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File: nexttier.png (338 KB, 2806x1628)
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Red = NE Asia
Blue = Western Europe
Light Brown = Non-US/Canada Americas
Dark Brown = Muzzies

No outside interference

Victory is unconditional surrender followed by permanent occupation troops
>Victory is unconditional surrender followed by permanent occupation troops
Nobody. Without the US logistics chain none of these can attack the other, it's an endless stalemate.
Muzzies could maybe get some forces to europe but they would be fucked the moment they get there.
Years-long Phony War followed by total European dominance.
Stalemate, but NE Asia and LA would come out better since the distance and geographical barriers would protect them
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Brown will win because KARA BOGA is superior.
It'd probably start out very low-activity until the Europeans build up enough wartime industry to curbstomp everyone.
Only Japan can really keep up in any sense.
I'm feeling a 75% chance of European victory.
15% chance for NE Asia.
10% for the Muslims.
Maybe if the three of them sort of wipe each other out, the Americas can do a cleanup operation and claim victory.

This is ignoring the possibility of several regions forming an alliance and overwhelming Europe before fighting eachother.
The only ones with nukes are the euros.
The only ones with power projection are the euros.
The only ones that produce everything domestically are the euros
>The only ones that produce everything domestically are the euros
kek, lel, and jej
Hmm, the largest economy in the world vs a desert of poor countries that hate each other, a collection of countries almost entirely reliant on trade with the USA and Canada, or Japan which was beaten by a single country on the other side of the world that was also fighting and beating the nazis? Hmmm it's tough to say.
Utterly cooked, they can't keep peace with themselves for 3 seconds
Constant squabbles, will not find reason or intention to fight anyone
>East Asia
First off where the fuck is Taiwan, also they would most likely be isolationist. Maybe Japan would like Indonesia back but ultimately it's a pretty raw deal because the resources they need and want are in Siberia, they made this mistake before
>Western Europe
Has established collaboration and money (and a lot of nukes)
domestic aircraft, tanks, IFVs, SPGs, AA, destroyers, submarines conventional and nuclear, carriers conventional and nuclear and all the smaller stuff.
not all off them good, not all of them at a high rate but the basis to fully equip themselves domestically.
Latin America is decently industrialized, although it's mostly not military oriented.
fpbp. None of them can do it. Frogs and bongs of course do have their own nuclear weapons as well as ok Navies, so frankly Europe is just out of it right off the bat. They don't have the population to occupy though nor desire, so they're just going to hunker down and retaliate/clear the seas. Japan doesn't have nukes officially but they could in a real hurry, they've got a massive nuclear industry, and they have a very solid navy for a "totally no military totally pacifist ;^)" constitution. They are far as fuck away from everything so nothing happens.

SA vs Brown is just a slap fight.
> domestic aircraft, they either buy F35s or are stuck with pieces of shit garbage

> tanks, germany produces less than 100 per year, south korea produces 10x what all of europe does and this is even before japan gets involved

> ifvs, same as above

> spgs, south korea has literally 90% of the 155mm spg market globally for the past decade

> destroyers, japan and south korea together have more destroyers than all of europe west of russia, south korea has 40% of the global ship production capacity, japan has 10%, most of the remaining 50% is china effectively nothing in europe, sk ship production is so next level that in the US is increasingly relying on south korea for ships and will probably let japan do more mro stuff eventually

nukes, both japan and south korea can produce over 4,000 warheads inside if a few years without breaking a sweat, uk and france have a few hundred together and are maxed out, without the us in the picture each of japan and south korea would have more nukes than russia or the us

Does anybody think this would even be close without the US involved?
>Maybe Japan would like Indonesia back
I eagerly await another Wikipedia page written by a seething Indonesia mad that the Dutch only focused on Dutch women getting raped and “didn’t care” about Indonesian women getting raped
That map makes no sense. Why would JP and SK ally with each other? They'd be far more likely to ally with EU. Where are Greece, Poland and the Scandinavian and Baltic states? More importantly, what could possibly bring Saudi Arabia and Iran to ally with each other AND Israel AND Egypt AND all of those shitholes? Utterly nonsensical.
Still, blues would win hands down. Nuclear boomers and the capacity to destroy everyone else's economies in less than 36 hours would ensure that not a single conventional shot would need to be fired, except perhaps to sink some dinghies in their sad, pathetic attempt to cross the Mediterranean. The only risk Blue Team would face would be running out of cocaine as a retaliation from Team Piss.
>Muzzies could maybe get some forces to europe but they would be fucked the moment they get there.
Muzzies have been flooding into Europe for years now and they are welcomed with open arms by the neolibs. Why do you think the right-leaning parties are on the rise in Europe? Public backlash against the illegal migrants hoovering up bennies they don't pay for is the only way someone like Geert Wilders gets elected in Nederland.
>No outside interference
Ok, but what about INSIDE interference? South America and muzzies may have a chance in a free-for-all just due to their size and populations, but their internal issues would devolve into civil war within a fucking week.
>brings up completely irrelevant immigration shit to this hyper fictional make believe armchair scenario
please go the fuck home
already happened, the blue guys won
>Koreashill unironically thinking his budget Japan could handle fully mobilized western euros in anything
idk who 'wins' but it would likely involve Japan & South Korea getting nuked

poor nippon :(

also why isn't ireland counted as western europe? bit harsh
Indefinite stalemate unless the bongs and the french just agree to urgently ramp up their nuclear arsenal and start glassing everything.

Funny how the westernmost country in europe is missing from western europe, while austria is included
"Western Europe" is code for "white people".

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