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Launch Edition!

A thread for comparing, contrasting, designing, sharing and discussing camouflage patterns.

> Camopedia: A thorough, though not quite definitive wiki of camo patterns:

> .rar file with scans of 228 patterns from across the world:

> Brent0331's camouflage effectiveness tests - playlist of videos demonstrating 150+ patterns, from a great /k/ youtuber with other useful videos such as infantry / squad tactics, camo face paint, etc:

> Classic guy cramer description of camouflage methodology:

> Why doesn't the military use hunting style camo?

>Bureau of Land Management camo handbook:

>Writeup on the new Dutch fractal pattern:

>Practical instruction on how to design fractal pattern from scratch:
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/k/ommando /k/amo map WIP update, progress report and instructions:

> submit your favorite camo for your region. don't want anyone doxing themselves so it's honor system for where you say you live. votes will be weighted by how good a case you make, strongest votes will include demonstration photos and written articulation of why your pattern is best pattern. if you can't go out for photos atm then use photoshop with photos from your area, google maps is your friend. runners up will be included. beginning with summer edition for obvious reasons

> "The M05 pattern is optimal for the coniferous North Woods region because it's green match the darker evergreen trees and the reddish brown undertones match the iron heavy soil of the region. Having three specialized patterns for summer, intermediate, and winter means that it is especially adapted to all seasons of the climate.
> I'd also choose this over Multicam tropic or CADPAT because of it's brownish tones. MARPAT woodland could also work here, but M81 is too tan IMO"

> region 24 alpenflage kek

The following regions have submissions:
> 2, 3, 6, 7, 9, 10, 13, 14, 23, 30, 31, 32, 40
Which is 13 out of 40 regions.
Of those, the following regions' current submissions are fairly weak / unqualified and could either do with some demonstration or counter-submissions:
> 10, 14, 31, 32

The dastardly Finns are currently dominating with M05 submitted for three regions, two of these may be merged into one but that would still make it the most prolific so far.

> what if i don't like the current leading pattern for my region?
submit a well-articulated counter submission
> i think these two regions should be merged / split apart
source me with a map that shows the specific borders of the terrain / climate division or lack thereof
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Camo sucks. Solid colors FTW.
Is there an app i can use to design my own camo pattern?
they should use little stars of david to break up the outline instead of a solid green. I think it would be cool if they added a menorah and dreidel too
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Damn even though I’m region 6. Still Maining UCP
I've done it and >>62003319 is not even trolling. But it is easier to use GIMP or photoshop and overlay someone else's camo pattern, then trace over with new shapes/colors.
they also have pixelate and blur/sharpen filters, which are very helpful in making patterns
Somebody post the ahegaoflage pattern.
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And Call it JEWPAT.

I used MsPaint3d and Lunpic.com to make a UCP Recoloration into a Belgian jigsaw palette.
Why is it that no self-proclaimed camo nerd can tell me what fucking workflow and data exchange formats are industry standard for fucking camo? I thought dicking around with perlin noise in Processing was neat when i was 13 years old. Now I want to know what fucking method the 105 IQ contractor "camofleurs" use to transmit generative fucking camo patterns between and amongst themselves, as well as to the 95 IQ military program manager who has to pass batch fabrics down to 85 IQ military grunts. Is this industry seriously such a joke that no such conventions exist? Motherfuckers are really out here relying on the "secrecy" of some blobs as their competitive advantage, in the current year, like they're goddamn 1980s IBM?

what the absolute fuck
Make this interactive on a webpage or it will be bad like it always was
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Huh? That’s classified man.
How would I do that and what features could that produce that would make it much better than an image?
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m81 leibermustard :)
Theres gonna be more than a snake in your boot

Lemme scan through #0 to see what people said. But as I recall it, old versions of the camo map kinda ossified over time as endless increasingly-shitpic'd copies got reposted all over the internet, with less and less context. The attitude was basically "it's bad" or "it's outdated" or "i'm Cletus from Oklahoma Oblast and this is so wrong it aint even funny"

So a way to make the updating more dynamic, and a way to add 'stickier' context (like mousover info about the pattern or why it's the consensus pick for region N) just seems like the obvious move if you can be fucked.

I can look for a painless dataviz thing to recommend if you want. It's a lot easier if you'll never ever be re-coding the regions.
I have a text document with the written submissions justifying each pattern choice. At a minimum I was already considering putting that in a pastebin to go along with the completed map. I reckon this one will be inherently superior to the last version because
A) it's got more regional subdivisions
B) in pushing people to actually jusrify their votes with writing and photos

I was in the thread when the previous version was made and it was literally people throwing out random suggestions with no vetting at all
Should include images we submitted as well. Someone looks at that dump of sagebrush steppe I posted they'll understand real quick why UCP works in 23 for example. Honestly the easiest way would be to put together screencap chains regarding each region's chosen colors so you have the original posts saved and everything.
I wish a Snake was in my boot bub.
My first reply was glib. I'm not saying your approach isn't going to yield something worthwhile, I'm saying consider what happens when you take WIP WIP WIP off the image and later you find out, many revisions deep, that the internet has decided it will forever be reposting v2 or whatever.
Eh, it is what it is. No way it'll ever be truly "definitive" but I wanted to make something useful for the board even if it's just a jumping off point.
region 26: multicam
nice 10 meter spacing, retards
another color example
I have written to my goverment through 3 different Public relation ministries these last weeks to change our multishit camoflage to something more original. So far 2 of these minisitries have answered me with them just aknowledging my petition but doing fuck all about the. The most important ministry, (the ministry of defense) has not answered me yet and im impacient AF.
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Same, lust digital camouflage too much. So I have no love for MultScam®.
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I'm glad these efforts are being made now. I tried making my own map a couple years ago. I live on the SW Border of 6 and 7. M81 and ATACS FG would work. I just did a Roadtrip to Casper, WY and ATACS AU or Desert Flektarn would be good for eastern Wyoming but Multicam or something with green in it for mountains
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Instead of MultiCrap how about using something cool like Cropat or CADPAT TW.
great posts
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DPM is my jam.
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I enjoy Digital DPM better.
Wish the one from the Children of Man was being sold by CamoHQ because the Arktis D-DPM looks moar CADPAT pixel shaped than actual D-DPM pattern.
They're not really camouflaged because we can still see them committing genocide against the rightful inhabitants of that land
lul wot
Does anyone know why the yids use green and not brown uniforms
romans are more legitimate rulers of Jerusalem than some Muslim shitskin. the jews have been there since before the fucking pyramids were built and still even before Muhammad selfishly plagiarized the bible.
Big Farsi Camouflage Energy Right Here.
Are you suggesting that Irish are not white?
Ok, I thought it was a racially motivated support.
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I support Palestine/Hamas since their fighters wear more Digital camouflage than Israel.
>speaking of which what Pixelated Camouflage is in this Hamas pic?

It’s the only alcohol I drink besides Dan Aykroyd’s Crystal Head Vodka. I hate Yellow beers since they taste like piss.
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Also happy 4th of July to all my Fellow Americans.
Has the market always been this bleak? I'd really really like to try some swiss TAZ 90 but it seems basically impossible to find
>Switzerland swiss TAZ 90 BDU Windproof Jacket: https://www.ebay.com/itm/134447453845
>$154 shipping included in price
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I saw that one but the color pattern seems to be a bit different (lower co trast / darker) than the one I'm seeking, picrel
Plastic Paddy has woman hands
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Actually Imma wee Plastic Maple Syrup Burger Patty lass.

Cool glad i could point ya in the right direction. The Dark one is better.
You're fat and cadpat is gay because the Canadian military is a massive laughing stock
>generative fucking camo patterns
You work on an SVG based parametric vector format with accurate color reproduction and I'll integrate it into the computer vision tool I've talked up here a few times.
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Don’t talk shit about CADPAT it was the first digital pixelated pattern adopted by any country.
>First Pixelated Camouflage is Timothy O'Neill’s(rip king) Dual Tex.
>Article related.
>fatass neck
>woman hands
>cadpat makes him easy to spot
I’ll see you soon, you disarmed faggot :)
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U Sure aboot that buddy M8?
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Yep Imma a faggot for CADPAT sue me.

>I found this lego truck set for $200. Comes with 2 Canadian soldiers in CADPAT TW. Don’t know why Brickmania can’t just sell the figures separately since their always overpriced.
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What’s /camo/’s opinion on Timothy O’Neill work on pioneering Pixelated camouflage.

I feel he did a wonderful service as a camoufleur and left a big impact on the world.
Donations for season 4 please.
Plainclothes is one highly effective camouflage for guerrillas. In an unconventional war, guerrillas can blend in like a fish in water.
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I wear digital camouflage for /fa/ though.
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Finally a place for my m/84 autism
can we get this UCP freak banned? he's taken up like half the space in any camo thread for the past few weeks and doesn't contribute anything
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I beg to disagree
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I made that UCP digital re-coloration into Belgian Jigsaw.
looks dogshit.
Not to me.
>Fake American
>Fake Irish
>Fake Canadian
>Plays with toys
>Probably a Troon
Never served Nancy
Cadpat sucks
Interesting recolor, but its not the same without the black white parts
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Yes I’m not a veteran I just dig Digital camouflages like CADPAT.
You may think I’m fake ethnicities but I know i am a Real American with Irish German Canadian blood.
That’s also a real knife not a toy.
True I can add the black and white parts later today.
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and it looks great in Koikatsu.
Link to textures modified for use.
>Top: https://files.catbox.moe/lvmpal.png
>Pants: https://files.catbox.moe/rcx8hv.png
Anyone knows the optimal number of colors a camo is supposed to have? Im wondering how heavily affects logistics and printing of the pattern as when im working on creating them they always end up having around 20 colors but if i start blending and reducing the number it end ups looking too digital, too bad and doesnt blends as well
There’s no such thing as too much digital.
But there is such thing as fucked up camos and with too many colors the prospect of converting it into cloth becomes impossible
So I bought a pair of those bare feet/boating shoes for white people in tiger stripe pattern. They're comfy and my feet are well camouflaged for my summer cottage.
In situ, under one canopy
Yeah I don’t even think 3D printing could solve that.
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I bought a multicam tropic fanny pack and left it out in the sun, the wind blew it over and for a week I couldn't find it, the "mct is blue/too dark" fag btfo
thats the whitest black and bluest green I've ever seen
Finally a thread for me
Always remember to check the tree line for Charlie
That UCP looks fresh brand new god dayum!
This website wouldn’t be invented if America Didn't exist(Japan too 2ch) so I celebrate my freedoms.
I guess, i got it just a few years ago and I don't have that many opportunities to wear that jacket. Pants that hang underneath are well worn, I got them off a guy that traded US soldier for god knows what in Iraq (probably vodka), and then worn them for last 10 years as my default "I'm not at work" pants.
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What’s the best camo for OpFor?
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an effective pattern similar to what your expected opponent wears. All these special blue and garish OPFOR uniforms are just doing a disservice to whoever they train. Your enemy isn't going to wear shit that gives them away, and neither should your sparring partner
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Would it be too hot to wear right now in summer heat?
I can say for certain it isn’t UCP.
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what Fleck jacket is that? pic?
I'll trade you a pic of mine
It could be the one on the left
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Does anyone have any experience with them? Does the product match the picture on the internet?

Do ghillie suits belong here?
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I am the fucking strong!
ifunny was pretty based a few years ago
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If you meant my fat chin then yes but if you say UCP is gross. That’s factually incorrect because UCP is a pretty pattern.
>Yeah those were the good old days. Hard-R and all.

Now I want to make a Digital Pixelated Camouflage pattern out of ifunny watermarks.
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I read the dutch fractal method of making camo and as is have some experience in PS i thought i could give it a try. Thought i could combine it with some sort of sideways pixelated rain pattern but that ended up getting lost in the final product as began adding actual shapes that then themselves became pixels.

TL;DR: What do you think about my universal camo?
as i have*
ffs typo
This Simple Histoy thumbnail made me chuckle with the mix of Type 07 Oceanic Camouflage uniforms, FN 2000 assault rifles and one very rusty Madsen Light Machine Gun.
Love the red rust sprinkled throughout the pattern. Would work as a effective Junkyard camouflage unironically.
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Hang on, now, the Chink Marines do wear garish blue uniforms.
Again, don't be so sure.
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Shit yeah forgot that Iranians and India uses UCP too besides the Serbs.
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Yes they do and I say it I love it more than our The USA’s blueberries given it’s got a little of my favorite color in the pattern.
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MC:T is kino and based
Why do you like UCP? It´s not really effective as it has a problem with isoluminance. It´s also mad ugly, i like it less than multicam
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I hate Multicam and Love UCP more. It’s purely from aesthetic, being a digital pattern and A healthy dose of mw2(09) nostalgia.

>TL;DR UCP is swaggy to me personally.
that´s a fair opinion mister
Glad ya can see from my point of view how UCP shaped my early childhood in a good way.
If you want to post shit that makes me reach for the brain bleach, I will retaliate in kind.
Hmm impressive rule 63 of General Shepherd but it is missing her iconic UCP ACU.
>aka the uniform Shep wore while capping Roach and Ghost
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Three thing I love about General Shepherd(og)
>1.his Colt anaconda revolver real Cowboy Patton Vibes
>2. He’s voiced by Lance Henriksen, Android Bishop from Aliens.
>3. Best for last he wears my favorite Camouflage UCP with no body armor like a true Gigachad.
This general sucks. I've found without any problems. It didn't blend in with the background at all.
My favorite General Shepherd scene was the one where he stopped breathing
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I watched the whole video and there’s a ton of digi cams that appear like MARPAT, MM-14, EMR, Type 07 and UCP paired up with sweet vintage Ww2 weapons

Not Bad for a Human
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Wish granted
>computer vision tool I've talked up here a few times
tldr? Archive link? Haven't seen.
Anon discovers why people don't keep generals for any number of topics relevant to their interests (2024, colorized)
No need to be butthurt is just a Camouflage pattern.
Conceal your anger.
I mean, it depends. I honestly mow my lawn in 3 color BDU jacket every summer. It's not too bad if you wear nothing underneath, you definitely won't get sunburn.
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I kinda like the look of South Koreas digital camouflage. Very mute dark woodland colors.
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Friends, I am considering incorporating submission photos and text directly into the map. On one hand it makes it seem more well researched, but on the other hand I worry it makes the image too busy - plus dummies will save this repeatedly as a jpeg which will make the text illegible after like two or three times. Let me know what you think.
you could have one for each general region and go into more detail with pictures and write ups for each biome. Maybe split it up into 3-4 different maps?

West Coast/Mountains
Plains/Fresh Coast
East Coast/South
Alaska, Hawaii, territories
Perhaps, but I was already considering doing a set of two images - one just the map, the second being all the photos and submissions. That would accomplish the same goal but in two images instead of four. This was just my hail mary attempt at keeping it all in one.
SGM Vining would call it Woodland BDU, or BDUs, because he actually wore the shit.
M81 is a marketing term that nobody who wore it in service ever called it anything but Woodland or BDU, generally just BDU. Sometimes Woodland BDU.
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Besides Granite B.
The South Korean Marines digital Tiger Stripe is probably my new fav TS even more than ABU and it’s called 물결무늬(WAVEPAT).

>Catch the Chosin Wave.
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Hey hey People…
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No Polo Shirt but a button shirt is the close bet to having a fun Roof Korean Look.
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And here’s WAVEPAT looks like on non commercial military gear
Next thread I need to use the map as the OP image again. Hardly getting any submissions this thread and I didn't consider that as a factor.

Desert anons sound off! I wanna hear from you.
Yeah there’s always next thread
That top right AhegoCamo actually wouldn’t be a bad desert camo similar to how IANPAT is.
Honestly I say a close second to the Type 3 Region would be AOR2, when I see Navy guys walk around I can easily see them disappear into the grass foliage/background.

Also are we gonna wait till the Spring/Summer is finished before we work on the Fall/Winter?
AOR2 definitely beats Ari AhegoCamo in desert environment
Ah shit forget I said that. I confused AOR2 with being desert NWU type 2.
I'll take fall/winter now but I'd like to finish this one before I begin real work on that. Submit whatever you want though
The worst (best?) part about GAOPAT is how well it works.
Cadpat is for faggots and traitors. I regret having ever worn it. My homies all wear jungle camo.
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32nd works really good in my area.
Im a leaf vet who lives in a very green area of canada.
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Sorry aboot that buddy. Still CADPAT cool to me.
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>united hentai forces official camo
GAOPAT is the superior multicam.
Is digital camo totally dead as a concept now?
Fuck you
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We should have adopted T-block
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No U.

Russia and Ukraine use Digital camo as their main camouflages.
this ROK camo works amazingly under IR especially im a rocky arid enviorment it really replicates a lizard type look
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T-block is cool, but like UCP of limited utility outside of urban environments.
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Those South Koreans making Daewoo Rifles,TVs and Digi cams that are amazing.
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Nyet MARPAT fine and is more useful than T.(also cooler)
Besides Urban environments UCP is also good in Winter conditions.
If you are getting custom fabric printed shoot for 5-6, more and certain types of fabrics are excluded.
You got a pic to back that claim up? I have a hard time picturing it working well in either snowy environs, or the mostly brown winter terrain you get in more temperate climes.

Worked surprisingly well in Afghanistan, assuming weather conditions were right.
Blends right in.
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Oh sorry forgot to post the pic
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pic of ROK tiger in IR through my infrared camera
Well I'll be damned. I concede the point, anon.
Darn straight Skippy UCP and Winter go together.
Freaking sweet
Fuck you
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Chill man it’s just the facts jack. Here have some MM14 and puppy’s.
Fuck you
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A Crye field shirt in experimental DG3A camo
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A Beyond Clothing jacket from 2007 in experimental DG3 camo
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A comparison to a later DGIII variant that was closer to what was ultimately adopted
World's greatest camo pattern
Here's a variety of camouflage patterns tested in Southern California
It influenced ABU and many other digital TP designs. So yes arvn tiger stripe is truly the best.
Let it never be said that tigerstripe is not pyurkeeno
What the hell is a pyurkeeno?
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Dat NWU type 3 AOR2 pic real chunky up close.
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My Beyond DG2 shirt
Digital camouflage is only for alerting other gay men that you take it up the ass
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Digital Camo is for all orientations.
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You’ll also be drowning in pussy if you wear any Pixelated Digital camouflage dude.
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Frens, can someone ID this camo for me?
I've seen it on the "Narcos" Netflix show.
This guy is a guerrilla leader in 80s Colombia.
It reminds me of Jieitai but I'm sure it's not.
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Other photo.
Russian VSR-93. anachronistic
Thank You!
Why cant i find any pants in transkei pattern? Just shirts.
Only good for police, gendarmerie and national guards
Solid colors for the army is ugly and souless
>History Buffs
Kino YouTuber
I wonder if Nick pointed that error about the wrong time period Camo.
I'm considering selling my rg gear to replace it with MCT which mixes with other patterns pretty good
>You’ll also be drowning in pussy....
You're not
Don’t you see the feline in the pic?
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The Afghanistan Directorate of Security had a very neat ERDL-based uniform
British SBS wearing Platatac uniforms in the camouflage
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Uniform history dropped his June 2024 collector acquisitions video.
Excited the first pattern featured was a Tru-spec® Urban Digital camouflage for the Mexican State Police. hence the little Shield emblems.
>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-XNHbmX-upY [Embed]
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Here the tag
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A prototype arid version of Rhodesian Brushstroke
Cool camo.
>I love Digi cams with emblems logos cool concept
Which state in Mexico is the small emblem supposed to represent
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unironically a better UCP than the one we got. only theatre that would look really out of place in would be the tropics. almost reminds me of the universal urban camo used by the Marines in Aliens
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What happened to the anon who was printing out custom camo fabric and shit?
Nothing wrong with MultiCam. You’re just being a contrarian over them choosing practicality over looks.
He still lurked here. He posted a few weeks ago. I wonder if he managed to make CCU replicas.
still here and working on it
Sweet, i managed to get myself an actual CCU pants. Got lucky.
mind posting the details like pockets and what angle they are and how the knee pad system works anon? youd be contributing to how the repros turn out!
I haven't gotten them yet, but from what the pics I've seen, the pockets layout are similar to the first gen ACUs. Except that the pockets is in velcros. The velcros layout is similar to how crye does their velcros, at least for the cargo pockets. Which is just 2 small squares. The hooks on the back of the cargo pockets are black and the waist string is the same as the first gen ACUs. I will go into full detail once i get it.
Make a gofundme, kickstarter, patreon or whatever already. You could even just sell the fabric to gear companies and profit
I want chocolate chip camo with woodland or mct colored pants and I don't want some shitty amazon tier crap.
ill make promises i can keep, im a busy man. wife helps me though. Im currently working on an aesthetic for the release and advertising and ive already got a company name. Also testing IR on many and its going well and others need more work than others. this wont effect my expected price for the customer.
ill keep an eye for you. id really appreciate it. goonight anon
Yea, if i can, i can probably do side by side comparison with the FRACU MultiCam(not OCP) i got.
Godspeed, man. I hope it goes well because I'd be down to invest.
Dude fuck, that would be amazing for Spring/late Summer/early Fall hunting.
There is no advantage over M81 here. Stop obsessing.
Its a navy pattern so anon probably likes it up the butt
In region 5 Kryptek Mandrake works really well.
Are you negroids trolling? Also why does 6 encompass such a large area. Southern Wisconsin and Tennessee don't share the same flora.
>why does 6 encompass such a large area
Kind of an issue here. A state like Arizona or even (eww) New Mexico can range from alpine to desert. I just appreciate the community effort and ymmv.
how would I go about vectorizing that and setting it up to burn with gradient into PMAGs with a laser engraver?
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He died on a colorful accident.
RIP my prince.
Someone should make a 41st color for Urban areas or for most major cities
Will you make anything in AHECamo/GAOPAT?
multicam is actually good you sperg
I for one, support your rage driven activism! Can you please apply your efforts and concerns to an issue that matters?
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Kryptek Mandrake works well in Area 5 due to the shades of green being close to what is in the area.
The browns match the dead leaves and the “feather” pattern does a good job of breaking up the pattern and creates the illusion of light coming through leaves.
Multicam Tropic would also work, but I hate multicam on principle.
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As an example, this is what Tennessee looks like, pretty much the second you leave the city; but this is a state park, most areas have a lot more underbrush.
I think Belgian jigsaw works pretty well in this environment too.
>t. Northwest GA

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I think frogskin would work very well desu
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Great observation.
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New camo from Arktis, what do we think?
It's a dpm/multicam combination
rent free
I put all of the color balanced swatches from Kommandopost into a zip file
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It's personal experience.
it still looks dumb
How tf you got one. I LOVE IT
At least I'm AIDS free, unlike you
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Bought it from MidwayUSA's website several years ago. It's several sizes too big, fits me like a cloak more than a jacket. But it was the first piece of milsurp I ever bought, and it hasn't totally worn out yet, so I keep wearing in when the weather permits.

Kommandostore got a shipment of jigsaw not too long ago, but it sold out pretty quickly, all that's left are the pants I think.
I like all camo including the crappy ones.
My dislike of multicam is due to my hatred of the Antichrist.
It’s not a bad pattern.
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MTP has been standard issue since 2010 m8
>Dying from full blown AIDS
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A conflict in Tennessee looks like it combines the worst aspects of fighting in Vietnam and Afghanistan and then adds rednecks.
the ONE (1) upside of being Belgian is that Jigsaw is so prevalent here
other than that there are none
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In zone 5 I unironically run around with tiger stripe in the spring/summer, in fall/winter it's kreuzotter. That airsoft camo works stupidly well for hunting in those times.
NC in zone 5 is similar, summer time is green and some spots of brown, winter is dead brown and some grays.

Multicam works pretty good for all seasons, Tropic or any dense green color works well in Summer, kryptak or any dull brown works well in Winter/fall.
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Are the waffles any good?
>M05 with U.S. Woodland colors
Why do you lie?
i'm not the one who made the image
Then why spread the lie?
>tiger stripe in the spring/summer, in fall/winter it's kreuzotter
This is the way
I've always found MTP way closer to multicam than DPM shape wise
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Yeah. That said, we managed to fight a few pitched battles there during the Civil War, instead of it being pure banditry like it was in Kentucky and Missouri.
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hey its the request i did for an anon
i gave on trying to make a multi dot pattern it just always looks ugly

ive been testing new patterns thatll ill have printed and reviewed under IR. I still take custom requests, itd be cool to have a universal /k/amouflage
dont know, I avoid Brussels and Liege like the plague
ERDL with EMR colors
how do i seperate the color/shapes from each other to make a printable .SVG to cam my gun?
are they all fucking midgets wtf?
I love my jiggy field jacket, bury me in it.
For northern NE I’ve found that M05, Phantom leaf Z3a (both WASP I and WASP II) and US4CES (Mexican marines) work very well. Not my picture
I uploaded the original .svg file to catbox
would be good if it wasn't unobtanium
just get flecktarn at this point, you also have drip with flecktarn
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Flecktarn was, and still kind of is, common as catshit in this community. I need to be a special snowflake, damnit.
>I need to be a special snowflake
We all do brohiem, we all do. Anyone who says they don't is just being contrary to be special, Catch 22.
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Not ugly at all bro Wundar Erbsenmuster variant, Der Führer would be proud.
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Mexicans pick the coolest digital camouflage like this digitized version of M81(so swaggy).

>paired with that M16 with the classic M203 hand-guard per kino.
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>ERDL w/EMR colors
I prefer the original Digital EMR comrade.
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As this anon >>62049354 put it MultiCrap® is for anti-Christ therefore cancer.

Whereas digital camouflage is the pattern all derives from our lord and savior Timothy O'Neill(father of digital camouflage).
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is the fourloko can camo based on any real pattern?
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Hhmmm whatever the name is of that red camo from mw2
You do realize they associated digital camos for the antichrist as well? People who do thst shit are terminal contrarians who are trying to find excuses to justify it.
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ah you noticed its an experimental waffen ss pattern huh? good fucking eye.
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still currently deciding on what will the first batch of custom clothing will be in. id do a vote but idk where to, im at near the end stage of texting the IR of each pattern and tweaking the colors to work in daylight/night false color infrared. Youll see the final post about this when the name and aesthetics im going for is finalized, itll be very trippy.

if theres gonna be a 2nd /k/amo thread OP could put the vote up on which pattern everyone wants to see first released
Gimme a qrd on what precisely you're trying to do since it's kinda lost anong all the posts itt - also, do you just want an informal vote within the thread or a link to that strawpoll site?
>still currently deciding on what will the first batch of custom clothing will be in
>Meine Ehre heißt Treue
ill post the straw poll in a second, im gauging to see what you guys would want to see and have.
>digital camo still godly.

GAOPAT will win by a landslide or I’ll eat some of my UCP DuckTape.

If you have a question about a pattern and want to see it, ask and ill post (in the next thread img limit met)
>Red Dawn 1 vote
At least it was on the poll, thx!

MC tropic and WASP II Z3A work amazingly well for region 40 from summer-late fall
Honestly I always preferred Spectre camo to EMR. It looks neater and has actual contrast to it.
>image limit hit
Guess I'll have to post in the next bread
Spectre is cool but unwearable now that it's associated with z*ggers
My friend will wear his boonie in spectre because it's not terribly recognizable but nothing more
luv me pencott

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