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Besides the cloaking device, are any of the Predator's weapons actually that impressive? I feel like we have better stuff now.
Their power pack and the should thing that goes up.
The netgun
The plasma launcher and smart disk are pretty sick. Plus, thier hand to hand is good enough to kill a xenomorph bare handed.
People seem to forget just how insanely strong Yautja are.
His EMS goggles were really ahead of there time. Theoretically his cloaking could be as well if it can reflect more than just visible light, his thermals might also be invisible. Can’t remember if that’s actually how it works since I haven’t seen the movies in a really long time but an advanced species capable of going on interstellar safaris should easily have capabilities such as that.
No, that's kinda the point. Hes like a bowhunter, he uses intentionally mediocre weapons as a flex because he likes the challenge of the hunt. The shoulder cannon that auto aims and burns melon-sized holes in chests shows what he could be using if it was just a cull, but predators are trophy hunters and so they mostly stick to sharp sticks and wrist blades.
Outside of the sci-fi, tracking/homing shit, no.
Humans have done that too? Yautja get bodied regularly in hand to hand by xenomorphs just as much as humans do, if not more because most of their "honor code" and the "I'm always the hunter" mentality. They've been doing this shit long before humans were around. Yautja have been beaten by humans in hand to hand too. OP asked about their weapon capabilities specifically anyways. A pack would be detected immediately and blown to shit before they even realized they landed.

Why not combine the two?
Predator is unironically a Fudd. He came here for sport. It's like a caveman asking if a bird shotgun is impressive. Kind of? But not really. Grug also have spear and net and this similar.
iirc thermals are explicitly NOT hidden because it quickly leads to the user overheating. Presumably the fact that they even had this problem indicates that the capability exists, they just don't apply it in their designs.
>Marry predator
>Go down on predator when she is on her period
>Yautja blood provides greatly enhanced longevity
>Have scary snusnu for centuries

Think of it. Think of the grippy.
they're right, you know
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Remember that you'd have to smooch this every day.
In novels and comics they use some full retard weapons too, like dumber than the Wrstblades and Shurikens and the fucking dominatrix whip from Requiem

>a big ass bladed Tonfa
>a double ended not-lightsaber with two plasma cutters on the ends
>swinging bolas that electroshock you
>straight up just a crossbow

Predators may actually just like to kill things with shitpost weapons. The honor and ritual nonsense is just a cover, they are massive chucklefucks.
The most important thing to Predators is that everyone has fun.

I already do that every time I visit you're mom.
Remember that first aid scene in predator 2 where the hunter converts a pile of tiles and drywall directly into glowing quickclot with just a camp stove and some blue Kool aid? Its not unreasonable to say that predators have nanomachines for everyday use, only reason we barely see them use it is because our only exposure to them is them filming their version of Man VS wild.
Medical gel kit that turns any material into useable first aid goop

Plasma caster for obvious reasons

Wrist nuke

The melee weapons are only useful against xenomorphs since they don't melt
Predator is one of my mom's favorite movies.
Are there any comics/novels where a human man romances one?
>spot the weasel words
because we know the woman doesn't share your hopes and dreams and doesn't have lifetime commitment to you
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>sexual predator
I fucking wish.
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Fuck, I love this weapon.
Retractable as well as spear tips can cut through all kinds of shit.

There were a handful of hentai comics / illustrations that were well drawn, but they are now lost to the ether. They were well-drawn and the tits were fat. Damn shame.
In Predator 2 we see they have several vision modes on their helmet and they seem to be able to just catch the entire spectrum of light on top of infrared, the CIA team gets killed because they dont notice their lights are emitting UV. Their natural vision mode IS IR however, its just not calibrated to see well on earth somehow.
Everyone who uses the name "Yautja" is a fag, indeed the Predator and Alien comics are for fags. They completely miss the point of the films.
>Medical gel kit that turns any material into useable first aid goop
It turned plaster into wet plaster.
I like the idea of the Predators having a post-scarcity spacefaring civilization that is largely automated so their society has become largely aimless and full of subcultures that just make up meaning via autistic dedication to really niche hobbies such as hunting and killing dangerous primitive aliens with their equivalent of an airsoft rifle.
So eldar but with crab mouths instead of space elves?
You may like the Therians(sp?) from AT-43 then.
>post-scarcity, post-singularity
>enough nanotech to assemble anything they want from basic matter, including weapons
>wage long-term assimilation campaign to prevent species extinction from universal heat death or some shit
>their 'soldiers' are all e-sports killgamers seeing actual combat as yet another facet of pvp (all in teleoperated clones/bots so ndb if one dies)
(The game itself is dead, just FYI)
Posthuman 4chan is indeed a cool faction, shame the game died.
Hey I don't want to have sex with any of the female predators in this thread
It's an entire fucking species of some guy who uses comedy wrestling moves on homeless people.
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Since when were you under the impression you got to have a choice?
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It turned plaster, concrete, cement and glass into blue goop that he can use to treat and cauterize his wounds
No, it literally turned Plaster into plaster. He made a fucking plug out of plaster.
Same desu. I’d rather a xenomorph
>The most important thing to Predators is that everyone has fun.
The shoulder thing that goes up.
No worse then my ex wife.
I thought that the point was that they hunt with minimal gear to prove how good they are
>Covered in dicks
>Full of acid
just like an IRL woman
yea lets stare at a roided faggot for two hours. admit your a fucking faggot and divorce already
Arnold's Jungle Commando Hostage Rescue Team has nothing on The Loonies with Autism Child!

Plus Predators have Marvel MCU Iron Man Nanotech Armor that can be deployed covering the whole body using a wrist band!
>image has a weird alien benis version
my dick
Why are you geh?
This slop was so horrendous they should thank the Native American girl for reviving their dead franchise.
Even in the movies it's best weapons are the fact it's capable of interstellar travel and invisibility.
You know, if they just keep the face hidden...
/k/omrade, barrel shrouds are illegal. Watch yerself.
based and checked
Get a load of this fag, he doesn't like winning smiles.
>shitpost weapons
So they're like those hunters who use longswords to hunt boar.
>looks at the throat
And the difference between this and a woman's crotch, the funny looking hole we all come from?
Where's the uvula?
We call it the clitoris here anon. Why do you think there is such joy in eating for them?
Your mom is part of the 20% of women who are as stimulating as Predator.
Maybe if it was pre-Slaneesh. But even then, the Crabmouthes show some respect towards other species unlike the Eldar(Besides like one or two of them).
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Its been a while since i played it. But im pretty sure the AVP RTS, showed actual Predator soldiers, with serious gear. Instead of their larping toys they usually hunt with. They were wearing power armours and had missile launchers and flamethrowers n shit.
I always just assumed they had all their powerful weapons on their ships, so they had access to massive firepower. But only carried what amounts to a hunting bow for them, as personal protection when they hunt.
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The predator version of a painball.
I thought they went into battle underequipped, because the hunt is supposed to be a challenge.
That disk has to have some levitation and momentum boosting tech, otherwise theres no way it would be able to cleave so cleanly through 4 pigs and a man, without slowing down. No matter how strong the arm that threw it is.
Depends on the clan. The ones we see in Predator 1,2, the captured one in Predators and the one the good one from the shitty 2018? movie. Were all from The or a Jungle clan, who exclusively hunt that way.
But their society also has a soldier caste, who works as an actual armed force, and a caste of "cleaners" like Wolf(From AvP2) who essentially just has to do whatever it takes to clean up messes, though iirc then Wolf was originally from the jungle clan, so he mainly fought with the same philosophy.
There are also atleast one science caste, so while all Yautja have to prove themselves on a hunt to earn their weapons, and are formidable warriors, the ones we see in the movies are usually from the same clan, who likes to challenge themselves and earn their trophies.
You can also see the outlaws(Bad bloods) Yautja from Predators, use dishonourable techniques and weapons for their hunts.
Predators can have their bodies penetrated by regular bullets.
Predators also only wears fishnet. That guy was wearing a bulletproof vest.
In the one funky AvP RTS game from the 00's the preds late game units were just their actual Military. iirc they had like auto tracking death ray lasers, and man portable MLRS systems, and a couple autonomous hunter killer drone things.

AVP Extinction (on Xbox Original).

Blazer and Hydra were the dual pulse laser and dual micro-missile units. The USMC units also had interesting lore, compared to Starcraft and Starcraft 2.
what on earth is this?
I still have to watch the version that’s in Comanche.
Humans CQCing Xenomorphs tends to end badly whereas melee is the Pred's default when it comes to xenos, and they tend to do pretty well.

Even that retarded Autism Predators movie acknowledged that a Pred is essentially a silverback gorilla with martial arts training.
brb commissioning an animator to render Big Boss shoulder-flipping a xeno into the deck
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finally,artist aware to draw female predator with FEMALE face.
Alien Vs Predator is a really unhelpful title, since they're both aliens and they're both predators. It really ought to be called Dickhead Vs Pussyface
コウヤニケモノドウコクス / The Wail of a Beast in the Wilderness
It's a weird, extremely horny and gory manga about genetically-modified supersoldiers with beast attributes. Strongly /k/-approved despite the open furfaggotry because the gunplay, art, and writing are all based as fuck. There's a monkey who cartwheels into a fight blasting goons with a SPAS-12 held in her feet, for example.
EU fags are pure cancer, none of this was in the two existent predator movies.

They're psychotic ritual space hunters who use spears and they're not called fucking yowcha.
Would a human possibly have any chance against a Predator in unarmed and unarmored CQC? If the human had top tier genes and steroids.
Given the number of times that trained melee combatants have been killed (the Indian, the yakuza dude, the Jamacian witch doctor dude), the answer is probably not likely. Not impossible, but Predators are either naturally just stronger, better trained, or have more experience than a human at peak fighting age (20's-30's) could possibly have.
The Yakuza dude was fighting with a pretty heavy handicap in the form of a few lost fingers, which is a pretty major deal when you want to use a katana or any sword for that matter.
Makes sense. A Predator can live for about 1000 years, and remains strong and healthy nearly the entire time, while staying in shape and training. Meanwhile a human is as its peak for about 10 maybe 15 years.
I've always liked the net. especially the one on steroids in injun vs predator that turned the Frenchman and log he was on into hamburger in about 3 seconds.
>the yakuza dude
The Yakuza dude managed a mutual kill with a predator twice his size with fifty times his combat experience.

That's a huge fucking embarrassment.
To be fair, those predators were seen as dishonourable, because they used unfair weapons and techniques. So its not like Yakuza dude was fighting the cream of the crop.
>because they used unfair weapons and techniques
... shouldn't that give them that much more of an advantage?

it's dishonorable and unfair to go fishing with dynamite, but it is effective.
Sure it gave them a much bigger advantage when they were hunting prey. But the predator was significantly less skilled as a fighter, when it comes to an actual duel and only relied on its superior physicality.
>it's dishonorable and unfair to go fishing with dynamite
There is a fishing code of honor?
Yeah you are only allowed to shoot a fish with a gun, if you think its reaching.
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it flies back to his hand, it's basically a drone


monke is best girl. I lost the page where she's wielding the spas-12 with her feet, alas
Now again, did it take off his head or bisect him in the torso?
Looks like the head.
he was cut in half through the upper torso. The scene was cut short because the MPAA bitched them out.

https://youtu.be/tJPxurK6wg8 1:05:18 here, the director confirms it.
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Kouya Ni Kemono Doukokusu. Its like a summer Hollywood action flick in the form of a manga except if the director actually did his animal and history research. I read it last year, definitely /k/ approved especially when this old fucker gets on screen.
Fucking weak man. Blackhawk Down did that AND the guy was still talking too.
Any truth he did a doujin of them fucking?
Why would being "considered dishonorable" make you physically weaker and slower and less good with your chosen weapon? Why would you assume that?
>But the predator was significantly less skilled as a fighter, when it comes to an actual duel and only relied on its superior physicality.
That's a total assumption. He can be a douche bag and still have spent just as many hours practicing with his dumb Arm-Scimitar. Shit, the fact that it was an unusual design and he went out of his way to use it is MORE evidence, not less, that he was above average with it.
It's really not elaborated on much in the movie at all. There's lots of possibilities. The fact that they bring the hunt to themselves in a preferred terrain instead of engaging prey in their home turf, they use the hunting dogs and the bird drone thing which might be looked down on even tho the dog rules, their larger stature and different look imply self genetic modification (apparently a very no-no thing among the "regular" preds)
This movie was fucking cool I don't understand why people didn't like it it wasn't even that different from 1.

Its kinda nuts to think he really did get blown in half IRL and managed to survive getting to a military hospital in Germany and dying there in the same day.
I've never understood the hate for it at all. It's a nice briskly paced action sci-fi movie. Predator gets a bunch of neat new kit, maybe the main cast is a bit less fun than P1, but Glover and Gary Busey are great.
Viewers at the time simultaneously objected to Arnold not being in it and it having too many fanservice-y callbacks to the first film, like the Predator completing the "You're one ugly motherfucker" line.
If only they knew how bad things were going to get.
I know all of that it doesn't answer my question.
Especially considering that it might mean that the guy 1v1ed the Predator version of a space marine and didn't get instantly bodied.
>Remember...Predator 2...?
Nigga, no
don't paint me! I gotta go to work!
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Like when they’re not fucking about they have practically full body acid proof armor and rapid fire energy weapons to use. Because they’re about that boomer life they stick to the equivalent of a 1911 when they’re hunting
Thats lightly armed, compared to some of the weapons they wield in the RTS and other comics.
he has a nuke up his asshole or something, it was really tiny
how was that not impressive?
>Yautja get bodied regularly in hand to hand by xenomorphs just as much as humans do
after smoking about a dozen xenos first before they get ambushed because they're not a plot character, sure, otherwise it's yautja that possess halls lined with body parts of xenos and other creatures
The Yautja we see get bodied in the AVP movie, were the Yautja equivalent to 14 year olds. They were on their first trial hunt, and didnt have their plasma weapons, thanks to the humans.
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This. It was basically their boyscout camp final test.
You don't even get a plasma caster until you have killed your first "big beastie" (usually a xenomorph, but other tough creatures can count too). And you have to fight for it. Before that, you are not considered adult.

Those were "unbloodied", which is kinda teenager "virgin rookie" class as far as predators are concerned. They still haven't met a real challenge, and this was their one time to show their mettle. Not everyone makes through it, and are considered "well, they weren't just good enough, so good riddance" acceptable losses.
poor kids on summer retreat, they were just trying to get their first blood and collect some spines
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Well, not every summer camp is a happy one.
Those kids were spineless
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You don’t usually have room in a bug hive to swing around the antiship ordinances
I kinda want to see a movie, where a Predator brings the big guns.
Not a lot of trophies when you hunt people with the BFG
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Scorpio... Wasnt ready!
I love the detail that his gold tooth isnt the same temperature as his real teeth.
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I think it's in the AvP1 commentary where the director actually talks about why the newer movie had worse looking heat vision scenes than the older movies. It was something to do with the sensitivity of newer thermal camera systems. The ones used in the first two movies were effective over a much lower minimum and maximum of heat, which meant more colors visible in every frame to denote the temp differences allowing all of these finer details to pop out. Whereas the newer ones used for AVP were much more advanced and could see a broader range of hot/cold, but still used the same color pallet. So the color variation was much more subdued. Which lead to scenes being mostly looking very bland comparatively because less color variation would emerge. They also couldn't use the thermal cams in AvP as much as they wanted, because the cameras they did have were so good they'd be seeing the heat of people behind thin set walls, or the heat of lights poking in from out of frame would fuck the shots up.
>the newer ones used for AVP were much more advanced and could see a broader range of hot/cold, but still used the same color pallet. So the color variation was much more subdued.
Almost certainly a skill issue. Even my cheap all-caps Amazon listing thermal camera that NUCs every 15–20 seconds lets you manually set the floor and ceiling temps to avoid this.
The Predators hunt for sport, their weapons are limited for ceremonial reasons.
Now that's a rare pepe if I've ever seen one
They straight-up fuck on-page in the manga itself. I wouldn't be surprised if he had, though, Itoh Sei has done a good bit of doujinshi and erotica in the past.
If you like the art style and tone you should probably also check out Manabe Johji and his assistants' work (AKA Studio Katsudon). The dude is a huge /k/-tard who regularly posts on 2ch's /k/, builds model guns and tanks for fun, and is a huge kick in the pants IRL. He does very explicit doujin side stories for his mainline works whenever an editor makes him cut the porn, along with fanworks for stuff like Dirty Pair. His current big manga is "What if Cleopatra was resurrected in Dieselpunk WWII and decided to fuck her way to victory by stealing Rommel's giant land battleship".
If you told me these guys are kidnapping children and its a movie made to discredit the triangle swirls at pizzerias I'd completely believe you. The energy of these guys is just that horrible.
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I recall the tigress SA the protagonist
I bet they make pics and vids of their kills and shitpost about it on the yautja-net while calling everyone else a shitter for using less retarded weapons.
Black cop in Predator 2 killed one with his own smart disc
A Yakuza dude in Predators killed an even bigger one
The Native American chick also killed an even bigger, more feral Predator
Shut the fuck up.
They were full size and if anything moved faster than the Preds in the other films.

And they're called Predators.
>The predators have invented a compound that turns plaster into wet plaster
>predator one all of dutches teams have desert eagle .357s they never use
>im too black for this glover has a desert eagle

ah shit i didnt put two and two together.
The first and second pred practically teleport with how fast they move on their feet. Otherwise the first pred was basically playing around and not taking the fight seriously while the other one got a bad case of arm cut off and choking on air.
Blastfishing is awful for the environment and by extension future fishing, it's chink-tier behavior.
>plaster glows blue
literally no

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