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Haven't had this thread in a while. Thinking of replacing the food/drink section with uniform and equipment sections.
It's been misspelt as vehical since 2011 and we're not changing it for zoomers who just found out about 4chan from their fat cousin.
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not bad\
post the template tho
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I've got ya
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I decided to take the initiative and change it myself, OP
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Here's mine
I like the food/drink section, but uniform/equipment would also be good
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Mite b cool. I'll make an alternate to mine in a min
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bullpup everything
you can have her I want the algerian
Just noticed we have the exact same knaifu! Nice
Very particular rifle there anon
>I want the algerian
I always thought she was Southern French/Corscican
Based taste, love me dussacks (and sabres in general)
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Okay, I`ll bite.
Nothing too crazy.
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Very based
like the vehicles
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Lost my old one. Guess it was a decade old.
>three vehicals
Calm down anon. Your waifu doesn't have a driver's license so you can only use one at a time anyway. Good choices though.
Based taste
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I'd vote to keep food/drink. If only because these threads seem more for at home choices, in my eye anyway.
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just asking for a little upgrade man. besides, I'm still within the acceptable net vehicle mass.
Cold, damp tent sex.
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Nice except for the lactose free choc, are you brown anon?
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Negative, I just love the taste
>those centurrii-chan toes
It's just a schitzo huehue monkey that spergs about her being an arab to own the racist
I'm not big on bullpups, but everything else is supremely patrician. Good taste, anon.
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Good morning all
Is that a Rohm?
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very based sidearm

Quite a nice sidearm but the engravings offer no tactical advantage whatsoever.
You said it... Wesley
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>No new entries
>rapid increas in 3dpg
It was fun while it lasted
Its over
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It's never over.
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Aggressive Jack-fueled breeding.
Standard Model 8 or 81 Woodmaster?
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The picture's of an 81, but either one would do for the time period.
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Based either way.
If it were me..
It'd be the Chicago Police Model in .35 Rem
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Here’s what I came up with for the last thread
>Friend and enemy
Ah, carry on then.
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>The Most Well Armed Trailerstuck fan
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Where all my horsefuckers at?
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>The Texan Brony
Probably in the other states that allow horse fuckery..
Hey, I own that furniture set. No gun to put it on yet, though.
>apple horse
A man of culture.
Minuette is such a sweetheart. One day I will try mare milk.
Fine taste all around.
Is the JRA Gallant rifles any good?
Seen some here and there.
I know I should get a real Galil, but I figured I ask.
It smells like used tampons and old books in there
My buddy and I both bought one round six months back and they've both run perfectly fine. The only malfunction I ever got on mine after thousands of mags is when my shitty surp mag couldn't feed it into the chamber.
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Might as well post this, I guess

For some context/expansion, my dream home is a mix of a Victorian house/manor and a medieval fortified manor house. Essentially, a large Victorian-style house constructed of reinforced concrete (with steel beams for support) with an internal and external facade to beautify it, and a few features of fortified manor houses (a large main hall sort of room, crenelated balconies, protective shutters for the windows, maybe even arrow/gun loops)

My reasoning with the Gorgon for the boat is that a huge landing craft on tracks could effectively be modified into an amphibious combat RV, just slap a bed and some amenities into it, and add a roof (bonus points for an IFV turret of some kind on the roof)
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Essentially Tumbler.
Might pick it up when I get the chance.
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>glowie waifu
I can fix her
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check this out
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Is the waifu someone cosplaying Shadowheart? The white hair, mascara, and nose scar make me think so but I can't quite tell
pretty sure it's norafawn doin the cosplay.
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You better fucking respect your new step dad.
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I actually own all of these things but couldn't be assed to take pics. The lack of taste in this thread is also appalling.
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Except you. You stay.
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I suppose I could have put in some waifu mags in my raifu
there should be a no reposts rule
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>Benelli with KS-23 furniture
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Extremely baste.
I've been there on my first solo travel back when I was 16. It's a really nice town.
nice waifu, how's the new series? haven't started it yet
what revolver? I like that grip
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Considering all the weeb stuff on that pic, probably Nambu or something
It's good, but I prefer the original. Some of the animations are a little off, Holo seems less fiery, and I don't enjoy the use of 3D for the animals. Some things are closer to the light novels. If the original is a 10/10, this one is a 8-9/10.
Bought a kegerator just for Kilkenny since it's the only way to get it here.
>new series
haven't made any effort to watch it. /a/ was full of retard takes after it came out and I couldn't be bothered pirating it. but I'm sure it's perfectly good.
>Kilkenny beer
never tried it when I was there as the drinking age in ireland was higher than in my country and they weren't prone to bending the rule unlike what /trv/ told me back in 2011. Is it like a guinness?
New Namub 60, currently not available for import to the states :(
It's an Irish red, but with a better mouthfeel and flavor than stuff like Smithwicks, and a body creamier than Boddingtons.
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had a tough choice to make. Either complain about the cringe and be an overall killjoy on a cambodian genocide denier forum. Or simply shut the fuck up and join the fun.
Well, and having fun instead of beeing all grumpy seems to be a preferable alternative.
Just FYI, the cocktail is called an eagles dream and it is a place holder for all the more sophisticated old school cocktails.
>Bug eye moe shit
>Vegan protein

Ja, I'm thinking FAG
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bonus: hat https://files.catbox.moe/4zp4w1.png
Quite based
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Men of culture.
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Made another
Based millennial
Imagine using the flesh of the gods mainly as a vegan source of protein. Ngl but that would be kinda impressive.
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Simple man, simple needs.
Zoomer attacks on English cromulance will not be accepted. That's not a threat. That's just how it is.
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I love that dumb pistol
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>No Stamin-up
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i have particular tastes
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>not using a usp as well for mag interchange with your waifu
You fucked up
I've never shot one
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I like the Woundwort
Aren't you supposed to be in the test chamber half an hour ago?
Nice truck.
Nice raifu choice
Based vehical choice
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very based

Bulldyke spotted.
Carry on o7
I unironically like bulldykes and am friends with a few. I've fucked around with two, too.
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She's got two mighty sidearms anon.
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Based stalkerbro

Based Assault Marine. Also what food is that?
I miss you trailer park dad. When are you coming back from picking up cigs?

hottest bro on the commune
>we now live in a world where people on an anime imageboard don't know what elfin lied is
zoomers were a mistake
>When are you coming back from picking up cigs?
Depends, Is you little sister legal yet?
trick question, you're only interested if he says no
Yup, piece of shit but it got sovl
No, but i am
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Elfen Lied is bug eyed moeshit. I am a millennial and have always hated that sort of faggotesque anime.
>gore porn is moeshit
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Nothing like Mommas chicken parm.
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Top of the class
>meme AK
only problem with this, otherwise, noice
she's, what, almost forty? cmon man
>Top of the class

>Lightbulb head

Head of the short bus
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>Top of the class
>JW Red
Lord, take me back.
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I have no shame.
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That women is broken beyond repair, be careful anon!
I don't know who that is but I'd like to break her IYKWIM
Fuark I could really go for some gingerbread right now. How dare you do this to me.
why should you be ashamed?
a 1911, gingerbread and cappuccino are comfy as fuck
and unless I was that fifteen year old's brother I'd have had her bent over the kitchen table in a flash, anyone would've
To put the long story short, she was a co star on a Dan Schneider show, her mother withheld food from her to keep her small and she was glad her mother died which she pronounced publicly.
>she was a co star on a Dan Schneider show
just going by the wiki, the allegations against Dan Schneider seem to be mostly circumstantial and insinuated
>her mother withheld food from her to keep her small
depends whether that's bulimic-tier abuse or simply regular dieting being used as publicity ammo.
athletes manage their diets. *I* manage my diet. anyone who's normal manages their diets.
>she was glad her mother died which she pronounced publicly.
that's pretty fucked up. but it depends how one deals with it. my father hated his father, and for good reason, but he's truly the best man I've ever met, in large part because he fights so hard to not be the father to me that his father was to him.

nah, that's not "broken beyond repair" anon. the biggest red flag is that she's in Hollywood showbiz, and relatively successful. anything that involves fame tends to attract terminally narcissistic (sp?) people.
>but it depends how one deals with it.
Not well based on the insane looking freak I just saw when I googled her name plus 2024.
depends on the next step I think
maybe publishing her memoir helped her heal
if she's doing it for that purpose, good for her
if she's doing it for revenge and to try and angle for some showbiz job after all it's done to her... yeah, that's someone to stay away from

also she does look rode hard and put away wet in her recent pics
Well that's just it anon. The brother-sister aspect is the hottest part.
Also I'm pretty sure she wasn't fifteen.
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>The brother-sister aspect is the hottest part.
no, no it isn't
my sister is objectively hot, but no
even as a mere fucking thought exercise, there are lots more equally hot fish out there and it's way way way less emotional baggage
>Also I'm pretty sure she wasn't fifteen
I dunno, what's this meant to be, twelve? surely not
I see your point, and it's fair, but if my sister looked like that and was into me, I would be hard pressed to think twice.
the Folger girl is mid bruh

no, one does not fuck one's sister, period. not even if she's Sydney Sweeney.
>didn't censor the subarm
>Sydney Sweeney
>those ears
You and I have very different ideas of what makes an attractive woman.
>Sydney Sweeney
>his eyes flash to her shell-likes instead of her two massive talents
Anon, I...
Big tiddies alone does not a waifu make, though upon second glance, hers are quite nice fren.
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R8 H8 Discrimin8
Genuinely faggot-tier taste in cars and booze.
Try again.
does it help with the subaUWU is manual and the allens is just because I'm a maineiac and that's our official unofficial state drank?
I regularly go /out/ and needed something that could handle it but i couldn't justify a truck. so I got a crossover even though i hate them, sue me.
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I just need a briefcase full of money so I can buy the Mooney
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Fuck I thought it was the big version from the thumbnail
Such patrician choices, and I'm not biased because we share a waifu
>Aren't you supposed to be in the test chamber half an hour ago?
Gordon doesn't need to hear all this, he's a highly trained professional.
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Doing it wrong for a long time is still doing it wrong
Being a zoomer faggot is being a zoomer faggot. Skibidi rizz ohio bruh!
Double-dipping on the raifu. Bold move. Sublime taste in waifu too.
arguing with retards on the internet still makes you retarded
the waifu needs a raifu. preferably a 12 gauge for maximum jiggle
we would be pals
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>Generic anime thot #000004524561
Post yours then.
What a weird thing to get upset about
Why? You've already made up your mind about her before seeing her.
doing it wrong long enough makes it tradition
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Why yes, I enjoy generic anime thots with enormous breasts, how could you tell?
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Tried to go with all OC instead of stock photos.

Waifu was AI generated my my 3D waifu as a representation of herself, not gonna post an actual photo but it's surprisingly accurate to what she looks like IRL other than the hair - hers is colored but much more subtle. (And before somebody says something, yes she's real, yes she actually physically exists in my life, and yes she's a biological female.)
i like your wrk pics anon.
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I would say that you should go with the later style bayonet. Gives you a solid steel butt for hammering in nails, or smash in the skulls of your enemies.
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what rifle is that
hard to beat a good ol fashioned
>it's surprisingly accurate
once you animefy a caricature all body and face proportions go out the window so it's impossible to tell what the real life inspiration really looks like anyway
>fucked around with two
How's that work anon? They decide they wanna try dick or was it a threesome thing?
Maybe it was a “fucked around and found out” reference.
They were making out, anon creeped them out and they strap-oned his ass.
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the only right choices
how are you going to get through those cold, dark nights without a soft waifu to keep you warm?
jack off in a tent
3 vehical chads stay winning. My motorcycle even has a dent on the same side of the tank. Rescue that poor bicycle though before it returns to the earth
if anon nuts in the woods and nobody hears his moans, did he really nut?
unironically based IRL dayz player
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Based boosh enjoyer
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Who's this chick?

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