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How much of a chance would humanity’s defenses have against pic related?
>no Death Star
Easy. Shoot a missile into the bridge and the whole thing crashes.
0? Star Wars is a sci-fantasy universe with literal magic wizards. There isn't even a handwave towards realism, it's 100% rule of cool with "hypermatter reactor" this and "Klymtra spark collimators" that. The laser canons or whatever else cheerfully toss around megaton class fire power per shot and totally ignore thermodynamics. They have super magic deflector shields, and can go faster than light.

Meanwhile we don't even have any permanent presence on the moon yet, and a tiny little space station and zero in-space construction capability. The mismatch is so fucking ludicrous you should just kill yourself OP.
Forcefield tho
Let’s keep this simple: we’re only talking about a star destroyer fleet, maybe a dozen ships, with all they carry (TIE fighters, walkers, TIEs and stormtroopers. No Jedi, no planet-killers.
>atmo and vacuum capable fighters and bombers
This alone would be enough to win, not even considering the rest.
lol even before that how do we even reach the thing? Any rando Star Destroyer let alone a big one can obliterate planetary surfaces from the orbit of like, the moon. We'd have to fast jury rig some rocket (while we're being obliterated) like Falcon Heavy that would have the throw to send something that far that's big enough and it'd have almost no delta-v. Then it'd slowboat for multiple DAYS to reach it, trivially visible the entire time. Hopefully they just like, ignore it? And also politely don't move?

If we had magic wizards ourselves and we convinced them we were surrendering immediately maybe they'd send a shuttle, we could mind control the crew and then get the biggest thermonuke we could pack onto it on there and send it back and have the mind controlled crew get it on board inside the ship then detonate it, that might work. Don't see how we do it otherwise though.
bro it just shoots lasers from space like it did to Hoth after they destroyed the shield generators
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Nuclear shaped charges should be enough to pierce shields and armor, but we don't have them on hand.
Saturation bombardment with nukes could wear down shields and subsequent nukes would tear it apart, piece by piece.
Also, it's only weapon have limited range, and can't glass half of a planet in minutes, so there is a lot of time to destroy it
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>280,000 crew
How do they keep the staff from dividing into factions and forming juntas out of random sections of the ship?
A super star destroyer could hyperspace close to earth and fire off 1800 "cannons" each ones shot has 60 megatons of force and cycles every second That's around 100,000 megatons per second. That's ignoring the torpedos and missiles and ion cannons.
Assuming you just use that you drop in lunar orbit fire at alot of cities hyperspace to another area fire another 10 hyperspace to another 10.
Then torpedo anything left and use small stuff. Then send droids down and give them orbital support to hunt survivors for a year. Then move down fobs
>no planet-killers
A star destroyer, just one, IS a "planet killer" you fucking retard. That's where the name comes from. It takes awhile to do the job but it's totally capable of obliterating a planetary surface. It's only vs other magic shit, equivalent (or better) class ships or massive planetary defense shields and planetary defense scale ion cannons and shit like in the movies that they look matched. Vs some rando low tech world one is enough to squash anything. We're so fucking primitive vs damn near anything in that universe where humanity and tons of other species have been spacefaring for tens or hundreds of millennia there is no contest. Like, they have FIGHTERS that'd fuck us up pretty good.
Think of how cities work. Now add military discipline. Imbecile.
3-5 star destroyers systematically raining lasers on a planet can destroy it in a few hours.
1 would take a day or two to wipe civilisation off the map.
The power scaling is dumb, but also they have FTL travel and anti matter generators, they could just push a large rock into the planet and be done, welcome to starwars.
Unironically our only hope would be diplomacy. If one of those ships was somehow teleported into our universe, then while it'd be able to utterly obliterate us without the slightest difficulty or challenge they'd then be completely alone. This isn't the SW universe, there is no galactic anything. Even a Star Destroyer would eventually run out of supplies, there's no empire or republic to serve.

So our best card is that around here Earth is it, the only habitable somewhat developed planet. Second best for the west is that we're advanced enough and decent enough that a few hundred thousand people and crew could live pretty well, and it might be possible to fairly quickly bootstrap our technology with a big infusion of hypertech into something respectable in a hundred years. Their cards are that they can wipe us out whenever and however they want.

So we might be able to cut a deal, where they assume some sort of world command (and depending on the crew and commander may demand a lot, and also wipe out non-compliant and areas they dislike) which unfortunately will probably be a dictatorship of some kind, but maybe we can convince them that it's worth giving us significant autonomy. And then we support them with supplies etc, work to colonize other worlds, build more shit and do a new empire.
>cities carry the firepower to annihilate planets and go off on long distance journeys so far away from their central government that communication can only be achieved through FTL travel
ok imbecile
>They leave their officers and MP's behind
>who then lead the juntas when the ship ftl jumps to the outer rimjob because everyone in the empire is a power simping autismo
>everyone in the empire is a power simping autismo
This is the greatest hope for humanity, the high chances of people in charge totally fucking things up.
>They know our power, they know we could obliterate their planet, they won't fight back at all. Lower the shields, land in that big flat region over there with all the sand, let's set up some tents and relax while we wait for their leaders to come to us and surrender!
That'd improve our odds some.
thats what i'm fucking saying holy shit
SSD's are actually built with some thought, they have a backup bridge inside the main structure. Then they have shields that can stand up to pretty much any non-nuclear attack.
The SSD was killed by an A-wing crashing into external bridge in the actual original movies. Your fanfic retcons don't change that.
Oh I forgot this: nta
I'm agreeing with you, the idea of a vessel that carries more men than 90% of our world's armies, more than 50x the crew of a Nimitz carrier, actually maintaining a degree of functional and political stability within it in this setting is fucking ludicrous.
Just shoot an AIM-260 at the bridge and it all comes tumbling down. also they can't fly in atmosphere, I don't think.
Didn't save it in the OG trilogy lmao.
Space Dedovschina.
i didn't mean it derogatory like, i meant it like "now that's what im talkin bout!"
Whole rebel fleet was blasting that SSD for some time at that point and A-wing hit the bridge in brief window when it wasn't shielded.
The way it dived into Deat Star was dumb tho
>hail it over radio
>"hi pls don't murder us all, we would like to send up a negotiating party for our surrender"
>negotiators carry suitcase nukes
>star wars scanners (at least per OT) are shit and detect nothing awry
>detonate them inside
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>you only damaged it
They have crewed point defenses like fucking ww2, AShM would destroy everything on the hull
Do they have any weaponry besides turreted weapons?
Also SAMs would trivially deal with any fighter craft
Considering a single turbo laser has a yield equivalent of 7.5kt. A single SSD could cripple Earth quickly before world governments could respond. For a sense of scale, the beirut explosion was only 1.5kt.
You mean when it eventually got rammed in the bridge after the whole rebel fleet focus-fired it for like 15 minutes straight to collapse the shield grid? And mind you, that only made it go out of control for a bit. It would've recovered and remained combat-capable if the Death Star wasn't there to crash into.
Shields are the problem, you need nukes for that. When you take care of them you can use normal weapons (but it's still fucking huge so individual hit's won't do much).
Fighters are shit and wouldn't be a problem, and weapons are turreted, problably central aim for big lasers
So a single large yield warhead would overwhelm the shields?
whenever they are shown in combat they are literally within hundreds of meters of one another. They have zero range.

And an A-wing crashing into the bridge destroyed one outright. So just put a tomahawk into the bridge and call it a day.
>fleet focus-fired it for like 15 minutes straight to collapse the shield grid?
lol no they didn't.
>It would've recovered
It did a complete fucking nose dive without any attempt of recovery. It was fucking down for good.
>collapse the shield grid
Didn't happen. The shield generator got blown up by a stray shot.
Depends, they often get hit by a lot of lasers before shields give up, so multiple nukes, up to hundreds, just to be sure
>negotiators aren't being let onboard without prior search

Number of AShMs in existence that can hit a target in orbit: 0
Also, all the AShMs in the world combined don't have enough boom to get through the shields.
You can't hit shield generator when the shield is on. The hail of fire from whole fled disabled shields and allowed generator to be destroyed by that stray shot (so it wont recharge and came back)
That was an entire fleet, tho, wasn't it?
nta, but it would take some time before second bridge would take control and stabilize it
>lol no they didn't
LOL yes they did. Read the fucking novelisation, motherfucker, it expands on what happened after Ackbars order to concentrate fire on her. In fact, even THAT wasn't enough. The madlads literally stuffed a freighter full of ordnance and kamikaze'd it into her to drop the shields.

>It did a complete fucking nose dive without any attempt of recovery. It was fucking down for good.
Wrong. It went out of control after loss of the bridge and feedback to the maneuvering systems, and the secondary bridge was in the process of getting it back in control when it hit the Death Star.

Did happen. The sensor dome on the bridge got blown up by a stray shot... because the shield grid had collapsed. Read. The. Book. Nigger.
Single ship, but it was biggest one in that game. Also it took them some time to destroy whole city, and it didn't glassed/destroyed planet.
>Read the fucking novelisation
literally cope
I literally just rewatched the clip of the SSD getting destroyed, and it was literally just a stray shot from a fighter that blew up the bridge shield generator. There was no concentration of fire to collapse the shield. I don't care what fanfic shit you try to tout as evidence, the original movies are purest form of canon.
BTFO it like any other shit destroyer, get behind it lol
>waaaaah read the books!!!!
you mean the ones that came out after the movies explicitly made as nerdbait fanfic that were then retconned out of existence by the big dick of disney?
>concentrate all fire at that SSD
t.A. Ackbar
*shields falls under concentrated fire from whole fleet*
And then GENERATOR gets hit,because it's no longer shielded.
And im just going by what i saw on the same clip, never seen SW book sin my life
>*shields falls under concentrated fire from whole fleet*
This literally doesn't happen. We don't even get to see the rebel fleet start shooting because it immediately cuts to the shield generator getting blown up.
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>negotiators aren't being let onboard without prior search
>space people don't recognize a sphere of plutonium in one briefcase, more fascinated with the briefcase technology
>space people unintimated by tungsten carbide blocks in other briefcase, still enchanted by alien briefcase technology
>negotiators Gahlian and Slotin offer to demonstrate novel human technology as a show of good will
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Shoot another one. And another one after that if it doesn't work. How do you think the A-Wing would have been able to crash into it without the rebel fleet beating down its shields?
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>that far
My man, the most recent official tech manual lists the maximum engagement range for the XX Heavy Turbolaser (main battery guns) as 100 km with a 25 km maximum. We have crew served field artillery that can match it to say nothing of missiles and rocketry.
Star Destroyers are noted for their abysmal point defense thanks to the Tarkin doctirne
Sorry, 100km maximum 25km optimal.
I just started replaying Kotor and in one of the cutscenes the sith admiral tells Malak that "it will take some hours to gather the fleet" for the bombardment, implying it was in fact a fleet and not a single Interdictor.
They could just use tractorbeams and TIEs on satellites one by one until we are forced to surrender or face a huge economic blow, leveraging replacement sats as a political bargaining chip
I agree it was really dumb but I play the FFG Star Wars game and the way I justify it in my head is that it took a tailspin or "knocked off course" crit and couldn't recover in time. Probably takes a minute to transfer control to the secondary bridge. Also Piett was a fool.
lots of reasons?

stormtroopers will kill anyone who tries.

these people generally have homes and families and would like to see them again. even if they don't the idea that anyone would follow a man trying to carve out a hanger bay as his own personal fief is laughable.

military discipline.

they're on a starship, taking control only one part of the ship is entirely im-fucking-possible. you either own all of it or nothing. the only way this would work is if it was some kind of world or generation ship with families and the like that's self perpetuating, but a star destroyer... isn't. it's a military vessel.
Crash it into manhattan and improve humanity
If it was real and not something to create a big visual effect fireballs in a movie they would have an internal bridge deep inside just like battleships and aircraft carriers have had since ww2
>That's where the name comes from
No it isn't you tard. They just added "star" in front of "destroyer" because destroyers were a common class of navy ship IRL. Just like they added "star" to "fighter" to make a scifi version of a fighter plane.
>The way it dived into Deat Star was dumb tho
The original Death Star was the size of a small moon. The second Death Star was bigger than the first. The reason the SSD Executor turned and crashed into the Death Star II was gravity. Once it lost navigational control it got pulled into the DS. The point of all that happening was to show a turning point in the battle for the Alliance and to give the audience a destructive spectacle.
Programming ICBMs to hit a moving target in orbit while that moving target sends barrages of multi-kiloton blasts at anything that looks like a tracking or launch facility is probably as super easy as you suggest, yeah.
It'd have to be more than one, Star Wars ships ballooned in size. Those things were only 600 meters long, not even the length of an Acclamator. Honestly though the Sith deserved to lose for making their ships look like a Jew with no chin.
Depending on if the forcefield can take multiple nukes. Also depends on if something slow enough can fly through the shields, if so FPV drones will hit enough shit. But odds are they will just bombard from orbit and were fucked. The US doesn't have enough X37s to bomb an entire fleet. So our goose is cooked
fuck off with your childrens movie bullshit, you have infested everyrthing with this stupid garbage.

TL;DR all star wars vehicles are some of the dumbest shit ever designed, no matter how many manchildren buy those toys.
You talk like a fag, and your shit's all retarded.
What about Sun crusher?
just like baddlsdar galagtigga :DDD
A single ISD can be "planet killers" by rendering the earth surface uninhabitable via BDZ
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Send him
thats 4*10^20 Watt
Humanity produces 2*10^13 Watt
so that thing had 10 million times more.
I suggest surrender
that thing has the power output of the Sun
now I understand why they did not have Dyson spheres - there was no need
three gorges dam*
Hit the supply chain
Why would they take negotiators up there, vs coming down here? They could send a gozanti down to the White House lawn with a lower officer to get a vibe and initial offer
Bro i dont think our ICBMs are going to intercept c17 or even PANAMAX sized freighters dipping in and out of hyperspace
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if they were flying in atmosphere like your pic, then you could just fastrope troops onto it. Not like their shields are going to stop a slow-moving person. Then just a square of detasheet on a window and you're in. With enough plot armor, you should be able to sneak to the bridge and deatroy it.
Only orphans from the desert have that much plot armor so it's a good thing we made a bunch of those in advance.
>1800 "cannons" each ones shot has 60 megatons of force and cycles every second
The 50mt Tsar bomb exploding created an 8km wide fireball with a 35km blast radius. I can't help but think that if it was firing off 108,000 Tsar bombs a minute the ending battle in RotJ would be a lot shorter. I don't think we've ever seen a single shot from a (non-super laser) have anywhere near that level of impact across all the movies and TV shows.
While I think a Super Star Destroyer could bombard every city on earth to dust in short order, those guide book numbers should be looked at with absolute contempt. Some guy probably not involved with the movies just wrote dumbshit that doesn't match at all what is seen on screen and it has been ignored by basically everyone making any major Star Wars media because it completely breaks the world.
It's hovering like a quarter mile above New York, retard.
>Any rando Star Destroyer let alone a big one can obliterate planetary surfaces from the orbit of like, the moon
ICS sci fi debate fags think they can trundle out their horse shit here of all places.
>Think of how cities work
They don't. Cities are nightmare-cancer of crime, disease, and insanity, and if cut off from the countryside would implode into self genocide and cannibalism inside of a week.
>welcome to starwars.
Where we have seen tanks that cannot render napoleonic tactics obsolete breach the hulls of ships that do not instantly turn to vapor when shot a single time past their shields by the weapons mounted on a star destroyer.
Where veteran soldiers actually react with shock and horror at the all powerful effects of explosives equivalent to modern 1000 pound bombs.

Go back where you came from.
>Star destroyer doesn't instantly convert to ionized gas when shot after it's shields go down
>Star destroyer hull can be damaged even slightly by a truck sized ship we can see clearly flying at less than mach 1 ramming it

You people are so fucking pathetic.
Yeah, like how that happened with the navy of every 16th century colonial empire?
Oh wait...
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>they didn't EXPLICITLY film what happens when EVERY SHIP shoots at it
>THAT means that they all shot at it for dramatic effect
>it will just because it does!
Stormtroopers would be the ones forming the juntas retard.
>people that go on incredibly distant voyages for years at a time in incredibly dangerous reaches with no communication with home other than FTL travel expect to make it home for dinner
>military discipline
Yeah you're right, mutiny isn't a thing on military vessels far from their home countries oversight
>durr they're on a starship so that means it can only be one group
Looks like the cooks revolted and are hoarding the food in their locked down sector, we tried to get engineering to open it up but they'll only do it if the marine contingent that nationalized will help clear the ferals out of the crew quarters so they can stop shitting in the reactor vents. That in and of itself has caused a situation with the ai that controls the vents going rogue after too much poo got in it's sensors and now it's declared itself the grand saar and if we don't get it pictures of bobs and vageene it will seal the vents and cook the entire ship in radioactive poo waves.
>Every single example of a physical interaction doesn't count because the book says there was ten million billion trillion nukes off camera
Star wars fags lol
lol that was a problem with colonial navies are you retarded?
Stormtroopers are extremely heavily indoctrinated. They aren't going to just start making their own groups because they're fanatics to the Imperial cause, even if they had the inclination to in the first place. You also immediately dispel this with your cook junta.
>incredibly distant voyages for years.... if the cooks revolted and engineering didn't want to...
Okay then why didn't explorer vessels do this IRL? They spent years away from civilization.

Also, this would literally never happen. Star Wars ships can cross the galaxy in weeks at the longest. The holonet has real-time transmissions across the entire galaxy. The Empire controls the entire galaxy and a star destroyer will never be more then a few hours away from another imperial vessel or outpost. And, most importantly, THEY ARE SHIPS OF THE LINE. They are not survey vessels. They don't go into random places just to find out what's there, they go places to kill things and then come back.
Star wars is not 40k, there are no degenerated crew running around in forgotten abandoned vents on a star destroyer.
This is Star Wars, not Star Trek. There are no AI's running a star destroyer at all. Are you sure you're talking about the correct universe here?

The entire concept of this is also retarded because a ship that broke into factionalism like that would just fucking die. It's unviable. It'd stop functioning in a week. You also ignored the part where most people just want to do their jobs and get home. Also the crew of 280k people is legends and therefore does not matter.
>Some guy probably not involved with the movies just wrote dumbshit that doesn't match at all what is seen on screen and it has been ignored by basically everyone making any major Star Wars media because it completely breaks the world.

This, literally, all comes down to fights involving Fleetbattles.net or whatever.

>Guy wants Star Wars to win these fights
>works for the AotC visual guide
>Casually mentions that the light turbolasers are dumping 200 megatons per SHOT

And there you go.

Now, it isn't ENTIRELY unfounded to make these sorta "big guns" predictions if you are willing to do some math extrapolating from ESB asteroids and the AotC Jango fett depth charges, but its not really consistent with anywhere else. and it is also reasonable that the best bounty hunter in the galaxy may have access to weird rare weapons like the bWWWOOOOMMM mines.
>This is Star Wars, not Star Trek. There are no AI's running a star destroyer at all. Are you sure you're talking about the correct universe here?

That's not unreasonable. The millenium falcon explicitly has a computer core, which Han needs C3PO to talk to in ESB. It isn't entirely unreasonable the Star Destroyers have some sort of internal computer AI server thing too, but the exact degree star wars things are automated seems to vary greatly by portrayal. On the one hand, most droids seem completely conscious and sentient on the scale of humans. On the other hand, a lot of jobs seem to involve people anyway.

We know at least medical stuff seems almost entirely automated
But it wasn't a very common occurrence and there were protocols in place to prevent it.
>mutiny isn't a thing on military vessels far from their home countries oversight

It usually isn't when things are going well
All it takes to defeat the empire is the power of one strong woman, soooo...
>the movie saying concentrate all firepower magically means nothing because it would me a retard
>anyone who dares point this out is a star wars fag
ok retarded starwars fag.
also anon.
Think for a few seconds why they wouldn't have put that scene in.
Specifically how bad CGI was back then for the expense.
I spent 30 seconds and realized that the original trilogy was actually very careful to talk about shields and almost never show them, especially in regards to lasers.
You only see them when they are hitting unshielded stuff, with the sole exception possibly being Vader making Han Solo look like a joke over dinner above Bespin.
Because they literally didn't have a good way to do it, even after the special edition redo.
They probably had to imply it and avoid showing it because they didn't trust it to look good enough.
Damn that is a strange concept now.
And typing this I came to another realization:
What happened when Lucas got to film the Phantom Menace much later?
Visible shields fucking EVERYWHERE
Visual effects of shields and stuff hitting shields all over the place!
Lucas must have been hyped up to finally get to show them.
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Better question: what would humanity do if we got control of 1 (1) imperial star destroyer?
Its actually wild how good RotS CGI is compared to most of the covid-now era CGI where Indian firms are working triple time just to meet insane workloads and time crunches. George mostly figured out how to make it work by then
>what would humanity do if we got control of 1 (1) imperial star destroyer?
Destroy ourselves fighting over it.
Honestly probably use it as a colony ship for within the solar system for a good decade until we even bothered to take it out. It can haul so much, and take us so much farther than we've ever been able to. Even some light freighter like the Millenium Falcon would let us reach the moons of Jupiter with utter ease. Pretty much every experiment we could dream of we could do in days, maybe even hours, rather than years or decades.

Hell even a TIE fighter would be a windfall in terms of reusable low earth orbit payload systems even if all it can do is carry a 100 kilo satellite.
anon I am ashamed of your anti-Semitism and I want you to know that to hear it tears a hole in my heart like uninvested financial savings stuffed into an old mattress.
This is clearly just a case of convergent evolution once more favoring crustaceans.
That's a crab claw.
A combination of plot armor, pod racing, the force, and cheap corporate McRobot McDefences built by a McDesigner to overwhelm (local governments and) pirates.
high trust society
>How do they keep the staff from dividing into factions and forming juntas out of random sections of the ship?
It's a warship full of highly trained military personnel, not Space Station 13.
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Yeah, we've got one thing in the deep recesses of black project bullshit in case ayys try to start some shit. If their force field can handle a metal particle beam moving several % the speed of light, we've got zero chance.
Uhh because they're not self sufficient and require everyone to follow orders to not fucking die from 10,000 different reasons? How are you this stupid?
Sorry man, left my cursor laying about. What was the question?
one moltov to the hvac ducting and its all over for the empire
Star Wars fans are the absolute masters of cope, it's the only reason why Star Wars still exists.
I'm not the anon you were fighting with, I'm just pointing out that you star wars faggots are massive hypocrites, as illustrated by your point.
>implying all the important shit doesnt happen in the cic
>argues point
>called out for being retarded
then what was that greentext, retarded totally-not-into-starwars fag?
you're a genuine retard if you don't understand economies of scale and just how much industry a typical large city contains. Sure, they need food imports, but your fucking fertilizer stops existing if the oil terminals, refineries, and chemical plants on the outskirts of cities shut down.
Right. . . The bridge...right next to the...
Most of Star Wars power scaling is a constant war of "this is the exact specification written in a canon book" vs "this is what happened in the movie because George thought it would look cool". Most of it is genuinely unscalable because of the obscene number of contradictions.
Imagine if these people studies and argued over ancient scriptures and wall paintings instead of......."this"
>but your fucking fertilizer stops existing if the oil terminals, refineries, and chemical plants on the outskirts of cities shut down.
Oh no we wont have the super-surplus required to *checks notes* feed you city niggers and sell half the corn as ethanol.

Post your gun with timestamp you retarded faggot.
>"this is the exact specification written in a canon book" vs "this is what happened in the movie because George thought it would look cool"
Anyone who thinks the former has supremacy over the latter is retarded and not worth even humoring, case closed.
The Chiss ascendancy did this with the old Sith.
Some big wig Darth showed up with a whole invasion fleet, told the Chiss to surrender or die.
The Chiss surrendered, invited Darth bigwig and frens for dinner and conned the guy.
The Chiss joined the Sith Empire as "vassals" with self governance, chossing where they send their guys and all it cost them was an evening of time wasting and sending a few carts of fine wine to the Dark Council.
If Star Wars had any sense of scale, then the Last Jedi would be about a very vengeful republic shitting out starfleets to pound the first oder into dust.
Tbf Disney lacks scale. At least the Battle of Coruscant seemed to be a legitimate mass naval melee
Been here longer than you nigger.
Starwars is the biggest shitfest of fag canon. Stop making these fucking threads you giganigger.
Disney makes small worlds with their small minds.
Fly a bunch of wild cards with attitude and M16's into one of the hangars in a civillian craft and let them figure it out, works every time
>Starwars fag screams about muh NOOOOOOKS
>"You're a retarded faggot that's not what it's like on screen"
Did you even read the post you responded to you dumb faggot?
Is this the cope now, the setting "used" to be big and Disney made it small?

Kathleen Kenedy wasn't the one who wrote multiple scenes where rocks moving at less than 500 miles an hour were an existential threat to shielded warships.
By everyone realizing that if you did try to mutiny and manage to take even a significant portion of the ship they could just seal the bulkheads and vent the atmosphere.
To be fair that is an older and much smaller Destroyer.
Also plot armor and production staff that have basically no knowledge of weaponry.
And those cut -away guidebooks are written by a turbo autist who uplevels everything to establish it as "cannon" just to dab on Trekkies
>So our best card is that around here Earth is it, the only habitable somewhat developed planet.
They have faster than light travel and countless probe droids. They could glass us and find an alternative and probably better planet and travel to it within a week.
>60 megatons of force
You got a source for that one bucko?
>Also plot armor
The misuse of this term is exhausting.

Plot armor is when a bullet misses an action hero. Plot armor is not when literally every single cannon-shot across a dozen films going back to the fucking SEVENTIES explodes with the power of Lemonade and nerds tell you to shut your eyes and imagine gigaton explosions.

>production staff that have basically no knowledge of weaponry.
That's not an excuse. If I make a comic book called Captain Mars and captain Mars has a laser wristwatch that can penetrate one inch of concrete, it's retarded to go back after years and say it has the force of an exploding sun, while still going on to portray it as less powerful than a rifle for the next two decades.

>And those cut -away guidebooks are written by a turbo autist who uplevels everything to establish it as "cannon" just to dab on Trekkies

Star Wars is not, never was, and never will be a setting with impressive standard weapons, only impressive one off superweapons using pixie dust and dreams to do things the authors think is cool. The fighters fly like WW2 planes, their ships fight like WW2 ships. There's no nukes. No "Glassing", In Atmosphere modern forces would kick the shit out of Star Wars armies even if outnumbered 10-1
>read the fanfic
lol, seethe faggot
An autist who used to churn out literally hundreds (if not thousands) of pages of text on Science fiction forums arguing about how star wars would "beat up" star trek actually got a job at the Lucasfilm publishing branch and filled the "technical lore books" with numbers he thought would beat up star trek, so he could go back online and yell at everyone about how he was right.

As I recall, AT-ATs were supposed to be dropping Kiloton nukes with every single shot from their face-guns. If I remember correctly X-Wings were also Kiloton nuke rated per shot. Next time you see a scene from star wars I want you to imagine the battles taking place with every man firing off hundreds of blasts from his weapon that can vaporize an entire building, and every single shot from a star fighter being Hiroshima. Because that's what starwars lorefags seriously ask people to believe.
Same for StarCraft. I remember an argument on some forum between Halo autists and StarCraft autists over the Terrans vs UNSC where the StarCraft side was quoting novelizations and saying that the Terran battlecruiser had armor capable of withstanding 900 zetajoules worth of kinetic energy or something obscenely autistic, while Halo nerds pointed out that the standard Terran infantry unit could just shoot and destroy a BattleCruiser with ease. That spiraled into “well Terran infantry guess rifles are blah blah blah”
tldr trying to compare power scaling in poorly written entertainment science fiction is a fool’s errand
That’s honestly an impressive level of autistic faggotry. Star Trek vs Star Wars is somehow even worse than Goku vs Superman fags
>maintaining a degree of functional and political stability within it in this setting is fucking ludicrous
OP's pic is comparing it to Manhattan Island, which has over six times the population over a similar area.
It is a plot element which protects another plot element. In this case it exists to produce drama by protecting story elements. It certainly qualifies as plot armor.
Man, the Executor jobbed so hard in ROTJ
>280,000 crew
>How do they keep the staff from dividing into factions and forming juntas out of random sections of the ship?
It's not an isolated ship, even though it is 19km long and has a quarter million people on board it is still just a very small cog in the the massive Galactic Empire and crewed by ostensibly loyal citizens of that Empire, usually from the core worlds. Usually they are also surrounded by fleets and travel is fast enough that reinforcements can be there quick, not to mention communication is instant.
The commanders of the ship are the ones with the mandate of heaven, IE the Emperor and anyone trying to remove / challenge them will become an enemy of said Emperor / Empire. These crew members usually believe in the Empire, more importantly they have families in the Empire and their posting on this ship is just a 9-5 for them.
Start an openly defiant faction, arrested at the next port. Attempt a mutiny... good luck recruiting enough people in secret who are willing to see all their loved ones die and be hunted by the entirety of the Empire forever. Even if you seize the command staff there are over two hundred thousand people who would some day like to go home, they would have something to say about that.
Would there be crime on board, sure, mafia shit, smuggling and all that, absolutely. Nothing though is gonna come close to out and out treason to the Empire, not in the numbers that would matter. Also once the Empire fell apart so too did the systems keeping crews loyal so that is when the chain of command would probably fall apart.
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*Cue theme music*
The Empire is FUCKED.
I wonder of you could collectively drain the shield generators if everyone below and even near that SSD discharged their small arms into it
By extending the definition thusly, you've rendered the term completely meaningless.
It's just a Whedon-Generation phrase you like to throw out like a magic word that means we all have to ignore what we just fucking saw on screen. It's intellectual cowardice at it's finest.
If you can hit it with a nuke you can kill it, literally nothing exists in the physical world that can survive that.
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Obviously a larger SD
Honestly well written or not it's functionally impossible to find a science fiction universe with consistent scaling. It doesn't matter how "hard sci fi", how "autistic" how many big words out of a physics book the author throws out, writers know functionally nothing about fighting, explosions, or the physical, practical effects of real world phenomena. Writers either keep things vague or they fuck up and expose themselves as amateurs. Pick apart any lofty science fiction novel that prides itself on accuracy and internal consistency and you'll find such a thing eventually. It wouldn't be a problem if writers (and fans) didn't pretend it was otherwise, they wave their megatons in your face and then act like vampires confronted with a cross when you say "Then how did X happen".
Star Destroyers are run by human crew. There's AI but it's not widespread, almost all ships are ran by people.
Define humanity.

Anyways the best use for it would be to demolish russia and then as a transport ship within system, but we don't get cool things so it'd just sit in orbit for 30 years as people argue over budget.
Nukes actually have very bad pure armor penetration qualities unless you focus the blast somehow.
That said a Star Destroyer can be dropped just by smashing up the conning tower or whatever, so once you beat down it's shields just about any missile could do it.
>people that go on incredibly distant voyages for years at a time in incredibly dangerous reaches with no communication with home other than FTL travel
Star Wars has seemingly instant ftl communication over separate star systems. Why would the crew of the ship be isolated from contact with their families? Even if they aren't allowed live communication they could still deliver messages FTL back and forth.
Crossing the galaxy in SW also seems to take a matter of weeks at most.
nah i disagree
There is a difference between star wars glassing and nuclear or covenent glassing, star wars glassing is surface level, its basically like a machinegun that shoots MOABs so its gonna take a year to glass the hole world.
Yes if the comander is smart it would be almost impossible to hit it but it need be in low orbit, i would say its range should be 80 000km when it come to it, not many weapon can reach it but it can be, about the shield if X-wing can just get in their and shoot its sheild generators that easly then we have to assume that "low velocity" object can pass through the shield so it takes only one nuke to kill it
If its in atmosphere it wont last half a day
legends chuds keep saying that a single star destroyer can destroy all life on a planet despite there being absolutely no evidence for this canonically ever.
just fly a plane into the bridge like in the movie
It's not a Russian ship
So what they don't tell you is that even in their precious books and comics the stats are nowhere near consistent, and you're likely to see the "nuclear scale" weapons from one book poof against a tree or mound of dirt in another.
Lets keep it simple: YOU ARE A FAG

And so is your franchise
Dunno just do magic like everything else in the Star War
>zero-g corrective churka rape gangs
>t. flyover retard
NYC sucks but they keep to themselves. If you can stop seething for 10 seconds, >>62051455 has the objective right answer.
Post gun
Better hope we have a main character on earth that just blasts the hypermatter bingle bongle hole with a nerf gun and explodes the entire thing. Otherwise we talk about something that ignores the laws of thermodynamics at will. There's no winning chance.
Send up an emissary with COVID and watch it rape their alien immune systems.
One fully crewed and operational Executor class SSD could take over the world. One orbit around the planet and it's over. Earth's only chance would be to somehow board it and sabotage it. Keep in mind Storm Trooper armor is virtually immune to "slug throwers". The only thing we might be peers on is fighter craft. TIEs don't have shield generators and our fighter craft are as fast or faster than Fighters and Interceptors. Neither of which have long range missile capability. Assuming our missiles can penetrate durasteel, the biggest threat to our fighters, outside the SSD itself, would be Bombers loaded with air to air missiles.

>Turberlaser Batteries: 2,000
>Heavy Turbolaser Batteries: 2,000
>Concussion Missile Tubes: 250 w/ 30 missiles each
>Heavy Ion Cannons: 250
>Tractor Beam Projectors: 40
>Point Defense Laser Cannons: 500

>Crewmen: 279,144
>Gunners: 1,590
>TIE Fighters/Bombers/Interceptors: 144 Squadrons
>AT-ATs: 30
>AT-STs: 40
>Prefab Garrisons: 3
>Assault / Support Craft: 200
We'd probably have to throw everything we have at it. Shields might get overloaded but then we have the durasteel armored hull to punch through too. No idea how strong durasteel is compared to ours.
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This. You literally see and hear Admiral Ackbar order the entire fleet to focus fire the SSD.
>entire fleet opens up on SSD
>A-Wing pair dumps all of their missiles into one of the shield generators
>SSD gets overwhelmed by sudden assault
>rest of shields fail
>A-Wing crashes into command tower bridge
If I had to wager a guess, the A-Wing crashing into the tower, plus the fleet's barrage, caused a chain reaction all the way down to engineering. Hence the kilometers long jet of flame shooting out from underneath it as it crashed into the DSII. Everyone and everything from the top of the tower down into the depths of engineering was dead or destroyed. And one or more reactors had gone critical.
>Keep in mind Storm Trooper armor is virtually immune to "slug throwers".
That's okay, we'll just switch to more advanced weapons like the bows and small rocks Ewoks use.
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>Keep in mind Storm Trooper armor is virtually immune to "slug throwers".
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>Keep in mind Storm Trooper armor is virtually immune to "slug throwers"
>An autist who used to churn out literally hundreds (if not thousands) of pages of text on Science fiction forums arguing about how star wars would "beat up" star trek actually got a job at the Lucasfilm publishing branch and filled the "technical lore books" with numbers he thought would beat up star trek, so he could go back online and yell at everyone about how he was right.
based, living the dream
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>he hasn't been here long enough to remember holonet a/k/quisition threads
>And those cut -away guidebooks are written by a turbo autist who uplevels everything to establish it as "cannon" just to dab on Trekkies
Based. Fuck trekkies. Love me some DK Incredible Cross Sections
No amount of hating star trek will make "big number" cool.
>Honestly probably use it as a colony ship for within the solar system for a good decade
Don't think there's enough fuel to last that long.
>muh Disney Wars
Starships have needed fuel in SW since forever. What do you think those hoses were filling the X-Wings with in ANH?
This would be interesting to see. How many do we already have? Can they be deployed efficiently against a sudden attack from an extra-galactic threat? If it penetrates the shields will it still have enough energy to also pierce the durasteel armor?
>Dumbfucks actually believing the SSD is so unbelievably powerful when it’s skullfucked by a Chad pilot yelling AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA yeeting his A wing into the bridge
Lucas is such a god dabbing on powerlevel fags and armchair generals
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I basically still follow the old pre-Disney canon rules. Except I count more video games' canonicity higher than the books or comics. Unless it's something like Force Unleashed which contradicted multiple stories.

My hard canon
>Episodes 1-6
>Filoni Wars with Genndy Wars being "fireside stories" spread by the troops
>KotOR I & II
>Dark Forces / Jedi Knight series
>Shadows of the Empire
>Thrawn Trilogy
>Jedi Academy Trilogy
>Republic Commando
>Bounty Hunter
>Darth Bane Trilogy
>Rogue Squadron & Rogue Squadron II: Rogue Leader
>Pandemic's Battlefront II
Probably not just small arms. Would need crew served too. But if the SSD let you it might be possible. Thing is deflector shields are better at dealing with blaster bolts and lasers than they are with projectiles. Basic flow of logic in SW is that shields are for energy and armor is for projectiles. Which is why every Force fearing man should arm himself with an autoloading Wookiee bowcaster.
Imagine being an engineer on one of these, fixing some shmuck's printer in the nose section when you suddenly get called to the engine compartment. Enjoy the trip, retard. Lmao.
Shit like this is so fucking goofy to me.
>the bad guys have a new flagship
>it's the same as the last one but BIGGER!
One supersonic fighter jet dabs on the entire imperial navy. Spaceships in Star Wars go really fucking slow for some reason.
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>learn absolutely fucking nothing from the blunder of Super Star Destroyers or the Death Star in general
>spend who knows how much time, money and raw materials producing that mechanical monstrosity instead of warships proven to work (aka Star Destroyers)
>could have easily just have produced entire fleets of SD's using said materials that would have covered more ground and gave the First Order more to work with instead of placing all their eggs in one basket like the Empire did
>if they really REALLY had to make a fuckoff huge ship they could have just taken the original SSD's schematics and made improvements based off the apparent weaknesses it had during the battle of Endor
>gets destroyed in quite possibly the stupidest sequence in all of star wars history
I hate Disney so goddamn much.
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I hate that the First Order just had all new kit instead of mostly relying on the remnants of the Empire. The original timeline was happy to tell you about the insane cost and resource investment the Empire pumped into making its massive star fleet then these clowns show up dabbing on them with their bigger, newer shit. Don't even get me started on the fleet of secret Star Destroyers that all have a compact planet destroying super laser... way to somehow break the power scaling for all future works worse than the hyperspace ram JJ.
Genndy was the best thing that ever happened to the prequels and bought the era a decade and a half of undeserved good will.
It'll disappear until they need a new planet destroying super weapon. They did it with the missile defenses in 7 being absent in 8.
Battlefront 2 (Piett...you fool!) had it explode more realistically.
And the occasional Vader choke.
> but they keep to themselves
Even if the SSD doesn’t have biggatons level firepower, it’s still hideously OP compared to modern earth. Even if its laser bolts are ‘only’ comparable to naval artillery, it

1. Has thousands of them that fire relatively quickly

2. Has shields that can tank its own firepower and is so massive it can just absorb hits before being seriously damaged

3. Can just hang out in orbit where we’d be hard pressed to throw enough firepower at it to kill it before it obliterates our assets from space

It also has ion cannons, which are basically concentrated EMPs. Star Wars has countermeasures to these that earth doesn’t, so the thing could just blitz our grid and mop up the rest.
The First Order is basically a moron’s impression of the Empire. Like, that siege star destroyer with the huge fuck off cannons was called a ‘fleet killer’ and then proceeds to not kill the fleet in orbit instead shooting the deserted base.
Yeah, it's a setting with space magic, yet everything, aside from maybe the Death Star, is incredibly weak and underpowered. Space battles are fought at extremely close proximities, every large spaceship has at least one massive weakness, and projectiles are very slow-moving. In other words, for a setting that allows for interstellar travel, it's far far weaker than it would be in reality, which is kind of ironic, given that sci-fi should go in the other direction.
Those fucking things have no redundant systems either, and no secondary bridge in case the ridiculously exposed bridge on top is destroyed. Every Imperial design is basically a plot device to make them weaker, and to give the pussy rebels an easy win.
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Dunno, just use magic powers. The entire franchise is built around gay magic powers and an inconsistent magic system at that.

Use Force Suicide
I thought it as that the author of one of those technical manuals had gotten Megatons and Megajoules mixed up and given the weapons what shoul have been not unreasonable yields if not for that mistake
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Honestly the dweebs that try and pump those numbers up and tie their thoughts into spaghetti to justify Star Wars tech because they feel intimidated by other Sci Fi universes are worst.
The reality is that Star Wars is a closed system, who cares if the Enterprise can blow them up in one phaser blast, it and its physics do not exist in the Star Wars universe. In the Star Wars universe big ships are slow as if they are moving through water and fighters are fast like they are moving through air. Everyone carries around energy weapons that give away your position and fly at paintball speed and ground vehicles are big awkward looking dinosaurs with lasers and super weapons are gigantic space fortresses for the evil doers... lean into the fucking camp people.
The balancing gets fucked up when you try and leave that silly cartoon logic era of sci fi. Like in Episode 3 when the Jedi are chased by homing missiles launched from a Vulture Droid and you think "If two Jedi in the most nimble fighters can barely escape these, why doesn't every fighter and warship cover themselves in missiles", the answer is that they should from a logical perspective, it is how fighters and ships in real life do it and adding that to the world was dumb and immediately ignored going forward. There is not room in Star Wars for practical shit.
Like someone will ask, why don't they all carry machine guns since they are better than blasters in a bunch of ways and a fan will come back with "well awkshually Storm Trooper armor is resistant up to .50cal" and the real answer is because Star Wars works on GI Joe cartoon logic and is better for it and go play Halo for your space machine guns. I swear, the writers of picrel episode of Star Trek Voyager understand Star Wars better than most Star Wars tech fags.
That sort of thing has happened more than once but it wasn't that author.
>power levels being argued about SW weaponry
Anons, you should also discuss the size of the beings in the Galaxy Far Far Away.
Those who behave and overperform get to sniff coke, neck to poon, along early 20's Carrie Fishers body.
Thats all I can think of about the first movies rlly.
*sniff blow
>Cities are nightmare-cancer of crime, disease, and insanity
This is the saddest shit I've ever read. You people are scared of your own goddamn shadow.
Post your gun with timestamp
Is that it? Is that supposed to be the megatons?
It's funny. In the original trilogy, building a planet-destroying superweapon is clearly established as a major undertaking that's going to change the course of the whole war. The prequel trilogy devotes a lot of time to explaining how Palpatine got an army. And then in the sequel trilogy, they're just pulling armies and superweapons out of thin air, to no real effect.
>gets destroyed in quite possibly the stupidest sequence in all of star wars history
It was so silly. No preamble of any kind to hint that it was possible, and nothing afterwards to explain how it was possible. A single scene that feels like it was cut in from a whole different franchise, not connected to anything before or after.
Don't try to frighten us with your sorcerer's ways. Your sad devotion to that ancient religion has not helped you conjure up the stolen data tapes.
this is bullshit
you can not form nuclear blast like that

Normal explosion has a blast wave you can form.
nuclear explosion, in hydrogen bomb, just from the primary, before blast wave starts to move, the X-RAYs compress the secondary, so whole thing would be blown up before your stupid design ever got a chance to form or something.
Only idea I have is that you have multiple nuclear bombs, and they shape each other as they blow, but you can not make anything with that, not a sphere or a shape, you are working with spheres, one per bomb.
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Let 1950s-1960s Atomic America do shenangins. There will be a nuclear scramjet sled that will launch nuclear battleships up which use their Orion drives to get them into an intercept trajectory before they launch their nuclear thermal rocket powered, nuclear missile tipped buses that are powered by nuclear thermal rockets (open gaseous core cycle) that have multiple nuclear submunition missiles and it will all operate on early transistors and vacuum tubes.
It depends on who is commanding the ship, but yes it can be defeated relatively easily if humanity can study ROJ and create a functioning A-Wing to crash it into the bridge. We would first need to reverse engineer a captured Tie Fighter. I have faith in humanity since we band together in the face of adversity. The good news is that we have all of the blueprints and historical data tapes of the Empire.

You don’t need megatons or even kilotons to fuck shit up. Even if a turbo laser is ‘just’ as strong as a 16” shell, the Executor has thousands of them firing 1 shot per second from orbit. That’s nuts.
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Absolutely zero chance. The only way we could win is if they had their shields off for whatever reason and stayed in geosynchronous orbit making it much easier to target them or we somehow smuggled a nuke aboard, good luck doing that.

A single Executor is extreme overkill. Even something like an Acclamator could defeat every single nation on Earth without deploying a single TIE or putting a single stormtrooper on the ground. They could casually orbit the planet blasting the piss out of military facilities and population centers with impunity. The distances they could bombard the planet from make "lazily listing to the left" a legitimately viable defensive tactic against anything we send at them.

No they wouldn't. Would be slightly more "effective" than most options though because at least the blast is focused.

That wouldn't work either. An SSD would be absolutely worthless if that's all it took. Btw, nukes exist in Star Wars and are significantly more powerful than ours. They are largely relegated to use as terror weapons because they're trash against anything with shields.

They can easily bombard the planet from orbit far enough that we'd have a hell of a time even tickling them. Why would you think they wouldn't have the range to do that? Beyond that what's it matter if it takes more than a few minutes? You can't do anything to stop them and it's not like we can leave the planet. Even if it took a decade for some ridiculous reason we'd all still die in the end. Also, surface glassing is getting off light. BDZ slags the whole crust down to the mantle.
You would all starve to death after two months without bank loans
ask thos satanist gays at hadron collider to open up a blackhole/ungodly void universe with whatever lovecraftian is waiting on the other side if they fuck with us we take out this WHOLE universe

>.t why the ayy lmaos dont mess with us in RL
why is the empire so obsessed with blowing up planets? It seems like a needlessly wasteful form of warfare
They have to be evil for the story to have stakes
In universe explanation, big show of over the top overwhelming force keeps the various systems in line. A "you rebel first" sorta thing. IRL reason though, it's this >>62076834
There are like a billion planets and a quadrillion people in SW galaxy
>Concentrating humanity does not also concentrate the worst aspects of humanity.
One of those is more than capable of BDZing the planet from orbit. So we'd be pretty fucked.
>Resorting to pathetic absurdity
>we somehow smuggled a nuke aboard, good luck doing that.
a ten year old flies into a droid ship and blows it up from the inside.
You can create a lensing effect with literally any explosive, the efficiently just changes.
>1st nuke detonates and the emp shuts down power
>2nd nuke or just regular ordinance mops up the rest
> An SSD would be absolutely worthless if that's all it took.
Yeah an SSD is worthless compared to modern weapons.
Noguns, we make the food, loans and subsidies are what keeps us feeding YOU and half the planet. We can happily live off 1/100th of our output.
You've got an N-1 laying around? How about a Z-95? Maybe your own TIE? Not even an Ugly? The only way you're getting aboard is having been captured or as part of a diplomatic group. Either way you're not going to be casually carrying a nuke onboard.

Anon, pretending to be retarded is the lowest form of trolling. You can do better than that. Don't believe in yourself. Believe in the me that believes in you!
Those only stop energy. Why ships have been able to smash into it.
There's several different types of shields and most shields can behave multiple ways. Some stop energy weapons (like blaster/turbolaser bolts), some stop things that are moving over a certain speed, some fuck with repulsorlifts, some stop hot things, some stop air, some are a combo of multiple aspects, some stop everything. Also the layout matters. Some project form fitting, some project as bubbles, some project as walls, etc.

A big ass capital ship hosting a bunch of fighters isn't always going to be in "stop everything" mode because it's own fighters need to get in and out. Could also simply be that the captain never even thought about someone going full snackbar on the bridge. Most places on an SSD get hit it's not really a big deal. Alongside shields those ships are very heavily armored too. That A-wing was basically the starship a rondell to the balls.
>That A-wing was basically the starship equivalent of a rondell to the balls
>Anon, pretending to be retarded is the lowest form of trolling. You can do better than that. Don't believe in yourself. Believe in the me that believes in you!
Your noguns Cross sections bullshit has already had it's asshole reamed out for the entire thread, don't bother trotting it back out now.
Anon, even if all the guns on an SSD had the same yield as a typical 5 inch naval gun that thing would still eviscerate every military on earth uncontested without a single imperial needing to enter the atmosphere. It's honestly irrelevant whether or not the guns can go in to fuckhuge yields. We'd still be totally incapable of stopping or even scratching the paint on a single Executor.
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>The distances they could bombard the planet from make "lazily listing to the left" a legitimately viable defensive tactic against anything we send at them.
This is the big reason why they would win. They have silly space blasters but they ae up in space and we are not sooo... unironic high ground.
>An SSD would be absolutely worthless if that's all it took. Btw, nukes exist in Star Wars and are significantly more powerful than ours. They are largely relegated to use as terror weapons because they're trash against anything with shields.
Bullshit. You know happened? Some book writer tried to answer the question, "why no one uses nukes" and instead of saying it's a space fantasy story where everyone just uses energy guns they tried to come up with a bullshit excuse why lighting a miniature star next to a ship that fires energy bolts about as powerful as real life naval guns wouldn't work. The real answer is because Star Wars operates on cartoon logic so they can do WW2 in space with lasers and trying to explain it is dumb.
>BDZ slags the whole crust down to the mantle.
More bullshit. We see what kind of firepower these ships have in the movies and TV shows and "slags the crust" ain't it. Another book fag tried to make whacky cartoon physics Star Wars respectable in the eyes of other Sci Fi works instead of just accepting it for what it is. WW2 in space is cool, we don't need people "correcting the films" with there "the Banking Clan Frigates main guns can melt a 10km ice moon" shit... not that the sequels are much better with their lets give every Star Destroyer the planet cracker gun that the moon sized McGuffin in the OG had, utter dumbfucks.
Stop trying to justify picrel, instead of enjoying picrel. It's giant metal dinosaurs that shoot laser bolts, no one needs to question it. Why do these people gotta fuck up a good thing, is WW2 in Space not good enough for them anymore?
As of Last Jedi star wars capital ship guns lose power even in a vacuum after going a couple of miles.
Mandalorians used nukes in the Old Republic era specifically for the fact that they irradiate the fuck out of things. Again, terror weapons. Why bother when you can just blast the piss out of the planet from space with weapons that don't leave any fallout behind? Why use them instead of weapons that cost less for the same level of destruction? To send a message.

Even if individually shots don't look powerful. What happens when you fire a fuckton over time because you can basically just sit there and hammer away until the sun burns out? A proper BDZ (which is still even canon in the Disneyslop if I'm remembering right) only needs a few ISD size ships lazily orbiting while vomiting out fire on max yield basically mowing the lawn.

In Empire we see an ISD vaporizing asteroids with single shots from what are at best medium guns. Not scorching their surfaces. Not cracking them. Not fragging them. Not melting them. They're simply just no longer there period. That takes a LOT of power.

The idea that Star Wars stuff doesn't have variable yield is ridiculous. It's not shells with limited space inside. Even if they're not REALLY able to do ye olde REE I HAZ BIGGER NUMBERS 42 gorillatons shots they can still absolutely lay down a whole lot of heavy firepower.
>but it wuz cope book!
The whole fucking thing is fiction dipshit.

Last Jedi and Disney can eat shit. Marxist slop poorly disguised as Star Wars. Literally cultural appropriation. The only actual good Star Wars Disney has made was Rogue One and the final half of the final season of Clone Wars.
they have 2 different kinds of deflectors, energy and particle. kamikaze worked because the particle deflectors were down because they were releasing a squadron of ties
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Right now? Not much of a chance at all, tell them to come back in 20-30,000 years so they can pick on someone their own size.
>Mandalorians used nukes in the Old Republic era specifically for
Book shit, does not matter.
>Why bother when
Because every ground battle in Star Wars would basically be over with 1 fighter dropped nuke. Don't try and bring this shit into Star Wars. Mando's didn't use them, one book writer was retard.
>In Empire we see
Cheap 80's special effects. I doubt they imagined people would be sperging over asteroids 40 years later. Yes every shot will do normal damage but this one against an Asteroid to secretly signal to super fans that all ships are actually a thousand times stronger than portrayed on screen but never use it... no. Big ship blaster bolts are like a big space cannon, not a nuke.
>The idea that Star Wars stuff doesn't have variable yield is ridiculous.
If Star Destroyer blasters were nuke yields space battles would be very different. Swarms of fighters can overwhelm capital ships with their piddily lil blasters and blow big chunks out of them because it is WW2 in space with cartoon laser. Stop trying to make it "real sci fi" that is dumb.
Easily defeated by cavalry
If you want to talk about some fictional weapon or another but ignore every little detail that goes against your belief that it's totes ma gotes just a giant spitwad gun then you're probably better off finding a different thread.
>ignore everything, except MUH NOOOOKS
>H-h-hey stop cherrypicking....
We know for a fact turbolasers have the power to completely vaporize asteroids in a single shot, it's even shown in a scene in the original trilogy, and you're sitting here doing a fine vatnik impression hitting me with the "if they can why don't they" shit combined with "it's effects REEEE". We're not debating how they made the movie you mook, we're not supposed to be sperging out about "BU-BU-BUT COPE BOOK" either. We're talking about the weapons as they're supposed to perform in-universe. I don't know why they don't always run their guns on high yield. Ask a captain... oh wait.... you can't... it's fucking fiction.

Entire point here is an SSD would absolutely skull fuck today's earth with very little effort and there's not a damn thing we could do to stop it.
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>but ignore every little detail that goes against your belief
You mean source books and novels, I am good with ignoring them in power scaling discussions because they are retarded and do not match what is commonly shown.
If you mean ignoring the one asteroid shot, honestly tell me you believe that back when they were making episode V they honestly thought about what it would take to vaporize an Asteroid and said, yes we want our ships this strong but only for this scene.
Picrel is how strong Star Wars ships are, not "we could have done this in one shot buuut" nah, this is fine. I am happy with Star Wars being what it is meant to be. That is way better than trying to power scale it to some nuke fest to compete with other sci fi works or real tech.
yes, those fucking space horses...
Spears aren't really relevant in the current meta.
Would APFSDSs fired out of a tank breach the hull?
That's great, but they still showed it one tapping asteroids out of existence in the OT. Thus, it can totally absolutely do so. They also show it firing on ships like the Tantive IV without obliterating it showing yield/power control is on the menu.

If you want a real world comparison for the "BUT Y U NO DO ALWAYS" bullshit, Iowa class battleships had nuclear shells available. Most military aircraft can also sling nuclear munitions of some sort or another. There's also nuclear artillery and even at least one nuclear weapon made for infantry. Why in the world would you not always use the biggest most powerful things in your arsenal and only those things? Maybe, just maybe, there's a wide variety of risks involved.

As far as Tipoca City goes, they probably should have hit it in big boy mode from orbit and turned it into a boiling hellhole. At the same time it was meant to be symbolic even in universe. Commander who hates them basically just told the clones manning the guns to blow up the closest thing they have to a home city within visual range of it. It was meant to be an end to the era of the clones, who were for some reason or another detested by a lot of non-clone officers that now ran the show after the transition from the Republic to the Empire began.
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>That's great, but they still showed it one tapping asteroids out of existence in the OT. Thus, it can totally absolutely do so.
Nah. They didn't want to waste buckets of money making a bunch of little zero G rock chunks with 80's effects.
>They also show it firing on ships like the They also show it firing on ships like the Tantive IV without obliterating it showing yield/power control is on the menu.
Or they shot with their normal firepower until it was disabled which is why all the blockade runners in VI didn't instantly vaporize in 4 seconds in the space battle above Endor because they aren't slinging nuke firepower.
>As far as Tipoca City goes
They just shot at it. Maybe if they used the bigger top guns the explosions would be a little bigger but whatever. You're pulling nuke levels of power where there just isn't any dude and for good reason.
Every ground battle in the Clone Wars would have ended with one ship flying into atmo and firing one or two shots and it is dumb which is why it doesn't happen.
Outside of a few books the power levels are pretty consistent. My question is, why do you want them to be ridiculous. Why do you want to make Star Wars into something it is not. Picrel is what Star Wars is, not nuke slugging but not on screen.
We're not discussing the effects/props department. We're discussing the weapon as shown.

You also don't fucking fire heavy yield shit anywhere near your own guys or vehicles unless you're cool with mountains of reports featuring some form of "oopsie poospie I wiped out a battalion of our own men" or anywhere near important objectives you actually need to take unless you're happy with a lot of "uh, weren't we supposed to capture that?". There's a whole lot more reasons why you don't just nuke/psuedo-nuke everything but I'm sure you're incapable of thinking of them.

Since you can't get any of this through your head and I need to be awake tomorrow I'm going to stop trying.
Shields in Star Wars don't protect against kinetic weapons really well (guided or unguided)
Step 1: Get really big guns & missiles
Step 2: You're gonna love this part
Okay, and I am going to go by what basically every ground and space battle in the movies and TV shows have shown, that weapons yields are normal and big super weapons are needed for massive damage because that is the GI Joe cartoon-esc world they pretty consistently show us.

A single ICMB would destroy the ship. and the energy weapons they use are incredibly weak compared to kinetic weapons, so all the faggots saying they are laser naval weapons can eat shit. They pack the punch of a 1 inch naval gun AT BEST
Anon you could fire 100 5 inch guns at the planet every second until the crew on a star destroyer died from lack of food and not kill the planet.
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send spartans to blow it up from inside

Yes they do. There's two main types of shields, ray and deflector shields. Ray shields only block energy weapons, deflectors do both energy and kinetic weapons.
I'm not really scared, I'm just annoyed by all the ugly people who yell in foreign and spit on the ground.
For a second there i thought this was a n arrowhead on flat ground until a gave it a closer look. i feel stupid that this has urban camouflage that actually works.
Daily reminder that Star Wars technology is mainly analogue and personnel operated. Inside the atmosphere their fighters and bombers would get absolutely BTFO by current Earth tech. However that hardly matters as the SDs can simply bombard us with impunity from orbit.
Are Star Destroyers named after the act of destroying stars or is the name from the fact its a destroyer class warship in space? The latter implies star cruisers and star battleships but I don't remember seeing any other ship class other than the executor
I never get farther than >SDSD Freudian Nightmare when reading this before it lose it kek
Remember when nobody could actually shoot down a bunch of balloons? Well same height but now it has a force field essentially laughing at everything you can throw at it.
It's clear from the beginning that Star Wars has never been paid much thought. Every movie was made as a standalone with no planning for the overall plotline and the setting is written as needed. The tech that is shown is all just plot devices needed for the current movie's plot to function somehow. Come on, the original trilogy has TWO death stars because they couldn't come up with something as threatening and they already used it in the first movie.
It's okay for a kids movie, which it was originally meant to be.
they're just using terminology people know, and (correctly) assuming they dont know much about what it actually means outside of
>battleships are big
>anything else is small(er)
throughout the films theres mention of frigates, cruisers and corvettes as well, pretty sure (star) destroyer is only used by the empire
id reckon they only chose (star) destroyer because it sounds evil, even if (from what i can tell) they're more akin to cruisers
Shoot nukes at it. And if it doesn't work, hey, at least New York and Brooklyn are gone.

do laws of physics exist? nothing is immune to enough energy. a couple hundred megatons of canned sunshine deals with pretty much any problem as long as it adheres to the laws of physics.
>essentially laughing at everything you can throw at it.
One nuke could have won any ground engagement ever fought in Star Wars instantly.

It's not a big number setting and it never will be.
who is this antlers creature?
Lockheed already has a plan, prototype, and paperwork for the DoD prepared for this scenario.
I could type up pages and pages of rants but I'm going to keep things concise and just say "FUCK DISNEY."
DS II was the same size as the original, not 900km
>giant ship in semi-orbit
>the ground
OP's picture is not "Orbit" or anything close to it.

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