O
Don't dodge the question, faggot. Why did Putin attack Ukraine if the pro-NATO candidate wasn't elected but the pro-Russian one was?
Just pisses me off because they ALREADY have a vehicle called Typhoon. It'd be like the US slapping a turret on an MRAP and calling it the M1170 Stryker
I'm sure you'll provide proof of CIA involvement.
>was putting RPGs through the home windows of Russian officials
In Russia or Ukraine?
>In 8 years the civilian death toll is smaller than the yearly death toll because of the flu in my middle European shit hole
>this is sold to vatniks as a great genocide

You're a retard who gulps Russian semen straight from the tap
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Were these the same Russian officials who were shooting down Dutch airlines above the Donbass?
>There's this thing called a search engine. Google is a pretty popular one. Try using it.
>you have to research my argument for me
I accept your concession
Are you talking about how the war means Ukraine constitutionally can’t hold elections? Because that’s still Putin’s fault.
>They're gonna "URAAAA" their way forward because of espirit de corps
Even that is starting to become questionable. A VDV brigade had to be withdrawn from Vovchansk a couple days ago because they suffered heavy losses and the remainder had reached endemic levels of 500s (people refusing to fight).
If Ukraine held elections you would cry that they are rigged since only the western half of the country can reliably vote right now.
Why did Putin attack Ukraine if a pro-Russian president was in charge and the previous pro-NATO one was kicked from office?
Are you calling Girkin a liar, anon?
>Enjoy your echo chamber
I'm doing the exact opposite of echo chamber by asking you to probe your side.
Translation: I have no proof
You mean the pro Russian parties and the “church” headed by a KGB plant?
I would follow that with
>Ugh, mediocre
You owe me a new projection meter, mine exploded when it got near this post of yours.
I'm sorry, I thought you meant with provocations the normie stuff. You know, dead civilians and stuff. Not literal conspiracy theories
You said Ukraine provoked the invasion. Are you walking back on that now?
>all opposition parties have been jailed
>or how the MUSCOVITE orthodox church, a de facto russian state organ controlled from Moscow
FTFY. Orthodox parishes that have broken with the muscovite patriarchy are free to continue operations.
>immediately mentions sucking cock
you pidors are a mess
>NOOO you have to let people support the invaders actively bombing you
How does someone get this demoralized
Shame about his suicide. I didn't even know he was sick. Imagine being allergic to both tea and gravity.
So the CIA put a Pro-Russian president in charge to provoke Russia to attack?
Yes you're not allowed to be pro-commie, don't like it, fuck off
I remember /pol/ saying Putin was a CIA plant when Prigozhin was marching on Moscow.
>The clot shot was just a wild conspiracy theory, too.
Reminder that in some Russian oblasts the governors required a clot shot QR code to ride the bus, while Ukraine had Europe's lowest vaccination rate at 50% due to distrust of the government.
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To be fair, monke made so many retarded decisions through this whole war even normies could be forgiven for mistaking him for a CIA plant
>Derekin Zoolanderov
Even the Russian COLD STEEL look is half-assed
I don't believe these subs. Almost, but not quiet Solovyov Mosquito Rant tier. You have a link with sound?
I'll bite, what about Puccia is worth supporting in your opinion?
Hasn’t the VDV suffered enough?
Russia has FSB, but they are retarded and Ukrainians don't support them. Kremlin should've just accepted the L in the battle of glowies and leave with dignity.
>"I don't actually know anything about Ukrainian internal politics, learning that sort of high definition makes my schizo ramblings make zero sense."
>or how the orthodox church has been banned.
>"If I pretend it isn't *widely* common knowledge that the Russian Orthodox Church has been an instrument of Russian Intelligence since the fucking 1920s, then I win."
But something something something kike media echo chambers, amarite /pol/coon?
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>Who the fuck is Girkin?
All your opinions are now automatically worthless lmao
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He's not, he's just delusional and thinks he's speaking truth to glowie power by schizo-sperging on /k/, "the NATO board," didn't you know?
See picrel for the /leftytoon/ version, same coin just flipsides.
>You say that like it's a bad thing. The clot shot was just a wild conspiracy theory, too. "They're safe and effective," remember?

You clowns really do have one script. You people all believe the same shit. It's almost like these lies have all the same source
first post in this thread.

/pol/cels are cancer
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>other than he's not doing woke shit.
Yeah, you're just retarded and the definition of ignorant.
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Girkin, a DPR commander, is the main victim of russian liberals. He literally went to jail because of the lies spread by Strelkov (famous russian leader of opposition)
nta, but it's not uncommon for these debates to have a dissenter.
>Russian army he describes is their medical system,
That the existence of one form of subversive, anti-liberty elite fuck-fuck games doesn't mean I should suck the cocks of those who simply want the top slot in such a scheme for themselves. You know, like an adult that can think through complex situations.
>Yeah, some retard who literally doesn't matter.
Look anon, if you don't know the importance of something new to you, you don't look smarter by pretending that new thing is irrelevant only because (You) never heard of them.
Why did Putin put "some retard" in charge of the independent republic of Donetsk in 2014?
Mass delete in progress.
You can tell it's not a janny because the /pol/coon simply got BTFO and stopped responding lmao
fucking catbox
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Jewtin had those influencers from 2014 eliminated like that manlet Motorola.
>The war ended for Filatyev a couple of weeks later. "By mid-April, I got dirt in my eyes due to artillery fire ... and keratitis started. After five days of torment, due to the threat of losing an eye, when the eye was already closed, I was evacuated."
>The paramedic who authorised his evacuation "asked me to tell the medical unit that he doesn't have any syringes and painkillers, there's not even that on the front line". Filatyev notes that Russian first-aid kits included only a tourniquet, bandage and Promidol tablets
>Filatyev was struck by the difference between the two facilities. The Soviet-era hospital was shabby and run-down with one toilet between 40 patients. "There's a massive shortage of doctors in the old, ramshackle hospital, full of wounded in the corridors."
>Filatyev was granted two weeks' leave on condition that he return "to save the Nazi-occupied Ukraine". He still felt unwell, with many pains in his body, and his injured eye was still not working properly. He went to a private hospital and paid for another examination
>He was diagnosed with hernias, various musculoskeletal problems and neurasthenia. But the reality was that "in the military hospitals, this is generally considered healthy, they won’t treat it." So he had to pay for medical treatment and medicines at his own expense
The force that performed really badly was the supposedly elite 1GTA. Ineffective in battle and cowardly under fire. You can at least say of the VDV and special ed forces that they tried.
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The worst part is that he won't learn anything. In his little world he is the chosen one who can see through the lies and we're the sheeple that blindly follow a higher force. I'm so sick of dealing with these kind of people. You try to help and discuss it out but they close their ears and refuse to be reasonable. Just because they saw some tiktok or got a video on telegram who told some random stories, they instantly believe it. And if you check the sources it's some Russian paid website with like 20 visits where a doctor talks how bad the west is or other bullshit. Then you Google the doctor and you find out he hasn't been a doctor for a long time because he diddled little children. And this goes on and on and on.....
Shame that Ukraine can't generate the momentum for pursuits. This war had offered up a lot of opportunities to get a 'destroyed in detail' result on disorganized retreats or outright routs. Might even capture some officers who can spell their name in overrunning them - imagine the useful intelligence you could torture out of captives like that.
You seem upset. Has the cowardly retreat of Russia from Vovchansk got you down?
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I seem upset? For calling you a pseudo-intellectual?
No, I am stating a fact. Your overconfidence in your dogshit rhetoric is abhorrent.
Strelkov is Girkin.
Your picture is Givi.
I think its wild that 3 years into fucking up power projecting immediately off their borders that russia still has dick riders like shillistinian here. There really isnt a way to get any gains out of this at this point for them, only maybe having the chance to inflict more suffering on the wider world, which to the russians is a win somehow.
You couldn't get any useful info from Shoigu and you think some heatwave officer has something to offer?
The russian's entire raison d' etre is spreading misery everywhere around them. They want the entire world to live in some metro / stalker setting. They would happily live and die in that world or doe trying to create it if it means all those who live a better life get to suffer and die too.
Oh ffs I wanted to laugh at the retarded shit he said
That looks like a comfy hole for a nap
That man either has a gigantic set of brass balls or has no instinct of conservation whatsoever.
Most likely controled opposition, but in this case i think he may have gone a bit too far.
Or rather too close to the truth.
I haven't said anything pro-Russian. I am not pro-Russian.
Your claims that "Ukraine can't generate the momentum for pursuits" is asinine.
Your claim that Ukraine has given up several opportunities for a "destroyed in detail" result (what the fuck does that mean?) is asinine.
Your claim that Ukraine hasn't captured officers is asinine.
Your claim that Russians don't read or write is asinine.
Your claim that torturing POWs leads to valuable military intelligence is asinine.
Everything you fucking said was stupid, and yet you put on this unearned air of infallibility.
You're a shit orator, your arguments are dogshit and you immediately resort to name calling and shit flinging, like a fucking woman.
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>VDV are pretty competent, basically NATO basic training level
Imagine being "elite" forces in RUF
Equivalent to bog standard training in the West
Not even the entire US Army Ranger Airborne could handle getting dropped into Ukraine unsupported or going down the main streets of unfamiliar towns and cities full of guys waiting for you with AKs and RPGs without armored support as well. Elite does not save you from strategic fuckups.
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would the VDV have survived Hostomel if they had W-I-E-S-E-L-S?
the look of shock on everyone's face is priceless
>this nigga gonna fall out a window
>Typhoon is just yet another attempt at mounting another ZSU on a another mobile platform

How many of these things do they just have lying around?
That's Givi, you retarded assclown. And neither of those pieces of shit are victims of anything but their own stupid choices.
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top kek
You gotta admit, the klown show known as Givi the Georgian and the Manlet Motorola "Take Donetsk Airport" made for some crazy propaganda.
>not in pieces
Weak. At least have the decency to die in a way where I can kek at your corpse
Very dead vatniks
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They will all die and it will be good.
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Autism of /k/ is not a myth.
Well yeah, because everyone would have called for a ceasefire so that they could all boop it's snoot and tell it how adorable it was.
I think it was in Garand Thumb's interview with a couple guys from the International Legion who said that the VDV were people to watch out for, because if you tried to storm a trench they weren't afraid to fight it out or run to a fallback point, and I think there was a bit where they talked about a literal meatshield attack, with a couple parties of 'scripts thrown into the grinder so observers could plot out their positions. He also talked about running into what he called 'daisy chains', which were conscript attacks conducted at night with a dozen or so guys all holding hands or keeping a hand on the shoulder of the guy in front of them to the pointman who was the only one with an NVG whether a goggle or a monocle
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If they want to create a Stabbed in the Back myth about being betrayed by China, I say we should help them make it. Then in ten years time, we'll get to enjoy the utter shit show of the Russo-Sino Border War 2: Alcoholic Boogaloo.
>Imagine being "elite" forces in RUF
>Equivalent to bog standard training in the West
no please understand
is worse performing but technically better overall because can do back-flipping hatchet attack
and tank olympics
and countless other worthless Tik Tok tasks
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Honestly it's not funny anymore. Imagine being one of the 5% original VDV guys in a unit full of mobiks and churkas.
Someone put them out of their missery.
well said
see: Battle of Mogadishu
(although US Delta Rangers still killed >20x as many skinnies, didn't rape anyone, and their relief convoy ACTUALLY SHOWED UP eventually.
NGL I would fucking lose my shit if monke decides to attack China after losing in Ukraine, assuming he even survives that loss
>Someone put them out of their missery.
The Ukies have been hard at work doing just that. At this point VDV is not a meme, but a grim reminder of just how retarded the Russian army and its leader truly are.
It's incredible that he can say they have responsibility while in the next sentence blame the "criminals" they propped up.
"You see, it all began in 1468, when Ivan III was Grand Prince of Moscow..."
“You see, between the time when the oceans drank Atlantis and the rise of the sons of Aryas, there was an age undreamed of…”
yeah but if you told the rangers to take the airport they'd probably figure out a way to do something approximating it. still would need the relief to get to them, eventually, but they'd at least stand a chance of setting up the end-goal.
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I know a guy who already solved this.
are people supposed to take this televised nonsense seriously? the cuts to faces, the pans and zooms, what the fuck
>NGL I would fucking lose my shit if monke decides to attack China after losing in Ukraine, assuming he even survives that loss
Plot twist: Monke and Li'l Kim double-cross each other and wind up rolling tanks to the border. Xi faces a reverse Sophie's Choice: which of these two incompetent retards does he want to be rid of *more*? Is there any way he can try for a two-fer?
bumping for the 1/100 poster in this thread that is not a shill to answer an actual weapons related question
>VDV K-4386

No no no, they've got that all wrong. It's:

Very Dead Vatniks. Killed? 4,386!
presumably you mean does this have a system allowing it to target and track flying objects? because the gun it has doesn't have airburst capabilities, so it's pretty shit at SHORAD, but you could get lucky. i think it has a contrast lock iirc, but thats pretty common these days.
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>clown doctor

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