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Are dedicated recon units no longer needed? You can just give every platoon a drone for aerial reconnaissance.
People have thermals on every vehicle these days
Drones don't see inside a treeline. In our (Ukrainian) army recon platoons are used to harass and capture enemy positions. A drone can't do that.
>recon platoons are used to harass and capture enemy positions
Seems suicidal to me. What sorts of enemy positions do you attack? With what kind of force? Do you get to call in CAS or fires?
The usual trenches, squads, nobody gets cas here, it's a fairytale.
Recon is more than just slowly and deliberately sneaking up to an enemy position and seeing what's there. A drone cannot do any type of reconnaissance by force or by fire. A drone cannot provoke a reaction from the enemy the way a probing attack by actual dedicated reconnaissance troops can.

Large scale formations need reconnaissance units to provide reaction space and time. A screen which is unable to contest enemy reconnaissance and collapses under any kind of pressure is basically useless. Further more, in the attack your Calvary/Reconnaissance formations have the same goal: collapse the enemy screen, deny the main body of his force reaction space and time. Recon is either slow and deliberate or rapid and forceful.

The reconnaissance platoon's function is to fulfill CCIR's, there's PLENTY of those which cannot be done by drone observation alone e.g.: Can this bridge support the weight of heavy armor?
A drone only has battery for like an hour. A reconnaissance team can look at something for an indefinite amount of time.

6 drones can look at something for an indefinite amount of time, still 100x cheaper than a recon team
I read 4 hours, point still stands
specialized people will always be phased out by technology.
If that where true recon teams would have been disbanded decades ago.
>he doesn't know about the camera trick
Land a drone and you can look at something for 24 hours in radio silence until its ATR recognizes a human, car, etc and texts you a pic.
Have you tried giving your reconnaissance guys drones?
that's probably leftover from soviet times - a successful recon means it has brought someone back for [s]torture[/s] questioning
Simply give the recon platoons some drones. Now you have the best of both worlds.
And what happens when your drone is grounded by bad weather?
You should *give* the recon drones as an additional tool to their kit.
lets look at two different types of recon missions and why drones can't do them

first is the armored Calvary type of recon where heavily armed M3 bradleys and M1 abrams move forward and use their sensors to probe for the enemies location and find the OPFOR reconnaissance screen. Then because they are so heavily armed they will pressure the enemy recon screen and possibly collapse it into the enemies main body. This allows blufor to gain and maintain the initiative, deny intelligence from the enemy, and peruse a mobile battlefield

can a drone do any of those things?
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next lets look at a highspeed light infantry scout platoon

they will insert into hostile territory, patrol silently through the woods in the dark without having an electronic signature. They will make a hide sight and a surveillance site in the woods, and creep up onto an area of interest to observe. they will persistently stare at the same area for days, pooping in bags, and sending up burst transmissions only when the conditions are right. Then silently leave without the enemy even knowing they were there.

Can a drone do this mission? maybe more than the first mission. But still not a direct analogue

the fact is that drones like you're talking about are just a tool that scout leaders will use themselves. They already use the little black helicopter 'black hornet' thing anyway. They are subject matter experts on the reconnaissance mission so who else in the orbat is going to do it? you said infantry platoon

no that just doesn't make any sense at all. There's a reason that infantry and recon units are separate even though they both use 11B
dronefags get the rope
How is that any different from a regular infantry platoon?
Recon are a bunch of elitist stuck up cunts.
>pooping in bags
>silently leave without the enemy even knowing they were there
do they pack it out like big wall climbers? do they have GI issue bags or do they use the sport ones?
Hes a retard. Everyone knows to dig a hole and shit into it.
They give them to drones to drop on the enemy lowering the enemy's moral as he begins to believe that you are evolving into a being beyond mortal being of flesh and into an eternal hybrid merging and flesh and steel. And because a bag full of poop lands on his head right before the grenade does.
No they aren’t needed. Don’t listen to the idiots here. We have satellites with thermal imaging and AI.
It's a specialist role within the infantry
Is it true that their getting rid of 19Ds?
No clue but they should. Serves no purpose now that we have air recon, satellite.
In cold weather you poop in a bag and pass it around for warmth.
Good post. Thanks anon, nice to see it.
Almost as funny as the salty fuck >>61984185
you're not getting out of a surv site to poop stupid fuck
Yes, it's a special title, wew. I'm asking how it's different because it's physically the same. Why not put 'recon' on the infantry METL (if it isn't already) and move on?
infantry can do their own recon, but RSTA units do recon for the brigade commander, bn scouts do recon for the bn commander.

if your CO wants to know something he can send you if he wants. But do you think he wants to be responsible for managing 3 surveillance sights doing persistent surveillance and calling for fire deep infront of the FLOT? oh its time to move, spend 6 hours bringing in the recon detail? I don't think so

I'm also all for raising the standards in the line units, but recon missions push the technicality of planning and execution down to the lowest level. Your random SPC probably doesn't know how to do HF comms or even write/brief an OPORD so he is not ready to be part of a small team tasked with planning, resourcing, and executing a mission all on their own.
>hurrr we're speshul
Fuck off
Actual recon units like LRS are worth a damn, but "scout" platoons created within infantry units are a massive waste of oxygen that only serve as pet projects for the battalion commander and CSM to vicariously live out their ranger fantasies while leaving the rest of their unit to kick rocks. Segregating some guys who got above 270 on the old PT test and sending them to ranger school and sniper school does not make a recon unit, it only deprives the line units of competent soldiers.
t. RTO who overheard the battalion scouts do nothing but die of dehydration at JRTC
>"scout" platoons created within infantry units are a massive waste of oxygen that only serve as pet projects for the battalion commander and CSM to vicariously live out their ranger fantasies while leaving the rest of their unit to kick rocks.
Checked. Based.
Yes. LRRP is special, because basic infantry are not trained or equipped to sustain themselves over long time without external supply.

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