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Sweltering summer night edition
Old >>61903678

MFAL comparison: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e5V9qYxITW0

Resource on what these spec terminology mean

You shouldn't be chasing for spec values but they do exist and if you wanted to know what "better spec" values are there's a way to know which unit is desirable over another.
Most retailers won't post this info as they build NVDs to order, first come first serve, and depending on their grading scale of high, mid, low tier it may differ from retailers. If a retailer offer a “ready to ship” fully built units they will list the spec values. Hand select is an option from retailers that will try to match to your spec requirements.

Some reputable retailers:

SNR: signal to noise ratio, the amount of signal the tube can make compared to the noise
EBI: equivalent background information, how much false image appears in the screen through which the actual image has to show, sort of a noise floor of sorts
Halo: How big the circle of bloom is around lights
Photocathode Sensitivity: How sensitive the photocathode is
LP Resolution: Line pair res of the center of the image as measure against a standardized chart

If one spec is shit it negates the rest, if you have a halo of 2.0 it kinda fucks on an EBI of 0.20 if you want to do any kind of shooting and it's all a balance game

The numbers to meet or beat are
EBI under 1, preferably under 0.6 being great, 0.1 is gucci
Halo under 1, anything under 0.7 is awesome
SNR, over 25 anything over 30 is gucci
Photocathode, 1900+ is pretty great, 2500+ is stellar
Resolution of 64+ is good, 72+ is gucci
Night vision? More like NERD vision !
>june 2023 edition
>its july 2024
I bet the jews did this.
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I made a July 24 edition
Sales this year are fucking GRIM
Thermal is allegedly going to go down, but /nvg/s will be going up. I will cope with my unfilmed WP monocular.
39.2 SNR L3 mono chad checking in, currently shidding and pissing my pants because my thermal is losing value by the second but i refuse to not own one.
Good timing for me then, I just bought a pvs-14 over a thermal
same, I have a L3 mono and the thermal seems to be going down drastically while NV still going up
Talk to me more about deciding which to buy first a thermal drone or optic
Should I buy a house?
Why would you need a thermal drone? And based on that answer, how do you intend to charge it during this larp fantasy of yours? Priorities, my guy.
>Need+less expensive
Buy first
>Need+more expensive
Buy next
>Want+less expensive
Buy 2nd to last
>Want+more expensive
Buy last
Does anyone have the new Jockey? No ones talking about it except here https://www.snipershide.com/shooting/threads/new-armasight-units-sidekick-and-jockey-640s.7168289/post-11637256

They seem to weight next to nothing and anyone who has one sounds like they're happy with it.
Chooting comies
Even a fucking forum is asking me to verify that I'm over 18. What the fuck happened that every single gun website now requires this?
Commiefornia law bullshit.

Pick one and only one you absolute fucking subhuman
Is TRex a reputable seller? I want to buy a pvs-14 but he's the only seller I've bought from before compared to these websites that look like they are from the early Internet days.
Fuck no. Don't give that dipshit money. Buy from a company that will tell you exactly what tube you'll be getting. There's a list of reputable sellers in the OP.
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>should I spend $3800 on an Elbit PVS14 from a seller that refuses to provide a spec sheet for the tube you're buying except to say it will meet or exceed Omni VIII minimums
Yes, you should. You seem like a smart guy. His paragraphs about why specs don't matter make sense and are convincing.
You definitely can't find Omni VIII 14s for almost half that price.
Gee, if only these threads started with something like a FAQ including a list of reputable dealers.
>laying in bed
>doom scrolling phone
>oh shit that's neighbor's side door
Note: neighbor is building a new house, nobody lives there yet so no door locks. Rural area, 2.5 acre lots.
>do I get up?
>fuck fuck fuck
>gen 3 or SiOnyx?
>fuck i want to record this
>SiOnyx and thermal
>go outside
>sneak around
>garage side door was shut earlier now it's WIDE FUCKING OPEN
>animal wouldn't have pushed it all the way like that
>hit record button
>sneak around
>don't see anyone
>sneak around
>their gate is still locked
>sneak around
>try thermal
>hear noise on the other side of their lot
>hiding, staring
Someone was there. No way an animal pushed the door all the way open like that. I'm thinking someone from the neighbor on the other side and they left before I went out. Kids visiting a relative for the 4th maybe? Now I need to put a trail camera watching the side door from my lot.

Just needed to type that out. I'm pissed. I know someone was there.

Have a shooting star for letting me vent /nvg/ger's.
Operator-anon operating poorly.
Trex arms is usually the worst place to buy anything. They tend to be more expensive for niche items but get you what you need if you can't into research and shopping around.
As far as NV goes I would stay away.
They don't provide specs and charge you a flat rate regardless of tube where as a lot of other dealers will provide the specs and then charge accordingly.
Custom Night Vision lists specs and has a good selection of PVS14s generally speaking.
If you have questions feel free to ask the group
Kind of embarassing ngl
Dope video. Also good work on being a good neighbor
>Have a shooting star
should i buy an l3 filmless tanto or a set of omni 7 binos first
they will be about the same price and I already have a daisho for the tanto
Personally I think duals with unspectacular-but-decent specs beats a gucci mono but I'm a contract-tube mono pleb.
Agree with the anon above. Contract tube binos > Gucci mono. There's clean looking ones listed on the /BST/ thread currently.
Having started with a GP mono in the 1800 fom range and gone to filmless binos in the 2500 fom range, I would choose the omni vii binos. The performance of the filmless are for sure better, but getting that deep into threshold matters less to me than the comfort of binocular vision in the majority of my use.
I have not tried dual band, but I hear that is an argument for a gucci mono.
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here you go
Top tier, anon. Really excellent work.
>Where to buy cheap NNVT/Chinese and Carson PVS-14 kits
...I would actually like to know this.

Highly related, is it worth it to rehouse an ungated MX-10160 tube from a FLIR/Armasight Nyx body into a PVS-14 housing?
>still using the old piggu disgusting M6 fatass
It's always a treat when the better coveranon stops by.
>other coveranon
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What is the best set of civilian binos and why is it a high spec DTNVS-MG?
>my thermal is losing value
Do you piss and shit yourself over every little thing? Christ almighty its a tool, you don't sell tools, you use them until they break
Nyx pro? Probably not, the glass is good on the pros. One of the other nyx models? Maybe, they could have shitty glass. Tube is going to perform the same whatever it’s in, so what are you looking to gain by changing the housing?
Okay so let's pretend for like 3 seconds this isn't the dumbest thing I've ever come up with. Is there an off the shelf version that I can use on my sidekick that won't completely neuter the sensor? I tried it out airshitting tonight and the thermal became completely unusable in outdoor alert mode past like 50 feet, the PVS14 worked just fine though.
Hey anon, real quick, what the actual fuck did you do to those housings and why?
looks like homemade ARDs to keep his glass from getting shattered by bb's during airsoft
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>High end red dot
>500 USD
>High end thermals
>2000 USD
Is there a point in buying high end red dots?
Low cost red dots that work with night vision for passive aiming are rare. (AEMS is cheapest AFAIK) Cheap red dots are like looking through dark window tint with nightvision, while something like an Aimpoint T2 is much more clear and allows you to see a target through the optic against a darker background/wider variety of lighting conditions.

Also, QC. Cheaper red dots have higher failure rates.
It's >>62016085 that I'm testing because I looked at a cup full of coffee stirrers and want to see if they can work as an effective kill flash for that 0.02% chance you ever need an ARD on NVG equipment
Red dots don't have lag, thermals do.
Red dots are significantly lighter.
Red dots last for years on one battery. Thermals will last one whole night with a battery pack the size of a wallet that takes several hours to recharge, or 3-5 battery changes.
High end thermals aren't $2000. Try $14000. Good enough thermals are around $4000.
High end red dots work seamlessly with night vision. Using a thermal, you want to move the NV on that eye out of the way.
It depends on what you are doing with them and where you use your dots.

Cheap dots will work fine. I just did an NVG airsoft game last night but the field was still lit up with stadium lights in places and even when I was avoiding the well lit parts my cheap as hell Bushnell was perfectly clear and the dot didn't bloom even though it's lowest setting is seeable in a lit environment. I was also not bothered by the poor light transmission caused by the glass quality used while shooting at people at 25 yards and in which is about the maximum distance the game will allow anyway.

If you are away from civilization, indoors or innawoods you will need better quality glass and lower brightness dots so that they don't bloom or distort. I have seen some SWAT guys that prefer to use cheaper optics on their guns because they just leave the dot on a higher setting so that they don't have keep adjusting the brightness up and down if they have to swap from NVG to white light and they just deal with the bloom that comes from using a dot on a higher setting.
Is there a point in buying bananas when oranges and apples exist?
I have one of the primary arms T2 clone and it works great under NV. It was only $150
It gets dim enough that it doesn't overwhelm you under nods?
Yeah man it has like 3 NV settings. They are so dim that I have accidentally left it on and drained the battery before.
Works great under NV. Passive aiming isn't exactly comfortable, but the dot itself works well.
>Passive aiming isn't exactly comfortable
Keep working at it. Although my primary experience is with an Eotech on an AK, it has become no different to me than using it during the day. Long as I can make out the target I've been able to hit it without issue and no discomfort.
500 is basically aimpoint/eotech.
the lowest you can find an aimpoint is $600 and that's for the eurooptic special in the nondescript white box with no mount. you can also get a romeo-4xt pro for around that. you have to go to the used market for anything lower.
Still haven't received ngal from InvisibleSight man. They made a FedEx shipping label almost a month ago now. Hasn't actually shipped out. My order was made back in December. This asking about 4 times for order updates. Very cool.

I also have the PA t2 clone and it sucks ass for passive.
you might as well just forget about it and get a happy surprise one day in the next 6 months in your mailbox
It might be worth noting that Cold Harbour's airsoft protectors for (a select couple) thermals have a very "open" mesh just small enough to stop a bb compared to the much finer aluminum honeycomb in daylight ARDs that your coffee stirrers are emulating.
You may be better off with some fine expanded mesh that's like 5mm on the short side glued into a scope cap.

If you want to try an ots honeycomb option though, there are a myriad of cheap daylight ARDs from the chinese scope companies that use actual aluminum honeycomb and aren't monstrously thick 3d printed jobbies. I have a Monstrum with a slip over rubber sleeve for my ATACR because fuck spending on a Tenebraex to match the scope caps when it's just going to live in a pouch most of the time.
You can get a used PRO for $300-$400, same w a 512. Both work fine for passive.
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No spec sheets but these crazies are selling /nvg/s on there now.
oh i thought you were talking about a t2
I'm not that anon I'm just saying there are aimpoint and eotech offerings below that pricepoint that still get people the passive performance they want from those manufacturers, they're just bigger and have worse batt life than the latest and greatest.
>High end thermals
>2000 USD

In what fucking universe
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About 2 more months then
When I bought my LS-M3, they didn't create a shipping label for a month and when I got the email that they had actually shipped it a month after that it was already at my door 2 days ago. Honestly it feels like gambling whether you're getting scammed or their customer support is just dogshit.
Somewhat to get away from the poverty housing of the nyx, but also for the simple commonality of interfaces it brings; like easier for accessories such as recording cameras, compass, jerry-c, etc. The Nyx also feels like it's got a lot of bloom and haloing, but it's my first NOD so I don't have a ton of comparison.

Thanks anon, you have personal experience with this one and this seller? 58-degree is pretty cool and it comes with irises but no glass info and no reviews.

what, you mean GAFS?
NTA but the further you get away from the 40* standard for the focal lengths within the confines of a pvs14 sized body, the more you are opening yourself up for optical compromises beyond just the quality of the glass and coatings. Not having any experience with that aliexpress kit, I'd still bet that in comparison to a 40* made to the same quality it has a narrower eyebox, shorter eye relief, and significantly more edge distortion and lack of resolution. Arguments can be made about edge effects since even if its distorted/unclear you are still seeing more than you would with a 40* and can then center up on something that catches your attention. However, it is not a visual experience most people enjoy.
As for the difference the quality of the lenses and coatings can make with the same FOV, a decent comparison of (mostly) common providers on the market is here https://nightsolutions.ca/blogs/news/pvs-14-objective-lens-comparison
Fujinon and Qioptiq are what are found in Carson branded/mil-spec kits.
That isn't a black bear is it?
I was walking my dog at night with my NV on and I could see the black bear in front of us run across the trail. My dog didn't even notice.
My budget for a bargain is about $1000 to make it a "buy right now."
A bargain is all contextual.
Gonna be giving away a PVS-14 in a few days/weeks. Will keep y'all posted on details, but it will require a reddit account.
>require a reddit account
/nvg/ deserves better than this.
I'm sorry that free night vision is not enough of an incentive to make a burner.
Interesting, I'll be on the look out for your post.
best bino housing? I'm getting a big bonus and considering getting some binos.
Pick your poison. ActinBlack DTNVS-MG, Nocturn Manticore-R, L3 PVS-31A, Elbit PVS-31D, LLI MH1 would be the ones that have manual gain in a binocular housing which a lot of people seem to be gravitating towards.
This is the modern internet. You need to be on whatever faggot service that tracks everything you do.
thats a weird blem pattern, how did you get the liberty safes logo on your tube?
Are the L3 PVS31s really worth it?
what's the cheapest complete pvs-14 / monocular housing kit
Yes. the glass is really good and they're tied for some of the lighest binos on the market. the fixed diopter thing isnt an issue because if you're doing things involving firearms you should be wearing corrective glasses already.
Female brown bear (thin). About 450ish
I've seen green gen2s for like 1k. The new chink imports are pretty cheap.
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Define worth it. The glass is noticeably better and you get less streaking from light sources and the housing is very light. They are absolutely best but is the extra cost worth it for you? That’s a personal choice
Nevermind fedex just called this morning wanting an actual address instead of my PO so I'm pretty sure they have it on the way. I did choose the quicker shipping option which is FedEx apparently back when I ordered it
Pretty sure almost no one wears any eyewear when using night vision because having the device as close to your eye as possible so you get better field of view.
How big of a deal is the fixed diopter?
Bros, what's a good price on a DBAL D2?
I'm the guy with the $400 omni iv tube in that Russian pvs14. The whole gimmick of the setup is making it cheap. What's the good brand of chink wilcox mount+jarm to replace my gwot era wobbly norotos jarm?
>>High end red dot
>>500 USD
I got my holosun eps for half that and it works wonders under nods. Getting a 2nd one for my rifles backup dot.
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Sotac is the name. Saving based Americans money is their game.
Idk if my mount is the problem though, the shroud and mount are ok but I think its just the jarm that sucks
And the jarm is a weird dovetail one so I guess I just need something that I can put the plate to
If you don’t wear corrective glasses i.e. you have good vision then it won’t be an issue for you. It’s the same thing as on an ACOG or Elcan or any optic that does not provide an adjustable diopter, if those optics look fine in your eyes then you’ll be fine with no diopter adjustment on an NVD.
SoTAC also make a knockoff wolcox Jarm in CNC aluminum
I have an elcan and it looks completely fine but I do have pretty trash eyesight.
I wasn't sure how much the diopter would matter.
I just checked my PVS14 and it's on 0.
>not on amazog
You have to go through ebay.
I just wanted to get it in a few days instead of a week.
Oh well.
sadly I will miss yet another night match because the holosun IRIS doesn't exist yet. Maybe it will release later this month?
They are still working on it from the feedback they got from shot show.
try q1 2025 buddy
>Somewhat to get away from the poverty housing of the nyx, but also for the simple commonality of interfaces it brings;
If you want standard interfaces then yeah, it might be worth it. I guess it comes down to whether or not you want to fork over the cash for a 2nd nod in PVS-14, or save money by just moving the tube. You could always sell your existing nod to finance a new one. You could also try to find the interfaces you need on eBay.

>The Nyx also feels like it's got a lot of bloom and haloing, but it's my first NOD so I don't have a ton of comparison.
Actual halo will be related to the tube and will not change due to housing. Lens flare, i.e. "blooming", will vary with the lenses on a housing. If you do move the tube, you should make sure your PVS-14 housing has Carson glass.

I have the Nyx-14 Pro Gen 3 Alpha (Optics Planet fire sale) and, at least on my example, the glass is sharp with well controlled flare. I would not expect any meaningful improvement by changing the housing. YMMV due to part variation, especially if you have a different model Nyx.

I bought everything I needed interface wise when I got it (afocal lenses; adapters; JDAPT) knowing that interfaces might become scarce in the future. So I'm set. Tube wise I would not jump to a 2nd nod unless it was unfilmed. The Nyx-14 Pro's are thin filmed. I'm sure a current Elbit thin filmed would be higher spec, but not enough to fundamentally change what I can see.
$1300 delivered new when PSA has them.
Aren't you basically fucked if they break? Which I've heard they like to do.
God this general is fucked, I'll come back when it's not filled with poorfags and literal drooling retards
how the fuck do you have a thermal and not get anything?
Seeya. /nvg/ is MINE now
Maybe they don't show up on infrared at all?
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Not a big deal at all. If you need a fixed diopter you can buy one. Also if you need one, you most likely already have prescription lenses to correct your vision and you can just wear those with the NODs.
TNVC will service them and so will L3. You deff wanna use TNVC over L3 however
What about the PVS31d with (((elbit))) tubes?
Seems like the trade is slightly lower spec tubes for better housing
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1531s are better imo. What about the 31Ds do you like?
Does anyone know how much a set of Edmunds are worth?
Are these shoes?
They are a optics company, they used to be the source of lens assembly for the US military.
>Edmund: Edmund Optics discontinued their PVS-14 objective lenses many years ago. They were made in the US, and are now highly sought after by collectors for their high quality. L-3 used Edmund lenses in the past for their systems. Edmund lenses can be identified by their beautiful Tiffany coating and deeply clear reflection.
I really hope I can buy some property in WV so I can do this.
>If you don’t wear corrective glasses i.e. you have good vision then it won’t be an issue
0 people (none, nada) expect nods to correct their vision. If you're in the outdoors, especially with Firearms, youll already have something.
I think you may be confused. If you wear glasses and have night vision that has adjustable diopters, you don't actually need to wear said glasses to see clearly through your night vision. If it does not have adjustable diopters, the image may be just a little fuzzy. So while no one might expect night vision to correct their vision, you can use it without corrective glasses even if your eyes are dogshit.
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Did a night hike tonight. Very surprised at how different my tubes are between my NVDs, both of which are 1900 min fom Elbit tubes.
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Same here anon. WV is easily one of my favorite places on earth. Deff the best place on the east coast. My only issue is education if I can’t home school
I think YOU may be confused nigga

The scenario you mentioned has happened 0 times ever. Nobody is like, "oh shit I forgot my glasses, here let me wear my $12k Nvgs thank God I got the adjustable diopters"
Should I get a holosun EPS or 509t for passive aiming?
When I get my pistol EPS tomorrow maybe I can tell you.
Get the EPS, the 509t has worse distortion. Unless they fixed the 509T in the last few iterations.
Why the hostility? To counter your new goalpost, one of my joes forgot his prescription inserts for his eyepro during a night range one time and wouldn't you know it, that bit of knowledge helped him qualify.
Another anon here chiming in with another situation that can occur.
My friend refuses to get glasses and claim he never needs it because he can do work, drive or see things just fine without glasses, but when I gave him my PVS-14 he noticed things were blurry I have my diopter set to 0 (neutral power) and I told him maybe he needs to adjust the the diopter until it looks crisp to his eye and so he did and he was finally able to see objects in crisp and in focus again.
There are people out there that think they see the world normally and never thought about getting corrective lens because they can make due in life without needing to see if their eyes are not up to par.
I already got a 6 moa eps for my glock so yeah I'll probably get a 2 moa for my rifle
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That’s fine though, not to jump in here but for the 31A you can still just buy lenses based on your script if you really don’t want to wear glasses with NODs
Lets talk about the cheaper chink IR lasers & illuminators flooding the market.

As always for cheaping out right and without tinkering the Laserspeed LS-L7 is recommended go-to.
If you want to tinker and mess with silicone/hot glue potting and potentially rewet solder then the Sotac Perst is it.

Whos fucked with the Rovyvon GL4 yet?

Has anyone taken apart an SMS IR yet? What exactly can be done about the mount? Crossbolt?
Anyone fuck with the amazon special TOUGHSOUL IR only Mawl-alike or the inline VIS/VIS-L/IR/IR-L thing yet. Or the VOTAC IR/IRlaser?
Has anyone used a Sotac vampire clone under recoil?

Before you blow my shit up I have too many guns as it is it would be fun to make some of them NV compatible without pulling shit off my go to
It could have been Carl Car Windows and his stealth suit
>stealth suit is made of car windows
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have a gl4 pro. qrd is it holds zero just fine on the 556 and 308 guns we tried it on. illum is bright af and laser is civ (fp available at markup straight from china) but the flood is way too floody for anything outside of pdw range. white lights surprisingly decent for what it is and vis is FP for some reason on the civ power models as confirmed by a retailer fren. pic 1 of 2
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Who the fuck is eating up all the omni spec tubes I haven't been seeing a steady stream like the last 2 years.
Me, I am hungry.
i paypal disputed mine. fuck both the niggers who work on that project
Dual '14s?
I think they were already gone.
are these actually worth a damn or not? at the end of the day it's just airshit with upgraded internals and proper potting?
I watched this guy's video review of the Somogear and InvisableSight-EG NGAL:
does he still sell these? I heard he was sick or dying or something
Seems like InvisableSight is still selling it but everyone who does order from IS has to wait months for their order to actually ship. I'm not in a market for one these so I don't keep up with news about this shop but in a prior thread an anon said the guy was in a machining incident or something and was out of work for a few weeks/months.
If you need it quicker you may want to look into Somogear or the IS-EG variant, I hear the IS-EG ships faster but does not have the extra service done to it that the guy at IS actually does to make it even better or something like that.
What's the difference between the $480 and $900+ model? I read through the specs it looks like the higher end one uses smaller divergence beam and USA laser and waterproof and has higher tolerance up to 7.62
What new goalpost?

I'm telling you adjustable diopters are damn near pointless. I'm never out in the woods without glasses. And if you are, upon sunup you have big problems.
Your buddy shouldn't use Firearms. That would be unsafe. He can't see.
I've told him many times to just go to an optometrist and just get an examination so he can know what is his corrective values would be and that he doesn't have to get actual glasses. His wife has expressed the same concern. He just does not want to know that he has bad eye sight or maybe he just thinks needing corrective lens is a lame thing, I dunno all I know is he can drive fine and pass any eye exam for the driver's license, he can see well enough for everyday tasks and can do his work just fine at least best to my knowledge his company has not commented any concern that he has relayed to me or his wife. He can shoot his iron sight handguns and rifles just fine at various ranges, his LPVO's diopter is set for his eye and when I try it out I have to move it back to 0.
There are people like this, I had a roommate back in college that did the same thing throughout his life he didn't think he needed glasses and one day he went to an optometrist due to his gf's insistence and he was totally mindblown that his eyes were not perfect 20/20 etc, he thought how his eye sight, before his prescription, was normal and how everyone saw the world. Again before this roommate of mine got his glasses, he drove his car just fine and passed any eye exam needed, did normal every task fine, watched movies at various seating distance at the theater, doing work, writing notes at classes etc etc.
there are a lot of people that are in between 20/20 vision and "fuck I can't see shit", they're just too stupid to get proper vision correction whether it be glasses or surgery.
I wouldn't wish this on my enemies.
You said nobody had done/expected it after I explained a more charitable interpretation of what the other anon might have meant by his comment, I told you one first-hand experience or someone needing the adjustable diopter settings on his NV equipment. Then someone gave you a second reason why it might be useful. You're still saying it's useless despite first-hand accounts to the contrary from at least two people. You're welcome to stay a dumb, ignorant nigger or follow pic related's advice.
Came across this https://www.egunco.com/product/iray-rh25-rico-micro-rh25-640-1x-25mm when added to cart, it's 3600. Is this one of those deals that should be jumped on? Always liked the idea of a thermal.
I've got a GL4 and so far from playing with it I am liking it a lot. Was trying to find a holster for it since it's similar to the surefire xvl2 but no one makes a holster with that in combination with a cz sp01 tactical
Just did a quick search and seems to be a legitimate website from what a few people are saying. I can't comment on anything else though.
So who wants to chip in for land in WV for night shoots?
I like the videos this guy puts out. Talks about thermal.
it's normal price now not really a "deal" 3600 is on sale price for rh25 now, 3999 normal price. they dropped the price by about 1k 6 months ago.
Ukraine unironically

I have an SMSLaser. It seems "OK" considering it was like $70. Still need to test more for recoil stability but it didn't shake itself apart. No IR illuminator though.

Adjustable diopters are a necessary feature. You know how people roll back or remove the rubber eyecups? That is a bad idea in actual near-peer conflict, since your nods light up your face for the enemy to see, that's what the eye cups are there to stop. You can't have the eyecups working if you have glasses in the way; ergo the glasses go and the diopter makes up for them. Yes YOU might not need them, but in terms of a design to work as a piece of issued equipment for a fighting force, it's a superior choice. The only other way to accomplish the same goal would be to have your fighting force's eye correction be done via contact lenses, but that is a medical and logistical nightmare for deployed combat troops.

It ain't that complicated little-bro.
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This is not accurate and wildly overblown. The splash you get from NODs is minimal at best. If it was significant you would see dudes in Ukraine using the eye cups being that both sides have NODs
why do you keep arguing you little fag, you've been arguing about this for 2 days now, adjustable diopter is a good feature to have you fucking fag.
Adjustable diopter isn't for glasses you dumb fucks it's for the lens being different distances from a user's eye with the added benefit of being able to correct for an individual wearing corrective lenses within reason.
>it's for the lens being different distances from a user's eye
I have never read any optics manual stating that diopter adjustments are used for that.
nah, the guys in Ukraine just don't have to because Russia cannot into NODs. It's the same story from when the US shwacked Wagner in Syria. US units were wildly outmanned (25:1), out armored (T-55s and T-72s vs no armor), and under heavy fire, but suffered no casualties because OpFor couldn't see shit.

Wrong again. Keep collecting those L's
And yet it matters a shitload, weird.

PROTIP: the diopter correction on an individual's glasses prescription is different from the diopter correction on that same individual's contact lens prescription for the exact same reason: one is touching your eye and the other is 1/4-1/2" away from your eye.
>Wrong again. Keep collecting those L's
Damn that's crazy because with -2.25 contacts correcting my eyesight to better than 20-20 the diopter adjustment on my nods isn't at 0, and it's also not at 0 for anybody I know regardless of whether or not their vision is 20-20
>keep collecting those Ls
We have literally not interacted a single time ITT, retard-kun
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>Russia cannot into NODs
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y u tryin' to astroturf and harsh everyone's mellow, samefag?

>The unit of measure used to define eye correction or the refractive power of a lens. Usually, adjustments to an optical eyepiece accommodate for differences in individual eyesight.
OoooOOooo, a blurry unresolvable image of a stupendously bright lightsource in a fairly well-lit environment. I'm sure the US is shakin' in its boots.

Russian forumsliders git

>>The unit of measure used to define eye correction or the refractive power of a lens. Usually, adjustments to an optical eyepiece accommodate for differences in individual eyesight.
Explain how this contradicts what I said here, retard-kun:
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I went with an EPS for a stacked dot. I liked the ever so much smaller profile considering its a tertiary aiming system.
As per usual with Holosun, when there is an option to not have the solar backup, buy that one. Bonus, its cheaper.
The eps doesn't fit rmr patterns though.
And that's a good thing. RMR pattern a shit.
There's 2 sizes of EPS
The little one is "K" footprint which is modified RMS Shield
The big one is RMR
I don’t have to change my diopter for different eye-to-lens distances on any device. You can test this just by moving your nod back/forth. Did it get blurry? It should not have.
Wrong, both versions of the EPS use the same K footprint.
>this fag is still arguing about diopters
Seriously go outside
If you are 20/20 or better then a viewfinder should be sharp at 0 diopter regardless of eye/VF distance. Real viewfinders present an image such that it’s in focus with your eye totally relaxed at infinity even though the VF is right at your eye. This doesn’t change if you move the VF further or closer.

Now if you are using viewfinder diopter to correct your vision because you are not wearing glasses or contacts then the diopter setting may vary with eye/VF distance just like glasses vs contacts. But that’s a consequence of needing the diopter adjustment to work in conjunction with your eye. A 20/20 user doesn’t need diopter or adjust it based on eye/VF distance. That’s not it’s purpose.

Note that this assumes proper design/alignment. I’m better than 20/20 and do not need diopter on expensive equipment but have needed to adjust it on cheap equipment.
I mean, the RMR adapter plate comes in the box so its not like it matters that its native pattern is different.
Wrong. They're both RMSc/K footprint. RMR footprint is too short lens-to-screw to allow for an enclosed optic. Unless you do something like what the RCR did. You ever wonder why they used capstan screws if they could put the rear lens in front of the screws? Because they can't.
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behold, the terrible sin of using the included RMR adapter plate.
seems like it's better anyways because it gives you (very little) extra height to clear the top turret
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It's like having fixed irons and a lower 1/3. I do see a lot of guys spacing whatever dot they have to see the whole window but that's unnecessary imo.
I think the worst sight picture I have is irons over a barrel mounted PEQ2a. You get just a whiff of front sight post and end up mostly bracketing with the wings.
>A Do-It-All Thermal Optic | Is the iRay RH25 Worth It?
It was inevitable I suppose.
will the price of night vision be affected
The stock market will be.
night vision holds pretty steady, body armor on the other hand....
Ballistic masks sales going to the moon
If anyone interested aplen design's dual tube pouch is back in stock both at their site and trex.
Probably will have less of an impact than other worldly happenings. It was during the day so I doubt we'll see any calls to clamp down on NVGs.
Yo Stephen, any order slots still open for the Crane M6?
he's stacking them he's also not home
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vouch status???

He said he will post when there are and it's first come first serve.
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Got it. Going to test it out tonight when it's dark. Looks good so far.
Chink MUM rail ones used by ATN for the Wolf 14 are probably the best deal. You CAN get an adapter for marry MUM to a standard PVS14 threaded hole, but I will not lie to you. Adapting to standard mounting accessories is a pretty opaque and Ad hoc process.
Not huge unless you have seriously unbalanced eyes or something.
Roger that thx kings
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>$480 for a clone
Grim. Is InvisibleSight good for you?
The fuck is wrong with normalfags?
Did he seal the screw holes on yours?
>yeah that's a normie pic
It appears so yes
lasersneed will have this on egay soon i bet
I'm seeing "coming soon" posts in nods groups from "laserspeed dealers"

Exciting times, the question is if the Holosun IRIS will be good enough to compete with a matured laserspeed product at a similar price point.
honestly, if they can get the illuminator as strong as a civ mawl i feel like the market will be solved between the two of them. i dont know how they wouldn't be able to at least reach civ mawl levels but the prototype they showed definitely wasnt.
>$10,000 for a Raid Xe
i'm confused
>Its his way of saying contact for pricing
Doesn't Holosun gimp their power?
They have a civilian product line and that stays within the FDA limits.
They also have LEO variants that go beyond FDA limits but you have to buy it at places that check for your credentials to buy these units.
The IRIS is supposed to be a VCSEL diode where it can still be within civ FDA limits but perform really well i.e. MAWL-C1, RAID-Xe (civ) or DIR-V. But the one shown at Shot Show of this year was really disappointing performance it was on par with their current civ LAM models they produce and so with this feedback they went back they tweaked some stuff and hopefully they can be on par with those civ rated VCSEL LAMs but who knows until it gets released and reviewers get their hands on it.
i don't understand how they couldn't make them equal. it can't be that hard.
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Thoughts on this eotech reticle? It seems to busy for nv
anon it's for a grenade launcher
maybe he's using a grenade launcher at night
haha, looks like it.
strange that they called it the xr308
What do the .6, .9, and 1.2 correspond to?
I don't know shit and I am posting just to keep the thread alive. Maybe it's whatever you are zeroed at plus .6 of that etc.
>zero 100, 160, 190, 220 yards
I think they are in reference to mil dot offset.
That doesn't really make sense, because .6 should be below .9 on that case, and 1.2 would be between them, depending.
Kilometers. It's mainly meant for machine guns ans you can lay down fire at like 1.5km with something like a 240.
Cahm sneedless, score some fucken m6s
Lori emailed me today, they will be able to complete the order of 100 within the next two or three weeks. Production is massively ramping up, hopefully they don't get got in transit.
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This one is pretty impressive, not only can you see the dog pissing, but the heat detection crosshairs even zapped in on the tip of his dick as the hotspot.

It's an AGM Rattler 25-256
kek, very nice sensitivity performance of that thermal device.
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I just hate the proprietary battery they use.
Waiting patiently to see the new stuff that's supposedly too good.

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