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Was the USSR really effective militarily or was it all propaganda
Nah, it was pretty shit.
Yeah it was pretty alright.
Nope, back down the corruption spiral and into the shitter.
>Yeah it was pretty alright.
Lend lease
Let's see:
>OUN-UIA Insurgency in Ukraine
>Soviet victory
>Forest Brothers Insurgency in the Baltic States
>Soviet victory
>Black Cats Insurgency in Belarus
>Soviet victory
>RONA Insurgency in Russia
>Soviet victory
>Cursed Soldiers Insurgency in Poland
>Polish/Soviet victory
>Bulgarian Goryani Insurgency
>Bulgarian/Soviet victory
>Romanian anti-Communist Insurgency
>Romanian/Soviet victory
>1953 East German Uprising
>East German/Soviet victory
>1956 Hungarian Revolution
>Hungarian/Soviet victory
>1968 Invasion of Czechoslovakia
>Warsaw Pact victory
>1969 Sino-Soviet Border War
>Soviet victory
>Soviet-Afghan war
>Soviet defeat

from a Czechoslovak, if it was anything of our Armed Forces to go by, it was ass. My dad guarded a parking lot full of vehicles at the base, they bent a piece of metal on one and he wanted to use a shovel that was attached to one to bend it back into form. The ahovels handle broke due to rot. Most of the trucks themselves couldnt start without rehaul since people kept stealing the parts.
During excercise they would sell off for Slivovica at a local pub or pour diesel down a sewer to pretend they were doing something.
The officers were promoted based on how they could debate Marxism-Leninism and everyone knew who's next in line for promotion with a brown nose heirarchy established.
Nobody cared.
Nothing mattered.
Don't bother trying it will get u in trouble.

lmao so it is true.
The Red Army was only good for murdering its own citizens and failed the second it crossed a border and met resistance
what was lend least in the cold war?
The ussr had much better tanks then the usa until they made the abram
I have to clarify that yes, the usa had and alway will have better aircrafts then the Russians
>The ussr had much better tanks then the usa
Lmao, no. Eat shit you retarded ESL shitskin.
Post WW2 it didn't have the manpower. Nazis killed too many.
Think the fall off didn't happen until the late seventies though.
They withdrew from WW1, won WW2 because our pinko faggot cripple president was willing to do literally anything in his power, and lots of things outside of it, to make Europe safe for international Communism, and got their shit pushed in in Afghanistan (just like everyone else)
they also did a bunch of "lmao I'm not touching you" proxy war bullshit to avoid getting glassed by NATO
what a pathetic "country"
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>the first time they encountered a determined enemy with outside support they lost
how many fuckin insurgencies?? Imagine if the US had this many armed uprisings lol
Communism sucks and no one wants to live under Russian Imperialism with communist economics.
I think it’s a slav thing. Czechs are as passive and servile as Russians. Nothing matters but the next beer at the pub. And seems like it was exactly the same in Svejk’s time and is now.
But to be fair, Czech military doesn’t pay shit. 30k average, really? How the fuck do you survive on that?

You're mixing it up with Slovaks. Czechs are basically Germans lite (the eastern variety but still)
Constant rebels without a cause just for the sake of it, steadfast in belief of their own truth to the point of arrogance and double down when proven wrong.
No desire to pay for a strong state other than when everything should be sorted by the state.
If Czechs arent trying to topple their boss or restructure the organization they work at to how they personally are convicted is the one only correct way to do it, it's because they're in charge and are in the middle of doing it. The Soviets literally invaded in 68th because the leadership was physically unable to stop reforming Socialism despite numerous warning to not fuck with it.
>No desire to pay for a strong state

So not like Germans at all

Slovaks are Russians without the expansionist drive and a contempt for any central authority other than the Church (and even then only so far as they can tell *other* ppl off).
True Wisdom is found in the village not the city, that is where the authentic life happens, everything else is just simulacra. Czechs ask "whats our role in world history?" Slovaks ask "how can we avoid any role in history?" No responsibility stemming from cowardice. Do NOT stand up to Authority - lie to its face and if you can steal from it. That will show em. Then you a chad and can brag: "hah they in charge but I fucked em over good!"

When big history is happening, best stay at home. Then impotently moralise about how everyone is bad and want to harm them, and if they would just leave the poor pure Mountain boys alone we could finally have nice things.
Instantly suspicious of any and all change: it was good enough for now, why fuck with it, really? Sure we're gonna bitch over a beer about how the shit is fucked but to get off your ass and change something? The fuck you think you are?
>Czechs are basically Germans lite (the eastern variety but still)
ahahahahaha you wish

the difference is, Jerry isnt cheap: they're used to having enough.
Pepa is the cheapest sunovabitch out there and the only thing that can ease the pain of paying up is when the neighbor overpaid.
That's another difference of the cousins: Slovaks brag about how much they're able to spend (ot cost me 100 euro!)

Czechs brag about what a good deal they hustled (I got this half off!)

a Slovak in Croatia has a 20 in his pocket and acts like he's got 200
A Czech has 200 and acts like he's got a 20
He is right though. And what the fuck does the grain crisis of 1972 have to do with this?
False dichotomy, faggot
Oh fuck off. German "efficiency" is a myth. Just look at the absolute fucking shitshow that is Euro 2024, and its organisation by them. Their time has passed.
>Czechs are basically Germans lite
Nah Czechs are like if you took all the bitchy faggy bits of homosexuals and then made all the straight men like that and gave them voices like smurfs.
>oh no this sport event for retards by incest saudis was poorly organized, it's over for germany
>German "efficiency" is a myth. Just look at the absolute fucking shitshow that is Euro 2024, and its organisation by them.
Its a fact you fucking retard
BMW is overrated shit
that the value of a country is measured by its sport events?
No one's questioning how good the soviets were at killing their own citizens. The question is how they stacked up against actual militaries.
Its a Schrodinger's cat box. A world power has a big military that will turn to shit between 1945 and 2022. No one had the balls to open up the box before the second date when the box fell off a shelf and the dead carcass of the cat was displayed for all to see. Any attempts at gaining insight at when the cat died are pointless navelgazing akin to comparing superhero powerlevels. You'l never know.
>Lend lease
More like ak47s and icbms
It was probably pretty good at the time because it was so large. I mean realistically numbers matter.
3 million soldiers will overrun 300k.

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