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Should drone defense be a priority for IFVs or does it make sense to pair a more conventional IFV with a dedicated mobile SHORAD platform?
Write a software update for APS on every IFV so they can target quadcopters with the autocannon. Ez.
This. Direct fire is more than enough
I think a dedicated platform makes more sense. The m-shorad looks promising and so do the m-lids
Did your ban ran out or are you just ban evading like usual?
I don’t think it’s that simple
Many IFVs were built with a "self protect" level of anti-air defense. As some older examples the BMP-2 and Bradley were both built with the ability to elevate the main gun, and higher RPM settings (at least on the Bradley) to better engage air targets. That said this was very generally intended for "The HIND is coming right at you" kinds of situations vs more aggressive air defense.
why not a rotary cannon that fires 40mm grapeshot?
Congrats. Your mechanized infantry unit now needs radar repairmen and the parts stock for like 30-40 air defense radar systems. I hope you're America because that's going to get expensive pretty fast.
You’re going to hurt some feelings
They really need timed fuse ammo, IRST and fast traverse / high elevation. This will let them do their current job well while also being able to defend themselves against drones.
The XM30 is still early enough in development that adding these features shouldn't be too hard except maybe high elevation that could require a new turret.
And the alternative is to fucking die you dimwit.
Nope, dedicated vehicles can protect the company. IFVs draw a lot of power in their regular configuration. Shorad vehicles should have EW, a cannon, and AA missiles. Maintaining radars across an IFV fleet requires technical know how and lots of expensive parts. It’s more realistic to maintain a smaller number of dedicated vehicles
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Pretty much sums it up.
The alternative is either specialised CUAV SHORAD vehicles or a new kind of system that doesn't exist yet, like a distributed, autonomous, optical-search and target, low power hard-kill DEW system.
Nothing specialized will work against the FPV threat. You do not understand how spread out and everywhere these things are even in their current very base form.
The solution is to make a kinetic countermeasure in the tens of thousands so you can get the cost or radars etc. down to reasonable levels.
or just... EW
fuck off warriortard
Completely negated by autonomous target recognition/homing which is already in use at some scale in Ukraine. There is absolutely nothing hardware and software vise that stops the simple response to EW being in the very near future "well, we don't really need to communicate with the drone at all after lock on or even after launch so who cares about jamming?"
EW is a very short term solution that is very easily countered.
> Completely negated by autonomous target recognition/homing which is already in use at some scale in Ukraine.
May I see
> The solution is to make a kinetic countermeasure in the tens of thousands
Most countries just have a few hundred IFVs. Where do the other 9000 kinetic countermeasures come from?
DEW will eventually be the most cost effective countermeasure
The only way to deal with the drone menace is to mount a kinetic countermeasure on every single vehicle operating within 10-20km of the front and on tripods next to important positions like defensive positions.

If the vehicle already has a motorized turret with a gun then it may make sense to just use the main gun with a standardized radar/other tracking package. For the other systems they may need their own miniature preferably 5.56 or 7.62 caliber turret with hopefully the same standardized tracking module.
The worlds bird populations are in trouble
In a 10km zone on both sides of the front line, yes indeed.
Holy shit, its the guy that posts non stop about the Bradley, IFV's for this guy are like the air gavin shit for that one wacko, you think IFV's are the be all and end all dont yah?
There is already an airburst round made, the XM1204. And I read that the Griffin III has 85 degrees of gun elevation (not sure what the Rheinmetall one will have).
Yeah, that's what I meant, we can't really stuff proxy or timed fuses into 25mm.
I've said it before and I will say it again
>Proxy fuses have been a thing since the early 90's
>they got it to work on the a certain gun (from the 1940's) thats on a certain IFV (that makes you know who rage) pretty fucking easily.

Also, nice to know who is behind the SHORAD spam that happens every now and then.
Never thought about this but it makes sense
We can get 3p fuzes as low as 20mm; it's more a matter of cost effectiveness. If the most expensive part is the fuze there's no point skimping on the much cheaper payload.
>what are line replaceable units

you're spiritually brown
Good shooting. Way cheaper than using fused rounds too
I'm looking forward to the day dronefags realize proximity fuzes have been a thing since the 1940s
Seems like it would be pretty easy to rig one of those shot-direction finding anti-sniper devices to detect and localize the drone prop noise and repurpose smoke launching stations as anti-drone baby claymores that broadcasts an "eat dirt now" audible and vibrational tone to surrounding friendly infantry bit wtf do I know I'm just the smartest man alive.
M6 Linebacker used to be a thing
3P costw like $3000 per round
AHEAD is better choice
>trusting the bergjuden
This video appears to be just a proof of concept. That's drone isn't taking any avasive maneuvers.
It makes sense for the ifv to have some jamming capabilities. If it's a bolt on radar antenna combo, than sick, why not. However Bradley mainguns are hardly optimal for hitting drones. I suppose they could shoot it down with accurate fire once the jamming has taken hold.
Jamming makes this mindset retarded. If you can track it with radar, you can jam it. If it doesn't respond to everyone jamming it, it's probably a fucking bird. If it stops in its tracks. You got a drone. This is simply a much better procedure. Saves ammo, and time, automated radar jammer combos are already commercially available. Although they are geared towards the aircraft market. Some minor nigger rigging and you could easily connect it to power on an ifv.
30-40 radar sets. It’s huge
Cool video
Hey dude so what's the deal. I see you doing this all the time. Do you not have a job or anything to do during the week?
I have a job? It’s a cool video. Did you mean to respond to me?
First to do it. Legend
Incredibly based
Depends on the radar and economies of scale. Radar isn't hard to troubleshoot and any fielded system would rely on BIT and as mentioned LRUs. Design them to network and fully mission capable vehicles could protect others.

t. fmr avionics
>If it doesn't respond to everyone jamming it, it's probably a fucking bird
Or an autonomous drone.
spamming and samefagging isn't considered a job by normal people
Jamming doesn't work at all in 5 years you retard.
Even now it only works sometimes and broadcasts tour exact location to any competent enemy.
Jamming works
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>Should drone defense be a priority for IFVs or does it make sense to pair a more conventional IFV with a dedicated mobile SHORAD platform?
I still don't know why this is seen as a meme solution.
No matter how many times you post this abortion, it’s not going to change anything warriortard
It doesn't work.
It works
In your opinion
How do you jam the wire connection between a HD camera, a NVIDIA image recognition chip, and a couple motor controllers? You must have some pretty fucking strong jammers to go through that shielded wiring...
>A... Ai
>All your kamakzi drones keep targeting burned out vehicles and dead bodies
If a human can differentiate between a body and a living person and a burned out vehicle and a functional one from grainy shitty FPV footage that keeps blacking out then an AI will be able to do the same using crisp perfect HD footage.
In your opinion
I'm not that faggot, I'm genuinely curious why the fucking ADATS is handwaved by everyone as a meme. The Canadians had it in service and I don't *know* of any wildly negative issues with it.
Modern day? Slap a 30mm with airburst munitions, plus the MIM-146s and it seems like it'd have a solid place in the mechanized unit anit-drone SHORAD role everyone seems to be realizing they need.

Fuck you for being some kneejerk faggot that won't engage on legitimate questions because you're haunted by a fucking shitposting nigger.
>it’s not me I swear
>Fuck you for being some kneejerk faggot that won't engage on legitimate questions because you're haunted by a fucking shitposting nigger.
you’re spouting his talking points
Whatever you say.

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