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North America Edition.

Post military surplus firearms and weapons originating from or used on the North American continent. From Danish Sirius Patrol m/53 to Costa Rican Mausers.

Previous editions of this thread >>61919184 are obsolete.

Post 'em 'surps!
He found the secret two round burst switch?
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My Winchester M1917 made ~Oct 1918 with an Arabic rack number. Century import. Shoots great. For the 1903 Springfield nerds, I'm on the hunt for a Marine Corps issued one next. Any other signs I should look for besides the USMC barrel stamp, pipe wrench marks, and checkered buttplate? Are these faked often?
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Most practical infantry small arm before the invention of the AR-15 coming through
That's not an AK
What is your rust prevention routine? Should I start using wax?
Most of my rifles are in those rifle socks in a case and haven't rusted expect for my mosin buttplate for some reason. Typically after handling I take a rag that's been used for wiping off excessive oil and rub the metal surfaces that I have handled with my hands. You don't want to over oil as the stock will absorb it and damage it.
M2 carbine fills the AK role of sub 300 meters
That was until the AK entered production
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That's not the StG44.
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Nice Ross. I need to update my pictures. I still have pictures of rifles I’ve offloaded and don’t have pictures of new ones.
But anon thats not the arquebus
>I'm on the hunt for a Marine Corps issued one next
>Any other signs I should look for besides the USMC barrel stamp, pipe wrench marks, and checkered buttplate?
Start reading:
Lots of stuff about USMC rifles on the CMP forums and Gunboards.
>Are these faked often?
They are faked, but there are also rifles out there re-built by Marine armorers which were never property of the Marine Corps. Starting in 1942 geographic convenience would trump service pride and small arms in need of repair would go to the closest workshop regardless of which service was doing the repair work. Thus the Marines would repair Navy and Army rifles, and vice-versa. Really the only way to be certain would be to buy a rifle that was a USMC hit through the SRS or other documentation.
>pic mildly related, reproduction USMC "No.10" sight set
In your opinion what would be a decent price for a Yugoslavian SKS, Gunjoker listings range from 600-900, I usually take Gunjoker pricing with a grain of salt since it is usually inflated.
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Won some cheese at a tournament today
Jesus. I got my really nice (physical shape and shooting) Norinco off there for 490$ recently. A SKS is a SKS I wouldn’t pay a ton unless I was a big collector and wanted a Russian one. I hear the yugo ones aren’t always the best kept. China has been building SKS rifles longer than anyone else, they’re good at it I’m happy with mine.
$500 going and $600 if it's excellent.

t. Has a stack of SKes
Are garand triggers supposed to be atrocious? One I just got, is smooth and the last 10% before break takes at least ten pounds. Guessing on weight from my ptr I know has 8 pound trigger and this is far worse. I've cleaned it up and all, nothing. Checked forums they all said should clean it up and be around 5 pounds. Debating to buy a period correct complete trigger pack to swap it out and see if that fixes it.
>be french
>commit sudoku
based rifle
It depends on what you want. If you have a collection that sits around on a wall of save you can use Gold Guard, if its a firearm you love to bring to the range with a smooth glossy finis you want RenWax to make it shine. For guns you know that you´re going to take them out and clean a bit you can use Breakfree CLP or any oil. If you got rusted fingerprints or small rust spots or demage you might want to degrease them with breakcleaner to free the pores and than saturate them with Gold Guard, its dark outside and rains so I check if I get a image done. Besides that rust protection depends on so many factors from indoor humidty, distance to the coast, temps, finish quality, demages... that its hard to tell something without knowing details. Watch Jareds vid from the start, he tries to explain how to prevent rust depending on usage of firearms.
discount french, close enough
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What's the point of shooting milsurp guns when they have shit accuracy?

>mfw can't even hit a full size target from 10 yards
c'mon even a hi-point can do better than that for 1/4 of the price
if thats yours then good job anon.How much overall did the endeavor cost you?
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I picked up this US property-marked Savage No4 Mk1 * a couple of years ago for $600 Canadian bucks from Cabela's used section a during the pandemic. It was a surprisingly good deal considering military-configuration Lee Enfields are typically a grand or more. I don't know what Cabela's employee priced this thing, but he probably got an ass chewing for it lol
is the MAS 49/56 any good? the only worry i have is that ammo is expensive and niche compared to 30-06 or 308
It is mine yeah. I want to say about $850 or so all-in, I probably could have bought an un-fucked one for less, but I enjoyed the project and I learned a lot about 03 Springfields doing it, so I don't consider it a waste.
$600 is what decent LE's SHOULD be priced at. Based employee
Nice. Details on the rifle?

I remilitarized my M1903A3 back in 2014. There are so many US rifle parts still floating around the secondary market, including NOS stuff. It also seems like even when Greatest Gen & Boomers were sporterizing rifles they didn't throw the original parts away but just stashed them in their basements until they died. The stock on pic related M1903 I bought at an auction for $6.
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alright, follow up to last thread, got a bayonet for this beauty in my sigths now: a prussian M98/05 bayonet made in duisburg in beautiful condition, basically untouched for 200, is that a good price, it should fit, same rail as G98? cant seem to find this one anywhere else in that condition for comparison
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post milsurp/police surp/agency marked shotguns and scattergats
the wonders of italian boomers. someone is selling a finnish mosin for 400€ and is advertising it as a k98. Too bad he lives too far away from me.
That's cool I bought a Police trade R870 for 300 bucks but I gotta wait for it to arrive at my FFL.
I'll have to take pics of it later, but I made out like a bandit from a local shop with a police marked Stevens 520.
>go to shop
>usual overpriced junk
>spy an old shotgun
>"chopped stevens $199"
>grab that shit at the speed of light
>wood is fantastic, bolt still has case hardening color
>slam fire
>works perfectly
>has police markings on stock
i'd love to see it, i had to let a mossberg500 on gb walk but it had the shittiest 'PR PD' or whatever the abbreviation for the puerto rican federal police is, also saw a DOE ithaca on there a while back i'd have done dirty things for.
my riot length 1897 has no police markings but I like to pretend someday it was bustin up speakeasies
Police SKS work or has to be American?
Cheddar or Brie?
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Took the M1 out for a stroll.
What state are you in so I can fucking retire there? Would love to walk among the mountains, shoot stuff, and not have to worry about dumb lib hikers calling the cops on me.
that anon is in Wyoming. Also I shoot inna woods in a lib state all the time and never had a problem. Where are you shooting that your getting hassled?
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Springfield Arsenal, low ("danger") serial number, re-barreled in 42 so I'm not worried about it. Bought a beat-to-shit original stock off ebay that looks great on it, and a repro upper handguard.
*Armory not Arsenal. Excuse my retardation.
Central Vermont. Born and raised here. Was never an issue as a kid, but the significant influx of NYCfags buying summer homes hasn't been helpful. Only had the cops called on me twice, both times they were entirely cool with me and bitched about transplants lmao. Still monumentally annoying.
oof. I feel for you then. Luckily here the divide between where the libs hike and the rednecks shoot is pretty clear here so it never really crosses paths. We have so much amazing innawoods/public land and outdoor recreation here i completely understand the hikers/campers scurrying all over everywhere as I do too.
I'll even be out on some of the trails for a day hike and here distant shooting and be like "i know where theyre shootin at".
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>is that a good price,
If it's in the same relative condition as your Peruvian, then yes.
>it should fit, same rail as G98?

I wish NG weapons had more of this iconography.

Swiss, obviously.

Get any fish?

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>Get any fish?
Yup, a couple nice 12" lake trout and some brookies. Saw a 25"+ trout but couldn't catch him.
>couldn't catch him.
That's what bullets are for.
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Greetings fellow good price Savage/US No4 enjoyer. Mine is a bit more used on the exterior, but shoots great. Looked the serial up a while ago, it's from March of '44. Paid 500 USD last year. I guess boomers don't like enfields with wood that doesn't match.
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the amount of times ive seen a great fish, cast and have him ignore my shit and just keep swimming.......
might tenderize the meat a bit too much
Was the vetterli 1870 sword bayonet meant for which of these three
1. the 1870 single shot rifle
2. The carbine
3. the 70/87 magazine conversion
Ive seen later bayonets that are shorter. Just wondering cause i have one but no scabbard or rifle to go with it
Nice rifle anon. After conversion, that price is in the same ballpark. Did you get it from a store, or privately?
>Looked the serial up a while ago, it's from March of '44
Where did you look it up? I'd love to do the same with mine
>he has a folder
You fucker. I need one of those. And I don't even like shotguns all that much lol.

>police SKS
Neat, those are pretty rare.
mfw selling a bunch of my guns on consignment again....
how's everyone doing in this economy?
I just started collecting in this economy, so I have no memories of happier times with better prices
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>how's everyone doing in this economy?
At this point in my collecting the stuff I want to buy only comes up a couple times a year.
I can’t afford milsurp anymore… I’m depressed
I can afford it, but it’s getting harder to justify these prices. Seems like the only things priced appropriately are carcanos and 8mm Mauser surp rounds
I mispoke, it's from '43. Found it at a shop, right next to a nicer long-branch No4 with matching furniture for $800 lol. Here's the forum thread I used to find the serial number range, I'm sure there are more in depth studies out there: https://www.milsurps.com/showthread.php?t=18791
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Good work, anon. I too have saved a couple. This one cost me like $360 all said and done. Got the rifle and the stock at the same auction. Unfortunately, bubba sanded the little grip off the stock for some reason. But it only cost me $25 and overall the rifle is nice and accurate. It’s one of my favorites.
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>for some reason
I have seen the pistol grip "straightened" like that on rifles used for drill teams. It's to make the wrist more like the M1903, and easier to handle as you flip & toss it around.
How the fuck are you supposed to aim a luger? I really hate the v-notch + inverted-V sight picture
Interesting. Thanks for the info, anon. I wonder if that’s the case. Kind of neat if true.
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>it’s getting harder to justify these prices
No fucking kidding. I paid $1100 for picrel in 2019, and I thought that was a bit steep. Haven't seen one for under $2k since.
The most recent example I could find:
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went out today in fucking glorious 90 degrees with my brother to break in the new swede, beautiful shooter all around, 6,5 really has no recoil even his frail Gen Alpha arms can handle it
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also shot my Model 1950 some more, the fucking whiplash between shooting M2 ball and heavy ball through it is fucking brutal, got a butter smooth action though
Does anyone else have issues with their M95 extracting? Mine extracts, but it's sort of weak
>I paid $1100 for picrel in 2019, and I thought that was a bit steep. Haven't seen one for under $2k since.
I'd love to pick one of those up but the fact that I can get P38 rigs cheaper than the standalone Hi-Power today is discouraging.
Nicely done anon.
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I also got picrel for $900 cash from an old guy who was parting with his collection in 2022, AC-40 in the 5k B block. Haven't seen one that early for under $1k ever. Only thing wrong with it is bubba took a dremel to the old British proof marks from when they originally captured it.
I was lucky enough to collect the bulk of my pile during more reasonable times.

Im at the point similar to this anon >>62038781
where im only buying maybe a few times a year and usually things that are on the rarer side of the market where they are priced accurately to the rarity of the item vs how much the boomer can squeeze outta people.
>the only things priced appropriately are carcanos and 8mm Mauser
You know what must be done then. Buy a carcano and rechamber it to 8mm.
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>not buying a mauser and rechambering it to 7.35 carcano
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Damn, that's a good deal. I haven't seen a single P38 locally for under $1k. Come to think of it, I don't see many P38s locally but they're still present. Imperial German stuff is non existent, trying to find a decent, mostly matching Gewehr 98 has been hell and I'm still looking.
>not buying a M91 Carcano and rechambering it into 6.5 Jap, then locking it in a closet with a Type I Arisaka until it breeds a pure bred Type 38.
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I was looking to move to Vermont. How's it living there besides the reasons you mentioned?
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shieet negro you gotta go to them hood auctions
>I was looking to move to Vermont. How's it living there
First question: are you white?

vid related:
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Same here. I’m glad I bought all that I have now when I did. Now being married and having a baby, I have to shift some “fun money” in other directions. I still buy gun and ammo and reloading related stuff, but not as much as I used to. I try and focus more on stockpiling more ammo and reloading components so I can keep shooting for years. And now I just wait for local auctions to try and find deals. I struck gold this past spring at 2 auctions before my son was born, so that was fun.
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I fucking envy you americans for being able to hike with your firearms whenever you want in such beautiful places. If I did it here outside of hunting season I'd lose my guns asap. Also, bump.
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just bought this Springfield 1903 on a whim at my LGS without knowing much at all about these rifles beforehand
After some internet searching today, I believe the following:
1918 mfr Springfield receiver SN 866201
05-18 Springfield barrel
bolt and rear sight have R stamps (Remington)
the 2 small stock pins and proofing marks on stock indicate this was inspected and got a new stock during WWII era in San Antonio

the top of the receiver and bolt are a bit rough, visually, but I am happy with my impulse buy. It was $1,000 before tax and cc fee
I haven't shot it yet, but after I take it down and clean and oil it (it is bone dry) I look forward to seeing how a .30-06 recoil feels
are there any surplus rifles still under the radar of boomer speculation?
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Congratulations Anon!
>I look forward to seeing how a .30-06 recoil feels
It's moderate in the military loadings.
I like your SVD wish I had one
you should add your type 85 to the pic and update it
lol you think any non whites browse msg?
yes they do
>t. half jap
have you seen the crossover between /r/milsurp and /r/liberalgunowners?
Milsurp has a much higher proportion of lefties than USPSA / Larper / tacticool gun owner types of gun owners
Why are you on reddit you faggot? Go back
If you consider yourself black, then it would be 4.
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If only I was born a few years earlier, I wouldn't have to deal with current economy of Milsurp, fuck whoever cause this.
Surp has always been full of "you don't really need an AR or an AK, these were good enough for.... And are still good enough for.... I'm for sensible gun control" types.
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Don’t die on me.
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Does anyone have any info about russian 1911? The only thing I know is that theyll have AHRN 3AKA3b (english order) marked on them. Anyone know how many were made or anything else about them like serial ranges?
>Anyone know how many were made or anything else about them like serial ranges?
Clawson's 1911 book stays
>Some 51,100 pistols were shipped to Russia from February 19, 1916 through January 18, 1917, serial numbered between C23000 and C89000.
However, since that was written examples have appeared which the Colt archives confirmed were sold to the Russian government without the "English Order" Cyrillic marking on the frame.
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it's not milsurp tho, it's marked as ndm86.
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Yeah it's pretty comfy out where I am in the U.S.
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Alpine lakes are comfy af. Trying to decide what surp to take up there next.
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>that slight haze
due to my job I'm always interested in the air quality of various places. that looks a real untouched place but that haze suggest quite the amount of PM 2.5 and PM10. Do you have any instrument like this around to bring the next time you go hiking? Here in my town near the alps it's usually aroun under 10 for both the pm2.5 and the pm10
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>Do you have any instrument like this around to bring the next time you go hiking?
I do not but that is an interesting question.
>that haze suggest quite the amount of PM 2.5 and PM10
Probably from wildfires: https://firms.modaps.eosdis.nasa.gov/usfs/map/#d:24hrs;@-100.0,40.0,4.0z
Thanks anon, turns out I forgot that I actually had my rifle written down as a '43 as well, and that matches up with that data
I was under the impression that true "civilian ndm86" did not exist, they simply took surplus type 85s from the PLA army, gave them new markings, matched the optics and sold them. Can anyone chime in?
>noticing wildfires from the slightest bit of haze
4chan autism never fails to impress me.
Thanks! Ill have to check out his book
Anyone own a Parker Hale M82/C3?
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if I ever win the lottery I'll take a year off to visit all the american national parks
Anon I could smell burning leafs basically all last summer. Sometimes the haze was so bad that visibility in my area was down to half a mile: I couldn't see the bluffs surrounding the city I live in.
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How does your tokarev shoot? What country is it from?

I’m thinking about getting one what is a good price for one
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Shoots fine but a bit high, it even shot her firing pin at me the first time I took it to the range back when I just had got my license. the firing pin retaining pin had broken and for a while I just used a rollpin till I could find an original replacement.
I honestly can't tell you a good price, I bought mine for 130€ but I don't know the prices in the US.
That's bad, consider getting an air purifier with a good HEPA filter for your home at least. With a layer for TVOC it would be even better.
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based fellow Mauser-in-the-mountains enjoyer
Now kiss
NTA but what are the best things to shoot at innawoods? Do I need to bring targets and stands?
>best things to shoot at innawoods
Have you seen what 8mm Mauser does to a rabid groundhog yet?
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Yes, you need to bring your own stands, but it depends on where you are shooting. If you are at a "designated" or known shooting spot there are typically stands and posts left over from others you can just use. I use a 3' fence post length with a steel target bolted on the top. I go out 100 yards, use my e-tool to bury 2 feet of the post with the 1' and steel only showing. Works great.
also for funsies we always bring an assortment of fruits, watermelon or pumpkins depending on the season and good old shook up bottles of 2litres. of course we always bring a brute size garbage bag or 2 and pack out all our shit and anything else we find.
Which is why, and ive mentioned this in other threads, that I feel bad for the anons who are stuck with shooting at shit boomer rules ranges. The absolute thrill of vaporizing a watermelon with a 12g slug or hitting a 2litre just right that it launches into space...so much fun.
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We're in the AQI of about 100 here in MT today.
Thanks California
Oh damn didn't know there was a fire near Helena, looks like that's contributing
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the Star Model B isn't exactly a well regarded pistol or indicative of typical milsurp accuracy. And it shouldn't generally cost more than twice what a hi-point does. But also the target he posted is typical of a novice pistol shooter with inconsistent grip and trigger pull (the fact it pulls left means he is putting too much pressure on the sides of the grip and not on the back and front)
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What's the consensus on Chinese Tokarevs, I have seen Classic Firearms has them in stock, and I'm certain that is the lowest I have seen besides Rguns and was wondering if they are worth to add to my Milsurp collection?
They run fine just like any other Tok. If you can, get one that doesn't have an ass ugly billboard import mark and no drilled holes in the slide for a safety. Those import safeties are cancer.
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Mines been good. No safety and no big import mark. I think mines from 80 or 81.
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Fuck sakes. Hopefully the Polish one won’t do the same.
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>svd and tokarev
anime girl pilled
Rgun ones are trigger safety and discreet import marks. Think I swapped a Yugo trigger in to put it back to normal.
How discreet?
Are you guys allowed to remove the import markings?
Things have obviously gotten a lot worse in Canada but I still remember when I got a Tokarev for my 18th birthday shipped to my door with no import markings or cucked safety
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Same discreetness as buying a dragon dildo direct. I'll go pull my tok later and check it. Need to remember which crate it's in.
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Has there ever been a handgun that used underbarrel GL? Pic rel is a movie prop
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I'm sure it's been tried somewhere, but everyone probably reaches the same conclusion. Handguns are defensive weapons and a launcher small enough to fit on a handgun will not be able to lob a worthwhile projectile any useful distance, and the size and weight has now made your handgun cumbersome and unwieldy.
In the US, you can. The problem is the mark is usually by electro stencil and thus would require a lot of work to remove. And even then, it would probably require refinishing.
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Not that I'm aware of, but you reminded me of a funny story. My best friend's dad was a Marine grunt in the mid-50s. They were on a rifle grenade range, still had M1 Garands. Range personnel just stood by and watched a kid fire one from the shoulder, dislocating it instantly. Doc popped that shit back in fast. Everyone laughed and learned their lesson. Picrel is my never arsenal-refurbed SA M1 from June of '43 with dated sling from the same year.
>I look forward to seeing how a .30-06 recoil feels

Out of a 1903 it isn't bad. Gun's heavy and ergonomic enough that it isn't uncomfortable for most shooters. IIRC they were not allowed to leave the factory if they were over 4MOA. A quick google search says most folks experience 1-2 MOA accuracy. Of course ammunition and shooter's skill will really be the big factors. This all assumes a good bore.

Take her out and have a good time Anon.
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Grenade launcher no but the Lemat revolver was a 6 shot revolver with a single shot shotgun barrel underneath the pistol barrel.
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I bought a trainer Czech Ma-Bi-III years ago and was gonna try and sell it at a gunshow tomorrow. Whats a fair market price for one?
I have to ask how much?
Picking up my Peruvian 1891 after work tomorrow. Pics when I get it.
I was extremely lucky, paid $1100 on the nose in 2017 while home on leave from USMC boot camp. Shop had eight other M1 Garands in varying condition. I knew nothing about them (I primarily collect German/Russian/Ostfront surp), and chose this one solely because it was in the best condition for the lowest price. My buddy who is a US surp expert looked it over and told me not to shoot it often or get a post-war parts gun to shoot the piss out of. That ship kinda sailed though, because everyone wants retarded money for Garands now.
a what now?
anti-tank landmine, its basically a 20brick of bakelite
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>IIRC they were not allowed to leave the factory if they were over 4MOA
The only actual data I have been able to find on M1903 accuracy standards was from the 1930s and applied to rifles already in service: a rifle must place 5 consecutive shots of M1 ball in a 4.5" square at 200 yards.
Anybody have any familiarity with Old South Ammo for otherwise out of production cartridges?
Its the weekend!
If anyone goes to a good gunshow post some pics of laughable prices, interesting guns, and the jerky vendor
Why do all the rifles in MSG look wierd and fucked with like the stocks have been replaces and died with floor polish? They all look likes they have been fucked with to the point of worthlessness. Most of the metal looks like it has had cheap bluing wiped over it too. Is this over cleaned 'restored' crap the new fashion in America? It looks soulless and faked (which is actually is).
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Low effort.
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Tiny text on bottom of slide.

what are you trying to reproduce?
8x50r, nothing all too crazy or out there. I'm deciding if it's worth it to get an original M95, and I think that I'll only do it if I can shoot it at least once
Dies are a bitch to come by for 50r. The newer 56r is a lot easier to work with.
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Just picked this up from the FFL. $450 shipped.
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I've already got a refitted M95, I was thinking about picking up one of the cheap originals from RTI just as a wall hanger, and was considering picking up one of the premade boxes from Old South just to take to the range once
M1903 Rock Island Arsenal Mfg 1914
M1 Garand, 1953 Mfg date, Harrington and Richardson receiver, new criterion barrel, fully restored hardware and stock from the CMP. Government proof cartouche above the trigger.
gosh dang that's one sexy rifle
1. post yours.
2. what do you expect to see.
Wrong picture.
M16A2 Capco Upper, milsurp stock, buffer, spring, grip, Colt 30rd mag.

New FN M16 BCG & charging handle, KAC lower parts kik, LMT AR trigger, and NoDak Spud / Harrington & Richardson A2 profile, Government marked lower.
they look pretty nice. you can find yugo triggers on ebay. the trigger safety is absolute shit and ruins the feel of the gun, but they're preferable to the alternative given how easy it is to get rid of.
Milsurp L1A1 SLR kit on shitty Century receiver.

Took off all the plastic and put on original Australian wood, even the popsicle stick. Milsurp muzzle device with bayonet lug.
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My Chinese made, Yugo contract?
I picked up a cheap B-Grade original M95 from RTI as a wall hanger, but now I'm tempted to run some 7.62x54R through it. (supposedly it'll work, they did it in WWI)
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Nagant revolver, arsenal refinishing after WWII. 1938 mfg.date
Izhmash Makarov in .380 for Police and export.
Probably boomers buying up RTI guns and refinishing them to be unleashed on the unsuspecting public.
That wood looks really good for milsurp. Great lookin rifle.
Yugos made their own. They wouldn't need a Chinese. Unless you mean an Albanian used Chinese one? Albanians used a lot of Chinese SKSes
Canadians have it good, you assholes can buy from Chinese companies.
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Probably because some Anon prefer to buy Mint examples or it's a sportized gun they unsporter. But here is my K31 and Mosin now lets see your milsurp with wear.
See >>62067648 it's a Chinese made Chinese SKS that went to Albania later as part of military aid in the 60s and 70s. Chinese didn't make anything specific for Albania. Albanians got a lot of old free hand-me-downs from China. They then got used by the militias so got heavily used.
If you try it, be sure to post results
Kit build of a Tula Arsenal AKM, 1968 date on front trunnion, numbers matching on bolt, carrier, top cover, gas tube, recoil guide rod, rear sight with Tula Bakelite 30-round Magazine and Bayonet (1968)
Man I wish someone made Type 1 AK receivers. I don't care if they were unreliable, its such an important design.
Np nigger faggot.
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Is that a Lyman 48 on the receiver? Might have been someone's match rifle. Very pretty.

Nice M1. Still .30-'06 or 7.62NATO?
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How much should I bid on this AG 41?
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Two THOUSAND dollars!
9 shot actually, based gun
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Had a big range day yesterday with my bros and I brought out all the surp. It was the first time I fired my Berthier, K98, and Carcano TS, and I had a great time comparing the feel of each rifle all in a single session. I'll share my thoughts on each one. TLDR I love all of them.
>Berthier M16
Lovely! There's something very kinesthetically pleasing about the action, and the little 'clink' as the bolt travels through the clip. 8mm Lebel from this full length configuration is actually very pleasant. I was also surprised that it wasn't too hard to get hits on target despite the 400m zero. This one still has the older narrow pattern of sights which worked just fine. Excited to spend more time with this one.
>K98k CE 41
If it weren't for all the variety I'd brought with me, I probably could've spent all day with this one. I think the K98 as a shooting experience is on par with the Garand in its capacity to just feel "iconic" to operate. The PPU ammo I brought was surprisingly pleasant. There was a bit of resistance in the action when pushing forward on a fresh round, but maybe it's a matter of working more oil into the bolt. Unfortunately my ejector is a bit worn out and occasionally doesn't kick rounds out, but I guess I can swap it with another one. Great rifle.
>Type 99
I love how light and svelte this rifle is, how nice it feels to shoot in spite of that. The hybrid peep barley korn sight is as quirky as it is practical. Very fast and easy to acquire targets. One of those rifles that I have a soft spot for without really understanding why.

No 4 Mk1*
Everyone loves the glassy smooth action. The Enfield just feels like a premium service rifle. Only thing I kind of dislike about it is its weight, but the thick durable furniture is a practical quality. The sight arangement is also excellent for precision shooting.
>Carcano TS
I'm pretty sure there is something fucked about the bolt on this rifle because I had to beat it against the bench to extract rounds, and it is really stiff on cock even without a round in the chamber. I was using 3D printed clips which maybe wasn't working right and not allowing the extractor to get a good grip? It fed and ejected fine though, so that's just me giving the bolt the benefit of the doubt. Excluding every quality related to operation of the bolt, the gun is very fun to shoot. Loud as fuck with a comically large muzzle flash in broad daylight. I would be happy if I could get my hands on a more reliable bolt so I could run her properly. Some of my friends who aren't that into military rifles were really drawn to the compact package it despite the crudeness of the action.
>Mosin M91/30
My first ever rifle I acquired 10 years ago. When I can ignore all the memes and its repuation as babby's first milsurp, what's left is a capable piece of Soviet history. Maybe not as elegant as the others, but it's never failed me. Always shoots what I point at too. I'll hold onto it forever.
It's Garand-tier, what else is there to say?
Tree stumps are fun to obliterate
>3d printed Carcano clips
I feel like plastic clips could be a real issue, but I don't see how that could immediately be related to extraction unless I'm really missing something
The only reason I think it might be related is because the Carcano's controlled feed might not be engaged properly causing the extractor claw to have a bad time when the round is chambered. I'm not experienced enough with the Carcano platform to know if this is how that problem actually manifests though.
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I’m glad you had a good day out.
>Carcano TS
I'm surprised your 3D printed clips worked. Mine's a bit rougher and won't even work with the newly made clips. I ended up just 3D-printing a single-shot adapter.
Have fun cleaning all those guns!
>single shot adapter
>not just putting the round in and shattering the extrator by forcing it over the rim like Bubba used to do
I took it off the wall and successfully test fired 2 rounds out of it today (I'm a coward and did it remotely while hiding behind a tree 15 ft away).
Bolt was VERY sticky afterwards. Had to use a brick to smack the thing open, but it did extract the rounds just fine. Feeding was a bit wonky, had to sort of help guide the rim under the extractor so it would catch.
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(cont.) Unsurprisingly, one of the cases split at the neck. Looks like the test-firing also took out some of the harder to clean goat-shit, because the rifling is actually much easier to see now.
>I'm a coward and did it remotely while hiding behind a tree 15 ft away
Nothing wrong with this. My friend's dad used to be an SOT (I sadly didn't know him until after he got out of the business). Friend really wanted a PPSh when he was in middle school. So his dad bought a Vietnam bring-back one and surprised him with it on his birthday. Dad checks it over closely, no issues. The 3rd round of surp 7.62x25 in the very 1st magazine my friend fired was a squib. PPSh commits anhero, barrel bursts open. Friend still has a small scar on his non-firing hand from it. Don't feel like a pussy for doing the old gun-vise, long string test innawoods. You can't grow your digits back.
>haven't shot M1 in while, put it away in the safe cleaned and lubed about a year ago
>decide to do a maintenance/look over cleaning today
>wet a patch with hoppes and send it through the bore
>comes out fucking green
>send a another wet patch through, same shit but less of it this time
>run dry patches through until they come out white
What the fuck could this have been?
>had to sort of help guide the rim under the extractor so it would catch.
I'm struggling to get a mental image of this, is it the sort of thing which you could get a picture of?
what was the ammo you shot thru it before you stored it?
Greek HXP M2 ball (non corrosive afaik) Cleaned the bore before I put it away. Didn't scrub it vigorously, but ran a brass brush and Hoppes 9 as usual. Got clean patches, I don't know how this shit would just show up sitting in the safe.
if its green my guess would be some of the copper from the projectile oxidized to patina
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Best I can do with Paint.
Maybe if I did like >>62077391 said and hammer it in it might've gone. But I didn't want to risk it.
stupid question, but that wouldn't fuck with the condition of the bore, would it?
Its been awhile since ive taken chemistry but I think that the oxidation of copper could cause other nearby metals to corrode more quickly through galvanic corrosion since copper would work as the cathode and the steel barrel acts as the anode (which gives up electrons and corrodes) if theres enough moisture
probably not that much. Just get some cleaner that is specifically for removing copper fowling
what happens is if you try to push feed a control feed gun the extractor has to bend over the rim every time which will wear out the extractor much faster
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>he can't push-feed his controlled-feed
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ya enjoy a broken extractor some time in the not to distant future on that springfield
is that a soviet / eastern rifle ?
i dont know of other countries doing the side mounted diopter sights
every time i see a side mounted sight, i assume its fron there
>he doesn't know
Gotta have that switch if you don't want that glitch.
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>is that a soviet / eastern rifle ?
Remington 513T .22lr.
idk i never use the magazine cuttoff because i dont like that the extractor has to jump the rim
>i dont like that the extractor has to jump the rim
It's designed to do it Anon. You'll notice that M1903 extractors have less spring tension than Mauser '93-'98 extractors and it's to give them more ability to flex without cracking. There's also that little extra space on the right of the receiver ring for the extractor claw to flex into. It's not the only rifle that does this either; pic related can jump the rim of a .303.

I would love to examine an original Ottoman Model 1893 to see if their extractors are similar, but alas I don't have one yet.
i still dont buy it... ross is control feed also.
yes control feed can push feed if it needs to but the extractor is bending and i dont want to have to source new extractors just because i was too lazy to push the round into the magazine of my priceless milsurps
Extractors are also consumable components. M1903s were originally issued with a spare parts kit containing an extractor, firing pin head and firing pin rod.
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nice springfield and ross anyway, mine were sporters that i restored
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Well done, they look very good.
some told me carcanos are coming into the surplus market cheap, is that true and how strapped is the market for 6.5?
those short barrel ones with the underfolder spike bayonet seem to be flooding the market, other models of carcano are pretty uncommon these days
gonna sporterize one to shoot 30-30
correct, for that reason copper should be removed befire longer storage. Deactivating the iron to lower the E0 will prevent that, that means put oil on it. I have copper inhibitors, using that would make it worse which is funny. The reason why all brass cleaners are made from citric acids is similar. The zinc will get eaten faster by stronger acids and the dissolved copper (from tarnish) will deposit on the brass =pink copper spots form on brass and look ugly/feel not smooth
>push feed and control feed
Those are the terms I needed. Thanks.
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I was *extremely* fortunate to find this rig locally for $1200. pistol is an S/42 (Mauser) from 1939 (serial on frame is under 3k without a letter bloc). Holster is marked 1939 by maker ZEITZ on the back, plus the WaA170 acceptance mark. The side plate and both mags do not match the frame. Neither do the rear sight or toggle (but they match each other). Everything else matches. What books can I get to educate myself further (that don't cost half as much as the fucking gun), because I honestly don't know much about Lugers beyond cursory internet research. I'm extremely happy to carry out my late grandfather's unrealized dream of owning one of these!
Is $1400 for a surplus 1911 a fair price? It's not from the CMP, but looks like it would be about service grade
you dont need a book its a luger, get loogin
pics and bore condition would help
I don't have pics, but the barrel has strong rifling. The frame is 1918 Colt with some minor scuffing, with a Colt late 40s/early 50s hard slide that has almost no scuffs.
pre a1 colts are pretty cool, does it still have US property mark
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I haven't seen a GI 1911 for under $3k in like 5 years. Snag it. Picrel is one of ~40 USMC press photos I found at an antique shop in a bag for $15 lol.
It does yeah
Cool pics, nice find. I've definitely seen GI 1911's go for under $2k, or even $1.5k, but pricing seems fickle
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get it
mine needed some work and had the us property marked defaced but a pre a1 i wasnt going to pass up, plus it was $300
That's a pretty good price lol, and nice I'll jump on it
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it wasnt a pretty sight when i first obtained it
Jesus Christ what were they thinking. How much permanent damage is there?
the only permanent damage was the us property mark getting defaced as well as the original serial number scrubbed. plus the whole thing was refinished
Nice, I was kinda worried about the front and rear sights. I think it's just a trick of the light but it also kinda looked like the slide was dented. Really came out beautiful though
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Thank you for doing the Lord's work. I'm glad to know someone out there is restoring GI 1911s to balance out gunfluencer retards permanently butchering them.
>not getting an M91 and rechambering it to 8mm Nambu and forging it into a katana.
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is this repro scope worth a damn? I bought a 1903a4 for fairly "cheap" but not only does the glass have mold or something inside of it but more importantly the turrets don't work

Obv I'd keep the old scope in a drawer somewhere but I'd like this to be at least shootable
whats the top one
After taking the stock off, I see that the trigger group is Remington, the stamped trigger guard is Remington, the magazine follower is stamped
Considering it is a 1918 receiver and barrel, but most components have been replaced with A3 spec equivalents, do you think I should entertain the idea of gathering WWI spec parts and stock to replace as its everyday build? (I would keep the "originals" so it can be reverted to the current WWII arsenal rebuild)
I guess I am just feeling a tiny bit of buyer's remorse that so many parts on this 1903 were replaced with 03A3 parts
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The Ottoman 1893 extractors are the same as any other 1893, 1894, or 1895 Mauser.
What surps do you have that you had to take a gamble on and do you regret it or not? We're gonna find out if I regret this K98k I took a chance on whenever it ships out to me.
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Shoot it first; if you start swapping out parts –especially the stock– you may find accuracy suffers. Although match shooter lore is that the milled triggerguard is better because it's more rigid than the stamped one, so it could be an improvement.

>The Ottoman 1893 extractors are the same as any other 1893, 1894, or 1895 Mauser.
But does it have more flex than those? Is the bevel on the front of the extractor claw the same?

I gambled on my Greek 1903/14. Wasn't able to go to the inspection day because of work and it turned out the bore was trashed. C'est la guerre.
It's a 100% matching G98/40. Read and learn: http://www.hungariae.com/Mann9840.htm
I got a C96 that was a mixmaster, didn't function at all , and I sold it at a $300 loss. Still looking for a good one years later.
also pic related, it keyholes at 20 yards.
Enfield 410 from India sight unseen, surplus. Still working on it. For the price I think I'm happy but it's filthy. I think I got lucky. But I've taken a gamble on a lot of other things like a ~$120 Type 99 (in person, able to inspect) and I think the firing pin replacement is going to cost me more than the gun unless I'm really patient. Coin toss.
My L42A1 project is progressing, I am now just missing a magazine and some handguards. Oh and a stripped action to build it on, kek. I intend to mount some repro scope pads to the action but an original scope isn’t even gonna happen for me. Maybe if I can find a decent repro. I’ve got an original L39A1 barrel (exact same base barrel) that’s been drilled and tapped for a front sight base so I don’t feel bad about turning it down to L42A1 spec
I wouldnt say I gambled on anything. Everything i've bought was presented in great shape. So I didnt really take a chance on anything.
However, my type 99 looked great when I got it. first time I took it to the range and fired it the whole front half walked forward. Turns out it was a duffle cut, seller didnt even know (or bothered to check).
No amount of glue, shims, dowels and other boomer forum fixes seem to work and keep the thing together after more than a few shots. I still like it as a piece of history, but I dont shoot it often because of it.
Oh fug it's keyholin' Ross Anon. When you first posted that target photo, I felt your pain.
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There’s been plenty of online auctions I’ve gambled on. Some of them just have poor descriptions and/or bad pictures. I’ve gotten some lemons and sent them down the road, and other times I’ve lucked out and gotten good rifles.

I once got a Carcano long boi from an auction that had a plugged bore, and the bore was ruined. There was nothing in the description that stated this. I should have called and bitched and probably would have gotten my money back, but I just parted it out and made most of my money back.

Another time, I got a G98M. It had good pictures, stock had obviously been refinished but I didn’t care. Once I got it, it was hard to see but you could tell the bolt had been bent at one point then straightened back out and shined up. It also didn’t shoot worth a fuck, so I sent that down the road and got my money back at least.

And finally I did take the RTI gamble on 2 M95 long bois when they were on sale for $150. Unfortunately it didn’t pay off. Both were functional, but one keyholed 2 out of the 5 shots I fired, and the other had about 12 MOA at 50 yards, but no keyholing. So idk what I’m gonna do with them. Maybe figure out how to cast bullets for the one that doesn’t keyhole, or just buy one that actually shoots well, since I already have everything to reload 8x50r.

These were probably the worst ones. I did get a Winchester model 12 riot gun for under $1000 because the auction house was horrible with descriptions. And got a MAS 36/51 in February for $300 because of poor descriptions, too.
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won this south african union marked uf fazakerley no4 mk1 for 332 dollars in a gunjoker auction. How did I do anons? Its not FTR marked
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whoops meant PF marked. pic related
Shit dude half the No4's I see have minimum bids of $800, you did great. Looks to be in pristine shape too.
>low serial

whoa sonny if you try and fire that again I'm callin the cops for endangering the lives of everyone here.
I specifically bought my low serial 03 just to hear this all the time, shoot it, and tell them to fuck off.
same for my Lebel with the surrender jokes.
I had some geriatric ask if my mosin was a "mauser" once, I literally just laughed and kept shooting without answering.
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hmm, do I need any more yugo guns (yes)
but which ones are cool
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>2 functional rifles that both fire
>one doesn't keyhole
>other doesn't keyhole 60% of the time
>sub-20MOA at 50 yards

Sounds like you hit the RTI jackpot. WTF were you expecting?
>same for my Lebel with the surrender jokes.
Every fucking time with french surp
Yugo M70ab2
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>sub-20MOA at 50 yards

Lmao. I had seen some success stories and hoped 1 of the 2 rifles had an ok bore.
How bad is the bore of that rifle?
The m95 I mean.
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A .330 diameter bullet actually doesn’t drop in the end of the bore, so there is a slight amount of life in it. DESU if someone counterbored it and cast bullets it would probably shoot. There is definitely visible rifling, just very worn.

The other one which is better doesn’t swallow a bullet as much. So that one has much more hope. I just don’t know if I want to spend the time/money to learn how to cast bullets for it and possibly get it counterbored. My 8x50r reloads shot so nice that I’d actually like to end up having a shootable rifle. Recoil was surprisingly light.

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