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>get sum
>time for chow
>textbook autism

How are two Western NATO militaries following the same doctrines, fighting the same war, so radically different?
Mixed Anglicized melting pot versus Nordic monoculture.
>movies are accurate
>Hollywood is culturally relevant
lol retard
Both are documentaries.
>>movies are accurate
restrepo is a documentary filmed by a photojournalist within the unit, you dumbass
Sorry, maybe your objection is that Vanity Fair shouldn't be lumped in with Hollywood and is a totally legit journalistic endeavor. Or that documentaries are automatically more credible than movies and in no way distort reality for their own purpose, including the use of Hollywood tropes or the likes of anything made by, say, Michael Moore.
Armadillo also has danish soldiers joking around.
About 80% of combat arms soldiers I've met do their best during any and all field ops to talk as if they're in a movie. "Get sum" in particular, any time anything remotely cool happens. And that's just me, a zoomer who hasn't had a chance to deploy
We actually had a Marine with boots on the ground in the Korengal Valley that was a regular here. His handle was "Warhawk" or "ANA Helper".
He said the captain in command of Restrepo was a charging hard Captain America with room temperature IQ who did more harm than good. The Marines had spent considerable time & resources to get a good working relationship with the locals in the valley, but Captain America ruined everything by being insulting towards the locals and encouraged his men to be triggerhappy.
So take Restrepo "the documentary" with a serious grain of salt. It paints a very one sided picture.
Gay frotting to Samantha Fox
Goonsesh with the lads in an IFV

Which way, white man?
This is also the gist of the written account. Basically the company commander was a gigantic retard and tried to flex on all the village elders at a KLE, which basically made the entire valley go to war against the COP when they were initially positioned to be sympathetic to the US forces and would probably have ended up assisting with keeping the talibs out if it weren't for Captain Sperg.
>America America America
You can clearly see the captain in Restrepo is a retard when he proudly announces to the camera he hasn't read any reports from previous units because he wants to go in with an "open mind".

Also Captain America's problem wasn't being stupid, he was smart as fuck. His problem was he couldn't keep cool or function properly under pressure and having too much imagination, as in imagining all the ways they could be fucked at any point.
>if we literally give millions of dollars to the local warlord/village leader, so they won't bomb us while we are there, then we are winning

And then 20 years on they wonder why the whole place is occupied by the Taliban now
Samantha Fox is British.
Or you know you could have just exterminated every village who fucked around. Doing this hearts of mind is a failed strategy, especially against people who only understand strength.
>We actually had a Marine with boots on the ground in the Korengal Valley that was a regular here. His handle was "Warhawk" or "ANA Helper".

I remember him. He posted a bunch of vague shit with no proof and idiots ate it up. He literally posted pics from Wikipedia as proof he was there.
Russia tried, did not work. wise choice would have been to cut a deal to get AQ while leaving the rest of A-stan to itself, but the US cannot resist techno-hubris so it wages constabulary missions against societies it can never, ever win the hearts and minds of. Then it makes excuses so it does not have to learn useful lessons.
Yeah there was a lot of oorah get sum in Restrepo in the scene where the platoon finds the Recon squad position during Rock Avalanche and discovers they were shot dead and then finished off with shots to the head to make sure they died and the soldiers that were close to the recon sergeant are breaking down crying.

You wanted to make a thread about this, why do you post shitty edgy bait like this?
They tried that, AQ wasn't willing to do it without Osama having safe passage to Switzerland. Taliban told the US government that within something like a month of 9/11 and to no one's surprise, they told the Taliban government to eat shit.
>>if we literally give millions of dollars to the local warlord/village leader, so they won't bomb us while we are there, then we are winning
Replace “millions of dollars” with “a modicum of respect and maybe some medical supplies”, retard
>Or you know you could have just exterminated every village who fucked around
what exactly is the difference between you and a nazi? i mean besides the inbreeding
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>i trust a literal anonymous poster over a documentary because they are 'from here' and this is where all the protagonists hang out
Because American grunts are the dregs of society who would either be doing unskilled manual labor or be in jail if they weren’t in the infantry.
It’s pretty well known by now that the Captain from Restrepo was a certifiable retard
>I talked to a boot marine tripfag, and this discounts Operation Rock Avalanche
>they were shot dead and then finished off with shots to the head to make sure they died
thats everyone in the military.
Only the people that stay in for more than one tour/enlistment. All the smart people get out as soon as they can.
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>be retarded
>army makes you an O5
Many such cases
it's fun to say cool shit when you're doing cool shit. good art imitates life, not the other way around
right from the get-go, you have mutts setting up a fob in lowland
while this was happening irl, unbeknownst to me, i was telling vidya mates to never set up a base in such conditions because it's an obvious death trap, and my vidya mates mocked me for it KEK

imagine being the one grunt during the build phase who knows they're going to get fucked up down there, while everyone else just blindly listens to their stupid CO
shit was rigged from the start anon
>Russia tried
The USSR tried, and it didn’t work because we supported the Taliban. American aid remains the GOAT.
who the fuck is Samantha fox?
they cant show euro soldiers glorifying war, also the average age for americans who go into combat is much lower than in the EU.
unless you go into the FFL or maybe the UK military odds are you'll be a dinosaur by the time you have enough experience to be shipped to a warzone, let alone see actual combat.
found the zoomer lol
The Danish military(in Armadillo) is unionized.
Actual Outpost Restrepo wasn't in lowland. You're thinking of the base Keating that got attacked later.
>who the fuck is Samantha fox?
tits and sock fapping went full dyke tho
COP Restrepo isn't COP Keating.
You can go back to playing your vidya, Euro.
Based, that's what you're supposed to do to the enemy in any conflict.

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