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Alice Springs is under curfew again, aboriginals have been fighting with spears, machetes etc.

This thread is for aboriginal weapons, some are really interesting
So these are the traditional hunting weapons you see in coastal regions. For fishing and the like.

But they're also frequently used as weapons
They make these weapons themselves, which is kino
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Extremely versatile, comes in many styles, shapes and sizes. Two-handed, one-handed, flexible rigid and with minimal work it can take near any shape the aboriginal mind can imagine.

This is the weapon of a master, and yet usable by a mere hunter gatherer.
I am only seeing a faggot.
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This is ammo for the local atle-atle, a fletched spear that hits twice as hard as a longbow.
Thrown with the whole body, with the mechanical advantage of a launcher stick.

Pic is also from HR Groot Island indigent
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the boong version is generally called a woomera but they have a shit ton of different words for it in different languages
We named our premier rocketry and weapons testing range after the Woomera. It's way out in the central desert. Quietest place I've ever been. Fantastic view of the stars.
Also saw an emu sprint directly into the side of a moving road train and brain itself. It somehow survived the experience.
This photo looks like it was taken in the station dayroom.
Can you explain why nt pol charged each Rolfe despite knowing there was zero chance of a successful pros.
Also why did they charge the screw?
What's the other one they make out of rebar?
Heard the classic abo removal strat was to leave two six packs and a knife somewhere so that they drink the first and fight to the death over the second
>sensible chuckle
I heard they got into Zach's phone by watching his body cam to see him type in his pin.
I can't see how they managed to seize his phone in the first place if they had insufficient for a magistrates warrant for the phone. How was his phone ever evidence for anything other than an internal disciplinary investigation?

no way would I work there.
Essentially coastal Australia has no idea what the fuck is going on in the interior, and doesn't care to know. So there is enormous pressure to charge every officer who kills someone.

The public doesn't trust the police internal investigation because of police union interference, so essentially the police charge every officer involved in a fatal incident so that the courts take the blame for returning a not guilty verdict.
In the eyes of many Australians, a cop who kills someone is always guilty. They just don't accept the law, and thus the courts can't conduct a jury trial.

Officers are often outnumbered twenty to one, attacked in their own stations or homes, there's no riot squad in these regions and half the indigenous men have already served hard time.
reflection in your monitor probably
African poachers have more impressive homemade weapons than this.
Oh I know what goes on in interior Australia being born there and that's why I'm quite happy to live on the coastal side of things
Even the semi-civilised rural areas get kind of fucking sporty for law-enforcement because there's plenty of drug-related crime to keep everyone on their toes
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in my state these are the two legislative authorities I would have pointed to if I was zach. I'm sure there is similar sections in NT and i'm aware they pointed to the 'enforcement of the law' exculpation.
While the policy in my state may say 'minimum force that is tactically sound' the training package calls for a 'string of shots to stop the threat'. the legislation clearly supported him. It was never going to be a succesful pros. i would chase massive costs.

Also I can't understand how they seized his phone for an internal discipline matter.
Locals have been using the same tactics since colonial times. Aboriginals with an IQ of 70 are persistently violent, are locked up at 13 times the rate of other young men, then every day just dumped back into the community.
Locals absolutely try to get the aboriginals locked up pre-emptively, the favourite is bottles of valuable spirits.

No aboriginal could afford a bottle of wild Turkey, so as soon as one is seen with it they'll fight. No aboriginal can drink more than a cup of hard liquor and stay standing. So if they get one they immediately call all their male relatives to share/ protect the bottle, then they all get drunk off one bottle, then a gang fight breaks out.

Two female police officers who were off duty got bashed by a local mob, the curfew was called on the spot by the local cops who just said "we're going to fuck any coon out after dark because you bashed out female officer". Police flooded into the town to stop the local police taking revenge. And they can't get more cops, so they can't sack the cops they've got
Police aren't meant to use personal devices because invariably they use them to do illegal shit. It's probably just a condition of being a cop that they seize your shit.

But magistrate can't force a witness to self incriminate, so the force gets access for the internal, then hands it right back to the magistrate, who gives it straight to the media.

They crucified Rolfe and it caused a major problem across the whole state.
>aboriginals have been fighting with spears, machetes etc
Wait. Really? Australia may be even more based than I previously thought
wild turkey is not very expensive, its like 50 dollars vs 35 or 40 dollars for cheaper bottles of spirits
I know that's what's funny about it, 2024, still fighting with sticks. Hundreds of them. They killed a cunt with a rebar spear to the face the other year.
When police don't have tactical support every local cop goes about like hot fuzz. Police get out gunned fairly regularly out there and that might just be a cunt with a rifle who can shoot straight or a shotgun you can tube load.
In the city of someone lights up cops with an automatic weapon there's a chopper, tactical, snipers there in 20 minutes, not worth. But inland you could genuinely just gun down your local police, torch their car and never get caught. That changes your police approach things I think
The point is that it's expensive enough to draw attention. And depending on the community alcohol and drugs can be worth considerably more than their face value.
News doesn't mention them because I suppose they don't want it catching on, but indigenous kids also use these dart firing catapults.

They're not usually commercial, often it's bike tube rubber and rebar darts. Dangerous, notable in being easy to use.
>That changes your police approach things I think

Yeah country policing was very much a case by case of living in the community and being part of it, so they didn't give a fuck about someone doing 10km/h speeding down the main street or the kids running around someone's cow paddock to go fishing by the river. They'd roll up on you later that arvo and just let you know to slow down a bit or maybe work something out between the kids and the farmer so no one got shitty.
Now, throwing pissheand and meth fiends into the mix does kick up the violence index a lot of the time too. Considering most country cops are very lucky if they have a partner that isn't complete shit and a lot of the time they need to be very careful about how they go about dealing with it when you nearest support is over an hour away. Like, I didn't go cop in my family, I went army and always told my cousins that joined the police force that if you're in the shit, its ok to back out until you can deal with it. Because if some horde of degenerates takes you to the ground then you're going to get shot with your own weapon.
So far I've seen 5 of my relatives in police forces and 3 of them did country policing
1 quit, ones changing locations and another is off on maternity leave. Its just a bastard of a job really and just incredibly dangerous in a lot of ways. In sort of a joking/kidding way my local cop shop said that if it really kicks off they're deputising me and my guns

They can joke all they want, fucked if I'm turning up to that!
Yea it's a fucked up job, especially considering they don't get the resources of urban units. No HR, no tactical, probably not even a proper hospital.
And if shit hits the fan the criminals probably win, because my uncle who's a crook will throw me a gun, but your cop uncle won't throw you one.

It was only what, last week that I rolled up on some cunt. Thuggery every week, at best the police mop shit up afterwards if someone's banging on your front door with a hatchet that's in your section.
Most informative
>t. Boxhill
>They make these weapons themselves, which is kino
I highly doubt that
They've got no jobs so you see them just wandering about, banging on bits of metal, sorting their sticks. Genuine tool use
>Aboriginals with an IQ of 70 are persistently violent
1000s of years of inbreeding. How they crossed the ocean 40k+ ya is a mystery.
>50 dollars
For turkey shit liquor.
>How they crossed the ocean 40k+ ya is a mystery.
They had competition and survival pressure then, not a nanny state that offers all benefits and no consequences
Land bridges, oceans have gone up and down with the ice ages so that whole Indonesia through to PNG series of islands wasn't always islands and they could just walk on through the whole area or at worst, a small raft and canoe trip
They're also DNA related to some of the most ancient mariners from the Taiwan indigenous people's who were master navigators
Minimum viable population considered at 150+ per some space colonization study. That totally unrelated individuals, not family groups. I can see an accidental crossing, but dame, in anything close to such numbers? Gotta give it to the Polynesians! All the way to Easter Island, damn.
Probably took the bus unna
Several typhoons?
>oceans have gone up and down with the ice ages
Yeah, stipulated. But Aus was always separated and out of line of sight. Even at the lowest ocean levels.
>Roll the dice
Maybe. There was a documentary that showed the abotrade routes were primarily for trading pussy.
Mostly a case of untold generations of rando's that came wandering around the area, so some settle here and there, others will move onto other areas and more than a couple ended up food for sharks in the Arafura sea. Eventually someone will figure it out, go sailing, end up somewhere on the mainland and then sail back to go tell his mates that its possible to do and pass it on to the next lot of idiots that wants to have a go.
A lot of the Torres Strait Islanders also have a very long, quite notable seagoing heritage too and they've been up there since fucknoselong was a kid

We sort of think a bit more in terms of a shorter timeline, were we travel 4-500km and consider it work, but over the centuries before us that kind of progress was measured in generations of, trial and error, trying harder, failures, success and getting lost as a motherfucker
I've African poachers saw down the barrels of cheap .410 shotguns and use them to brain large game with high pressure .45 ammo like .454 casul or rifle rounds like .45-70. Pretty based, if dangerous.
Regardless it isn't that far across the Torres strait and stone age people did build boats to go fishing in. Different prospect to, say, New Zealand.
that's fucked, a rebar dart out of that with even simple sharpening would focus a lot of force on a very small point
iirc the latest genetic studies have shown that someone did indeed discover Australia, iirc, 60k or so years ago and settle there... and then later a second group showed up and almost completely wiped out this first group I'm bloody conquest. but you won't hear that in the dreaming, some truth isn't for telling
Old timey tribal shit was no joke, if you read about some of the bonkers shit that the north, central and south americans and polynesians got up to it has one word we're all familiar with
Basically the losers got enslaved and eaten, anyone lucky enough to get away did so and the very unlucky got tortured to death, then probably eaten as well. So its hardly any surprise that there was successive generations of people ending up down in Australia, what I think is interesting though is that they managed to do it that far back. 60,000 years is a really long old time ago considering most of the Americas got settled about 15-20,000 years ago, there was parts of europe that only got colonised 30,000 years ago and most of the pacific islands are only the last 1000-1500 years.
Jesus Christ. And here I thought it was just rural America with a different accent. I can't fathom that happening here. It's quiet, and everybody likes it that way... and yes, we all have closetfuls of guns.
>a fletched spear that hits twice as hard as a longbow.
That's a fucking lie, lol.
>hits twice as hard as a longbow.
I was really hoping you'd come back for your whooping.
yeah why would a spear that weighs like 10x more than an arrow hit harder.
Best thread on /k/ right now and probably the best thread in several months. Don’t let this one get buried. I’d be interested to see what sort of / to what extent abbos use improvised firearms in addition to the usual sharpened rebar and clubs. I’m guessing maybe shitty slamfire pipe shotguns? Genuinely ignorant on this topic of the outback so I could be way off base. Rural police in Oz must be some tough bastards to deal with packs of violent petrol huffers knowing backup is 2+ hours out.
>t. not Australian
I don't think any abos really have guns, like im sure SOME do but it would be too hard keeping it a secret from their family and they wouldn't be able to stop themselves flexing with it. The only people with guns really are bikies and farmers and even the bikies often have some pretty jury rigged or shitty weapons
Is that all you've got? "It's probably a lot heavier so it's probably more gooderer"?
No specific weights, no specific speed?

You're the one suggesting a stone age weapon that was replaced by the bow and the sling was actually the most powerful ranged weapon in history up until LATE in the development of firearms.
Do you have any fucking idea how useful an arrow hurling weapon twice as powerful as a Longbow that could be loaded in a couple seconds would have been in all of history? I'd love a window into your world where men are throwing fucking sticks through solid Plate Mail armor and out-ranging muskets.
Population density in Central Oz makes place like MT or SD look urban by comparison.
Now seed that with natives that are lower iq than native Americans and look a lot different.
Then have all that managed under Oz culture around weapons and force in current day.
It's a weird place. I visited Alice Springs and found whole place unsettling.
Its fairly low intensity, just more a case that there is literally no one else around so you either learn to live with one another or shit goes down. Most of the time, its easier to put up with each other until someone manages to fuck it up and then things get kind of interesting. You can get into a lot of trouble by associating with people who do crimes and drug related activities being the most likely reason someone 'disappears' as there's a whole lot of nothing and no one lives there. Plus if you're a bit of a cunt no one's going looking either!

Not a lot of firearms, if you want real fucking crazy its not Australia- its the western parts of PNG were I went to work at a gold mine after I finished up in the army and needed a job.
There's everything from old milsurp from the last 100 years, alongside people with bows and arrows, women getting burnt alive for being witches, people getting eaten and once in a while there's a genocide from Indonesian military that floats across the border areas in the form of bloated corpses.
Australia is pretty mild in that regard
PNG is proper tribal crazy, nice people though as long as you're straight up and honest with them
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> Even the semi-civilised rural areas get kind of fucking sporty for law-enforcement because there's plenty of drug-related crime to keep everyone on their toes
Tara QLD comes to mind, the town itself is alright but it’s the surrounding bush that’s sketch as shit. Both gangland shit and cult shit, I was honestly unsurprised when those nutters ambushed police last year because the bush there is rife with the fuckers.

> its the western parts of PNG were I went to work at a gold mine after I finished up in the army and needed a job.
That’s how they almost got my Dad in the 90’s
>oh you’ll be working at this copper mine but you can’t leave the compound, especially at night. And especially do not go into the bush, anyway you will get a pretty good payday, as long as you keep on company grounds
For as retarded as my Dad is even he realised that the pay was not worth it.
it's not just thrown by hand, it uses a lever. It's the same principle as one of those dog ball chucker things which can go way further than a bare human arm. You don't get a lot of javelins, it takes longer to load and potentially is less accurate and has less effective range

Longbows did not penetrate plate armor, maybe in some exceptional circumstances. All modern tests have shown this. They were still very effective at hitting unarmored areas and could probably go through chainmail especially at close range since it was pretty common to have your face exposed or your visor up, Henry V was hit by an arrow or shattered arrow at the battle of Shrewsbery.

Knights were not getting gunned down en masse by longbows, they were damaged and harassed, having their mounts killed and charging into fortifications and stakes where they were exhausted and cut down by men at arms
That whole Darling Downs region always was kind of a bit weird, I used to go fox shooting when I was a kid out towards the Charleville area in the 1980's and it was literally the wild fucking west. There was all manner of drop-outs avoiding the law, people crossing the border for 'reasons' in the middle of the night and then throw in all our 'Responsible Adults' who were Vietnam vets toting around Vietnam era bring-backs and crazy as cut snakes.
I also used to knock around that whole Moree-Walgett area south of the there as my family had property out that way. Moree is still comparatively fucking awful, but Walgett I think has managed to eclipse that record for being complete lawless. You basically keep driving through there now until you hit Lightning Ridge or Burren Junction
>Do not stop
>Do not get petrol
>Keep going

>the pay was not worth it
No, its a pretty grim existence. I made friends with the locals and with enough cash, pigs and beer managed to convince them to carry about 3 tonnes of concrete and building material up the top of a mountain once which was kind of funny and got stuff build weeks ahead of any heavy lift chopper being available.
I wouldn't do it again though, but if you're young, broke and need a buck I guess its an option, provided you're already pre-crazy before starting
That's cool, combat slingshots are real
>PNG is proper crazy
back when I was in a multinational, I learned that it was company policy that anyone going to PNG had to have a bodyguard on the company's dime and must be director level, presumably so he would be senior enough to know he was voluntarily sticking his neck out
even then, we heard that one of our rivals' reps had gotten the chop, somehow

PNG ranks up there with Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria and Palestine I think, which is a little surreal for being in this part of the world
I've not been to Palestine, been to Afghanistan, Iraq and Syria as sort of the pre-req for PNG
The really weird thing is, that there's all the tribes there and some are just great people who like to hang out, chew some beetlenut and more than a few are still deeply Christian as well so they'll help a bloke out that's in trouble. Then if you go up the valley, over the mountain or just a few kilometres away you can end up in the middle of a multi-generational war that's about someone's pig getting fucked by some guy 30 years ago and they basically have recreational warfare 2-3 days a week with guns, bows, people getting chopped and shit.

Their bandits are absolutely hellacious though, they would probably give the taliban, central-american cartels and isis pause for thought- because they're sort of outside the tribal traditions and morality. So they're completely batshit insane with no sense of right and wrong.
>no sense of right and wrong
like wizards
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Oh, they have wizards!
There's the Bow and Gun Wizards, the Dark Magic Wizards, the Curse your Pig Wizards and all sorts of Bandit Wizards. Magic is still a huge part of these people's lives, even the christianised ones just figure they'd tie it in to working with the forces of satan and demons are totally real to them.
My Mrs grew up in PNG and has proper PTSD lol. Her uncle was also a Dr in the Highlands and people would rock up with machete still in limbs, missing limbs etc.
What's that thing on his wrist?
>which is kino
Those sword blades are aesthetic and not impractical.
The carved hilt is nice amateur work too
>What's that thing on his wrist?
Try to imagine a tinny, high-pitched voice saying:

It's actually fishing line on a lure in the sling.
Whole contraption is just an advanced/niche fishing rod
>and once in a while there's a genocide from Indonesian military that floats across the border areas in the form of bloated corpses.
tell me more about this
Anon is referencing timor repression by Kappassus kunts
Jesus you really have been out there, furthest west I’ve ever been is Chinchilla and even that was enough for me (I hate been more than a hundred kilometres from the sea and the further inland I get the more dread builds up in me). I had family that used to live in Tara until decided to move to Tas but some of the shit they saw in the bush there makes me a bit twitchy, one time they found a car that had been used in a gangland execution, no body but there was still a lot of viscera left in it. I couldn’t imagine what’s it’s like in the actual honest to God middle of knowhere on the QLD/NSW/NT boarder.

>that's about someone's pig getting fucked by some guy 30 years ago
That’s the funny thing about some Papuan tribes (specifically the Asmat) is that they have this whole belief system where only the very young and the very old die from natural circumstances, so if some guy in his twenties dies or stub his toe or something then it’s the fault of the cunts the valley over. They attribute most deaths to “enemy action” even if it’s some shit like an infected splinter or Kuru.
>tell me more about this
More or less (and I’m mostly half remembering here)
>Indonesia gains independence from Dutch control in the post WW2 period (the Dutch are too fucked up to maintain control and Indonesia is full of battle hardened nationalists that have been fighting against the Dutch/Japanese/anyone that looks at them funny
>the Dutch still own Western Papua but the Indonesian’s still consider it a part of their territory (even though the only historical claim they have is that a sultanate that wasn’t even Javanese owned a couple of islands)
>the Indonesians try a couple of overt invasions but they don’t quite pan out so they complain to Americans that if they don’t get West Papua that they’ll flip to the Reds
>America convinces the Dutch to hand over West Papua
>Que 60 years of low intensity country insurgency because the Muslim Javanese don’t quite vibe with the Christian/pagan Papuans
>even though Indonesian nationalists seeth about Australia we turn a blind eye and help support them because our mining companies get dibs on the copper (the Indonesian nationalists will not acknowledge this and our many governments will not acknowledge that we’ve been alright with the Papuans getting fucked/slash the Timourese incidents
>a moving road train
what kind of prison convict exile turned bogan nationstate wordslop is that? trains run on tracks, dumbass
>trains run on tracks
Not the one being run on your mum
>anon has blotted out the track marks on other anon's mum's arm
wish I could
Sentenalese do alright with 50 people
I want to colonize them so gd bad bros. Just me
>>even though Indonesian nationalists seeth about Australia we turn a blind eye and help support them because our mining companies get dibs on the copper (the Indonesian nationalists will not acknowledge this and our many governments will not acknowledge that we’ve been alright with the Papuans getting fucked/slash the Timourese incidents
This is also the same, but with palm oil companies in Kalimantan and Sumatra. I think there is a general consensus that NGOs will not touch companies that violate human rights as long as the companies continue to cover up NGO meetings with bribes
You don't realise how dangerous a spear actually is until you encounter someone who can actually use one. A two meter long piece of rebar makes a very, very good javelin even unsharpened. Someone was killed with one in the last major community riots and by all accounts it flew straight though the cunts head.

I've encountered a number of tribes where the rebar spear was the defacto weapon of travelling tribesmen, who might just impale a random cunt from another village who they bumped into. Reason? They've got their own tribal logic. These aren't people who are simply in the dark age, they're people who STAYED in the dark age. It's not just being dumb, it's cultural.

And if you were wondering, kevlar will totally stop a spear, but it would be like getting shot with a really hot shotgun slug. And the spear might pass through one part of your body and get lodged in another part so just because you got hit on the arm doesn't mean you only got hit in the arm.

These are skirmishing weapons, far less defensive potential, and there's no such thing as a wounding shot so assume anyone who throws one at you wanted to kill you.

Whoever said that the tribes always assume a death is a homicide you're goddamn right. I don't know if it's suspicion, but I suspect it's actually a cultural thing that if someone dies on your land you're responsible for their death. Tribal justice isn't just about wierd punishment, what constitutes a crime can be very hard to understand
So, abbos aren’t even allowed to own sticks and hammers? This is as bad as uk cops confiscating screw drivers and bike tires.
I mean, what's the alternative?
Africa tier starvation?
>Sentenalese do alright with 50 people
Nope, they're fucked. Well below the minimum and going down fast.

Brits or someone gave them a banty coff and nearly wiped them out.
Happened twice hence the agro for tourists
We're talking about the communities, shanty towns, humpies, squats, the feral as shit parts of Darwin. Camps.

This is not someone carrying a hammer to work in their car, or just walking around with a stick for no reason. Where there's community level violence you don't carry anything that could be used as a weapon unless you're at least ready to use it.

These are actually caches of community made weapons hidden by gangs that can get as large as 100. When you're trying to arm a hundred men, you often resort to clubs. And because of the distances these aren't nightstand weapons, they're something you might hide a hundred miles from where you live. They're the weapons of a mob.
Roads, sharing machinery, commercial banking, running water, the shit the Romans weren't around to do for them.
>Roads, sharing machinery, commercial banking, running water
I think even Indonesian conglomerates can achieve that much

I hear their palm oil companies even pioneered electronic tagging and drone use in agriculture
But it's not the conglomerates who would starve, it's about the dependence of local workers. Conglomerates often adopt a model locals can't emulate
150 is roughly the minimum to generate a stable inbread population, afterwards you end up like cheetahs and can go much lower
>150 is roughly the minimum
this would be with carefully assigned breeding partners, yes?
>afterwards you end up like cheetahs and can go much lower
What about cheesy cats?
Aren’t Abbos closely related to Southern Indians?
cheetahs are inbred as fuck dude
I remembered how to spell inbred
Regardless of my intent, I am allowed to own a stick in my country, even if a cop determines I may one day use it illegally. In the US, a cop cannot legally confiscate a tool unless you are in the process of using it for a crime.
>Regardless of my intent, I am allowed to own a stick in my country, even if a cop determines I may one day use it illegally. In the US, a cop cannot legally confiscate a tool unless you are in the process of using it for a crime.
you have to remember anon that Australians are descended from the Br*tish and still their style of government, so they're cucks
No, they come from the China region with Denisovan DNA, their closest are probably the Papuans
Echo, you whore
Americans are also descended from the British, although I guess we ended our relationship with gunfire that one time which probably helped attitudes
>you have to remember anon that Australians are descended from the Br*tish and still their style of government, so they're cucks
I strongly believe that aus society was permanently buck-broken by the defeat at Eureka Stockade.
Even though the accused were acquitted and half the rights granted, it left a lasting taste of the boot on the tongues of ausfags
>Echo, you whore
Hey that milf made a man out of Flash.
If you can't breed a cheeter, a cougar will do.
It was a lot larger pre-2004 Indian Ocean tsunami. It was so bad at first they thought the tribe was wiped out, but thermal cameras suggest the population was cut down to like a quarter of its pre-2004 tsunami.

Also it does take a while for inbreeding to get SO bad that you are outright sterile--the effects of inbreeding are actually somewhat overblown. Like yeah if you do it all the time you'll have fucked up kids, but if it happens say once every 3 gens you'll still have a viable ability to reproduce and the kids would probably turn out okay. It's just that its gross so we don't do it, and the legacy of cultures where inbreeding was very common still taints racial groups or subgroups even today (see: Amish and Ashkenazi Jews who show up with things like Tay Sachs or all sorts of congenital disorders).

But with a small population you will gradually reach a point where shit becomes not just mild mutant retard babies and instead becomes actual infertility and non-viable offspring or spontaneous miscarriages. At which point, if you don't get a new source of cum or eggs, its GG no RE.

The Cheetah population was so catastrophically inbred (and has been for generations) that they were essentially not breeding anymore. Not for a lack of trying, their actual fertility plummeted and even cheetahs who DID become pregnant were having tons of miscarriages or early fetal demise because their family tree was a straight line for the last 10 generations. IIRC part of it was humans killing them but another huge grand slam on their population was a volcanic eruption or something natural like that.
Alright you colossally thick turbo nigger.

>it's not just thrown by hand
I know retard, that was never in question.

>has less effective range
If the Atlatl had twice the power of a longbow it would tend to go much FURTHER.

>Longbows did not penetrate plate armor, maybe in some exceptional circumstances. All modern tests have shown this. They were still very effective at hitting unarmored areas and could probably go through chainmail especially at close range since it was pretty common to have your face exposed or your visor up, Henry V was hit by an arrow or shattered arrow at the battle of Shrewsbery.
>Knights were not getting gunned down en masse by longbows, they were damaged and harassed, having their mounts killed and charging into fortifications and stakes where they were exhausted and cut down by men at arms
You seem to think, because you're an illiterate retard, that I said Longbows were capable of what I said a weapon "TWICE AS STRONG" as a longbow could do. I was applying YOUR own standard (twice as strong as a longbow) and explaining the effects such a weapon would have.

You're a fucking imbecile. You said an Atlatl was twice as strong as a longbow. A weapon twice as powerful as a fucking longbow would have dominated ranged combat for almost all of history. The Atlatl was out-competed globally by crude bows with a draw weight of thirty or forty pounds, the Atlatl was out competed by heavier hand or strap thrown Javelins, a Longbow has a draw weight a HUNDRED POUNDS HEAVIER than the bows of the ancient past that replaced the Atlatl.

A weapon that could be fired ten times in a minute (which an Atlatl absolutely can) with twice the power of a longbow (which an Atlatl absolutely does not have) would have penetrated most, if not all, of the armors used in history, it would have defeated armored Cavalry and shield walls and elephants and bowmen and slingers and in all likelihood, the musket.
lol yt boi mad
if these things weren't the Serbu .50s of the slingshot world they'd be so fucking sick.
Did the abos ever get around to tying a sharp rock to their sticks? Independently, post-forgetting-fire-thing I mean.
>If the Atlatl had twice the power of a longbow it would tend to go much FURTHER.
Why? The projectile weights aren't comparable at all. The faster projectile will go much further.
Proportionately longer, heavier projectiles actually tend to go further when launched with substantially greater starting energy (Smaller projectiles that go further tend to have a *higher* starting energy).

Remember it wasn't me who set the criteria, which was an Atlatl dart with twice the power of a shot from a Longbow.
You're not throwing a fucking javelin 300 yards.
You're also not throwing a fucking Atlatl javelin with twice the potency of a longbow, that's the whole fucking point.
Yeah, there was naturally occurring plant resins that could be used to fix stones or bone to a shaft. But a hunting spear is pretty disposable so you don't want to put a huge time investment into it.
Some examples I’ve seen have had stone tips or even Stingray barbs but most were just fire-hardened or sharpened wood, it varies depending on which part of the country the tribe was in
In history? Yes.
One of the earliest recorded capitalist economies and mass production lines are in Australia. Some inland abo tribe made tools and weapons from flint and stuff, and gathered forest produce, while coastal tribes did the same with shells, coral, and other marine products like the aforementioned stingray spike weapons. Then they traded with each other at a premium.

The interesting point of this finding is that the growing scarcity of traded marine products further inland and vice versa hints that the abos knew the basic law of scarcity and would charge higher prices the rarer an item got
We've shifted the goalposts from "harder hitting" i.e. momentum, to "potency"?
>One of the earliest recorded capitalist economies and mass production lines
Stop watching ABC man
>abos ... would charge higher prices the rarer an item got
Whoa they must have been really smart and advanced and stuff.
not ABC, read it in an econs textbook

apparently they found the remnants of abandoned ancient assembly lines, presumably with the products in various stages of completion so they knew what it was
we know that primitives around the world can come up with organised mining and food prep so it's hardly a great leap up to a communal workshop to manufacture goods for trade

you think?
the supply-demand curve is so basic that even prison cons can grok it quickly enough, yet you will be AMAZED at how people categorically deny its effects and at the circumlocutions they make to account for why the world is what it is BUT minus that rule
It's your fucking goalpost nigger, "hits harder" is not a scientific term, it is entirely vague. Terminal ballistics is a combination of energy, inertia, sectional density, and hardness primarily.

It's your fucking claim, feel free to change it. Feel free to start over and make a different claim.
Feel free to give any kind of specifics whatsoever you stupid nigger.
Currently living in Japan. Whenever I say I'm from Aus, and the person mentions they did the working holiday visa, they will without fail bring up how fucked abbos are. Makes me giggle every time.
>thinking raw power translates into armor penetration
>on /k/
You should know better, if for no other reason than all the bullet discussions we have here. Your notions about what the atlatl should or should not do are embarrassingly dumb.
Well you'll be impotent
It's a big fuckoff truck towing a long 'train' of trailers. The outback roads are very straight, so turning isn't an issue, and they are vital to logistics in the remote regions, especially for getting livestock out to market.
>Well you'll be impotent
Joke's on you.
Not only am I already impotent, I'm not even a woman.
>It's a big fuckoff truck towing a long 'train' of trailers.
Pretty sure US has some in a few places.

>The outback roads are very straight, so turning isn't an issue
"very straight" might be too simply put for anon to grasp.
Eyre Highway is about 1000 miles with no turns though at most about 90 miles stretches with zero degrees of bend.

Road trains start with a B-double + 1 trailer (cab + 3 trailers) and include B triples too. The record is 117 loaded trailers but actual use is usually just 3-5 trailers (prime mover as B-double + 1-3 more trailers).
Very often for fuel or water, also livestock, feed or ore/coal.
>Where there's community level violence you don't carry anything that could be used as a weapon unless you're at least ready to use it.
If there's community level violence then anybody would be a fool to go about unarmed. You're just creating victims out there
>If there's community level violence then anybody would be a fool to go about unarmed
Sometimes carrying a conspicuous weapon is a challenge and not presenting a threat lets you go under the radar.
There's also cops using bong-tier laws to nick anyone "tooled up" or "going equipped"
Is it? The Torres Islanders are ethnically distinct to aboriginals so they may have blocked them from going that direction at least i guess....

The weapons of the most retarded and inbred race on the face of god's green earth.... Behold how 3000 years of tech development brought them various types of pointy sticks.
concealed carry
>Minimum viable population considered at 150+
Anon, we're talking severe inbreeding here, you can lower that number a bit.
heheh dumb anon
>Oh "hits twice as hard" doesnt mean penetration, or inertia, or energy, it uh... uhhhh... uhhh... means wound size?
More vague bullshit and goalpost shifting?
Present your evidence as to the size of wounds from an Aborigineese atlatl then.
why don't you guys just build an actual rail?
No gun.
can you imagine the spear you could make with a rail line?
Amish actually discreetly shop for out-of-community men to be sperm donors at this point. Not all of them and not often, but it's a known thing.
American Anglos are descended from British stock who hated British ways of doing things to greater or lesser degrees.
Everyone who encounters abbos does. Same with Europe when Americans first encounter gyppos.
abos would wreck it and aussies can't imagine a world where they need to get rid of the abos in order to maintain a modern society.
>we recognize the ancestors and torrez island ancestors who killed each other with sticks in the past, huff petrol in the present, and will kill each other with sticks while huffing petrol in the future. we thank them for their land.
That's what I fucking thought, faggot.
With artificial insemination or natural intercourse?
If the latter, how can I volunteer for this?
Is there a community for it online or do you go to a certain rural gas station parking lot?
So basically a fucking war rig from mad max?
Aren't Amish kids permited/encouraged to go off-reservation for college?
Maybe the girls are just given a hall pass if they come back knocked up?
>he doesn't know it's a documentary and not a work of fiction
The most interesting thing about this practice is that it's made up.
The outback was the result of a nuclear explosion, likely a natural one. That’s why the abbos are so fucked up and often look so weird. You see the same thing among much of the people of India, if the Vedas have truth to them then the ancients figured out a form of nuclear energy but not radiation and proceeded to poison their land and people just like in the myth.
That's hilarious and also horrific.
I remember being entranced watching some Gypsy kids pickpocket some fat fuck near the Eiffel Tower during my first trip to France. They were really good at it, they'd chase each other around and one would bump into the mark after the other pretended to trip and start howling to draw attention.
Nah, I did the bedsheet thing in South Dakota in 2008.

The thing to remember is that the Amish aren't a nation. there isn't an Amish congress that submits law to an Amish president or anything. Each community sets its own rules (about everything, from hats to shoe buckles) because the Amish don't live like they do because Technology is Evil, they live like they do because Pride and Envy are Evil, so they standardize as much as they can (which is damn near everything) in order to ensure everyone has the same shit, which is supposed to prevent pride or envy from existing in their community.

There are a few communities of Amish who are having some problems with inbreeding related infertility. Most of the time they try to prevent this by matching their children with children from other affiliated colonies, but in certain colonies, when an Amish man and an Amish woman are already married, and they suffer more than one consecutive miscarriage before successful issue, they seek an unrelated donor (often from the "english" because of the difficulty of finding a man related to neither the husband or the wife in their own community) to test to see if the woman can bear children at all.

Again, this isn't a universal practice, but it is something that I've experienced.
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>this whole thread
What the FUCK is going on down in Australia?!
>Pretty sure US has some in a few places.
Most of the US has banned running more than two trailers.

Because even one line across the country would seriously damage their national stock of wood. Like, obliterate entire forests. Also take up appalling amounts of steel and require constant maintenance, splitting up the pools of skilled workers some extremely poor states have to retain. For little to no advantage over the existing system.
>I did the bedsheet thing in South Dakota in 2008.
Please elaborate
The really insane thing about this picture is that it works
Must be fucking terrifying to be crusing around wiyh all your emu buddies only to suddenly have one of the boys turn out to have been a human in a flesh suit all ong
>the Vedas have truth to them then the ancients figured out a form of nuclear energy but not radiation and proceeded to poison their land and people just like in the myth
A nuclear reaction is just something that happens when you gather enough spicy rocks in one place. Back in the day they had accidental criticality events just from the refining process. It's entirely possible, but not likely, for a "natural" nuclear reactor to form and subsequently explode itself. It's unlikely to happen but it's some neat Conan/Atlantis lore that maybe some king found out about spicy rocks somehow and stored a bunch in a treasury without knowing what would happen
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That's sort of the messed up thing with tribal warfare is that they don't have very good weapons for killing each other, but they're plenty good enough that someone can lose a limb, get their eyeball unscrewed, impaled or otherwise look like they went 10 rounds with a lawn mower- but somehow they're still not fucking dead somehow! Sure a couple of them from time to time get out of hand and someone will get proverbially kerb-stomped by 10 guys and die, a lot of the time they just run off with a 4ft long barbed arrow stuck in them that will not come out.
I used to have a collection of about half a dozen PNG arrows but I dunno were they are now. Dog chewed them, wife threw them out or something
They are marvels of making people be horrendously damaged but not damaged enough that they're likely to just up and properly die like they've been shot by someone

West Papua-PNG border area is practically lawless and the Indonesians are just murdering whole families, I took photos, they're with people who could do something about it along with a report.
Basically I get told to shut the fuck up and don't have much else to say sorry

The SA-NT border are is probably one of the most remote places I've been. We used to do a lot of E&E training out there to prep guys for Afghan-Iraq, you don't have to worry about getting into trouble with other people. There's literally no one for 10 days walk in any direction
South Western Tasmania is also a bit like that, complete yowie country, you could have tyrannasaurs running around and no one would ever know it
>Must be fucking terrifying to be crusing around wiyh all your emu buddies only to suddenly have one of the boys turn out to have been a human in a flesh suit all ong
Explains why the fought so hard in the war.

Also tells to expect V or X-Files aliens, rather than Battlefield Earth or teh combine

>It's entirely possible, but not likely, for a "natural" nuclear reactor to form and subsequently explode itself
Not sure proven/discredited it is but there's a legit theory about a natural reactor in african that was a uranium seam in an aquifier where boiling water would moderate the reaction, keeping it just below meltdown
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It's a bleak, empty country at the edge of the world. Few places can match in desolation.
>I did the bedsheet thing
>to test to see if the woman can bear children at all.
>it is something that I've experienced.
you guys need Jesus

>I get told to shut the fuck up and don't have much else to say sorry
get a protonmail and start posting them around
>Nah, I did the bedsheet thing in South Dakota in 2008.
Oh well shit, if one coomer online has a whole paragraph written about it, that means it must be true.
>Alice Springs is under curfew again
Sounds like some 3rd world shit, how common is this? What's causing it and is it mainly some abos and their relatives fighting each other.
Abos and alcohol, but if you take away the alcohol the abos and city lefties start whinging about muh racism. Granted, shit there is so bad that taking away the alcohol doesn't make that much difference, but the solution is a massive multi-generational educational program that would necessitate the Stolen Generations 2.0 but better this time which is complete political suicide and therefore will never happen.
Its fairly low level social miscreant activity, which is a bit embarrassing and something that needs to be addressed- but its not really much more than police services being used to quieten things down for a while. I have a friend who lives in Oregon and a couple in Texas that were telling me about that BLM shit going down and its nowhere near that level of chimp-out with people blocking off suburbs, setting civil infrastructure on fire, hunting whites and generally being degenerates.
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But in Australia, it's mainly abo-on-abo crime/violence, so regular people are not really that affected by it?
Because there isn't nearly enough out there to justify the monetary, labour, and material cost of constructing a rail network. We have a hard time maintaining the railways between actual cities as it is, bumfuck nowhere outback towns don't even remotely qualify.
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He's calling you out for not being from the US, and therefore "not having a gun" aka being a "tourist". >>62067668 is most likely that one autistic sperg who goes around the board raving about ESLs and demanding anons to post their guns. Just call him a faggot and ignore him.
Man this Speck-Ops operator will never get old.
Mostly unsupervised young kids from fucked up families out causing trouble at night. Then throw in some young adults capable of causing even more havoc.
No one else running around after about 10pm in a remote country town is up to no good anyway and probably gets what they deserve. But once in a while it slops over into property crime and theft which means the cops are chasing burglary, home invasions, armed hold ups and stolen vehicles.

It seems well-established that nuclear fission can and has occurred naturally (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Natural_nuclear_fission_reactor).

I think its a stretch to extend this to some type of explosion. In order for a nuclear pile to "explode," the amount of fissile material would have to be above a certain threshold of purity, which would not occur naturally.

Plus this is said to have occurred before humans existed.
haha yeah that would be so weird and scary haha
except those urban yoofs are out at night because if they stay home the drunk 'elders' rape and beat them because they're psychotic caveman high on all the drugs. all of them. the government pays them so much 'sit down money' that actually working a job would COST them money, and is insanely higher money than the cost of living there.
That's were successive generations managed to fuck everything up for everyone else and it's going to stay completely fucked forever until someone takes personal accountability. Like I've known plenty of normal aboriginals that don't drink, beat their kids and hold down good jobs, it just doesn't seem very fair that the loudest, dumbest and fucked out of their skulls part seem to make it a meme in everyone's head that they're all like that.
Throwing cash at problems like this never solved anything, just exasperates it if anything
Pretty sure we've confirmed the existence of at least one natural nuclear reactor in Earth's past.
look at jacinta price. for the vile crime of NOTICING PATTERNS and correctly identifying causes, this aboriginal woman FROM a remote community is called a white supreme reeeeecist.

meanwhile, lidia thorpe, a white suburban single mother whore cunt slag druggie bitch from the melbourne suburbs,who has never worked a day in her fucking life, tells everyone that the answer is MORE GIBS and the left lauds her
BLM was mostly limited to inner cities where whites don't go, anyway, unless they're drug addicts (scum) or looking to buy a whore's time. You did see it happen to some "trendy" cities like Portland.

In most American suburbs, if you tried wandering around committing mass arson, the locals, the police, or both would shoot you.
>need to use
Nope. I felt like it is all the justification required. It's not a fucking prison.
>they're something you might hide a hundred miles from where you live
People travel a hundred miles to hide sticks?
That seems convoluted.
based abos keeping tribal warfare alive so we can analyze mechanics for videogames and such
australia is larger than the entire continental USA. and has only 30 M people in it. shit gets REALLY fucking spread thin considering most of the 'people' are city dwelling parasites.
How do you break with something like that?
you do NOT. what you do is stop using accelerator and hope the mass slows down quick enough. because ALL the drum and exhaust braking rigging in the WORLD aint stopping that quick.
>West Papua-PNG border area is practically lawless and the Indonesians are just murdering whole families, I took photos, they're with people who could do something about it along with a report.
>Basically I get told to shut the fuck up and don't have much else to say sorry
Goddamn. This is the exact kind of info that needs to be blown up all over the web. But I understand if it would be too easy to figure out who the talker is. They're only killing the natives, not actual humans, right? Maybe I'm just trying to assuage myself
You are a dopey cunt. The service industry which is overwhelming facilitated by our cities is the 2nd biggest value generator in the country. The only thing that makes more money is mining. Are you implying that if you don’t work for some Jewish blackrock owned dystopian multinational minerals company like BHP or Rio Tinto you’re a parasite? You living 20km outside of brissie rather than in the city center doesn’t make you hard. Fuck up cunt
NGL,that sounds fucking terrifying.
You stop eventually, usually at highway speeds that's measured in hundreds of metres
There's dashcams of retards towing caravans trying to overtake road trains and finding out their 'muh truck' is a little faggot carrier that should have stayed being a mall crawler around town.
>How do you break with something like that?


>NGL,that sounds fucking terrifying
Wait till you hear about supertankers being told to change course.
t-tell me? (also im ESL sorry)
you develop for the future, not the present, the act of having secure and safe transit to any location is profit-generating (you let the truely valueless lines rot afterwards, vs. refusing to build any at all)
ASTER proved immense untapped reserves of quartz silica and hematite in the Outback- much like the U.S., Australia is a place where bothering to investigate the land proves that is more valuable than expected, not less valuable
for example, the inferred rare earth content of Australia octupled from 2000 to 2018 as ever more reservoirs were discovered, touching the outback areas with now-known hematite could cause a similar increase in potential resources in a much shorter span of time.
yeah, every morning we confirm it again
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NAYRT but these fucking things
it takes them several miles to change direction or stop, and they will go through anything and everything except islands maybe, especially American destroyers and bridges
Kek fucking saved
>hunting whites
This didn't happen.
>you develop for the future, not the present
Tell me you aren't a poli without saying...
>you develop for the future, not the present
The "future" of every modern country is to split apart into microstates after every rail line is ripped up for scrap metal and every city is burned to the ground.
>just exasperates it
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>South Western Tasmania is also a bit like that, complete yowie country, you could have tyrannasaurs running around and no one would ever know it
I’ve never gone too deep into the southwest but the entire west coast feels like fairyland. Very quite, not a whole lot of people and always fucking raining, I always feel a bit funny when out in the bush there and feel like I’m going to get ambushed by rejects from a cheap horror movie.
>Basically I get told to shut the fuck up and don't have much else to say sorry
The unfortunate reality of it all, it makes my stomach crawl but we can’t do shit since the government has been aiding and abetting this shit for the last sixty years (that and the normies really do not care and do not want to know about it since then they have to feel guilt about getting pisseyed in Bali)
Jacinta got way too much stick for telling it is from someone who lived that experience closer than I have or anyone else in the media and Canberra 'knows best' what's good for people they don't know and never spent any time with. NT's a tough place already but its also our most mismanaged and belligerently stubborn damn territory

Meant to be exacerbated but my spell checker knows better than me

Tasmania is a real freak of geology and biology anyway, its got glacial lakes which appear nowhere else on the Australian mainland, its rocks are closer to Alaska and Western Canada that it got snapped off of before it floated down under Australia. The plants are straight out of Gondwanaland era of a green Antarctic and its weather is the same as New Zealand. People only really ended up there due to a small land bridge 10's of 1000's of years ago and then ended up isolated there for godness only knows how long.
Its a staggeringly ancient place and I think that's what makes it so strange, like if you wanted just a tiny peek into the Cambrian period its Tasmania
is it a good place to go away to and get away from society for good?
Lot of places to go were no one would ever consider going to look for you.
Apart from that its cold, miserable, wet, no jobs, rubbish housing and pretty much just keeps itself going on pure spite by logging pristine forests for woodchips
>Apart from that its cold, miserable, wet, no jobs, rubbish housing and pretty much just keeps itself going on pure spite by logging pristine forests for woodchips
So basically diet Alaska?
central australia was heavily forested before we foolishly built rail
On a somewhat tangential note, how hard is it to hunt varmints in aus as a bürgerländer? I know that there are a bunch of hoops to jump through for game animals but If I'm visiting there and someone invites me to go cull some pests on private property is the process just "cheers cunt, here's a loaded rifle" or would I have to get my anus expanded by the local/federal government like I would if I was going after a trophy?
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this is pretty accurate. mum is been a social worker in rural WA for a decade and she's never mentioned a non-abo, it's all multi-generational family on family tribal shit and domestic abuse. A month ago she mentioned a gun, apparently there is literally one gun in the community and everybody knows who has it at the moment and who he stole it from because he's bragged about it. He stole it from the other guy because the other guy bragged about it, and so on.

bonus graphic
>People only really ended up there due to a small land bridge 10's of 1000's of years ago and then ended up isolated there for godness only knows how long.
Those were actually 100% genocided weren't they?
>If I'm visiting there and someone invites me to go cull some pests on private property is the process just "cheers cunt, here's a loaded rifle" or would I have to get my anus expanded by the local/federal government like I would if I was going after a trophy?
You'd definitely get away with it unless you did something fucked up.
I *think* that's legal though. Pretty sure the license is for ownership, not use.
I can say that everyone with a farm does that.

If you have a mate, they can take you to bag a rabbit or roo no problems.
Its not as cold as Alaska, less population but in some ways even more isolated as its not connected to a land mass and you don't have to worry about being eaten by a bear. A meth user maybe but there's no real large land predators to worry about.

There are still people running around with Tas-Aborigional heritage but most of the ones with no whitey admix are extinct. Its kind of crazy that they settled there at least over 41,000 years ago and then never really left! After that the sea levels came back up and they got isolated again, they could actually make fire though which is one of the weird myths about them that started in the early 1800s.

It varies from state to state because of our mismanaged firearms regs being allowed to be controlled by the fucking morons that run the states. But pretty much everyone allows some kind of visitors shooting permit, they're easy to get for competition shooters but for trophy and game hunting they usually require that you be a member of some kind of recognised hunting organisation. Which I have no fucking idea how that's recognised or who they are.
Generally, between consenting adults on private property, have a gun and go shoot stuff because no one cares as long as no one gets hurt
As a general rule though, any kind of native species isn't something you can legally just shoot and that includes the Kangaroo species- they do need some conditions on being culled and how they're being shot/what with and were because for a while we had a problem with recreational shooters being irresponsible cunts. Pigs, cats, dogs, camels, horses, foxes, buffalo, goats, cattle are all fair game. Deer are the sad exemption despite being a feral, diseased, destructive nuisance because 'durr huntin' is a thing still. They do have some regs in regards to who/where and what with. Personally I love getting a deer extermination contract because they're a fucking awful introduced species.
>there is literally one gun in the community and everybody knows who has it at the moment and who he stole it from because he's bragged about it. He stole it from the other guy because the other guy bragged about it, and so on.
fucking Harry Potter shit lmao
Yer an abbo Harry!

Question for the thread: what’s the security situation like for the main general store / market / trading post whatever in some of the really small outback communities (<100 people)? My understanding is a place like that, which is the only source of supplies for the entire remote community, might get in only a single truckload every couple days or so. Some of these tiny places probably don’t even have a single police officer, and from the sounds of it many have serious lawlessness problems. Is it a common occurrence for the delivery truck or the store to be raided by a mob of people to steal the alcohol or cigarettes or something? I doubt the shopkeepers are allowed any sort of weaponry or means of self defence. Do they have armed guards with the truck? I’d hate to be a shopkeeper in a place like that, or delivery driver for that matter.
yeah its weird. farming area so there are lots of guns around, but the abo's in town have one gun that gets handed from person to person

I haven't spent any time in the NT but that's basically unheard of. if a truck was left unlocked or open there would be crimes of opportunity, but nothing organised ever.

You don't fuck with the shop staff too much because if you fuck around too much you get banned from there and every other shop in town, its not a huge issue. Shoplifting sure, but you get blacklisted fast that way. the biggest issue is breaking in after hours for booze or cash; it's no oceans 11 so roller doors or whatever stops them.

Go to a bottleshop in an abo-heavy remote town and it'll probably be pretty defensively designed, exit and entrance designed to work without security staff and commonly shoplifted items locked behind glass. no chance to easily grab something and run.
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>Its a staggeringly ancient place and I think that's what makes it so strange, like if you wanted just a tiny peek into the Cambrian period its Tasmania
It’s one of my favourite things about the place, my favourite is the Jurassic Dolerite at Freycinet. I truly do love living here, yeah maybe it’s isolated and full of demented cunts, and has “strict” gun control, and has a lot of fuckers cutting down the woods but I choose it over the mainland any day.

It doesn’t take much to get away from society in Tas, go forty kilometres outside the capital and you’re in farmland, go further than that and you are in the bush. Although as the over Anon mentioned there’s gay shit here with housing being your biggest problem (not enough houses and what houses there are currently available are poorly maintained shit that you are expected to pay a lump of flesh for every week).

>It’s kind of crazy that they settled there at least over 41,000 years ago and then never really left!
When talking to some “aboriginals” (guys that looked a bit boongy but were largely white) from the north of the state they told me about how tribes in Victoria had stories about men (Tas Abo’s) coming from the south on canoes to go wife hunting.
>but most of the ones with no whitey admix are extinct
Wasn't Truganini the last?
That's what the midnight oil song is sbout?
I remember a story of walking lines with rifles?
I'll draw you a threat matrix
>drunk, very drunk, catatonin
>unarmed, has a stick, has a spear
>OMO, abo, niggest
It's not even mobs it's just that 50% of the population are alcoholic aboriginals, they're your customers. An abbo walks in with a bottle of wine yelling ubbawubbaflubba, as a store owner it's your job to work out what he wants and try to sell him something. It's very hard to engage in commerce with drunk natives, an impasse is never a good outcome.
And aboriginal family fueds cross state lines, they will start fighting in QLD over some shit that happened in WAa week before.
We don't want the world to know, UN can fuck off.
40,000 year tech tree for sticks. They're kind of scary if you've handled them, they grind the blades just like you would a sword, and often fire harden or use a hardening compound. Many of the shapes they use are pointed or have ridges, far more advanced than say... European maces.

Now real Kino would be making indigenous weapons in high carbon steel.
Sounds more like diet Newfoundland.
hell of a thread, hell of a country. bumping this thread
I'm from the deep backwoods in the Pacific Northwest. Tasmania is the closest I've ever felt to being well and truly back home while overseas. Except all the wildlife is completely uncanny. Whole place is wet and.. not cold, but you feel like the sun is kind of dimmed. Muted.
I had some of the same feelings way up in the hill country in South Korea, similar climate too.
I entered this thread thinking that Australia was the archetypical Anglo nanny state. I left knowing that it was thousands of miles of Mad Max anarchy interrupted by a few nanny cities that desperately try to pretend that the other part doesn't exist
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>wife hunting.
kek, I honestly didn't know they could canoe off there, I guess with some island hopping its entirely possible to do. But Bass Strait is a mean piece of water sometimes and I'd really not enjoy being out there in an open topped log.

I think she was the last full blood aborigional lady in Tasmania
In terms of what Tasmania is today, is a nice place to go for a holiday and you'll see some pretty wicked forests, the people are generally quite nice as well... historical Tasmania, that's a WHOLE other story!
>41000 years of mostly peaceful living
>Suddenly Europeans
>Turn the place into old-timey supermax for the worst of the worst and political prisoners that dodged the noose
After that we're talking genocide, crimes against humanity, episodes of Oz, floggings, escapes, cannibalism in the woods, axe murders, bounty hunting, revenge killings, rapine and isolated horrors in the bush. Basically turning what is one of the mildest, easiest places to live in Australia into an island of gothic horror and spooky shit that plumbed the depths of human depravity (a term I do not use lightly)

Wait are you Redback??
Reminder: the first Mad Max movie takes place before the apocalypse.
Reminder: there is only one functioning local oil-well and 'juice' refining facility out at Eromanga innabush for MadMax2
>get swole, byo faceshield and .44mag
Most boong stories are bullshit
>back in the 90s some Sydney Uni published they were researching a cure for brain cancer based on NT boong tribe's 'dreamtime wisdom' that eating rabbit brain cured human brains
>until it was pointed out rabbits only arrived in that part of NT a few decades before not in the 'Dreamtime'
Even without Ladyinboat, they just invent shit they think whitey wants to hear.
>archetypical Anglo nanny state
tall poppy syndrome ties into that a bit, and freedom treated like some kind of mania.
>Mad Max anarchy
there are some other kinos, that depict an older period of time to give a bit more flavour text and world building
>wake in fright 1971
>Rabbit-Proof Fence 2002
and some films that I dont know the auz equivalent of
>utu 1983
>once were warriors 1996
pritty much the thing to do is avoid talking about the past distant and any of its effects on the present
>About 15 days into the journey, the men were starving and drew lots to see who would be killed for food.
oof, reminds me a bit of some polar expeditions that went awry
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WiMAIJ243Ck Petrov, Yelyena & Me - Flight Of The Conchords
Yeah but I'm on a bit of a sojourn from my usual shitposting habitat :)
That and school holidays kept me busy with the kids, cows and sheep to go hang out with my group of mates

Sort of the backup plan for a lot of overland exploration and trips that ended up going awry, there was also a group headed west into I think it was the Rocky Mt's in the US that ended up with a lot of dead people and one guy who wasn't nearly as emaciated as you might expect after spending 4months in a cave snowed in.
We also have a thing here for useless fuck explorers apart from the criminal ones, like the Burke and Wills Expedition were one guy came back from it all haggard and fucked up while the rest got lost, sick, starved or messed up along the way. It was notable because this wasn't like the 1700's were you expected some dumb shit white guys to half-arse it and die because they were rubbish at navigating- this was a proper fully funded expedition in the 1860's!
So most of the continent was virtually unexplored and properly mapped even into the 1940's when actual overland vehicles were invented, because everyone else just got lost as a motherfucker and died in some of the most intense conditions outside of somewhere like the Sahara. Which is really what kills people in Australia, the sun, the heat and dehydration, we don't have those large animals running around like big bears or cats to wreck people- except crocodiles but they're only up the top parts.

The last uncontacted tribe was found in 1984-5 or thereabouts that had never met white people and didn't have much to do with other blackfellas either, I think letting off a nuke in the 1950's also chased out a few other's that no one had ever heard of either.
>supermax for the worst of the worst
like people who poached one rabbit
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Well, like Americans really
They had to send them somewhere when the old dumping ground for criminal delinquents touching the KINGS RABBIT, not paying taxes, looking a bit weird, being Irish and since the America's was in turmoil, sending more of them over was sort of like throwing petrol on a fire. Australia is basically the USA's fault, if they had kept paying taxes, getting fucked with no representation and throwing tea, there wouldn't have been a need for Australia.
Except the French
The French had some ideas about settling here so they had to get told to go suck a bread stick because they'd already fucked up Europe and clearly couldn't be trusted with anything nice.

Now Australia as a French colony... or Spanish, or Portugese or god help everyone, the Dutch.
We'd be still throwing spears at each other and practically Africa or at best maybe Argentina! Then people would really have something to complain about
>tall poppy syndrome ties into that a bit, and freedom treated like some kind of mania.
sounds like some kind of proto-communust mentality to me

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