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F-16s ain't coming anyway
This. Been earing about it since December 2022. Ukies got scammed
It’s so fucking cool to see cold weather at equipment finally getting to fulfill its purpose. I’m not a sentimental person but when I see them in action I know that the machine spirits are happy
Cold war*
Samefag op, eat shit
Why previous threads got deleted?
Where/when was this?
It was a myrhorod of destruction.
can't help waiting for F-16s
also would take bets on the new gamechanget after rhe upcoming comical failure of F-16s
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What kind of myrhorod is this?
What does it say?

Why? Other NATO weapons turned out to be great.
thats weird, it was about one year ago pilots and ground crew started their training. And only last december the first batch of F-16s was approved from Dutch stock.
Crazy how you can clearly see planes and vehicles, then when it switches they're all absent.
Dutch F-16s 'soon' to Ukraine, export permit finalized

The Netherlands has finalized the export license for the F-16s that will be delivered to Ukraine. Defense Minister Ollongren informed the House of Representatives of this on the last working day of the outgoing cabinet.

The letter states that a permit was issued on June 19 for the export of 24 F-16 aircraft and seven engines for the fighter jets. Ukraine wants to use it to defend itself against Russia.
>What does it say?
F16s about to BTFO right when they land

UkroNazis on suicide watch
What would stop russia from bombing those expensive jets like here: >>61988396
Is it all the shit on your fingers that prevents you from typing correctly?

The longer it takes, the more redditors and bloggers will oversell them. Then the F-16 will just perform like you'd expect from F-16s and we'll get a million threads on here when at least one inevitably gets killed.

On a side note I remember when retards were claiming that NATO wouldn't even get their aircraft in the air because Russia would destroy all their airstrips, yet here we are over 2 years in this war. Funny that.
Nearly everything East of the Dnipr River is within 9M544 range.
I don't see any jets being bombed
And then Kharkov will fall, Kherson will be Russian forever, Javelins will have a 90% failure rate, Russian jamming will make GMLRS and ATACMS worthless, BMP Bradley will detonate like Vesuvius at the lightest spark, Leopard 1A5s (!) will suddenly suck at coring T-72s from kilometers away, and Ukraine will fall in three (3) days.
are those russian or ukrainian planes?
Was this a Tornado attack? I have literally never seen Russia use one
At the very least one jets is down which is clearly shown on the video. At the very least.
the fact that ukraine still has planes says a lot of russian capabilities
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The video is so shit I can't see it.
Even the smoke at the end looks like its coming from the grass around the tarmac rather than from where the plane would actually be parked.
NTA but IIRC they were all eventually destroyed, this was awhile ago but ziggers were spamming hte shit out of it for days
there is a video of these helicopters burning
>the more redditors and bloggers will oversell them
That's been fucking annoying, so many people seem invest so much of themselves in pieces of equipment, muh Bradley, muh storm shadow, muh F16, muh T14 etc. and then the inevitable gloating when one is destroyed and the equally inevitable butthurt knee jerk defence. It's all so tiresome, how do so many people still believe in wunderwaffe, is it brainrot or are most people on the internet 14?
They will probably arrive later but in small numbers.
0:06 shows a destroyed jet. Also the quality is the same or even better as ukies presented when they bomb russians.
Dang, i guess russia now has killed as many su27s as ukies killed su57s
Its likely the 9N267M submunition not a Motiv3.
>the quality is the same or even better as ukies presented when they bomb russians
These Mis got incapaciated by this first hit and then finished off by something else. It happened maybe half year ago. One was able to leave iirc.
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Its some kind of air bursting fragmentation cluster munition.
Bruh I could barely see anything in recent ukie bombing presentation which they showed with a satellite image.
0:06 shows airfield before the strike happened.
Which target was that? Also, thats a sat, not a drone
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Its been used since 2022 but rarely documented because its usually deep strikes.
Is your partisan moderator taking a shit right now or something?
Bro I don't fucking see any of that at 0:06 what are you talking about? The quality is total fucking shit, you might as well claim it's a destroyed Abrams
Bradley has exceeded expectations though thanks to the anti-bradley propaganda.
Storm shadow also did some nice work.
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think they might mean this one from last month? idk, even at the time from this all we could tell was that there might be two damaged in the hangar, don't know if we ever got followup on it. hopefully we get some for the OP's one too, because the camera quality seems like it went to shit for the strike.
>2+ years in
>not building fucking hangars
I hate slavs so much sometimes it is unreal
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nta but i think they mean this? though it looks like the entire plane besides the engines melted somehow, which is kind of weird.
>nooo why does the poorest country in europe not build hangars while in range of enemy munitions during a war
Ukraine is still a poor, relatively small country. It's embarrassing that russians don't have hardened hangars. It's unfortunate but expected the Ukrainians don't.
They've all worked well and as they should, provided the crews have had proper training, but none of these platforms has turned the tide, and none of them were worthy of the hype that preceded them, from retards who seem to think life is like their video games.
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HIMARS almost singlehandedly turned the tide of the early war by gutting russian logistical centers.
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Ukraine does have hardened aircraft shelters but West of the Dnipr River.
So why is Russia still firing 10x more shells?
It's literally just a giant roof of metal and is probably .00001% the cost of one of those Su-27s that just got BBQed for no reason. Ukraine being too poorfag to build hangars is a cope, they are just being retards. Fucking North Korea can do it so can they
Why arent they firing 60k shells daily?
I don't really give into the hype from the start which is why from my perspective all this wunderwaffe kvetching just looks like zigger cope.
The only instance that really annoys me is the leo and abrams hype because that shit was everywhere. And while far more survivable they really haven't done much.
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The airfield in Dnipro got hit in April by the same thing.
North korea is not engaged in a hot war.
Because they can't hit shit? Because they're racing to put the rest of the soviet towed artillery stock out of commission? Why can't russia make their 10x fire rate count for more?
They are engaged in full blown communism under a dying economy which is arguably more detrimental
>moving goalposts
How easy is it to build hangars if the crews can just be bombarded whenever?
Full blown tyrannical communism is the gold standard for building oversized infrastructure projects anon, they have literal slaves doing their shit.
>when one is destroyed
ziggers treating western equipment like it's alien technology is hilarious though
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