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Are there any good books or docs regarding British volunteers in the Arab-Israeli war?
Full article

>British personnel became polarized by the violence of the insurgency and its consequences of restricting their movements in Palestine. This often resulted in resentment towards the Yishuv and a degree of sympathy for the Arabs.
>"I could not stomach the way the Arabs who should really own this country are being treated by not only the UN but by the government in Palestine," a man who went by the name of Frank told a Chicago Tribune journalist in May 1948. Frank had been stationed in British Mandate Palestine as part of the British Army and, having made the decision to desert his post, contacted the Arab underground forces stationed in the country.
>Sam Souki, a correspondent for the United Press Agency, when he came across four British deserters in Damascus. One, originally from Liverpool, commented, "mates I had down there [Palestine] were killed – three of them when Jews attacked us in a café. I swore I'd get even."
>Sam Pope Brewer, who interviewed 'Frank's Band' for the New York Times, commented that their main motivation was 'to avenge friends killed by terrorists in Palestine or to retaliate for the tension they had lived under'.
>Despite withdrawing with the police in 1948, John Joseph West reflected on why policemen he knew deserted: "Usually women were behind it, there was usually an Arab girl or a Jewish girl that had got at them and convinced them of the right of their cause." A particular acquaintance of his became very fond of a local Arab woman, converted to Islam, and joined their fight. After the war ended, a number of pro-Arab deserters made their way to Amman to be processed back to Britain. According to the British Minister there, Sir Alec Kirkbride, a number of those had been influenced to desert by their Arab girlfriends.
I dunno, interesting subject (I'm reading a book about the IDF). Anecdote, one of the first Israeli fighter jocks was Pee-Wee Herman's dad, Milton Rubenfield, who flew in the RAF during WWII.
Even the Nazis who had a delegation in Jerusalem felt sympathy towards the Palestinians. They had their own weird justifications, claiming that the leading Arab aristocracy were of Aryan descent, but even the lower class Semites were considered more noble than Jews
no one asked about the nazis, retard
>arab girlfriends
>looks at modern colleges
Some things never change eh?
No way
>>Despite withdrawing with the police in 1948, John Joseph West reflected on why policemen he knew deserted: "Usually women were behind it, there was usually an Arab girl or a Jewish girl that had got at them and convinced them of the right of their cause." A particular acquaintance of his became very fond of a local Arab woman, converted to Islam, and joined their fight. After the war ended, a number of pro-Arab deserters made their way to Amman to be processed back to Britain. According to the British Minister there, Sir Alec Kirkbride, a number of those had been influenced to desert by their Arab girlfriends.

Lel, if the Arab girls were this bad, imagine the Jew girls, especially because they likely were all Misrahi who are pretty much just Arabs.

You say that as if that's in any way shocking or surprising for anyone who isn't ignorant. The nazis had deeply friendly relations with the entire Arab world plus Turks, dummy.
>Lel, if the Arab girls were this bad, imagine the Jew girls, especially because they likely were all Misrahi who are pretty much just Arabs.
Much more Russians, Poles, Ukrainians. A whole lot of Mizrahi fled to Israel after the 48 war.
>You say that as if that's in any way shocking or surprising for anyone who isn't ignorant. The nazis had deeply friendly relations with the entire Arab world plus Turks, dummy.
If Nazi Germany had not fallen, Donald Trump nee Adolf Hitler would have taken the Jews from the concentration camps and sent them to Israel. Yes, an Israel that Hitler would have used his military to create.
And before we refer to these concentration camps as death camps, we would be wise to consider the fact that if Hitler wanted to genocide the Jewish race, all he would've had to do was put the six gorillion Jews in death camps, have the guards lock the gates and throw away the keys, and then turn off the water supplies to the camps.
It's fascinating how Jews, A people who stayed out of military matters for 2000 years, could be transformed into a martial people such as the Israelis through will, state guidance and necessity
there was a long tradition of British soldiers being hired on to arab and other armies around the world in order to help modernize them.
So there's also the possibility of a lucrative career in the Arab armies.
Especially if you where a NCO or CO you could jump a few pay-grades to help train and organize their armies (and to be outside of arab domestic politics/feuds)
No one asked about your opinion either retard, yet here it is.
There's an interesting interview with the founder of the Feldenkrais technique on page 12 of this journal (16 in the viewer if you don't want to download, but the fucks running Scribd now put in ads while you're trying to read), he was a founder of the first Israeli militia, and was there when all the shit kicked off, and places the blame squarely on the British.

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The Palestinian narrative often blames the Brits for Zionism, but there are still British-built police stations in Israel full of marks in the concrete after they were shot up by the Haganah and the Irgun. There were a considerable number of British Arabists. There was a British historian of Iraqi Jewish descent, Elie Kedourie, who really blasted the "Chatham House Version" of history and hated the British in the Middle East, but not because of imperialism or illogical borders or any of that stuff, but because the actual hard rule in the Middle East is that survival rests on force, and people need a Leviathan to protect them from the deprivations from other men, and the British failed to do that while waxing on with high-minded, pious declarations.

I've been reading a history of the IDF and it opens with a Nietzsche quote. "What is good? To be brave is good." The idea was to turn Jews into their opposites and they more or less did it. It's not like the average soldier is some crack commando though, in fact they're often sloppy and ill-disciplined but at their peak had really crazy willpower (their biggest strength is an "en brera" attitude that unites the military with the civvies, that means "no choice," and within a military unit it doesn't matter if your politics are on the left or right), and the IDF was also intended as having a social function for the country, which gives the military a lot of clout in the society (including the ability to censor the press, or at least try to, not always).

Also, I learned some little anecdotes. Like you'll see Israeli troops wearing their berets on their shoulders when not on their heads. That was a compromise because the generals were trying to improve discipline after the '73 war and make everybody wears their berets all the time, and it was just not possible... so... well, just make sure to at least keep it tied to your shoulder straps...
Do you know where you are right now? Do you know what kinds of people inhabit this site? Did you read that little factoid on some other website that we'll not name?
Lurk moar
> but not because of imperialism or illogical borders or any of that stuff, but because the actual hard rule in the Middle East is that survival rests on force, and people need a Leviathan to protect them from the deprivations from other men, and the British failed to do that while waxing on with high-minded, pious declarations
It seems obvious that you shouldn't go full Leopold but you can't treat a subject people like they're urban Europeans, because they aren't. You have to be fair and just on their terms. There was a phenomenon regarding British colonialism where local kings in Asia and Africa didn't really care about the parliament or Officials, They thought the British king was the only one who mattered. They swore fealty to him as they saw him as a fellow noble and used to refer to him as Emperor. Even Gandhi and his delegation went to George VI asking for independence and he had to politely tell them that he didn't have any actual political power
Like the White Legion?
Jews have served in the militaries of various nations for centuries, some of them being the best men in their roles. John Monash, a Jewish immigrant from Poland (his name's anglicised) who came to Australia as a young child, was the country's best general by far, and probably the best in the entire Entente during the Great War. It's said that if the war had dragged on past 1918, overall control of the Western Front would have been handed to him, due to his logistical and strategic expertise.
Plenty of Jewish men fought for the Germans, too, more than their fair share, in fact. All to end up being the scapegoats for Germany's inevitable loss.
The Grand Mufti of Jerusalem was a straight up nazi himself. It's not about sympathy for the poor little Palestinians, it's just that they mutually fucking hated Jews.

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