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>move recently
>lose my stuff
>lose journal I solved ciphers with
>look to see if se/k/retsanta krypto challenge is still up so I can solve it again
>check website
>it's down
>maybe someone archived it?
>check web archive
>7 saved captures for "sekretsanta.com"
>okay now we're getting somewhere
>no captures for "sekretsanta.com/krypto.php"
>maybe I have at least a screenshot of a cipher?
>check saved photos
wtf do I do now bros?
What's sekretsanta?
Someone probably has them. They were fairly standard challenge problems, iirc?
>se/k/retsanta krypto challenge
Shit, I missed this.
> I did 3 years of se/k/ret santa
> multiple rounds each year
> never saw the krypto challenge
Was it a hidden challenge?
i wanna say it was 2019
I completely fuckin forgot about this
I remember the krypto challenge, it was like a pigpen cipher, Ceasars cipher, there was like 10 or 15 problems and each one was different and /k/ related. No one ever revealed what was at the end but apparently it was worth it. Maybe a free patch or something?
It was started in 2019 but it was around for every year, there wasn't a link to it. It was supposed to be semi-secret and you had to type the url in manually. Probably why anon couldn't find it archived either
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Checking my records, I
> 2 rounds in 2020
> 4 rounds in 2021
> 2 rounds in 2022
> skipped 2023 because it was a cluster. Big Boss was MIA, so was Santa's Little Helper as I recall.
What was the deleted post? What happened?
Basically the same thing as >62040616, leading to some shit flinging, then the vatnik shill eventually posting that they just wanted /k/, to "go back to being discussion of guns and knives without all the ukraine threads", which smelled so obviously of bullshit that I called them out immediately.

They couldn't post any guns, location evidence, anything. 100% shill discovered and depth charged out of hiding.
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Bamping in hope of answer to OP's question.
I remember this was posted on the AZ /k/ Discord cause that's where Big Boss was based out of
Don't have the invite or know how to contact them though Anon, sorry
During last year's scramble to do a replacement, someone here mentioned that he got permission to do an /out/ santa with (I think) the same site code. So he might have a clone of the whole site repo.
Is he still active?
Not sure. Shamelessly bump the thread and see what happens. Really, just keep it alive without any cares about whether people are chiming in. The spam is bad enough that you gotta do it for something like this.
I hate glowies so much its unreal. TGD
What spam?
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tfw no answer
why are we here?
just to suffer?
I wish I could say
I hope Big Boss is alright. I hope he didn't disappear because he got covid or something
>I hope he didn't disappear because he got covid or something
You mean the sniffles?
How full do you have to be of yourself that you think anyone would ever go through the hassle of posting a pic of his gun with timestamp for you? This is the internet, you are less important than the dirt on my shoes.

Only the most insecure retards are posting guns when ordered to. Just imagine submitting to some idiot on the internet and doing as he says. Unbelievable.
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I hate to say it, but Big Boss ain't coming back. What's going to be the plan this year? I know the guy that scrambled to have it last year didn't want to use the shitty website he found. I think he wanted to try an excel sheet and email everything himself.
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The guy that did 2K23 Se/k/ret Santa said that he will try to build the site for 2K24 edition for easier inquiries.
2K23 was a shitshow, but it wasn't new Santa's fault. Big Boss absence took everyone by surprise and new santa (I called him Venom Snake, but turns out Venom was some n-editions ago, and I haven't got into SS lore deep enough to notice) tried his best to provide for absent Big Boss - which he did well, considering all circumstances.

Anyway, let's wait for 2K24 edition and see what's our new Santa had been cooking in his basement for us. I'm positive something might be done.
Is there some sort of open secret about what happened?
Nope, Big Boss and SantaLittleHelper just went dark and no one seemingly knows why. Probably they just gave up for some reason.
I’m still here. Issue is last time I was deployed to Guam, away from my battle station. And this time I’m deployed to Guam, away from my battle station.
I love these events and look forward to them every year, since 2016 when I first did the /out/ SS (Amazon round robin).
Don’t get it twisted, I don’t have the deep code or anything like that, but I do have a lot. I’m sure it’s enough to build up from.

I won’t be back in America until (hopefully) December.
I can see if my wife is willing to load the files if we can try to coordinate something.

I can say from experience, running the small /out/ SS of 8 people was kind of difficult. With experience I would’ve gotten better but the low turnout in the thread put me off and I felt like I was alone spamming (I was). Surprisingly three girls signed up.
Sounds good. There was plenty of interest here last year despite all the bullshit.
Gentlemen, it's Christmas in July. Who knew some random thread would turn out like this?
While you're here, lemme add a couple things:

1) You might have better luck getting a response from BB or little helper than others, since you've had prior contact.

2) Last year's santa-runners did a good job despite the technical difficulties. If you're pressed for time, chucking old site code on a public repo would definitely help grease the wheels.
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Maybe reach out to prior participants
> folks that have participated for multiple years
> done multiple rounds
> rather than one guy wrangle all rounds
> assign one round to a single helper
I've done se/k/ret Santa for multiple years, multiple rounds each time and I'd sign up to run a round.
> dibs on anon@sekretsanta.com would be very nice
you bastard D:
tldr: no one should read the following xD

I don't have any designs on running this year's event, to be clear. I can't guarantee that I'll be available. I just know how things go.

The way I see it, admin-wise, the things to manage with the greatest care are clearly just two boring things and the rest will work themselves out (based on last year). The boring things are [i] continuity and [ii] the participant lists.

The former is easy if there's a "place" where things live, like a git group. It's not hard at all to set up a website that can survive new people coming and going. Something serverless would probably be good. Make it trivial for multiple people to help with managing it. Run it on any of a dozen free CI/CD shits. Don't expose the secrets and DB to

The latter is where not having a benevolent dictator like BB makes things slightly more complicated. All we really need though is to make sure that the current crop of people who wanna help run things:

>[iia] don't leak PII
>[iib] don't fall victim to avoidable trolls & scams
>[iic] hand over blacklist / whitelist info to new people when they bounce.

Something like you suggest could work, but a Head Girl is still useful for sniffing out the occasional bad egg & for noticing people who fall thru the cracks (happens every year).
I think the blacklist should be reset. Some people deserve second chances
if you guys want I have a server already set up that I am not doing anything else with at the moment and I would be happy to host a static page/dynamic text based page. I am not a professional by any means and do not really have interest in participating or administrating anything (nor will I give anyone root access to the server itself) but I am happy to implement some webapp or html for you guys and give you admin access to that.

not sure if any of that is helpful, I already own a few domain names that have nothing to do with this, and looking it up one of you guys own this one?

either way if a humble digital ocean droplet helps, more than happy to offer it up. if not, thats OK too.
I support this
Go nuts
That's how it's been done on this board for more than 10 years, tourist.
I can also do this, but what do people want out of it?
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>nofunz hands typed this post
NTA but he's right post guns is low tier cancer used to b8 anons who actually had guns and never was gud
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>but what do people want out of it?
Same experience we had in 2018, 2109, 2020, 2021, etc.
> ignore last year, BigBoss was MIA for reasons
Didnt expect a thread on this and dont even know about the decyphering stuff, but ill happily make another knife for anon this year.
What was drama on big boss? I vaguely remember something lulz for last year falling apart.
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> Big Boss?
Not sure what happened to Big Boss. There were lots of "hey, what's up?" but BB was mostly MIA. That's ok, shit happens. But a lot of people -- myself included -- wanted to do Se/k/ret Santa but didn't.
Yeah, some folks stepped up and sort of put together some matches, but it felt sketchy to me. I mean, I'm not shipping pic rel to just anybody.
>make another knife for anon this year
Did you make dildo knife two years ago?
i made the knildo® for an oz'anon and full tang knife for bulgarianon, also restored a folder for swissanon. Dont think ill have the time to do something really fancy this year but i will try if we can get it running again this year
Maybe 1/2 dildo, 1/2 USB drive
> "a deposit for your prison wallet" [TM Keister Enterprises]
This desu, but he’s a retard schizo. 99% of posters scroll past without looking anyway
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I did complete the krypto challenge. I don't remember exactly, but I think there wasn't any prize for that. It sure was fun though. Sadly, I don't have any screenshots of it (I wonder why). Just some notes I used while decrypting messages.
What exactly was your Anon's wishlist? ... did you ever check before sending him a knife dildo?
>>62064088 behold, sequential digits!
>sending him a knife dildo
Appear to be from the fine knifesmith that brought the knife/dildo into this world. There are pics, somewhere.
bumping so i can spend a minute reading what you wrote when i'm not smashed
Mr. Bones here: did couple of years already, so if you need an org patsy or assistance this year, just summon me in the threads.

Big Chef/Fake Venom Snake stepped up and did a good job last year despite BB being MIA, so y'all missed out if you skipped out.

I have been thinking about this lately myself. The excel spreadsheet worked well, as far as I know only one person was grinched (on the intl side).

I would happily help organize it again and help in whatever way. I think all things considered, we did a pretty good job last year.

For what it's worth, if there is a way to get into that site, DO IT.
>only one person was grinched
how many people participated? i skipped last year but if it went that well im gonna take part this year again
Observation: The board is much faster overall than it used to be, and a lot spikier in its thread turnover (erratic bursts of new threads at unpredictable intervals).

For normal threads, it's just annoying. But it makes event / planning threads hard for working stiffs. A template for reopening the dev thread, however basic or shitty, would be better than no template.
Rumpy pumpy
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one last bump from me
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of course there are!
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Counterpoint: a knife that is hidden inside the tip of the penis where the front half of the penis is a blade within the silicone and the back half is a permanent handle. The knife is always hidden from view, but can still pemetrate because you can press it against a hard surface and the front penis half that hides the place gets pushed back (sort of like those retractable knife props but only occurring to thr soft spongey penis tip while the cold steel enters your body)
interesting indeed but two things in my mind speak against its practicality outside of a one time use:

1. Its not practical for anything else than stabbing with much force, therefor a blade aint makin as much sense as more like a naillike tip.

2. the soft dildo would be damaged if youd use it with full force.

That being said; i am thinking of rather making another knildo knife for /k/ this year but may actually make the handle outta wood. Im thinking of a puukko style blade, if i get the handle like a bollock dagger it could be a really cool practical tool. Now i need a good wordplay with puukko and penis..
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>making another knildo knife
Suggestion: leave the balls on the dildo, turn them into a sort of hilt or blade guard.
> Knildo, Redux: don't forget the balls
important content
bite the pillow

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