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>destroys your military superpower aspirations

How is it that it took the Ukrainians to show the world just how effective these are?

There was widespread use of drones since like 2010. These things could have easily tipped the scales in any war, especially the Syrian/ISIS war.

Literally everything is obsolete now:
Planes (sitting on a runway)
Oil refineries?

Also why is it always the Slavs who perfect and discover new ways to war?
/k/ope will tell you that these drones would never work against zogmerica.
bo2 was literally bout drones being the key for everything, tf are you on about
>Planes (sitting on a runway)
Literally any armed plane made after the 20s can shoot down an entire unit of drones on its lonesome
Because it won't lol. ISIS tried to attack Americans with drones in Syria/Afghanistan. It didn't work because the Americans jammed the shit out of the frequencies there.
That’s what the Americans thought flying their F117’s over Serbia, then some drunken Slavshit hit his S200’s radar with a bottle of vodka until it picked up and shot down the F117.
we were aware of this ever since isis started usign them way the fuck back, newfag
ISIS never used them to this much success, mostly because ISIS disbanded almost immediately after it captured half of Iraq and half of Syria.
Did the shoot down stop the bombings, anon? Literally pointless to make a comparison like that.
>pilot got shot down due to errors on his own ends
>the Serbs never stopped the bombings or shotdown more of them
If the bombings keep going and it haven’t suffered losses since then, the Americans were right since they still bombed with impunity
I don’t see the F117 flying anymore, Anon.
The Air Force is still using them as OPFOR and testing aircraft’s. We’ve stopped using them because we found an efficient platform to perform bombings on.
Because the B2 replaced them (unfortunately) and for GWOT stealth was overkill for how underdeveloped the enemies were
The F-22 replaced them, actually, although the aircraft should have had the A and instead of F designation.
Not exactly, you’re confusing the f-22 for the f-117. We got rid of the f-117 because it’s basically a lobby plane. It can’t perform multi role missions and is very limited to its performance. The b2 is better at that and the f-35 is a more efficient platform since it can be flexible and have more advanced electronics that is mass producible. The Air Force still uses f-117 to test out certain features that will be on the f-35/22 and it’s also used as OPFOR to simulate Theoretical combats with Russian/Chinese stealth fighters.
Thirdies will knockout 1 single piece of human equipment at the cost of a thousand lives and it will be worthy of a museum for generations
>It wasn’t an S200 that shot down the F117
>It was an S125

Anon, that’s not a museum, that’s a comedy club.
remind me who won that war?
and what were the casualties?
Classic /k/ope
The Jews.
Jews: 0
Goyim: 6,000,000
brain poisoned
back2/pol/ you go
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The seething is palpable today. What blew up in Russia?
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Found the Jews
got any more tumblr or reddit screencaps or whatever webpage this is to share with us?
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I wish I was just to piss you off
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They're fucking leaving? That little chunk of highly strategic land cost 10,000 russian lives and they're just going?
They're taking their time to leave, but yes. It's a total disaster.
Has the ground forces joined the air defense in cuckoldry fetish?
Russia really is just this bad. These don't work on modern militaries. If one of these blew up an American tank they'd have some asshole sitting in every commander's seat with a drone buster
>These things could have easily tipped the scales in any war, especially the Syrian/ISIS war.
I'm honestly not sure how people can look at us dunking on sandpeople with drones and missiles (which are basically really fancy suicide drones) for 20+ years and go
>gee sure would have been handy if the US had thought of using drones
as if bombing the fuck out of shit from really far away isn't like 90% of the playbook already
Yugos drink Rakija not vodka you ignorant westoid
One more year
>How is it that it took the Ukrainians to show the world just how effective these are?
We had a thread about it some time ago and I was the OP.

TLDR is that drones as you see them used in Ukraine are mostly not drones. They are poor-man's loitering munitions, built with off-the-shelf and 3d-printed components, or straight up jury-rigged out of DJI mavics. Ukrainians wouldn't be using FPV drones if they could afford to kit out every infrantry squad with IAI Rotem's or something like this.

It didn't take slavs to know that widespread use of loitering munitions was the future, everybody knew it in 2016. But because peacetime military procurement is a job creation program in disguise, especially in NATO countries, (and because generals like to feature-creep the fuck out of new weapons projects, pentagonwars.mp4) most of these programs didn't go far. When shit actually went off, slavs were the ones to make it reality with the tools they could actually afford.
ISIS was a raghead terror organisation while america is the 1# army in the world. Of course in 1v1 there's nothing effective ISIS can do.
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>ISIS achieved all their objectives and then retired to spend more time with their family! No further questions!
They were attacking US bases, anon. It's pretty easy to keep the drones away when you just got a few square kms of a military compound to protect. Gets much more difficult when you got the troops spread out in small outposts and trenches across hundreds of not thousands of kms.
>But because peacetime military procurement is a job creation program in disguise, especially in NATO countries, (and because generals like to feature-creep the fuck out of new weapons projects, pentagonwars.mp4) most of these programs didn't go far. When shit actually went off, slavs were the ones to make it reality with the tools they could actually afford.

This, I think NATO will have it even worse than Russia/Ukraine did if it ever sees a real combat. The whole idea behind a western military is to literally be a welfare program for guys who like to play sports and don't mind to larp as soldiers and boomer officers in their 60s who're desperate to stay relevant, yet can't operate Google on their own.
If Nato countries were facing full out war, peace time procurement bullshit would go away in favor fast "get it to the front lines now, fix it with v2 later" type procurement.
They work as do snipers because lines are fairly static desert warfare is very mobile and the distances are greater.
>/k/ope will tell you that these drones would never work against zogmerica.
I know you are just b8ing but it would be so fucking funny if you got killed by the SBU for it by mistake in a few years
God STFU you are so fucking dumb it hurts.
that's because they didn't understand the importance of frequency hopping. Guess what? Now they do, so now you have to race and struggle and spend spend spend those sweet taxpayer buxx to 'try' to thwart them. Until your obsolete jamming of yesterday, paid for by bureaucrats, you'll forever be keeping up with tomorrow.
jews love the blue boards because no one can see their flags.
That's pretty funny webm until you find out most the Peshmerga leadership are Shia muslims, in a country ran by a Shia Government and that the USA is at war with a Shia ran govt in Iran. Also, when ISIS attack Mosul, the Pesh ran like bitches, confiscated every villages personally owned weapons on their way in their retreat east. This allowed ISIS to own even more territory. Congrats, you did Iran a great favor.
>wide-band spark gap jammer
>make grunts communicate with giant backpack telephones and thousands of miles of spooled telephone wire
kino could be back on the menu
cause it's stealth retard
it's literally invisible
Was your uncle one of the ones killed on that island?
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damn they got one. and uh, how many missions did those F117's continue to fly and fly before that without ever getting picked up? i mean surely that means they countered it forever and never again was stealth ever able to do anything because clearly it was useless right?
Soon to be banned in the US
nigger we read flags by gun laws and jargon. go back.
That only one F-117 was shot down reinforces the argument rather than being a rebuttal.
Ya the US subscribes to the Dodgeball school of training, if you can hit a bullseye you can hit the broadside of a barn
Kinda of odd that the Iraqi government let them do stuff outside the Kurdish areas of the country
This is the opposite of the case, small static positions are much easier to drone than spread out positions.
Brain dead cope post
The only one they told you about.

It got shot down by the most ancient missile in the Soviet arsenal.
I feel like a competent and well-funded military would have the EW to defeat this, especially 2.5 years into a conflict
Russian SIGINT is pitiful, in fact outside the 5 eyes nations it's pretty shit.

no country too sovereign etc etc etc
Quantity is its own quality.
Javelin costs $200000, has 4km range and can't do BLOS targeting.
FPV drone costs $1000, has 10km range and do BLOS targeting. In fact FPV drone may cost even less than sofisticated RPG AT warhead while having x1000 times better capabilities. But military were and still are ignore such drones capabilities.
>better capabilities
The military knows, but those cheap drones are very easy to take down. They are being utilized as supplements for lack of artillery/airforce, which the U.S. and other militaries don't have issues. The big issue with these cheap drones is how easy they are to take down and how difficult it is to overcome EW.
Different purposes, retard. You're comparing apples to oranges. By Ukraine's own admission, drones are basically the poormans weapons if you don't have much artillery and an airforce to work with. Its not that the military is down playing it, but there is no point for the service it provides.
>any armed plane made after the 20s
Isn't that literally just the F35?
minovsky particles when?

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