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Maturing is realizing the utility of the mace.
Bashing stuff?
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>and they said that 'brute force' isn't the solution
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>im you but stronger
What is it with those recent mace threads?
Not that I am complaining.
Years of "sword v spear" console war faggotry has led many fed-up weapons enthusiasts to the path of the mace.
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for me its the westaboo nunchuck
In Vidya like mount and blade and total war, maces are always the best due to armor pen

But they were never that popular in real life. Why? Is it really that much harder to use than a sword?
because real life is not a videogame, and maces glance off plate far easier than people imagine.
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for me, its the contemporary version:
>But they were never that popular in real life.
u wot m8?
They aren't always the best in games. Usually they're situationally good at best
are you confusing it with a flail? maces are easier to use than swords and were used extensively to hurt people through armor
why would you drive them all halfway through but never sharpen the heads to a point
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Where is the axe appreciation?
DOD psyop campaign to mentally condition the public to liking the mace, so that when they ask the FED for millions of dollars to R&D a modern mace that is capable of breaking modern armor plates the people wont bat an eye.
The answer is always polearm + dagger.
I love maces
Which one in picrel is the best according to you, /k/?
Damn, his distance control and strike timing is good.
"Best" in which way?
Leftmost probably because of it's slightly more flexible construction that allows for more force at the point of impact (like an expandabe baton).
For style, the studded club.
All others are pretty gay.
For me it's 4 or 6.
Maybe 1 if it had a decently rigid spring for a shaft instead of that thin one.
>french weapon
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2nd one looks better balanced.
1st looks great for fast strikes, but I doubt it could hold after a few strikes.
3-6 better use it 2 handed.
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>"Best" in which way?
For home and self defense for example
>Leftmost probably because of it's slightly more flexible construction that allows for more force at the point of impact
Interesting, it would be my last choice. As >>62023095 and >>62023104 said, it doesn't look very resistant
>All others are pretty gay
Meh, I think they all cool in their own way
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>Home/Self defence
Use a pair >picrel or a small shield + whatever weapon.
I don't want to kill people but I bet it feels extremely satisfying to cave someone's skull in with a steel mace
No Anon.. you got it all wrong.
Go for the elbows and knees. Or the hip.
This is fake. Everything is telegraphed, especially the fall
so people got firearms but you'd rather get a slow blunt stick that's also heavy, while it takes any white girl three seconds to put out the safety and to fire at you?
I admit it must have been useful on medieval times but ever since invention of crossbow you've been fucked as a mace owner.
Now before you go calling everything cringe and retarded just remember that you need me more than I need you.
kill yourself
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scola gladiatora made a vid on maces and how they was the prestige weapon of the medieval knight. i'm not complaining either.
I agree that maces are underrated, but they really do have less utility than other weapons.
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a club aka heavy impact weapon aka rock on a stick is one of the most versatile weapon concepts in human history because everybody has a skull and a proper braining cures everything, even being a cunt.
isn't that why scepters are a royal symbol?
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perhaps, even the pharaos are depicted with maces, even though they had swords and spears and axes and bows and arrows, the mace seems to be the bossman thing. my theory is because it is the least cumbersome to carry around, you can play with it without cutting yourself and it looks cool like a command stick or something when you give your orders to your underlings. plus you can brain a guy.
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like it is shitty to hold a drawn sword all day to symbolize your power, better have a short mace for that.
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For me, it's the early maces with stone heads.
>shatters after one hit
now imagine you have a thousand guys on your sides and behind you pushing you forward so you have no maneuver room and just have to take the blunt of the bonk if you can't bonk them first.
That's what shields and armor and such are for.
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These things come in cycles.
Macefags have been insufferable hipsters for a LONG time.
Why does it look like they mounted it on a fake stick?
>Maturing is realizing the utility of the mace.
As a symbol of authority
>Why does it look like they mounted it on a fake stick?
these, like stone axes were placed on the limbs of growing trees or woven in them and harvested like fruit years later
That's so out there that I'm inclined to believe it out of hand
All cavalry weapons are prestige weapons desu, and maces work a whole lot better on horseback.
No idea, probably because the original fucking stick had long rotted away you silly knobhead
>design a mace that can break modern plates
You don't understand melee weapons. There are 3 ways to defeat armour, bypass, defeat or negate.
>Bypass: Attack the enemy where the armour is not
>Defeat: Penetrate the armour
>Negate: Negate the effective protection of the armour
Blunt weapons utalise negation through the use of concussive force, causing damage to bone and tissue through the armour. Sure you might dent a breast plate or what not but it's the concussive force which is the point of a blunt weapon.
fuck man a knotted tree limb does the job even, in medieval sieges people would pften go hack off a knotted limb or whatnot to use as a starting weapon in order to preserve their actual weapons, since weapons break in extended combat, multiple tapestries/illustrations depict this.
Its also symbolic and instintive primal, the monkey with the stick, the stick is the club, is the mace. The monkey with the stick is defacto in charge pf the pther monkeys
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Poking holes in people is the more civilized way.
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you're all homos the morning star is the best mace
>Fuck these tight coner-AACK!
A war hammer for those that can't edge align?
Did you mean "As a Symbol of Oppression"?
6, it's got it all
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But anon, I don't go to Taylor Swift concerts
Don't know if it is true, but it is definitely one of the most aesthetic and iconic.
You are aware that wood decays over time much faster than stone, right?
Obviously, but they could have mounted on a real stick, or a more convincing fake
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it took me until university to realize that maces are the trusted choice of melee weapon for all academics
mace still has brute force it does not need to pen - not as much as two handed warhammers but still not something you want to experience even in armor
look at the split in the stick where they attatched the head, the wedge driven in, are you sure thats not wood.
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disk mace from ancient Egypt, pre dynastic, means it is 5.5k-6k years old
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same age, pear shaped head, gold foil on the handle, unfortunately stolen from the museum in kairo in the 1920.
thats exactly what it is
I aligned my dick into your mom and edged there.
unless you're on a horse, a mace is an awful weapon
Incans made sweet stone ones. But they got absolutely buttblasted by pizarro at cajamarca.
because he wants to deal blunt AND piercing damage you fucking moron.
>Deaf or alive you're coming with me
>brittle-bone-disease hands typed this
Stranger Things Steve Halloween costume
A short mace can be swung with good power next to a friend.
The order of battle as formation presses on closer. First projectiles, then pikes and spears, the glaives, axe and halberd, then large knife, small axe and swords. Only then a single handed blugeoning tool has use when space is too tight to swing for other weapon.
I never understood the point of these bats, why not have all the nails pointing in a same direction? I guess it's meant to look edgy and half-assed like wrapping it in a barbed wire or something.
This doesn't work because once you cut off the branch and it dies it will dry out and shrink, causing the head to come loose anyway
The mace, aka fancy club, is probably the oldest weapon of humans. It probably predates flint knives and axes. Humans have a tendency to idolize "trad" weapons. Basically, in ye olde days,c clubs/maces are like your gramp's old trusty fuddy shotgun or revolver.
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Fuck you too man bar maces are based
being a smug spearfag is too mainstream now so its time to move on to the next meme
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That's an old world mace and stickplants are new world flora.
Nah, that was a thing. Ever seen a tree growing through a fence or something? Same principle. Find a young tree, split it, embed a nicely-shaped rock in the split, then tie it back and wait some years until the tree grows back around it.
>bark rots away
>suddenly you're left with a loose head
Nice, good job.
i've finally sat down and played kingdom come because they announced a sequel and I'm now a macefag
You're supposed to sharpen both sides.
Two questions for anons
>does having nails through your baseball bat make it a more effective weapon?
>how effective actually is a baseball bat as a melee weapon? Is it essentially just a less efficient mace of the modern era, or will you get jobbed the moment you show up to a fight with one?
They tend to have the best buffs as well
>does having nails through your baseball bat make it a more effective weapon?
Mostly yes. The nails can add puncture woulds to blunt force trauma. On the flip side, common nails are made pretty soft so I wouldn't trust them to pierce armor.
>how effective actually is a baseball bat as a melee weapon? Is it essentially just a less efficient mace of the modern era, or will you get jobbed the moment you show up to a fight with one?
On one hand, it's a two handed weapon with the weight and length of a one handed weapon. It is Extremely easy to use.
On the other, the wood tends to flex on impact which reduces the damage. Length is also sub-optimal for a two handed weapon.

I'd rate it above a knife but less than an axe or shovel.
Maces werent that amazing against plate armour, theres some primary sources that detail how they crushed through helmets at time though, maybe all the guys trying to reenact that shit with historically authentic materials are too weak, or the metal still too good. Or maybe sometimes armour fails anyway.
Knights and men at arms etc had multiple weapons anyway, this faggotry of weapon teams is retarded.
goedendag begs to differ
>use one for smashing in the heads of trash fish that are illegal to throw back
>use one for bonking the heads of geese instead of having to pick them up and swing them around after shooting them
>use one for cracking a turkey upside the head if it's still alive so i don't have to risk damaging the beard and tail with another shotshell
>use little one to thump the heads of squarralsls so i don't have to shoot them again as they do the crappie flop in the leafs
>use one as a weight training aid for softball (it's just a sand filled softball bat)
>use one as an intimidating paper weight by the desk to our shop
>have a modern collapsible one in my van for means of self defense and life preservation

Maces/clubs/bonkers are top tier.
That was one battle where they werent even the deciding factor.
>does having nails through your baseball bat make it a more effective weapon?
No. Nails in your bat compromise the structural integrity and changes the weight distribution and aerodynamics. The creation of a modern bat is a work of science that the athletic community has spent billions of dollars on in order to create a tool that is near perfect for swinging. Even if you drill and tap the wood before inserting the nail you're still remove massive chunks of wood.

Then you have to factor in, "what will the nails do." and to answer that question: more harm than good. If you hit someone with a good Victus or Marucci you're fucking their day up nails or not. There is enough force there to obliterate anything with a thirst or a swing. The nails are trivial when it comes to damage so why are they bad?

Nails will get stuck on articles of clothing, backpacks, or just plain old flesh or wood. Them snagging on things in general is deadly. They will also bend and deform limiting what little practicality they have. They will also allow water to get into the bat. As previously said they add weight and fuck up the balance.
Question: Why don't you learn to shoot?
I never thought I'd see Big Baseball sicking shills upon the 4chongs.
Never been big bird or small game hunting before eh? Geese don't die when they get dropped from the sky. They are massive birds and all you're doing is swatting them out of the sky. Hell most ducks don't either they cup and fold and then swat the shit out of your dog as it brings them back. Turkeys are the same thing. Big tough birds where even using specialized loads and landing a good shot they still flounder as they bleed out. Shooting a squirrel with a shotgun is the same thing. At least half the time they're going to be flopping unless you blast it on a log 10 feet from you.
why do you fish if you wont eat the fish? Its like going hunting wih an airgun.
There are trash fish that are an invasive species that you don't want to eat for one reason or another and are illegal to throw back because they wreak havoc on the native species of fish and plant life. Sometimes you catch those fish and need a means of humanly culling them. Some people just leave them on the bank or shore and let them suffocate. I don't like doing that.
>explaining basball bats is shilling

why do you people just throw that word out all willy nilly?
i have a feeling that these are not to scale
6 is the best imo, 2 and 4 have good heads but i dont like the handles
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mace bitches didn't see this one coming
You've never even seen so much as a depiction of a real one and that's why you niggers are always posting the Windlass repro.
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You're trying to explain modern sporting equipment to people who have never run a mile. You're going too far in depth. Mention standardized lengths & weights and people will shit themselves.
>all willy nilly
Shill pls
>does having nails through your baseball bat make it a more effective weapon?
I think it comprises the structure and is more trouble than it is worth.
>how effective actually is a baseball bat as a melee weapon? Is it essentially just a less efficient mace of the modern era, or will you get jobbed the moment you show up to a fight with one?
Swung in two hands by someone with a strong upper body and core, these things are lethal.
Imagine having Jose Canseco trying to club somebody with one.
Wooden bats are really just wooden clubs, but they have better balance for swinging in a powerful arc.
If I showed up to a street fight with a bat, I wouldn’t feel in danger of getting jobbed, unless someone thought to bring a gun. Gangs have been using bats for as long as baseball has been popular because they simply work.
Is the video a little cringe?
Yeah, it’s 12 years old, but it shows a bat impacting a gel test head.
The obvious thing that people forget is that plate armor didn't spontaneously come about. For a long time, mail+gambeson/surcoat was the most protective armor combination available. Maces were very effective both on foot and on horse against that kind of armor.
based mace anon
i have a bar mace myself, fuck pointy maces and nail bats
>hyper SWANG and a whiff
>pointy bits stuck in the wall
no thank you
Forgot the video.
It literally symbolizes BIG DICK ENERGY
You grab it by the head and smack your opponent with DEEZ NUTS
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Mfw realize the mace was the pharaoh's knife hand.
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Well shit I’m actually demoralised now, I tired finding the original one they fished out of the Thames but all I can find is repo’s. You win bar mace hating Anon, I was psyoped into liking a weapon that probably doesn’t exist
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>liking a weapon that probably doesn’t exist
>You've never even seen so much as a depiction of a real one
Plenty of evidence/antique examples for bar maces used in Asia.
Maces in Mount and Blade suck unless you’re trying to farm captives after the battle by bonking the enemy troops unconscious.
The Bannerlord meta is archers with a two handed polearm.
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>when you realize that these weapons were used in WWI
>some may have even brained a dude or two
Even in the grim darkness of the far future, blunt force trauma still gets the job done. With a little assist from a power field generator.
Where's the rest of his skull?
Try beating a steel plate out of shape with a hammer, maces aren't actually that useful, especially because accuracy is very important.
Chances are the armor is too good.
A lot of poor knights and peasants were likely using tin can tier helmets, rather than something you're paying several thousand dollars for today.
>Try beating a steel plate out of shape with a hammer
>that's totally the same as beating an armored knight with a mace
Fucking retard
If anything, trying to beat the armored knight is WAY harder. There's like an inch of wool padding under the helm and chestplate and the fucker has been training to fight in armor all his life. You didn't think it was possible to dodge in full plate but there he is, slipping your swings like Muhammad Ali.
I bet you also think you won't feel anything getting shot in your vest.
The latter would literally be harder.
Men have taken hits to the vest and kept fighting. Knights would have been trained SPECIFICALLY to take hits to the head and keep fighting. William the Marshal, for example, once took so many blows to the head during a tourney that he couldn't get his helmet off without a blacksmith. Knights were just built different.
>Men have taken hits to the vest and kept fighting.
Men have also taken bullets to the stomach and kept fighting. Also congrats on missing the point harder than the one you were trying to make.
most modern armor is ceramic. a night stick should be good enough.
The sender is always responsible for ensuring the message is recieved. Make your point clearly.
>The sender is always responsible for ensuring the message is recieved.
Obviously you received it, you just didn't understand it. You should stop trying to sound smart, it doesn't become you.
No, you don't have a point. This was the ideal time to make your argument but you went for insults. This shows you have nothing.

How disappointing.
How do you carry this without it stabbing you in the side?
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Well of course being shot is going to hurt but it's not going to stop you from shooting back. In fact, here's a vid of a man shooting himself in the vest then immediately standing up and shooting some targets.
>But muh head trauma
The helmets had interior padding. In fact, some were designed with leather straps to suspend the helmet on the wearer's head just to reduce the impact and give as much space as possible for the padding to dampen the impact. You could stun a knight with a mace but you'd need to be exceptionally strong to knock one out.
Brother, if police activity has taught me anything is that people can brush off 10+ rounds and still be fighting or stabbing or firing a gun. The shootout screen from Wind River did an amazing job portraying this.
>You could stun a knight with a mace but you'd need to be exceptionally strong to knock one out.
maces and hammers will fuck your shit up regardless of the padding due to their sheer mass
medieval combat reenactors hate/love rubber maces (depending on who's defending the castle) because they produce so much knocked out fellas with traumatic brain injury it's unreal
When are we getting a working shock maul?
in your hand at all times
Base on today's tech, you just need to modify a Electric prod.
those work but they get stuck and that gets you fucked
weird thing, I was thinking this mace when I saw this thread.
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As cool as flails are, they just don't work on any kind of armor. They have the same problem that nunchucks do if you ever try to actually hit something with it, and that's a lack of power. The fact that the weight has no support means that half or more of the energy you put into it is going to bounce right off because it's going to be lighter than the thing you're hitting. A nunchuck has the defense of being used to hit unarmored people in the head, but a hard stick is stronger than either one in reality. The rigidity plus the fact you can drive the force into the target means that it's always going to transfer more force than a swung weight could.
I claim this as a man who's tried using nunchucks and who has also accidentally hit another man on the head with a stick by turning too fast
Skill issue.
So your "evidence" is just fucking around and using theoretical physics autism to justify after the fact?
Right, so what's the point in using a mace? Use a warhammer instead. At least then you can hook, trip, and pin an opponent rather than hoping you can just beat them into submission.
Traumatic brain injury is a long term problem. In the short term the dude is still swinging at you.
ah yes
the truest and most ancient symbol of authority
the mighty bonker
Why carry a pdw or pistol when you can just take a .50 caliber machine gun everywhere you go?
Why carry a shortsword or dagger when you can just haul around a longsword?
And 10 years of doing marrial arts. A weapon that does actually work is a weight on a string. You can makeshift one with a heavy belt buckle or a fishing weight on a thin chain. It's small enough that it can actually generate a decent amount of speed and basically becomes a sling rock that you can bring back
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>A staff held by a sovereign as an emblem of authority.
>Ruling power or authority; sovereignty.
>A staff or baton borne by a sovereign, as a ceremonial badge or emblem of authority; a royal mace.
We do a little bonkin'
Nigga thats a crowbar
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the royal crowbar
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Any documented cases of ceremonial maces being used for bonking purposes as God intended?
Michael Heseltine threatened someone with it once, but no actual bonking took place.
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>tight corners
Burn the building down, or level it with trebuchets (if gunpowder isn't available). CQB is a meme.
If you want personal defense you want a sword. Maces are specialized anti-armor weapons that just can't compete with a sword in unarmored combat.
entirely missing the point, retard
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Honestly, you don't have a point to make. Rather than trying to clarify you just throw insults and honestly it's making you seem pretty weak.

But if we want to make points clear, there's really no point to a mace if you can use a Warhammer. The only people who favor maces are low skill thugs that never took the time to learn the bare minimum edge alignment to use a warhammer.
>At least then you can hook, trip, and pin an opponent
That's not always a good thing. Your hammer can get hooked on something and pulled out of your grip or the point gets stuck into things and you can't pull it out.

>The only people who favor maces are low skill thugs that never took the time to learn the bare minimum edge alignment to use a warhammer
source = your ass
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>Traumatic brain injury is a long term problem. In the short term the dude is still swinging at you.
anon, people knock out each other with aluminum and rubber maces, the helmet and padding won't do much, the dude will fall down and piss and shit himself
helmets help against small rocks and glancing blows and what not, but 4 pounds of cast iron on a stick were made specifically to give low-skilled men a good way to kill men wearing helmets
>source = your ass
Says basic logic. You can do more things with a Warhammer than a mace while the weight, balance, and length are all comparable. Thus War Hammer>Mace. The only advantage of the Mace is that it's radially symmetrical so you never have to worry about edge alignment.

Q.E.D. You would only choose a mace if you didn't have the skill for a Hammer.
Knocked to the ground, not necessarily knocked out. Getting knocked out with a one handed mace is rare in these sports, most of the time the losers fall because of exhaustion, not concussion.
>Says basic logic
In other words, autism headcanon.

>You can do more things with a Warhammer than a mace while the weight, balance, and length are all comparable.
You can do more things with a Rambo knife than a regular bowie knife while the weight, balance, and length are all comparable. Guess what? Fucking nobody uses rambo knives seriously.

>You would only choose a mace if you didn't have the skill for a Hammer.
Except professional soldiers who had both the training to have edge alignment and the option to use warhammers still used maces. Polish Hussars used maces, Ottoman Janissaries used maces, etc.
>Polish Hussars used maces, Ottoman Janissaries used maces, etc.
Polish Hussars actually favored the Warhammer.
The Janissaries preferred guns, swords, and axes. Clubs were used in peacetime since a wooden club was useful for subduing a foe without killing him.

So...what evidence do YOU have that maces were used by skilled fighters?
Before or after they got a missile from fucking up opsec for reddit points?
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>Polish Hussars actually favored the Warhammer.
From your own wikipedia "source"
2. 4 would be good too if the handle had a pommel to prevent it from slipping out of your hand.
And in the same image it also mentioned warhammers, sabers, swords, pistols, carbines, hatches, and WAR HAMMERS.

It's entirely possible that the most unskilled Polish Hussar ended up taking the mace. After all, why would he take a mace if he could take a War Hammer?
Hussars were elite units. Any Hussar by definition is not unskilled. Ergo, if a Hussar elects to take a mace even though warhammers are an option, then there must be a reason he chose the mace other than him being unskilled.
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>As cool as flails are, they just don't work on any kind of armor.
Except we have lots of evidence of flails being used in combat against armored people. The whole reddit pseud historian take that flails were never real needs to die.
maturity is learning about pretentious language and not being verbose and using utilize where you should clearly be using use
you know its simple to communicate
At the same time, Hussars suffered severe casualties simply by virtue of being cavalry in a world of muskets. They'd be hard pressed to keep their numbers up and often had to accept recruits that weren't quite competent in every field.
NTA but flails strike me, pun not intented, as the medieval meme weapon. They were flashy and could hit pretty hard but there was such a risk of hitting yourself or your friends. Ultimately not a practical weapon BUT because everyone was buying their own weapons you'd see some young idiots buy and use flails every generation.
ur a faget lol
Mace mace mace mace
That makes mustard gas retard
It was mainly a pissant weapon modified from mashing grain
There were practical uses to the flail, like for cavalry and during siege defense.
>maturity is about being verbose
>writes a long ass run-on sentence longer than the sentence he was complaining about
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>add puncture woulds to blunt force
Wouldn't this design be more lethal?
*not being verbose
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>I was psyoped into liking a weapon
Yes, although I will say they likely did exist. I've only seen one example of one purportedly from the late middle ages and even then it was just a picture. However I have seen them in drawings.

Kneegrow you know damn well that's not what this is about. That said, I am all about Asia's strange maces.
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>Duyou, Tongdian; Chapter on soldiers guarding towns, says:
"The flail that is used to beat grain is also great to beat enemies on the outside of the battlements of the city wall."1

>History of Song, General Diqing biography:
"Release from horseback the iron flail to attack."2

>Mao Yuanyi, Treatise of Military Preparedness:
"From the western barbarians comes a weapon that is used from horseback to withstand infantry with great effect. It is like the flail used by a farmer beating the wheat, [but] it has iron fittings that connect the upper and lower [section]."3
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That's kinda my point. Flails would show up now and then but never really catch on as a mainline weapon. You'd never see entire formations of flailmen or even so much as a rack of flails. We see racks of swords, racks of halberds, racks upon racks of spears and guns but flails? You'll find maybe one or two in the back.
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>You'd never see entire formations of flailmen
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meaty thwack
>or even so much as a rack of flails
It's not even a rack of flails. You've got a billhook, a pitchfork, and either an ahlspiess or gudden dag mixed in there. Maybe two awl pikes, in fact. Definitely not like how the Styrian Armory has entire Walls of Swords.
Forgot the damn Wall of Swords.
>mace thread
>no GONK
a baseball IS a mace
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$148.95 on KoA
>typically lower damage than other weapon types
>only effective against armored targets
>might have a bonus against undead
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I'm a fan of the Thomas Anderson Hawks
My mace weighs about as much as my short sword. I "chopped" a tree down with it. Trunk was about a foot wide. If you think maces are heavy you need to hit the gym.
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>he only owns guns
It's the weapon of righteous justice and authority
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>using a jump pack to crash down with your thunder hammer on a squad of Orks
>t. Shadiversity
>That's kinda my point
Saying something is niche is a lot different from saying something is a meme that only idiots use.
metal clothes
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Ah, but you missed the part where EVERYONE WAS BUYING THEIR OWN WEAPONS! You could have 1 in 10 men armed with flails because At Least 1 in 10 men is an idiot.
5 men a formation does not make. Also, they don't appear to have helmets so they obvious don't value their brains.
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The mace is good for two things:
-Beating up an unarmored target without incredibly fucking them up and maiming them (an axe or sword to the arm will maim you if you dont die, a mace will just break your arms and legs)
-Knocking out and killing people when you have the inertia and speed of riding in horseback.
It's a gimmicky weapon, and if you actually knew about medieval warfare you would know it was basically only used in horseback against armor, same as one handed small warhammers. On foot, it lacks the force to knock people out if they are on full plate. If you are attacking unarmored enemies, use blades, spears and axes instead, faster and deadlier (cant thrust chests with a mace either). If you wanna bludgeon someone good while on foot, you need both of you arms. That's why long two handed warhammers are a thing.
OP should stop getting his ideas of how weapons work out of DnD and videogays. You are going down a path of "historical fuddism".
>Beating up an unarmored target without incredibly fucking them up
holy shit you're retarded I just can't even
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Yeah, that's what cops do. With a mace, you can bust someone's knees. With a sword, yoy will slice into someone's leg and they will bleed to death. With a spear's thrust it's more of the same. Medieval city guards and shit used maces on civilians for that reason.
Read a book nigger.
Only if you count wooden clubs as maces which nobody does. Most people define maces along the lines of "Metal headed, radially symmentrical bludgeoning weapon". A steel flanged mace will shatter bones and cave in a man's head like a tomato in a hydraulic press. Spiked maces are even worse.
Are you seriously comparing a nightstick to a mace?
Holy shit you're even more retarded I can't even less
The point is that you can use it against other targets that are NOT the head and not kill whoever you use it on, while a sword cut will fuck you up bigly if you are unarmored. Metal headed maces were used by guards and they can be used to safely disable someone if you aren't retarded and hit someone in the head. Stop being such a fudd. Even a dagger is better against full plate than a mace when you are on foot.
Read a book once in your life.
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You say that, and then we see maces looking like this. I don't know what books you're reading but I question their citations.
Cool but that's not a flanged mace, that's a spiked club. The vid I posted will answer all your questions.
Yeah, the vid doesn't say that. In fact, it says the mace was really intended for mail or lamellar armored foes and wasn't all that effective against plate.
>schola gladiatoria
lmao ask me how I know you're some fatass basement dweller who would get winded just standing up, let alone wielding any kind of weapon
Interesting. So how do you define Clubs and Maces?
2 and 4 are the most practical ones, specifically because they have a small head for their shaft. you don't want a super thick head on your shaft, slows the action down. also the most used head to shaft ratio historically speaking
Post body, sissy.
trve, king. so fvcking trve.
>doesn't know about landsknecht
historylet detected
If you had to buy your own weapons, why would you buy something that was supposedly stupid and would get you killed?

>You could have 1 in 10 men armed with flails because at Least 1 in 10 men is an idiot
That doesn't prove that they're an idiot though, since there are advantages to flails.
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You know there are non-spiky maces right? pic unrelated
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*stands in your path*
being on the far right of the bell curve is realizing the vast superiority of the rondel dagger and its ability to overcome almost any armor AND be effective as a self-defense tool
maces arent shit against armor
i think a smarter descision would be to fit a short steel pipe over the tip of it and screw it down, maybe with really short diamond shaped pieces of steel welded to it
this way you add a little bit more inertia as well
this guy fucks
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reminder to anybody who's serious about using a baseball bat as home defense
always remember to choke up your grip on the bat
this gives you increased leverage and speed, reducing the chance of somebody successfully grabbing the bat, and it also reduces the time they have to react to a swing
and when striking somebody, dont aim for one body part exclusively
you want to change things up, so if you try to strike the head first in order to end things quickly and they go to block it, you could try to strike their head again to keep their block up, then on the next strike go for their ribs or knees because they wont be blocking it and its a highly sensitive part of the body
also be wary of the fact that if you do hit somebody in the head you're likely to permanently injure or kill the person, so if thats something you dont think you can get away with in court (and considering its mostly euros using bats in self defense, this is likely the case) just focus on knocking them to the ground, by doing something such as targeting their knees or calves
once you have them on the ground, jabbing their solar plexus is a good way to prevent them from struggling without causing serious damage, while also keeping a safe distance away from whatever weapon they might have
at this point do whatever it takes to disarm them if you havent already
>rondel dagger is better anti-armor because you can stab somebody where there isn't armor
It's like saying abstinence is better at preventing STDs/pregnancy than protection. Technically correct but doesn't actually address the issue.
watch a harnishfechten fight
9 times out of 10 both of them will ditch their polearms or even swords and just wrestle on the ground dagger in hand
polearms start the fight, daggers finish it
i'll admit that its a bit silly to run into a fight with just a dagger right off the bat though, but i'd rather a dagger than a mace personally
this is one sexy dagger
rapier+dagger is peak close combat
for everything else there are firearms.
Maturity is realizing that all along, the sword was the pinnacle of melee weapons. Your first love was the sword, and so too it shall be your last.
Spears, polearms, maces, they're just fads. You'll get over them.
Were these actually used in combat? They don't seem nearly as practical as a simple mace.
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people always underestimate the astonishingly prevalent the sword was in the medieval period
sure, maybe not as prevalent as spears, but certainly the second most used weapon in the period
entire armies of cavalry often charged with nothing but a one handed sword
two handed flails were much more common while one handed ones are kind of a gimmick, so you cant really compare it to a standard mace
Aluminum bats are an excellent improvised melee weapon
Wooden bats are weaker though
Fuck off, Pelinal. There are no elves here.
>That doesn't prove that they're an idiot though, since there are advantages to flails.
It doesn't but it does mean that flails being used does NOT mean they were practical weapons. In fact, the rarity of flails suggests that they were either extremely niche or a meme weapon that just refused to die. Kind of like the "Reformers" who think that Radar is a fad and we should go back to dogfighting with guns.
Irrelevant. A metal head means you can pierce the skull and cause lethal brain damage. In fact, having spikes on maces at all proves that they weren't designed for non-lethal combat.
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By Poles.
Modern sport harnishfechten is artificial though. It's not like you're allowed to kill somebody with the polearm, so wrestling them and taking out your dagger is a win condition with little drawback.
You can cause lethal damage with a normal baton if you hit them in the head. Get this, you can hit them OTHER places than in the head.
landsknechts are just a cheap copy of the swiss.
>me dodge rolling a fromsoft boss
Pulverizing bone can cause lethal complications with shock, internal bleeding, and shards of bone causing further damage. Broken ribs can puncture lungs and livers. It's why we always see wooden, rubber, or plastic batons used for police work. Softer material will flex and prevent the bone from breaking and there's no additional weight on the end.

Not swinging from the head is also a problem. The mace is a short weapon so you often swing for whatever you can reach rather than make called shots on guts, arms, and legs.
They are not trying to kill each other.
Why shape it like that?
I come to you, a messenger, a messiah.
Witness a holy trinity, the spear, the mace, and the dagger.
For you see my fellows, we have been blinded by our hubris, and our tribalism.

What is a gun with no ammo?
A mace.
What is a bayonet with no gun?
A dagger.
What is a gun with a bayonet?
A spear.

It was in front of us the whole time, but now. Now I see the Glory of it. I was Blind but now I See.

Brothers. Fix bayonets! We always had what we needed.
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+++vegan cleaving power
True but irrelevant. If we assume sport armored combat fighters are holding back then we must assume that a full strength blow would require even more windup than the ones we see. Considering that many of these swings are blocked or parried we can assume that in actual combat the mace would be even easier to block or parry.
Stone fruit lol
i grow tired of fools confusing bootleg elves to tolkiens elves. the elves in tolkien hunt meat, forge great armour and weapons, create mighty castles and long for great things, with the exception of the weakest nandor and laiquendi who get their shit pushed in for being weak and irrelevant, in stark contrast to everyone else.
left one when a dexfag decides to try strfag weps
It is very relevant. Maces in sport armored fighting are limited by weight for safety. Consequently, there's no advantage using one compared to the other options. A falchion designed for sport armored fighting has more reach and hits harder on account of the greater allowed mass. If they could use non-gimped maces, it'd be a different story.
Doesn't matter. If the mace was heavier it would be slower to swing and easier to parry and dodge.
>The mace is a short weapon so you often swing for whatever you can reach
Since it's a shorter weapon, you have to be in closer range to hit anything. That means if you can reach one part of the body, odds are you can reach most of the other parts of the body.

>rather than make called shots on guts, arms, and legs
skill issue
Possibly if your enemy was a stationary target but more likely they're going to backstep whenever you step in. You'll have to swing at anything that's in reach just to get hits in.

>But what if we're in a press of battle and he can't backstep away from me.
Then you also don't have room to swing freely. The only angle that won't have someone in the way is above and that raises the chance of hitting someone in the head significantly.
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>Maces in sport armored fighting are limited by weight for safety.
1kg is well within the range of historical maces. Picrel is 150g short of that.

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