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4th of July Edition

Trade, create, and sell your patches!
Post good design ideas and maybe a patch store will make them.

>Last Thread

>Where can I buy that sweet patch/ find patches?

>Classic Pastebin
https://pastebin.com/cXZTGafD (2016)

>other lists
https://hackmd.io/@Patchboi/PatchThread (2021)
https://hackmd.io/@chef5estrela/ByQJ8OFtn (2023)

Thread Theme:
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>Koz working on shirts, Volume 2 drop
>PineTree released a Galician patch
>Badger has 4 new designs up now
>Aho is cooking
>Anon has stepped up and produced the highly coveted Bucees black sun patch, accepting email orders now
>Receiving reports of USPS employees eating envelopes, to the chagrin of many

>Get 25% off with Yooper using code "GODHATESBRITS24"
>Lardagus's Moe Mil Shop has 30% off through July 5th
>Use code "Freedom" with PineTree for 25% off, all orders get free "lil dude" patch through Saturday
1st for happy 4th to everyone :D
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Just reiterating the sale for this thread.

...though, if it's popular enough, I may extend it through the weekend as well for those who are on the fence still. We shall see~
godamnit I didn't realize you had chicom rigs in your surp
Happy 4th of July tomorrow everyone!
I'm having a 20% off sale using code 1776

I should be working on more patches but instead am currently working on making a custom card deck
Koz when is Volume 2?
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GM Gents.

I have these lovely, Bucees-inspired patches with festive Greco-Roman pattern backgrounds in both yellow or red (or almost any other color you want, just let me know). Email me to order. Shipping is free!


>custom card deck
ha nice, will these be for sale?
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working on a Bradley patch

sell some of these as stickers
Yeah, those sold really fast (like within 6 hours of the sale starting)

While my main store isn't surplus, whenever I dig something out of the attic or wherever, I'll be sure to post it up for people.
Ooh, nice. Though it needs the stars from the commercial, ngl.
Luv me Bradley, simple 'as...
Yeah, they will be for sale once I finish all the drawings and get decks printed.

I could, are you thinking something like the entire card format (gun,background,symbols) or just the guns?
July 14th is the tentative release date. Wanna make sure I have enough to fulfill every order right away so people don't have to wait as long as they did for Volume 1 to ship.
I have a better suggestion to put on this patch.
>Not a tank
Good Drop Aho <3
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>10 not an AR-10
>AK-47 not 4 or 7
>MP5 not 5 or 9
already fucked around with different star designs. Doesn't look good with the asymmetry of the Bradley.

you could do the whole thing. Maybe sell some as sets.
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Are we going to get an updated edition for 2024?
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aho when
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also aho, never ever or wat
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Annnnndd I heard y'alls feedback, so we've revised that shipping subsidy program for international customers.
It's now for patch/sticker orders $39.99 or more that can take advantage of subsided rates:

$9.99 FLAT to the EU/Mexico/Canada/United Kingdom
$11.99 to everywhere else in the world

No, the milsurp/one-offs don't count because (again) that shit is heavy and expensive to ship regardless of discounts I give.
Hope everyone has a wonderful 4th of July holiday~!
Is it true Shopify only lets you use 1 Coupon per Store? Does that only Apply to whatever Email you use or no, I want to buy from multiple sellers but want the discount they give.
As far as I can tell it won't let you use more than one coupon code. Now if they seller had their products marked down for sale and THEN had an extra code for more discounts, that could work. But you can't use two different codes, which is a bummer.
>Anyone remember the knife that Besh sold? Any idea what angle is best to sharpen this thing at?

ask the man himself or the guys at void tactical knives, they made them
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4th of July sale is live, use FREEDOM for a discount on patches - also all patch orders get a free Patriot Possum patch.
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I also got these brushstroke possums in
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All unshipped orders will be going out on Monday. Also, use code "INDEPENDENCE" for 25% off through the 8th <3
Lol pretty sure he ran out of the patch on the right yesterday. Had one in my cart but ran out when I refreshed. Also pine tree patch recommends?
kill all animefags
Never understood why this patch was shilled so long, it never was funny or if there is a joke I don't get it?
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Different people like different things.
Imagine that.
I swear, some of the people in these threads have an IQ of 40.
why? Are you an antigun? Do you support Donald "take the guns first, due process later" Trump?
I believe Aho is taking pre orders from some patches. He said something about it on Twitter. There is a discount code too.
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It speaks to some people on a deep level. I think psychologically it recognizes something a lot of folks feel, which is that they have good intentions and are doing their best but are simply imperfect or flawed and thus don't always achieve the results they think they should. It's an important thing to come to terms with - it is possible to commit no mistakes and still lose. That is not a weakness, that is life. So leave your hesitation and self-doubt in your quarters!
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>It is possible to commit no mistakes and still lose. That is not a weakness, that is life.
Requesting Piccard patch
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Less than 8 hours before the sale ends at Moe Mil Shop. It's one of our biggest sales of the year, so we hope everyone takes advantage of it now rather than later!
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I'm honestly bad at that, it's the one thing I keep forgetting to post.

How many shekels anon?
>How many shekels anon?

$14, which includes velcro backing and free shipping. These are made to order, so I can change the background color to whatever you'd like, just let me know via email at

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A friend of mine saw picrel at an anime convention in Hong Kong.
Does anyone know where I can get that "guess I'll die" patch?
>captcha: M2A2
>anime convention

you need to tell your friend. tell them they will never be a women
But they are :3
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Patch idea
Don't worry he's already much worse; a Polish expat.
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>But they are :3

Where? But I still like my Mr DNA design more
>Where? But I still like my Mr DNA design more

this is an early version of a design I was working on a while back.. not quite happy with it so I stopped. Can we see the Mr DNA one?
Holy fucking cringe.
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>4th of July Edition
Nice timing, I stumbled upon this one just a few days ago
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Could you share from whom? Love Kay.
It's made by this guy, apparently he's still selling them
Thank you. These guys always want top dollar for once in a while I can eat it.
should make it desu
>should make it desu

I like the concept but in its current form it's kinda weak. I'll mess with it some more when I get the time
How does the buymeacoffee payment method work? Do i just send him the 20$ and my contact info?
I just did it myself. You fill out your info at the end of the transaction in a comment. It's pretty stupid.
Thanks, yeah thats kinda dumb
Don't have it anymore. Aho might still. Was just Mr DNA saying "Mr DNA says ywnbaw"
looks great
I’m retarded and missed it, any plans to continue into the weekend?
I was gonna do it, but I kinda overslept lmao.

Well, there's still the 10% off coupon if you sign up for the email list, otherwise nothing for the immediate future...
(Unless I get in some more products, then might do another flash sale then)
makes me wonder how many other twitter merchants there are
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i am elite consoomer

Where to buy?
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Can we get a Unit 732: Eastern Pacific Cheeseburger Elimination Squadron patch, please?

Recreate this image below but with some anime jap soldier chick with a burger on the end of her bayonet?
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we back and doing restocks!

please vote on what you wanna see return
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u must be new!
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I may get this one one day
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A Marichka patch would also be good
Lol shit quality bag
I thought only women judged people by their purses
>made by some fag in ukraine
How do you intend on getting this?
Absolute Territory and Ahoworks!!

When are there going to be some /k/ flavored Rent A Girlfriend patches? Just started season 2 and see Ruka in the first episode sporting a rifle. Make it happen! Also which is your fave pair?
>How do you intend on getting this?
The same way you can get this one >>62017813, as it's made by the same guy
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He only lists the Kay patch.
Twitter is gay and so are you just for going there
One of you guys should design liberty cuffs. I'd love to wear some of your designs in uniform
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thank you :D stuff will start to ship shortly

yeah they went out pretty much as soon as anon asked ^^; backorder/preorder was only for one patch this time. idk if ill do it again ngl

does anyone even care about that anymore? seems like any and all care has vanished

not anytime soon from me ngl if at all
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Volume 2 dropping next week - plus some bonus patches
i dont know much of the show I have a towel from the first season i won on toreba the crane app

is there a big character you love?
It's cuck shit, don't bother
thank you for being a beacon of light in this shit storm of anime degeneracy
Genuinely don't both with kanokari shit.
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Ordered one of each. I can't wait!
You're not getting Yukari unless you already ordered her. He's out.
I'll buy some if you put an SVD in it
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Kill all noguns
Indeed, there is a lot of faggotry in this thread
>beacon of light
>nazi trash
mb ur rite about the vaccine patch, oh well thenks anyway; looking forward to your new drops and restocks of these >>62004003 for now then
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Only Ruka cause of this legendary video


IIRC you have the cringe patch. Make her ver 2.0
OMG this fukn store and that promo host. LOL ANONpatch store needs to do more ads with him. I lost my shit when I saw that lol

no you're right he should make ukraine patches or maybe naked anime characters those both seem like really underserved niches
This is an anime website, if you don't like it you can fuck off.

"Haha, NO."
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lemme cop
ostensibly yes, but if you collect embroidered souvenirs of naked anime characters you're a degenerate fag, doubly so if you complain about a guy selling far right patches while doing so
Oh well, maybe he'll sell it again one day
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Why the seethe?
>he should make ukraine patches or maybe naked anime characters those both seem like really underserved niches
Unironically yes
the special card!
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>but if you collect embroidered souvenirs you're a degenerate fag
>doubly so if you complain about a guy selling far right patches while doing so
objectively correct
>"I'll use AI to make up an imaginary guy, that'll show him"
worlds smartest nazi
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okay how about a real pic of one of the redditors brigading the thread
Damn, what'd it take to get this?
>Are we the retards? No, surely we must be getting brigaded
Anyone recommend any brand for lining the back of non Velcro equipped patches or should I just sew on the velcro on the back?
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hes actually back lol.
hows that 600 lb silverback you call a gf doing?
Sure, make me the most based character in the book. I’ll take it. Better than the first two attempts. But you’d need to have media literacy to understand that point, so I can’t blame you. By the way, your continued simping for a failed cuck ideology past the age of 14 demonstrates that there is so much retardation in your bloodline that you’d be first against the wall under any actual nazi government
>media literacy
He actually said it unironically
I'm gonna.... I'm gonna goooo....
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>media literacy
Lmao go lift some weights, fatty. Literally no one is going to be convinced to change our hobbies or political ideologies because of the rambling, self-important vomitus coming from your corpulent fingers.
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Spamming offbrand safe-edgy Putsch-chan isn't the win that you think it is.
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I had these made over 10 years ago, something like this tickle your fancy?
>no, nobody that ever comes to this thread thinks Koz or any of his customers are nazis
Is that gorilla dick reality denying faggot from the last thread still here?
persistence and devotion
Naw I'm going to keep posting here while poking fun and degerete weebs for another 10 years
>Chinese backpack
>briish dog tag

Very funny/10
>media literacy
Patch idea
Don't worry brother, one day you'll come out of the closet
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Good bait
As an anime nerd or as a faggot?
Stop using vatnik-speak if you want sane people to take you seriously
The amount of seethe this country can provoke among retards is fascinating
Agreed, we should fund Russia to help wipe it off the face of the planet
>>AK-47 not 4 or 7
but that was AKM :^)
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protect them from who? the faggots grooming and mutilating them
>no your too young to get a tattoo but sure Billy cut your dick off.
faggot clown.
Thanks for illustrating what I just said
Come on man, that's not even close to clever. Jewkraine, nukraine, even pookraine follows the rhyme scheme. How can you expect any kind of quality content from this board when it's full of retards like you shitting out incredibly low-effort nonsense that isn't even funny to yourself?
Because I'm ot trying to be funny or make it fun for anyone in general
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>Because I'm ot [sic] trying
No, you're just literally incapable of it. It's like eating shit and trying to get people to smell your breath
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>engaging with vatniks
Anon, I...
Never heard of those, but they look lovely. Anything in mind?
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Counter Inter-dimensional Rat Demon Squadron from the 4d cubes of Saturn’s polar region patch when?
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Can someone please remake the snoopy vietnam patch but with gondola instead?
Kek, an actual suggestion post that is good.
Best girl and loyal like a dog.
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hey anon, were you the one also making picrel? if so, id like to purchase one please
I’d cop both of these

As requested.

Email Yucca.Flats.Mining.Co@proton.me

to order. Buc-ees patches are still available as well.
sent an email
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I already have the list set, it's just the super popular ones to start. Ak, M16, Mp5, ect.

I will make a soviet pack with one though.
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vaxx status patch when?
Can we get stickers for our Israeli bandages? It would be cool to have some that say

maybe iridescent?
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Lunchtime Rowdy Elimination Squad patch?
>anime lunchlady slut
>apron covering tiddies
>stupid hat
>gun in one hand
>tray of food in the other

you could also have the anime slut working the drive thru

shit AI inspiration a shit
would too, you finna?
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In another month or two, just ordered more patches yesterday. Bradley, Colonial Marines, and Nah skull restock.
Are there any trusted and good custom patch makers? I wanna make some weeb patches with limited appeal (probably just me).
am excite, day one cop
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>outing yourself as THIS much of a fucking newfag
>super popular ones to start
the svd is super popular ;(
Seriously? Wow I’m flattered
understandable, that's probably equal to 1K updoots
It wasn't even popular when it was in use
>when it was in use
it's still in use, and it's been an icon in popular culture thanks to movies etc
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all orders almost done going out and then I'll show off all the new patches

I am pleased with how these are turning out even with the color limitations
Ritsu is bestu
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Patch idea?
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What did the motor pool mean by this?
Can someone make it say
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already in the works, hopefully next month
looks good
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here ya are boys. email me to order

email sent - check your spam folder bc my email address is kinda weird
I didn’t mean to sound like a redditor, was just surprised
unironically good patches to throw on fanny packs or backpacks with guns in them, if we get another summer of love protests this election it will let you move through the crowds without being targeted if you are in a city
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>In 2001 a crack artistry team was never investigated for a crime they might have committed
.>These men promptly escaped any scrutiny from the media.
>Today, not wanted by the government, they survive on a vast fortune.
>If you need a false flag
>if you have no morals
>and you can find them
>maybe you can hire
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Hey Yucca not sure if you got my Email, but I Emailed you about a Week ago asking about a Custom Patch, not sure if you got that. Thanks, and also ik this was last Week but thank you for the Patch :)
Request for this guy, would make a great patch.
Not bad, though I like anon's original mockup a bit more. I'll still send you an email for one though. What's the size?
that kinda rules
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Patch Idea for Aho?
So what is it then?
Getting ice cream with your grandmother?
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Shit's about to get wild
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Patch Idea?
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>I'll still send you an email for one though. What's the size?

heres a non shitty photo of one. they are 3" x 3"
Who cares about that gay shit. Support this
Bump. I'll take 12 if you do.
there are going to be a ton of these soon probably from everyone just wait like a week or 2
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This is the patch worn by the Russian paratroopers who invaded Burgertown in MW2 (2009). Nobody seems to know they exist, no one makes them to buy.

It appears to be some sort of Assyrian/Mesopotamian sphinx or something.

Sounds like a good business opportunity.
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Additional patch on the other sleeve

The CoD makes no mention of them.
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CoD wiki* makes no mention of them.

Another shot.
cope. he lived.
art is being worked on. do we want a quote?
Also, there's gonna be a GuP related one
>Also, there's gonna be a GuP related one
Could we have a clue about what will be on it?
best american
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Aaah, I see, thanks
And again, noice
Btw, I'd love to see someone make a patch with one of the frog best girls on it
Maybe one day, I'm not losing hope
he's charismatic and a funny guy, but he is also israel lapdog and an antigun.
Anybody got any sites that ship to the eu, anons?
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Tactical Outfitters just dropped one.
Too bad it's a complete bullshit psyop and he was aiming for his ear. The guy's head is like 10 inches wide and he was 125 yards away. I shoot nip bottles at that distance, not prone with a bipod, and I'm just some regular fucking guy. And the follow-up shots being all over the place? Retarded. Oswald hit Kennedy's moving head on his 3rd shot with a bolt action. This guy had a full view of Trump's torso. It was an intentional extremely slight wounding to stir up more division for the upcoming election and we're all taking the bait
bro i wouldn't trust a motherfucker to shoot my ear and not my head. one small flinch and he's sending that round through my fucking face. it'd be more realistic of a false flag if he just shot anywhere nearby but missed completely
You wouldn't trust a trained marksman to be able to hit a target the size of a playing card from 125 yards away with an AR? I would trust my teenage daughter to make that shot. She has made that shot. Step back into reality for a moment and put yourself in their shoes. Unless he's left handed and using irons and 65 and was half asleep at the time, that shot is literally child's play. This wasn't a stray pistol round from a pissed off crowd member. Every modern AR is 2-3 MOA at worst, and I doubt the guy who set up an assassination attempt by laying camouflaged on a roof within range of the president in 2024 just grabbed a bargain bin PSA AR from 2018 and didn't bother to put an optic on it. It's complete bullshit all the way down
if you'd trust your teen to put rounds right next to your head, that's on you. i sure as fuck am not.
I'd sure as fuck trust them to actually be within 6 inches of what they're aiming for at less than 150 yards from a prone position with a rifle, yes. Have you ever been hunting?
but you're talking deliberately hitting an ear because it's all part of some psyop plan. i'm not taking that bet. one inch to the wrong side and now it's going through your eye socket.
he watched a bunch of spetznaz trust videos and thinks it's how it works for everyone.
>5 uro patch
>19 uros shipping
End me.
where do you find patches for €5?
Etsy desu.
Nice b8
I miss Twillry
Real operators don't wear identifying patches.
printed is shit quality.

One day I hope to see a censored patch on an operator with his face blacked out and be able to recognize it as one of the "Hungry? Eat my ass" patches.
patch idea?
oh yeah, but what are some good shops there? Etsy just seems gay overall
See >>62073338
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"real operators" wear whatever they want 98% of the time
that's some faggot shit
>until they target you for some other arbitrary thing.
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Volume 2 is live now at Koznstahl.co <3

As always, some of the patches are censored on site. Refer to pic-related for details.
what's a man got to do to get an american spirit cigarette patch? bonus points if green menthols
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Patch when?
that's pretty good
color me rarted but the sole mare one is about Italy's role as part of the axis powers right?
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Esoteric pic from Francos Spain in the 80's. "Sun, Sea, Fascism"
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based one-off enjoyer
what do i do with many loop parts of velcro that is left after patches? it's piling up and i have no ideas
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How am I doing?
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In a hypothetical schizo situation where your life depends on the outside judgment of your patch collection, I'm shooting on sight.
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Thanks anon, the real friends are the voices in my head.
I love the hands lmao
Thats a big patch though, might as well add more rendering to the art and it would be beutifull
Same fren, same. Have yet to find a proper replacement.
Republican voter
No denial.
no proof
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Rare patch
Kill all “Patch idea” fags

Make it yourself
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as if party matters, ultimately it comes down to good vs evil

hows this one

pretty fucking terrible.
it would look better as a plain outline with the color highlights.
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simple but should hopefully be in the shop this weekend
very nice
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Huge thanks to everyone who's placed an order thus far :)

Can never quite anticipate just how many I'll end up getting, but the good news is I just finished up another batch. All day one orders will be shipped out on the 18th
I have to wait until next week when I get paid. I've spent way too much emone already. You better not sell out you you double nwah.
I've gotten close but since day one I think I've managed to never completely be out of any design. (We don't talk about DBD)
probably been answered in a previous thread but are they velcro backed?
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Commencing my bi-threadly Alpha Centauri beg
Ya, everything is velcro-backed
Please make an announcement when these are available
You bastard Aho, I've been waiting for these since you teased em.
Release them already!

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