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Uhhhh crossbow sisters, our response?

>inb4 muh shot placement
>Inb4 muh quiver capacity

If the attacker had a longbow he would have slotted the fed because of superior stopping power
that aside, I'd rather get shot than get hit with one of those modern arrows from a compound bow. those things are from my nightmares
likely a practice arrow
Bolts and arrows don't kill through hydrostatic shock and cavitation like guns do. They usually kill by exsanguination or damaging some vital structure. So he probably just got insanely lucky and had the arrow embed itself in muscle or bone instead of an artery or his windpipe.
>attacking your opponent's base with only one crossbowman
>doesn't get fletching
>doesnt get ballistics
>doesn't get padded armor
>gets one shot by opponents imp age hand cannoner
Yet another victory for gun control. That would have been a mass murder in the US.
Can anyone ID it? It's cropped out of nearly all news photos because it's close to the attacker. So this one shitpic looks to be the best available. https://reuters.com/world/europe/attacker-killed-after-firing-crossbow-policeman-guarding-israeli-embassy-serbia-2024-06-29
File: schema_org_16_9.jpg (172 KB, 1920x1080)
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172 KB JPG
Plus this. https://www.krone.at/3438542

It's credited to AFP so it's probably available at stupid resolution on this site's CDN, but I wasn't able to figure out how to get it larger than 1080p from fucking with this url in under a minute so idk.
if you're going to use a crossbow, why not dip it in poison? There's gotta be easily available substances out there that would cause serious complications if you introduce them to the bloodstream in a neck wound.
hypothetically speaking of course
yeah poopoo
The only poison I can think of is cyanide and you can't exactly walk up to any store and buy that. Also people are retarded, the shooter probably saw Kingdom of Heaven or some other medieval movie and saw how the bolt could kill in one shot and thought he could do the same.
>is no longer in serious condition
So the crossbow put him in serious condition? And he would've died without medical care?
>whiffs the silent takedown

Maybe you should try getting a job.

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