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OLD: >>62013941
Mid gas big ass.
I can't delete the other one
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>still hasn’t posted gun
>still yapping
i dont like black “people”
Are you okay anon its right there
>still hasn’t posted gun
i posted it with timestamp in my post
>still yapping
because i am right
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>freedom weekend
i didnt buy any guns or ammo over 4th of july

in fact ive sold $5k of shit in the last month. im done with this incel "hobby". im going down to 2-3 essential rifles and thats it. gun collecting is retarded.
welcome back to the real hobby which is shooting
>he fell into the trap of thinking "need" matters
lmao what a loser, imagine not liking guns
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Everyone likes mctropic. People just pretend not to because it's popular now.
Same thing is happening to elden ring.
Unequivocally based and redpilled. It's time more people treated it less like a hobby. /have fun, but take it seriously. Firearms and their true intentions are no laughing matter
>’freedom’ (((sale)))
>still over 50cpr for all ammo everywhere
Yeah nah cunt
mct is just m05 for brown people
It's too blue for me
freedom ain't free anon
Do you think ammo prices are ever going down from here again? Or are we at a new normal?
I don’t like it and never have
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>not stocked to the gills with 556 and 9mm already
>Everything is prohibitively expensive
>B-but will ammo ever go down?
No, anon. It will not go down. Buy when you have the opportunity a box here and there.
Sorry for turning 18 in 2020 I guess
well, it's good that you apologized.
>Buying 50 cpr 55g when AAC 77g is 55cpr
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basically, im just not gonna gun soom.

low impulse blemula and PSA buyers get the rope.
>low impulse blemula and PSA buyers
I own neither.

If you don't like guns don't buy them, that's fine. I'll pray for you
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I have no qualms with buying ammo at current prices, although I have about 7k rounds stockpiled. I was just asking because that anon's attitude ("Oh they're on sale but still too expensive") only makes sense if you think at some future date prices will drop again.
Much like I missed out on cheap surp guns and fals you will miss out on cheap ammo. I got mine, bitch. Also it will go down 6 months after the president is elected like it always does unless we are in a hot war.
I missed out on both
I dreamed for years of buying a cheap AR, wasr, mosin, and sks once I turned 18
Yet I ended up paying $800 for a psa freedom rifle.
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she's gonna have my litter
AR's are literally cheaper than they've ever been, $300 guns all over the place
Yeah, but it’s not like I’m gonna get that money back now. I bought at the peak of shortages when there were barely any ARs in stock.
Don't sweat over it anon, you have guns now, thats what matters
Oh nice.
most people buy an overpriced shitrod for their first AR
If trump wins ammo and gun prices will drop. If biden wins they go up. That shrimple.
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talk me out of a exps2
Easy, get an EXPS3
Behold for a tiny bit more, the EXPS3
Yea what they said >>62019868
Amen brother my bail amount was 900 inflatobuckys
i still owe 800 to the irs
talk me out of a exps3
If your vickers sling still has the label on it you don't shoot
slings are overrated for static shooting
I will not. I bought one 5 years ago and haven't looked back.
Why does fat2grip hate eotech if they’re still super prevalent
just not as retard proof as an aimpoint.
You have to turn it on every turn you pick the rifle up.
It's a based iq filter
Red dot dust covers are a meme
Battery life/lithiums dont exist
Thermal shift (no other optics do this)
Too heavy
This bait was made for me
I need a gigantic hardcase suitcase on wheels that I can put in the back of my truck.

Generics welcome, idc much about sturdiness just waterproof for long distance travel

Any suggestions?
Magpul or pelican cases for best quailty. For cheap look at used facebook market place pelicans or cheap new Harbor freight hard cases
Harbor Freight Apache
battery life sucks and less durable then Aimpoint
muh "HUUUUJJE FOV" is a meme you might as well point shoot in cqb and its useless outside of that
>what is bindon aiming
name one single benefit of Eotech over Aimpoint
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My IQ when I'm awaken from dead asleep at 3am is about 54. So aimpoint is better for HD.
He had 3 break
Not really, all my lenses get dusty as fuck, just sitting muzzle up in the safe.
>inb4 just clean it bro
Or just close the cap when you put it away
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it look gud in cod
>less durable then Aimpoint
Wrong also you need to say T2 because none of the other aimpoints are as good as the T2
>muh "HUUUUJJE FOV" is a meme
Not with a magnifier behind it
>name one single benefit of Eotech over Aimpoint
crisp 1moa dot, fov is real, donut of death is nice for holdovers
I like the reticle
Exps3-2 reticle also more better than solo dot
Better light transmission. And I like the buttons better than mushy T2 knob
Also, dedicated NV button for fast swaps.
Aimpoint has a holo sight?
The T2 is so much easier to adjust especially with gloves
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Thanks, was looking for something a little bigger
Is there a generic equivalent to the Pelican 1780?
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Many legitimate reasons
Guys. Fuck. I bought a couple Eotechs 'cause I got a great deal on 'em and needed an optic for my new build. I bought them yesterday and somehow they arrived today which is cool. But I'm not sure how I feel about them. The reticles look like ass. It doesn't really affect performance but I don't know if I prefer it over any of my other red dots or prisms.

>They're so good with nods!
I am too poor for nods and I can't train with them in this godforsaken state anyway.
>They are great magnified!
This is going on an home-defense oriented subsonic 300 blackout gun; I will never shoot it past 100 yards.

Is there any reason to go with Eotech if you aren't magnifying or using night vision?
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no. maybe for instagram influencer pics
>Is there any reason
They look cool
how is it for ligmatism vs a dot?
Another dumb nigger who buys something doesn't even shoot it and complains its doesn't suck your dick. Go shoot with it go train with it for some time then come up with an opinion. Red dots, holographic, prism, and LPVOs can all work it depends on what tradeoff you prefer.
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Let me guess, you ““need”” more?
>has sling point attached from the nylon bondage
>doesn't use it
yeah, to the wall with you
I wish there was a 1-6 SFP LPVO that has extreme levels of durability and red dot bright illumination with 1,000+ hrs of battery life and a BDC reticle and wide FOV, but there isn’t so I just have an elcan instead
Less actually. Less barrel
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>outing yourself as a redditor in order to out anon as a redditor
why do they do it?
>what is image search
Not him but you know there is an image search feature built into this website right? It’s the first result.
reverse image searching and posting a link to reddit does not make you a redditor, genius
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you probably dont even shoot it enough to justify anything more than a romeo 5
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people wanna larp and act like a spec ops soldier who will run NODS
if someone has NODS then 100% the EOTech is better and actually worth it
if you arent running NODS though chances are you only need a red dot
the EOTech is objectively better than a red dot in basically every way but you also dont need it, the cheap $200 red dot is giving you the same advantage over irons
i need a flashlight but i can live without the grip or mag undies
>grabs rifle anytime
>red dot is on
it's just like my vidya
why, battery life is unironically fine
I personally wouldn't know, but I think both dots and holos are nightmares for astigmaligmatisms. Someone correct me if I'm wrong
>both dots and holos are nightmares for astigmaligmatisms
literally a meme
if you have glasses or contacts they correct for astigmatism
if you dont have your glasses or contacts you cant see so you are going to die
Even with the worst eyes the 1moa dot will work fine
i think someone needs to correct their eyeballs
Everyone always cries battery life, but my brother in Christ, if the world has gone to shit enough to where you're hurting for batteries, your life expectancy is gonna be LEAGUES lower than even an EOTech's battery life
Eotech has auto off. I swap my batteries every other year, same as my aimpoints.
>if you dont have your glasses or contacts you cant see so you are going to die
I can see farely well without my glasses it's just the dots that I can't make out. Astigmatism and poor vision are kinda different but they usually go hand in hand. I have decent vision but very bad astigmatism.
Who about to shoot into the sky for a belated 4th?
If I ever get a hole in my roof because one of you niggers does that shit I will find you
this is literally all it takes
Is your roof made of paper?
No, but I saw a video of somebody in Texas who had it happen and I don't want that
I already celebrated the 4th appropriately if you know what I mean.
You'd probably only find out after it rains too.
>shoot into the sky
Super thrilled that America is becoming a third-world country.
Exactly. Only way you'd know, when your ceiling is fucked
Were you the faggot shooting into the "woods" behind my neighborhood?
going back to lower 1/3 height for my red dot so the dot will be higher in the window, allowing for more peripheral vision when doing cqb holds, it's a really good idea that i just came up with
What state? Everyone here was shooting so it could be me or it could be someone else.
>What state
A gay state.
Wasn't me then. And you wouldn't be putting woods in quotes they're actual woods in that direction.
Going back to irons because after 3 pairs of glasses, years of focusing on the target, and trying to get used to it, my eyes are still retarded and the dot is still a 60 MOA blob.

No, I will not be putting something that says "Swampfox", "Primary Arms", or some other Reddit shit on my gun.
Did you tell your optometrist that you have astigmatism? They don't automatically correct for that.
If I did my math correctly it's about 44 acres of woods, with a power line running through the middle and suburban development in all four sides. Used to be a hunting area long ago before the small hats made it impossible to hunt there any longer.
>A gay state.
sucks bitch
>No, I will not be putting something that says "Swampfox", "Primary Arms"

kinda just sounds like you're making up dumb excuses to justify using irons again.
Nah the power lines don't go through there and the closest ones go the other direction.
Put something that says Nightforce or Schmidt and Bender on it.
Bite my shiny metal ass!
Man fuck mold. The last place I rented before I said fuck it it's time to buy a house was infested with that stuff. Apparently it used to be the hood so niggers used to live there and you know how they are. But then they gentrified it without getting rid of the mold. Put lipstick on a pig and doubled the rent. I had some slings get moldy in my safe and a bunch of gear got moldy too. It grew all over my helmet on the inside and outside. Fucking gross.
Yes. I don't know if my optometrist is incompetent or if my Astigmatism is just that bad. Glasses made it better but didn't totally fix it. I figure if I'm gonna have a dot on my rifle, I should be able to use it to its fullest potential in all lighting conditions and I can't do that.

Not putting unproven cons00mer bullshit on a gun. It's not even about LARPing, I just don't want to waste money on shit with unknown durability and low resale value.

I have an atacr 1-8 on my nicer gun, I wanted a dot on my beater for 0-200 shit

If you got Lasik it would get rid of the Astigmatism 100%
All Lasik Surgery corrects it as a biproduct of the reshaping procedure
>I don't know if my optometrist is incompetent or if my Astigmatism is just that bad.
did you tell them what's wrong or do you expect them to read your mind? get a t2 or a comp m2 if you want a durable red dot.
>I don't know if my optometrist is incompetent
There seems to be a decline in competence lately.

My dad just had botched eye surgery so even though lasik is different there is no way I'm letting anyone near my eyes after that. I was already leery about it but now I'm certain.
>cure tism
>Your eye balls are now flapping in the wind for the rest of your life
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>"oy, we're just going to shoot the lasuh in yuh eye, it's totally safe, ya schmuck"
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god I love Aero's old logo, I don't care if their receivers aren't d00dy grade
wow what a flaming hot take shared by only you because you're so unique! (and everyone on r*ddit)
can't argue with god's trips of truth
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im just glad my alien psa lower has 51 on the serial number
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what stock is this
holy fuck it's an lr300 I am stupid. Thank you past me for naming the image that
LR-300 im pretty sure
unobtanium and only compatible with the LR-300 which is unobtanium
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It's only good on the regular lowers. Not that ugly one
my balls stink
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Every other thread here is dead - alu chassis or traditional stock
prove it
use deodorant on them. just like the same type of stuff you use for your pits
I guess jews and eye surgery are okay after all
Traditional just looks so good. It's what I'm going to do when I start a precision setup.
my dentist gave me antibiotics for my mouth and it made my junk smell better. google says theyre used to treat vaginitis and im questioning everyting
>like BCM
>hate that they blaster their gay boomer logo on everything
Why hasn't anyone told them to stop doing this
traditional, more impact resistant and just feels nicer to sleep with.
he wont, anons lying
I built my own upper with other parts and just used their handguard.
This is what I'm leaning toward but I keep seeing chassis setups and I'm second guessing what I want. Can't figure out if I want a manners/McMillan or a something else
>to sleep with
you've never slept with your rifle whilst camping?
I agree which is why i sold all my ar15 and settled on a 16" ar10
I've brought a rifle camping - I have never placed it between my legs and straddled it.
tell me you dont shoot without telling me you dont shoot
He obviously doesn't know that you need to keep your rifle warm in the field otherwise she'll grow to resent you and not function properly when the time comes.
uh my rifle prefers to do the straddling
I had to stop because I got tired of cleaning my cum off it.
Is mid-length gas a 2010 meme, or is it actually good? Does it even matter when no manufacturer properly gases their mids?
>It's time more people treated it less like a hobby. /have fun, but take it seriously.

people who say shit like this just want others to be effective insurgents in their race war
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Shit like this makes it really hard to stand up to the people that say >tranime.
That's a vtuber. It's not anime, it's a white woman pretending to be anime.
if you are ever around normal people millennial and down they all watch anime there is nothing to defend
degenerates also own firearms anon. hitler was also a vegetarian.
I'm a millenial and I only know two people who watch some anime, at least that are open about it. Both were infantry and deployed to Afghanistan. One is Mexican so enough said there and the other is cool as fuck he probably posts here.
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Stamps is filed for the SBR and I can move out of of being a brace fag. Assembled the Noveske lower today. I think I prefer the LMT though. The geometry being all consistent is nice for me since the LMT had some annoying variances against the upper.

Thoughts, and criticisms welcome
they also both go on Grindr and get TOPPED
>I'm a millenial and I only know two people
this checks out
hello r*ddit
Trip on shoenice.

Noveske is lame and stupid and there rollmark is ugly
i don't know how noveske got away with such a dogshit handguard design.
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>SBR filed for a 14.5
>>62021171 not a huge fan truth be told. Weight is nice.
>>62021166 I like it
>>62021164 what is a Reddit?
Literally me
>copying anything the military does
Other than using the ACOG and Aimpoints, most of their choices when it comes to the AR platform have been stupid as fuck.
I can't wait to get mine! (In up to 4 weeks)
I want to try different muzzle devices and suppressors and don’t want to get in any trouble. Law abiding man I am
have you seen the 9-hole review?
>AR with magnified optic performs like an AR with a magnified optic
Shocker. I honestly love 9-hole reviews, but Henry has such a hard-on for the military it's embarrassing.
>a brand new ar with a quality barrel + match ammo can make 1moa hits
who woulda thunk
I think in that video he says that the "URGI" is better than what he was issued.
>the "URGI" is better than what he was issued
No fucking way.
You mean 6* weeks+, anon
going out to the desert again, taking gf shooting fur the furst time

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The elites don't want you to know this
But the boxes at USPS are free
You can take them home.

I have 458 boxes
Bill already created shipping labels, people may have URGI's in hand by the end of next week
I know mine has been printed
Don't shoot the messenger, I shoot back.
taxes dan...
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Shut it down
There's just no way a urgi shoots better than a clapped out m4. I refuse to believe it.
Yeah he has a hard on for it because it’s mid length gas.
Per capita the highest gay population in the state, fyi
he has a hardon for it because he was stacking hits out to like 600m man. you cant pretend it wasnt an insane run
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Damn. The house always wins.

Having a 4 ton diesel truck deliver free firestarting supplies is one of the ways i contribute to climate change.
Do you think he couldn’t have done that with a BCM given the same optic?
definitely not at the same cadence with BCM's 1 round per 15 second limit
Men smell really nice especially if they've been doing something like chopping wood or laying bricks or lifting
he did it with the faxon barreled 416, just marginally slower
All that money and cant afford a PTT?
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whats the verdict on mugi chan?
Oh shit I forgot about that
Ugly ass woman who is married to a troon. I feel bad for their children.
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It's better than a PTT because it becomes a speaker when you unplug your headset. instead of just being a paperweight
I'd rather be a troon than weigh as much as an SUV, Ash.
Everything he said is correct except the troon part. He's a crossdresser, there's a difference.
Fuck that I'd take fat 10 times out of 10. Also a significant portion of troons are fat too so it doesn't rule that out.
You'd rather have your dick cut off than be fat? Damn
I was under the impression most of them don't chop their dicks off
but then all the adjacent normies can hear your gossip
cute Sodaman x Letty moment
the headcanon has solidified, you're never gonna convince someone on 4chan.
No problem, me and the boys will be exclusively communicating in Farsi, so you won't understand whether we're planning to behead you for being an infidel, or just calling you fat and gay. (truth is it's both)
wrong tab wrong board wrong thread heh
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True but that's the best part. How are you gonna feel like a cool guy operator if you aren't making squelching sounds?

And if you aren't using CTCSS sub tones to reduce static, you are NGMI.
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have we decided on a 2024 meta yet? i dont recall.
It will be 11.5 and 14.5 spammed endlessly since stamps are so fast. Stamplets will cope with 20".
it's dripmaxxing
Id rather be beheaded than speak an actual fag loser language
It would be funny if you were near people in full kit and your boy was saying to ice the person near you loudly over the radio for a laugh
>Id rather be beheaded than speak an actual fag loser language
Same here, that's why we won't be using Arabic
Are you in the market for a sports car?
Nah flandre trooned.
oh, well rip
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Yeah I've been shopping around. I'm almost done with my degree and single so I'm about to do some (financially) retarded shit when I graduate

I already test drove a 2021 Supra and it was insane. Also looked at the Nissan Z. Both 6cyl 3.0L twin turbo.
Yeah shit happened like a year ago.
I mean, the guy went by a girls name and dressed up as a woman so I really don't know why I didn't see that coming.
dudes wearing anime or women outfits and shooting isnt funny its just weird
Jealous. I hate my car. The new supras didn't do much for me at first but then I saw one in person and that all changed.
14.5 URGI, 11.5 URGI
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You could spray paint over the engravements
Wrong again, anon https://i.4cdn.org/wsg/1720320095034687.webm
if you see that disgusting creature with a mask on and don't know something is wrong you're ngmi
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I have decent 4x4 vehicles but Im gonna sell one and get something fast.

Yeah the Supras are beautiful I'm fortunate to have seen one in person. The one I test drone had a flashed ECU and custom downpipes. I floored it and burned rubber at 30mph. Nuts.
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If you don't have your degree yet how are you rolling in it already? Giving blowies at ave D?
I live is basically an engineering town with some mic stuff nearby so this is like cool car central and you see all kinds of crazy shit just cruising around. I keep telling myself I don't want a fast car next but my heart knows I'm lying to it.
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Decent tech job. I make good enough money to just sit where I'm at. But I'm almost topped out on my pay scale at like $90k/yr. After that I ill need the degree to keep improving. Inflation is still going so if you're stagnant you are losing money. You really have to keep on that grindset to improve. Normal raises don't do shit.
The coolest thing has been finding out that sports cars aren't always expensive. Supra and BMW M2 are Suprisingly affordable. If you can step down to a turbo 4cyl like Subaru wrx it gets even cheaper. If you can float like $10k cash you can get a sub 300mo payment for 48 months.
>buy 5.56 remmington despite 223 doing the job
>quarter of them are fucking duds
s'alright though, little bro bought me some ammo for my birthday
I'm the anon from a couple days ago that you sold on the riflespeed... didnt clear my DD RISII by about .05"... Ordered a RISIII today lmao
>You really have to keep on that grindset to improve. Normal raises don't do shit.
No lie there
What gas length?
>didnt clear my DD RISII by about .05".
Should've taken the angle grinder pill. Oh well RIS III isn't bad. Just heavy. Hopefully you're running an SBR so weight isn't bad. Did you double check the riflespeed configurator?
I hope you don't have the 10 inch RISII or III because you're going to have a bad time.
non-enthusiast here. What gun is she holding and is the holographic sight as an odd a choice as I think it is?
It crossed my mind but I was looking for a reason to go RISIII... it's an 11.5, so no big deal
tommybuilt t7 mp7 clone
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Should have gone DDM4. Now you're a mlok fag and not even for something cool like the KS-1
Not sure about that one. All I can tell you is that the RIS III's attachment points on the front line up exactly with where the gas block is on the carbine length making it impossible to put together unless you file it down.
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I would've went v7 or LaRue quad rail myself. But rizzler3 isn't bad. 9.5 might have too much block protrusion and look ugly.
Well I'm hoping the inner diameter on DDs website is at the narrowest possible point. If thats the case, its all kosher
You noticed my wood while I was shooting
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>Inner diameter
No, that's not the issue. Where this screw goes is the issue.
It's so joever for him. He shouldve consulted anon first. Many such cases
looking at pictures on DDs website it'll be fine. My clearance problem wasn't on the block itself but rather the plunger mechanism
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Cool, just wanted to make you aware. My issue was from the screw points lining up perfectly with the gas block on carbine length. Pic related.
ks1 is not out and will be unobtanium for years
RIS III is thick, heavy for mlok, and has no front QD mount bro. Its so over for you
Can you put a nade launcher on RISIII 11.5's?
I will return in 3-5 business days with results.
How will I ever recover?
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Welcome to the girth gang
the thicker the better, I want it to feel like my wifes boyfriend tyrone
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mutts law
Vile post.
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no idea
not my problem
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>willingly choosing to be an mcel and not even getting weight savings out of it
There's no way people do this. How has DD sold a single RIS III.
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>How has DD sold a single RIS III?
ah right, I forgot reddit exists for a minute.
You guys have weird ways to unload thousands of dollars for no function
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>he knows
I Googled it I promise. I'm innocent

Yeah it's dumb. I want to say it doesn't work on the shorter RIS IIIs. Which is pretty gay because a 11.5/12.5 mlok rifle with grenade launcher would be kinda fire.
They shoot nice and feel good in the hand. Not super narrow like a lot of other mlok and not everyone gives a shit about minmaxxing handguard weight
>They shoot nice and feel good in the hand. Not super narrow like a lot of other mlok
sounds like a ris II to me
>not everyone gives a shit about minmaxxing handguard weight
Then why go mlok at all? It has zero advantages over picaninny except weight reduction.
That's what they all say
>Then why go mlok at all?
Internal gas block clearance, obviously
Seems like just another reason not to use an adjustable gas block
It's a philosophical choice. One who chooses a chud rail must also embrace the face farts.
I do not fear the brap
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It would be fire if it did anything fire but launchers are pure cosplay. It was cool in scarface but drones are the new hotness
I'm going to tell you all the truth you don't want to hear.

The M320 is superior to the M203 in every single way
oi thats a bit cringe innit
Mid length gas, can use your mlok stuff if you have it, some people don’t like the feel of a quad rail especially the RIS 2 and you can get the RIS3 in a 16 which you can’t with the RIS 2
The truth is often cringe
>Mid length gas
You can buy any DD barrel and throw a RIS II on it
>can use your mlok stuff if you have it,
That's the worst reason I've ever heard
>some people don’t like the feel of a quad rail
redditors really aren't people
Do you fuck different women? Your junk will smell different. Yes, they will notice.

t. fucks different women.
I Once Fucked A Dude And His Balls Smelled Like My Moms Shampoo.
least favorite song on my playlist and I dont even know why its still on it
We will teach them our peaceful ways. By force!
>some people don’t like the feel of a quad rail especially the RIS 2
Those aren't people.
>let me smell yo dick
Look through a rear peep when using your dot. Aso, my pistol dot cleans up a lot when I use a light with it. Why? Tide goes in, tide goes out. No one really knows.
>weeeellll aktchuly...the refracted light from th-
>The M320 is superior to the M203 in every single way
except for under barrel mounting. that shit is egregiously bulky and tall
Under barrel mounting sucks and makes your rifle pointlessly heavy the 99.9% of the time you are carrying it and not launching grenades.
Need standalone gl.
They can't help smelling it when their mouth is on it.
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i shot a 203 with chalk today it was cool, might pursue special tactics division
Are the 203s for gas launchers?
no we have a 4 shot launcher for that, it was a friends today for some july 4th weekend fun
retard, its cheaper to buy a psa lower and upper,you save 100$ if you do it yourself ,most pre built PSA's are 450 - 500 minimum
NTA but
>bleblard, blits bleabler blo bluy bla Blee Bless Blay blower bland blupper,blou blave blone-blundred blollars blif blou blo blit blourblelf ,blost ble bluilt Blee Bless Blay’s blare blour blifty - blive blundred blibliblum
Can you prove that?
So what's with the suppressor condom? (I'm new to suppressors)
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