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Just knives.
nice voyager. to me they are probably the best set of compromises and the best value out there. recently got the drop point xl. it's a great knife , used it this AM to hack at some pinkie thickness sized black cherry branches that get in my face when mowing , it totally works. however it's kinda big so the large drop point gets more pocket time than the xl.
the Kershaw I bought exploded and isn't back from warranty yet, so I'm still rolling the RAT.
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convince me not to
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Y'all recommended this one. It was only 24 dollars and I love it. I bought two. One to leave in my jeep and one to leave in my bag.
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Well it's not /kg/ so I WILL post in it.
I use this for bushcraft, Condor Bushlore. Discoloration on tip from heat damage...sad I know
The tiny black bits on the blade are from the leather sheath I oil it a lot.
Oh hey, yeah that sries of threads were we narrowed down the klein/milwaukee as a poorfag ultimate was some of the best knife discussion iv ever had online
Yeah I missed the original threads but a month or 2 ago soneone started a thread recollecting them. For what it is, it's really hard to believe how cheap it was. I was looking for a milwaukee but they were sold out. I assumed a lot of other leafs were in the same threads and scooped em up. I really like the weight of the blade in my hand. The full tang makes it really nice.
Really glad you are enjoying it mate, it's a damn fine piece of kit for the price yeah, I recommend it whenever I can.
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OK, I will convince you not to.
>$265 for a knife, before taxes or shipping
>likely closer to $290
Now /k/ users tend to be a bit more responsible than other boards but you are likely not maxing out your yearly ROTH IRA contributions($6,500)
if you are in your early 20s, every $1 will become $5 when you can cash out of the IRA
if you are in your late 20s/early 30s, every $1 becomes $4 when you can cash out of the IRA
That likely unnecessary knife, while cool and able to provide momentary entertainment, will likely just sit in a drawer when you have a perfectly good pocket knife that will do the job just as well.
that $290 becomes $1,450 - $1,160 in the end, likely more due to compound growth if you are saving for retirement properly
Say no to the knife now and you can reward yourself with a knife in retirement along with a bottle of scotch and a brisket you can throw on the smoker, likely with money leftover
I like the Idea of owning this one after seeing Tu Lam on the shawn Ryan Show talking about his EDC. Its out of stock though on spartan knives.
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Anon works hard for his money, I think he should treat himself to whatever he likes if it is within his means. What's the point in even earning money if you don't spend it and have fun. Pic rel is my $30 every day beater because I am a poorfag and cannot afford to have fun
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Patience is a virtue and the path to freedom is paved by virtues
Resisting indulgence is noble and will allow anon to not only save their money but let their money work for them. In our society wealth is what grants you true freedom, being able to retire and have emergency money saved up is a great freedom.
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Thoughts on utility blade knives?
Thanks Dad!
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great time tested design. I have the bps version of it. I use the adventurer more but for a bushcraft either are a great option
Wow thats significantly cheaper I wish I'd been aware of it at the time before I spent £67.95 on the Condor, oh well! I pirchased it sort of to get over my fear of carbon blades and rusting, which is sad I know but hey, I might grab a stainless version of the BPS at some point for a back-up. Thanks for making me aware of that.
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Great knife, I've had mine for, fuck man yeeeears
-very comfortable handle
-90' spine
-fantastic blade shape
Mine came with a very uneven grind from the factory but, 5 minutes sharpening and it was fine
I love the aesthetics of a leather sheath, but with a carbon blade it becomes annoying pretty fast
As reliable as my glock knife or my ESEE. 9.5/10 would buy again
delayed gratification is all but unheard of these days. that does seem like a lot of money for a knife though jeez.
like, if you really needed a knife a decent pocket knife one could be found for around $30. same with a game processing knife $30 and a bushcraft knife for around $30. some of these could even be rolled into one knife. so for $60-$90 you could reasonably cover 99-100% of all conceivable knife uses. Opening packages, mail, cutting insulation from a wire, gutting game or fish, carving wood, etc. yeah you'd have all budget choices (Mora,buck,rough rider, bps,old hickory, cold steel on sale). however these current knives are leaps beyond what people who legit blazed trails, crafted homesteads, fended savages off had in their hands.
I like knives and tools as much as the next guy but that seems like a big wad of cash for one blade and I'd be hesitant to use it as hard as a $7 Mora .
im arguing for delayed gratification and being smart with money but i would say a good bushcrafting knife will likely run you closer to $100
an EDC knife and knives that i know ill grind into the ground i want the cheapest 'good' knife i can get, i want to be able to sharpen it and it not break within a year but i also want it cheap enough that i can lose it or break it and its no big deal
an expensive knife and ill feel like i have to baby it instead of treating it like a tool
i only say $100 for a bushcraft knife as well just because i keep one in a bug out bag and if im going to rely on it, i want to make sure that one covers all the bases and will last some abuse
yeah man. id wager the condor is a slight upgrade so maybe worth a little more. I've personally had bad luck in regards to corrosion and carbon steels. I've done some forced patinas and cold bluing. the cold bluing looks the best but you prob don't want to use it on food.
right on man, I totally hear ya. what would be a good $100 bushcrafter ?
I'm partial to a $7 Mora 511 because I can beat it with a hammer and not feel bad . my $80 joker looks so nice I don't wanna scratch it .
Yeah I would but I use it to cut food etc I use a simple cutting board oil on it thats food safe, dries out quick but i reapply it frequently. I think I'd prefer a stainless blade for longevity so it requires a little less care, gosh darn it im already trying to think where I can fit that £30 for the BPS stainless in my budget, such a blade hound, I currently have a £30 Buck as my back-up but hey y'know...maybe the Buck can be my Back-Back-Up...
they are perfectly fine for most shit. kind of a short effective blade length if you are cutting something like bread.
That sounds like a punishment in hell
>Satan: Ypu must slice this loaf
>Oh, uh, sure okay bit of kitchen duty doesn't seem so bad
>Resisting indulgence is noble and will allow anon to not only save their money but let their money work for them.
yeah, there is a limit to which frugality becomes self-flagellating or even wasteful. my mother in law is obsessed with saving money, so she buys the cheapest garbage in a pathological pursuit of penny pinching. half the shit she buys breaks immediately and fulfills it's maximum utility in ballasting the local landfill to make sure it doesn't float away.
buying well made useful things is as virtuous as being obsessively frugal. What's it worth that i can pass down something to my kids? how do I amortize that cost?
the simplicity of your explanation belies it's immaturity.
im gonna get shit for this but i like the kabar dogs head
i specifically just have the standard kabar knife but i shaved off the rear crossguard so i can fit my thumb against the back of the blade when whittling or just needing more precise control it works well enough but you may as well get the dogs head version that is made like that
ive personally had zero issues with the knife and it gets the job done
No I think he had a decent point and as a knife enthusiast and being a somewhat practical guy, spending hundreds on a knife seems wasteful to me. At that point they are basically collectors pieces, a fancy paper weight, now yes its true that there is value in somerhing that is simply to be admired but we must balance this against practicality and getting the most out out of our money.
oh yeah i dont mean just buying shit either, saving money is important because you can get good stuff when you do that, which saves you money in the long run
i just mean dont buy shit you dont need, that anon probably doesnt need that knife, im sure its good, but he probably has another quality knife that still has life in it but it just isnt shiny and new
I'll use myself as an example, I really wanted to buy the boker grabendolch because I'm just a fan of the type of knife, and its neat that its made by the same company that made them back in the day. But my practical nature conflicts with this and in the end I decided not too, and I do not believe I would ever be willing to spend such a sum on something like a simple knife. Now the boker is not a practical tool and is mainpy for looks, although I'm sure it would serve well as a stabbing implement, but there are other stabbing implements that cost far less. Like the CS TAC I i often tout.
I would still like a german trnech knife like that, but being a brit its hard to come by and I've come to terms with my practicality winning over my desire.
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>never defend yourself with a knife
>you'll just go to jail
>you'll get it taken away from you and used against you
>you'll cut yourself
>I'd never use a knife to defend myself, I'd rather use my fists
Not all users who post knives carry knives for self defence, in some countries that is not legal. But you knew that. Some are just enthusiasts.
totally disagree with John on this one. too far/
not justified? if someone tries to steal from you forcefully, then comes back with another grown man to straight up try to run through your business beating the shit out of your staff, it's not your responsibility to get into an honorable MMA match with two strangers. for all you know they have crazy hands. the fact that you are so NOT responsible for the shit that is about to happen is why any sane DA is not going to charge you for reacting like this. it would only serve to discourage good people from standing up for themselves.
how do you like the para 3? i hate my para2 because of the boxy ass scale edges. original military is my most comfy knife.
Anyone who is more concerned about potential legal proceedings than protecting ones life and limb is fucking retarded.
>oh no what if i get in trouble?? better just hope he doesnt beat me to death
What the fuck kind of mentality is that?
ultratech looks nicer. i’ve daily carried mine for 3 years now and it’s holding up well even past wrecking my motorcycle with it clipped to my pocket.
means he likes the taste of boot leather. lots of spineless nerd types in the firearms groups sadly.
Don't forget to take into account inflation, especially if it's biden inflation, every $1 becomes $0.50 in one year. (I'm exaggerating of course)
Then factor in the value of your youth versus the value of your retirement years. Will you retire at 65? Do you plan to have a family? Do you want to be responsible now so you can have fun when you're barely a decade away from death (based on the average male lifespan)?

I'm not saying you should spend $300 on a knife, it seems like a waste, but the reality is more complex than just the time value of money and compounding interest, there are other factors at play here

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