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In recent reports from Russian sources more and more news come out about disabled soldiers being forced to fight.
1. How useful are soldiers that can't walk ?
2. What does that say about army resorting to that?
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alas, if only king monke knew they're sending cripples to certain death now
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I guess we're seeing the first signs of the war ending.
This(50 men) is what's left of 3 companies of 47th tank division. All pulled back from hospitals for combat duty despite most of them not receiving proper medical care
One wonders if McNamara's Morons were worse off than this at this point
Vanya status: smoking, on one leg, going back
Don’t speak too soon; Who knows if Kimmy will pull a fast one and send some Nork fodder over.
The vatnik offensives of 2025 are going to look like Mad Max 2, with the ziggers welding random bits of scrap metal to any wreck of a vehicle they can scavenge that has a running engine.
The vatnik offensives of 2026 are going to look exactly like the assault on Stalingrad from the movie Enemy at The gates. Just massed infantry charging directly at the enemy on foot, some not even armed, while blockade troops shoot anyone who turns back or fails to advance fast enough.
You can train a retard to haul artillery shells, you can't do same when soldier can't even walk
The retards at least had decent health care.
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I prefer the original.
The fuckers deserved to get crippled in the first place, and they deserve to get treated like dirt afterwards. I only hope they can turn to god to forgive them before they die a slow and agonizing death-in-life.
Is that what they are calling shells now
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not quite, but soon big monke will have to choose between losing ground/ability to go in the offensive, or announcing another mobilization wave, how will that reflect on the population, is anybodys guess, last time there were protests in dagestan, this time, there are terrorist cells operating there, announcing a mobilization might end up destabilizing the region further, not to mention it could lead to more brain drain
Motherfucker, this was supposed to be a joke song!!! God dammit, this fucking war
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I might have idea why they are summoning the cripples

Last year's spring
Straight from the convoy beds
Upon conscription, he took in disabled people.
So as not to lose people,
We will be sent to fight -
Throw down the Wahhabis who are not killed.

Some without legs, some without arms,
Who's practically dead:
Thugs and thugs...
And they gathered from us
Disabled special forces -
Battalion "Combat Prostheses".

We are offended by the world
There is no need for a toilet,
We will brutally kill everyone anyway!
We are not afraid of death
All you need is a team -
We will do everything quickly and accurately!

Here comes the order -
At our appointed time
Everyone attack the headquarters tent.
As soon as the dust clears,
And a chiseled crutch
It will go under the sentry's shoulder blade!

All our guys are
Simply super and class,
Let’s take Petrovich as an example:
He has no hands
But the titanium hook
Pierces the armor of an armored personnel carrier!

If we take prisoners,
Then we torture and beat -
Our battalion commander loves interrogations!
With a drill on the stump,
Even the legs and those
Sharpened into sharp blades

We don't burn in fire
And we don’t run from bullets,
Can't hold back your fighting impulse.
Surrounded by the enemy!
Let's not shake a damn
At the epicenter of a neutron explosion.

Where the corpses are piled high
Sometimes they pile up
There are tracers in the sky, like cuts;
Where the tank won't go,
And the landing party will disappear,
"Combat prosthetics" will go into battle!
Aren't they already using E-scooters?
Yes but very little, bikes, Chinese clown carts and tuktuks are all the rage right now
See to all people saying that russia is like the imperium of 40k, this is the main difference: in the imperium the crippled soldier gets encased into an invicible mech brimming with heavy weaponry, in russia you're lucky if they give you a plastic crutch
Their sacrifice will prevent some Muscovites from getting mobilized so they should be proud.
The North Koreans will fix everything.
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this dude just needs to wash his face and he'll be good to return to duty
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they are going to at least drag it out into november, the retarded hope of Russia is that Trump hands them 'peace reflecting situation on the ground' i.e. lets them keep the land they've taken

retard here, how many men does a full company have?
The Imperium is also capeable to supply it's troops and some worlds have to export their Regiment across the galaxy, because they have so many troops.
Cadia blew up and you still have enough Cadians to conquer a planet.
About 110 people, so 50 out of 330
What's a Russian Squig brain transplant?
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Also gaurdsman are actually trained and considered the elite of what their home planet can provide.. its just they face such inhuman horrors they look like disposable meat by comparison
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>How useful are soldiers that can't walk ?
They can sit in machine gun nests, for example, or operate ATGMs, drones, etc. Thus they can free up more manpower that is actually able to walk to conduct more assaults.
>2. What does that say about army resorting to that?
You need to realise that these soldiers are trained and well-experienced, they are more useful without limbs than fresh recruits with them. By recycling instead of rotating the Russians can achieve an unprecedented amount of combat efficiency
Fucking hell
Don't call me uncle no no, don't call me uncle no!
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Noone escapes the cube
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I love laughing at the Russians as much as the next person, but they're doing this right.
Sending your young and best and brightest to die is a terrible idea. Prisoners dying is pure profit. The same for the heavily disabled.
Not only they can spare their valuable population, but get rid of those who are a drain on society.
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bomb serbniggeria to dust
>completely unrelated, off-topic link
Okay, and?
Russian army officer I know that got his leg btfo in the initial invasion, is back there now building turtle tanks and sending conscripts to their death
I know maggots are sometimes used for removing necrotic tissue but this is just horrifying.
Almost forgot, all Russian soldiers, milbloggers and volunteers turn into traitors, scum, western shills, fear mongerers instant they talk about things that make Russia look bad
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A lot of the valuable population fled mobilization.
They're now hiking the bonuses massively. While you can argue the dregs of society are the first to show up, this exacerbates the labor shortage.
WTF are they doing? That arm is gone, that's necrosis. Take the arm off and he might live.
They are probably keeping up with new contract soldiers by offering ever bigger signing bonuses.
The problem is that they are chewing trough x thousand men every month.
While they also need more people for their MIC. So the MOD and MIC are driving up wages while the rest of the public and private sector can't keep up.
So every month the keep gutting their actual economy to keep the war economy going.
What do you even get out of these lame drive by posts, mandic?
>shit random people on the internet say.
>random people
I remember this script, the moment Murz offed himself and told about 16k KIA in Avdiivka he was demoted from Russian soldier to "random person on internet". Here's the same, Kashevarova is big Russian Ztard "journalist" who is instantly demoted to "random person on internet" the moment she talks about cripple battalions.
Can you tell me if rupees smell like shit? You know, like everything in India
Nothing to say but that the image is hilarious.
>shill shills
>shill breaks ranks and contradicts the shill narrative
It's obvious to everyone why these are treated differently, copelord
wow he's a fucking gonner
look at that shit 0:53 the flesh just above his hip is gooping away
spray some insulation foam in it and send him back to the front
>If its good information about russia its a lie!
>>If its bad information its the truth!
>This is a direct contradiction.
Where is contradiction? Video is real, furthermore, when people talk about their own problems(instead of making up stories about 100 billion dead HATO mercenaries) other tend to believe that
>No one gives a fuck what they say, its utter garbage and should be completely ignored. Because: Its some random fucking person on the internet.
I think none gives a fuck what you have to say while people discuss Second army in the world deploying disabled soldiers straight from hospitals to frontlines
It's incredible that you think this is a persuasive way to post
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Jesus Murphy…
I know we joke about NATO using necromancers to keep there troops going. But it looks likes its Russia that's trying to start up a zombie plague to wipe out the world. But like all things Russian they are vary bad at it and can not do it right.
It is.
You need specifically bred medical maggots that are sterile and which only eats necrotic flesh

Wild maggots will eat necrotic flesh...then will eat the healthy flesh. They're also filthy and will like cause infections
Its all he has, anon. At some point, the script just stops
He is right, and to people with at peast 2 brain cells to rub together it is persuasive. Especially when the reolies he gets are so obviously shills it boogles the mind that they keep the charade up, then again, no shill has ever broken cover so there you have it.
Putin will strip all of Eastern Russia of men before he start conscripting Muscovites. When that happens, he will get Gadaffied.
>2. What does that say about army resorting to that?
They don't want to pay their pensions
> this exacerbates the labor shortage.
It's fine, Russia will just import people from impoverished third world countries just like everyone else even though their fellow travelers assure us they are somehow trying to fight against the status quo
You have old understanding of Russia.
As of right now Russia closed all mobilization offices in Moscow...and opened one "mega" mobilization office, once you get there it's impossible to bribe doctor to give you fake disease or actually bribe anyone there. Putin is ready to squeeze Moscow for all poorfags living there and none will give a shit about it
the problem is that because US military thinks its in their interest to maintain such bullshit so they can in their minds effect propoganda they instead alienate their own side with their obvious bullshittery and stamping down on anyone raising concerns over said bull shittery.
Undermining themselves and us, serving only to disenfrachise us. I would say youd pick at the use of "us" as im sure any good shill would, but that tactic will serve you less now Iv said that.
Something tells me he didn't get to keep that arm.
>shills finally updated script when called out on using "us"
Absolutely, definitely NOT shill behavior
>Absolutely, definitely NOT shill behavior
how do we know you arent a shill?
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