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>water level is slightly higher than expected
Was this operator error or equipment?
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they redeemed for the last time

Coincidentally, I just watched this interview with a former East German T-72 commander where he goes into detail about the amount of training they received for underwater crossings. Definitely worth a watch. But if the river suddenly swelled and overwhelmed the snorkel, is that the tank crew's fault, or command for sending them across during unstable conditions? Hard to say. Either way, I wouldn't want to be trapped in the bottom of a river in one of those things, I doubt you could even get the hatch open with water pressure.

Didnt this happen to a bunch of marines the other year? Nasty way to go.
actually I think the T-72 hatches are spring loaded so I'm not sure about that, also why would you have swimming training if you can't swim out of the tank?
At the end of the day if you don't expect Indian equipment to fail, isn't that operator error on its own?
Only 5? Pity
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Imagine being buttoned up in a hot metal box with 4 indians
crew of three, the other two guys were attempting to rescue them
I can't wait until current thing is over and the US decides to back Punjabi independence so that all these retards can get drafted and die.

Fuck England for teaching these people our language. At least Chinks can't shit up the normal internet effectively because nobody can understand them.
Why can't Pakistan and India just nuke each other already? The world is much better off without either of them.

More please.
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operator probably
people drown in tanks a lot. turns out heavy shit sinks and water pressure is a bitch, who knew? It happens in every military and is not particularly notable
the poo got flushed
Would've been fine if they closed their hatch.
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>poo gets flushed in india
>so rare it gets national attention
My favorite part about this is that the poo doesn't even try to defend his dead countrymen at all, he just blames their stupidity on America.
>central india getting hit
should have aimed for New Delhi instead
I wish someone would fucking kill all of these idiots anyway
The Loo has been flushed
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The second hand embarrassment alone is enough to make a person melt into a puddle from the shame
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>Tejas which have a safety run of two decades

my fucking sides are gone
>Indian pharmaceuticals
Didn't bad indian cough syrup kill hundreds of African kids horribly through liver failure a year or two back? Everybody knows poo quality control is nonexistent.
From memory there was dozens killed in Indonesia and maybe 150 or so in Africa somewhere, but yeah sounds familiar but it might be kidney failure
It happens.
Crossing rivers is serious business. I think they expected around 1/5 of all tanks to lose when crossing.
They made MT-LBs underarmored for THIS?
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>open hatch
>swim out

I know there might be pressure stuff that makes it tricky to open the hatch - but couldn't they wait until it equalised/filled up with water, hold their breath and then swim out?

I know Indian soldiers are pathetic but they should be able to swim right?
It really just happens. Probably technically operator error but it happened so fast he couldn't react.
I'll mock indians all day for fun if there is a reason I'm American

This just sad and it just happens at times. It could happen to anyone even American tankers. It's just sad. It's a dangerous thing to cross rivers in tanks.
If a river surges like this hundreds of pounds of clay mud and rocks can cover the tank, the flow might be pressed against the way out, the tank could have been tumbled.
It's just a dangerous thing. It could have happened to anyone.
T. American
>take Russia's surrender
>let them off easy with the secret caveat that they back pakistan in their fight for Kashmere
>America backs India
>global climate change and population crisis solved in one shot
>T. American
Cope pajbinder.
Debris are in orbit. That's an extinction impact.
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didnt they sink a sub because they forgot to close a lid?
wait a minute, T-72 tanks only have 3 crewmen, how did 5 die?
Doing snorkel river crossings during peace time anywhere else than a simulated training space with rescue equipment waiting is fucking retarded is what it is.
>indians always drown in knee high water
>india looses a submarine because they left the hatch open
>now they loose a tank
When will they learn to stay the fuck away from bodies of water
I don't think it matters how the hatch opens, the water pressure would probably be too great and force it down. As for the swimming, really depends how deep that water is. Water pressure is a bitch on the human body. I doubt river depths are enough to crush you outright, but at the least I'd think the bends would be a concern if you can swim to the surface.
>I know Indian soldiers are pathetic but they should be able to swim right?
Historically speaking, most people couldn't swim either. I believe it's about the same as literacy over time, if not worse. It makes sense I guess, given that India never really left the medieval period.
>Water pressure is a bitch on the human body. I doubt river depths are enough to crush you outright, but at the least I'd think the bends would be a concern if you can swim to the surface.
the water pressure is not a problem, people regularly dive to hundreds of feet deep. the body is mostly water so the pressure would not crush you. and the bends would not be a problem since you wouldn’t be breathing pressurized air inside a tank that’s using a snorkel
>t. diver
>T-72 hatches are spring loaded so I'm not sure about that
They're spring-loaded so you can easily lift a 100 lb steel hatch. They're not spring-loaded to resist the pressure of a 10 ft column of water, or you wouldn't be able to close it due to the spring pressure.
Why would America back India and Russia back Pakistan when Pakistan is a major NATO ally and India is part of BRICS?
wtf I love ayyy lmaos now.
that's just how *amphibious* shit works in soviet designs
at perfect conditions, after intense preparation, there's still like 1 out of 5 chance your BMP/BTR/whatever just fucking sinks randomly
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Brownoids are bad swimmers.
you no it smell crazy in there

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