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> Limited budget contrains any realistic notion of GCAP program more than a 5th gen
> Impending Labour Party takeover from conservative government likely to further place limits on defense spending
> Jap yen continues to crash expected to stabilize around 200 yen to the US dollar
> Italy flat broke as usual
> UK, Japan, Italy all committed to buying more F35s each with 100+ units when all is said and done
> France + Germany + Spain continues with what is expected to be a proper 6th gen fighter by the 2040s
> GCAP to be a "simpler" version of NGF, likely 5th+ gen

GCAP sisters, not like this

The most important thing is to have things flying.

The Eurofighter may be some 4++ planes or whatever but there are over 500 of those bastards flying, which is more whatever China or Russia has what they call 5 gen.
F-35 might be on its way to become one of the most successful fighter, if not the most
B-but /chug/muffins told me the F-35 was just a flying toilet!?
> GCAP to be a "simpler" version of NGF, likely 5th+ gen
Source? Oh wait it's an ass-pull like usual.
Gookshill thread btw.
Why wouldn't a F35 pilot defect to China / russia and provide himself with lifetime of luxury?
>news site nobody has ever heard of
>unsourced speculative statements "may" "might"
Garbage thread. Neck yourself twice.
> If the production scale is small, the unit costs of each next-generation fighter will be enormous. Therefore, the result of the GCAP program might be a much simpler aircraft with fewer capabilities than the French-German-Spanish competitor NGF.

From the source that op posted

Thread about GCAP and NGF, nipshill sees gookshill in the room with him every he goes

Tell us you are mindbroken without telling us you are mindbroken

Every thread you enter you fucking derail it with your buck broken delusions
>immediately confirms it's him
Every time lmao. I can't help but notice that your source is some literal who baselessly speculating, not a very good source at all.
Not a surprise, the biggest red flag was when the japs joined the program guaranteed was going to be shit

The Labour Party plans to reduce the defense spend to 2% with the majority of the spend on the nuclear subs and Ukraine military aid
The real luxury is freedom.
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I don't know too much about this topic, but it seems to me that these NG programs are going to be more based aroud the UAV component that will provide attritable elements to execute whatever mission they need, can't you just use a F35 to manage the drones? It's supposed to have good networking capabilities, right?
Isn't it already? What could possibly stand up to it?
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What would could China and Russia give a f35 pilot that their home country cant?
The eurofighter development was an absolute debacle but it did get to the finish line with a solid airframe, gcap would have had serious credibility if it was the UK, Italy, Germany to develop an evolved version of the eurofighter, as it stands now chance are its going to suck donkey balls or never get completed in earnest
The program is on track and has 3 massive economies behind it. There's absolutely zero reason to believe it won't be seen through to completion or that it won't be a capable aircraft. Give a source for your dooming. And no, baseless speculation from the literal who in the article above doesn't count.
Two child benefit cap but you can still pay for this shit...
t. Sandeep Gupta.
>china or russia
>a lifetime of luxury
>you don't have to work your entire life anymore
>especially put your life in danger as a pilot
>implying pilots don't LOVE flying their jets
>implying F35 pilots face higher risks compared to Average Joe's daily commute
Not sure if retarded or really shitty troll.
But the well known USSR pilot defected, and I heard there were episodes of pilot defecting from almost every country actually.
Nobody goes through the training of being an airforce without the love of doing it. Stop being retarded
Because the USSR was shithole. That's why he defected

> three massive economies

Can you enlighten us on which of the three has a massive economy?

The US defense budget including intelligence and other related activities is about the size of the entire gdp of any of those three small economies and most in the US barely even know or care how much we spend on it
>Impending Labour Party takeover from conservative government likely to further place limits on defense spending
Defence cuts are a tory thing
>3 of the 10 largest economies in the world don't count because.... the US!
You're being retarded on purpose.
It's impossible not to notice that the article provides no source for these claims
uoh, plussy
>What would could China and Russia give a f35 pilot that their home country cant?
Somewhat true answer: Russia, China, and the rest of the """global south""" are fucking shit holes no one wants to live in.

True answer: A defection like that would require a prompt return of the aircraft. China and USA are each other's biggest trading partners, no need to jeopardize that with a complete tear down of the opposite side's top aircraft. (Chang cucked out and returned the EP-3 ELINT plane after 10 days last time something like this happened)

Real answer: Fighter pilots are in command of expensive machinery and have the possibility to defect. Glowniggers are monitoring their shit 24/7. Most retards will share their intentions in some way/show patterns of insubordination online. The NSA will make them disappear long before something as dramatic as an F-35 defection happens.

Possible answer: Israel already sold F-35 secrets to the East, no need to have a defector with inevitable political consequences.

>Thanks for reading my blog Reddit!!!
Su-57, its so stealthy that you cant even notice it being built
su-57, in quality and very soon in quantity as well
See the articles just show her belly now, they don't even worry. She's so shameless.
If I was the UK, Italy and Japan I would just join the next joint 6th gen fighter program whenever that comes up similar to the F-35 program.
They're not going to be ready until at least 2045.
You think a stealth fighter pilot in a western country has a quality of life worse than a captive defector in Russia or China?
>> Impending Labour Party takeover from conservative government likely to further place limits on defense spending

labor has always been more defense spending, and more interventionist.
A military pilot makes only low six figures, which isn’t super amazing. If he defects, he will probably be provided many millions each year in exchange for doing nothing. With that kind of money, you can live a life of luxury anywhere, and the west won’t torture your family like China or Russia will.
In terms of exports? F-16 at least, Netherlands, Denmark, Belgium and Norway alone account for like 500+ exports. I'm not sure on the total number of exports though since re-exports muddy the waters a bit.
Where the fuck do all of you retards come from?
Tell us more about your parasocial "enemies" on the internet
>which isn’t super amazing
Ignoring that he's an F-35 pilot for his job. Also ignoring the pension and various benefits for you and your family after retirement.
>he will probably be provided many millions each year in exchange for doing nothing
According to what? Both places could just disappear the dude and hire one of their monkey workers who looks relatively like the guy to appear on some grainy video in a club or something as "proof" for any other defectors.
>you can live a life of luxury anywhere
A life of luxury in one of the few 3rd world shit holes that doesn't have an extradition agreement with the US? Really living it up huh.
>the west won’t torture your family like China or Russia will.
>You should defect because the west wont fucking torture and kill your family like the country you are defecting to.
You are legitimately retarded
Why is the yen continuing to crash?
BOJ interest rate is still negative, which means that having your money in the bank loses you money. Not counting how much money you lose due to inflation, 2.8% YOY last month, So you're basically losing money from both ends by putting it into Japan. Comparatively while the US inflation rate is a bit higher than Japan our Interest rate is over 5% so even just leaving the money laying around should mean it gains value faster than the inflation rate (Assuming of course you are putting it in the right sorta account/getting the right sorta loan)

I think. Could be off base of course, the fact that the US economy is still growing at a decent clip despite our high interest rate and lowering inflation rate helps a lot.
>Impending Labour Party takeover from conservative government likely to further place limits on defense spending
source, now, retard. the conservatives have the single biggest track record of defending programs in the entire developed world
>hey wanna NEVER fly again?
nigger becoming a jet pilot harder than winning the lottery
>source, now, retard. the conservatives have the single biggest track record of defending programs in the entire developed world
Not sure how that'll help when the Cons lose power in the election on Thursday, unless you mean labour defends programs?
Another thing to look at is if the Right parties manage to hit 50% in France in the 2nd round (which i assume won't happen) i assume that'd do some damage to their program with Germany
>Labour Party takeover from conservative government
i presume this means more pakis?
>With Keir Starmer, Labour is committed to spending 2.5% of GDP on defence as soon as we can, securing our country’s future, and getting the best value for money for British taxpayers. We will maintain an unshakeable commitment to NATO and our nuclear deterrent, and put a renewed focus on improving morale in our armed forces.

What do you mean by “ Ignoring that he's an F-35 pilot for his job”?

And military people get paid a decent amount, with the benefits included, but for a similar amount of effort and much less danger, you could make a lot more as a programmer, doctor, senior corporate worker, etc.

Why would you kill a defector and replace him with some guy and risk getting caught? You understand that paying one dude a few million per year is peanuts for a state, even a poor state, right (and neither Russia nor China is poor at the state level)? Like, active duty westerner pilots haven’t deserted with aircraft in large numbers, but dozens have worked as trainers for China after retiring, and I don’t think any have been disappeared.

With a few million dollars, you could live extremely comfortably in Moscow, St. Petersburg, or any large Chinese city. Costs of living are very low in Russia and China, so each dollar goes much further there, and the big cities are fairly modern.

My point is that a country has to pay every one of its pilots when maintaining an air force, while a country seeking someone to desert can concentrate all their money for this purpose into a handful of people, and will always be able to outbid the country trying to retain pilots. Other methods (patriotism, camaraderie, threats to family, and constant surveillance) must be used to reliably retain pilots.
And all sorts of despotic shitholes love to trot out a western defector regularly, so that they can criticize the corruption of the decadent west and the glory of the new regime, which is another reason why defectors get kept around.
the F-35 hasn't been used in a war, so it can't reasonably be called successful.
It has been used in Syria. Israel might not be at war with Syria, but there is a war there.
Did the US ever use it to bomb ISIS in Iraq or the Taliban in Afghanistan?
Yeah, in 2019 they were used by the USAF to bomb Qanus Island.
They were never used against the Taliban because combat operations ended in 2014, which is before they entered service.
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>With a few million dollars, you could live extremely comfortably in Moscow, St. Petersburg, or any large Chinese city
"abandoning your homeland, career, and family to live in some shithole where you don't even have anyone to talk to" isn't most people's idea of a great retirement. Money really isn't everything, especially when you're already going to be a millionaire in USD by the time you retire. I make a pretty average amount of money in the US and I can tell you that I wouldn't permanently move to China for ten million dollars.
The Lightning and Tempest are intended for different roles. The lightning is to replace the Harrier and Tornado, while the Tempest is to replace the Typhoon. Buying more Lightnings doesn't mean they're not doing Tempest anymore.
Also, the likely reason for the buy is to be able to be able to operate jets from both carriers at the same time. Currently they only have the plane numbers to use one at a time.
All you need is one guy willing to run.
GCAP? More like G-ACK!
The UK experienced its highest levels of immigration under this conservative government.
>nasal conservative screaming intensifies
being essentially a hostage in a third world shithole isn't most people's idea of great life, even if you're promised a lot of money.
>Costs of living are very low in Russia and China, so each dollar goes much further there
Delusional brown retard.
>and the big cities are fairly modern
But what happens when the Typhoon replacement performs worse than the Tornade replacement in the Typhoon's role?
>Poles status: out
>Pakis status: in
Why would they when they can just buy the plane from Israel? Not to sound like a raging stormfag but in this regard, Israel has been a very bad ally to the US.
Why would they do that when Israel will just let the Chinese come look at theirs?
Sometimes there are instances of really stupid people like that guy who defected to North Korea, but most of the people who defect do it to get away from totalitarian shitholes like the USSR and North Korea and Albania and Turkmenistan and Cuba.
Russia and israel have had an agreement not to shoot israeli jets so it was more of a training than “war”
It isn't even flying yet so we'll see. Considering that Britain and Italy helped design and build the F35 and Japan are no slouch industrially, I would not count it out as a serious future aircraft.
> GCAP to be a "simpler" version of NGF, likely 5th+ gen
Provide a source for this immediately or be discarded entirely
America does it again

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