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I've heard that Russia is using motorcycle cavalry to assault Ukrainian positions. That sounds very impractical? I can't imagine it actually working; what is the logic and tactic that makes it effective?
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They were. They are using scooters and unicycles now
>I can't imagine it actually working
it doesn't
>what is the logic
beats walking
They were more often than not using bikes and desert cross atvs to move around. When they get killled it is because they got ambushed.
Armor doesn't survive crossing to enemy positions so the idea is to just use speed to get in close ASAP. Both sides are reduced to small infantry attacks at this point because any massing of forces is spotted immediately because of how saturated the battlefield is with observation drones. It's uh "effective" in that the Russian strategy at the moment is to just trade corpses for time, they lose 1-1.5k soldiers a day at this point but that's about what they recruit while Ukrainians are struggling to reconstitute their losses because they are really reticent to conscript younger men and are focused on forcing favorable k/d ratios while slowly yielding when forcer to do so.

Russian grand strategy at this point is entirely fixated on elections in the West bringing populists into power in enough states to cut off weapon supplies to Ukraine. The battlefield "innovations" like scooters and golf carts are a compromise between maintaining some form of pressure and cutting costs - the Russian economy is overheating like fucking crazy and looking like it's going to be a late 80s USSR style disaster if the war doesn't wrap up in the next year or two.
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>I hate Russia so much I can't understand that motorcycle go fast and fast good
as much as I would love for ukraine to win tommorrow I'd like to see the war last another year or three and completely destroy russia.
If you need to cover a lot of open ground as fast as possible it seems like a decent idea. I'm surprised both sides aren't using more smoke screens to cover assaults since they're having WWI with drones.
It’s called adaptation. Russian commanders are reading the situation, and have found the AFU barely using any armor themselves due to both running low and wanting to conserve their remaining tanks/IFVs. That means on many fronts there is no real point to using armor as the only thing firing back at you are FPVs, and FPVs do not discriminate between guys on the back of a bike or in a tank. They take both out equally and the tank only makes a fatter, slower target.

There's a thread that explains this tactic in detail, in case you're actually interested
Motorized is motorized
Those are dirt bikes which have been used before the war. At least the mc content fag isn't here.
Xaxaxa good one comrade, good thing russia didnt lose 600k people to a bunch of trannies like these kockholols
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It's almost like highly mobile firepower that can rapidly engage and disengage is a very effective way to fight on the Eurasian steppe.
Xaxaxa are you suggesting russia lost 600k people? Russia doesnt even have 300k people how could they lose 150k people, pay no attention to rouble is fine.
You think you want that, but you don’t.
Where are all those Russians going to go after their state collapses? We saw it with the Arab spring and ensuing tsunami of “refugees”.
>Where are all those Russians going to go after their state collapses?
probably just kill themselves like in the 90s
lmao ivan b seethin
>makes it effective
It doesn't. GLA-style Kharkiv blitzkrieg failed and Russia suffers attrition 4:1 in attempts to stabilize the frontline.
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>makes it effective
It seems like neither side has any idea what the fuck is going on. Someone digs a trench, the other side responds with waves of suicide drones. So everybody abandons the trenches and boards armed convoys, but the convoys drive into minefields/missiles and are destroyed. So then they try tanks, but the tanks get droned with larger drones. So they cover the tanks in anti-drone armor which kinda works, but then the other side gets artillery again so everybody runs away. Then someone starts using motorcycles as a form of unexpected shock troop. Meanwhile you see clips of soldiers from both sides riding makeshift vehicles amid allegations of war crimes, both sides are screaming for total victory, and the rest of the world watches on, placing bets, and arguing
>low signature
>cover the deadzone quickly
>disperse and concentrate quickly
>less likely to set off an AT mine (Ukrainians are short on AP mines as Obama made them get rid of them all)

>its a fucking motorcycle

Conclusion: Not the most retarded thing the Russians have done.
I do not buy into that. Even if they were intentionally withholding supplying the front troops with tank/IFVs, that doesn't come free. You pay for it with slower progress, more casualties, more expenditure to other systems. The only real way to conserve tanks and IFVs is too attack less and attack less recklessly.
>what is the logic
Bikes are dirt cheap. They’re also good for narrow trails n shit but I don’t think that advantage matters here
Onewheels are actually expensive so I’m surprised to see that
what a stupid take. FPV mass production has sunk any hope of russian mass attacks, so they've moved to small attacks, suffering insane losses for a field.
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Self-driving golf carts would have been better
They are more horable then sand niggers and that comes from a baltic state that has russians living here:
1. They completely refuse to learn your language or just basic english.
2. They do not work
3. Massive alcoholics
4. They seethe if they hear you speak your countries language and demand you speak russian.
5. Even of They get employed they are shit workers to the point they will show up drunk at work.
6. They hate your country to the point they will attend any protest that wants to destroy your country (I.E. leave NATO, EU, join russia that sort of stuff)

Never let russians ifest your country
It should be legal to cut out the tongue of any Puccian that starts screeching if you speak in your own language near them.
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>That means on many fronts there is no real point to using armor as the only thing firing back at you are FPVs
Did you forget that guns exist?
>Onewheels are actually expensive
That's why it's a Ukrainian soldier driving away in that video, and not a mongoloid turdie.
Man I didn't realize until the current war that Russia is just the GLA with aircraft.
everyone forgets that American had to spend close to billion dollars (cooperative threat reduction program) to keep those lead and radiation fucked snow niggers from selling nukes to nonstate groups or just straight up losing them. nuclear workers that hadn't been paid in months were straight up offering to sell material and weapons to groups in the middle east and north africa.

ain't nobody going to fund that shit again but I can't wait for a Uyghur terrorist faction to nuke Beijing using a puccian weapon they bought off telegram.
Don't let them in, all EU countries on border with Russia hate them
Think of current russian army as of Chaos Cultist from Warhammer. If you do, then it's all make start to make sense.
>what is the logic and tactic that makes it effective?

>/k/omrade, we are out of tankski-treadnik device. get on bikeski-rollnik device because those are still left.
>maybe u sneak by jewish nazi drone operator not pay close enough attention
Motorcycles could work for remote areas if they were used like dragoons to cover terrain fast and then fight dismounted. What they're doing now is some kind of cope because infantry can't cross the fields fast enough without getting shredded and their bmps and tanks are too easy to spot and get killed by atgm and artillery. If they had better nods they could infiltrate at night and then assault.

One colonel I talked to was working on the recon handbook and his idea was to have hybrid electric bikes and rzrs so when you get close to the enemy you go all electric to reduce engine noise for infil. That never became a thing though but it would work in some cases.
The Russians just send them out in the open in daytime.
>your country
what is really your and what is not is debatable from the pov of Russians
>you go all electric to reduce engine noise for infil.
this is interesting, but wouldn't there be enough heat as to be immediately spotted?
The Russian Motorcycle Assault Force is highly trained to advance and take ukie trenches

They have already siezed thousands of meters of enemy trenches
It would be not fair so it should be made illegal
You'd be in trouble if you're in an open area with OPs. I think the idea was to use them for remote hills and mountainsides with low visibility to defeat listening posts
Now this is more like it, even electric buggies could theoritically work in this scenario, hmmm
Ah just like my mongol ancestors.
Despite it being an obvious stop-gap measure for Russia's dwindling mechanized numbers, it still does confuse me how they learned absolutely nothing from Syria in terms of practical application of moving weapon systems with motorbikes.
>Russian grand strategy at this point is entirely fixated on elections in the West bringing populists into power in enough states to cut off weapon supplies to Ukraine.
Relying on your enemies to give up sending stuff to kill you seems like really poor decision making.
"Ukranians have so many FPV drones they are wasting 3-4 on injured men"
And yet they can't apparently hit moving bikes? Lmao.
They're worse actually
>Thousands of meters
You mean 1km. Of trenches.
How long is the frontline again.
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>using scooters

Thin defensive lines doesnt provide any substantional small arms fire density, while bike speed and size decrease probability to be hit by a FPV or strike a landmine. Effectiveness is questionable.
To countries where the heads of state can tardwarngle them.
>Chad Russian Dirt Bike Assault vs Virgin Amerimutt Air Support Spam After Taking a Stray AK Bullet at 600m
Europe is literally founded on the hate of muzzies and spent centuries preventing them from entering, and as of 15 years ago there's so many of them in Paris they're blowing up newspaper offices over a picture of their prized pedophile muhammad.
>Europe is literally founded on the hate of muzzies
you need to lay off /pol/, it's rotting your brain
That’s literally the point. I like how you’re mad for no reason
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Anyone got the footage of the soviet era motorcycle and sidecar in use by ziggers getting droned?
Need it for shitposting reasons
Tits in advance
>oh no, they blew up a truck full of bikes
We had this thread and 100 more like it months ago, lurk moar
>Tactical Patrol Electric Unicycle obj 2024
Why don't ukrainian women look this good?
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>Openness to new ideas is the hallmark of our new century!
There's less pixels in this image than there are episodes of Frasier.
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They're still slightly better than russian girls
Hang yourself, brownskin
It's really just Saint Denis. Please glass it, and Eastern London, and then start killing the (((fifth columnist))) retards abetting these ghetto-dwellers. At least they are kept in ghettos, mostly...
>verification not required
That's perverse, the Arab Spring is based. It's not their fault russia slaughtered everyone and russia emptying Syria via genocide isn't a reason to keep russia around.
>the Arab Spring is based.
It most definitely was not. Get the fuck outta here Obama.
Anon, these are being used alongside shed tanks at times. It's not because they just prefer not to use armor, it's because they're dangerously low on IFVs.
Sad isnt it?
Im getting really fucking tired of conveying this fucking point to fuck tards.
imagine being a Russian soldier and being told that not only you're about to be sent to the frontline you'll go there on a fucking dirtbike
Anything that makes a man faster and hard to hit while he's still killing people is what we in the violence trades call effective. A guy on a dirt bike is going to move a hell of a lot faster than a dude on foot. You can still shoot while operating a dirt bike.
Not if it's all but guaranteed to happen. Biden is not getting another term at this point.
They will be bought up by china, and will spend the rest of their days sucking rice dick
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>You think you want that, but you don’t.
I abso-fucking-lutely do. Brining and end to the muscovite imperial shithouse means finally lasting peace in eastern europe. And justice that the final delinquent that started ww2 got its just destruction

Some vatniks trying to hop the border is like number 20 in the list of concerns with the infamous and totally functioning vantik union nooks being number 19
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>Where are all those Russians going to go after their state collapses?
Not my problem, they're not getting in here.
>Where are all those Russians going to go after their state collapses?
My favorite was episode 962399. Such a good semi-finale.
One issue
To get to Europe they'll have to cross Finland (lmao), Poland (lmao) or Ukraine (LMAO)
TZD will continue
China into mexico into the U.S
You watch it will happen
Is that the one where Frasier sits on his own nuts?
what difference does it make? nothing can protect you from FPVs, not even battering rams
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hello ukraine bot
hello retard, people making fun of you aren't bots
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>As much as I would love for Russia to win tomorrow
yeah, tomorrow, any day now...
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>reeee trannies trannies trannies
take your meds
that's rich coming from someone making dozens of cope posts every day
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>xaxa laughing at me is of being cope post
can you say that again, but in english this time
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>can you say that again, but in english this time
>thinks people cannot become bots
No, you're thinking of 81295 and 117343 part 3. 962399 was the one where Frasier's preferred brand of milk was discontinued, so he had to choose a new one.
>what is the logic and tactic that makes it effective?
Spreading the men out instead of packing them in one (lightly) armored box, and the bikes use less fuel than an APC. Other than that it is worse in every way.
maybe but you can't hit anything
Does this guy still do his show? Haven’t seen any new clips lately
>muh both sides
If you think the Ukies fuck up anywhere near as bad as the Ruzzians, then you have overdosed on whatever drug you are doing now.
>>muh both sides
It hilarious how much that makes you lunatics freak out. Dude, you're allowed to talk shit about Ukraine and their numerous idiotic decisions.
>let's pretend I didn't make it seem like Ukies are just as bad as Ruzzians
Nobody is perfect but only one side is reduced to dirt bike and golf carts while still suffering mounting losses.
>a trillion dollars short
>Russia still loses against this
Russia is losing every day the war continues. Being at war is to be losing.
Because journalists love bait headers.
lmao, even
evs bikes is smart
actual midtwit
Show this to a WW1 general and I bet he'd think it's a great idea.
What's funnier is how close you were to failing to make this point.
If Trump had died, Russias entire copes and hopes would have gone with him. If they're seriously hoping to survive in a war based on the hope that Trump will somehow flip the board for them when all he does is make brash statements and cuck out when in office, Russians must be deluding themselves.
Pinning your hopes on pipe dreams is not the way to play geopolitics, you're meant to be a rational actor and not put all your bets on fucking green.
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Based Crane Main
Blessed be the back that has to carry such burdens
>no bodies
>what is the logic and tactic that makes it effective?
It's a bit like Kamikaze aircraft

without a motorcycle they'd mostly die without reaching Ukrainian lines
with motorcycles they have a higher percentage of getting to the trenches... and then die

motorcycles in general are of course an incredible bad idea on mainly open planes as riding there is an almost 100% death sentence
but if that's your tactic anyway, I guess it's acceptable
>it's of course 'incredible bad idea'
>says the armchair goy
Ukrainians themselves admit these are effective compared to alternatives
>Motorcycles could work for remote areas
with no direct line of sight over multiple squarekilometers of plains
like in Ukraine

>hybrid electric bikes and rzrs
incidentally, currently the probable best submarines are the German Italian Type 212A
which can switch to full electric and are completely silent without any vibration
the US Navy (and other NATO countries) couldn't beat them even once in war games over the past years
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>Literally GLA-tier army
read my whole post

yeah they work effectively
as long as you only care about casualty ratios and not about absolute numbers

from a western perspective they are a bad idea
"western perspective" is just empty talk until "west" is forced to fight and adapt to a serious war as it actually goes, not as you plan for it to go
Please br'er fox don't overwhelm my trenches with your mighty motorbike assaults whatever shall we do
who we?
you, the mutt pleb, or you, Ukrainian meatboys in those trenches?
>what is the logic and tactic that makes it effect
Violence of action
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It does have historical precedent. The Italian Army had a battalion of motorbike equipped soldiers in each of their Bersaglieri regiments. Although I imagine that they aren't charging in on motorbikes, and are fighting more like a modern dragoon, where they'd dismount before fighting.
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What would be an effective military use of motorcycles? Scouting? Message relay?
Probably message relay only. Or quickly laying comm cables.
That is why the Kettenkrad was the vehicle of the 23rd century.
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russia is quite proud of the fact they managed to turn a 2 day SMO that would end with ukrainians tossing flowers out the window as russians liberate kyiv from nazis turned into a war of attrition. now they're proud of the fact that they have devolved to a ww1 tier military.
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>many months and tens of thousands of casualties and hundreds of equipment lost to take a few thousand meters of enemy trench in a country the size of texas
lmao. ukraine will make that trade any day. 10,000 dead/injured vatniks for 1 sq km of ruined farmland? yes please!!
all the Schengen zone countries that border russia have pretty much closed their borders to russians.
discriminating against russians is now more socially acceptable than discriminating against gypsies.
the lefties may cry when nbungu drowns in the med but the only people that will care if Ivan drowns in the Baltic sea will be the Poles smiling.
>as much as I would love for russia to win tommorrow I'd like to see the war last another year or three and completely destroy ukraine.
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yeah and that's why they were able to completely repel Russia with all the assistance of NATO
>inb4 banned for off topic
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Russia is still destroying Ukrainian equipment and killing soldiers, it's just that Ukraine is killing more than they're losing.

Russia's plan is
>Kill the defenders in the local area
>Occupy it
>Build up defenses to make it too costly for Ukraine to take back in any future offensive
>And repeat
With the population difference and the troops from Nkorea, Syria, Africa, Asia and India Russia can accept a 5 to 1 deaths per enemy killed ratio.
>it's just that Ukraine is killing more than they're losing.
>source: Ukrainian MoD
They can go to India, China and North Korea.
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Eh, not really, even Russia can't sustain such losses and ukrainians are hiring mercs too from Colombia and Brazil, with the added bonus these are veterans of wars against FARC, etc. Even if the saars decided to start pumping shitskins into the meatgrinder it will avail them nothing and Modi isn't in a mood to sacrifice gibs from the West to save Putin.
I posted about this for years and you niggers said it was “impractical” and nobody would ever do it
More like comparing ukrainian obituaries, disabilities and so on with Russia's:


Oh, and yes, it has a paywall, hehe.
Well it's impractical, I mean, for all intents and purposes the current frontlines are static, the best vatniks can presume is about taking a bunch of villages no one knew about before this war started.
I’ll be honest, I didn’t know Ukraine existed until the Hunter Biden thing
Imagine doing a sick jump over the trenches and blasting a position from behind.
She used to be pregnant porn actress. If I'm not mistaken.
Found her pov vid without belly, decided to check more. Then I stumbled upon terabytes of 5-9 month pregnant porn.
Her surname is Zubrowska or something like it afair.
gawd damnit the cropped text gets me every time
if they're disabled it means they survived and weren't left behind, unlike what the propaganda claims (they both say so about the other side)
>amerisharts never heard of chernobyl
I request more information for the sake of military analysis
Tens of thousands of Americans have played Stalker and simply though the blue and yellow everywhere was some kind of funny military badge.
A blowout cannot come soon enough.
You call one dude with an ak firepower?
I thought Chernobyl was in Russia or something
The increase in 2023 was half a million or around 30 percent, the ratio of disabled to death during the initial invasion was 1 to 3 for Russia, and that was back when they still had a largely mechanized force, and Putin has confirmed at least 5000 deaths per month, so this means at least a bare minimun of 650 thousand casualties. If what Uk Intel or the ukrainians themselves are reporting has a kernel of truth then Russia is approaching a million casualties. This is compounded by sat images and accounts which indicate russian have only 30 percent remaining of their tank stock, which at current rate of consumption may become a non factor on this semesters.
Don't get me wrong, I believe Russia may still manage to squeeze enough blood and metal to keep going up until early 2026, but by that point there won't be enough mechanized assets to sustain their current strategy and with ukkies getting their airfleet ready and europeans ramping up production... well, time for takticool nooks I guess?
>Putin has confirmed at least 5000 deaths per month
can I see a source for that? I remember someone posting in another board a screenshot from a literally who website that claimed in broken english that putin admitted losing something ridiculous like 20k per month, and when I asked for the source they just accused me of being a zigger and to go back. I hope you're not that kind of retard
>until early 2026
I hope this shitshow ends (one way or another) way before that. as one politician said, people are getting tired of this thing
>takticool nooks
I know it's not gonna happen, but I hope for regular nukes. this gay earth could use a cleanup. drop a few on israel and gaza and we're ending two wars simultaneously
Same reason why nobody uses smoke artillery in Enlisted. Why bother dropping smoke when you can drop HE, bombing runs or rocket artillery? Only time you use smoke is if you're a retard who thinks you have 20 rounds of HE mortar ammo when you only have 10(+2 if you spec into it). In terms of RL, a smoke round is something that could be replaced with a HE round and a HE round could possibly do something more important (kill, wound, suppress or shock the enemy). I'm not saying that is a good logic, but it's the logic both sides use. Which is, as I said 'I don't want to take up my limited guns with smoke rounds in order to get an effective blanket of an area when I might be countered anyway, so I want to make my few salvos count, so I use HE'.
Zubrowska afair. She has like some generic Slavic name like nastasya or smt.
katerina hartlova, despite the name she's actually czech. learn to reverse search next time, newfag
>blyat we ran out of btr
>dear sir comrade vladimir v putin sir I am pvt grisha callsign slant-eyed fuckwit from the 257th motorized meatwave brigade the boyars have maked mistakes i am only left in my company sir please hear my plead (continued)
Hey vatnigger - reflect upon the fact that the VDV, the most well-trained, well-equipped soldiers in the entire RF, single handedly fucked up the entire war on day 3 BEFORE ANY NATO gear arrived at all.
Hostomel Airport being held could have very well ended the war. They fucked it up all on their own.
Cope. Nigger.
>Why bother dropping smoke when you can drop HE, bombing runs or rocket artillery?
Because you don't know where the enemy is exactly, and so unless you want to expend enough munitions to suppress kilometres of ground, you're better off using obscuration to enable maneuvers.
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It would look like this. Including the end result of Hilts's stunt.
Russia has tons of amazing allies they can go to like india, brazil, north korea, iran, and parts of sudan!
Subscribe to 10 ukrainian telegrams and 10 russian ones. Over the course of a couple days count the number of casualties both sides post themselves inflicting on the enemy.
Did this a couple months ago but had only a 5 telegram sample size each (most will also repost the same videos but only count it once) and based on that I'd say at the very LEAST 2:1 in ukraine favor, more likely 3-4. And that was a pretty quiet week so no frontal assaults or anything like that.
I've almost never had a russian be able to explain this other than "We don't have to post ourselves of winning because we all know what is known anyway xaxaxa)))))" but at the same time military airports have to make emergency telegram posts looking for a generator on the civilian market.
Oh and the only other excuse they use is because they're more "tactful" but that's also bullshit because as soon as a video of ukrainians taking losses surfaces ziggers spam it here for days.
Rural russians will dismiss all the videos of russians dying as "those are actually hohols xaxaxa" or think they're AI generated or whatever though but I don't count them as real people
>Subscribe to 10 ukrainian telegrams and 10 russian ones.
stopped reading there
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All of you should be executed via Koksan cannon.
What's going to be hilarious is all the Russian shills cheering when Trump gets elected only to find he's going to go bigly, bigger than you have ever seen in weapon shipments.
this escalated quickly
They had motorbikes in WWI. They were mostly good for messengers etc since it's easier to carry extra petrol and oil than fodder.

Lifelong motorcyclist here, Motorcycles require four limbs to stay upright off-road. They suck for combat but the desperate do desperate shit. ATV (the Russians are not using golf carts, but dumbfucks cannot tell the difference) are far superior for utility use but either in this war are pitiful for attacking across open terrain. A horse is self-stabilizing and can take its rider home as my rancherbro takes advantage of, but bikes need constant control inputs.

Non-motorcyclists are not mentally equipped to understand this sort of thing in the way non-mechanics do not understand machinery. ATV suit the (non-assault) roles Jeep and Kubelwagen had during WWII but are mostly too light to make a capable technical. The maintenance and repair burdens aren't terrible but they are real.

I approve of Russian expedients which get them killed.

Of course. Consider typical trenches and that you need some sort of hill or ramp to jump one because even trials bikes (best of breed if you have to do this) cannot levitate. Then consider where you'd have to land on berm, parados and wreckage like shattered trees.
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The Indian meat waves that unsuccessfully recon those trenches but you people are vegetarians so it’s actually Indian shitwaves
Mighty puccia reduced to this…?
using chinese plastic toys as weapons also sounds bad if you think about it, but it actually works so who cares
Dirt bikes have been used for decades you zoomer

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