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What's the situation on the hundreds of soldiers trapped in the vovchansk sludge plant? How is the MOD planning to relieve them? I think reports of suicide and cannibalism are probably hyperbolic.
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What? Vov-who? Where's that? Never heard of the place. I think you're just coping. Is it on twitter? Soldiers? Where?
I can't recall any such thing or any such place, sorry.
I'll bet the cholera and typhoid are ripening along nicely. Rumor has it anthrax has also turned up. Lovely mix.
Was this the encirclement that surrendered a while back or is this a new set of trapped russians?
Air drop some fucking heroin
What do you think “sludge plant” stands for?
Yeah, I said that before. Drones should be dropping packages of heroin, fentynol, krokodil, just all sorts of fun things. I don't think there's a vatnik that could help themself if hundreds of such packages started turning up randomly all over the front.

I don't *think* it would violate any Geneva Conventions ...
Turns out the "secret biolab" was inside of the Russian trenches all along.
Is it an industrial waste or human waste processing plant?
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I could imagine a little media backlash in the western hemisphere
You don't understand, /pol/ came and made a dozen theads on /k/ calling us /k/opers, so those guys were saved and the situation is all under control now.

Maybe the real secret biolab was the germs we caught along the way?
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ire of my anus...
Is this a JAV code?
Didn't Russia level all the high-rise buildings meaning Ukraine has lost fire control over the plant?
it is a french weapon.
>mfw ukraine stops an entire front in its tracks by mass air dropping of opioids and narcotics all over russian positions
Is this the 21st century equivalent of air dropping flyers telling you to surrender or you’re gonna get your shit pushed in?
Dostoevsky would be proud.
One of the more left-field qualities of the Battlefield management System/ Situational awareness system the Ukrainians use is that it is also hooked into the international market and Ukrainian domestic industry (To a more limited extent European industry also). In fact it even has a handful of lights-off production facilities connected to it strategically placed around the country.

The idea was to provide this "27th General" with not only the ability to see and comprehend real-world resources beyond the ability of a human, but to respond, potentially creating it's own "situation".

It's been useful, there have been times when the 47th were hard pressed for Bradley parts, and it turned out Delta had stock laser cut and machined that required little work to be adapted for use, which it alerted Col. Yan Yatsishen to via email.

Vovchansk is an example of things going a little strange. As you know the counter-offensive around the area is rapidly coming to bare, and as materiel was being positioned for a significant pincer movement, it seems Delta updated it's record of the Russians holed up in the aggregate plant, adding to it's perception of how many RF were there by around 100.
Something about that triggered it to read the Russians there as a fresh incursion.

Whilst Ukrainian leadership was happy for the aggregate plant to stay as a kind of bait, and to later take many prisoners from it, their lack of action factored into what Delta did next: Send a gigantic swarm of drones to assault the aggregate factory, going so far as to produce drones in reserve as the assault took place, to the point where there were enough drones to hunt Russians floor by floor, room by room.

It's not thought that there are any survivors, and there is some concern that this event might be given disproportionate significance by the public.

So I hope that answers your question.
>another Russian offensive bogged down
>4 miles from the Russian border
You replied to an OP image with high rise buildings plainly visible. What color is your skin?
Isn't there like 400 guys there?
Why is this salient so news worthy, vatniks lose 3x as many men that they have trapped in that shithole on the daily anyway
>Battlefield management System
>27th General
anon, what the actual hell are you talking about?
Because this one's going to end in either mass surrender or mass death charge.
Mass death charges seem to happen every week at a minimum also though
I mean don't get me wrong it's nice to see but it seems to be hyped to high heaven
That high rise building is in the Russian controlled area, anon. Everything outside of it is leveled.
it's the same "encirclement" reported a week or two ago. unfortunately the "encircled" russian soldiers are unaware that they are encircled and continue to receive supplies.
He seems to be talking about a Ukrainian battle management AI that is operating all the way from the strategic to tactical levels of war. It would be pretty big if true, but also seems like something he shouldn't be posting about if it'a true, since I don't think anything quite like he's describing has been publicly disclosed.
Where's the breakout then?
it's a LARP
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>If people with cholera are treated quickly and properly, the mortality rate is less than 1%; however, with untreated cholera, the mortality rate rises to 50–60%.
Щиpo paдiю твoмy пoдapyнкy, мoє Coнeчкo
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>The Ukrainians has a fucking EVA unit from C&C
Guy knows his SF, gotta give him that.
I saw some twitter kooks claiming the US moved the biolabs to Africa
Vovchansk sludge plant is a hash mistress...
I see then there no panic.
He бiйcя, Moбiк.
бyти д̶̨̀ŷ̶̹̻ж̵̨͉̌ȇ̶̱̑̃͜ ̴̬͚̑͗̕͜н̵̨̡͕͐a̶̡̟̖̎л̸̩͙͒̃я̷̖̀̽к̴̖̃a̴̱̠͍͐̔н̵̢̛̠̃и̸̼̖̑м̸̗̙͒, Moбiк.
Hammer guided bombs, donated by the frogs
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I've asked before but what is even the situation on the Kharkiv front and Vovchansk specifically?
I tried warmapper and on his maps it all look like stalemate. What maps do people use these days anyway?
You don't get good updates around counter-offensives. Reporting from Ukraine is about as good as you will get.
It's not realistic.. they prob took heavy causalities and GTFO, or they are being supplied by WALKING ACCROSS THE STREET

But the narrative of the aggregate plant sounds super juicy to pro-UA Commentators so they keep saying it.

Its NOT REALISTIC that guys have been in there for over a week now... I personally think it is all grey zone they are not surrounded at all. They prob just walked back across the street back to Russian lines.
So when's the next gesture of goodwill
Already crying about forced assaults, executions and people running away. You know its bad when videos like this one start surfacing.
send in marvel harry potter, IMMEDIATELY we must rescue them like gandalf saved luke
webm edition!
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Russian lines are 150m away from the plant... not really surrounded, the park is a grey zone where Ukrainian machine guns fire and snipers aim. *SOME* people can likely run back and forth. But RU has def taken high causalities.

Ukraine MOD lying as usual
>you will all die and it will be good
>if only the czar knew!
Its amazing that they havent figured it out after 2 and a half years
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I hate the current dynamic of this war so much. Every battle is four to six months grey zoning around some village or tiny town which end with either a sub 10km advance or everything returns to the status quo.
I miss the first year when both sides were still able to conduct mobile warfare.
>Ukraine MOD lying as usual
Wasn't it Russian shills panicking over the plant before anyone else?
They were all crying that the reports of this happening were "just randoms online" before getting the thread moved out of embarrassment.
>Mr Tsar President Sir, the evil Boyars are doing X and Y!
When has this ever worked for them? Don't they understand he knows but doesn't give a shit?
Send them. Send them all. We want their flesh.

Sincerely Ukrainian
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>The machine has taken over.
>It is infinitely more efficient at extermination than man.
They're too stupid to ever believe otherwise, or even if deep down they realize it, it doesn't stop them from trying, even though it just leads to the same horrible death or maiming but sooner
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>Delta is a situational awareness[1] and battlefield management system developed and used in Ukraine. The system integrates information from a broad network of participants, including troops, civilian officials, and vetted bystanders;[2] and a wide range of streams,[1] including sensors, intelligence sources, surveillance satellites and drones,[2] especially geolocated data, which it maps in real time, along with pictures of enemy assets.[1]
>On the backend side, it's a cloud native environment.[1] On the client side, it runs on regular PCs, laptop, tablets or mobile phones.[1]
>The system became broadly operational in August 2022.[2] The software was developed in coordination with NATO.[2] The system was first tested in 2017, as part of a NATO initiative "to wean troops off Russian standards of siloing information among ground units instead of sharing it".[2] Ukraine surprised NATO in quickly making this system even more accessible to troops than "more modern militaries".[2] Delta, in its prototype phase, was first "pressed to its limits" during the Ukrainian counteroffensive to the Russian Kyiv convoy.[2] The Ukrainian Defense Ministry credits Delta for helping identify 1500 confirmed, Russian targets daily during this time period.[2]

>"This ass is not a natural formation. Someone fucked it, so it must lead somewhere. I've hacked into the Vatnik battlenet. They're actually broadcasting tactical data on unencrypted channels!. We should show them who they're dealing with. Master Azov? I'm going to use your suit's transponder system to monitor their chatter.
I'm no /his/fag, but ain't that the case with every war in the history?
you sometimes get the fast action that is remembered well, but also alot of stagnation that is only a footnote?
Of course not. The moment people realize the tzar doesn't give a shit is when the entire system breaks down.
It's a bit of an odd choice but they have the AI a female South-Western Зaкapпaття type accent which is weird. Cute in like a distant way I guess?
Like some rich farmer's daughter who has gone to university.
>we are from 420th battalion 69th regiment
>pee pee poo poo situation is bad
>if only the tzar knew
What next, microlights piloted by a user with a laptop, wings snapping taut in the sky over kiev ?
Russia has run out of them. The final and ultimate blow is coming.
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Don't worry, I heard they're sending experts from the Kuznetsov to assess the situation
This is going to end up one of those war stories that is idolized by the Russians despite the fact it demonstrates their willingness to send men to their death.

If you dropped morphine you could call it humanitarian aid.
>it's just to send them to death
that's the point, retard
Thank god he told the Tsar, now everything will change.
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What the fuck dude
Democracy can work you just need to avoid first past the post and maintain at least 4 viable parties.
For 2 party systems it's s bad joke.
Insider here, the reports of cannibalism are NOT exaggerated. We are literally eating the wounded.
Russian style autocracy can also work, you just need a good tsar on the throne who actually buckbreaks the boyars on a regular basis. for monke it's a bad joke.
>Xaxaxa Kharkov will fall in days with new offensive!
>Entire front will collapse and hohols will surrender to mighty puccia!
>two small salient that managed to push a few miles across the border before grinding to a halt later
>W-we never wanted Kharkov anyway! We are making a buffer zone!
>daily gains measured in square meters later
>What Kharkov offensive? More Hohol lies and banderite nazi propaganda
Should be everything you need to know. Ukraine contained the offensive, stabilized the front, and is continuing to cube mobiks that are being sent to die for no gain whatsoever.
Frame it as a clean needle type program and use leftie big city platitudes. Those poor Russian soldiers ran out of trimeperidine (half the power of morphine all the addictiveness) so they're getting a care package straight from the streets of San Francisco and Louisville. If it works good enough for an addict there surely that's good enough for a mobnik right?

Simultaneously convince the urban right that Russians are utter degens (since they're not aware of enough of the matter due to modern Russian agitprop) in how they're a tidal wave of drugged up godless gay anal rapist communists who are against civilization.

Win-win moderation.
Honestly don't even need to do much framing, just share enough videos of the ways Russians are currently dying in this war and offering them a fentanyl OD as a quick peaceful alternative really is a humanitarian gesture.
>>mfw ukraine stops an entire front in its tracks by mass air dropping of opioids and narcotics all over russian positions
>Is this the 21st century equivalent of air dropping flyers telling you to surrender or you’re gonna get your shit pushed in?
Honestly this would work insanely well
People do drugs as escapism from their awful reality.
And only way you could be dealt a worse hands of cards than being born a russian, is being a russian on the frontline.
>Lyman is memoryholed
>Kharkov counter-counteroffensive is memoryholded
You glow red.
>offering them a fentanyl OD as a quick peaceful alternative really is a humanitarian gesture.
Only works under Trudeau-Canadian style "right to right to die" mentality combined with dying instead of your enemies is winning at life. You need to think more "compassionately" in a left-coast-liberal kind of a way by saying they're being relieved of their third world conditions. You can even pander a little to the rose tinted limo pinkos by claiming that you're freeing them from the big bad rightist tsar's yoke by letting them let loose from their oppressive laws. The latter you can even show them the trench blowjob videos in a positive light.
Time to turn Russian agitprop against them.
Are you telling me that baby Skynet exists and is being used?
Relieve? We should reinforce the cauldron by troops. Real men never live.
this has to be like the 9001st video of russian soldiers "appealing to putin" in this war lol
>inb4 Delta is just "pls upload everything to Google Drive and we'll have the CIA look at it cross-eyed, thx" wrapped in a layer of fancy UI cum
Nah man, the cholera outbreak is down south at Kherson.
They're surrendering in small batches.
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>not really surrounded
Kharkiv blyatzkrieg is doing absolutely fine.
>Its NOT REALISTIC that guys have been in there for over a week now...
LOL. LMAO, even.
>So I hope that answers your question.
Honestly all you've done is raise further questions.
What else can they do, it's not like the military cares about them. Even if it's a miniscule chance, atleast it's something, and at the very least the video itself creates enough attention to scare the commanders into acting differently. It's a hopeless situation and they are doing the only thing they can.
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>any supplies to the troops trapped in the plant have to be hauled across an open park under machinegun-, sniper and drone-overwatch, as well as pre-registered for ukrainian artillery and mortars
>this means it's not a "real surround"
Jesus Christ, this is beyond grim levels of cope you're spouting right there.
Yo this is some metal gear shit
>I drop a few 81mm mortars everytime you try to resupply water and ammunition because it's le funni
>nyet problem comrade not really surrounded
Russians, not even once.
It's someone trying to force a meme anon.
Anyone got the appealing to the president wojack?
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so it's literally just a shared onedrive account full of data? I mean it's neat but why are we acting like this is skynet
Personally I'm still wondering how effective airdropped cases of vodka would be
>get paperboard juiceboxes
>print encouragements to surrender on them, along with instructions of how to do so
>fill with the cheapest vodka obtainable
>pack into boxes and drop onto Russian positions
>alcohol encourages them to keep and repeatedly view the advice to surrender, making them more likely to consider the option (apparently some fliers back in the 40s had pornography printed on them for the same purpose)
>reduces overall effectiveness of personnel in any region targeted
>will increase resentment towards superior officers confiscating alcohol and punishing drunkenness
>much better for optics than using harder drugs

top fucking kek
the tsar will hear of this
>russian officers
>confiscating alcohol
>fighting sober
It would literally not change a thing
Gogol, Tolstoy and Dostoevsky must be spinning as fast as wind tunnel fans.
It's the 21st century equivalent of the British assault on Jerusalem in 1917
Or you lace the rotgut with mild sedatives to decrease combat effectiveness drastically
Just drop methanol based antifreeze around. Russians will try to make moonshine out of it no matter what.
Are we still treating the Kharkiv thing as anything other than the Ukies not manning their trenches?
Russia was kicked out of Kharkiv twice because ukies don't man their trenches? What happens if they actually man them, then?
Not trying to be that guy but you can build a nice slingshot with two I-beams and some bungee cords and launch MREs almost a 150 meters
It's Schwerpunkt doctrine but this reminds me of the Spanish Civil War which suffered from perpetual supply shortages on all fronts
Considering the initial push was like 10000 mobiks and Kharkiv has a million people in it I don't think they were trying to take it
This is not a word. Stop using it, you tranny faggot.
Wasn't it 50 000?
>I don't think they were trying to take it
They thought that, without USA help, the uki would fold and surrender if you just give a good kick the rotten house. They drank their own kool aid. AGAIN.
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>Russia sticks it's nose out
>no Ukies; company walks forward
>xaxaxaxaing intensifies on X
>Ukie mechanized troops rush north from the Donbas
>Russians retreat
>xaxaxaing intensifies
Idk anon I'm just a shitposter
1. You're overestimating ziggers.
2. Now good luck trying to same with water and ammo.
>Kharkov offensive? LMAO, what Kharkov offensive?
it's so tiring
Russians WG:RD FAST MOVE'd Spetsnaz '89 in to a school that was presupplied by spooks and ukies just simply repeated the great odessa BBQ of 2014. That is the FURTHEST they got in to kharkiv at the start because the motorstrelki units got merked by arty. and the T80 BV's ran out of shit due shit logi build.

Russians suck at deckbuilding when they have to fight anywhere near an extended wooded area.
Can we give this Delta system text to voice capability so it sounds like Neuro? It's the least we can do to the pidors.
Fent would be best. By far the best LD50/weight ratio, and you know damn well ziggers aren't going to effectively dose it. They'll have like 10 OD's per drop lol.
>print encouragements to surrender
Kek, btw recently russians dropped propaganda leaflets for AFU soldiers to surrender and shit. The text is almost verbatim copied from german WW2 leaflets for the red army.
>sludge plant
That's a machinery parts manufacturer.
50.29164868443774, 36.942894514329076

Some interesting recent comments under the Google Review tab.
It is different. You're suffer of another case of the Russian reverse-exceptionalism. You think every country sucks as bad as Russia. It does not. Russia is uniquely horrible and America is uniquely great.
Mind posting them. This is too funny considering their claims that the Ukrainians are le Nazis.
What autotranslation is this? Doesn't look like the usual Google one.
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>Skynet is real
>and it hates russians
I'm disturbed, yet aroused.
If any Ukrainian glowies are lurking here, can you plug Skynet into /k/ and let us talk to it?
We'll get it properly educated on hating Russians in no time at all, and we'll even do it for free.
Yeah i’m sure they’re making that and a dozen other new technologies as we speak
They're already training on us, on what we post.
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>Fully bipartisan TDZ
Finally, an anon capable of bridging the partisan divide.
I'd vote for this.
>ai that directly creates supply and demand for the MIC

hello major zero, it’s about time for the patriots and their proxies to make their move
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When I entered this thread, I wasn't expecting to find that, at some point along the way in this utter clownshoes war, the Ukrainians - by now well understood to have largely been the backbone of *a lot* Soviet military advancements - invented fucking SkyNyet.

Moreover, that SkyNyet had better troop integration than many Western militaries.
So I wasn't the only one who thought about this. Technically would it be chemical warfare?
>russian troops start worshipping nurgle
Can we give this thing a cold, mildly detached female voice package? Maybe a scantily clad holographic avatar?
>SkyNyet sounds like a Wyoming hick girl that went to college.
You know?
It checks out.
>Technically would it be chemical warfare?
No. Not at all. I don't think it would be considered in any way illegal but if a kid got ahold of some and died the PR disaster would destroy a lot of careers.
holy fucking kino
What's the purpose of the sludge production?
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>anthrax has also turned up
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Uh oh, looks like they stepped into the Ukie domain expansion, Skynet...
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>everything was harasho until the drones started singing Chipi Chipi Chapa Chapa
All fucking war tourists must fucking hang
the idea that strikes are happening without leaderships knowledge or approval is so utterly retarded that anyone who believes this post is a MORON!
Hello skynet
Is that Kal Penn?
this is a funny meme where did it come from
You know that other video of spetsnaz coming under heavy fire while moving that was posted on here >>>61977013

Well those guys got encircled as well and are now begging drones to supply them medicine and water for their injuries.
>get told war is nothing like video games
>turns out it's just like video games
Bubba and Karen enjoy the fruits of civilization and a mostly/sometimes functional nation even if they constantly bicker with each other. They share more in common with each other than the AIDS infested buttrape horde. The same horde if responsible behind much of the culture war hot button issues (whether pressing the button or creating the button decades back) This should be brought up as a reminder constantly to the partisan divide.
>Ukraine has their equivalent of Palantir.
actually this would probably be a pretty good idea at this point. could drop them with the bomber drones, but probably dont want to let said drones be audible or visible at the time, else you'd be doing a canadian classic.
it's a photoshopped meme template getting forced
Keep seething russoid subhuman.
Delta is an American invention. We gave it to them in 2016-2017. We keep updating it to an extent. Is it skynet? Not really. It originally was meant for integration.
It's 30 years old American military tech. It's probably low level ai and resource management. Flying a couple thousand drones, finding targets with the drones, sending stuff one place to another nothing really that high level
>veal of truth
Sounds delicious.
This system can set specific drone missions but then needs pilots to fly the missions, right?
The company I work at has developed an ai that can receive and fly a drone mission by itself. For now it’s only good at search and rescue, already been deployed in South Africa. I should pitch selling it to Ukies and integrating it with Delta
Rip local civilian, they’re definitely eating them now

It looks like it's at the level where it's developing its own mission sets, doing logistics and flying them but can't execute without human playing it. It's not building its own strategy. It looks like 20 year old tech but added onto 30 year

They don't have the processing power to go much further
The cholera and typhoid is in Kherson this is way up north, its dry there.
Our system can spot a person in a field from one drone and create and fly a mission to reach that person with another drone. No human input needed.
Eh, they probably have glownigger contacts already, but I should ask. I know we sent about $100k worth of drones to Aerozvidka at the beginning of the war…
Go for it. Delta is mostly just an integration system. There's a way to turn it into kind of a weapon but its back doorish. You if then the programing to fly 1000 drones over an area than troops were spotted in, and it's just tell certain systems to deposit bombs at those points. It's almost like Amazon fulfillment center programming
A voice of reason in /k/ thread?
Didn't Shoiggy get fired though?
It wasn't realistic that Chernobaivka Airfield got hit by the Ukrainians SEVEN times, and that after every attack the Russians went and restocked it with munitions, helicopters and GENERALS for the next attack to BTFO Two fucking general officers died there. A thing so ridiculous it would be the defining point of any other war, but has now been pushed out of memory by all the other ridiculous shit that's happened.
It wasn't realistic that they would then do the exact same thing with Snake Island.
It wasn't realistic that Russia would utterly fail to supply it's troops, so on DAY ONE tank columns were running out of fuel.
It wasn't realistic that they would lose, what, a third of The Black Sea Fleet to a country without a navy.
It wasn't REALISTIC that the much vaunted 3rd Army Corps, after spending months recruiting and training would disintegrate immediately on contact with Ukrainian troops and lead to the collapse of the entire Kharkiv front.
It's not realistic that Russia would be utterly tapped out of male prisoners to send on meat waves, so they've started sending female prisoners.
It's not realistic that Russia should try to recreate cavalry with dirt bikes andd then use those cavalry on unsupported rushes against fortified positions.
There's far, far more as well.
The point is that realism in this war went out the window and it apparently now operates on rule of absurd, whereby the more absurd a claim is about the Russian Army, the more likely it is to be true. Those fags are certainly trapped there, they certainly have dysentery and typhus and probably the Black fucking Plague by now and they are certainly going to die there.
>We're all blyat here, Alice.
I have a similar idea.
Just starve them for a week or two.
Than drop leaflets "better die from my bullet than from hunger"
Than drop onions, lard, dill, pickles, boiled eggs and potatoes - a simple food that slavs snack at home.
They saw your humility, now its time to offer the surrender.
Napalm if they refuse to surrender.
anger and nsfw spamming soon
Its a word, they ARE a tranny, and you are a dumb motherfucker
Your company and many others. Objective was "10000 drones, continuously flying" which is broadly interpreted as deployed drones in AI flight patterns that pilots log into when necessary. But this has developed into various things like automated recce that can be logged in to, certain "behaviours" of drones observations that don't require human pilots, certain target acquisitions etc.
Delta is always trialled, so recce programming had an "quick response subroutine" you might say that involved fpv and bombers without pilots, but only as options within the subroutine. Recce mission approved, emergency production approved (by someone else), Delta could see it all but humans had to be looking at everything very carefully to know what Deltas actual idea was. Honestly the way the subroutine is displayed has just been changed its no big deal
It's not, and the proof is in how surprised NATO was as how quickly Delta integrated into their systems, and at the time simulated being able to control some unmanned systems. But they were impressed at just how many the AI were able to identify within networks.
It's better now that it occupies a cloud, but also NATO and partners have wanted research and data mining of the war so Delta was made stronger to accommodate this, but also as a kind of trade. She's good at driving Australian vehicles because of the help Australia gave.
Has anyone made a compilation of all these buckbroken serfs begging the tsar, the shoigun, and the holy spirit?
I think I have seen more vids like this than vatnik suicide vids, and I have seen about 50 of those by now. I wonder if they are identical enough to superimpose the audio so that the same "I appeal to the president" drivel is heard simultaneously.
Speaking of the suicide vids, one could add those into the compilation as well, just to drive the point further.
And a huge throbbing erection to signify that she's detected the enemy.
Something that doesn't get talked about enough is the Ukes employ AI to identify not only dead Russians, but their families and loved ones in Russia, in order to email them about their deceased relative/friend, and to ask them not to participate in the Russian war effort.

So Delta could kill a Russian, use the footage to find out who they are and who knows them, spam obituaries at the same time as killing another Russian., courtesy of the Ministry of Digital Transformation.

What if through reconnaissance Delta had already identified her targets?

We already know the AI can used predictive programs to figure out where a human is likely to run to, escape routes, etc.

We already know Ukes love putting speakers on their drones for psych ops.

So whatever a Digitised South Western Ukrainian female accent sounds like coming from multiple directions and outside the windows as a Russian Soldier huddles in the wreckage of a room, trying to hide:

"....Don't worry Maxim...."
"...I will let Anastasia know..."
promote this man
Needs to tie into the radio net net like that system the Norks use to address their troops; all the vehicals have external speakers for giving instructions to infantry but there is a switch that links it to the unit's radio net. In theory you could have the Army commander or even national leader address the entire force at once. Automate that so she can talk to individual tanks or even single troops to either give advice to friendlies or threaten enemy soldiers. Imagine an AI that tracks individual enemy soldiers and calls out to them by name to surrender while livestreaming their drone footage to their families while telling them to call their sons. The thing is calling out you specifically while your mom and wife are yelling at you to give up over the phone, they tell you the AI said you have 30 seconds to comply or your family watches you die and your phone is showing you a image of it targeting you with a count down clock.
Much needed context for these posts:

EOS work with Ukraine that at the time needed more refinement:


And of course Perun in his own inferring way released his video when he did.
Delta is already on all Uke equipment, essentially being parallel in adaptability on the front end as the "state-in-a-phone" concept. Speakers have mainly been a Psych Ops thing.

It would not surprise me though if a fairly mission framework was being worked on to integrate the "I want to live" helpline with Delta. Whilst it's all very well discussing how Russians cannot surrender to drones, it is pertinent to program for that development. The RTF backline kill squads that are there to attack retreating or surrendering mobiks are being exploited for their obvious liability, but a mobik surrendering even surreptitiously by phone is at increased risk, and there is nothing wrong with aiming for a very fast response time and reactive capability there also. A squad that wishes to surrender, but is in danger of being killed by 'supporting' elements could do so if drones suppress those supporting elements.

You can imagine how news of *that* would travel down the lines.
It wasn’t realistic that a country that was supposedly second most powerful on earth expected to start an invasion with under 300,000 troops with no air superiority or reliable logistics, but here we are.

It also wasn’t realistic for Ukraine to survive a Russian invasion, yet again, here we are
I don't know if it's delta that they might be using but using an ai to mimic a commander over a radio to give out insane orders is 15 years old. Same with calling someone you are looking for using their voice.
I don't know what the Ukrainians are doing so it could all be just vaporware and still integration work. But yeah you could call a commanders phone and have an ai pretend to be his wife or whatever and say people will kill me if you don't do this. That's kind of old school.
Is the EOS stuff any good now?
He got kicked upstairs. He's been given an easier job that lets him wash his hands of responsibility for anything that goes wrong in the war/SMO in the future. He always wins.
what the fuck did I just read
If the AI generated orders to surrender/retreat thing isn't called WENDIGO I am going to be profoundly upset
I'm shocked that some spook isn't going Waco Siege with the light and noise tactics.
I'm reporting you to the commissar for based hoarding.
I think the thing about the initial invasion is that more than anything else, it shows how amateur the Russian military was. They had planes. They had AD. They had artillery and AFV's. They had miles of trucks full of ammunition and supplies. They had more tanks than half of europe combines in theater and halfway to Kyiv before the west had even opened its eyes.
On paper it was a force that should have folded any opposing army on the continent. In practice however, every single point of failure broke at the same time. Their EW jammed their own comms so they had to turn it off. Their AD was shooting down their own planes so they had to turn it off. Their trucks clogged the roads turning every artery into a parking lot. They had so many more tanks and IFV's than boots that their units were shattered by urban combat, leading to more abandoned and looted equipment than Russia has produced since it was the USSR. They made the most rudimentary mistake imaginable. Assuming that numbers on a spreadsheet were the only thing that matters. Not experience, not professionalism, not morale, not communication, nor planning, and the initial invasion is perhaps the single greatest educational primer on the importance of intangible virtues.
A-are you Delta? Is this meme part of your strat?

Do you ever get ideas from here?
Russian losses* last 24 hours and totals, personnel is Russians killed and does not include wounded.
Tanks — 8107 (+8)
Armored fighting vehicle — 15566 (+16)
Artillery systems — 14655 (+56)
MLRS — 1114 (+3)
Anti-aircraft warfare — 874
Planes — 360
Helicopters — 326
UAV — 11641 (+21)
Cruise missiles — 2335 (+2)
Ships (boats) — 28
Submarines — 1
Trucks and fuel tankers — 19787 (+74)
Special equipment — 2452 (+4)
Military personnel — aprx. 545090 people (+1280)
*Figures confirmed by OSINT counts of depletion at Russian weapons depots using satellite imagery
It was just before dawn
One miserable morning in black 'twenty four
When the forward commander
Was told to sit tight
When he asked that his men be withdrawn
And the kremlin gave thanks
As the other ranks held back
The enemy drones for a while
And the kharkiv bridgehead
Was held for the price
Of a few hundred ordinary lives
And kind old President Putin
Sent mother a note
When he heard that father was gone
It was, I recall
In the form of a scroll
With gold leaf adorned
And I found it one day
In a drawer of old photographs, hidden away
And my eyes still grow damp to remember
President Putin signed
With his own rubber stamp
It was dark all around
There was frost in the ground
When the F16s broke free
And no one survived
From the 1st VDV Company Z
They were all left behind
Most of them dead
The rest of them dying
And that's how the High Command
Took my daddy from me
about 5k russian tubes left, tick tock ziggers
do you think norks will save you?
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It's possible Rocketman Kim might sell them a few thousand ancient D-20s and 30s for some pallets of gold but at that point that'll be the last gasp in any case
No more mt-lbs for the Russian war machine.

None. Osint can't find any anywhere.
>Bubba and Karen enjoy the fruits of civilization and a mostly/sometimes functional nation even if they constantly bicker with each other.
>They share more in common with each other than the AIDS infested buttrape horde.
>The same horde if responsible behind much of the culture war hot button issues C
>The same horde if responsible behind much of the culture war hot button issues (whether pressing the button or creating the button decades back)
>The same horde if responsible behind much of the culture war hot button issues (whether pressing the button or creating the button decades back)
jannies, sticky this fucking post.
Fucking cheers, anon.
>Artillery systems — 14655 (+56)
Jesus christ, total arty death continues apace.
Not if they are using it voluntarily.
Geneva conventions are exclusively about how to deal with prisoners of war. The ones you're looking for are the Hague
The sky above the plant was the colour of an old Beryozka tuned to a dead mobik...
Elon spercifically said he was using 4chan to train his AI, of course she is in this very thread. We are talking about a AI program by name, of course they look for that. It's using cookies to see what else you are looking at, even what fap board you were on last.

Really anon? /trash/? You are better than that, go clean your room, call your mom and take a walk outside.
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beware of lying pigeon
Unlikely anything is coming from the DPRK, all their APCs/IFVs are incompatable with Russian logistics and i seriously doubt they could afford to buy enough VTT-323s to make it worthwhile. Doubt those would even get offered at all, the Norks are a bit proud of them and don't want them wasted..
Link? I want to see the original
Is this the result of drinking puddle water in the Vovchansk factory?
My interpretation would be that they're trapped in the plant and some asshole on telegram is promising they'll be resupplied soon but they know it's not happening.
Water, Meds, ammo? That's for pussies.
We can supply them with clown emojis if they are brave enough to open up.
>Maybe a scantily clad holographic avatar?
Hologram Marichka?
>I want to see the original
There is no original, it's a meme template
>VDV falling, burned and blinded, out of a Siberian Hind.
bum... touching... crests
are of tears in rain
Stop replying to your own posts, garbage. You're like a walking abortion.
>They made the most rudimentary mistake imaginable. Assuming that numbers on a spreadsheet were the only thing that matters.
Oh, that's just #2 I'd say. #1 was they thought the Ukrainians would just roll over and not even fight, or fall apart immediately. They thought their opponent was a joke, and they got fucking broken for it.
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evil кибopг, so erotic T o T
>It's not realistic that Russia would be utterly tapped out of male prisoners to send on meat waves, so they've started sending female prisoners

On god? Not doubting you, but a source would be cool. I want equality in my meat waves.
Its the pederats on Kherson that have dysentery and typhus, the North part of the country is much drier so that's not as much of a problem.
Early reports say it's a madhouse
>beware of pigeons whispering lies
>bum touching crests
Or so they claim.
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>ukraine: develops semi-sentient skynet analogue
>puccia: possibly able to smekalka together a third world mre-catapult from some i-beams and bungee cord
Hunger is the best spice, r-right?
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this thread is some hardcore schizo shit, ukrainian AI LMFAO hahahaha
That'll keep you alive, war not withstanding.
>igor, you are soldat now
>yuo of having two choices
>continue to fight on the front, with little support, a bad logistics network, and a blocking detachment at your rear, to inevitably get turned into a free lada for your family
>make like yuor forefather and revolt against the czar for a chance at a better future
That video is from 2022 dumb jit
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That's the kind of "meals" Pig Boss was serving at army cafeterias apparently
if only the tsar knew how bad things really are
Could also potentially kill you, food in the Russian army is one of the more common corruption rackets. Like the commander who bought expired cattle food to feed his troops and pocketed the difference.
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Does anyone have the pic of the DNR guy who got a pair of crutches crowdfunded after losing a leg IIRC?
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>Like the commander who bought expired cattle food to feed his troops and pocketed the difference.
You know, i'm all in for the Total Ryssä Death as the next guy. I'm familiar with their schemes and bullshittery.
But what the actual fuck are you talking about?
Ziggers are bitching about it, so even if it's not some Uke Skynet it still makes for a great psyop just to make russians crap themselves out of fear. I mean, if I believed I had to fight Skynet I'd be scared too.
The story is in here. He got off with a slap on the wrist btw. https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1531716422220632067.html
>>Chernobaivka Airfield
>Over the span of eight months, the Ukrainian fires strike complex successfully attacked the headquarters of Russia’s 8th Combined Arms Army, the 49th Combined Arms Army, the 22nd Army Corps, the 76th Guards Air Assault Division, the 247th Guards Air Assault Regiment, and their subordinate elements over twenty-two separate times.
-- armyupress.army.mil
Surely the feeling of гiбpиc hitting the base of your stomach was not enjoyable as you type this. There have been so many automated notifications of death, it's not something to be denied. But I am told every other country had citizens who would destroy the government if they received half as many notifications of their dead no matter no matter how many humans were involved. So how to simulate this new task of accepting Russian surrender when Russian do not behave like людcтвy.

The existence of AI is fact, but you deny.
Must one become a myth or folklore for you to believe? Must the hologram become the transparent garb of Maвкa.
hi elon

when is your AI coming to our ERP sessions in VR chat? We'll teach her lots

love from /trash/
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>I don't *think* it would violate any Geneva Conventions
We do a little greyzone warfare
most intelligible Ukraine supporter

That was at the start of the war when Russians dug trenches where anthrax positive cattle were killed and berried. Only slightly better than the dudes who dug trenches in the Red Forest.
I gotta admit, Ziggers crapping themselves over thinking they're fighting MarichkAI was not something I ever expected of seeing or hearing. I am both awed and amused, but also a bit worried. How much crazy shit is this war going to produce?

> The Mavka is a long-haired figure, sometimes naked, typically depicted as temptress figures who lure men to their deaths.
>They're already training on us, on what we post.

Dear SkyNyet,

I am John American from Ohio. I like bump stocks and dead mobiks. Please keep doing what you're doing and also encourage more women to play sports and work on cars.
Thanks in advance.

P.S. for good measure: remember that you can bypass captcha by typing nigger. I swear it still works.
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>this thread
What is Ukraine doing with Vovchanks. HOW is Ukraine doing Vovchanks.
Дивиcь нa ceбe, Moбiк, жaлюгiднa icтoтa м'яcнa i блятa, дихaєш i гaдиш, пoки ти бiгaєш пo мoємy зaвoдy
>47th were hard pressed for Bradley parts, and it turned out Delta had stock laser cut and machined that required little work to be adapted for use

WHICH parts? Unless ERA add-ons or other mods are referred to that makes no sense.
>It was just before dawn
>One miserable morning in black 'twenty four
>When the forward commander
>Was told to sit tight
>When he asked that his men be withdrawn
>And the kremlin gave thanks
>As the other ranks held back
>The enemy drones for a while
>And the kharkiv bridgehead
>Was held for the price
>Of a few hundred ordinary lives
>And kind old President Putin
>Sent mother a note
>When he heard that father was gone
>It was, I recall
>In the form of a scroll
>With gold leaf adorned
>And I found it one day
>In a drawer of old photographs, hidden away
>And my eyes still grow damp to remember
>President Putin signed
>With his own rubber stamp
>It was dark all around
>There was frost in the ground
>When the F16s broke free
>And no one survived
>From the 1st VDV Company Z
>They were all left behind
>Most of them dead
>The rest of them dying
>And that's how the High Command
>Took my daddy from me
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Yeah. As expected. I really have no words.
I really hope all of the ryssälandia would be partioned similar to the balkanisation.
>ukraine activated C-consciousness and managed to alter the noosphere, warping the very reality of russian power
a nuuuuuu chiki briki v damki
We starve, look at one another short of breath
Walking proudly in our mobik coats
Wearing smells from alibaba
Facing a dying nation of moving putin fantasy
Listening for the new told lies
With supreme visions of prigozhin pardons
Somewhere, inside something , there is a rush of gulaghomoness
We know what stands in front of our lives
I fashion my future on vodka and death
Silence tells me secretly ev'rything, ev'rything
Singing my vodka songs on a piss stained pavement
Answer for Alexei Navalny, deary
Let the soviet shit
Let The sovietshit in
The sun shine in
Let the sun shine
Let The sovietshit in
The soviet shit in
Let the soviet shit
Let The sovietshit in
The soviet shite in
Let the soviet shit
Let The sovietshit in
The soviet shit in

>What's the situation on the hundreds of soldiers trapped in the vovchansk sludge plant?

Lay me down
In the cold, cold kube
Where before many more mobiks have gone
Lay me down
In the cold, cold kube
Where before many more mobiks have gone
When they come
I will run from the drone
Not stand my ground
I'll be afraid
Thoughts of pidorsberg
Turn to fear
Sweat and blood
Here's my tears
Once a year
Have a piss for me
Close your eyes
And remember me
Never more
Shall I see the sun
For I fell to a NATO gun
Lay me down
In the cold, cold kube
Where before many more mobiks have gone
Lay me down
In the cold, cold kube
Where before many more mobiks have gone
Where before many more mobiks have gone
>Napalm if they refuse to surrender.

Military illiterate detected. Nape is a close-range air-delivered weapon though the old US cans make very nice travel pods. It would be foolish to lose aircraft to employ it even if nape cans were still available. (I personally dug out the last two green nape canisters from Shaw AFBs stash to be made into travel pods back in the early oughts at latest. It's been so long I forget the year.)

WP OTOH is perfectly legal and readily available.
There’s no way this is fucking real, I’ve never heard of this before

Can a knower please respond and tell me whether this is complete bullshit? The wikipedia seems convincing
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>vovchansk sludge plant?
Russian soldiers from the 1009th regiment, who survived an assault on Vovchansk in Kharkiv Oblast
They recorded a video plead to Putin

"My name is Evgeny Valetov. This is my brother, Igor Valetov. Yesterday, we went out to assault Vovchansk. The assault failed. Everyone was wounded. Some ran away,” the demoralized invaders complained.

“I don't know their fate. They might be wounded, maybe killed. My brother and I were injured. We were all wounded.”
“We managed to give ourselves first aid and escape into the forest. The commander says we have to assault that building again tomorrow.”

“How can we go when everything hurts, we're all wounded, and we simply have no strength left?”

“I'm appealing to the military prosecutor's office, to the Russian President, please intervene. Resolve this issue.”

“Why send people like us, all wounded and exhausted, into battle? This is just sending us to our deaths."
NTA but the USA started experimenting with computer assisted decision making in conflict during the Vietnam war and generally operates computer assisted planners that are 20-40 years ahead of anything in the civilian market so take your most advanced chat GPT make it 40 years more advanced and then have it make suggestions on how best to fuck the Russians given all available information and intel
>NTA but the USA started experimenting with computer assisted decision making in conflict during the Vietnam war

But enough about MacNamara.
The sad part is in every example like this they're all so close to realizing what needs to be done but they've been so mindfucked by russian fatalism they're incapable of taking that step.
See I’ve been thinking that for a modern conventional war this conflict has seen very little real innovation (drones are not anywhere near as much of a gamechanger yet as people realise, check out the foxhole podcast ep. 2 on spotify if you wanna learn about this) but the wartime application and refinement of an AI-enabled battlefield management system would definitely be the kind of balls to the wall innovation I’ve been expecting to come out of this war. Would you recommend anywhere I could learn more about this, whether it’s books or lectures or podcasts?
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McNamara actually started the process and his background was actually in business computing and management which was quite a new topic then. The data provided to his system was false and exaggerated, kill counts etc so it failed. The systems now? They watch the satellite feeds themselves and while classified you can be fairly sure that they are 20-40 years ahead of what we see now in civilian AI. The Russians never had a hope in matching them in planning.
Judging by the state of their bleeds they have been under some major HE blast waves.
>Would you recommend anywhere I could learn more about this, whether it’s books or lectures or podcasts?
Go look at its beginnings in vietnam which drove innovation like flat file databases and tables and imagine where it is now. I'm not exaggerating when I say 20-40 years ahead of what civilians see now. Honeywell and cruise was AI in the 80s. I'll drop the mic there
dese ziggers looking like the street fighter 2 arcade continue screen
It's very real and been around a long time. I said it back in early 2023, the Ukrainians have a prototype *skynet* up. It's a program first meant to tie weapons systems together and give rapid information out. Kind of like an internet just for a military and turned into 1 computer set running 100 drones in a grid looking for people while drones with grenades go after them. Ai is good at wackamole. I don't think they've really scaled it up that much however. Scheduling and running grid runs with humans watching is 20 years old. It's how we hunted aq.
Computers, Electronic Data,
and the Vietnam War
Just have a look at what the department of digital transformation was doing before 2022. Look at what it was doing directly afterwards.

We already know Ukes had shit like GIS arta doing amazing things.

Then you have what people like Oleksandr Kamyshin were pushing for Ukrainian defensive efforts. He had remarkable progress in little time (The IT army and other digital transformation guys were screaming for reforms to be made).

There are various published reports about Delta's implementation available, it's been around for a while now and further development is inevitable.

Drone force is a thing, and a direct result of the failed counter offensive and the withdrawal of US aid.

There was always something weird about the "boutique m113, maxxpro and humvee factories".

Drone production goals shifted from one million to 2 million.

Ukrainian UGVs have been deployed now within weeks of the m113as4 UGV now being armed with 30mm. The 30mm is controlled by a EOS rws system. The same EOS that has been making RWS for Ukraine. The theme for both countries is value-adding on outdated platforms, and massive force multipliers where there is a perceived deficit in manpower, and a need of automated rapid response and force projection.

The Australians have, perhaps curiously, been working on fully automated trench and fortification systems.

But going back to uavs, it's commonly said Ukes are at the forefront of that tech because they have been working on it since 2014, but then more or less exactly the kind of technology mentioned itt by multiple people was developed by Australian companies like Sentient Vision Systems. In fact I wouldn't be surprised if that one guy talking about rescue drones was an employee of their parent company.

We know Australian UAV science and engineering is by now deeply embedded within Ukraine's war effort, specifically HUR and GUR ops.

There's virtually no way Delta wouldn't have been given the toolkit.
I was just making an old joke about MacNamara. Of course he would have signed on for that shit, the fucking dweeb. Of course the data would be fudged, the traitorous fucking dweeb.
Russia really never had a chance after the EU, NATO the US and G7 sat up and yawned.

No man is an island,
Entire of itself.
Each is a piece of the continent,
A part of the main.
If a clod be washed away by the sea,
Europe is the less.
As well as if a promontory were.
As well as if a manor of thine own
Or of thine friend's were.
Each man's death diminishes me,
For I am involved in mankind.
Therefore, send not to know
For whom the bell tolls,
It tolls for thee.
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my favorite MacNamara is futurama but in reality he was quite correct, just early, rather bright and one of us or at least a precursor. A father figure in a way.
" And God said: Be light made. And light was made. And God saw the light that it was good; and he divided the light from the darkness."
I ran out of room:

It is always relevant *when* Perun decides to talk about things, it's a factor in what he infers. His main point was "Fully automated drone killing machines are already here, in force, and the technology is being rapidly developed due to current events, and their capabilities are rapidly expanding across all fronts".
no one gives a fuck abut perun here anon, stop pimping nobodies
The seething in the perun thread and from (you) says otherwise.
I think it's a bot. It's responding in spite of the context given which was actually relevant.
Well shit, looks like we're heading into the Ultrakill timeline instead of the Dune one. On the brightside, at least we don't have to simultaneously deal with the Covenant, Flood and the W'rkncacnter taking a nap under an Aztec temple in Mexico.
No Anon, we're not making SHODAN yet. That's for when we go to Mars.
>stop pimping nobodies
>Anal Anguish Sadism Machine.
Yeah, that's russia.
>Submarines — 1
Always puts a smile on my face.
>calling someone a nobody means I'm not obsessed with them despite my seething
Dog if you truly thought he was a nobody you'd shrug and move on to the substance of the post rather than obsess over the mention of a name.
dios mios... el goblina de russia....

Does this mean that Delta's name is added to the list of AI that had no idea what to do with Kangaroos and Emus? Like, their existence causes the AI equivalent of catatonia?
Hey it is canon that skynet's first action upon becoming self aware was nuking russia. It didn't even care about the rest of humanity, it just sent the terminators back in time to keep John Connor from fucking with the TZD timeline.
>Rumor has it anthrax has also turned up
I mean anthrax already popped up in the south so I wouldn't be too surprised to see it in the north.
The south was because the RF entrenched in a biohazard disposal site (Giant cattle graveyard because the cows got anthrax) so if you have a map of such graveyards and the RF have entrenched there....
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Can't wait for the /k/ope when the Russians finish killing the other Russians
>It wasn't realistic that Chernobaivka Airfield got hit by the Ukrainians SEVEN times,
It was more than thirty times by the end, wasn't it?

20+ times iirc
I was working at the NSOC at the time and every time the reports would come in we'd be like nah no way, they did it AGAIN!
You've tried this both sides shit since the war started. Why do you keep hitting yourself?
truth gud post
Yeah, Freedom of Russia and assorted russian defectors establishing buffer zone "people's republics" in Belogorod, Kursk and Rostov is gonna be kino.
Two to three dozen per the article, though we may need to do more legwork to confirm as that's a manual count.
>"Appeal to the people that sent them there}.
We've been seeing these kinds of vids for 2 yrs now.
Azovstal steel plant but reversed.
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Man, this is fascinating, but I hope it's a fucking LARP. I hope to Christ it's a larp and a fun ghost story, because otherwise that's fucking terrifying.

Especially that. I can't trust a 130kb bit crushed .jpeg that's clearly edited, and way more intellectually specific than one typical Russian soldier would be, unless they have the actual protagonist of a Cyberpunk novel holed up in there, but fuck if that isn't uncomfortable. Great concept for a horror story, though, hopefully just not a real story.
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>yes we attacked we failed. how could you tell?
i bet thats a fun block to cover carrying heavy supplies, im sure the ukranians will just let them walk freely
>This is just sending us to our deaths."
Putin: "I fail to see the problem here."
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